#rhia definitely appreciates it
morgombie · 27 days
rhiati, what would you do if you saw a really big crab? it's a polite crab, just to specify.
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"Well, if they're polite... I guess I'd give them a little, uh, snack maybe. Everybody likes snacks. I think..."
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"...Oh... But, um, I don't know what crabs eat."
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rhia-falla · 1 year
specific q’s: 6-10
6. What’s their favorite [BLUSH] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
Literally anything cream. It is the key to a dewy, natural look with the lavishness of a fancy makeup product. Rhia is a big fan of blending lipstick as an alternative to blush, though her favorite is by far the Chanel lip and cheek balm.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Probably something along the lines of "HEY! TO THE PHOEBE BRIGDGERS WANNABE!!!!" lmao
Ollie and Nate would most definitely know to shout something about smoking a joint. <3 Or they would have the sense to just wait until she finds her way back to them.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Saying "I love you" when she doesn't mean it is like second nature for Rhia. She says it to strangers, acquaintances, the closest of her friends, and even people she knows won't return the grace. Rhia is incredibly open with her appreciation for others, and for her love isn't a big, grand declaration but rather a sweet way to express gratitude. She throws the phrase around day in and day out.
The only person she remains on her toes regarding the phrase is Nate, whose initial reaction to the words forever spooked Rhia into being more careful with her use of the phrase around him.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Rhiannon almost always communicates in gentle love. She is a pacifist and believes patience, love, and empathy are the foundations for human connection. However, she holds an entirely different expectation for the love she receives. Logically, Rhia would likely argue she prefers gentle love. Yet, she has a tendency to seek out hardened people and accept their abrasiveness as a display of affection. She grew up believing she was only capable of receiving tough love, and thus she often seeks it out in her adulthood.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Literally, she jumps at the opportunity to introduce herself for the chance to say she was named after her parents’ favorite song. That, and the fact both the Christian prophet Jesus and Kurt Cobain are Pisces, and thus share a sun sign with her.
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consulaaris · 3 years
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made another rhia portrait with artbreeder, slightly more realistic this time!
and also some random facts below the cut bc i love her:
• rhia is the epitome of the “reluctant hero” trope- she’s a kind person (although not always nice, per say), but she sure didn’t ask for this brightburner business, and often squabbles with the voice™. that’s not to say she’s not going to try her best to save the world... but she is going to be a bit grumpy about the whole thing
• she’s got a big sweet tooth! she loves candies and baked goods, and probably ends up giving some to caine now and then under the reasoning of “i just have some extra i can’t eat, so i guess you might as well have them 🙄” that’s a lie, she bought them specifically for caine bc she has a soft spot for him
• after having worked as a traveling mercenary for so many years, rhia didn’t have very many physical belongings- but once she settles in with the shepherds, she does start collecting a few fancy dresses and a variety of pretty cloaks. she’ll get defensive if called out on it, but she’s very protective of her mini collection!
• i created her with a lot of storm/snow motifs in mind, so while she’s an elementalist and has pretty good control of the elements in general, her focus tends to be on ice/water/things of that nature. i’d also imagine that when she does use fire, it’s more white or blue- purely to fit the aesthetic i’m imagining, but i just think it’s pretty LOL
• although not usually visible/easily noticeable, rhia actually does have some large scars & a couple of tattoos- notably she’s got a pretty vicious scar up her right thigh from an attack early in her mercenary career, and lots of smaller, silvery scars across her hands (that do ache when it gets cold, and make writing difficult). i haven’t decided exactly what yet, but she also has a small tattoo on her ribcage and another one down the length of her spine, and probably gets a few smaller ones as the story progresses.
• she gains a reputation as a bit of an ice queen sometimes, but while she is closed off, she’s more socially awkward most of the time than intentionally mean! especially once she joins the shepherds and starts to open up to them. (that’s not to say she won’t get snappy easily if you get on her bad side, though- she can be quite temperamental and easily goaded.) rhia also has a very dry sense of humor, and hearing her little quips is a sure sign she’s opening up to you
• red is her best friend in the shepherds (as well as her lover), but halek is probably a close second! they’re both quite introverted and tend to bond away from the chaos of everything happening about the compound, and rhia appreciates that he’s willing to answer her questions about Hunter culture & practices without judgement. i also imagine halek teaches her to cook at some point, or at the very least they chill in the kitchens together
• on a more angsty note, rhia has a habit of internalizing her guilt for everything- she blames herself a lot for what happened to her village, and deep down is afraid that anyone who gets close to her will be subject to the same fate (which causes her to push people away, and is why she left the Circle so suddenly after graduating). she also has an unfortunate habit of avoidant behavior, and so tries to avoid acknowledging the Words/refusing to talk about them to anyone for as long as she can... which is definitely going to have some consequences later
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omegatheunknown · 5 years
EVE - Wrestle Queendom 2
Pro-Wrestling: EVE’s big weekend featured 21 matches over three days and more than lived up to the standard set by last year’s event, though with a headier dose of heartbreak and betrayal. - Production issues are practically a hallmark of EVE’s DIY ethos, but cues were hit, music played and other than a few hyperactive steadicam decisions the big show was at least as well put together as any big Progress event. - Also true to the ethos is the injection of the injured Sierra Loxton on commentary -- biggest show of the year? Experience not required. Sierra’s of the Kris Wolf school of ‘Wow.’ ‘Oh!’ ‘Yeah.’ colour commentary. Dann, as usual, has his moments of hilarity but slips too much insider jargon into his play-by-play. Don’t tell me a wrestler is ‘still selling’ her back, goodness. - Charlie Morgan’s announcement was absolutely devastating. Tears were shed. Really threw a pall over the rest of the evening. She was such an excellent ambassador for the company and a perfect distillation of what EVE is all about -- Be Fearless. Be Brave. Be You. Wolfie’s retirement already broke me, but this one hurts real bad too. EVE’s down a lot of great, great talent, but listing the remaining roster is still surprisingly re-assuring when it comes to the future of the best Women’s Wrestling promotion outside of Japan. *She Brawls in Brighton - Mostly a decent show to see everyone get their go-home reps in, the long-promised alliance of Jamie Hayter and Session Moth finally comes to fruition under the supervision of Prime Minister Kagetsu, Jordynne and LDM get a practice round, and KLR and Viper have one last go as a tag team in EVE. *She’s Gonna Start a Fight - The Resistance Gallery show is a much slicker affair, the Gallery is such an integral part of the character of EVE and with most of the go-home out of the way (though Charli Evans and Jetta got to tear each other apart,) we’re free to see some novel match-ups. Yuu v Grace v Nightshade was a delightful hoss match, LDM v Arisa Hoshiki suggested to me that Laura would benefit tremendously from a stint in Japan (and look good doing so,) and QQ vs Oedo Tai is good on any stage at any time. *Main Card   Yuu v Nightshade (**1/2) -Good weekend for Nightshade, who’s clearly climbing the card and starting to look the part of the badass heel. Wondering when we’ll see more of Yuu’s personality aside from her being really, infectiously, happy to be here. Hoss-ish style match seems an atypical choice for the curtain jerker but it worked up the crowd just fine. Kagetsu v Mayu Iwatani (***1/2) - If anyone was somehow unfamiliar with two of the very best wrestlers in the world, this was a fiery introduction. Sure, Kagetsu didn’t try to hang Mayu. Sure, the booking positioned this as more of an exhibition than a grudge match, and sure, it ended in a time limit draw -- but Mayu Iwatani and Kagetsu in a vacuum is a very good match at minimum. - I wish whoever had first told Dann and Emily about Oedo Tai had struck out the ‘o,’ because they’ve been stuck at Oh-edo for so long it’d be beyond awkward to point it out now, but it’s somehow still so grating to hear again and again.  - Despite the tendency of her machinations to blow up in her face like Wile E Coyote, Kagetsu is one of the coolest people in the entire sport, on the level of Okada or The Rock. This is not up for debate. Laura Di Matteo v Jordynne Grace (****) - The wrestling theatre is improved greatly by the suggestion of emotional stakes. Granted, it’s not absolutely clear why these two hate each other, but I absolutely believe that they do. This is the best match of LDM’s career thus far and likely my favourite of the thirty god damned matches I watched this weekend. Thought Jordynne ended Laura for good numerous times, but the finish was a beauty. Wrestle Friends v Diamond Vogue Collective v Medusa Complex (***) - This ended up a good match despite the pretense of the ‘only two teams in the ring’ stipulation, which remains asinine. Jinny’s long-running stratagem of hiring fashionable underlings wherever she goes (Jazzy Gabert’s fashionable, non?) never quite pays off but it’s put Mercedez on the map amid all the personnel changes in EVE. Millie’s a big girl and she can be friends with whoever she wants, but this one had a pretty clear conclusion from the outset. Could’ve done with some S Club 7. Session Goth Martina v Su Yung (N/R) - Martina came to fight, that’s what the Super S is for. Su Yung remains a little much, which I can both respect and also not really enjoy. Some good spots, just started to really drag, especially when Su’s cohort of brides appeared and were alternatively useless and superpowered. - I’m not going to rate this one properly because of whatever the fuck happened with the man in the inflatable baby costume and the teeth. I’m never mad about a big-lipped alligator moment but this one threw me for such a loop I couldn’t stop laughing for a full minute. Five Stars? Little Miss Roxxy v Arisa Hoshiki (***) - Totally unfair situation for whoever had to follow Charlie’s announcement. As I said, tears were being shed, I was in a total daze. Took me a while to get into this one, helped that I was curious about Roxxy getting in the ring with an accomplished Joshi. She can hang pretty well, and like LDM, hasn’t been on a tour of Japan, but I’d be so down to see it.  - Arisa was in top form all weekend, this was no exception. Kicked Roxxy around the ring and then some. Jamie Hayter v Utami Hayashishita v Nina Samuels (***1/2) - Yay for elimination matches. Yay for Utami’s crisp and vicious throws. Boo Nina. Boo Nina so hard, she’s such a fantastic heel. Rooting for Jamie in England is new and weird, but I’m sold. This might have been better than I think it was, fatigue was starting to set in hard, but either way I liked how it was put together.
Kay Lee Ray v Viper (****) - This is almost as reliably good a pairing as Kagetsu and Mayu, though often enough I feel like the ceiling is ‘very good’ and not great. Should’ve known better, really. Quite a beautiful swanton filled swan song between two absolute stalwarts of EVE, bittersweet as anything. - Always the most appreciation for KLR’s dives coming out of nowhere, like nature intended. No loading animation for the Scottish Daredevil, she just goes for it.  - Rhia promised she’d be back soon at the top of the show, and I guess she presented the tag titles, but she definitely had a look on her face like more was in store. Don’t see how she keeps her job as matchmaker after this little indiscretion. Loved it.
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brontesauruses · 7 years
Review: The Waking Land by Callie Bates
2.5 or 3 stars I am a lying liar from Liar Town who totally forgot she hadn't posted a review. Sorry! (I do this every time I read something way before my approved time to post reviews...) Despite being initially kidnapped by him at gun point to be used as political leverage, Elanna has come to view the king as a surrogate father, and is understandably upset when he is assassinated. Things continue to get worse for her when she is framed for his murder, and she must flee the county. She winds up in her homeland, where she must come to terms with her feelings for it, her birth father, and the powers she has tried to keep hidden from her captors for more than a decade.
I’m really glad I wrote the bulk of my review back in April, because I can barely remember anything about this book. I can't remember what I had for breakfast sometimes, so I guess this isn't surprising, but definitely proof that it didn't make much of an impact all the same. Anyway, here's what I wrote right after finishing the book in April (surprisingly coherent for being written at like 5 AM, and complete with bullet points, because I love bullet points):
I’m having a hard time articulating my feelings about this book, largely because they are very lukewarm. It’s not a BAD book by any means, but it’s not great either. It’s okay. I don’t regret reading it, but I don’t think that I would have picked it up had I been able to look at more readers’ reviews.
Let’s start with what I didn’t like, I guess: • “In the lush and magical tradition of Naomi Novik s award-winning Uprooted…” what does that even MEAN? This book is nothing like Uprooted, which, full disclosure, is one of my absolute favorite books, and the comparison to which finalized my decision to click the “Request” button. I mean…they both have trees?? And cram a lot of story into one book? And..magic?? I don’t know, that’s all I got. They are completely different books, and the juxtaposition with what is – at least, in my opinion- a much better-written book does this one no favors. (Edit from the Future: Huh, that's no longer part of the Goodreads blurb? It's still on the book's Amazon and Barnes & Noble pages, though, so I'm sticking to my grumbling here.) • Ok, so you know that old writing adage “show, don’t tell?” There is a LOT of telling. Constantly. We get what is largely a play-by-play of Elanna’s thoughts and feelings, and it drove me up the wall. Also, we are TOLD that she is very much into botany and wants to make a career out of it, but not until maybe… the last third, I guess, do we actually get to see her nerd out about plants. I want to SEE her get excited about plants like I (a library person) get excited about books. I know I’m working with a rougher draft than most of you will be reading, but still. • Building off of the last gripe, there is a lot of repetition in the telling. We are frequently reminded that: o Her loyalties are very divided and she is conflicted o Her birth culture is BARBAROUS…until she suddenly does a 180 on this, idk (would like to have seen this change of view develop more naturally, but okay) o X is new and conflicts with information she was previously taught?? Which piece of information is true???? o Loyce is the Worst (in all fairness, she is) o Elanna is PISSED o The ever-expanding litany of people who have sacrificed themselves for the greater good and/or Elanna o Love interest #1 has a Specific Love Interest Smell. Love interest #1 is LOOKING at her! Love Interest #1 is touching her omg. I feel like I could probably go on, but those are what stuck stuck out in the most in my mind. I just remember frequently thinking “Yes, I KNOW. You told me this already. Get on with it.” There was actual sighing and eye-rolling , you guys. • SPEAKING OF LOVE INTERESTS: the romance did not work for me. It happened too quickly, and felt like it was there just because it NEEDED to be. I was frankly surprised when the MC’s feelings were reciprocated; I was getting nothing from SPOILER Love Interest #1 END SPOILER. The same more or less goes for the other participant in the half-hearted love triangle (which I was glad to see quickly resolved, honestly; love triangles make me want to punch myself in the face). THESE ARE NOT REQUIREMENTS. You do not have to shoehorn romantic angst into your story for it to sell. • Do you know how done I am with first person present tense narration? It happens so much in YA genre fiction, and this one is no exception. Thanks, Hunger Games. (Or Twilight. I don’t actually know whose fault it is.) • As with her story, I had lukewarm feelings at best for Elanna. She seems to be a lot younger than her age (19), and repeatedly made some really bad decisions that hurt other people early on in the story, which I found to be frustrating. She also just sort of felt…flat to me? She didn’t inspire any feelings in me beyond annoyance, and I actually found myself forgetting her name on a few different occasions (Edit from the Future: I couldn't remember her name until I looked at my review just now...actually, I couldn't remember anyone's name, WHOOPS). She’s not terrible, as MCs go, but I didn’t love her. • I am still super confused about what “wedding the land” means?? Do you just have to have sex? Do you have to do the do in the woods?? Does it even require the do to be did??? No matter what it means, the implications of sex as a rite of passage for a young woman made me really uncomfortable. • SPOILER: We are told that a particular character is Destined to Die and…he does?? Don’t do that???END SPOILER (Edit from the Future: I MEAN, ok usually when this we are told A is going to happen, it doesn't, or B happens instead, so MAYBE this is a good thing but...probably not.) I did like some things, though: • One character whom other authors probably would have given a redemption-by-death arc (I SEE YOU, ROWLING), did not get that. That is such a lazy thing to do, and we did not get that here. Bates twisted it up, and I appreciate that immensely. • There are no bad Scottish accents from the Scottish-equivalent characters, and I appreciate that, too. • Rhia is my grumpy, buff child and I love her. • Victoire was great too, and would have liked to have seen more of her. (As a side note, I kind of ship her with Rhia? Idk.) • I don’t remember any girlhate, which is always a good thing. • How gorgeous is that cover?? • The last 1/3 or so was much more readable, so maybe that’s where most of the editing energy had been focused? It gave me hope that the final draft will be better, but I doubt enough will have changed to make me genuinely like this book. In any case, I’m not curious enough to check when the book comes out. Edit from the Future: Still not interested in a reread, but I will probably look at other readers' reviews, now that mine is being published. The long and short of it: the concept was GOOD, but the execution lacking. It and the protagonist managed to be both annoying and forgettable at times (somehow??), but were generally just…okay. The romance was predictable and kind of forced. The writing drove me up a wall some of the time, but SOME of that MIGHT be rectified in the final draft. I don’t recommend this book, but I also don’t NOT recommend it. Give it a shot if the concept sounds good to you. It’s not a bad way to spend your time, and you may like it more than I did. Edit from the Future: Looks like there's going to be a sequel. I doubt I'll read it, but I thought you might like to know. A big "thank you" to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read it early in exchange for an honest review! (Originally published on Goodreads)
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morgombie · 1 month
Do you want to be someone important, Rhia? Like someone straight out of a history book?
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"I--Well, I don't know about important, um, exactly, but... I think I'd like to be, uh, cared about... maybe."
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"But, um, Aselin cares about me, so maybe I don't need any more than that."
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consulaaris · 3 years
i have to pick rhiannon! she's just so cool and amazing and i'd be picking her route even before playing the game 🥺💜
ahhhhhh! 🥺🥰 rhia and i both appreciate the love for her!!
rhiannon’s route- it takes some time to gain rhiannon’s trust, but once she’s decided you’re one of “her people” you can expect her to be very protective and affectionate! even if she’s a little awkward, you’ll always know she cares because she wants to spend time with you. rhia can be pretty flirty too, but gets very flustered if you return the favor. her romance would definitely a slowburn, but very rewarding as you got to know her imo!
[if all of my ocs were in a dating sim, which route would you pick?]
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consulaaris · 3 years
💞💢 for rhiannon!
ahhh ty ryley!!
💕- What makes them feel connected to their partner?
i think a big thing for rhia is physical touch- she’s the type of person who will casually brush up against red’s arm as she walks by, or lean against him when they’re sitting next to each other. and she does get very cuddly! she really appreciates it if he returns the favor too, as it feels like a reassurance that red is reciprocating the sort of connection that casual touch creates for her (especially since she’s... pretty touch starved). rhia tends to be bad at more direct conversations, but doing little activities/hobbies together (e.g. working in the library together on a project, walking through markets in Haven, or even teaching red how to carve wood like she does) is definitely a big way for her to feel connected and close to red. rhia may not be one for words most of the time, but she does like to find those connections and sweet moments in other ways.
💢- What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
not so much a habit per say, but at least in part due to her magic rhiannon’s body temperature tends to run pretty cold- and she’s sure not above trying to use red as a heater. she also has a very odd sleep schedule and wakes up periodically during the night, but i don’t think that’d bother red too much considering his own! (i imagine they have a lot of sweet midnight/early morning conversations over snacks; it’s almost a weekly tradition.) she’s also a blanket thief though, oops. besides that i think the biggest thing™ is that rhia does tend to be a bit messy in her personal space... until she gets stressed out and proceeds to stress clean everything. including red’s stuff once they share a room, although she does feel bad and asks him to let her know if it bothers him.
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