#right now i just can't find it in me to care about cannes or about man suang or about any material they're currently putting out
chalkrevelations · 1 year
So, I'll tell you what would not convince me to watch 4 Minutes sans Build, and that's trying to guilt-trip me by telling me what a bad Bible fan I am if I don't watch it.
I mean, full disclosure, I honestly can't think of anything that would get me to watch 4 Minutes if Build's role is recast, so that's where I'm coming from on this. Build, himself, could promote the show, and my response would be "Mmm. That does not sound like a good time for me. Thank you and I'm sorry, but no."
I don't expect Bible and Build to be tied together forever - I never expected that. But watching 4 Minutes without Build in it would make me sad. And not in the fun and cathartic way a good drama can do. In a way that I would spend the time thinking about how excited I was when the show was announced, and what kind of great work BBB could do with Sammon, and how it would give me a chance to see more of them working together, since actual VP screentime was what? 90 minutes tops? I would spend the time thinking about how it was supposedly created for BBB - for both of them - and about the ever-present Build-shaped absence in the show. I would spend the time thinking about lost opportunity and how Build not appearing in the show was part and parcel of the abuse he suffered, how it was exactly what his abuser told him she'd do to him if he tried to get away from her, and how she'd succeeded in making BOC and its management complicit in that.
I suspect BOC will have done a lot of financial and social calculus on whatever decision they make - whenever they finally get around to making and announcing it, and I'm working real hard to give them the benefit of the doubt and of cultural differences and of translation issues on the wait for that. But ultimately, it comes down to this: This is a hobby for me, I don't engage in my hobbies to feel bad, I don't owe BOC - or anyone - my clicks and my views, and I'm not going to be guilt-tripped into it. That's my calculus on it. I'm not putting on a Pete smile and pretending everything is fine if I'm actually unhappy - not for anyone. And that's what my experience of watching a recast 4 Minutes would be.
So don't try to tell me I'm a bad Bible fan for not making myself miserable. I would love to support Bible, including in 4 Minutes as well as future ventures, but acting like it's my obligation to make myself unhappy doing it? That's toxic, and it's also just another way of punching down at Build fans who are STILL trying to find space and time to grieve everything that's happened in KP fandom in the past four months. I'd be truly sorry to Bible in the case of a recast, but this is precisely the kind of thing Build meant when he tried to get Poi to understand on that phone call that he wasn't the only one she was going to hurt if she proceeded with the lies and abusive behavior she was threatening him with.
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skzdreamz · 1 year
Can I request giving sub! Hyunjin a handjob at the Versace party in the bathroom🤭 HE LOOKED SO GOOD TODAY IM-
what a GREAT REQUEST! this is the first time writing a member as a sub so I hope it’s good … enjoy!! <3
feedback is always very much appreciated !
Helping hand - Hwang Hyunjin
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pairing: sub!Hyunjin x gn!reader warnings: pet names, handjob, cum play, cum eating word count: <1.0K
you were so excited from the moment you heard you were able to come to Cannes with your boyfriend. he was attending the fashion show for the new Versace collection and you couldn't wait to see the outfit they had planned for him. Hyunjin always looked amazing in anything he wears, but now that his hair is elegantly long again you know he's going to look amazing once again.
right before the show, your outfits were brought to your room and you waited patiently for Hyunjin to come out of the bathroom to see his outfit and you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw him step out of the bathroom wearing this simple but elegant outfit. he spinned around to show you the full look. he literally took your breath away. "ready to go love?"
you arrived at the show and he linked his arm in yours as soon as you stepped out of the car. the location is beautiful, it almost feels like you're dreaming. being here in this beautiful place with the most beautiful man by your side. your live couldn't get any better than this.
you watched him do all of these interviews. and you can't help but smile at his cute shyness while talking to the interviewers. he tries his best to do everything right and that's what you adore most about him. you feel so proud.
"why were you smiling like that" he chuckles. you take his hand in yours leading you away from the crowd. "you look so good" you say as you rub you thumb on his hand. "I can say the same thing about you" he smiles.
you find your seats to look at the fashion show. the whole collection looks absolutely stunning, but you just can't seem to focus. you glance to your right and see Hyunjin enjoying the show. you can't help but stare at him. he looks really stunning, his jaw sharp and his hair styled beautifully. his voice startles you out of your trance "stop staring honey" he giggles.
the show is finally done and you couldn't wait to get back to the hotel. but just as you were about to leave Hyunjin and you were invited to the after party. you know he can't decline such an exclusive offer so you both decide to go.
Hyunjin was looking outside the window to get some peace in his mind before attending another draining event. you place your hand on his thigh, making him look at you. "something wrong baby?" he places his hand atop of yours. you give him a quick kiss to assure him you're fine. as you pull away you see his cheeks has gotten a bright shade of red and he's grinning like an idiot.
the ride to the party took way too long for your liking. you began to grow impatient. seeing your boyfriend look this good makes you yearn for his touch. you still had a couple more hours to go before you two could go back to the hotel, but you couldn't wait that long.
you grab his arm as soon as you step out of the car, guiding him to the nearest bathroom. you lock the door immediately and turn to face Hyunjin. he has a confused look on his face as he tilts his head to the side. "so there is something wrong?" he asks.
“you look so handsome baby, let me take care of you” you say as your finger draws circles on his chest. you hear his breath hitch at your words and you know immediately that you have him wrapped around your finger again. he’s so whipped for you and you know he’ll do anything to please you, so would you.
your finger travels down his chest to his abdomen, stopping right at the waistline of his pants. his breathing has gotten heavier by now and you are met with the beautiful sight of your panting boyfriend as soon as you look up. you stop for a moment and he grabs your wrist. “please.. I need more, don’t tease” he whimpers.
you put your hand down his pants, rubbing his half hard cock over his underwear. you feel his cock twitch with excitement as you keep grabbing and stroking him. he’s a bit too quiet for your liking so you remove your hand from his pants to spit on it and rub your saliva all over his cock.
he let’s out a delicious moan as you start rubbing the head of his cock between your fingers, spreading the mix of your saliva and his precum all over his cock. he throws his head back and grips the edge of the sink. his knuckles turning white from squeezing so hard.
you know he’s going to blow soon by the pretty moans and hitched breathes he lets out. taking in the sight of him enjoying the pleasure you’re giving him makes you proud. you can already imagine how his beautiful face will scrunch up with pleasure when you get him over the edge.
“you’re going to cum all over my hand pretty boy? make a mess for me huh?”. you say as you squeeze his cock a little harder. “come on be a good boy, I know you want to be my good boy” that’s all it takes for him to release his seed in your hand. he whimpers as you keep stroking his oversensitive head, guiding him through his orgasm.
soon enough you pull your hand out of his pants. his white liquid all over your hand. you look up at him and put your fingers in your mouth, tasting him. he looks at you with big eyes, making you want to ruin him.
you clean your hands and clean him up a bit to look more presentable for when you two leave the bathroom. after you’re done you give him a sweet kiss on the lips. you softly stroke his hair, smiling at him.
“I can’t wait for us to get back to the hotel so I could make you feel even better”
taglist: @softyoogi @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @sillyrabbit76 @luvshuu @stray-kids-smut1246
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rdxhd99 · 2 years
The World of Movie Distribution Is a Tough Place
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The universe of film dispersion is an intense spot. Subsequent to battling and perspiring to complete a film you're intellectually and truly depleted.
You simply need to have some time off and rest, however you can't on the grounds that completing a film is just a portion of the fight. Now is the right time to enter the universe of film appropriation.
Film dispersion is an extreme spot for movie producers new to the drudgery. It's difficult to turn off the imaginative brain to manage the business side of selling motion pictures.
What I've discovered the most difficult way is the film conveyance truly begins with advancing and showcasing a film.
Web-based entertainment is a modest method for spreading the news about your film and make an incredible viral buzz on the web.
It's cool to go the film celebration course to get your film seen by watchers and potential film purchasers, however over the course of the years from conversing with different producers there is a typical inclination that the film celebration scene is too packed at this point.
U.K. producer Wayne Daniells from LiarDice Films let me know his last excursion to The Cannes International Film Festival was a savage taking care of free for all.
There were an excess of films and makers were battling to definitely stand out of film merchants.
With everything taken into account Wayne communicated that it was an exercise in futility and cash pitching his film there. I've gotten the very point of view from different producers that are baffled with the film celebration scene and never again consider it to be an effective method for getting film circulation.
I for one like the immediate course of reaching film merchants to check whether they're keen on being sent a screener. This is where it helps on the off chance that you have previously been advancing and showcasing your film internet utilizing web-based entertainment.
Film merchants are more keen on securing motion pictures that as of now have serious areas of strength for a presence.
I'm totally talking from a genuine free film viewpoint. Studio spending plan films are an altogether unique creature with regards to the universe of film dissemination.
With regards to film circulation for a non mainstream delivered film the manner in which it typically happens are autonomous makers and producers face the challenge making the film with next to no dependable film dissemination bargain set up.
They for the most part need to shop it around to sell it. That has been my own experience up to this point. I've never made happy with a film dispersion bargain set up.
It resembles composing a screenplay on spec, however you're managing a film. Advancing and promoting a film through web-based entertainment is a flat out must.
Begin ahead of schedule before you're film is even wrapped up. That way when you start reaching film merchants you're film will as of now have more allure since individuals are discussing it.
Film merchants that take special care of delivering autonomous motion pictures do next to no promoting for a large portion of the titles they discharge.
On the off chance that you're film has no entertainers or superstar names joined to it then it will not get showcased beyond the standard supplement in a film merchant list.
So when you truly do get a film conveyance bargain you're as of now giving your film a lift by advancing and promoting yourself.
My psyche is out of control today, so let me return to finding a film dispersion bargain. Hold up please. A pleasant Miller Lite would assist me with centering at present.
That is greatly improved at this point. There are various ways of handling a film circulation bargain. You can spend the cash doing the film celebration course. Bargains get struck constantly at film celebrations.
Yet, truly there is an overabundance of film celebrations. The quantity of film celebrations is way messed up contrasted with the quantity of film merchants that discharge autonomous movies.
Avoiding the film celebration circuit works for some free film makers that don't have name entertainers in their film or realize their story won't speak to a craftsmanship house swarm.
Employing a film salesman is a decent call in the event that you skirt the film celebration scene all together. A film salesperson or maker's rep has contacts with film merchants to get your film screened.
Besides a considerable lot of them can get you into magazines like Indie Slate and MovieMaker to make your film look more interesting to film wholesalers.
They likewise keep an eye out with regards to film circulation arrangements. At the point when producers take a gander at film dispersion arrangements it tends to overpower.
There is heaps of legal jargon "drivel" in there intended to diminish how much cash you make from film eminence installments or a clear purchase out of your film. Click over here rdx hd
Except if you have experience perusing film circulation gets it's not difficult to get exploited. I'm in the propensity know regardless of whether I have a movies agent like "El Tigre" keeping an eye out I actually read all agreements totally.
You will be shocked at the secret charges and costs some film merchants attempt to move past on a producer with in out of every other place on earth, the agreement definitions segment. My film salesperson and I once tracked down a level expense of $50,000 for promoting costs in the definitions segment.
Recruiting a diversion lawyer is another great move, however typically is excessively exorbitant for a genuinely free producer. Besides from my own experience a diversion lawyer isn't generally so supportive as a film agent with getting a film circulation bargain or getting you some press.
That is not exactly the work an amusement lawyer. They're extraordinary with regards to arranging your film dispersion contract. In any case, most will not get you an arrangement like a film agent. You can get them after you have an arrangement on the table.
I had two sharp diversion legal counselors that saved my butt from getting singed when it came to sell an unscripted TV drama I delivered called "America's Wildest Bachelor Parties." They got me a maker accommodating agreement and got me paid on time each quarter. I'm happy I employed them.
On the off chance that it's only not in that frame of mind to enlist a film salesperson or diversion legal counselor you can in any case get significant film circulation hustling hard yourself.
Advancing and showcasing your film online is followed up by assembling a perfect and slick film bundle to ship off film merchants. Keep it straightforward with a DVD screener, one-sheet craftsmanship, tight rundown, slogan and exceptionally short profiles for key cast or team that have past IMDB credits.
To get a rundown of potential film wholesalers see what organizations are delivering motion pictures in a similar classification as yours. The Internet makes it quite simple to track down contact data these days.
Film conveyance organizations ordinarily have a contact page for film entries. Adhere to the rules and mail off your film bundle. They get a surge of film entries, so be patient in the event that you don't hear back immediately.
Film wholesalers have specific times they are forcefully looking for movies to fill their index and different times they have all they need until further notice. I have the purchasing months down on paper.
When they get your film bundle they will Google your film. That is where having been advancing and showcasing your film online truly sticks out. It takes more than just having a site or blog.
You want a few press and support from online film bloggers to make your film champion according to film merchants.
I devoted a part about film dissemination in a book on non mainstream filmmaking I composed. It could assist you with more definite film dispersion data. The very best with showcasing and selling your film.
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> I just want to see him having fun
— You think the war will end before May 2023?
A girl can hope, right?!
Jokes aside...I think it has to end before May 2023 (not because of Eurovison of course).
No, but I fear Ukraine can't afford continuing that war until May 2023 (or even longer).
The fact alone that we (as in "the world) are still talking about it is surprising and astonishing. Zelenskyy and his team managed in quite a brilliant way to catch the world's attention for three month (call it "propaganda", call it "clever strategies", call it whatever you want). It is a big achievement.
Think about it: How many bad things happen every day around the world? Most of them are not even mentioned in the news.
Some of them are only mentioned briefly in the news or you learn only about them if you habe a special interest in that topic and research on your own.
Here and there something is so bad it gets coverage. More or less. Usually less.
All big topics tend to vanish very, very fast from the news. Because people tend to lose interest in it very fast.
Think about Afghanistan last year. The topic was good for headlines for what...two weeks? Three? But after the big "oh my god how horrible!"-moment most people no longer cared. Of course we're all still very shocked when we read something about it (like recently, when some newspapers published the new laws), but we're shocked for a day or two and that's it (for whatever reason - no offence to anyone).
But Ukraine managed to catch our attention for three month so far. Of course and we all know that, mostly thanks to Zelenskyy and being literally everywhere and giving speeches again and again and again and again and... .
And that's freaking huge!
Zelenskyy said it himself (as well as Olena, just different): The moment they lose the world's attention they might lose the war. Because without the world's attention and the people's investment into the country, the people, the wish for peace and victory more and more countries will try to find a way out of having to help Ukraine and reduce the support.
Don't get me wrong: I believe that a lot of countries support Ukraine because they think it's right and Ukraine deserves support. But of course a lot of countries also support Ukraine only because the people of that country demand it from the gouvernement.
And while I doubt that Ukraine will lose support in the next 1, 2, 3,... months, I highly doubt if they can keep the world's attention into that war for a year or longer. Sooner or later people (and gouvernments) will get "Ukraine fatigue" or "Zelenskyy fatigue". It's a good sign he's still giving speeches infront of parliamants, is giving interviews, gets news coverage of all kind or appears at special places like Cannes. But sooner or later people will get tired, especially if nothing happens and "it's just war" and there are no news.
That's why Zelenskyy and his team try to come up with news as much as possible. Of course mostly to make sure Ukraine wins. But even on "slow news" or "no news" days they try to come up with good news, with new achievements - new money, new deals, new sanctions, new negotiations,... . Because people will be interested as long as there are news.
And we shouldn't forget that Russia hasn't stopped this war so far. They know they can't win it (right now). But they will also never give up (maybe if they're forced). Ukraine has to beat them and has to make sure (with internatioal partners and security guarentees) that Russia will never attack them again. But until they reach that point the need the attention. Because the best thing that could happen to Russia is that the world loses interest and Ukraine gets weak. Or that Ukrainians get tired of war and fightenting and no longer resist so much.
The moment "war fatigue" sets in could be Russia's moment.
Not to mention another problem. Right now Zelenskyy was able to unit the parliamant and everyone in Ukraine (besides some people, but the majority). Because they all fight for the same cause and no one would dare to touch or critize him right now. That would be political suicide and his opponents and enemies know this very well. Even his biggest critics are silent right now and support him.
Why? Well because Zelenskyy (and his team) did A LOT (if not to say basically (nearly) everything) right. They made a lot of smart decision and made sure Ukraine is winning, is getting weapons and lots of support of all kinds.
But they didn't stop hating him. They also didn't magically stop to want more power and money. The moment the war gets "slow" or Zelenskyy makes "mistakes" (or does something they can critize without getting trouble) they will jump on that opportunity. And the moment that happens it will get a lot more difficult to lead the country through war. Not to mention that his enemies outside of Ukraine are basically waiting for a real opportunity to discredit him.
It's going to be interesting how he / his team will deal with the Mariupol / Azovstal situation, especially if Russia really kidnaps / kills the soldiers and breaks the agreement. And if this will affect anything. Because his opponents will twist the story so it's his fault that "the Heroes Of Ukraine" are kidnapped / not exchanged / dead (btw: the discussion about if he's responsible or not is a whole different discussion).
Not to mention that he can't prolong martial law forever. Especially not if the war stays in the East (like the last 8 years). And if martial law ends without peace for Ukraine this will create a lot of new problems.
So it's in Zelenskyy's own interest to make sure the war ends soon. Because right now he's the reason Ukraine gets money and help for rebuillding the country. And he will be the reason to make sure Ukraine still gets support after the war. He will have to vouch with himself that the money will be used in a good way after the war. And to make sure they get money he has to make sure several things change in Ukraine (for the better). But he can only achieve this if his support is still that high and before his opponents / enemies get a chance to weaken him.
So yes, Ukraine needs to win that war for many reasons very fast and "soon" (whatever soon is).
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