#realizing that the gayer i become the more unsettling my writing style is
theinfinitedivides · 2 years
heads up, seven up tag game.
rules: post the last seven lines you have written and tag seven people.
i was tagged by @godswar but it's been so long since i've done this sh*t that i've probably forgotten how to 😭 ty for the tag anyway love, i will attempt not to disappoint
Lee Yoo-an comes in that morning like she has escaped a drowning, shaking out her umbrella in the doorway. A sweetness follows, the smell of crushed leaves escaping from the bottom of her boots—full-mouthed rot crawls up his throat and settles, there, where tongue meets column of neck. For a moment, his vision narrows. The mountain is an anvil in his teeth. "Mian," she says, hanging up her coat. She does not seem to notice the way he sways, barely, from his spot in the kitchen. He is still nursing a hangover.
tagging: @thelittlestspider, @kaatiba, @katabasiss, @tsainami, @perditism, @maskedlady, and @weshallflyaway
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