v-hope · 4 years
Ngl I want to fight Joon for interrupting. He didn't know, but he could've just quickly took him and his gf to his room instead of taking the time to great them. Also I feel like my brain tossed out the memory of him being roommates with JK, which makes him being the one to encourage and support Tae in this interesting. Like you'd think he'd go to his roommate to encourage or comfort. That isn't me saying he picked sides or is bad though, just that it's interesting to see.
tbh joon kinda froze JSÑSKSKS. like not only did he (almost) walk in on guk and someone else for the first time ever, but he also walked in on guk and the girl tae’s into as well, so he didn’t really know what to do lmao. and yeah, i get your point! the thing is that both joon and hobi were friends with tae first, and then guk entered college and tae introduced him to them, so both joon and hobi were closer to tae in a way, and whereas hobi got more involved in guk’s side since back in guk’s first year he found out about his feelings for y/n (and promised to keep it a secret since not even tae knew guk still had feelings for her back then) and knew he could fall for her again, joon got more involved on tae’s side since he just saw tae’s feelings and didn’t really know about guk’s at first since he denied them from the beginning
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jaehyunhour · 4 years
So YN is being stupid now... sigh. I get it she wants to be free with Johnny, but her being all cute and having him feed her in front of Jenny feels like an asshole move. She found out the girl likes her and isn't being considerate of her feelings. Jenny is still an asshole and her actions aren't okay at all, but her hurt is still valid and rubbing that in her face with the "feed me" and other overly touchy shit isn't cool.
And Yeji is correct Johnny does need to step up and say something, but I also feel like YN wouldn't go for that. She literally asked for a break to force Johnny to reconnect with his sister when he isn't the problem at all. Jenny needs to do the work.
Also YN needs to talk to her. Yeah, Jenny and Johnny got some deep seated issues to work out with her feeling like she's always losing, but again Jenny confessed to YN. That is a conversation that needs to happen and only they can have. Even if she just does all the talking or sends a long text, she needs to fucking say something to her. She can't possibly think that that might be very important because obviously the girl will still be upset with her even if Johnny and her work through their sibling stuff. My goodness.
...this was longer than anticipated 🙃😬
hMmMMMmm this is interesting very interesting am thinking.... this might change the next few chapters a bit
also i will say i don’t think y/n was intentionally acting overly couple like in front of jenny to rub it in her face,, i think we just haven’t seen johnny and y/n too much under these circumstances so we don’t really know how they interact, plus i think it might seem a lil weird if they just didn’t touch each other at all esp to their mom because she doesn’t know what happened between them at all
ALSO i think ur thots about y/n wanting to take a break with johnny are valid ... jenny DOES need to do the work but as we can SEE she isn’t really willing to do any of it so someone’s gotta step in and do something u feel me
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gukooky · 4 years
YES RANDOM PERSON CALL LIV OUT! She's about to start showing her ass with this mildly controlling bs and I'm ready.
in this house we stan the side characters😤😤 heehee are you now?👀
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gamerwoo · 4 years
I had this thought after I pressed send: Jordie rubs the wrong way now. Like she crushed on a guy, got to know him, and got with him over the course of a few months. Her bestie crushed on a guy, knew him well, had to deal w/ his shitty gf, had everything go to shit when most of the things weren't even her doing. Hell, the final nail in the coffin was Jordie's fault because she just had to talk about it in public. So let her be sad for 2 months. Let her still care when he pops up again.
Honestly this is a take I agree with a lot and it’s funny because I didn’t even mean to write her like this toward the end but it just happened ????? But yeah Jordie isn’t my favorite person ever lmao
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adonis-koo · 4 years
1/ You're definitely right about that smut brings in more readers. Even if someone has so many good stories people gravitate to the ones with smut or the mention of smut. You're chances increase if you go with the popular members or if you're writing reader insert/YN smut. I have a non-smut Jin one-shot that is my fic with the most attention on it and it's my only reader insert. And I know if it was smut and not fluff and also maybe JK instead of him it would get even more attention.
2/ It's not bad because people like what they like, but sometimes it can be a bit annoying knowing that a switch of the member or some added steadiness could take your story farther with people. Especially when those people comment more on the smut despite how short it sometimes is versus the like 3K+ of story outside of it.
It’s something I caught onto very quickly, I don’t want to say that I ‘conformed’ to tumblrs standard writing w/smut but I did become less afraid to try writing it. When I first started on tumblr, I was still underaged and frankly, I didn’t feel comfortable writing smut, so I stuck to what I was comfortable with assuming that my plots and ideas would carry me, like it did on previous sites such as Qoutev.
I was...very wrong. Very. Wrong. That wasn’t to say I was discouraged, I was actually very proud of my 70 notes on my first fic when I started on here lmao. A lot of my stories had plans of smut later in the series, so it was always my intentions to delve into smut. I just didn’t do it under I was legal, which didn’t change much and my smut in the beginning was still pretty ratchet ngl.
I learned fast afterwards when I posted my first smut fic that wow, okay, my notes are a LOT bigger when I do this compared to when I don’t. I also have a Seokjin fic that I’m still very proud of! I was so excited to post it too, 14k there was smut! I thought it would go amazing,,,,and it flopped. Like. Hard. I was so heartbroken because I knew if I just changed his name to Jungkook I’d probably have hit a 1k on the fic.
It is annoying to me sometimes. But it’s mostly discouraging because, why spend over 20 hours and three months on a fic for an unpopular member if it’s not going to be appreciated? And I’m constantly at war with myself for it. I feel absolutely guilty because I want to write for all the members. But when you go through the amount of effort that I do, it just doesn’t feel worth it in the end when I know if I made it for Jungkook, or Taehyung it would get triple the notes.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 4 years
Chart Analysis
@randomkoalablog‘s chart analysis!
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Sun in Leo often enjoys the spotlight, but in a less than obvious way, particularly given your Scorpio moon. Scorpios prefer to stay a bit in the background, more people watchers than participaters until they get more comfortable, but with your sun in Leo, you probably draw people to you, at least in small groups.
You have a Pisces rising sign too, which would only double the way you prefer to be in the background, but you will also shine in small groups, enjoying having a small amount of attention on you. Both Leo and Scorpios are assertive signs in career and in love, although your Cancer placements in relationship signs might dampen this or make you feel a bit shy or insecure and keep you from going after someone. However, this doubles your ability to read people, so you’’ll likely know when someone is interested in you, and react accordingly.
Mercury is the communication sign, and yours in Virgo means that you’re likely good at planning, good at public speaking if your other signs don’t make you too shy to be comfortable. You like for people to acknowledge your intellect, and might even preen a bit if someone calls you witty or smart (especially given that Leo sun). On the flip side, you might be a bit irritable with people who don’t share your organization style, and tend to take on more work than you should. You might often feel like you’re doing other’s dirty work because you’ll think “no one else can do this right.”
Your Venus in Cancer looks for safety and stability in a relationship, although your Scorpio moon will long for a bit of the dramatic, so you’ll be a bit conflicted at times. You’re probably good at reading potential partners, and especially given your Virgo mercury, you’ll find yourself sizing up potential partners right away and deciding if there’s a future with them or not. Cancers don’t normally entertain partners they can’t see forever with, and so you might end up with a series of long term relationships. Venus Cancers aren’t terribly comfortable single, and since you have two Cancer placements in Venus and Mars, this goes double for you! The negative side of this is that you might stay in relationships that have fizzled out, or even become toxic, because you hate being alone. People might often call you “cute” or “sweet” which will infuriate your Leo sun. You likely would like to be viewed more sexy or mysterious, given your Leo sun and Scorpio moon, but your Cancer placements will come off just sweet and adorable, causing you to pout and appear even more adorable!
Given you double Cancer Mars, emotions are a given in relationships, and you probably find it hard to separate emotions from sex, too. Your partners may complain that you are moody, but you just view it as being in tune with your emotions, and if your partner is a more aloof sign, you’re likely to feel unloved and unwanted at times. Mars in Cancer can be a bit passive-aggressive when they feel hurt, so partners may also get frustrated that you won’t say what you think - although you’ll be more likely to say what’s on your mind eventually than most double Cancer Venus/Mars because of your fiery Leo sun. Mars in Cancer is a strong sign, able to endure more than one would assume given their high emotions, and as long as you receive support and some reassurance, you’ll do well in your career and relationships. You just wouldn’t ever be happy with someone who was indifferent to you, or who wouldn’t understand your need to share your feelings and have them share theirs in turn.
Your Jupiter in Capricorn is in retrograde, which means that you won’t have the typical traits of Jupiter in Capricorn. In fact, you might have quite the opposite, going against the grain. You don’t consider yourself very lucky, so you’re likely to rely only on yourself, maybe even pushing others away despite the longing for acceptance and reassurance that your double Cancer gives you. You want to focus on yourself and your career, very determined to get ahead in life, and your Jupiter retrograde will fight with your double Cancer Venus and Mars because all Cancer wants is to be taken care of, while your Jupiter Capricorn, Virgo Mercury, and Leo sun wants independence and to never have to rely on others.
Your Saturn is also in retrograde, this time in Aries, and what this means is that where usually, Saturn in Aries is a progressive, innovative thinker, and usually extremely self assured and determined, but with this in retrograde, you’re likely to have a lot more self doubt, feeling very vulnerable and along with your retrograde Jupiter, putting on a brave face and not allowing yourself to ask for the help and support you sorely need. This is an assertive placement, but again you might doubt the urge to be assertive due to the retrograde and also your water sign rising and moon.
Your Uranus again in retrograde, is in Aquarius. Aquarius Uranus feels the need to go against the grain, and be a bit rebellious. You might have a creative hobby even if you have a 9 to 5 job, and with Uranus in retrograde, that rebellion is double, so you likely don’t like authority figures too much, and especially don’t like being told what to do!
Your Neptune in Capricorn retrograde likely means you struggle with knowing exactly what it is you want to do, especially if what you’re truly passionate about is something creative or something that might not necessarily make a lot of money. You might even resent those that are able to make money at doing what they truly love, or alternately just have the vaguest idea of your career path, and be frustrated that you don’t know exactly what you want.
Your Pluto in Sagittarius is likely what gives you a bit of a wanderlust, especially in Sagittarius season (November 23-December 21st, right around the holidays). During these times, you might find yourself feeling restless, even stuck, since your earth signs suggest you probably have a job that is a bit traditional. During these times you long to go on adventures, and might make this a reality by travelling later in life.
Your Lilith in Leo along with Venus and Mars in Cancer make you a bit of a needy lover, wanting lots of attention, cuddles, and reassurance. This isn’t a bad thing, it just means that if your partner in the bedroom or in romance is at all indifferent or aloof, it will drive you absolutely nuts! You won’t be able to tolerate type that play emotions too close to the chest. Lilith Leos plus your Leo sun means that your natural state is to be confident and to think a lot of yourself and your abilities, which is wonderful for career and relationships, but given your Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio as well as your retrograde, this is dampened and especially in your youth, you’ll likely feel insecure, maybe even a bit adrift until you realize who you are and that you’re a strong and determined personality. You might have been a late bloomer, or maybe you feel that you still haven’t blossomed, but don’t worry, your signs suggest that when you do, you’ll set the world on fire!
You North Node is what you strive for in life, and yours in Libra means that you crave balance and harmony. The struggle here is in South Node Aries, which is that you find it a bit hard not to be selfish and go full speed ahead, being somewhat impulsive in your decisions. What you want, when you grow as a person, is to balance that impulse with some of your Earth sign level headedness, and balance out your water sign emotions with your air sign intellect.
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hyuckcherie · 4 years
Backwards caps are just *chef kisses*
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cupidhaos · 5 years
I love how all it took was Y/N showing her face + speaking for these idiots to realize they don't hate her and MAYBE have some doubts. She leaves them alone for two seconds + Coups just quickly trusts this girl who he knows + just randomly appeared again + then all these idiots just go with that, only to flip flop. Like what kind of clownish little dick behavior is this?
svt while y/n was gone: FUCK HER 🤬🤬🧨🧨
y/n: breathes near them
svt: I’ve Always Been in Love with You. You Are The Reason For My Breathe.
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suga-kookiemonster · 5 years
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randomkoalablog replied to your post “Bitchhh it was hobi’s idea, Becky G is just a ft ����. Anyway hobi is...”
I'm just... I was ready to scream because the first picture I saw was grainy and I couldn't tell what the hair situation. Then I found a better one and felt a little better because it was more of a gel twist situation, but even thag doesn't fully sit well with me. And I'm annoyed becausd he knows better and someone else should have known better. Like you're already taking a large chunk of Black people's efforts and shifting it to work for you, but then you have the hair.
exactly my point!! like...it was so unnecessary. why was that at all necessary. he could have still done the dance and remade the song looking like he always does, and not tried to emulate what koreans think is “hip hop” style but is actually BLACK style. but getting a latina artist to remake a BLACK song and dress like BLACK people? but not a black one?? okay
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melonkooky · 5 years
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Here's a picture if you still needed one.
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@randomkoalablog omg it doesn’t look like him at all. i feel so bad. i’m so sorry 😂😂 it looks more like woohyun from infinite. (this was a terrible drawing ☹️☹️☹️☹️)
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v-hope · 4 years
It's too late once you find the music you will fall down the rabbit hole. At least usually that's how it goes down. I myself don't stan ATEEZ (I like their music) but people love them. And your stanning doesn't need to be all consuming. Just supporting them (not necessarily financially), listening to music, learning names. And it should be quick to learn names. Like I stan groups that have 21 and 13 members. But anyway, yes come to the dark side. 😈😈
there’s actually groups that i know the names of their members and a bit of them but i don’t really stan stan, so i have some faith in me rn jsñaks. the only groups i truly stan as a whole at the moment are bts and skz 🤧 and i would like to keep it that way. but yeah, i get you on the names part, i like nct and idek when or how did i learn all of their names lmao
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jaehyunhour · 4 years
Yeah, the whole process is fucking wild. Like I got into a Woozi fansign with 18 and a Wonho with 20. Which feels wrong because some people will say they bought hundreds to get in and did or didn't. Like I just talked to a friend on twt and they said someone bought around 600 for Jaehyun and didn't get in.
Kinda hope they do another when I have money so I can try for Johnny.
omg i tried for wonho i think i bought ~15 for ktown4u and didn’t get in 😓 but that’s ok! i’m soooo happy i got into sungchan’s, i legit can’t believe it
just recently i tried for a tbz video call and bought 32 albums and i didn’t get in so lowkey i had lost all hope for video calls but my mutual encouraged me to try and now here we are
they’ll definitely do more events! it’s going to be hard now to stop me from trying 😭 i’ll probably try again for nct 2020 part 2
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gukooky · 4 years
Yeah, no that was fucking sus of Liv. She's not allowed to make up with him now? When the fuck did that become a thing? And why is she saying it all casually with some underlying snideness? I would want my friend to move on and forgive someone, especially because not forgiving would mean not moving past it. Nopity, nope, nope.
hmm it is odd and sus🤔 tf is going on with her then?👀
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Part 43 has made me go from maybe his friends are doing too much to his friends are doing too much. They are rightfully upset, but being babied all the time and then having them meddling and teasing your new love life would wear anyone down. Especially after it becomes clear that they're all having private conversations about it behind his back. Also they didn't handle telling him things w/ that much care.
They tried to tell him with some care but he ignored them so it got to a point where they were like “fuck it” yknow? Honestly in my eyes, they’re both wrong so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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adonis-koo · 4 years
When you said there was only one more part to the Seasonella arc did you mean as in one more part and then they're going home? Or like one more part of the event but still in Vegas for a while longer? Also if I misread that you only said one more part then I am very sorry.
So technically there are two chapters left of Seasonella’s arc! 17 and 18! Chapter 17 however is the, finale of the arc if you will and it’s the last night of the event. Chapter 18 they are still in Vegas but Seasonella is over! It’s more of the closing chapter of the arc!
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
It's a mess because I only ever get ideas that are meant to be full fledge stories and now all these one-shots want their time to shine. I love it, but I don't have all the time. Hoping I can get writing done tonight (I have anothet concert tonight). The Chanyeol×OC×Yoongi is still at the forefront though.
Ugh, big mood. Mine are always series or like I want to expand all of my supernatural spoopy fics SO BAD but it’d take so much work. I’m excited to read your stuff, tag me!
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