#remeber underdog ? me too that was hella gay
fearofflamingos · 5 years
Muffin Monster and Stud Muffin
Summary: Tyrus is cute
A/N: I was given the prompt of Tyrus + a fond ghc so here we go! I don’t think this is one I’ll even consider a part two for unless it’s highly requested because I feel like this is fine by itself.
OP: @kylieq101 said “Could you do a prompt for tyrus??? Just them being together already around the GHC and stuff?? Like every one around them is like get a room please???”
Includes: POV!cyrus, nicknames, pet names, Tyrus, tj and cyrus being married and adorable, the ghc, muffins, slightly embarrassed cyrus, mini mention of muffy
Warnings: Cyrus sits on TJ’s lap but that’s a bonus tbh, theres one mention of muffy, Tyrus is sickeningly sweet, this may make you feel warm inside (you’ve been warned)
Word count: 979 (kinda short)
Genre: fluff/oneshot
I glanced over at the now empty plate to my left.
I emotionally held my hand up to the tray and looked to the side dramatically.
“Buffy,” I whined, “there’s no more muffins.”
“Oh god really? How will i ever get over this?” she exclaimed in a exaggerated voice before reverting to her calm demeanor.
I pulled on her sleeve and pointed to the source of my impending sadness.
She looked over and shrugged “you’ll live.”
Andi put a hand on my shoulder and chirped up from the other side of me
“You’re talking to cyrus, I’m not so sure he will.”
I nodded and asked
“Why do bad things happen to good people?”
I sighed as I grabbed an apple, leaving the lunch line with a overwhelming sense of disappointment.
An apple.
I could’ve had a muffin but all I got was a stupid, healthy apple.
I wish bad luck on all the apples in the world.
Wait no I don’t I take that back, sorry apples.
But I wish they could like not exist for a day.
As we reached our usual table I set down my tray across from Buffy and Andi.
I stared at my disgustingly healthy snacks.
Here’s an idea for JMS: double the number of muffins and half the number of apples.
I quite like that idea...
I glared at the red fruit hoping I could somehow with my mind transform it into a muffin with an undiscovered magical power.
I’ve had a long day, okay?
I must be a wizard because a hand came and stole my apple and set a chocolate chip muffin in its place.
I gaped at the food before holding it up to make sure it’s real.
“Hello, magic muffin.”
“So that’s what you’re calling me now?”
I looked behind me to see TJ take a bite from my apple.
“No... although it could be. By the way, this isnt a trade I would recommend on your end but thank you!” I beamed at him.
He ruffled my hair and sat to my left, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before explaining
“It was for you to begin with, muffin monster.”
Buffy snorted from in front of us
“You are fueling an obsession,” she said pointing at TJ, “and you need to give apples a chance.” she continued shifting her fingers towards me.
“I refuse.” I said quickly before taking a large bite from my muffin.
“Get a room.” Buffy scoffed.
I saw TJ put his hands up in surrender
“I’m literally just sitting here doing nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and gestured to me
“I’m talking about him and his muffin.”
I swallowed and rose an eyebrow
She shook her head with a sigh.
“Muffin monster?” Andi questioned us with a laugh.
“If I have a muffin obsession then he has an obsession with making up nicknames for me.” I said before taking another bite.
“It’s a gift.” he answered holding a hand to his heart with faux pride.
TJ wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.
“You don’t love muffins more than me, do you?”
I looked back and forth between my muffin and my boyfriend
“I mean... it’s pretty close...”
He poked my side and gasped looking straight at me with a pout
“Ow, geez. Of course you’re the winner, stud muffin.”
I gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose and intertwined our hands underneath the table.
I mouthed no he’s not when he looked away to which Andi giggled and Buffy smiled.
“I saw that.” He revealed startling me.
Andi and Buffy looked between each other then back at us.
“You two are so married.” Andi said before popping a grape into her mouth.
I stuck out my tongue before striking up a conversation about the latest episode of our favorite show.
As Andi and I discussed the ending, Buffy played an iMessage game on her phone- probably against Marty because they had a weird completion complex. I wasn’t sure when he had started but TJ ran his fingers through my hair while staring at me.
I tried to focus on talking with Andi but his touch felt so soothing and I quickly lost my train of thought.
When Andi started to rant about her favorite character, TJ leant forward, chin in hand, and gave me a small tap to the ankle.
It wasn’t a kick necessarily, but it was almost a teasing knock to my leg so I gave a small tap back.
I saw him smile behind his hand and felt another tap.
We went back and forth for a while until I giggled and mouthed ‘stop’ to him which somehow prompted him to pull me into his lap without a word.
Andi stopped in the middle of her sentence with wide eyes and elbowed and annoyed Buffy.
“What do yo-“
She looked over as well.
I stared pink faced at them as TJ laid his chin on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
“Wow...” Buffy started, “you’re giving the muffin a run for its money.”
Andi laughed from beside her and added
“This would be the part where you two get a room because you’re both way too smitten.”
I opened my mouth a few times but no words came out so I simply cleared my throat and hoped one of them would strike up a conversation. Although, neither did.
TJ spoke up from behind me
“You guys don’t have to stop on our behalf.”
I felt TJ squeeze my cheeks to make me have a fish face.
“Right, muffin?” He questioned.
“Mmhmmpff.” I mumbled going crossed eyed trying to see his hand.
Andi tilted her head.
“Actually, you guys are sickeningly sweet.”
“Agreed.” Buffy chuckled raising her hand in the air as I grabbed my milk and began taking a sip.
The two high fived and TJ while nuzzling the back of my neck he replied
“What could you guys expect when he’s such a sweetie”
I choked.
Please send feedback and prompts to my inbox <3
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