#rio bernadotte
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Additional photographs of the Crown Princess family of Sweden during their summer holidays, released to mark the children's return to school and the end of the family's break
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The Swedish royal court have released a series of photos to mark Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar’s first day back at school after the summer. Most of the pictures were taken during the holidays, and were captured by their mother Crown Princess Victoria
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victoriademedici · 1 year
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2 March 2023 // Prince Oscar with his puppy Rio and sister Princess Estelle in new official photographs released by The Royal Court of Sweden for the occasion of his 7th birthday
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aprincesadegales · 1 year
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Winter Game 2022
Dia 17: Seu palácio/castelo favorito
- Haga Palace: residência da Victoria, Daniel, Estelle, Oscar e Rio (Suécia)
Day 17: Your favourite palace/castle
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cry-ptidd · 1 year
For some reason, I think of Pip as bi. IDK why but he just gives me vibes that way Is it just me or is that a vibe other people have picked up on?
I’m so glad I’m not the only one with the Not-Het-Pip agenda
He definitely fucks his fellow comrades and doesn’t only pick up girls at bars
Somehow it’s way funnier if he’s in denial about it
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royalchildreneurope · 4 months
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Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Prince Daniel of Sweden, Princess Estelle of Sweden and Prince Oscar of Sweden with their dog Rio pose for a picture as they wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024, at the Bernadotte floor at The Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden -December 17th 2023.
📷 : Philip Bergman/Kungahuset.
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Deo Garcez, ator contratado da TV Globo, hoje na novela MAR DO SERTÃO e na reprise de O CRAVO E A ROSA, fará novas temporadas do espetáculo de sua autoria, “LUIZ GAMA – UMA VOZ PELA LIBERDADE”, em outubro e em novembro (mês da Consciência Negra). O ator também viveu Luiz Gama na novela NOS TEMPOS DO IMPERADOR, o que lhe rendeu convite para fazer a novela MAR DO SERTÃO. “Luiz Gama – Uma Voz pela Liberdade”, há sete anos em cartaz, volta ao Teatro Sala Marília Pera em outubro, e novembro, no Teatro do CCJF (Centro Cultural Justiça Federal), Rio de Janeiro. Com texto de Deo Garcez, direção de Ricardo Torres, o espetáculo é um sucesso, está há sete anos em cartaz, fazendo sucessivas temporadas no Rio e pelo Brasil à fora. Deo vive o próprio Luiz Gama e divide o palco com a atriz Soraia Arnoni, que vive Luiza Mahim, sua mãe, lider abolicionista da Revolta dos Malês. O espetáculo tem o luxo de contar com o áudio de introdução na voz do grande e saudoso ator MILTON GONÇALVES, seu último trabalho no teatro. A peça é uma biografia dramatizada de Luiz Gama, ex-escravo, jornalista, poeta, primeira voz negra da literatura brasileira, o maior advogado de pessoas escravizadas no Brasil, Patrono da Abolição e Herói da pátria brasileira. O espetáculo propõe uma reflexão sobre a época de Luiz Gama, a atualidade, o Brasil de hoje e o racismo estrutural ainda tão presente em nossa sociedade, de forma contextualizada, mostrando que a luta de Gama é necessária e permanente. Ao longo de sua trajetória, o espetáculo tem recebido diversas homenagens, como o Troféu Ubuntu de Melhor Espetáculo em 2019 e a Medalha Pedro Ernesto (2018), que é maior comenda da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, dada ao ator Deo Garcez pelos seus 42 anos de carreira e por recuperar através do teatro, a importância e contribuição fundamental do herói Gama em sua luta abolicionista, pela igualdade de direitos e pela justiça. Outra homenagem aconteceu quando Deo e sua equipe foram convidados para desfilarem na Marquês de Sapucaí pela escola de samba Cubango, cujo enredo foi Luiz Gama. Deo o viveu também na avenida no carnaval de 2020. Além disso, o projeto Luiz Gama vem de encontro às premissas do Plano Nacional de Implementação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Educação das Relações Étnico-raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-brasileira, Africana e Indígena, a Leis 10639/03 – 11.645/08. “O espetáculo é um instrumento eficaz de combate ao racismo e às desigualdades”, o ator costuma afirmar. TEMPORADA NO TEATRO SALA MARÍLIA PERA: DIAS: 06, 13 e 17 (quintas-feiras), às 20h, de Outubro.DURAÇÃO: 1 horaCLASSIFICAÇÃO: LivreENDEREÇORua Conde de Bernadotte, 26 Leblon – Rio de JaneiroTel: (21) 2529-7700INGRESSOS: Entre R$35,00 e R$70,00Na bilheteria do teatro, e pela plataforma SYMPLA, link:https://bileto.sympla.com.br/event/77192/d/161383VALORInteira: R$ 70,00 – Meia: R$ 35,00 TEMPORADA NO CCJF:DIAS: 19, 20 E 21, 26,27 E 28 (sextas, sábados e domingos), às 19h, de Novembro.ENDEREÇOAv. Rio Branco, 241 – Centro (Cinelândia) – Rio de JaneiroTel:(21) 3261-2550VALOR:Inteira: R$ 40,00 – Meia 20,00INGRESSOS: Na bilheteria do teatro TEXTO: Deo GarcezDIREÇÃO: Ricardo TorresELENCO: Deo Garcez e Soraia ArnoniÁUDIO APRESENTAÇÃO (Voz):Milton GonçalvesPRODUÇÃO: Antonio Tostes e Deo Garcez/ARSFACEREAssessoria: Márcia Araújo
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“Rio Bernadotte is one of the sweetest royal pets!” - Submitted by fantastic-royals
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duhragonball · 3 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 14-19
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This is the “Elevator Action” arc, presumably named after the 1983 video game of the same name.   I’m pretty sure a lot of Hellsing arcs are named for video games, which makes me wonder about the ones that aren’t.   Like, is “Master of Monster” a video game that I just haven’t heard of?  
The title fits, in the sense that there’s an elevator in the story, but we don’t spend much time there.   Anyway, this thing starts off with Alucard checking into a ritzy hotel in Rio de Janiero, and his only luggage is two big-ass coffins covered in sheets.  What happens next might surprise you...
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For some reason, the guy at the front desk objects to Al’s luggage, not because they’re coffins, but because they’re just really big?   Like, he’s not even remotely suspicious, even though the sheets sort of hint that they’re trying to smuggle something in.   No, this guy just thinks it’s too big.    So Alucard uses vampire hypnotic powers or whatever to Jedi Mind Trick him.   Pip Bernadotte thinks it’s a “sex beam”, and yeah, this dude sure looks like he got hit with a sex beam.  
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Seras is part of this mission, but she can’t travel over running water, so she had to make the transatlantic flight in her coffin.    Apparently they tricked her into this, which I don’t understand, but okay.  
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And Al makes a big production over the debut of his own coffin, because he’s a diva like that.  
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During the trip, Seras fell asleep, and she dreams of a visitation by the guy who played Baron Harkonnen in the Dune movie.   I think?   This is all a big gag revolving around her gun being named after a guy in Dune.    Then Alucard wakes her up because there’s helicopters and soldiers surrounding their hotel, and he thinks it’s awesome.
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A bunch of this arc is panels and panels of commando goons taking up positions and getting ready.    A Brazilian newscaster is there covering the story, which he says is a hostage situation.    The authorities seem to think Alucard and Seras massacred a bunch of people in the hotel, and have hostages on the top floor.    It’s weird that they would even have a photo of Seras for this, since no one saw her.   As for Alucard, they identify him as “J.H. Brenner”, which I believe was an alias Dracula used in the Bram Stoker novel.   He shoulda spelled it backwards.   “Yes, I have a reservation for R. E. Nnerbhj”.   
Also, these photos are just panels from the Valentine Bros. arc.    That’s Seras killing ghouls in her berzerker rage, and that’s Alucard chillaxing while he waits for Luke Valentine to find him.   How would a Brazilian TV station have these?   I’m starting to think this comic about gun-toting vampires might not be on the level.
So now all the main cast can see this situation unfold on international television.   Pip watches from his crappy one-star hotel room, Integra, Walter, and the Convention of Twelve watch from Jolly Old England, and Millennium is watching from... well, somewhere.   
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They clearly orchestrated this whole situation, which means they not only knew about Alucard’s mission, but they had a whole thing prepared for him.   As far as they’re concerned, this is just a test to see if Alucard will kill humans as readily as he hunts monsters.
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What follows is, well, a bloodbath.   The police try to enter Alucard’s hotel room, only to find his coffin, engraved with “The BIrd of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to make me tame.” While they try to suss out that riddle, Alucard shows up and demands they stay away from his coffin, so they shoot at him for like three pages in a row.    But bullets don’t work on Alucard, so he just grows back a new everything and starts slaughtering these guys.
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The last guy in the room is so horrified that he just gives up and shoots himself, which actually shocks, then enrages Alucard.   
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Then he tells Seras to come out of a cupboard he hid her in, and he gets all upset when she objects to his killing humans.    “Look, this is war,” he tells her, but that look he gives her at the end kind of suggests that he knows she has a point.    Those cops were never any match for him.    The two of them could have easily escaped this penthouse without a scratch.    Alucard’s ethics may excuse this kind of overkill in the line of duty, but he knows it’s not right. 
This scene also marks the first (only?) time Seras defies him.   There’s a part in the Gonzoverse series where Alucard is about to execute a human reporter who Knows Too Much, so she pulls a gun on him, but then Integra shows up and is like “No, it’s cool, you can kill this lady, idgaf.”  I guess that whole moment mirrors this one pretty well now that I write it out.    Seras doesn’t like how this is playing out.   She joined Hellsing to fight vampires, not human police officers, but she still follows Alucard’s lead in the end.   So is he influencing her, or is she influencing him?   It’s kind of hard to tell.
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And maybe Seras really did make an impression on Al, because the next thing he does is call Integra to report in and confirm his orders.     She told him “Search and Destroy” before he left, but that was before all these human dupes shows up at his doorstep.     He’s willing and able to kill them without regret, but he wants to know if Integra is cool with it, since she’s the one calling the shots.    But Integra holds firm and insists that nothing has changed.    She looks resolute here, but leading up to this moment she was pretty anxious about what Alucard was going to do with all these humans.   
So why is Walter so giddy about this?  Is he just proud to see his commander displaying this ruthless leadership style?   Or is it something more?    After she hangs up, she asks Walter if she made the right call, but he declines to give an opinion, since he’s just the butler.  
I’m not sure Seras was privy to any of this, since she was preparing the coffins for transport while Al was on the phone.    He orders her to take the coffins to the roof and steal a helicopter to escape.   While she does this...
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Alucard leaves the suite and heads down to the front door of the hotel.   There’s more cops in the hallway waiting for him, but he just mows them down the same way he did the ones in his suite.
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Back to Millennium, their leader, known only as “The Major”, is now satisfied with the knowledge that Alucard can and will kill humans that get in the way of his mission.   But he sees no reason to prolong this battle, so he orders his man in the field, Tubalcain Alhambra, to put this to an end.  
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Oh, and here’s the elevator.    The cops scramble inside and try to close the doors to escape Alucard, but he sex beams one of them to hit the “door open” button, which gives him just enough time to get inside.   He kills them all, then emerges on the ground floor and kills the cops there to make his way to the entrance.    Along the way, he tosses some of their bodies out the windows, and they land on nearby flagpoles, which impale their corpses like pikes.     Because he’s Vlad the Impaler, get it?  
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And finally Tubalcain Alhambra reveals himself.   He calls himself “The Dandyman”, and he has card powers.   Is he anything like D’arby the Elder from JoJo?   Well, he’s got a vest, so maybe.   He explains that he manipulated the authorities into sending those cops into the hotel.   All he had to do was promise them eternal life.   They didn’t hurt Alucard, but they did get him to waste a bunch of his ammunition.   Maybe all of it, since I’m pretty sure Al never shoots Dandyman during this fight.    See?   Seras had the right idea after all.
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Never mind, he does shoot him.   Also these two hit a lot of innocent bystanders while they fight.    It’s worth noting that Dandyman seems to have a lot of the same abilities Alucard expected from Luke Valentine during their battle.    Luke thought he was hot shit, but he couldn’t regenerate or transform himself.    But it looks like Tubalcain can shrug off gunfire and turn his whole body into playing cards.   
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While all of this vampire fightin’ is a-goin’ on, Pip Bernadotte infiltrates the bad guys’ command post, shoots all of the crooked authorities in league with Dandyman, and then blows the whole thing up for good measure.
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Oh, and here’s the third (and final?) Cross-Fire backup.    Bishop Maxwell gets injured during a pagan cult tries to assassinate the Pope, so he sends Heinkel Wolfe and Yumiko Takagi to go to Wales and slaughter their entire congregation.   And they do.   These Cross-Fire stories just don’t hold up.    It’s two overzealous religious fanatics killing other fanatics, except they always have the firepower and the element of surprise, so there’s no suspense or tension to any of it.  
Back to the Dandyman fight, well... wait, we gotta go through a flashback, first.
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The last installment opens with young Integra learning about vampires from her father, Arthur Hellsing.    He quizzes her about why vampires are so feared, and the answer is that vampires are powerful, and they’re also vicious and aware of their own power.    So in close-quarters they’ll tear a human to pieces.    And another monster wouldn’t?   I’m not sure I understand his point.  
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Back to the fight, Dandyman seems to have Alucard in a bit of trouble, because his cards are razor sharp and once they cut Al, he can’t recover from the wounds so easily.    Fortunately, Seras shows up to provide a helpful diversion.    And by “diversion”, I mean, shooting enormous shells at Dandyman.
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And that gives Alucard a chance to get the drop on him.   He breaks Dandy’s leg, splits his left arm in half, longways, and then drinks his blood.   Also, Millennium does that self-destruct thing on Dandyman, so he goes up in flames.    This is about as defeated as a bad guy can get.  
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And then Pip shows up in a helicopter, I guess the same one Seras was ordered to steal, since they have the coffins ready to go.   But Alucard is in no hurry to withdraw, because he’s just so gosh darn excited to be fighting this Millennium group.  They’re bloodthirsty, violent maniacs, just like him, so it’s perfect.  Or is it...
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Cod 2060 - Leblon,Rio de Janeiro - 2 e 3 dorm(s) / 1 suíte(s)1 vaga(s)75,64 a 123,62m² Data de Entrega 2/2022 Seguindo em nossa estratégia de lançar nos bairros com maior valorização e qualidade de vida da cidade, trazemos um projeto diferenciado, em um dos terrenos mais cobiçados do Leblon nos últimos anos:Sua área total é de 1.636,63m², um dos maiores existentes hoje no bairro. No térreo, lojas, que terão a oportunidade de oferecer serviços premium diferenciados, de conveniência a gastronomia, criando um novo polo de consumo e lazer no bairro (similar ao que existe hoje na Conde de Bernadotte e Dias Ferreira), trazendo segurança para os moradores e para o entorno. No pavimento de uso comum, o edifício terá área de lazer completa, infraestrutura que não existe hoje em nenhum outro residencial do Leblon. Além disso, o residencial contará com serviços pay-per-use, que trazem praticidade e agilidade à rotina do morador. Os apartamentos, de 2 e 3 quartos, terão em média de 75,64m² a 123,62m², com plantas pensadas detalhadamente para oferecer todo conforto ao morador. Itens de tecnologia, segurança e sustentabilidade terão destaque especial no projeto. tag essencia Data de Entrega 2/2022 Torre: Bloco 01 Andares 8 Unidades por Andar 6 Unidades Disponíveis 7 Coberturas 6 Torre: Bloco 02 Andares 8 Unidades por Andar 6 Unidades Disponíveis 6 Coberturas 6 Torre: Lojas 1 Unidades por Andar 21 (em Leblon, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YGm1Tl-dR/?igshid=16s7jp2c97le3
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27th September 2023 // Crown Princess Victoria and her youngest child Rio visited Tiveden National Park. Over the next few years Victoria will visit each of the national parks to highlight the beauty of Swedish nature and encourage an active lifestyle. 
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I love that Rio also got to be part of the celebrations for the Swedish national team
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cinema-neilton1962 · 5 years
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Fatos históricos do dia 17 de setembro. EUA assinam Constituição. No dia 17 de setembro de 1787, é assinada a Constituição dos Estados Unidos, caracterizada por certo tradicionalismo, respeito ao sistema federalista e obsessão com o controle do poder. Embora acrescida de emendas, é o mais antigo documento escrito no gênero. 1552 - Nasce o papa Paulo V. 1787 - É assinada a Constituição norte-americana. 1793 - Revolução Francesa. O comitê de Salvação Pública inicia a repressão sanguinária conhecida como "O Terror". 1814 - Morre Vicente Salias, patriota venezuelano, autor da letra do hino nacional da Venezuela. 1843 - Inaugurada a Universidade do Chile. 1861 - Enfrentamento armado entre tropas nacionais argentinas e as de Buenos Aires, com vitória das primeiras, significando um importante avanço para a unificação do país. 1918 - Nasce Haim Erzog, ex-presidente de Israel. 1921 - Nasce Virgilio Barco, ex-presidente de Colômbia. 1926 - Nasce Aaron Lustiger, filósofo e teólogo francês. 1931 - Nasce Anne Bancroft, atriz norte-americana. 1934 - A União Soviética passa a fazer parte da Sociedade das Nações. 1939 - A Polônia é invadida pelo lado leste do país pela União Soviética. Duas semanas antes, a Alemanha atacou as fronteiras ocidentais. 1939 - Tropas soviéticas invadem a Polônia e no dia seguinte, ocupam as províncias orientais do país. 1941 - Nasce o jornalista e deputado federal Fernando Gabeira. 1944 - Segunda Guerra Mundial. Começa a batalha de Arnhemm, na Holanda, que vai até o dia 25 e é considerado o último êxito do Exército alemão. Também considerado o dia do fracasso do general britânico Montgomery. Mais de 1,4 mil soldados foram mortos. 1946 - É aprovada a 4ª Constituição Brasileira. 1946 - Instalada a Guerra Civil na Grécia. 1948 - Assassinado em Jerusalém o conde Folke Bernadotte, representante das Nações Unidas na presença de árabes e judeus. 1971 - Carlos Lamarca, guerrilheiro do VPR, Vanguarda Popular Revolucionária é morto com cinco tiros por uma patrulha militar em Ipupiara, na Bahia. 1975 - O furacão Eloísa ataca as Antilhas. 1978 - Dado o primeiro passo para um acordo de paz entre Israel e Egito. (em Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hQXn3lgIt/?igshid=b8jkro0u41le
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raulmottajunior · 5 years
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Cem anos de história merecem ser contados por quem ajudou a construí-la. Nas ruas do Leblon é possível encontrar comércios quase tão antigos quanto o bairro, que comemora seu centenário nesta sexta-feira . Na Dias Ferreira, por exemplo, estão localizadas duas das lojas mais tradicionais da região, uma em frente à outra. Um trecho da via, portanto, marcado por quem ainda guarda na memória o tempo em que bondes circulavam por ali. Uma delas é a Norte América, lavanderia que a Dias Ferreira viu surgir há 67 anos. Fundada por Felipe de Azevedo, o negócio continua na família. Hoje, Felipe César de Azevedo, de 64 anos, herdeiro da empresa, pretende passar os negócios para a terceira geração: os filhos Rafael, de 39 anos, e Guilherme, de 29. — Tento. Normalmente, sou eu dentro da loja e os dois do lado de fora. Mas aqui trabalhamos todos juntos, inclusive minha mulher — conta Azevedo, aos risos. De 1952 para cá são muitas as mudanças. Os bondes já não existem. A Dias Ferreira se transformou num polo gastronômico. E o número de moradores, claro, cresceu. O bairro se modernizou, mas Felipe sente falta da tranquilidade de anos atrás. — O Leblon parecia uma vila. Tinha até ruas de paralelepípedo. Todo mundo se conhecia. Hoje, está tudo ao contrário — relembra o empresário. Dois anos depois da chegada da Norte América, a Casa Campos, que vende louças e ferragens, foi inaugurada pelo português Domingos Campos. Aos 90 anos, ele ainda trabalha diariamente no estabelecimento, das 8h ao meio-dia. Seu filho, o administrador Marcelo Campos, conta que o pai prefere passar as manhãs no local. —Aqui ele se distrai. Lê o jornal, dá troco aos clientes e toma café. Nas horas vagas, ainda fala do Vasco e de Portugal — comenta o filho, que comanda a loja. Domingos não gosta de passar as manhãs sozinho. Para que ele fique esse tempo no estabelecimento, Marcelo se cerca de precauções, acompanhando o pai na ida e na volta para casa. Domingos chegou no Brasil no dia 15 de novembro de 1954 e no Leblon se instalou. Duas semanas depois, no dia 1º de dezembro, inaugurava a Casa Campos com o cunhado, José Augusto Campos, que já morava no Brasil. — Nem cheguei a tirar férias. Tínhamos poucas opções aqui também. O bairro era bem diferente, sem essas lojas todas e esse movimento noturno— diz Domingos, que recebeu o convite do cunhado porque passava necessidade em Portugal. Mesmo a milhares de quilômetros de distância da terra natal, Domingos conta ter se sentido em casa quando chegou ao Brasil. — Além de ter parentes aqui, havia muitos portugueses. Isso faz falta— conta o empresário, que ainda conserva o sotaque lusitano. Doze anos depois, no dia 25 de agosto 1966, o primeiro centro cultural desembarcava num ainda pouco povoado Leblon. Inaugurado como Café Teatro Casa Grande, o local, assim como o bairro, foi se transformando ao longo dos anos e renovando espetáculos e público. Aos 84 anos, Moyses Ajhaenblat, um dos fundadores do teatro junto com Sérgio Cabral pai, Max Haus e Moysés Fuks, conta que, inicialmente, o objetivo do espaço era divulgar a MPB. Com o passar dos anos, foi se adaptando aos novos modelos de espetáculos. — Participamos da história do Leblon desde o início, quando nem mesmo luz havia na região. Lá atrás, a pouca vizinhança que tinha por aqui ficou empolgada com a nossa chegada, porque traria movimento ao bairro. Os debates que organizávamos, no auge da repressão, eram repletos de pessoas, que, mesmo após o espaço estar lotado, pagavam os ingressos e acompanhavam da rua — recorda Ajhaenblat. Após ser destruído por um incêndio, o teatro passou 11 anos fechado e reabriu em 2008 com o novo nome. Atualmente, é comandado pelos irmãos Silvia e Leonardo Haus e por Rodrigo Gerheim. Um bairro acolhedor e que inspira obras O Leblon acolheu o francês Claude Troisgros em seu primeiro empreendimento no Brasil. Nos anos 1980, inaugurou na Rua Conde de Bernadotte o restaurante Roanne (em homenagem à cidade natal), iniciando, assim, sua trajetória em terras cariocas. Os laços com o bairro foram se intensificando ao longo dos anos. Atualmente, o chef tem um total de três restaurante na região: CT Boucherie, Chez Claude (aberto em 2017 no mesmo ponto onde começou) e o mais recente, Le Blond, inaugurado no ano passado. Este último vai oferecer pratos criados especialmente para o aniversário do bairro somente neste fim de semana. Claude Troigros. O chef abriu seu primeiro restaurante no Leblon anos anos 1980 Foto: Bruno Kaiuca / Agência O Globo — O Leblon oferece tudo do bom e do melhor. É o melhor lugar para se viver no Rio de Janeiro. Aqui tem vida noturna agitada, pontos turísticos e um mar incrível, que eu aproveito sempre que posso. A vida social do bairro é divertida, com um público como os de Saint Germain e Paris, artístico, jovem e dinâmico — compara Claude. Quando chegou ao Brasil, em 1979, o local onde abriu seu primeiro restaurante apareceu como uma oportunidade. Com o pouco dinheiro que tinha na época, conseguiu alugar o espaço, que tinha apenas 30m² e capacidade para 18 lugares, além de um fogão e uma geladeira usados. Os ares do Leblon também inspiram Claude Troisgros a criar seus pratos. — Tenho lembranças de quando comecei a carreira, ainda sem muitos recursos. Além disso, os clientes me dão boas ideias, inclusive os que trabalham no mesmo ramo — comenta o chef. Ao contrário de Claude, que foi acolhido pelo Leblon, o advogado aposentado Rogério Suarez Barbosa Lima, de 79 anos, acompanhou o crescimento do bairro onde nasceu. Sua família chegou por lá em 1935, ou seja, somente 16 anos depois de a região ganhar status oficial de bairro. Perguntado sobre suas primeiras lembranças ele viaja no tempo diretamente para a infância, sentado na calçada da praia, cercado de amigos, tentando adivinhar o algarismo final das placas dos automóveis que passavam de trinta em trinta minutos. — Ainda não havíamos sido cooptados pela mídia, e a televisão engatinhava. Naqueles tempos, as pessoas encontravam diversão nos bairros em que residiam e só transitavam por outro a caminho do trabalho ou em visitas ocasionais. O Leblon não servia de acesso a lugar algum, ficava nos confins: era o extremo sul, ponto de partida ou chegada — lembra. Para Rogério, o Leblon de antigamente é o que ele chama de aldeia encantada. Esse, aliás, foi o nome escolhido para batizar o livro de memórias que lançou há 20 anos, “O antigo Leblon, uma aldeia encantada”, que está sendo relançado agora numa versão digital. Uma nova edição, para celulares, chamada de “Antigo Leblon na palma da mão” , também está à venda. — Tratei de ouvir meus parceiros e vizinhos. Eles acolheram minha ideia e me supriram com histórias, documentos e fotos. Complementei com material colhido em jornais, revistas e em visitas a bibliotecas e arquivos — lembra esse morador do Leblon, que brindou o público com uma coleção de crônicas e fotos que mostram o Leblon até os anos 1960. Com música, crônicas e atitude, moradores fazem a diferença Seja na praia, no burburinho da Rua Dias Ferreira, nos mirantes com vistas espetaculares, nos bares badalados, na Cruzada São Sebastião, no Alto ou no Baixo Leblon. O bairro é um efervescente caldeirão de pessoas, cada uma com suas particularidades, mas uma coisa em comum: não apenas fazem do Leblon a sua morada, como também arregaçam as mangas para fazer a diferença na região. Como a relações públicas Anna Medrado, por exemplo. Aos 30 anos, nascida e criada no bairro, ela é uma atuante membro da Associação de Moradores do Leblon (AmaLeblon). — Sou ativa em diversos grupos, que têm o objetivo de resolver problemas cotidianos. Fizemos pressão para a implantação do Leblon Presente e comemoramos quando ele começou — diz Anna que, se pudesse presentear o bairro em seu centenário, o faria com arte. — Acho que falta mais espaço para exposições, artistas e arte em geral. O músico Luis Filipe de Lima, de 52 anos, espalha seus pensamentos sobre o bairro em suas redes sociais. Começou por acaso, quando percebeu que o Leblon havia se tornado o estereótipo de bairro elitizado e até esnobe. Em suas crônicas, evoca um outro lado do local: “O Leblon profundo que pude conhecer desde meus primeiros dias de vida, há mais de meio século, e que teimo em reconhecer na arquitetura de suas construções mais antigas, no aceno dos vizinhos mais velhos, na visão imutável das Cagarras, é um bairro especialmente dinâmico, próspero, de artista de telenovelas, celebridade que faz o jogo ambíguo de se exibir sob os mais requintados holofotes, ao mesmo tempo em que se esconde dos paparazzi”, diz uma de suas crônicas. Letra e música. O violonista Luis Filipe de Lima escreve crônicas sobre o Leblon Foto: Bruno Kaiuca / Agência O Globo — Quero mostrar que o Leblon não é uma coisa só. Ao lado do restaurante caríssimo tem o pé sujo. Ao lado da loja de grife tem o comércio popular — conta o músico, que passou a ser convidado para palestras e entrevistas sobre o bairro. Um bairro que a DJ Karla Gasparini conhece há 38 anos. Em suas memórias de infância estão as brincadeiras despreocupadas nas ruas e o comércio local em que todos se conheciam. Foi com música que ela decidiu resgatar esse lado família que tanto a encanta. Há cinco anos levou seu equipamento de som para a Barraca do Luciano, na praia, na altura da Rua José Linhares, onde promove um sunset que vem reunindo diferentes gerações. Um dos mais animados é o Leblon Sessions, no réveillon: — Conseguimos resgatar a ideia do Leblon antigo. Tem pessoas de todas as idades confraternizando na praia. Luciano traz os amigos da Cruzada e as clientes da Avenida Delfim Moreira. Eu chamo meus amigos e fazemos uma grande festa — diz. Nascido na Cruzada e hoje morando no Vidigal, Luciano da Silva fez das areias do Leblon a sua praia. Desde os 12 anos, a barraca, que fica entre os postos 11 e 12, virou o seu local de trabalho, quando passou a ajudar o pai nas vendas de bebidas e petiscos. Hoje, aos 49, diz que tudo o que conseguiu se deve à Praia do Leblon. — Meu filho está terminando o último ano de Jornalismo graças a esse trabalho. E minha filha foi campeã estadual de judô. Com a barraca criei meus quatro filhos e dei o melhor que pude. Sou muito grato a esse local — diz Silva, que trabalha com a mulher, Ângela. Fonte: O Globo Postado por: Raul Motta Junior Foto: Bruno Kaiuca / Agência O Globo
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duhragonball · 3 years
Hellsing Liveblog, Chapters 20-24
By garn, it’s been a while.   This ‘ere’s the “Age of Empire” arc, followed by two one-offs, “Call to Power” and “Ultima Online”.  
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Last time, Hellsing sent Alucard, Seras, and Pip Bernadotte to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to find out more about Millennium.   But Millennium was expecting them, and sent Tubalcain Alahambra to attack Alucard almost as soon as he arrived. 
Recall that the only reason Hellsing knew to check Brazil was because of a tip offered up by their Catholic counterpart, Vatican Section XIII, the Iscariot Organization.  Iscariot knew about Millennium because they had discovered that the Vatican had helped them move men and materials out of Nazi Germany and into South America.   Which brings us to this chapter, which is a flashback showing how Iscariot found out in the first place. 
The date on this chapter really helps me understand all of this, because when I watched this scene in the anime, I thought it was taking place in the present.   But no, this is set back in July, barely a week after Seras became a vampire.  Note that Bishop Maxwell already knows a great deal about this by this point.  He’s not talking to this guy to learn more, he’s confronting him about the crimes he’s already discovered.
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This rando bishop he’s talking to was one of the guys who helped Millennium during World War II.    He claims to have been deceived, but Maxwell knows the truth: that he and the others helped Millennium because they knew they were secretly researching vampires, and wanted in on some sweet, sweet vampirism.
This is a recurring theme in Hellsing, where Millennium gets a lot of help from various patsies by promising to make them immortal. Dandyman got all those SWAT team guys to help him by promising immortality to their superiors, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Dandyman himself was just a rube that joined Millennium thinking it was a path to greater power, when in fact they only sought to use him as a test of Alucard’s abilities.   And so it was with the treasonous bishops in the 1940s.   They helped Millennium move to South America, but their research in Europe was destroyed by Hellsing during the war.    And the above page shows us our first look at young Walter, before he retired to the life of a butler.
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And now we see Heinkel Wolfe, the star of “Cross Fire”, Kouta Hirano’s three-issue manga about gun-toting assassin nuns.   “Cross Fire” was featured as backups in the first three collected volumes of Hellsing, which works out nicely, so we can recognize Heinkel as she debuts in this story.    She executes this bishop for his unspeakable crimes against the church.   
And really, it is a pretty horrific thing that this guy did.   I mean, I thought about it the other day, how this guy’s pretty high up there in the ranks of the Catholic church.   He doesn’t just go to Mass on Sundays, he’s devoted his whole life to the faith, and then he just turns his back on it as soon as there’s a hint of a chance that he could become an immortal vampire.   And then it falls through, so he spends the next several decades just sort of hoping no one will find out what he did.  It’s a pretty dark thing, though it’s easy to overlook in a whole series of dark moments.
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Back in Brazil, the news media and authorities still can’t make any sense of the Alucard/Dandyman battle.   Alucard and his pals escaped in a news chopper and Al must have hyp-mo-tized the pilot to cover their tracks.  
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Meanwhile, the mysterious guys who were watching the Dandyman from afar, well they head back to their secret lair.    The Major is the guy in the glasses, and the Captain is the guy in the big coat.   There’s also the Doctor, who sort of defies description, but we’ll deal with him later.   It was the Major who ran the vampire research project back in the 1940s, and the Doctor who conducts all the research.   The Doctor had been pretty confident about all the powers he gave to the Dandyman, and was dismayed to see Alucard defeat him but the Major doesn’t mind at all, because he’s got plenty more vampires to throw at this particular problem.  
They board a blimp, the Graf Zeppelin III, bound for Jaburo, Brazil.  I looked up the Graf Zeppelin to understand the reference, and it turns out the first two were aircraft carriers, not blimps.   These were planned during the 1930′s as Nazi Germany began to re-arm for World War II, but by the time the war actually started, Hilter had lost interest in the project, and the German Navy focused instead on U-boats.    Both Graf Zeppelins were left uncompleted, so maybe this blimp is named after them as a reference to abandoned Nazi projects that could be revived somehow.   As for Jaburo, I looked that up and only found references to the Gundam franchise, so I’m pretty sure this is just a fictional town.
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Meanwhile, Alucard and his team check into a motel, and he calls home to report that he successfully absorbed Dandyman’s memories when he killed him and drank his blood.  He now knows everything Dandyman knew about Millennium.   Integra orders him to return to London immediately, as the Queen of England herself wants to know what’s going on here.   Al wants to know if Tegs enjoyed all the violence he caused in Rio, but she’s like “stfu.”
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Up to now, Seras and Pip had been scouting around, trying to find some way to get out of the country, but there’s no planes and no ships available.  They were, at least, able to bring back some McDonald’s.    Wait... MacDooolnald’s.   See?  Giorno drives his vampire dad to MacDooolnald’s, but Seras goes out and gets it and brings it back for Alucard, because theirs is a much healthier relationship.
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But Al wants to steal a plane.    Pip and Seras don’t take this well, but now I finally see why Al is suggesting this.   He was ordered to return home at once, so this seems like the only way.  
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Then Alexander Anderson shows up and starts punching the shit out of Al, because why not?  
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Everybody draws their badass weapons to escalate the fight, including Seras, who picks up her giant cannon, but Anderson just thinks it’s funny, and it snaps him out of his fightin’ mood long enough to explain why he’s here.
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Seems the Vatican wants to get Alucard back to London as well, so they sent Anderson to tell them about a private plane they arranged just for this purpose.  
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Meanwhile, in Jaburo, the Major reports back to his “superiors”, but he refuses to explain what he was doing in Rio.  The Major claims he’s under special orders from Hitler, and these orders supersede all other command structures.    Basically, all these colonels and generals have little choice but to sit back and watch Millennium operate without them.   The Major gives them only a thin veneer of respect, and barely at that.  
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Enter Zorin Bltz, a lieutenant in Millennium, who explains it neatly for the reader.  The Major set up all this Millennium stuff after the war, only for these other officers to show up on their doorstep later, probably seeking refuge in the postwar world.   They know there’s vampire stuff going on here, and they want to be vampires too, but the Major isn’t interested in that.  I guess he figures if he turns them into vampires, they would try to pull rank on him.
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But the old timers are also extremely curious about the Major’s goal.   He’s used the research to create a thousand vampire soldiers, but what for?   The Major explains that he’s out to “savor the joy of war.” 
Let me pause here to talk about werewolves.   Millennium also has at least two of those: the Captain, and Chief Warrant Officer Schrödinger.   As he returned to Jaburo, the Major asked Schrödinger about “the other werewolves”, and he said they would be along shortly, but we never actually see those guys.   Unless Zorin Blitz and Rip van Winkle are supposed to be werewolves, but I’m pretty sure they’re not.  
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On the plane ride back to England, Alucard has a dream, reliving his defeat at the hands of Abraham van Helsing a century earlier. 
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In London, everyone’s waiting for him to show up, including representatives from the Vatican.  Heinkel wonders if maybe Anderson flubbed his mission to give Alucard the plane, but Maxwell explains that they had to send Anderson to Brazil, because he knows Anderson is loyal to a fault.   If they sent just any old operative, there’d be too great a risk of that guy defecing to Millennium for a taste of that sweet vampire power.  
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Then Alucard finally shows and pays his respects to the Queen of England.   Let’s face it, this is Elizabeth II, I don’t care how the art hides her in silhouette. This story depicts her as being such an old woman after all this time, but it’s 2021 and she’s still alive today.  Alucard praises he beauty.   I get the impression he finds human aging to be something precious in his eyes.  
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Alucard explains what we’ve already been over: That Millennium is the new name for the culmination of that Nazi vampire research project in the 1940s.   Alucard and Walter put an end to the project in 1944, but the Major somehow escaped and kept going.
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Then Schrödinger appears in the room, to the shock of everyone.    He claims that he is “everywhere”, a talent which allows him to show up anywhere in spite of security.  He claims to be an envoy from Millennium, and sets up a Zoom call with the Major.
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Basically, the Major declares war on Hellsing and Great Britain, and on Alucard specifically, by name.   He has no goal, which is basically another way of saying that he wants to fight war for its own sake.   There’s no strategic objective to any of this.   The Major finally has his army of vampire soldiers, and now he wants to take them out into the field and see what they can do.  
Oh, also he has his “superior” officers brutally executed on the video feed, which seems kind of dumb, since neither Hellsing nor Iscariot knew about any of those guys.  Ties things up nicely for the reader, I guess.
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Alucard is overjoyed at the prospect of destroying the Major all over again, and Integra orders him to kill Schrödinger while Seras shoots the Major’s iPad.  Then QE2 orders Integra and Alucard to destroy Millennium, like they hadn’t already been workin on that.  
And yeah, there we are.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 years
Events 8.21
959 – Eraclus becomes the 25th bishop of Liège. 1140 – Song dynasty general Yue Fei defeats an army led by Jin dynasty general Wuzhu at the Battle of Yancheng during the Jin–Song Wars. 1192 – Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes Sei-i Taishōgun and the de facto ruler of Japan. (Traditional Japanese date: the 12th day of the 7th month in the 3rd year of the Kenkyū (建久) era) 1331 – King Stefan Uroš III, after months of anarchy, surrenders to his son and rival Stefan Dušan, who succeeds as King of Serbia. 1415 – Henry the Navigator leads Portuguese forces to victory over the Marinids at the Battle of Ceuta. 1680 – Pueblo Indians capture Santa Fe from the Spanish during the Pueblo Revolt. 1689 – The Battle of Dunkeld in Scotland. 1770 – James Cook formally claims eastern Australia for Great Britain, naming it New South Wales. 1772 – King Gustav III completes his coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of parliamentary rule in Sweden and installing himself as an enlightened despot. 1778 – American Revolutionary War: British forces begin besieging the French outpost at Pondichéry. 1791 – A Vodou ceremony, led by Dutty Boukman, turns into a violent slave rebellion, beginning the Haitian Revolution. 1808 – Battle of Vimeiro: British and Portuguese forces led by General Arthur Wellesley defeat French force under Major-General Jean-Andoche Junot near the village of Vimeiro, Portugal, the first Anglo-Portuguese victory of the Peninsular War. 1810 – Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, Marshal of France, is elected Crown Prince of Sweden by the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates. 1821 – Jarvis Island is discovered by the crew of the ship, Eliza Frances. 1831 – Nat Turner leads black slaves and free blacks in a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, which will claim the lives of 55 to 65 whites and about twice that number of blacks. 1852 – Tlingit Indians destroy Fort Selkirk, Yukon Territory. 1863 – Lawrence, Kansas is destroyed by pro-Confederate guerrillas known as Quantrill's Raiders. 1883 – An F5 tornado strikes Rochester, Minnesota, leading to the creation of the Mayo Clinic. 1888 – The first successful adding machine in the United States is patented by William Seward Burroughs. 1897 – Oldsmobile, an American automobile manufacturer and marque, is founded. 1901 – Six hundred American school teachers, Thomasites, arrived in Manila on the USAT Thomas. 1911 – The Mona Lisa is stolen by Vincenzo Peruggia, a Louvre employee. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Charleroi, a successful German attack across the River Sambre that pre-empted a French offensive in the same area. 1918 – World War I: The Second Battle of the Somme begins. 1942 – World War II: The flag of Nazi Germany is planted atop Mount Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mountain range. 1942 – World War II: The Guadalcanal Campaign: American forces defeat an attack by Imperial Japanese Army soldiers in the Battle of the Tenaru. 1944 – Dumbarton Oaks Conference, prelude to the United Nations, begins. 1944 – World War II: Canadian and Polish units capture the strategically important town of Falaise, Calvados, France. 1945 – Physicist Harry Daghlian is fatally irradiated in a criticality accident during an experiment with the Demon core at Los Alamos National Laboratory. 1957 – The Soviet Union successfully conducts a long-range test flight of the R-7 Semyorka, the first intercontinental ballistic missile. 1959 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs an executive order proclaiming Hawaii the 50th state of the union. Hawaii's admission is currently commemorated by Hawaii Admission Day 1961 – American country music singer Patsy Cline returns to record producer Owen Bradley's studio in Nashville, Tennessee to record her vocals to Willie Nelson's "Crazy", which would become her signature song. 1961 – Motown releases what would be its first #1 hit (in America), "Please Mr. Postman" by The Marvelettes. 1963 – Xá Lợi Pagoda raids: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces loyal to Ngô Đình Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, vandalizes Buddhist pagodas across the country, arresting thousands and leaving an estimated hundreds dead. 1968 – Cold War: Nicolae Ceaușescu, leader of Communist Romania, publicly condemns the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, encouraging the Romanian population to arm itself against possible Soviet reprisals. 1968 – James Anderson Jr. posthumously receives the first Medal of Honor to be awarded to an African American U.S. Marine. 1971 – A bomb exploded in the Liberal Party campaign rally in Plaza Miranda, Manila, Philippines with several anti-Marcos political candidates injured. 1982 – Lebanese Civil War: The first troops of a multinational force lands in Beirut to oversee the Palestine Liberation Organization's withdrawal from Lebanon. 1983 – Philippine opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr. is assassinated at the Manila International Airport (now renamed Ninoy Aquino International Airport in his honor). 1986 – Carbon dioxide gas erupts from volcanic Lake Nyos in Cameroon, killing up to 1,800 people within a 20-kilometer range. 1988 – The 6.9 Mw  Nepal earthquake shakes the Nepal–India border with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), leaving 709–1,450 people killed and thousands injured. 1991 – Latvia declares renewal of its full independence after its occupation by the Soviet Union since 1945. 1991 – Coup attempt against Mikhail Gorbachev collapses. 1993 – NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft. 1994 – Royal Air Maroc Flight 630 crashes in Douar Izounine, Morocco, killing all 44 people on board. 1995 – Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 529, an Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia, attempts to divert to West Georgia Regional Airport after the left engine fails, but the aircraft crashes in Carroll County near Carrollton, Georgia, killing nine of the 29 people on board. 2000 – Tiger Woods, American professional golfer, wins the 82nd PGA Championship and becomes the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win three majors in a calendar year. 2013 – Hundreds of people are reported killed by chemical attacks in the Ghouta region of Syria. 2016 – The closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, takes place. 2017 – A solar eclipse traverses the continental United States.
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