#rhysa's rants
tgifg-rhysa · 3 months
Update Time
Life has been.... peculiar. As a person, I would like to believe that I improved quite a bit. As a woman, I definitely developed since last I wrote on here. The only noticeable change I could think of at first was simply my breast development, but upon picking up my old blackberry (that I'm writing this post on), I found some pictures from my first day out as a trans woman and wow what a huge difference. I guess because the changes were so gradual, I never noticed them, but my face looks significantly different. Here's a before and after:
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Aside from the shit lighting and me not knowing how to do makeup, my face is a bit rounder and softer, and overall just more "femme". Granted it's only been six months, but at this point, I don't get weird looks when I use the restroom, and I get "ma'am'ed" more than I get "sir'd" these days, which you can imagine is a tremendous relief. Having longer hair helps, too.
Voice training has been going rather excellent too. I'm not quite at my goal, but I'm getting close, and basically have all the tools I need now to shape my voice to be the way I want it, it's now moreso a matter of muscle memory, practice, and rest.
I finally found a decompression method that works for me: self shibari. I used to do a very tiny amount of rope stuff on previous partners, but I never really had much experience doing it to myself. And since it's been a while since I've rigged someone up, I wanted to practice on myself first to feel more confident. What I found was that not only do I in fact enjoy it, but it has this meditative quality to it that makes me feel refreshed and relaxed in a way that I haven't felt in years, and I glad I discovered this. The analogy I been describing to my peers is it feels like waking up in the morning and drinking a big glass of water that just makes you feel *f r e s h*.
Music wise, I should have a demo ready for "retrospect" by tonight, so let's see if I can keep that promise to myself.
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mauserfrau · 3 years
Not Rhack Wednesdays On Thursday [26]
OnlyFans may be phasing out porn, but this is fandom, dammit! And the sexitiems will never die. insert long rant about how certain other social media sites allow all the violence in the world but heaven forbid anyone get naked the funny part is i had this discussion on discord with someone the other day and now this happens
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First orders of business:
@lackpassion who did our splash images, now has a Patreon and an Etsy freshly restocked with slasher pride. More goodies on the way!
Today’s Recs: ( 🎨 = art | ✍ = fic | 🤔 = thinks)
✍ A Song of Flynt & Sirens Chapter 6 by @wataredis [NSFW] Is not NSFW this week, but does include totally sweet BABY CALYPSO CONTENT WHICH MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED AWWWWW YES.
🎨 Moar, well, teenage twins by @xxrat-punkxx BABIESSSS ahem. I am an adult and I do not yell about cute things.
🎨 OMG @michellespenscratchz have you done with with my heart??? (Rhysa SFM art, smexy.)
✍ Is it Rhysha week all up in here, because @monday-headache has some cooking too according to this excerpt!
✍ The Edge of Chaos Chapter 11 by @raidbossmadi Oh maaaan this fic is getting to one of my favorite parts of the book! It was good in the movie too, but there's just something about Alan + kids that warms my heart in that 80s sitcom way.
✍ And I guess shit hit the fan in Sampaguita [NSFW] as brought to you by some asshole who sat on this plot twist for like a year.
If you’d like your work featured on Not Rhack Wednesdays On Thursday, the only requirement is that it not be Rhack (well, and you have to ask).  Calypso Twins angst is not required, but a plus.  Give me a jingle or @ me or whatever works for you.
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tgifg-rhysa · 9 months
i fucking hate this ad
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supposedly this is an ad for an audio book company and the book they choose to use has a space between "hit" and "man" in the tagline. i'm assuming it'a supposed to be "hitman", but putting a space between the two means something else entirely. is this guy popular: a man who is a hit? he already targeted: a man who has hit out for him? was he already attacked: a man who was hit? is he the homie of a dragon ball character: Hit's man? this is so fucking stupid thanks i hate it.
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