#randall carpio x ofc
babydontherdme · 5 years
Part 1- Syllabus Day
Fandom: The Order
Pairing: None...yet?? 
Characters: OFC, Hamish Duke, Randall Carpio (so far)
A/N: I’m taking some creative liberties given we don’t have a lot of answers yet ;) 
“Sorrel, I’m serious. I don’t know if you should be standing on that.” My mom chuffed at me, sparing a glare with her arms crossed. “You have no idea how old these desks are, it might be the same one I had when I was here.” I tore off a piece of tape with my teeth, leaning against the wall to hold the poster in place as I smoothed the adhesive over. Carefully stepping down from the desk to the chair, then the floor; I paused as I looked over my side of the room.
Finally, college. Well, college that wasn’t the community college down the road. I worked in my hometown after high school, and completed my gen-ed requirements before applying to four year schools. I was excited to be able to live my own life. I loved my mom, but our relationship is… complicated, to put it simply. I could tell she was still upset that I accepted the scholarship from Belgrave University, yet she would not tell me the reasons for her disdain of the campus.
“I’m fine Susan,” I replied, receiving an eye roll in response to my use of her real name, rather than something along the lines of ‘mom’, “I don’t think I’ll be standing on the desk any other time.”
A creak of the door opening revealed my roommate, Tara. “Hi Mrs. Hutton,” she smiled towards my mom, before turning towards me. “Hey, our RA says we have a dorm meeting in ten minutes. Something about expectations and quiet hours.”
“I suppose I better get going then,” my mom said somberly, pulling me into her arms. I hugged her as she quickly kissed the side of my head. Whispering, she added “If it doesn’t work out, just call. I’ll be here immediately.”
“I’ll be fine. I assure you.” I replied. I stepped away and she began to leave, quickly stopping to wave when she reached the doorframe. Then, just gone. My stomach swirled in excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear. It was different, but perhaps different was what I needed.
“We should go now, I don’t want to be sitting on that grody carpet if they’re going to talk forever,” Tara quipped, failing to notice my wince as she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the hallway. Perhaps I should have spent my time worrying that my roomie would be too friendly.
The noise level gradually increased with chatter and laughing, as more people began to pour into the common area by the dorm entrance. I sat next to Tara, who was happily texting away on her phone. My eyes glanced over to the clock, 4:28. Two more minutes. I reached into my pocket to check my phone, when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. A shiver coursed through my shoulders as I sensed someone staring me down. Who on earth would be looking at me? I wanted an answer but didn’t want to look up and give away that I knew.
Tara looked up from her phone and glanced that way, before turning back to her phone and typing out a message. My phone pinged
PreMed Club hoodie.
Looking back at her, she grinned at me and winked. How on earth did this girl even have my phone number? Another ping
BTW this is my number. Remember room assignment emails?
Oh, that’s how.
I jumped at the yelling of one of the other RAs, telling the gathered crowd to quiet down. Our floor’s RA, Courtney, stood at the front of the room. “Welcome to Belgrave, and for some, welcome back! This is going to be an awesome year if you guys make it so!” Some chuckles and groans traveled through the room at the last statement; either Courtney did not hear, or she did not care. Some others made their way up to the front to join her, I presumed they were the other Resident Assistants.
“I’m going to let the others take over now” Courtney chirped, gesturing to the end of the line on her right. “Randall here will start off with some basic rules regarding quiet hours.” Premed Club Hoodie, now known as Randall, gave a short wave and began his spiel about being quiet during 10pm-5 am.
Tara leaned over and whispered, “If you don’t call dibs, I’m next in line,” giggling at the end. I rolled my eyes and smirked. Tara and I obviously had very different goals at the present. My focus was to jump in on being independent, the last thing I needed was someone to be dependent on.
After a while, the meeting ended, and welcome folders were handed out as we left the common area. Tara unlocked the room and walked in. I went and collapsed on my bed, staring at my ceiling. Shortly, a hand waving above me interrupted my view.
“I’m going out with my friends, you wanna join?” Tara questioned. I shook my head. “I really don’t feel up to it tonight.” Tara sighed, shoulders slumping. Pointing her finger at me, she shot back “Ok, but next time I’m dragging your along. Promise.”
This girl might be the death of me. I sighed “Promise” to which she smiled. “I’ll be quiet when I come back,” she announced, before leaving and shutting the door behind her. After listening to her footsteps fade, I grabbed The Bell Jar from my nightstand and resumed reading.
When my eyelids became heavy with sleep, I set the book back aside and turned my lamp off, before curling up for the night.
Hopefully, the upcoming weeks would be in my favor.
Monday Morning
I hold the map of campus, squinting at it as I double, no…triple-check that I am absolutely sure I know where I am going. The last thing I want to happen is to walk in late on my upper-level courses. I look up to the building before me, satisfied that it is the correct liberal arts building for my first class of the day. Stuffing my map back into the messenger bag, I quickly jog up the steps into the entrance.
I make my way down the hall, glancing at the classroom numbers as I pass by. Suddenly my eyes flick forward, and I’m greeted by a familiar face at the end of the hallway. There stood Randall; next to him a taller, handsome blonde man. He looks like a professor. I realize they are both staring at me, before Randall turns to talk to him again. I feel my face redden and I glance down; why me? What is going on here?
Class. I need to get to my class. My head snaps up and I look to my right, seeing the classroom number I was looking for. I dart into the open room, quickly claiming a seat in the back row. Sitting down, I sigh and roll my shoulders to relieve the tension. I am just a transfer student from some small town, why on earth would those two be talking about me? I hope it’s just a mistake, or I’m being paranoid about this whole thing.
“Are you sure?” Hamish deadpanned, keeping an eye on the blonde girl who was walking down the hall. Randall usually was right, even in the case of Jack. But Hamish wasn’t seeing it.
“I swear. There’s something, wolf-ish? Yeah, wolfish about her,” Randall replied, turning back towards the professor. He continued, “Like, not entirely werewolf like when I encounter any of the other Knights, but like a spark. I am really confused, I’ve never experienced something like that before.”
“For good reason, it makes no sense. You are either a werewolf or you’re not,” Hamish muttered, keeping his voice down to avoid passerby from overhearing. “Have you considered that maybe you just have a schoolgirl crush?”
Randall barked a laugh “Dude, seriously? One, me and Lilith. Two, do you really not trust me?” He crossed his arms and sighed, giving a look towards Hamish. Hamish rolled his eyes and replied “Fine, keep an eye on her if you wish. Just remember your priorities.” Looking back, he noticed that the girl caught sight of them and quickly looked away, before quickly disappearing into a classroom. “So far, it appears you are failing at being discrete.” Randall rolled his eyes and slightly shoved Hamish, before adjusting his backpack and walking off to his next class.
Part 2 here
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babydontherdme · 5 years
Tusk Part 2- Frat Parties are the Absolute Worst
Fandom- The Order
Pairing- Eventual ....???
Warnings- implied assault attempt. Werewolf stuff. That’s it. 
“Honestly, you didn’t strike me as the microbio type,” I stated, casting a glance over at Tara. She sat at her desk as she finished reviewing a powerpoint, grinning slightly at my statement. “Guess I’m just full of surprises,” she chuckled, shutting her laptop. Strolling over to the mirror of the dorm room, she reached and turned on the attached lights. She took a dramatic bow.
“Now, get over here. You can’t draw a straight line for shit, and I think you would look great with winged eyeliner,” She instructed.  I sighed, feigning exhaustion. Dragging my desk chair over, I sat down in it right before the mirror. Tara leaned back, hand on her chin as she examined me. Seeming satisfied with her plan, she dug into her makeup bag and got to work.
“So how did you get into paleontology?” She asked, quickly covering my face with some liquid. Makeup wasn’t my forte, I ended up making more of a mess of my face than I started with. Tara was bound and determined to see me through the struggle.
“Honestly, Jurassic Park.” I replied.
“Oh, so you wanted to dig up dinosaurs?”
“Yes, but now I want to dig up plants.”
Tara cast a confused glance at me before turning and getting different tools. “How do you go from being interested in dinosaurs to plants? I think it would be more fun with animals. Close your eyes now.”
“I know it sounds lame, but I loved my Botany class back at my community college.” Shutting my eyes, I continued “Besides, for research reasons. Plants are so much easier. Animals can move around and mess up the picture of an ecosystem. Plants are rooted in one space and don’t deceive you.”
Tara gave a hum of acknowledgement. “Never thought of it that way. Now open your eyes but look to your left.”
After several more minutes, Tara stepped back. Giving a quick glance over and moving my head several times, she smiled. “Looks good. Now what heels are you wearing with that dress.”
“So, it’s been a week… you know which frat houses to avoid by now, right?” I asked Tara as we down the Greek street. One frat house in particular sported a homemade sign made out of someone’s bedsheets, stating Freshman Daughter Dropoff. Gag. Puke.
“I don’t party that much,” Tara scoffed, rolling her eyes in amusement. “But I think I have a pretty good idea. Fear not, I will never leave you astray; my dearest roomie.”
She pointed to a dark grey house further down the street.
“That one there. See? Not total scum.”
It was around 11:30 pm when I felt my social battery reach reserve levels. I had been sitting in a corner for a bit now, hoping to see Tara appear after we split paths. But she hadn’t. I grabbed my phone and quickly typed out: Where are you?
Time passed further and no response or sighting of Tara. Sighing, I got up from my claimed spot. The house was packed with people talking and laughing, the sound of chatter almost drowning out the song that was playing in the background.
Stalked in the forest too close to hide I'll be upon you by the moonlight side Do do do do do do do dodo do do do dodo High blood drumming on your skin it's so tight You feel my heat I'm just a moment behind Do do do do do do do dodo do do do dodo
Making my way through the living room, I stuck my head into the kitchen. No, still not there. Maybe she was upstairs? Turning back around, I shuffled between the same social clumps I just managed to get through to get to the staircase.
In touch with the ground I'm on the huntdown after you Scent and a sound I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf Strut on a line it's discord and rhyme I howl and I whine I'm after you Mouth is alive all running inside And I'm hungry like the wolf
I had to admit; I wasn’t expecting to hear Duran Duran at a frat party. But I was not exactly complaining. My trip upstairs was short due to the amount of bedrooms occupied for recreational use. I concluded that Tara would have at least sent me a quick victory text if that were the case. I made my way back downstairs.
I stepped off the porch, the song and chatter becoming a dull thud contained within the house. I checked my phone again, just in case. Still no response.
“Hey, it’s…Sorrel right?”
My head popped up at the mention of my name. Before me was Lilith, a classmate of mine from Evolutionary Biology. When there are only ten people in the class, you learn names pretty quickly. Draped over her was…Randall?
“Yeah. Hi Lilith. How are you?” I asked, flicking my eyes away from my confused gaze at Randall.
“I’m good. This is my boyfriend Randall,” she stated, Randall giving a short wave when his name was said. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m just trying to find my roommate. I haven’t seen her for a few hours and it’s radio silence as far as texting,” I said, biting my lip. I hated to admit I was worried, especially if it was for nothing. After all, Tara and I were adults. We could drink without faking IDs. Surely that meant I didn’t have to lose my mind over one unanswered text…right?
“Hey if you’re worried, we can help you look for her. Besides, safety in numbers.” Randall offered. He opened his mouth to continue when we all jumped at the sound of a shriek coming from the park. Randall and Lilith gave each other a knowing look, before breaking out into sprinting towards the shriek.
“Sorrel, stay here. We’ll be back!” Randall shouted over his shoulder.
“Wait, no! I’m coming with!” I retorted, trying to run after them. I stumbled, curse these death trap heels. Kicking my shoes off, I grabbed them and proceeded to run barefoot after Randall and Lilith. My feet would hate me tomorrow, but I had a bad feeling about this.
Eventually I caught up to where Randall and Lilith had stopped. I had no idea how both of them could run so fast, were they on the track team? Panting, I slowed down as I got to where they were standing and evaluating…Tara?
Tara stood between them, slightly swaying and hunched over. But the bottom half of her body seemed to be the opposite, stiff. I approached and my eyes cast down to her feet. Instead of the heels she had chatted my ear off about, all I saw were…roots?
“Tara? Oh man, what the fuck is going on? What’s with your feet?” I sputtered, quickening my pace to a slight jog. Randall and Lilith turned towards me as I spoke. Randall groaned and slumped his shoulders, rolling his eyes.
“I told you to stay put Sorrel,” He griped. His hand caught my shoulder and prevented me from getting closer to Tara. “Listen, I know you want to help but we’ve got this. Besides we don’t know exactly what type of…. thing, we’re dealing with here. So, you should stay back.”
I wanted to snap something back at him, what kind of nonsense was he spouting? But all I would look at was the roots that came up from the earth and twisted around Tara’s calves, rendering her immobile. What on earth was this? Lilith crouched down to get a closer look, an angry grimace crossing her face. She and Randall both stiffened and looked back towards the woods.
A few seconds later, I heard the noise that they had apparently heard. Two guys came out of the brush with smirks on their faces. Randall quickly stepped in front of me as Lilith did the same with Tara.
“Geez, can’t a guy do any magic without somebody interrupting the fun?” the taller one goaded. The second one brought out a blade and sliced the palm of his hand open, clenching it tightly as the blood ran down his forearm. He looked like he was muttering something, but what?
My focus on the two strangers broke as I heard a rumble, a growl coming from…Lilith? I watched in awe as her veins darkened and her eyes lit up. Wait... were her eyes glowing?! I found myself being backed further away by Randall, as my awe turned into horror. Lilith’s body was contorting, but before I could figure out the transformation, a bipedal canid burst towards the two strangers, pinning down the one with the bloody palm.
The snarky tall one screamed, before running away. Just as quickly as Lilith, Randall also transformed into the same type of creature and pursuing him. I quickly made my way to Tara, who was still swaying in a trance. This was not the kind of night I expected when Tara asked me to go to some party with her.
I heard a crackle come from below, I looked down to see the roots untangling from amongst themselves. Once straightened out, they receded back into the ground. Without the strange form of support, Tara collapsed. I jumped forward and caught her, preventing her from dropping face first into the ground. My ears registered no more commotion; monster or human. Tara mumbled nonsense in my arms as I shivered from the cold and my terror. What the hell was all of this.
I heard the movement of brush and saw Randall exiting from the tree line. He was partially dressed in pants and shoes. As he walked closer, he managed to pull the hoodie he was holding over his head and onto his body. The wolf, I mean Lilith, followed him. He turned to her and stuck out his tongue.
“Remember when you made fun of me for putting out clothes caches? Who’s the loser now?” he gloated. Lilith pinned her ears and growled at him.
“Um…excuse me?” I pleaded. They both looked at me, as if just now remembering that I bore witness to what had just transpired. Randall walked over and kneeled, looking closely at Tara.
“There’s a reason why I told you to stay back, but I guess we can explain on the way back to our house.” He took Tara from my arms and hoisted her up, looking at me expectedly. “She needs a certain type of help.”
“What kind of help? The kind that removes magical tree roots from your feet?” I snapped back, still bewildered by the whole event.
“Oh, so you know it’s magic! Good, you will catch on quickly.” Randall smiled. Lilith rolled her eyes and grumbled. Randall continued, “I’ll explain when we fix her. I promise. But she has to go to our place, because we have the supplies.”
“Fine,” I sighed. At this point I would go anywhere with them, considering the ass-kicking they just served those two creeps. Standing up, I grabbed my heels and stared at Randall. “Just don’t lock me in your basement, make me put lotion on my skin, none of that serial killer shit.”
“You’ll get along fine,” Randall smiled, adjusting Tara in his arms. “This way, it’s not too far from here.” He started walking further out into the woods. I turned to Lilith, who nodded her head as if to tell me to go ahead. I followed Randall, and Lilith fell in pace behind me.
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