#renato delmar
rosebloodcat · 2 years
PLA/EO3: Starting Point
Okay, so, I mentioned stuff about a crossover between EO3 (specifically the thing with my Deep Buccaneer) and PLA before and I think it's time I chattered about it a bit.
Especially in the wake of mermay and all the fun of fish people dealing with non-fish people.
((Read at your own risk! There will be spoilers for universe stuff involving late game eo3. I’m going a bit of the rails with some in-universe stuff they mention there, so it might be spoilery/confusing if you  haven’t played (or read about it in the wiki). If you don’t care or wanna know what this au idea is all about anyways, go right ahead! I won’t stop you! Also, this got really pecking long.))
Basically, Deep Buccaneer (whom I've named Renato Delmar and will refer to as such) gets turned into a Deep One after a near-death experience in the Labyrinth. By chance (or by the mercy of the Deep that changed him) he stays himself after the physical change.
(Death was possibly a self-sacrifice thing to give his guild the chance to escape a FOE, and the FOE (or another Deep One that was nearby) decided they didn't want him to die and force-fed him a piece of their body to change him. Might have wanted to save him for either showing mercy to a kid of their species by sparing them (bc killing a kid is just cruel) or bc they couldn't understand why he'd fight a losing battle to save his team and wanted to make him stay so they could find out.)
His guild, after finding out that he was not, in fact, dead and definitely wouldn’t be able to return to normal life, manages to smuggle him out of the labyrinth  and set him loose in the ocean where he would be (marginally) safer. (bc if the yggdroids/other adventurers would probably kill him if they found him due to the whole "secret war" going on in there) 
Ren, while unhappy with all of this (and mildly traumatized by everything that's happened to him), agrees that one near-death experience was more than enough for him. He bids a reluctant farewell before swimming out to the open seas and tring to figure out what the hell to do with himself now.
This is... Not easy, despite Ren being a Buccaneer Class.
He doesn’t really know the abilities/limits of the new body he has and a lot of the stuff he does is basically him trying random things and hoping they work. (Some stuff was auto-planted into his brain, but all of it was intense combat stuff and not day-to-day survival.) So he’s actually struggling a bit to do things like hunt and figure out how to safely take care of himself.
It’s frustrating and stressful and he really wishes there was some way to return to being human, but as far as he knows there isn’t a way to do that.
And he gets more than a few close-calls from both mosters and humans while in the open waters. And he’s sure he’s running low on luck to keep himself safe.
Cue a fragment of Giratina's Rift breaking through to a reality it doesn’t belong in to suck him up and spit him out right in the middle Acreus' Private Realm/Domain.
Arceus, after using his Divine Sight* to figure out what the hell the thing that popped into existence where it really shouldn't have is, looks at Ren and goes "Oh hey, maybe this could actually be helpful."
*Devine Sight is basically how I depict gods who seemingly know “everything” but aren't explicitly omniscient or clearly have things happening in the world that they don’t know about. They can look into the history/memories of a thing/person they're focusing on to learn about it and where it came from. If anyone want’s me to go into detail about this, let me know.
He sees that Renato is a seasoned adventurer/explorer, with all the hard-earned skills that would come with that. Stuff that would be perfect for his champion. (or a perfect helper for them.)
So he pops up, gets the panicking fish-man’s attention and goes, “Hey, I know you don’t actually belong here, but you’ve got a problem and I might be able to help you with it. If you’ll help ME out with something.”
Arceus lays out his problem for Ren, which is that Humans and Pokemon (the magical beings of his world), used to be really close/similar to each other and lived really well side-by-side.
Until one of his Deputy Gods that he made to help him keep everything running smoothly had a major, violent freak out in the past and ended up killing a bunch of the mortals they were supposed to be helping/protecting. He had to banish them to stop them from wiping them out, and tried to stand back for a bit and hoped things would mend on their own while he tried to sort his godlings out.
But he stepped too far back for too long and now any chance of them going back to “normal” was pretty much gone.
However, one of the humans in his world had an idea for how to start bridging the gap again by making an index of pokemon to help humans understand them again. And it would work! Arceus looked through time and the creation of the index worked perfectly!
At least. it’s SUPPOSED to work perfectly.
Something is screwing around with time and space, messing up how they’re supposed to flow and putting that really good future at risk. Not even getting to it dragging in things from places that it shouldn’t reach and spitting out things that don’t belong there. (Like Ren.)
Arceus has a plan to fix that, by pulling a champion/hero to help finish the ‘dex and hopefully make sure the future follows the path it’s meant to. But he’s worried that the person he picked might not be enough to make things right again. What if the problem attacked them before they could finish? Or tricked them into making things worse? Or set off the political powder keg that the area where the ‘dex is being made is?
All of those are really bad and could be a disaster in waiting.
So he needs someone to keep an eye out for them. Help them stay safe and healthy. Make sure they’re ready for anything that happens. And just, be in their corner when things get to be too much to handle.
Which is where he’s hoping Renato might be willing to help, by being that person. Arceus knows Ren’s not happy with his current situation (forced transformation and loss of previous life/support network) and, as a Creator God, Arceus may be able to help him out with that. 
He can’t promise that he can make him fully-human again, but he can probably get him human enough to make a new life in Arceus’ world. (Form Changes are a thing, after all.)
“You don’t need to be the hero. You don’t have to take charge or have everything fall to you. You just need to be there for them and help where you can. And that will be enough.”
Ren, though hesitant to take the word of a “god” after everything he’s seen and been through in the Labyrinth but desperate to reclaim even a fragment of his stolen humanity, accepts the deal being presented.
And prays that this won’t come back to kick his arse later.
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Agenda positiva e produtiva nesta manhã de segunda-feira (24/05) no Palácio dos Bandeirantes. Recebemos no escritório do Vale do futuro o presidente da Câmara de Pariquera-açu, Delmar Simões acompanhado do vereador Prof. Urias e do Renato o popular Ratinho. Apresentamos a eles as ações do governo do estado de São Paulo dentro do programa VALE DO FUTURO. Seguimos Trabalhando para fazer do nosso Vale do Ribeira uma Região cada vez mais Forte o VALE DO FUTURO. #NossaRegiaoCadaVezMaisForte #ValedoFuturo #DesenvolvimentoRegionalsp #ValedoRibeira #Municipalismo #FirmecomMarcoVinholi #EscritorioRegionalValedoRibeira #Governosp (em Governo do Estado de São Paulo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPRmNycsAgX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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artigojuridico-blog · 7 years
Veja em Artigo Jurídico
Fachin acolhe pedido de arquivamento em inquérito que investiga políticos do PP
O ministro Edson Fachin, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), acolheu pedido feito no Inquérito (INQ) 3989, e determinou o arquivamento dos autos com relação a investigados contra os quais não foram obtidas provas suficientes da prática do crime de associação criminosa. Neste mesmo inquérito, no último dia 4 de setembro, o então procurador-geral Rodrigo Janot ofereceu denúncia contra parlamentares do Partido Progressista (PP) quanto ao mesmo delito.
Pela decisão, no tocante ao crime em questão, foram arquivados os autos em relação a Jerônimo Pizzolotto Goergen, Gladson de Lima Cameli, Roberto Pereira de Britto, Dilceu José Sperafico, Luís Carlos Henze, Renato Delmar Molling, Lázaro Botelho Martins, José Olímpio Silveira Moraes, Roberto Egídio Balestra, Simão Sessim, Waldir Maranhão Cardoso, Mário Sílvio Negromonte Júnior, José Alfonso Ebert Hamm e João Felipe de Souza Leão.
O ministro lembrou, nesse ponto, que à exceção das hipóteses em que o procurador-geral da República formula pedido de arquivamento de inquérito sob o fundamento de atipicidade da conduta ou de extinção da punibilidade, é pacífico o entendimento do Supremo no sentido de ser obrigatório o deferimento do pleito, independente de análise das razões invocadas. Ao acolher o pedido, o ministro explicou que o arquivamento deferido com base na ausência de provas suficientes de prática delitiva não impede o prosseguimento das investigações caso surjam, futuramente, novas evidências, conforme prevê o artigo 18 do Código de Processo Penal.
Foram denunciados, nestes autos, pela suposta prática do delito de associação criminosa, previsto no artigo 2º (parágrafo 4º, incisos II, III e V) da Lei 12.850/2013, Aguinaldo Velloso Borges Ribeiro, Arthur César Pereira de Lira, Benedito de Lira, Ciro Nogueira Lima Filho, Eduardo Henrique da Fonte de Albuquerque Silva, Francisco Oswaldo Neves Dornelles, João Alberto Pizzolatti Junior, José Otávio Germano, Luiz Fernando Ramos Faria, Mário Silvio Mendes Negromonte, Nelson Meurer e Pedro Henry Neto.
Quanto a este ponto, o ministro Fachin determinou que a defesa dos denunciados, no prazo comum de 15 dias, apresentem resposta à acusação, nos termos do artigo 4º Lei 8.038/1990.
Novo inquérito
Na mesma decisão, o ministro Fachin acolheu ainda o pedido feito pelo então procurador-geral para que fosse aberto novo inquérito para investigar parlamentares pelos delitos de corrupção passiva e lavagem de dinheiro, por supostos repasses indevidos de recursos pelo grupo Queiroz Galvão a congressistas, por intermédio do Diretório Nacional do PP, em diversas datas de 2010. O inquérito recebeu o número 4631.
Neste caso, serão investigados Aguinaldo Velloso Borges Ribeiro, Arthur Cesar Pereira de Lira, Ciro Nogueira Lima Filho, Eduardo Henrique da Fonte de Albuquerque e Silva, Francisco Oswaldo Neves Dornelles, Waldir Maranhão Cardoso, Simão Sessim, Roberto Egídio Balestra, Jerônimo Pizzolotto Goergen e Luiz Fernando Ramos Faria e Mario Silvio Mendes Negromonte Junior.
O pedido da Procuradoria-Geral da República salientou que, embora existam indícios da participação de Pedro da Silva Corrêa de Oliveira Andrade Neto no delito de associação criminosa, ele não foi denunciado em razão da celebração de acordo de colaboração premiada, homologado pelo Supremo, e por já ter sofrido condenação à pena máxima estabelecida em cláusula do acordo.
Leia a íntegra da decisão do ministro.
Fonte: STF.
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joelsanradar · 6 years
A fin de participar junto distintos sectores de la sociedad en la construcción de una propuesta única que determine una política nacional en seguridad, Mauricio Delmar Saavedra, secretario de Seguridad Pública de Hidalgo, intervino como panelista en el Foro Nacional “La seguridad pública que a México le urge”.
Bajo el tema: Qué harías para mejorar la actuaciones de las corporaciones policiales dentro del Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Penal Acusatorio, el funcionario hidalguense destacó, entre otros puntos, que la inseguridad no es un tema de corporaciones policiales, “las Policías, en este ente de Seguridad Pública, Procuración e Impartición de Justicia, somos el último dique de contención de la inseguridad”.
La delincuencia es un tema multifactorial y multidimensional, por ello, dijo, en el estado de Hidalgo se trabaja en fomentar en la ciudadanía y las instituciones tres temas torales: la denuncia, la corresponsabilidad y la coordinación entre cuerpos policiales, por lo que propuso que dicho modelo sea reforzado y aplicado, junto con otros programas preventivos, por los distintos órdenes de gobierno.
Asimismo, sugirió dignificar de manera urgente el trabajo de las instituciones encargadas de la seguridad pública, de los policías, de los peritos, de los ministerios públicos, de la gente que está alrededor de estos mismos, y de los mismos jueces.
Delmar Saavedra tuvo su intervención junto con Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, secretario de Seguridad Pública de Guanajuato; Rommel Moreno Manjarrez, titular de la Unidad para la Implementación del Sistema Procesal Penal Acusatorio de la Procuraduría General de la República; Alejandro Gómez Sánchez, fiscal general de Justicia del Estado de México; y Juan Marcos Gutiérrez González, especialista en Derecho Constitucional, Administrativo y Fiscal.
El encuentro, que encabeza Renato Sales Heredia, comisionado Nacional de Seguridad, representa un espacio para que la sociedad civil, organizaciones de derechos humanos, académicos, especialistas y servidores públicos conformen una agenda puntual y concreta en la materia.
Se debate sobre el marco legislativo, estrategias para la transformación de las instituciones públicas que de manera directa o indirecta atienden la seguridad de los ciudadanos, la procuración y administración de la justicia, y las políticas públicas en materia de desarrollo social, educativo y cultural.
El Foro Nacional tiene, además, como objetivo final el presentar a los aspirantes a la Presidencia de la República las conclusiones que se desarrollen durante el evento.
  PARTICIPA MAURICIO DELMAR EN FORO NACIONAL POR LA SEGURIDAD | @Mauricio_Delmar @SSP_Hidalgo A fin de participar junto distintos sectores de la sociedad en la construcción de una propuesta única que determine una política nacional en seguridad, Mauricio Delmar Saavedra, secretario de Seguridad Pública de Hidalgo, intervino como panelista en el Foro Nacional “La seguridad pública que a México le urge”.
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joelsanradar · 7 years
Joel Sánchez Rodríguez
Pachuca de Soto, Hgo.- El gobernador Omar Fayad Meneses, reiteró su llamado a reformar normas que permitan un mejor funcionamiento del Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Penal, entre ellas la Ley de Ejecución de Penas, a fin de contribuir a lograr para nuestro país, un sistema penitenciario digno, eficaz, moderno y confiable.
El mandatario estatal se pronunció así y en favor de un sistema penitenciario, que sea tan respetuoso de los derechos humanos de quienes están privados de su libertad, como el sistema penal lo debe ser de los derechos del imputado y de la víctima en todo proceso.
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  Como titular del ejecutivo del estado, cuestionó el qué hacer para resolver el hacinamiento en las prisiones y dijo que no hay recursos económicos para resolver un problema tan grave, por lo que señaló como de gran importancia, la realización de ésta asamblea en la que los especialistas y todas las instituciones involucradas, trabajan de manera conjunta y comparten experiencias por lograr un sistema penitenciario acorde a las necesidades de seguridad y readaptación.
Omar Fayad Meneses encabezó junto con el Comisionado Nacional de Seguridad, Renato Sales Heredia y el secretario técnico de la Conferencia Nacional del Sistema Penitenciario, José Alberto Rodríguez Calderón, el inicio de los trabajos de la XV Asamblea Plenaria de la Conferencia Nacional del Sistema Penitenciario.
Ante la presencia de integrantes del sistema penitenciario de todo el país, el comisionado del órgano Administrativo Desconcentrado de Prevención y Readaptación Social, José Alberto Rodríguez Calderón, refrendó el compromiso de impulsar la reinserción social a través de políticas de respeto a la dignidad y los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de reclusión.
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Por ello, calificó como de alta prioridad, el tema de los sistema penitenciarios estatales, haciendo el llamado para voltear a ver las prisiones y establecer orden y disciplina en ellos, pues es un eslabón esencial en la transformación del sistema de justicia, lo que requiere de un compromiso conjunto para alcanzar su consolidación.
Al evento acudieron las titulares de los poderes legislativo y judicial del estado, diputada María Luisa Pérez Perusquía y magistrada Blanca Sánchez Martínez, respectivamente; los secretarios de Gobierno, Simón Pérez Aguilar y de Seguridad Pública, Mauricio Delmar Saavedra, así como el procurador general de justicia, Javier Ramiro Lara Salinas, entre otros.
ESFUERZO POR MEJORAR EL SISTEMA PENITENCIARIO | @gobiernohidalgo @omarfayad @JA_RodriguezC Joel Sánchez Rodríguez @JoelSanRadar Pachuca de Soto, Hgo.- El gobernador Omar Fayad Meneses, reiteró su llamado a reformar normas que permitan un mejor funcionamiento del Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Penal, entre ellas la Ley de Ejecución de Penas, a fin de contribuir a lograr para nuestro país, un sistema penitenciario digno, eficaz, moderno y confiable.
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