#reader is educattteddd
rodeoxqueen · 1 year
Bitter Water.
Dante x reader.
“Come here sweet girl.”
Dante was a passionate lover. But you had the one. Until you didn’t. In your heartbroken lust, Dante bears his heart to you.
Dante found you at your door. It was one of those typical situations, fucking your old fuck buddy after “the one” leaves you.
How old were you two? Fuck, he met you when you were in your twenties and god did you look good. He figured he’d joined the 27 club back then, now he was happy to know that the “dirty thirties” was a good look on him.
You were doing your PhD and you’d tell him all about your field of study in your buzzed and shy little self, sitting so close to him in that cocktail dress. Your friends, who he’s sure he’s seen on the magazines, partied as their irresponsible younger selves behind you two. That was the first night he took you out of that absolute mad house. He fucked you, a stranger,into familiarity, your legs wrapped tight against his waist. Until you said his name so intimately against his cheek.
Your voice was like an old favorite song to his ears, not often heard but appreciated when it came on to fill the air.
“Hello.” He dragged out, arm propped against your doorframe, his figure casting a shadow from the streetlights.
You stared blankly, drinking in his presence. You seemed nervous, like there was something you wanted.
The moment of silence snapped as you laughed nervously, wine glass gracefully in hand.
“Where are my manners, come in come in.” You waved.
Your apartment was neat. Not in the way his brother was, with white walls and minimalist furniture. No. It was neat like it lived around you. Mail scattered on a dining room table next to wine bottle, and a phone.
He bet if he tapped on the screen, there would be a picture of you and your boyfriend.
Dante hated that name.
His name.
He had stopped seeing you after you became exclusive with him.
Or, you tried to ghost him and he made you admit you didn’t want to see him anymore.
You never kept secrets from him, sweet girl. Even if it were better if you did.
But Dante didn’t mind seeing your posts of him, as long as his thumb was over the picture of that guy’s face.
“Would you like something to drink?” You offered with a spare glass in hand.
“Sure.” You turned around.
Seeing that he was there, you and your boyfriend were finished.
Fine with him.
He tapped the screen of your phone while you weren’t looking.
Just as he thought, your old lockscreen came back on. A picture of your dog.
Speaking of who, a series of paws clicking against the floor lead to Dante petting said dog.
“Hey boy, it’s been a while.” Dante chuckled as you walked over with a half full glass of wine.
That lounge robe looked too good on you.
Thank god for wine.
Next thing you knew, you had called up Dante. Gina told you not to.
“Girl you need familiar dick because you’re hung up on Max.”
“What the fuck is familiar dick?” Her comment damn near made you choke on Pinot Noir.
“What I mean is that you need to get a rebound! Fuxk him!”
“He dumped me two days ago don’t you think I need some time to be alone?!”
Gina sighed.
“Darlin’, he’s short you can’t be that devastated.”
You scoffed, wiping away at your face.
“Well whatever! I’m not calling up anyone it would be weird to just pick up the phone and dial an old fuxk buddy.”
A bottle of wine later had both of you began scheming.
You scrolled down past old hook ups, Gina naming people you should try to hit up.
You stopped at that name. A devil emoji next to those five letters.
Gina was your best friend. This beautiful intelligent girl with two degrees and a baby on the way. Despite how she always had her shit together while you didn’t, she sure had some terrible ideas.
“No. Not happening.”
You dismissed the last text he sent you, which you never responded to.
You know I can fuck you better than him.
That was two years ago.
He was still on your social media, liking your posts but never commenting.
Even on pictures of you and your now ex-boyfriend.
“Come on, you remember what he said, why not just prove him right.”
“Because it’s weird.” You moan.
“Come onnnn.” Worst he can say is no I’m happily married with three kids and a mortgage. Oh wait, that’s never gonna happen to him.”
The hottest man you ever slept with. And the best fuck you ever had.
Many actually.
But he wasn’t the greatest guy. He had his faults.
Some of them had lead you to the same point Max did. Crying and drunk on the phone with Gina.
“He wasn’t good for me then, what good is he now?”
Gina sighed.
“Do you want to get over him? Get under him.”
Good god could she get to the point.
You dialed before you could stop yourself.
To be continued.
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