#reticular layer
leebird-simmer · 1 year
Psychopathology, Ch 2 pt. 1
Identify the major parts of the neuron, the nervous system, and the cerebral cortex. Describe their functions.
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Neurons: nerve cells.
Dendrites: the rootlike structures at the ends of neurons that receive nerve impulses from other neurons.
Axon: the long, thin part of a neuron along which nerve impulses travel.
Terminals: the small branching structures at the tips of axons.
Myelin sheath: the insulating layer or protective coating of the axon that helps speed transmission of nerve impulses.
Neurotransmitters: chemical substances that transmit messages from one neuron to another.
Synapse: the junction between one neuron and another through which nerve impulses pass.
Receptor site: a part of a dendrite on a receiving neuron that is structured to receive a neurotransmitter.
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Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral nervous system: the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
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Medulla: an area of the hindbrain involved in regulation of heartbeat, respiration, and blood pressure.
Pons: a structure in the hindbrain involved in body movements, attention, sleep, and respiration.
Cerebellum: a structure in the hindbrain involved in coordination and balance.
Reticular activating system (RAS): brain structure involved in processes of attention, sleep, and arousal.
Thalamus: a structure in the forebrain involved in relaying sensory information to the cortex and in regulating sleep and attention.
Hypothalamus: a structure in the forebrain involved in regulating body temperature, emotion, and motivation.
Limbic system: a group of forebrain structures involved in emotional processing, memory, and basic drives such as hunger, thirst, and aggression.
Basal ganglia: an assemblage of neurons at the base of the forebrain involved in regulating postural movements and coordination.
Cerebrum: the large mass of the forebrain, consisting of the two cerebral hemispheres.
Cerebral cortex: the wrinkled surface area of the cerebrum responsible for processing sensory stimuli and controlling higher mental functions such as thinking and use of language.
Somatic nervous system: the division of the peripheral nervous system that relays information from the sense organs to the brain and transmits messages from the brain to the skeletal muscles.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS): the division of the peripheral nervous system that regulates the activities of the glands and involuntary functions.
Sympathetic nervous system: the division of the autonomic nervous system whose activity leads to heightened states of arousal.
Parasympathetic nervous system: the division of the autonomic nervous system whose activity reduces states of arousal and regulates bodily processes that replenish energy reserves.
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Epigenetics: the study of heritable changes in processes affecting gene expression that occur without changes in the DNA itself, the chemical material that houses the genetic code.
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Things to Remember in the “Nature vs. Nurture” Debate
Genes do not dictate behavioral outcomes.
Genetic factors create a predisposition or likelihood - not a certainty - that certain behaviors or disorders will develop.
Multigenic determinism affects psychological disorders. Scientists have yet to find ANY psychological disorder that can be explained by defects or variations of a single gene.
Genetic factors and environmental influence interact with each other in shaping our personalities and determining our vulnerability to a range of psychological disorders.
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jhavelikes · 2 months
Prior studies revealed that aversive stimuli and psychostimulant drugs elicit Fos expression in neurons clustered above and behind the interpeduncular nucleus that project strongly to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra (SN) compacta (C). Other reports suggest that these neurons modulate responses to aversive stimuli. We now designate the region containing them as the “mesopontine rostromedial tegmental nucleus” (RMTg) and report herein on its neuroanatomy. Dense μ-opioid receptor and somatostatin immunoreactivity characterize the RMTg, as do neurons projecting to the VTA/SNC that are enriched in GAD67 mRNA. Strong inputs to the RMTg arise in the lateral habenula (LHb) and, to a lesser extent, the SN. Other inputs come from the frontal cortex, ventral striatopallidum, extended amygdala, septum, preoptic region, lateral, paraventricular and posterior hypothalamus, zona incerta, periaqueductal gray, intermediate layers of the contralateral superior colliculus, dorsal raphe, mesencephalic, pontine and medullary reticular formation, and the following nuclei: parafascicular, supramammillary, mammillary, ventral lateral geniculate, deep mesencephalic, red, pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental, cuneiform, parabrachial, and deep cerebellar.
Journal of Comparative Neurology | Systems Neuroscience Journal | Wiley Online Library
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susu-0 · 3 months
How to Scientifically Care for Your Skin in Dry Winter Weather?
Three Factors Troubling Your Skin:
Reduced sebum secretion leads to dry and fragile skin.
Slower metabolism causes increased thickening of skin keratin.
Both factors result in a lack of nutrition in the skin's lower layers, weakened reticular layers, and the formation of wrinkles.
Causes of Winter Skin Problems:
Seasonal changes reduce air humidity, leading to decreased skin moisture and increased wrinkles and blemishes.
Lower temperatures slow down circulation, reducing cell vitality, lowering metabolic capabilities, and causing the accumulation of old keratin.
Large temperature differences indoors and outdoors weaken skin resistance, causing redness, tingling, and dryness, accelerating skin aging.
Decreased blood circulation due to lower temperatures reduces nutrient supply to the skin's lower layers, weakening fibers and deepening wrinkles.
How to Care for Your Skin in Winter:
Increase Skin Moisture:
Use moisturizing products such as hydrating serums, nourishing creams, and hydrating masks to prevent skin dehydration and provide essential nutrients.
Stabilize and Repair:
Long-term stabilization involves reducing environmental stress, repairing the skin barrier, and balancing skin microecology.
Short-term stabilization is for sudden skin issues, requiring soothing, anti-inflammatory, and barrier-repairing measures.
Sunscreen is Essential:
Even in winter, prolonged sun exposure can lead to dark, dry skin and wrinkles. Hence, sunscreen is crucial to slowing down skin aging. Choose sun protection based on environmental factors and the sunscreen rating.
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skinationclinic · 5 months
Chemical Peels for Melasma(Pigmentation) in Dark-Skinned Patients
Individuals with melasma, a skin disorder marked by dark or gray spots that appear on the skin's surface, may experience severe emotional distress. It is true that chemical peels are an advanced treatment option for reducing pigmentation. However, individuals with dark skin tone, wonder if chemical peels help with dark skin tone. Chemical peels slough off dead surface skin, they must be used with caution. A frequent myth is that persons with dark skin cannot have chemical peels. It's understandable given that some people have damaged skin and a condition known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark patches). Nevertheless these are the exception, not the rule.
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It all comes down to the sort of peel used and your doctor's experience with dark skin. So, in this article, we'll go over the many types of chemical peels and how they can affect skin of colour. The information is gathered from the insights shared by the expert dermatologists of Skination Clinic. The clinic that is renowned for providing the best pigmentation treatment in Faridabad. This skin facility is known for conducting advanced chemical peels on dark skin. In this post we'll also give you some pointers on how to make the procedure go as smoothly as possible.
Types of Chemical Peels
Before getting a chemical peel, it's important to understand both the different types of peels and what's in them. This knowledge will assist you in understanding what is happening during your peel and determining whether what your doctor is recommending is appropriate for you. Chemical peels are divided into three types: superficial peels, medium-depth peels, and deep peels.
Superficial Peels- They target your skin's stratum corneum, also known as the epidermis. These peels might reach all the way to the top of the papillary dermis.
Medium-Depth Peels- It affects the dermis, or middle layer of your skin. This layer extends from the papillary dermis to the middle of the reticular dermis. Medium-depth peels are far more effective in removing dead skin cells and dissolving scars.
Deep Peels- They penetrate deep into the skin's inner layer, breaking up severe acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Deep peels are only performed under the guidance of a skilled dermatologist. These peels have lengthy healing durations and should be performed with prudence.
The chemical peel will contain either alpha-hydroxy acid (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHAs). AHAs are plant and animal-derived acids. These, in various quantities, can exfoliate your skin, lighten it, stimulate blood flow, and collagen synthesis. BHAs are oil-based organic compounds that can unclog pores, reduce oil, clear acne, and do a variety of other things.
Why is Dark Skin Such a Source of Concern?
People of color, with dark complexion or the many gorgeous colors of brown, account for nearly one-third of our population. While skin seems different on the exterior, its genetic makeup is nearly identical on the inside. We all have the same melanocytes, or melanin-producing cells.
People of color, on the other hand, create significantly more melanin at the surface level. The pigment called melanin is what gives our skin and hair their color. However, it also shields the skin from the sun's damaging ultraviolet radiation. One notable benefit is that darker skin tones are significantly more shielded from UV rays than lighter skin tones.
Dark skin, on the other hand, is more likely to react poorly to skin injury, resulting in conditions such as melasma, hyperpigmentation, textural changes, and more. Furthermore, because chemical peels purposely damage and remove layers of skin, there is a risk of an adverse reaction.
There is also concern that persons of color are under-represented in dermatology. Many skin specialists would choose to avoid certain treatments owing to a lack of experience, believing that it is better to be safe than sorry. Nonetheless, a lot of progress has been made in solving this problem. More and more doctors and aestheticians are learning how to aid people with darker skin tones. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of dermatologists of color.
Consider Consulting The Experts
One such expert is the skilled team of doctors of Skination Clinic. The leading doctors, Dr. Swati Agarwal and Dr. Rajat Gupta who are known for providing advanced medical and aesthetic treatments for all skin types and skin color. In addition to general dermatology, the experts specialize in aesthetic services, lasers, and hair loss treatments. They are certified in injectables, such as anti-wrinkle injections and fillers, as well as lasers. While providing any skincare service, they take extra care to assure the skin's safety, integrity, and beautiful appearance.
Having been treated by such skilled dermatologists can help you select the best peel for your skin condition. To learn more, one can consult them.
Best Chemical Peels for Melasma
Chemical peels used to cure melasma that contain a number of different chemicals with various modes of action are:
Azelaic Acid is a bleaching chemical that is used to lighten skin tone and treat pigmentation problems such as melasma. Azelaic acid inhibits melanin production in overactive melanocyte cells and is suitable for all skin types.
Glycolic Acid peels are a typical type of alpha hydroxy acid peel that is excellent for melasma treatment.
Kojic Acid is a tyrosinase inhibitor, which means it works to prevent pigmentation in the skin. Kojic acid is utilized in the composition of the Cosmelan peel to remove melasma and is safe to use on all skin types.
Lactic Acid is another alpha hydroxy acid that is used in the formulation of chemical peels like the Jessner peel. Lactic acid is suitable for every type of skin.
Salicylic Acid is a beta hydroxy acid that is often used in chemical peels to treat acne and acne scars. Salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol are commonly utilized in the composition of Jessner's solution. Jessner's peel is a popular superficial chemical peel that works on all skin tones. Salicylic acid is also anti-inflammatory, which lowers the risk of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Tretinoin (retinoic acid) can be used to treat acne and sun-damaged skin. Tretinoin is frequently used to address wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots on the skin.
Trichloroacetic Acid, found in a trichloroacetic acid or TCA peel, is more typically utilized for patients with lighter skin because those with darker skin are slightly at risk of major side effects. TCA peels are also ineffective for treating non-surface level melasma, which is melasma present in the dermis.
How To Begin with a Chemical Peel Treatment?
One can consult the skilled skin doctor in Faridabad, Dr. Rajat Gupta or Dr. Swati Agarwal of Skination Clinic. They are expert dermatologists who are chemical peel experts, treating patients of all skin types, including those with dark skin tones.
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The expert doctors can help you whether your hyperpigmentation or melasma is the result of laser treatment, sun exposure, or acne breakouts. The doctors treat patients with various skin types and will advise you on the finest skin care products, sunscreens, and chemical peels to improve discolouration and rejuvenate your skin tone and texture. Please visit at Skination Clinic to find out which chemical peel treatment is ideal for you. Start your journey towards a new you now!
Original Source:- https://www.hashtap.com/@skinationclinic/chemical-peels-for-melasma-pigmentation-in-dark-skinned-patients-NVlQL9AXJ9l8
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The skin is actually the largest organ and it actually makes up 15 per cent of your bodyweight. The average person roughly 10kg covering two square metres. Your skin does many things. It:
Contains nerve receptors that allow you to feel touch, pain, and pressure
Helps control fluid and electrolyte balance
Helps control your body temperature
Protects you from the environment
This system acts as a protective barrier between the external environment and the inside of the body, shielding the internal organs against heat, light, injury and infection. In addition, skin plays an important role in regulating body temperature, preventing water loss, producing vitamin D and detecting sensations caused by mechanical stimuli that make contact with or put pressure on the skin.
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Our outer organ is made up of two main layers. The outer ‘epidermis’ is as thin as a sheet of paper, yet it accounts for most of the skin’s barrier functions. The ‘dermis’ beneath is thicker and carries out a diverse range of roles: collagen and elastin give skin its shape, plumpness and elasticity, over 17 kilometres of blood vessels – enough to bridge the Strait of Gibraltar – and millions of sweat glands regulate body temperature by retaining or releasing heat, exquisitely sensitive nerve receptors enable us to feel our way through life and a standing army of immune cells waits for any foreign intruder.
Your paper-thin epidermis is scratched, squashed and stretched thousands of times a day, but it doesn’t break – at least not easily– or wear out. This is because the wall of the skin is constantly being supplied with new, living bricks: keratinocytes. These cells are made up of the tough protein keratin, which is unbelievably strong: it also forms our hair and nails, as well as the unbreakable claws and horns found in the animal kingdom.
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The epidermis is a complex ‘brick wall’ made of cells called keratinocytes, which produce a protein called keratin. The epidermis also contains pigment cells called melanocytes, which produce melanin, Langerhans cells, which present antigens to the immune system, and Merkel cells, which have a sensory function.
Basal layer — the columnar or rectangular cells at the bottom of the epidermis from which new cells are continuously produced. Scattered melanocytes are normally found in this layer.
Squamous cells — flat epithelial cells found on the skin surface. The structure of the skin is described as a stratified squamous epithelium, referring to the way the cells are built up in layers.
Granular layer — flattened cells filled with dark granules containing keratohyaline protein.
Horny layer — stacks of dead cells without nuclei make up the dry or keratinised stratum corneum. The top layer of cells loosens and falls off.
Desmosomes — the structures that stick adjacent keratinocytes tightly together, rather like cement between bricks.
Epidermal appendages include:
Eccrine glands, which produce sweat
Apocrine glands, scent glands found in armpits and groins
Pilosebaceous structures containing hair and sebaceous glands
The dermis
The dermis is made up of connective tissue that supports the epidermis, providing nutrients and protecting it. The papillary dermis is the upper portion beneath the epidermis, and the lower portion is the reticular dermis.
Collagen — a structural protein making up the bulk of the dermis. It is produced by fibroblasts. It is composed of a triple helix of strong fibres.
Elastin — the protein that makes up thin elastic fibres. These are produced by fibroblasts. They return deformed skin to its resting position.
Ground substance — the gel component of the dermis. It contains hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulphate, and chondroitin-6-sulphate (these are anionic polysaccharides or glycosaminoglycans).
Fibroblasts — cells found in the dermis that produce collagen, elastin, ground substance and fibronectin (a glycoprotein).
Nerves — sensory and autonomic fibres with distinct nerve endings for touch, heat, cold, pressure and pain.
Blood vessels — arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins carrying blood to and from the skin.
Lymphatics — an extensive network of thin-walled vessels that nourish and drain the skin.
Arrector pili muscles — these are attached to hair follicles. Contraction results in goosebumps.
Cellular infiltrations — immune cells around blood vessels, and recruited in great numbers to heal wounds and fight infection. Many skin diseases are characterised by specific patterns of these cells.
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Dr Monty, Lyman (2019) 10 remarkable facts about skin. https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/10-remarkable-facts-about-skin (Accessed: November 10, 2023).
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manipalhospital1 · 9 months
7 Ways To Reduce Acne Scars
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The most uncomfortable aspect of having acne is the appearance of acne scars. Scars from acne are fairly common, so one should not feel self-conscious about them. Acne scars are temporary, though. There are some available therapies. While some treatments use the skin's own collagen to help the skin recover, some therapies virtually eliminate the scars.
One in five people between the ages of 11 and 30 will have scarring, while 80% of people will have acne. The social life of individuals may be impacted by acne scars, which can also lower their self-esteem and lead to psychological anguish.
Acne breakouts frequently result in indentation scars known as pitted acne scars. People frequently struggle to get rid of acne scars, and they do not disappear rapidly. However, various treatment methods may help minimise the look of acne scars. But are they safe? This blog will try to answer all the related concerns and questions and will include a discussion on different treatment options for acne scars.
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What Causes Acne Scars?
Before treating acne scars, one should understand the reason for their occurrence. One should remember that prevention is preferable to treatment; therefore, if individuals take care of their skin, they will not have to worry about scars. Here are some of the causes of breakouts and scars:
Breakouts caused by puberty.
Inflammation and cystic acne.
Acne popping.
Direct exposure to sun rays.
Use of harsh skincare products and medications.
Visit a top dermatology hospital as soon as possible to get skin treatment in Mangalore before your acne scars become deeper. 
Types of Acne Scars
Treatment solutions may differ slightly based on the type of scarring caused by acne. There are three major kinds:
Atrophic Scars
Small indentations in the skin appear as scars. They happen when the skin doesn't produce enough fibroblasts during the healing process. Fibroblasts are cells that help with wound healing and collagen formation.
Hypertrophic Scars
These develop when the skin produces more fibroblasts while the acne area heals, resulting in a raised scar.
Keloid Scars
These scars resemble hypertrophic scars but are thicker than the original acne area. Hyperpigmentation occurs frequently, making them darker than the surrounding skin. They can be either red or brown. Itching or pain may also occur.
How are Acne Scars Reduced?
The methods for reducing acne scars vary depending on the types of scars the individual is suffering from and their severity. Hence, it is recommended not to start the treatment immediately until the acne is completely cured. Some of the common ways of reducing acne scars include some dermatological treatments, which are discussed below:
Resurfacing Procedures
Laser therapy, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels can all help improve the appearance of shallow acne scars. They all entail removing layers of skin cells in order to stimulate the skin's production of new cells. If someone has darker skin, they should avoid dermabrasion, which can cause scarring and discolouration. Some laser therapies may also achieve this; however, Nd: YAG lasers are often safer for darker skin.
There are two types of laser resurfacing: ablative and non-ablative. The ablative laser eliminates a small amount of skin to reveal a smoother texture. The non-ablative laser produces heat and collagen. The laser induces damage to trigger the wound-healing process. It also encourages dermal fibroblasts to replenish depleted collagen and elastin. Laser resurfacing is a non-invasive, rapid procedure that requires 6 to 8 treatments.
Dermabrasion involves the removal of the epidermis to modify the skin's structural proteins in the reticular dermis (the thick bottom layer of the dermis). This procedure reorganises the papillary dermal collagen without harming the reticular dermis. It is the best treatment for healing rolling scars or boxcar scars. However, this treatment may raise the risk of sun sensitivity and photodamage. Hence, one should always protect their skin after treatment to avoid hyperpigmentation.
Shallower scars can be filled in by the dermatologist with substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, or the body’s fat. Although some fillers are permanent, the effects usually last a few months. There is no downtime, and it adds volume to the scar. However, it is only a temporary remedy because the body's enzymes gradually break down the fillers.
Micro Needling
If someone has a lot of depressed acne scars, they should consider collagen induction therapy. A motorised micro needling pen with rotating needles is used. The pen is used to stimulate collagen formation in depressed acne scars.
Micro-needling involves healing the skin by causing injuries to stimulate collagen formation. When paired with radiofrequency, the energy is released deeper into the skin. It increases the inflammatory response and remodels the dermal collagen. This is one of the most successful methods for reducing indented scarring with few adverse effects.
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Deep ice pick and boxcar scars can sometimes be efficiently treated with this treatment. A doctor will use radio frequency to tighten skin and conceal depressed acne scars.
A sterile needle is inserted under the skin and used to rupture fibrous scar tissue and "loosen" depressed scars. Multiple sessions are required to attain the desired outcomes. The technique is more effective in treating rolling scars. Combining subcision with other scar repair treatments may yield superior results.
A series of corticosteroid injections may flatten and soften elevated and thick scars.
Surgery involves elevating or splitting up tissue to minimise the look of depressed acne scars. Cryosurgery removes elevated acne scars, but it is not suggested for individuals with darker skin.
Consult a skin specialist in Mangalore to get best treatment and care for acne scars. 
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How Much Collagen Per Day?
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Discovering the perfect daily dose of collagen for unlocking its transformative benefits can be a puzzling endeavor. As the body's vital protein, collagen holds the key to radiant skin, strong nails, and supple hair. In this article, we'll unravel the mysteries surrounding collagen intake, helping you navigate the optimal quantity to incorporate into your daily routine. Get ready to unleash the power of collagen and embark on a journey towards enhanced beauty and wellness.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a crucial protein that serves as the building block of our body's connective tissues. It is the most abundant protein in mammals and plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity, elasticity, and strength of various tissues, including skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Collagen provides support and structure to these tissues, promoting their health and proper function. Additionally, collagen is responsible for the suppleness and elasticity of our skin, contributing to a youthful and vibrant appearance.
What are the Types of Collagen?
There are several types of collagen found in the human body, each with its own unique structure and function. Here are the key types of collagen:
Type I: 
This type is the most abundant and widely distributed collagen in the body, found in the skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. It provides strength, support, and structure to these tissues.
Type II: 
Predominantly found in cartilage, Type II collagen is essential for maintaining joint health and flexibility. It helps cushion and protect the joints, promoting smooth movement.
Type III: 
Found alongside Type I collagen, Type III is commonly found in reticular fibers, which form the supportive framework of organs, blood vessels, and muscles. It provides structural support and plays a role in wound healing.
Type IV: 
This collagen type is primarily present in the basement membrane, a thin layer that separates different tissues and organs. It aids in filtration and plays a role in maintaining the integrity of various tissues.
Type V: 
Type V collagen is often found in association with Type I collagen and is involved in the formation of cell surfaces, hair, and the placenta. It provides additional structural support.
Type X: 
This collagen type is vital for the development and mineralization of bones. It is primarily found in the growth plates of growing bones.
What is Collagen Good for?
Skin Health: 
Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity, hydration, and firmness, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a youthful complexion.
Joint Support: 
Collagen supports joint health by promoting cartilage strength and flexibility, reducing joint pain and stiffness.
Read More: https://saturnghc.com/blogs/all_about_women/how-much-collagen-per-day
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dritalotto · 2 years
Muscle spindle
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Perimysium is a slightly thicker layer of connective tissue consisting mainly of type I and III collagen and surrounds a group of fibers. It is made up of a delicate layer of reticular fibers and permits only small-diameter nerve fibers and capillaries, thus acting as a site of metabolic exchange. Endomysium surrounds individual muscle fibers. There are three types of connective tissue sheaths named for their location. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of a collection of muscle fibers wrapped in connective tissue sheaths. They have a small amount of cytoplasm and because of their locations can sometimes be mistaken for skeletal muscle cell nuclei. Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells and are responsible for the ability of muscle tissue to regenerate. They are accompanied by satellite cells between the external lamina and sarcolemma. Nuclei of skeletal muscle tissue are oval-shaped and located at the periphery of the cell. Because the cells are fused and multinucleated, they form a structural syncytium. This fusion results in a characteristic multinucleated structure. Skeletal muscle tissue develops through the fusion of individual myoblasts, or early muscle cells. Under a microscope, sarcomeres give skeletal muscle a striated appearance. The actin and myosin filaments making up the myofibrils are organized into sarcomeres. Myofibrils are rod shaped subunits of muscle cells. In contrast, muscle fibers making up the stapedius, a small muscle of the inner ear, are only a few millimeters in length. In the anterior thigh, a muscle fiber may be a meter long. The length of a skeletal muscle fiber varies by location. Individually, skeletal muscles cells are referred to as muscle fibers. A muscle fiber may also be referred to as a myofiber. The plasma membrane is called the sarcolemma and the endoplasmic reticulum is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasm of a muscle cells is referred to as sarcoplasm. Muscle tissue terms often begin with myo-, mys-, or sarco. Special terms are used to describe structures associated with skeletal muscle tissue. Muscular dystrophy, actin aggregate myopathy, myotubular myopathies Place on the sarcolemma where motor fiber synapses with muscle in order to deliver contraction command Neurotransmitter is acetylcholine Perimysium - around multiple muscle fibers -> arranges them in fascicles Type IIb - get energy from anaerobic glicolysis, appear pink, fast-twitch and prone to fatigue Type IIa - get energy from oxidative glicolysis have high amount of glycogen, birhgter than type I, they are fast-twitch and resistant to fatigue Type I - use aerobic metabolysm to function they appear red because of the high amount of myoglobin they are slow-twitch and resestant to fatigue Sarcomere - functional unit (made of actin and myosin)Īccessory proteins - titin, tropomodulin, alpha-actinin, desmin, nebulin, dystrophin, myomesin Sarcomplasmic reticulum - modified endoplasmic reticulum T-tubules - invaginations of sarcolemma that transfer action potentials to the inside of the muscle cell Terminal cisterna - extension of sarcolemma that stores calcium Key facts about the skeletal muscle Function This article will discuss the histology of the skeletal muscle. Extensible tissue can be stretched and elastic tissue is able to return to its original shape following distortion. Skeletal muscle tissue is also extensible and elastic. Contractile tissue is able to generate tension of force. Excitable tissue responds to stimuli through electrical signals. It attaches to bones and the orbits through tendons. Skeletal muscle is an excitable, contractile tissue responsible for maintaining posture and moving the orbits, together with the appendicular and axial skeletons. Striated skeletal muscle, Textus muscularis striatus skeletalis
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krarupbuckley3 · 2 years
Rapid Fat Reduction Through Hypnosis And Other Techniques
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o-craven-canto · 2 years
On the evolution of animal consciousness
(A post I wrote on the Spec-evo forum in 2019, summarizing an EA article)
I've found this interview with marine biologist Jon Mallatt in which he talks about consciousness and pain sensibility among invertebrates. He draws most material from the book he's co-written with Todd Feinberg, The Ancient Origins of Consciousness (which focuses more on vertebrates but also has a chapter on other animals) (please consider I know very little about the subject myself): 1. This is about what he calls "phenomenal"/"primary consciousness", i.e.the ability to feel as opposed to mechanical stimulus -> response reactions, not quite introspection, meta-thinking, etc. (I think you could say it's about sentience rather than sapience). He describes it as having "affects" (feeling good/bad), forming mental maps of one's body and environment, and being able to modify one's behavior after experiences. It's subdivided into exteroceptive (environmental map), interoceptive (body map), and affective (pleasure and displeasure). 2. This consciousness is linked to long-range senses (hearing, especially sight, smell if very developed) that allow to build a "topographic map" of one's surroundings. The needed structure in the vertebrate brain is the tectum (in fish, amphibians, reptiles, somewhat in birds) or the pallium/cortex (in birds and mammals). These structures have these features: a) integration of multiple senses; b ) "topographic mapping", i.e. a place in the tissue corresponds to a particular point in 3D space (both within and out of the body); c) different isomorphic layers connected to different senses, i.e. the activation of the same place at different depths corresponds to different sensorial stimuli in the same point of the surroundings. An organism with these features perceives itself as moving in an environment, while others would simply follow stimulus gradients. 3. It also requires hierarchical "multiple orders of sensorial processing" (e.g. receptors -> multipolar neurons -> tectum or thalamus -> cortex), so that all sensory data can be combined and integrated. Without it you have only reflexes. In the book, they write it probably takes at least 3 levels total, more likely 4 (all vertebrates have 4 or 5). 4. Interoception (the self-map) might have developed out of several homeostasis-related centers throughout the brain (via seeking behaviors, and then the ability to choose between them). According to the book, affective behavior (modifying behavior according to its results, choice between courses of action, seeking painkillers when injured) is observed in all major vertebrate groups but not in lancelets. They count 18 brain regions associated to affects (e.g. midbrain, amygdala, reticular formations); lampreys have 13 of them, amniotes all 18. They conclude interoception and affective consciousness have appeared in the Cambrian with the first vertebrates; early jawless fish would already move intentionally to seek pleasant stimuli. 5. Conscious organisms might not necessarily feel pain, at least not the long-lasting type. Pain is mostly useful for animals that can hide and tend to their wounds, such as mammals, octopodes, and apparently crabs. If you are, say, an open-ocean fish that cannot hide and heal, pain-influenced behavior only marks you as an easy prey, and hiding the pain is easier if you don't feel it at all. Animals who employ strong r-strategy, living briefly and producing lots of children, also don't benefit from pain as much as K-strategist, who need to live for longer and have fewer children to spare. (However, Mallatt claims that all conscious animals feel pain as a momentary signal when damage occurs, like you would hear a sound only when there's a noise, not lingering after). 6. According to Mallatt and his co-author, all vertebrate species are conscious in the phenomenal sense. Insects are certainly capable of forming environmental maps, and they have the neural hierarchy necessary for sensory interpretation, and topographic brain mapping. The same brain features extend to all arthropods, which may also have had affective consciousness since the Cambrian. The hierarchy and behavioral evidence are also positive for cephalopods, though topographic mapping is unconfirmed; rudimentary hierarchy and topography is seen in gastropods. Among invertebrates (by the same criteria used for vertebrates), mobile arthropods and cephalopods are almost certainly conscious; nematodes and other small worms are almost certainly not; gastropods seem to be on the edge. Some eyed polychaetes are poorly-studied candidates for consciousness. (However, insects seem unusually insensitive to pain, as they "try to eat their own guts when they are being dissected, they still try to use a leg after most of its segments have been torn off, and keep eating prey even while being eaten themselves from the back". Perhaps because of r-strategy, as above? Or because their gangliar nervous system keeps the feeling of pain confined to one body segment?)
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apesoformythoughts · 2 years
«…Besides, everyone knows that flesh is only a fourfold layer on top of the muscle: reticular, granular, basal, stratum corneum—crisscrossed by a network of nerve endings. Our sensations are nothing more than stimuli. Our charms, nothing more than computer programs. For increased pleasure, it would be better to send electrical signals directly to our neurons. “The secret is this: Computer screens have a powerful, hypnotic ability to create altered states in the brain. Two people communicating through their fast-feedback computers can access a range of brain circuits arguably wider than can be reached by bodily contact. This is because the brain and the computer work the same way […] Cybersex uses the powerful instruments of knowledge processing and communication to perform the most important task of this stage of human evolution.” 
In this stage, then, flesh is obsolete. It limits us to this sack of flesh and no other. Conversely, computing provides us, via virtual grafting, with as many appendages as the Hecatoncheires, and as many orifices as a Swiss cheese. Think of all the innovation! In the future city, there will be “totally new neurological machines that activate different parts of the brain to create ‘erotic symphonies’, mixtures of the most diverse features of human life, operated by DJs composing scores made up of sensations and pleasures…” Gone are the days of slow seduction and eternal oaths before taking the beloved, who would be ditched the next morning. Now everything’s acquired with a click, and in the most proper manner. No one gets hurt.» 
— Fabrice Hadjadj: The Depth of the Sexes (For a Mysticism of the Flesh)
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susu-0 · 4 months
Winter Skin Care | Three Annoying Winter Skin Issues
Winter weather can be harsh on the skin. Wondering how to properly care for your skin in this dry climate? Let's break down the three main problems your skin might face:
Factors Troubling Your Skin:
Reduced Sebum Secretion: Your skin's oil glands aren't as active, leaving your skin dry and fragile.
Slower Metabolism: The natural skin renewal process slows down, leading to thicker skin cells. These factors result in undernourished skin in the lower layers, a weakened reticular layer, and the formation of wrinkles.
Causes of Winter Skin Problems:
Seasonal Impact: Decreased air humidity leads to reduced skin moisture and oil, causing more fine lines and "hidden" pigmentation.
Lower Temperatures: Circulation slows down, reducing cell vitality, metabolism, and leading to the accumulation of old keratin.
Indoor-Outdoor Temperature Differences: Skin's resistance weakens, causing redness, stinging, dryness, and accelerating skin aging.
Decreased Temperature: Slower fluid circulation reduces nutrient supply to the skin's lower layers, making the skin's base less vital, fibers more fragile, and wrinkles deepen.
Winter Skin Care Tips:
Boost Skin Moisture:
Use moisturizing products like hydrating serums, nourishing face creams, and moisturizing masks to prevent skin dehydration, supply nutrients, and enhance skin moisture.
Stabilize and Repair:
For long-term stability, reduce environmental stress, repair the skin's barrier function, and balance skin microecology.
For temporary situations, like sudden skin issues, focus on soothing, anti-inflammatory care, and repairing the skin barrier.
Don't Forget Sunscreen:
Even in winter, continuous exposure to sunlight can lead to dull, dry skin and wrinkles.
Therefore, it's crucial to use sunscreen when going outside in winter. Choose sunscreen methods and products based on environmental factors and their SPF values.
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Historical research: sheepskin parchment to prevent fraud in historical juridical documents -new in history (3/?)
In a recent British research, historians Doherty, Henderson and Fiddyment proved the preferential use of sheepskin parchment. The use of sheepskin over those of other species was because it was abundantly available and cheaper than the skin of other species. But this new research proves sheepskin was also used because of the increased visibility of fraudulent text erasure and modification, which was a result of the unique structure of the sheepskin.
(photo: S. P. Doherty)
Research article: Doherty, S.P., Henderson, S., Fiddyment, S. et al. Scratching the surface: the use of sheepskin parchment to deter textual erasure in early modern legal deeds. Herit Sci 9, 29 (2021).
After a long oral tradition, English common law was predominantly text-based in the late sixteenth century. In this century, the use of paper took already hold in society. However, for legal documents such as deeds, they continued to use animal skin. While paper was cheaper, parchment was more durable.
By observing hair fibres and follicle patterns, it is possible to identify of which species the parchment was derived from. Research showed that between the thirteenth and nineteenth century, they preferred to use sheepskin for legal deeds.
But where did this preference for sheepskin comes from? This preference may stem from early efforts to impede the fraudulent modification of legal agreements after signing. This was because later erasures and alterations were visible on sheepskin.
Parchment consist of the dermis layer of skin. This layer is divided into the fine dermal fibres (upper papillary dermis) and larger fibres (lower reticular dermis). Because of the presence of cutaneous lipids, the intersection between these layers is weak in sheepskin. During the process to make the sheepskin suitable for writing, large quantities of lipids are removed, which causes voids that facilitate the detachment of the two layers. Sheepskin contains more lipid content than other species skins. This way, it is more likely to detach these layers using sheepskin (compared to the skin of other species). This makes textual manipulation (such as scraping) more visible using sheepskin.
Already in the twelfth century, it was noted in the Dialogus de Scaccario (attributed to the Lord Treasurer Richard FitzNeal during the reigns of Henry II and Richard I) that scribes must use sheepskin for they do not easily yield to erasure without the blemish being apparent.
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mate1959 · 3 years
Das Wochenende war Superschön. Am Samstag habe ich zuerst ein feines Herbstmenu gekocht. Am Abend gingen Estela und ich das erste Mal seit mehr als einem Jahr ins Kino. Auch das war ein gutes Gefühl. Nach so langer Zeit wieder einmal im Ausgang zu sein mit vielen Menschen im Kino und ohne Masken um uns herum.
Der Sonntag begann frühmorgens mit wunderschönen Farben am Himmel, die jedoch auch einen Wetterwechsel ankündigten. Der Sonntag war zwar noch trocken und warm, kündigte jedoch mit seinem Farbenspiel das schlechte Wetter an, das uns in der Nacht erreichte.
Ich traf mich mit meinen FC Zürich-Freunden schon am Morgen zum Jubiläumsanlass und ich muss zu meiner Schande eingestehen, dass ich bis zum späten Nachmittag zum ersten Mal seit Beginn der Chemotherapie dem Bierkonsum gefrönt habe. Über die Stunden ist ca. 1 Liter zusammengekommen. Der FCZ erfüllte dann unsere Erwartungen mit einem spektakulären 6:2 Sieg gegen den FC Sion. Dass danach Union Berlin auch noch sein Spiel gewann, rundete das Weekend perfekt ab.
Eine Nebenwirkung der Krebserkrankung ist, dass ich viel medizinisches Wissen auf den Weg mitbekomme. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich Probleme mit den Augen, die jucken und tränen. Das führt im Laufe des Tages zu angestrengtem Schauen. Das wiederum führt im Extremfall zu Kopfschmerzen. Lästig ist auch, dass dies schon am frühen Morgen nach dem Aufstehen losgeht.
Frau Jermann, die Onkologin hat mir empfohlen, einen Termin bei der Augenärztin abzumachen, um das abzuklären. Den Termin hatte ich heute. Frau Hess hat zuerst alle möglichen Parameter im Auge untersucht, welche durchgehend perfekt waren. Es ist also kein grundlegendes Problem mit den Augen.
Sie hat danach die möglichen Nebenwirkungen der Chemotherapie anhand der eingesetzten Zytostatika und der Immuntherapie abgeklärt. Trockene Augen sind eine mögliche Nebenwirkung. Spannend an der Sache ist, dass trockene Augen zu erhöhtem Tränenfluss führen, genau das was mir passiert. Die Tränenflüssigkeit besteht aus drei Schichten.
· Die unterste muköse (schleimige) Schicht überzieht die Hornhaut netzförmig und setzt die Oberflächenspannung herab, was der Benetzung der epithelialen Zellmembranen durch die Tränenflüssigkeit dient.
· Die mittlere, wässrige Schicht sind die eigentlichen Tränen. Sie enthält wasserlösliche Substanzen und Proteine.
· Die dritte und oberste Schicht ist eine lipide (fetthaltige) Schicht. Sie stammt aus der Meibom-Drüse und dient der Verlangsamung der Evaporation der wässrigen Schicht. Diese Schicht wird durch das Blinzeln auf die Augenoberfläche gebracht.
Wenn nun die dritte Schicht zu wenig ins Auge gelangt, führt dies genau zur Evaporation. Damit steigt durch die Schwerkraft der Tränenfluss, das heisst die wässrige Schicht wird zu wenig durch die lipide Schicht abgedeckt und es tropft.
Frau Hess hat mir auch erklärt, dass vor allem die Arbeit am Bildschirm und das permanente Betrachten des Smartphones diesen Prozess verstärkt. Dies deshalb, weil diese Tätigkeiten die Konzentration erhöhen und das Blinzeln reduzieren.
Ich nehme an, dass durch häufige das Home-Office und den kleineren Bildschirm diese Konzentration noch erhöht ist. Das Handy und das Tablet sind auch nicht ohne. Sie hat mir nun zwei harmlose unterstützende Medikamente mitgegeben. Ich hoffe, das wirkt. Die Steigerung wäre ein Medikament mit chemischen Substanzen.
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The weekend was super nice. On Saturday I first cooked a fine autumn menu. In the evening, Estela and I went to the movies for the first time in more than a year. That was also a good feeling. After such a long time to be out again with many people in the cinema and without masks around us.
Sunday started early in the morning with beautiful colors in the sky, but they also announced a change in the weather. Sunday was still dry and warm, but announced with its play of colors the bad weather that reached us during the night.
I met up with my FC Zurich friends early in the morning for the anniversary event, and I must admit to my shame that by late afternoon I had indulged in beer consumption for the first time since starting chemotherapy. Over the hours about 1 liter came together. FCZ then fulfilled our expectations with a spectacular 6:2 victory over FC Sion. The fact that Union Berlin also won its game afterwards rounded off the weekend perfectly.
A side effect of cancer is that I get a lot of medical knowledge along the way. For some time now, I have had problems with my eyes itching and tearing. This leads to strained looking during the day. This in turn leads to headaches in extreme cases. It is also annoying that this starts early in the morning after getting up.
Mrs. Jermann, the oncologist, recommended that I make an appointment with the ophthalmologist to clarify this. I had the appointment today. Mrs. Hess first examined all possible parameters in the eye, which were perfect throughout. So it is not a basic problem with the eyes.
She then clarified the possible side effects of the chemotherapy based on the cytostatic drugs used and the immunotherapy. Dry eyes are a possible side effect. What's exciting about this is that dry eyes lead to increased tear flow, which is exactly what happens to me. Tears are made up of three layers.
- The lowest mucous (slimy) layer coats the cornea in a reticular pattern and lowers the surface tension, which serves to wet the epithelial cell membranes with the tear fluid.
- The middle, aqueous layer is the actual tears. It contains water-soluble substances and proteins.
- The third and uppermost layer is a lipid (fat-containing) layer. It originates from the Meibom-Gland and serves to slow the evaporation of the aqueous layer. This layer is brought to the surface of the eye by blinking.
Now, if too little of the third layer enters the eye, it will cause exactly evaporation. This increases the tear flow due to gravity, i.e. the aqueous layer is not covered enough by the lipid layer and it drips.
Mrs. Hess also explained to me that especially working at a computer screen and permanently looking at the smartphone intensifies this process. This is because these activities increase concentration and reduce blinking.
I assume that due to frequent the home office and the smaller screen, this concentration is even increased. The cell phone and tablet are not without either. She has now given me two harmless supportive medications. I hope this works. The increase would be a drug with chemical substances.
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El fin de semana ha sido súper bonito. El sábado, primero cociné un buen menú de otoño. Por la noche, Estela y yo fuimos al cine por primera vez en más de un año. Eso también fue una buena emoción. Después de tanto tiempo, volver a salir con mucha gente al cine y sin máscaras a nuestro alrededor.
El domingo comenzó a primera hora de la mañana con hermosos colores en el cielo, pero también anunciaban un cambio en el tiempo. El domingo seguía siendo seco y cálido, pero anunciaba con su juego de colores el mal tiempo que nos llegó durante la noche.
Me reuní con mis amigos del FC Zúrich a primeras horas de la mañana para el evento del aniversario y tengo que admitir para mi vergüenza que me entregué al consumo de cerveza hasta última hora de la tarde por primera vez desde que empecé la quimioterapia. A lo largo de las horas, se consumió alrededor de 1 litro. El FCZ cumplió nuestras expectativas con una espectacular victoria por 6:2 contra el FC Sion. El hecho de que el Union Berlin también ganara su partido posterior redondeó el fin de semana a la perfección.
Un efecto secundario del cáncer es que adquiero muchos conocimientos médicos por el camino. Desde hace algún tiempo, tengo problemas de picor y lagrimeo en los ojos. Esto conduce a una mirada tensa durante el día. Esto, a su vez, provoca dolores de cabeza en casos extremos. También es molesto que esto comience temprano en la mañana cuando me levanto.
La señora Jermann, la oncóloga, me recomendó que pidiera una cita con la oftalmóloga para aclararlo. Hoy he tenido la cita. La Sra. Hess examinó primero todos los parámetros posibles del ojo, que eran perfectos en su totalidad. Así que no es un problema fundamental de los ojos.
A continuación, aclaró los posibles efectos secundarios de la quimioterapia en función de los fármacos citostáticos utilizados y de la inmunoterapia. La sequedad de ojos es un posible efecto secundario. Lo más interesante es que la sequedad ocular provoca un aumento del flujo lagrimal, que es exactamente lo que me ocurre a mí. El líquido lagrimal consta de tres capas.
- La capa mucosa más baja cubre la córnea en forma de red y disminuye la tensión superficial, lo que sirve para humedecer las membranas de las células epiteliales con el líquido lagrimal.
- La capa intermedia, acuosa, es la verdadera lágrima. Contiene sustancias hidrosolubles y proteínas.
- La tercera y más alta capa es una capa lipídica (que contiene grasa). Procede de la glándula de Meibom y sirve para frenar la evaporación de la capa acuosa. Esta capa sale a la superficie del ojo al parpadear.
Ahora bien, si entra poca cantidad de la tercera capa en el ojo, esto lleva precisamente a la evaporación. En consecuencia, el flujo de lágrimas aumenta por gravedad, es decir, la capa acuosa no está suficientemente cubierta por la capa lipídica y gotea.
La Sra. Hess también me explicó que trabajar frente a una pantalla de ordenador y mirar constantemente el smartphone y la tableta, en particular, intensifica este proceso. Esto se debe a que estas actividades aumentan la concentración y reducen el parpadeo.
Supongo que debido al trabajo frecuente en la oficina en casa y a la pantalla más pequeña, esta concentración aumenta aún más. El eléfono móvil y la tableta tampoco faltan. Ahora me ha dado dos medicamentos de apoyo inofensivos. Espero que esto funcione. El siguiente paso sería un medicamento con sustancias químicas
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theawakenedstate · 3 years
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Let’s Go Beyond Numerology folks 😜
Guys I’ve had such a fun and life-altering shift around Signs and Synchronicities that show up. In this case, How we can use them to understand our Alignment and manifesting magic?
Don’t you love it when you’ve been receiving downloads for years on something, but then you suddenly look at it in a new way and go WOW – Why didn’t I see it so obvious as that, compared to five or ten years ago…?!
Another layer, Another perception to uncover. It’s as if you see one way and then the deeper into your own personal growth you start to see the same thing from a deeper perception that well is simply quite fun.
In today’s video, I want to share with you a beautiful mindset hack to work with your own synchronicity, signs, deja vu, and messages that come through you.
As Higher self reminds us: Slow Down and Pay Attention to the Messages.
I could recite this little saying over and over again because loves it is SOOO true. The more you slow down, listen and HEAR without sound, your own personal loving alignment frequencies will be revealed to you.
This will show you what guidance you need to hear, what lessons you need to integrate, and what solution is surfacing for drastic upleveling.
I recognize this is a more “out there” topic and if you’re just starting your journey here, this lesson may be a bit ‘woahhh’ for you.  Instead, I invite you to sit with an open mind, an open heart and trust, the message that you need will be revealed to you.
Also as I mentioned in the video, this isn’t just me being out there, this is actually a neuroscientific concept called your R.a.s. (reticular activating system) When we start to work with and understand our r.a.s we can easily begin to uplevel our manifesting. This is something I talk deeply on in my manifesting programs in the shop.
Let me know your insights or ahas after applying this soul lesson in the comments.
Subscribe to the youtube for more Energy & Manifesting Tips.
P.S. Guess what is coming back? It’s time for a Mindset Reset! The Alignment Reset Challenge is coming back! If you’re ready for some Mindset shifts, stepping into your manifesting super powers and learning to access your personal alignment, you can snag an early seat – by enrolling today before the price goes up with some new live training upgrades 😉  This is a program built around learning how to access your personal alignment, reset your mindset, heal your body and learn to manifest from alignment. This challenge is built around 4 foundational topics: Managing your energy, raising your vibration naturally, deactivating the fear response and manifesting from alignment. So much goodness in here, full details and sign up info below. We start July 19th! Early bird pricing ends on Sunday https://theawakenedstate.net/alignment-reset-challenge/
How to Start Using Synchronicity to your Advantage
Let’s Go Beyond Numerology folks 😜 Guys I’ve had such a fun and life-altering shift around Signs and Synchronicities that show up. In this case, How we can use them to understand our Alignment and manifesting magic? Don’t you love it when you’ve been receiving downloads for years on something, but then you suddenly look at it in a new […]
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abirame · 3 years
Eyebrow Micoblading Sessions
After the cuts are made, ink is then positioned over the cuts filling in the top layer of the forehead, filling in the place there may be hair loss. It costs wherever from $300 and up, and experts say can final anywhere from 1-2 years depending on the pores and skin type and age. 
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Because the colour is pretty rattling dark for the primary five to seven days – despite the fact that my tattoo artist had chosen the lightest pigment. Small blade strokes are made, then crammed with pigment and saturated. https://www.purehnb.com/microblading-wilmington-nc/
Brows can be saturated a number of times during the process to enhance retention – and this is carried out more so with purchasers with oily or delicate skin. DO NOT wax, thread, or tint your eyebrows no less than three days before the procedure. 
The specialized strategies used for permanent cosmetics are sometimes called “micropigmentation”, “micropigment implantation” or “dermagraphics”. The cosmetic implantation approach deposits colored pigment into the upper reticular layer of the dermis. The pigment is chosen to match the pure shade of the eyebrows. 
After therapeutic, the colour can turn into several shades lighter than the colour of natural eyelashes. "I actually have PCOS and thinning hair. I may look into this." "To the ladies on the market with hair like mine. I know the way straightforward it's to beat yourself up mentally," Jarrah wrote in the feedback to followers. 
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Aside from more well-known side effects of birth control like weight acquire, weight loss, moodiness, nausea, and headaches, many women have also reported their hair thinning and falling out. According to Healthline, the sudden surge or change in hormones can alter a hair development cycle, leading some ladies to experience important hair loss. If hair loss runs in your loved ones, ladies should search contraception methods that comprise extra estrogen than progestin, which may really stimulate hair progress. 
 Sada and Bianca are exclusive members of the World Association of Lash Artistry and Development . Thus, we are progressive in our strategies, staying up to date with the continuing advancements including merchandise, strategies and practices.
 Her award-winning method depart purchasers not solely with lovely pure wanting lashes but also the safety that their natural lashes will remain undamaged. Redtop Tattoo Supply have been specializing producer of tattoo tools. We have square meters and greater than fifty one workers in yiwu China, near to the ports of Ningbo and Shanghai. Another microbladed particular person right here, 2 half years since my first time and as a result of Covid I've solely had 1 prime up, my next one is three months overdue but holding properly.
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