khianat · 10 days
"I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours." - to Jojo
                        𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 Jojo & Yongrae
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"Well, you have studied quite hard today and I would say, it calls for a treat. I know a thing or two about successful studying and breaks are considered rather important," Jojo moved ahead, arms curling around the other's body, leaning in. "Why don't we do that? We can be lazy for a little while, just kiss or do nothing at all. Once we get bored of it, unless we fall asleep, which sounds tempting with you in my arms," here he goes, mister sappy. He would tell himself it wasn't too much... "I could order dinner, and we see what we feel for."
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unavernales · 2 months
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"say 'ah'~" noel coos and grants sujin a spoonful of sweet lemon semifreddo. they were currently on a little date, the dhampir unable to leave her dragon home alone while she partook in a lunch promised to be divine. noel had been persuaded to write a review on the newest high end cafe in the area. "what do you think? the flavor is good, but there are some ice crystals here..." they gently dissect at the dessert with their spoon, ever the picky judge. she scribbles something in her notebook and tsks. "hopefully the pistachio financiers will be more carefully prepared."
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star-paths · 6 months
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Sujin hummed quietly to the music that played in the background as he cooked, stirring the savory sweet sauce as it thickened around bits of pork and vegetables and filled the kitchen with a warm aroma. He was mindful to keep the space clean as it was not his own, despite how familiar it had become over his time cooking in it, tucking bowls and utensils into the sink to be washed after dinner. "Should be ready in about five minutes," he called out to the kitchen's owner in the other room, drying his hands on a dish towel and propping them on his hips as he watched his work bubble and pop, stirring now and again. The rice was ready and warming in the cooker. It was a dinner he had confidence in, but even still he felt this one had promise, a small smile curling at the corner of his lips.
Most peoples opinions of him did not take up a particularly large piece of real estate in his mind, but cooking for a professional cook had it's own unique set of considerations — primarily Sujin wanted Niran to eat something more than E-Mart quick-service for once, and it seemed a simple, natural thing seeing as Sujin cooked for his mother and baby sister often when he was home. And so they had fallen into this periodic ritual: Sujin would be the chef's chef.
"I hope you're hungry, I'm used to fixing this for eight people," he chuckled, more to himself than anything.
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a starter for @rainyearning
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hellslittleprince · 6 months
@rainyearning | Lucifer
"You're playing a dangerous game here, Daesun. Are you sure this is how you want to do this?"
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collectivemesses · 6 months
@rainyearning from here (because jin made me)
[to remo-hyung] Red works. We can wear red. You look good in red and if people are staring at you they wont be looking at me and I'm A-Okay with that. [to remo-hyung] As long as you don't stare back. [to remo-hyung] If I agree to this nomination do I get a prize? I feel like I should get a prize. [to remo-hyung] You get your own category then. The 'soft and squishy but hot on the outside' category.
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r3dblccd · 6 months
: ̗̀➛ @rainyearning; cont. from here
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"Even then, you could have acted in a way that would make me want to come with you voluntarily." As if Tai wasn't completely cooperative because he found Remo cute even if he didn't do much, but if you ask him he wouldn't admit it. "Like, you could have really wooed me right from the get-go. You could have acted like you'd be my saviour, my knight in shining armor who was going to help me out from that nasty trap and was going calm me from my distress by treating me to a nice cup of tea at your at your cozy home, maybe still carry me to your car in your arms, because why of course I was still quite shaken up still, but no funny business with tying me up, I only consider bondage and playing the prey only after the tenth date at least, though it was kind of fun calling you 'Mr. Hunter'. But anyway! And once we were at your place, you could have carefully and calmly explained to me the situation while also assuring me that you'd take good care of me. Do you catch my drift? That way things could have gone much better." Looks like someone had a lot of time on his hands to think of such a scenario. "... But also if you try this on someone else, then I promise you I will kill them and then you." Apparently moon rabbits weren't immune to feeling jealous.
Tai sighed. "Okay then, what do you want for Christmas?"
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united-as-one · 6 months
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Closed starter for @rainyearning (Niran Ayutthaya)
It was the late evening when Baekhyun arrived at the quaint restaurant that would serve as his hiding place away from the bustle and chaos of the rockstar idol world. But as he sat down, he lets out a gentle sigh as the star removes his black mask and smiles at who he assumed was the chef and owner of the fine establishment, "Yo! I'll have your best seller please. Quite a nice place you've got here, cozy and out of the way... I could probably live here." He teases with a little grin and wink, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
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vicletnight · 3 days
continued from here for @rainyearning
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Theo didn't realize how loaded his question was before the other replied, the actor silent in surprise for a moment while he was trying to interpret what was going on. Leaning back when Kija attempted to show the reason for his anger, he stared at the photo for a moment before a sigh escaped him. A piece of him wanted to laugh at the misunderstanding, but seeing his boyfriend in the current state he was in he decided against it. "Okay, I understand why you're upset," he spoke softly in attempts to lower the other's guard. "I was hanging out with a friend, and his sister showed up right before I left." Thinking honesty would be his best policy, he continued intricately. "She was the reason I left actually, cause we..." stopping before he cleared his throat, Theo struggled to keep eye contact with his next words. "We did date in the past, I met my friend through his sister while we were." The actor didn't want to keep this information from him, knowing it would just be a matter of time before he found out himself. "I'm sorry if that made it seem like something a lot worse."
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lovxsickhxarts · 4 months
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"Happy Valentines Day" - from Haru for Jesse
"Why thank you, love, that's so sweet of you, even literally now," Jesse smiled and kissed Haru on the forehead before wrapping his arms around him. "Happy Valentine's day, my love."
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gaesaekkii · 11 days
"Don't you dare tell me to go back to sleep, we both know I can't sleep anyways." Haru sighed while moving closer to Jae, joining him by the window. "I made tea for you.. are you gonna tell me what keeps you up?"
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Jae was looking out of the window, the tea sounded nice and relaxing, but he keeps his eyes on that same window. He sighs softly. “Baby, you need the rest though, even if it’s not sleeping.” It had been a long day, work had been stressful and he knew he couldn’t hide this from Haru forever. There was a sniper leaning against the wall, right by the window. “I was sure someone followed me home, so I can’t sleep until I am sure I am wrong. I can’t risk your life.”
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khianat · 1 month
[ bullet ] Airy takes a bullet for Jongin
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―  𝑵𝑶𝑵-𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 | @rainyearning
You are being so reckless!" Jongin hissed as he looked over it. He had been aware that Airy wasn't a human being for a while now, thus he put his faith into the taller man not being as breakable as one. It did not mean the anger and worry did not mix up quite obviously in his eyes, blending out all the noise. Gangs really were cowards, just because he ended working with them after breaking the rules of what kind of business the club permits was violated and them kicked out. "Do you need me to call an ambulance or can you do this on your own?" there was no hesitation, fingers pressed against the wound. Blood never bothered him, all that mattered now was to ensure Airy would be okay! Jongin was working on autopilot.
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unavernales · 5 months
"curiosity and cats, they say..." serghei murmurs as he steps out of the shadows. itʻs been a long, arduous process with the pretty little sidekick because if the villain is anything, itʻs thorough. calculating. patient. serghei knows how to wait for a good thing, and noori is a very good thing. from his threatening smarts to that captivating body serghei canʻt help but ogle now that he has the opportunity to do so outside of the rushed adrenaline of battle, serghei is playing his cards carefully. however, he canʻt help but feel a glowing pride. noori is meeting him. followed his coordinates, no bumbling hero in sight.
"but iʻm not sure this is purely curiosity, kitten." the taller tilts his head, eyes-- one dark blue and one a faded milky white at the tail end of the scar noori had bestowed from temple to the opposite corner of sergheiʻs mouth-- focused. bright and frighteningly attentive.
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wingsnwangs · 2 months
@rainyearning continued from x
Binnie felt self-conscious in his long sleeved shirt and his ripped jeans, but he tried to push past it - especially when he felt like Mitya was far from impressed by his gift and flowers. "I don't have work today" He still felt a little embarrassed, plopping down in the seat across from Mitya and looking down at the table, chewing his bottom lip. "Y'don't gotta share them with me. They're for your birthday, after all"
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star-paths · 5 months
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@rainyearning asked: "You know, sending me money after I just fucked you like this.. I feel la little like a hooker. But I don't mind, it's hot in a way. Made me feel like I really really earned that burger. Because I used your money to order me these pathetically expensive burgers." - Niran
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Sujin had just returned home to his dorm, shaking the rain off his hair and removing his shoes when he got the call, slipping the cellphone from his pocket and eyeing the ID. He had not left Niran's place all that long ago, but he knew what the call was about.
He answered as he made his way to his bedroom, the other's words bringing a grin to his lips. Flipping the light on he chuckled, tossing his keys onto his desk.
"You did earn it," he reaffirmed, turning to flop down on his bed with nary a creak; he'd done his group mates a favor in keeping his bedframe as silent as possible.
"And I owed it to you for drinking all your liquor and using all your hot water," he chuckled, picking idly at a hanging thread on his jeans. "Should I start signing my transfers with 'for illicit sex acts'? Just to keep the fantasy alive for you?"
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hellslittleprince · 3 months
Dip, from Noori to Dae
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
Oh, this little devil... Dae was a strong, principled man, truly. Decades and centuries of practice meant he deemed himself to have decent enough self control, and yet. There Noori was, in all of his beautiful, stunning, ethereal glory, stepping into water and beckoning him in behind him. And while Dae might be that strong man with perfect self control, he had no plans on exercising that control right now. It would be criminal to do so. He exhaled in a rush, lifting his shirt up and over his head, reaching to unbutton his jeans all while toeing off his shoes.
"You're... You're a fucking tease, you know that?" He called after him, pushing his jeans and underwear down in one movement, moving over to lower himself into the water too, far less graceful than his feline companion seemed to be.
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collectivemesses · 4 months
"I want the k." - from Remo
38. A kiss while one party is carried | @rainyearning
"I can make my own way, y'know," Jin mumbled, pouting up at Remo even if he was... far less grumpy than he was trying to come across. For all he'd sworn he hated being manhandled before, Remo had well and truly blown that out of the water and Jin was starting to truly believe that his favourite place in the damn world was in this man's arms, lifted up or otherwise. And maybe he got a little lost in that thought, or the way that Remo's eyes locked onto his... because before the other could make any kind of smart comment at him in retaliation, Jin was leaning up to press his lips to Remo's with all the sloppy eagerness that the position allowed for.
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