#rip to on the road again ep 70 honestly... wish you were here bud
Highlights from The Shadowfell Saga Part 1, in the town of Grimhawk:
Bev explores his new gray knight status
Brennan Lee Mulligan as Deadeye Cybin
vampire Hardwon, geas'd in a basement
introduction of the Pendergreens belly chain
Jvelin's lantern
Highlights from Mage Madness:
Zac Oyama as Mavrus the Unskooled, he of the frisbee and clutch counterspells
Lucanus Aer'tea (and his manawyrm)
Ren saves Gladeholm
"Never in my life did I think a Crick could be the pride of all elves."
If I forgot important highlights, leave them in the tags to help others make their choice!
(This is the Quarterfinals of the NADDPod Bahumia Arc Tournament)
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