#regalia regalia type d
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You ready and raring to race?  Once you get the Regalia Type-D you can compete in three off road time challenges like the Cross-Cleign Safari at the Vesperpool.  In the blink of an eye an entire course is set out for you including checkpoints, chevron marker boards and advertising boards for Hammerhead, Meteor Publishing and Coernix Oil.  Local hunters cheer you on from the sidelines as you race past obstacles and local wildlife, which thankfully doesn’t attack.  Make it to the finish line in record time and you could win a bumper upgrade from Cindy. (I have no idea what a catoblepas is doing at the Vesperpool.  It probably got lost on it’s way to Alstor Slough.) All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
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After taking a few weeks break to recover from the DLC, I'm back on my FFXV bullshit and oh my godddddd. I feel so emotional being reunited with my boyysssss. I had to immediately swap everyone out of their endgame clothes bc my heart couldn't take it, esp Noct in his lil king clothes (& sadly I am yet to unlock the Gladio shirtless wear so he's still in his shirt), but I am having a blast playing through the post-endgame content.
So far I've conquered the Pitioss Ruins and upgraded the Regalia to it's D and F types. Absolutely living for this car so here are some gratuitous Regalia shots plus bonus boys reaction pic bc why the f not.
What else should I be looking to do post-end game (other than endlessly sobbing and screaming)?
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missregality · 2 years
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The driver. The passenger.
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masoncarr2244 · 11 months
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mumbledramblings · 3 months
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god i love how obnoxious you can be with your car in this game
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mmaxie-musings · 5 months
hihi!!! my name’s maxie, but just ‘max’ is fine!!
i can speak galarian (I live in unova lol) and kalosian!!
i use she/her pronouns, and i’m a 17 yr old pokemon trainer! or. Somewhat. I haven’t really had the time to train..
here are my pokemon though!! I love em all to bits!!!! :D
my morelull, cas! he’s a little sweetheart. He keeps everyone in check; even me sometimes!!
my sobble, miiko!! she’s often timid at first, but she’s very sassy once she opens up, hehe.
my ditto!! I named them jelly. they are literally a cutiepie. silly little guy.
and, my shinx vincie!! met him on valentine’s day, hence the similar name. most polite little man. he likes to maul pidgeys.
my honedge, regalia! he’s a little shy and a little sharp but I love him so much
and recently, my mimikyu cheeri! I found her in a tera den on a vacation to paldea, and she has a Tera type of normal. she mimics a ditto, and she’s adorable :]
i uh… also have a biiiit of an unconventional friend. I don’t have him in a pokeball (they told me he doesn’t want that), but he will follow me around sometimes!!
…he’s a celebi. But i like to call him “celbii.”
when he shows up to speak, his tag is “celb speaks” !!! :D their text is green!!
ANYWAYS!! so glad to meet you all. hope we can be friends!!
//ooc below the cut
hi! @aimless-aimz here. i made another pokeblogging account. oh dear.
there are tags for each pokemon (the celebi is “celbii”, so it doesn’t bother the main tag. lol), as well as a “lore” and “ask” tag!!
there’s an art tag!! it’s tagged “art” but in the pokeblogging connotation it’s just an image lol. as well as a story tag, which is "maxie's stories"!!
events will occasionally occur! each event gets a tag, for organization purposes. so far, the event tags are: "entombed event"
she will be involved with another one of my own pokeblogging accounts, but it’s still the same mod lol.
dni proshippers, homo/transphobes, and just anyone bigoted or unpleasant. you know the drill.
i’ll add on to the pinned as more time goes on, but this is what’s here for now!! remember to have fun :]
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shyotic · 1 month
Eis Klein
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NAME: Eis Klein
NICKNAMES: he doesn't have many nicknames because his name is already short and sweet, but his mom often calls him by pet names (including but not limited to: my love, darling, little flower, my sunlight). if you're not his mom and you call him any of these, he will probably punch you.
AGE: 25 (post-EW)
NAMEDAY: 7th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (4/7)
RACE: miqo'te (mixed/clanless)
GENDER: masc. nonbinary (he/they)
PROFESSION: adventurer - takes on mostly odd jobs with a side of crafting and gathering
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
HAIR: pastel blue with navy blue highlights, cut similar to the Styled for Hire hairstyle. he likes to braid sections of his hair and accessorize with flowers, beads, etc.
EYES: candy pink. unlike Seekers and Keepers, his pupils are not restricted and naturally dilate with different light levels.
TATTOOS/SCARS: he has a semicolon tattoo on his left wrist, blue feathered wings on his back, and a few other small tattoos (he has a Lot and boy do I not wanna type all of them out-). he has a prominent X-shaped scar on his left cheek and numerous other scars all over his body, especially his back, torso, and legs. part of their tail is missing, and it's kinked downward near the end.
PARENTS: Cyani (mother) and Löwe (father)
GRANDPARENTS: unknown/deceased
IN-LAWS AND OTHER: Revna (cousin - found family/not blood related)
PETS: they don't have pets, exactly, but more traveling companions that come and go (sort of like the baby opo-opo is to Deryk). their most frequent visitor is Cinnamon, a young red panda they picked up while watching a small group of bards perform in Gridania.
ABILITIES: combat (all-rounder but most proficient in martial arts, axes, and swords), hunting, carpentry, botany
HOBBIES: exploration, music, sparring, cooking
MOST POSITIVE TRAIT: his unyielding determination, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds.
MOST NEGATIVE TRAIT: their quick temper and lack of emotional regulation. combined with his heightened sensitivity to dynamis, this is...not ideal.
COLOURS: black, red, pink, orange
SMELLS: rain, citrus (especially lemons), fresh-cut wood
TEXTURES: fur and feathers, wool/woolen yarn, stone, leather
DRINKS: hot cocoa, herbal teas (especially fruit-based teas)
O T H E R   D E T A I L S
SMOKES?: no.
DRINKS?: socially on occasion. he used to be a bit of an alcoholic, so he only drinks around friends anymore and only if he feels safe enough (or desperate enough).
DRUGS?: they'll try just about anything once. but they don't do anything regularly aside from the occasional weed or nip.
MOUNT ISSUANCE: he has a few mounts he can call upon depending on the situation. his chocobo Kwehchi goes with him to towns and on lowkey adventures, but she isn't very well-suited to battle or harsh environments. on more risky adventures, he has his war panther Saber and, if need be, the Regalia replica.
BEEN ARRESTED?: a few times when he was young, though not nearly as many times as he should've been. he's a slippery little bitch.
I wasn't tagged, I yoinked this. therefore I will not be tagging specific people. but I will tag YOU, viewer. yoink this for yourself (if you want to).
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lunarlegend · 2 years
if you watch the scene of Ignis shoving Prompto in the Regalia from the view of the front of the car, you can see that the reason Ignis actually shoves him is most likely because Prompto leans waaay into Ignis' personal space
there are two other obvious instances that come to mind as far as Ignis Not Wanting To Be Touched:
one is also in the car, in the back of the Regalia Type D when Gladio gets knocked into Ignis unexpectedly, and Ignis shoves him away looking pretty pissed
and the other is actually in Chapter 14, when the boys are greeting Noct. Older Prompto grabs Older Ignis' arm, and Ignis flinches and just lets his whole arm go limp, lol
i headcanon that Ignis is completely touch-averse unless he initiates the touch. i think he has a set limit for his personal bubble, and if someone crosses it, it doesn't matter who it is or why, he gets uncomfortable.
i think this is also something that contributes to his struggle to adjust to his blindness, because all of a sudden he pretty much has to put up with his friends constantly grabbing him and leading him around, and he can't even see it coming.
i think if he's in control of it, though, he doesn't mind physical contact and wouldn't mind hugs. he'd just appreciate being asked first.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
GT( or also known as God Teenagers, thanks @hyperf1xate-much for the group name :D💖) have gotten a job as Researchers and guards in the SCP-FOUNDATION. They can use their powers in their duties after making a deal with the Site directors, and proving them that they can all control their powers and will not harm anyone in and outside the facilities.
It was just a normal day, checking the facility, guarding so no SCP or Class-D members would escape and conducting research. Lexdrigo was hanging out with SCP-999 or also known as the "tickle monster", everything was going good, until they sneezed, forgetting that they're teleporting ability would randomly act up when they sneezed and not realizing that it was powerful enough to send the rest of the teenage gods, some guards, MTF'S researchers, class-D members and even a few Site directors to a place they knew quite well, Observer's Casita.
Everyone was confused, the guards and MTF's were on high alert, protecting the site-directors and researchers. The class-D were terrified and were as close to the Guards as they could get. Lexdrigo and still having SCP-999 on their head quickly went to their siblings to tell them what happened.
Lexdrigo: so, yeahhh... Sorry for getting us stuck in this, we might even lose this job, I'm sorry
Roux: no no, it's fine, it was an accident and your still training to get control over that, so it's fine. Honestly I'm more worried about Hollow and the others when they see this
Wolfredo: Speaking of them.... Look over there.
They all look where wolfredo was pointing and sees observer and the others, The guards quickly put their guns up at them to protect the people behind them. The Godly teenagers quickly went in front of them and Zin quickly signaled the guards and MTF's to lower their weapons. As they did, Roux tried to say an apology but only manages to let out a wheeze, their siblings know what they were thinking and thought the same
"We're all completely fucked"
( I'm sorry if there was mistakes, or somethings I got wrong about the SCP FOUNDATION and the roles, I'm not much in the SCP fandom but I tried my best to make it as accurate to what I researched and known, still very sorry if I got somethings wrong tho ಥ‿ಥ, also I'm not used to this types of prompts where I use my OC's so please bare with me here, but I still hoped you enjoyed... I'm still sorry tho ( ;∀;) )
Hollow and the Alicorn Goddess Solaris were being held back by the two Mirabel's, Hollow was holding her warhammer weapon behind her, which had spikes.
Solaris gritted through her teeth, trying not to yell. "So.. you.. siblings... teleported humans here.. by accident?" She asked, her teeth becoming sharp.
Hollow swung her warhammer with one hand to the right, her eye twitching. "I believe that if multiple humans teleport here once again, I can, and will, smack you godly siblings nine meters to the sky, sending you flying for three seconds."
Shadow Facade still had her horn have a bit of electricity, "Okay look- we don't care if you're the SCP Foundation, but right now you're angering a literal Goddess of the Sun from an Alternate Universe, and a super soldier who is the mother of those two with us." They point at Observer and Scrap.
Scrap slowly sat down and curled up in a fetal position, muttering something about angering a goddes.
Observer Mirabel just sighed and snapped a portal beside them.
"That's the portal to your world, enter it, I'm pretty sure you only have two minutes and twenty seconds left before my surrogate mom and equine friends try to smack you across my land for either twenty-nine meters or a literal mile and more."
FWOOSH! Celestial Everfree's mane immediately caught on fire and is currently melting her golden regalia. A clang of the warhammer was now heard.
"Correction: two minutes, the sun god is angry at you and Hollow doesn't like intruders. Ask questions, but run afterwards."
[You can continue it if you'd like! I just wanted to write Solaris and Hollow becoming/acting furious lmao]
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fiovske · 2 years
42, 52, and 64 for all three if you don’t mind 👁 or just one if that’s easiest <3
42. can they dance?
finn: YES finn has moves!
orion: has no sense of rhythm but WILL dance very badly
tahsin: learnt how to waltz on the fly while waltzing with a milf
52. how would they dress themselves up for a formal event?
finn: dark blue double-sided buttons steampunk-ish blazer intricately detailed w cufflinks the whole regalia + a gold-lined one-shoulder red cape. think something a prince or a knight of honor would wear. (god.. ur making me want to draw finn in formal-wear now)
orion: oh orion doesnt know how to dress himself he'd. probably need help in that department bc if unchecked he'll walk in wearing his usual jumpsuit that he goes trekking in, or skip the formal event altogether, they don't kow how to act in these... high-type places.
tahsin: tahsin *has* been to a formal event! she was nervous but she danced with a milf at a fundraising gala and she wore this!
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64. how would a party member describe them?
finn: they haven't made their debut in a game yet, so i'm not sure! but they have been called colourful by design alone :D
orion: "God help you with your shit with Hao, you have way more patience than me" - Schrodinger, our catboy bard and resident single braincell-holder of the party
tahsin: "lovable gentle giant, in a perpetual state of "confused but got the spirit" - Drizzle, eccentric satyr wizard and fey enthusiast
i did all three bc given the chance i will not shut up abt my lil guys!
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snowithefiend · 2 months
Troll sona dump
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Kunayn Tritor
Typing quirk: ☆Magic!!!☆ (every sentence begins and ends with stars), every "W" is doubled, get EXITED! (Some words are in all caps)
EX: "☆The quick browwn fox jumps OVER the lazy dog.☆"
Strife: MageKind. Uses a spell book filled to the brim with spells
Modus: Chant. Chant the name of the item 3 times to use it
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Xediza Setoon
Typing quirk: every "o" is CAPITALIZED, e=3, and they end every sentence with "⚙️"
EX: "Th3 quick brOwn fOx jumps Ov3r th3 lazy dOg.⚙️"
Strife: SawKind. Uses any kind of spinning blade
Modus: Cogwheel. Every item is represented with a cog, the higher the value, the bigger the cog. Each cog must click together.
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Karore Gorito
Typing quirk: every "S" must be followed by an "H", every "t" is doubled, every "i" is 1.
EX: "Tthe qu1ck brown fox jumpsh over tthe lazy dog."
Strife: TauntKind. Uses a variety of hand gestures, quips, dance moves, and insults to deal (litteral) emotional damage
Modus: Ombromanie. Each stored item is broken and skewed into and abstract array of shapes that can only be reformed by solving a shadowart puzzle.
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Galleh Azleni (My sign!!!)
Typing quirk: Sailor mouth, Every "S" is "$", every "H" is "#", every "I" is "!", and every "T" is "+"
EX: "+#e qu!ck brown fox jump$ over +#e lazy dog."
Strife: Pillkind. Uses a variety of medications to boost stats in battle.
Modus: Hands. Can only hold what they can carry, backpacks are an exception though.
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Maamza Orkizo
Typing quirk: every "i" is doubled, elipsis ("..." <--this) are replaced with "*purr*", and theres an "~" at the end of every sentence.
EX: "*purrr* The quiick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog~"
Strife: Gauntlet kind. (Default is Remote Ghost Gauntlets)
Modus: Lazy susan. Uses a lazy suzan to store items, pretty self explanitory.
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Arozze Gordye
Typing quirk: always speaks in italics, "S"s and "H"s are doubled, soft spoken (no caps)
EX:"thhe quick brown fox jumpss over thhe lazy dog."
Strife: SpearKind. (Default is the Verdant Canopy Spear, a retractable kind of spear)
Modus: Forest. User must wander a small forest to find stored items
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Vanki Xitelb
Typing quirk: every "o" is doubled, very expresive >:D, and every "i" is replaced by "!"
EX: "The qu!ck broown foox jumps oover the lazy doog :]"
Strife: ZatoichiKind. Uses a katana that re-builds itself after a specific number of kills, currently at quarter-Zatoichi. (Quarter= 0 kills | Half=25 kills | Far-Cry=50 kills | Whole=100 kills | True=250 kills)
Modus: Constellation. Each item is represented with a constellation that must be connected to store/use items
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Darvus Maxmax
Typing quirk: e=3, a=4, s=2, o=0, i=1, b=8, g=9, LOUD (all caps).
Strife: GadgetKind. Uses homemade gadgets and gizmos. (Mainly lazers for some reason)
Modus: hexcodeEach item is given a 3 digit code to identify it by. (000-999)
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Vanzee Amkute
Typing quirk: Every "S" and "TH" is replaced with "Z"
EX: "Ze quick brown fox jumpz over ze lazy dog."
Strife: Street FighterKind. Can pull off a series of blunt fisted attacks that can combo into one another.
Modus: Scarf. Uses a scarf to store items, the longer the scarf, the more storage.
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Nifkux Onkuki
Typing quirk: Every "H" and "A" is CAPITALIZED
EX: "THe quick brown fox jumps over tHe lAzy dog."
Strife: Dual KodachiKind. Uses two Kodachis, self explanitory.
Modus: Royal Regalia. User must tap into their royal background to summon items. (For somw reason they always come out bedazzled.)
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Zesis Peetis
Typing quirk: ye old english with a mix of modern slang
EX: "Thine hasteful hazel vulpine leaps over the smooth minded hag of a canine."
Strife: RapierKind. Uses their robotic hand to both taunt and fight with their rapier.
Modus: Retail. Orders items based on price. Items in the Retail modus. CAN be sold for BOONBUCKS!
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The Designer
Typing quirk: Very Formal Speak (all words begin with a captial letter), wub wub~ (italics and ~)
EX:"The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog~"
Strife: HFbladeKind. A sword charged with a high frequency of electricity that seperates atoms (but never splits them)
Modus: Microwave. Its literally just a fucking microwave.
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kilo-ftd · 1 year
D + 41
      Day 41 was a trio of some of the best museums Oklahoma City has to offer. There are alot of pics, and not a ton to say, so enjoy the visual feast.
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      The first one was the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. There was a larger gallery of western paintings and a few sculptures. Outside, there were mock old west buildings and decor, and ltos of activities for children. But was interested me the most was recreations of 7 different native home styles, that you could walk around and into to get a sense of how people used to live before colonization. 
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.      Heading back inside, there was an entire recreation street of an old west town, with a school, church, shops, and an iron jail cage.
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      Further on was a great collection of more native artifacts and dress, and old west tools and weapons. There was also frontier soldier kit and lots of stuff related to the business of riding horses. As I explored deeper, I discovered walls and walls of 1800s weaponry. 
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      The final section had an entire room dedicated to the rodeo industry and it’s celebrities. I spent some more time browsing the vast art collection, much of which was for sale, and then moved on to the small but densely packed Oklahoma Firefighters Museum.
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       This place was an interesting break from the regular fare of American history, focusing entirely on the equipment and regalia of the firefighter. Ancient looking fire engines, some without even motors, took up the center of the room, surrounded by firefighting hand tools, fire suits, oxygen tanks, hose attachments, and an incredible wall of patches.
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      The patch collection was the work of a very dedicated collector, and contained nearly every fire department in the US, as well as some foreign ones, and historical ones like the Soviet Union. Even though it covered three of the walls of the museum, there were more still that there was no room to display.
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      Also of note was the recreation of an antique fire department switchboard. Outside there were a few derelict engines too big to fit inside the museum, and a small playground. 
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      The final museum of the day was a familiar stop, the 45th Infantry Division museum. It was much the same as the others, but equally as impressive. I could spend all day browsing the walls and walls of military history up close and personal.
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      The collection was organized chronologically, from the early 1800s to the present, showcasing every war and campaign that the division participated in. 
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      There was a group of display boards full of military patches, which as a collector (of mostly novelty ones), this was a very good day for me. There were cases and cases full of uniforms, guns, and war trophies. The 45th ID was fairly unique in that they were one of the unit’s to raid Hitler’s summer residence and an apartment he used, and they brought back a collection of his personal dinnerware, linens, stationary, and other fanciful stuff he surrounded himself with. A museum is the only place where that stuff belongs. 
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      The collection continued with beautiful displays of WW2 vehicles and the unit’s foray into aerial combat. There was a collection of gas masks over the years, and old medical kits, and a jeep with a massive artillery gun slapped on it, bifurcating it’s windshield.
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       Another room had a collection of deployable guns and radio equipment, I wandered for hours through the labyrinth of rifled in glass cases, marveling at the long history of the technology of killing each other... through Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and finally to Afghanistan.
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      The last area in particular had a grim display of various types of improvised explosive devices, a tool used to teach soldiers what to look out for. Finally it was time to move outside, where there was another large collection of military vehicles and aircraft.
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Planes, cannons, rockets, helicopters, tanks, and more, the garden of mechanized warfare was paved and a pleasant stroll. 
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       This wasn’t the end of my day however, as I took a bonus stop to hike through a location known as the Ruins of Gandini's Circus, just north of the city. The place was full of rusting and decayed shells of long abandoned vehicles and structures. There weren’t really any buildings left, but it appeared some people had been trying to live in some of the trailers. I wandered through the graffiti covered wasteland, bemusedly tossing around osage oranges during my search for anything significant. I encountered a few other explorers, but did not engage them.
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      As night fell, I reached my final stop, which was an out the way overlook of a lake. Not to waste the opportunity, instead of enjoying the view, I grabbed my UV lights and searched for fluorescent rocks. I found a few cool specimens, and managed to spot this lil guy.
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I found a neat little glitch today.  If you’re driving off road in the Regalia Type-D you can’t select ‘Auto’ from the menu, you have to find your own way back to the road.  But if you park under a road bridge you trick the game into thinking you ARE back on the road and you can fast travel to wherever you want to go.
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masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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chippersweetbaby · 4 years
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I sorta made all my regalia cars look the same with that light purple-pinkish color and Prompto stickers all over them, so I decided to make the type-d look different.  Love me my Prompto stickers, but I felt like the chocobo, cactuar, and moogle stickers I hadn’t ever used were going to waste.
I think my bois are impressed by my rad as heck design choices.
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thorusofer · 5 years
They changed how to get the Monster Truck Regalia! Though honestly, this makes it all that much cooler. FFXV Royal Edition #13 is out now over at https://youtu.be/lINCs1rJD2o so go check it out! #FFXV #FFXVRoyalEdition #Noctis
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