red-can-draw · 3 years
Story: Home Sweet Home
Hey so, Chapter 4: No Place Like Home if officially up on ffn.net and ao3, this is the last chapter before things start to get really intense haha, anyways Boomer, blossom, and Buttercup get their buttons kicked by a monster and Bubbles is left alone with Brick
This is just the ffn.net link because honestly I still have no idea how to link things to ao3, so if you know how feel free to link ao3 ch4 for me
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red-can-draw · 4 years
Story: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 3 is up, the links are being super weird but this one will at least get you to the fic
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red-can-draw · 3 years
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I got a little teary eyed thinking about a scene for ch 4 of Home Sweet Home so get ready to cry yall
Photo is ~✨unrelated✨~ those are just my Ocs Marci and Ram
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red-can-draw · 4 years
"Here they come just in time- the PowerPuff Girls,” Butch sang to Protea as she lay cuddled up into his side, her favorite teddy bear clutched to her chest. Her small body radiated heat as she yawned. Butch stroked her hair. “Blossom, she is the Commander and Leader. Bubbles, she is the Joy and the Laughter. Buttercup, she is the Toughest Fighter. Powerpuffs save the day.” His voice trailed off as it had become very clear that his daughter was now fast asleep. The father carefully moved from the bed, making sure to settle her head onto the pillow gently. He crept out of the room. The door clicked softly behind him just as Buttercup emerged from the twins’ room. She looked at him with those lovely green eyes that Butch still, after all these years, couldn’t believe loved him.
“Asleep?” She whispered, her voice barely a husk. He nodded before giving her a sly smile.
“Kids asleep? You know what that means.” Butch loved the way Buttercup had to stiffle a laugh as he lifted her up in his arms. Her arms looped around his neck as he carried her bridal style to their own room. The bed made a soft creak as he tossed her onto it. 
“I most certainly do know,” she replied. Butch never could get over how her voice sounded when it was just the two of them alone. He propped himself above her. Those hands of hers drifted up the muscles on his arms before he unceremoniously flopped down on top of her. Buttercup laughed from under his weight, her arms circling around him.
“Time to get some sleep of our own,” He mused into the sheets. His girlfriend laughed again before playfully rolling him off of her. After a moment, they settled into each other. Butch had to admit they were a tangle of limbs when they slept. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, he thought as he drifted off to sleep with her heartbeat next to his.
Here's a small snippet of the greens from Ch.3 of Home Sweet Home to lull you into false confidence before we both ultimately end up very sad from the angst to come.
In terms of an update I am in the midst of writing ch 3's first draft which is taking a bit because all 6 perspectives appear in this chapter, also life is taking up a lot of my time
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red-can-draw · 3 years
when do you think chapter four of home sweet home will come out? just curious:)
Oh boy, anon thank you for your intrest! Sadly I am a college student and am very busy with school and commissions, I also recently restarted the chapter because my beta and I agreed a new document was needed to bring some sense to what I had and give me a new direction
I'm actually over hauling my schedule this weekend to try and plot out an hour or two in the week to work solely on writing
Now as for when it'll be out, I wouldn't expect to see it until sometime in April, theres a lot happening in the chapter and I want to give it my best attention and make it the best you
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red-can-draw · 4 years
Story: Home Sweet Home
Hey yall, fanfic.net finally stopped acting up, ch 3 has officially made it to ff.net
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red-can-draw · 3 years
hii! so, I just read all Home Sweet Home chapters in a row and oh my god what a ride it was! I just couldn't stop, lol. and maybe I've been way to emotional lately but, jeez, all that angst made me cry soo much 😂 I felt really, really conflicted all along because I love Brick so I kept hoping and hoping but, well, he screwed up too much, so... I don't know, I'd love to see him being free from Him and see him being better, but I don't even how that could happen 🥺 oh god I'm sooo curious to see where this is gonna go! btw I gotta say, I love your writing, it's so involving. congrats to you and your betas, I can't imagine the amount of work and time you've put into this story. it's amazing, I'm loving it and I'm really excited for more <3
Ah anon, thank you so much! Im so glad I had you hooked lol, that is one of the biggest compliments I could receive. Writing Brick for this story is an absolute delight because I love writing inner conflict and he is truly filled with it. He is such a screw up and that's why I love him. There is a lot more to Brick that I can't wait to share with you all, he's still an absolute stinker, but maybe he'll be an absolute stinker with reasons and an actual moral compass, who knows, but all I can say is you may cry again so 👉👈 keep some tissues handy
My beta, @mth-ppg-trashcan, is a wonderful person to work with and more love needs to be sent her way because she puts up with a lot from me, my drafts are grammatical disasters and she tirelessly edits them and puts up with sending ideas her way at like one am lol, if you happen upon her blog she's got lots of good stuff over there (shes got a Greens Gas Station Au that is all that keeps me going somedays
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red-can-draw · 3 years
Okay so I have this ask that's been sitting in my inbox for like over a year probably? I think it's been there since I published chapter 2 of Home Sweet Home, and it's been sitting there cause I wanna do it so bad, but I never have time and now it's, I doubt anon even remembers they sent it and if I do it now I feel like it's gotta be really good cause it's been sitting there for so long, but if they do remember I didn't ignore it, I'm just biding my time until I can complete it,
So Anon, if you're out there, one day you will get the wall of Buttercup, im just very busy right now
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