#quilts of valor
wausaupilot · 1 month
Quilt of Valor presented
Robert Petersen was presented with a Quilt of Valor at the Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee group at their Denny’s meeting on April 24, 2024. Marsha Otto and her sister Marla Berg, volunteers with the Quilts of Valor Foundation awarded Bob with the Quilt of Valor. Bob proudly served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War after graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1963. Bob…
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mosersmoments · 8 months
🇺🇸 Quilts of Valor Foundation 🇺🇸
Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce 🗺
🎆 2022
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Local veterans honored with Quilts of Valor by | News
Local veterans honored with Quilts of Valor by | News
Two Cass County veterans were honored for their service Tuesday afternoon in a small ceremony at the West Side Diner. Veterans Dan Turney and Skip Perry were given Quilts of Valor by Donna Geisler, VFW chaplain, and Liz Troxell, president of VFW Auxiliary Post No. 3790. The presentation was delayed three years due to the coronavirus pandemic. “It’s been a long time coming,” said Geisler. Turney…
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februaryberries · 2 months
i want to learn how to draw and i want to learn how to garden i want to read more i want to write i want to learn how to paint i want to study history i want to learn korean i want to learn spanish i want to learn other languages too i want to learn about rocks and geology i want to learn about chemistry i want to learn about dance i want to learn about theatre and study acting and read more plays i want to learn how to quilt i want to make my own clothes i want to learn how to do woodworking and have my own shop and build things i want to study math i want to learn how to cook i want to learn how to code and make video games i want to get better at valorant i want to learn martial arts i want to talk to people i want to own my own business i want to learn about astrology and tarot and runes and music and i want to learn how to sing but i mostly just want to learn how to live
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danddthornton · 2 months
Patriotic Stars of Valor
Patriotic Stars of Valor (close up)Patriotic Stars of Valor (back)Patriotic Stars of Valor (front) This was made for a special serviceman. Quilts of Valor are the coolest! I should start collecting patriotic fabrics so I can make one myself!
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-04-03
Quilt's done, let's watch some movies.
Listening: Finished catching up to 99 percent invisible, which only took me like five years of cooking, cleaning, commuting, sewing, video gaming and soldering. Admittedly it's only about half of all of those things, but hey.
There's a lot of good 99pi episodes although a lot of them are actually guest episodes, for example Finding Julia Morgan is actually from New Angle: Voice, about an early and prolific skyscraper designer.
For originals, there's the story of the Nikolai Vavilov and the Seed Potatoes of Leningrad although frankly The Anthropocene Reviewed did it better, and there's Miss Manhattan, which is the story of a prolific model who is as a result featured in a ton of architectural work, Audrey Munson.
Reading: Started qntm's Ra, spec fic hard science fantasy where magic is a precise scientific process which is primarily best understood through careful measurement and differential equations. Appealing to me as an electrical engineer, where most things are also best understood through careful measurement and differential equations.
I read the first couple chapters ages ago but didn't stick with it, it's hard to read on a computer, I ended up buying the ebook and I'm devouring it. qntm has a way with words and worlds, and an appreciation for the power of institutional knowledge and formal theory that makes his stories feel very real and grounded. Even if they open with a drunk mage blasting some muggers with a microwave thermal lance.
Watching: Triple feature, big show today. First, episode two of Dynamo Dreams is out, only a year after the first one, not bad for what is mostly a solo VFX project. Beautiful, grungy, greebled sci-fi.
My brother called me up at six in the evening like hey do you want to go see a movie, and I almost never turn that offer down despite his incredibly terrible taste in movies and TV. We saw Shazam 2, which was mediocre in uninteresting ways. If you want to enjoy it, walk out about 15 minutes before it ends and it'll at least do something bold and thoughtful. The most I can say is that it keeps track of all it's plot points and ties them all off neatly.
Finally The Edge of Tomorrow, the time loop movie from like 2014. I like time loops, they give you a lot of room to play with. Manages to handle its stakes really well and convey the exhaustion and investment of a time loop without actually playing out every loop, which is hard. Makes me want to play Elsinore.
Playing: Nothing much, I got a couple games of Valorant in with The Buds. Now that I don't have sewing to podcast through I might go back to Forza a few hours a week. It's a reliable option. That or Warframe maybe. Needs to be a game with minimal text and little strategy.
Making: The Penrose quilt is finally done, took a few months there huh.
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I'm really glad it's done, I'm looking forward to actually using it once I move out. Soon hopefully.
My sewing skill has really gone up over the course of this project, sometimes I'd read or watch someone's dressmaking project and I'd think there's no way you can do consistently tight backstitch by hand for that long of a seam but no, you totally can, it's not even that hard.
Tools and Equipment: If you're going to be working with Perle cotton you really want embroidery specific needles, they've got longer eyes that are better suited to the thicker floss than conventional needles.
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newvegasdyke · 2 years
Oh my god how do I frequently get stuck behind people buying fabric for quilts of valor. Seventy yards of ugly patriotic fabric and four rolls of huge batting. And now they want the store to hold it for them until tomorrow so they get a bigger discount and the people ordering are trying to overstep onto what the employees are doing
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the-void-pets-back · 1 year
I heard of “Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow” as a potential replacement for the normal phrase but when I went back to the page I downloaded Tungsten (one of the fonts Valorant uses) they used “Jinxed wizards pluck ivy from the big quilt.” and I’m not sure what to think about that
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Eulabeia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Eula by her family
Scaredy Cat by Calleis
Age- 10 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's a quiet empathetic cautious girl who always follows the rules. She dislikes spontaneity & is always mindful over the safety of others and those she cares about.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of caution she shares some abilities as her mother like having an innate danger sense & force field generation. Other abilities include limited pyrokinesis (her fire burns a soft orange-yellow) and limited vitakinesis (healing).
Eula lives with her family- her mother Soteria (goddess of safety), her father Ktesios (god of the household), and her older sister Eleos (Ellie) (goddess of mercy, pity, & compassion) at their house in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. Eula's room is like a warm hug with a soft bed covered in thick quilts and blankets, an extensive collection of teddy bears, & lit aromatic candles.
She loves it when her dad makes his signature breakfast lasagna for breakfast. Most times she'll settle for a either a peanut butter & banana sandwich, a bowl of Earthly Harvest raisin crunch cereal, or a bowl of Earthly Harvest honey o's cereal.
Lately Eula's been getting more responsibilty and chores around the house. Aside from cleaning her room & doing her own laundry, she's also responsible for cleaning the dog kennels, taking out the garbage, and taking out the smaller dogs out for walks as well as feeding them. She gets a weekly allowance.
A go-to drink for her is the banana pineapple smoothie from The Frozen Spoon. She also likes orange juice, sparkling water, lemonade, iced tea, hot ginger tea, & ginger ale. A usual for her from The Roasted Bean is the small apple lychee splash.
Eula comes from quite the family background. On her father's side there's her Theía Hestia (goddess of the hearth), her Theíos Adranos (god of fire), her Yiayia Anchiale (Titaness of fire), & her beloved Pappoús Hecaterus (Titan god of manual labor). On her mother's side there's her uncle Soter (god of safety) and his daughters (her cousins) Arete (goddess of virtue, valor, & excellence), Homonoia (goddess of concord), and Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness). She's more closer to her father's side of the family since they're the ones Eula sees often- especially during the summer at the family vacation cabin house in the state of Argos.
She never rides her bike or electric scooter without wearing a helmet, elbow pads, & knee pads.
Eula attends an esteemed private school in New Olympus. She's made friends with a few other godly students in her grade like Melete (goddess of thought & meditation), Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect), a few daughters of Selene (Titaness of the moon) like Ersa (goddess of morning dew), and Calleis (goddess of allurement). Eula is also friendly with Xenia (goddess of hospitality) who's a grade lower than her. She's aware of the godly third graders like Caerus (god of opportunity & luck), Myrízei (god of smell & gases), Paidia (goddess of play & amusement), Hebe (goddess of youth), Prophasis (goddess of excuses), Aceso (goddess of healing), Mneme (goddess of remembrance), and Physis (goddess of nature).
The friend group hang out together during lunch & sometimes afterschool when Eula hosts study group sessions at her house or at the public library. Even though she likes Calleis, she can't help but also feel intimidated by her- especially at how insecure she feels when Calleis teases her about her clothes & shyness.
At school Eula's favorite classes are literature, history, science, and home economics.
She first came into her powers one day where she was out with her sister. Eula noticed a small boy no older than three let go of his mother's hand while crossing the street to pick up a toy he dropped. Time for her slowed down when everything else was speeding up. Just as a speeding car was about to strike the child, Eula outstretched her arm, instinctively creating a force field.
Eula and her friends love stopping by at the nearby Bread Box afterschool where they all get the gourmet grilled cheese- bread grilled in rosemary garlic butter and loaded with sweet carmalized onions, and ooey gooey white cheddar & gruyere cheeses.
A guilty pleasure for her is the BLT hot dog!
She thinks that her sister's friend Heimarmene (Marnie) (goddess of shared fate) is the most glamorous being she's ever seen!
In the pantheon she also looks up to and admires Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature); is also a huge fan of her books, Athena (goddess of wisdom), and her mom's best friend Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor).
She hates surprises, especially surprise parties.
Eula's favorite frozen treat is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
For the upcoming Christmas, she secretly hopes to get the jeweled teddy bear shaped Diamond Ave. clutch. She nearly fainted when she discovered the 8,000 drachma price tag!
Eula dresses more for comfortability than style. Make-up is something she's intimidated by and not yet ready to explore so she never does more than clear lip gloss, light shades of nail polish, & tinted lip balm. She and her parents decided that she'll get her ears pierced when she turns thirteen.
She's been under the "unofficial" official mentorship of her aunt Hestia- even helping out sometimes at the bakery. Eula's favorite desserts there are the signature honey cake, glazed donuts, and sugar cookies. She also likes her grandmother's apple pie & her father's coffee cake!
Eula once shadowed her mom when her school had Career Day. To say it was hectic is an understatement, but it was a great learning experience as well!
She's looking forward to an upcoming camping trip with her grandfather and quietly loathing the first ever boy/girl part she's been invited to.
Eula can make a delicious tater tot casserole- seasoned ground beef, lots of melted cheddar cheese, green beans, then topped with golden brown crispy tater tots! The first dish she ever learned how to cook was honeyed roasted ham after being taught by her parents.
In her free time she has recently attended a candle making class! She also enjoys writing, knitting (with her mom & sister), playing football (soccer) (with her dad), reading, going to the park, jump rope, lanyard, going to the library, hanging out with friends, and baking.
Some of Eula's favorite meals include her grandfather's spanokopita, her grandmother's chicken pot pie, her aunt's lemon honey glazed fried chicken, her mom's turkey meatloaf, her dad's pot roast, & her sister's creamy mac n' cheese.
"Luck runs out, but safety is good for life."
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roscoebarnes3 · 9 days
Smith awarded Quilt of Valor
“I am honored and grateful to receive this award from the [Natchez Chapter] Daughters of the American Revolution. During my years of military service, I occasionally received the odd medal or ribbon for this or that, but never for patriotism. They are so very kind to consider me worthy of the distinction. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.” – Retired Army Lt. Col. Larry Smith
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
The Healer of Shakkara - Book One
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 6 - Wanted - Part 2
As he passed beneath the arch and waved to one of the Guards on duty, another grabbed his shoulder in a gloved grip.
"Oy. Where you think you're going? No foreigners allowed without the proper pass."
Galen winced and swatted the hand aside.
"Piss off, Darek. I've got to get home."
"Oh, yeah? You're going the wrong way then, aren't ya? Pyrr's that way."
He pointed back towards the docks.
Galen rolled his eyes.
His heart was already beating in overdrive with adrenaline and he really didn't need Darek's assholery stressing him out more.
"Actually, it's that way."
Galen pointed west, across the river.
"But you'd know that if you'd made it through more than one year of school, Darek."
He tried to walk on, by Darek caught his arm in a much harder hold.
"Hey. I didn't say you could go, dish-rag," he hissed near Galen's ear.
"You gotta pay the toll."
"Let me go, Darek," he said.
"Or what? You'll tell on me to Triss?" Darek laughed but he let Galen go with a rough shove.
"You wish," Galen said, just loud enough for Darek to hear and then took off before the other boy could figure out what he meant.
It wasn't hard for Galen to guess where Darek's aggression came from, even if Darek himself remained in the dark
Galen had known for years that only other males excited his attraction and had accepted it as his nature but in Thryn, such a nature was not acknowledged openly.
To bed someone of the opposite sex was something to brag about and record with nocks on one's spear, to bed someone of the same sex was something to keep to oneself... a sign of weakness or of 'doing it wrong.'
It wasn't forbidden but it was something to laugh about or to laugh at... as Darek did.
Even if 'as Galen suspected' Darek would very much like to bed someone like Galen, himself.
He tried not to think about it as he raced up the streets towards the Lower Valorous and home.
He had other things to think about.
Like how long it would take the stranger and his cohort to find someone who would point them right to his father's house.
Given the size of Dern and the prevailing distrust of outsiders, he estimated the slowest at a day... the fastest, an hour.
He decided to trust the faster estimate.
Dashing up the street, his shirt damp with sweat and his breath ragged in his throat, he let himself in through the front door and locked it behind him, then took the stairs two at a time up to his room.
He shut the door at his back and leaned against it, breathing heavily as his mind raced as fast as his heart.
What would he do?
Where would he go?
What would he tell Harrald?
A pain lanced his heart as he looked around.
His bedroom was his sanctuary and this was the first time in his life he didn't feel absolutely safe here.
Sunlight streamed through the wavy glass of the window panes, illuminating bare floorboards and a sparely furnished, yet carefully cultivated space.
An old chequered quilt covered the neatly made bed... a gift from Triss's mother for Midwinter one year.
Rough shelves, fashioned by his father, lined one wall and housed his treasured books... there were only seven, in total but room for more.
Small curiosities collected from the forest cluttered the remaining shelves... pretty stones and oddly shaped branches, antlers and animal bones, dried fungi and an array of insects 'all of which he'd found already dead'.
Pride of place went to the birthday presents he'd received from Behn and Triss... a compass from Behn 'which didn't really work' and a small dagger in a leather sheath from Triss.
The only other furniture was a small chest of drawers containing his clothing and personal effects and a simple table and chair by the window, where he liked to sit and read.
It wasn't much and not much of it would help him to survive.
Still, he grabbed the dagger and compass and tossed them both in the leather knapsack he used for collecting samples in the woods.
He pulled the wooden box Harrald had given him from where he'd stowed it under his be, and took out the gold ring and the note, too.
Stowing these in the pack, he slung it over his shoulder and turned towards the door.
At the same time, Harrald's voice called to him from below.
"Gale? You're home already? Is everything all right?"
Galen shut his eyes and bit his lip.
It wasn't fair.
Harrald had loved and cared for him his whole life.
He was his father and it would be cruel to simply disappear.
He owed him an explanation, at least.
Even as he set his hand to the knob, though, three loud knocks sounded from below.
Someone at the door.
Below, five figures stood... four, grouped around one.
An hour had been too generous an estimate, it seemed.
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padhaicrew · 5 months
Cultural Heritage and Rajasthan: A Rich Tapestry of Traditions
In the heart of India, Rajasthan stands as a living testament to the beauty and resilience of cultural heritage. From the majestic forts of Jaipur to the enchanting lakes of Udaipur, the state weaves a rich tapestry of traditions that echo through time. Rajasthan's cultural heritage is not merely a relic of the past; it is a dynamic force, pulsating through the present and guiding the state into the future. As custodians of this legacy, Rajasthan embraces and celebrates its cultural heritage, recognizing it as a source of identity, inspiration, and a bridge between generations.
Nurturing Cultural Stewardship
At the forefront of cultural preservation is the best girls' university in Jaipur, where students are not only educated academically but are also instilled with a deep appreciation for the cultural heritage that surrounds them. The university serves as a crucible of tradition, fostering an environment where young minds are immersed in the arts, history, and customs that define Rajasthan's cultural identity.
Architectural Marvels: Forts, Palaces, and Havelis
Rajasthan boasts a mesmerizing array of architectural marvels that stand as testaments to the grandeur of its cultural heritage. The intricate designs of Hawa Mahal, the regality of Mehrangarh Fort, and the opulence of City Palace in Jaipur are not just structures; they are living narratives of Rajasthan's history and artistic brilliance. These monuments, bearing the scars of time, narrate tales of valor, romance, and the evolution of a vibrant civilization.
Living Traditions: Music, Dance, and Festivals
In Rajasthan, traditions are not confined to the pages of history; they resonate through the melodies of folk music, the rhythms of traditional dance, and the exuberance of festivals. The state is a canvas where vibrant colors come alive during festivals like Diwali, Holi, and Teej. The resonant tunes of Rajasthani folk music and the rhythmic grace of traditional dances like Ghoomar are not just performances; they are expressions of a cultural ethos that transcends generations.
Handicrafts and Textiles: Artistry in Every Thread
The handicrafts of Rajasthan are a testament to the artistic prowess passed down through generations. From the intricate block prints of Sanganer to the exquisite hand-embroidery of Phulkari, Rajasthan's textiles are a canvas of creativity. The state's bazaars are treasure troves of handmade crafts, including pottery, Bandhani textiles, and Jaipuri quilts, each telling a story of skilled craftsmanship and the timeless allure of tradition.
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Cuisine: Culinary Heritage on a Platter
Rajasthan's culinary heritage is a feast for the senses, reflecting the state's diverse geography and cultural influences. The robust flavors of Dal Baati Churma, the aromatic blend of spices in Laal Maas, and the sweetness of Ghewar are not just dishes; they are culinary sagas that have been perfected over centuries. Rajasthan's cuisine is a living heritage, passed down through familial kitchens and celebrated at communal gatherings.
Cultural Festivals: A Melange of Traditions
Rajasthan's cultural calendar is punctuated by a kaleidoscope of festivals, each offering a unique glimpse into the state's diverse traditions. The exuberant colors of the Pushkar Camel Fair, the rhythmic beats of the Elephant Festival, and the celestial hues of the International Kite Festival are not merely events; they are celebrations that bring communities together to revel in the shared heritage of Rajasthan.
Language and Literature: A Written Legacy
Rajasthani language and literature form an intrinsic part of the state's cultural heritage. From the verses of the revered saint-poet Meerabai to the epic tales of Chand Bardai's Prithviraj Raso, Rajasthan's literary legacy is a source of inspiration. The state's languages, including Marwari and Mewari, carry the cadence of stories, songs, and the collective wisdom of generations.
Wildlife Conservation: A Commitment to Nature's Heritage
Beyond its cultural treasures, Rajasthan is also committed to preserving its natural heritage. The state's wildlife sanctuaries and reserves, such as Ranthambore National Park, serve as custodians of indigenous species like the Bengal tiger. Rajasthan's commitment to wildlife conservation reflects a holistic approach to heritage—one that encompasses both the tangible and intangible treasures of the land.
Education and Awareness: Sowing Seeds for Future Stewards
Rajasthan is actively incorporating cultural education and awareness into its academic institutions. By integrating cultural studies into school and university curricula, the state is nurturing a generation of individuals who appreciate, understand, and safeguard Rajasthan's cultural heritage. This educational approach ensures that the legacy is not merely preserved but is also passed down with a sense of responsibility and pride.
Rajasthan's Cultural Odyssey Continues
In conclusion, Rajasthan's cultural heritage is not a relic frozen in time; it is a vibrant, living force that continues to evolve and inspire. The best girls' university in Jaipur and various cultural initiatives across the state are instrumental in fostering a sense of cultural stewardship among the people. As Rajasthan continues its cultural odyssey, the state's heritage remains an enduring source of inspiration, connecting the past, present, and future in a harmonious dance of tradition and progress.
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seniorveteranscare · 5 months
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danddthornton · 3 months
Valor Stars
Valor Stars (close up)Valor Stars (back)Valor Stars (front) It’s always a privilege to quilt a project for a service person. I used a stars and wave pattern that is one of my favorites for patriotic quilts. Please thank the service people in your life for me.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-03-13
Busy getting ready to Fucking Go even though I do not actually have the visa that entitles me to Fucking Go. Curious Liminal Anxiety.
Listening: You love it, I love it, it's Curta'n Wall's first and only album "SIEGE UBSESSED!"
I have a hard time picking a favourite here, although the titular Siege Ubsessed! is a good option, it's competing hard with Elephantry and A New Castle Is Born among others.
Do you like absolutely weird music? Do you want to find out what it would sound like if Monty Python was a metal band? Here is the album for you.
Watching: Nope, most of my spare time has been sewing the quilt.
Reading: I was picking through stuff in Axiomatic by Gregan and thought "Hey I should check out Scale" and then I read 80% of Scale in the past few days.
Scale is the absolutely incredible kind of hard SF that Gregan gives us, the introduction to the Science of Scale on his site I'd one of those great moments where the behaviours just intuitively fall out of the concepts and the equations.
Even more impressive, because the setting of the book itself is somewhere between the 1920's and the 2000's it deals in its own physics in a very fuzzy way, with an early chapter basically discussing lepton physics through the lens of cathode rays.
Best of all, it's also a great detective/conspiracy story about technological advancement, culture, politics, and power. Very cold-war-y. Highly recommended.
Playing: Oops All Valorant. Played competitive for the first time and landed myself squarely in Iron. My strategy and power control is pretty garbage, I tend to get like two or three really great rounds per match where it's late in the round and no one has util and I can just slowly pick off an enemy team, but I usually just lose early firefights.
Making: Quilting is like, halfway done. I'm pretty sure by the next time I talk to you it will be near done. After this it's just putting on a binding around the edge and finishing up minor decorative work.
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Tools and Equipment: When you're setting up a Linux desktop machine try and set up at least as much swap as you have RAM so that you can do hibernation. Linux hibernation is surprisingly robust and it's great if, like me, you need to weather regular power loss on your system. I didn't set that up on my desktop last time and I'm really feeling it.
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sofiavideirap · 5 months
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Costume for Treemonisha, designed and made by Sofia Videira Pinto. Cotton and satin. The costume is hand-painted, quilted, and through the use of hidden magnets, it changes in three acts, every time revealing more colour.  Figurino para Treemonisha, desenhado e confecionado por Sofia Videira Pinto. Cetim e algodão. O figurino é pintado à mão, acolchoado e, através do uso de ímanes, muda em três atos, sempre revelando um pouco mais de cor.
Costume project for my adaptation of the 1911 opera Treemonisha.
Originally taking place in rural postbellum Arkansas, in the 1880s, a clever African-American young woman, called Treemonisha, is elected the leader of her community of sharecroppers, after showing how superstition is the enemy of progress and knowledge and education constitute the brighter way forward.
My adaptation, though, places Treemonisha in a different time and setting: in the Auto City of Detroit, during the late 1920s, after the Great Migration that led farmer communities of the south finding their way north. Treemonisha is inspired by the first African-American female pilot, Bessie Coleman, and she is herself a pioneer and a pilot. Her family and friends are mechanics and factory workers, and the dark aura of superstition is perpetuated by Zodzetrick, a vicious sorcerer. Soon enough though, Treemonisha will prove the values of an open and innovative mind to her peers, and bring music, life and colour to the ones around her.
The concept behind the costumes is the one of emerging colours through the darkness. Starting mainly black, the costumes open panels each new act, that reveal bright and lively hues. By the end of the opera, the costumes evoke a victorious festival of colour. The garments and panels are hand painted and quilted, as an homage to the African-American tradition of quilting, which played an important role in the freedom and emancipation of former slaves. The sleeves and back of the jacket, as well as the trousers, resemble the shape of an aeroplane and wings, honouring both Bessie Coleman and Treemonisha as pioneers and messengers of hope; the front of the jacket resembles a book, an ode to the importance of education within the communities.
Projeto de figurinos para uma adaptação própria da ópera Treemonisha, de 1911.
Originalmente a peça toma lugar numa aldeia rural de Arkansas, após a guerra civil americana, nos anos 1880, onde uma jovem Afro-Americana corajosa e inteligente, Treemonisha, é eleita líder da sua comunidade de meeiros, depois de demonstrar como a superstição é inimiga do progresso, e a educação de todos é o caminho mais luminoso para o futuro.
Na minha adaptação, no entanto, a história desenvolve-se na cidade de Detroit (The Auto City), nos tardios anos 20, depois da Grande Migração que levou comunidades de agricultores do sul dos EUA a rumar a norte. Treemonisha é inspirada na primeira piloto Afro-Americana, Bessie Coleman, sendo ela também uma pioneira, tanto na aviação, como nos seus ideais. A sua família e amigos são, nesta adaptação, mecânicos e trabalhadores de fábricas, e a aura pesada e negra da superstição é perpetuada por Zodzetrick, um feiticeiro vicioso. No entanto, em breve, Treemonisha vai provar os valores de uma mente aberta e inovadora à sua comunidade, e trazer música e cor às suas vidas.
O conceito por trás dos figurinos tem por base as cores vivas que emergem pela escuridão. Se ao ínicio  se apresentam fundamentalmente negros, os vários figurinos vão ao longo dos atos revelando novos painéis de cores vivas e vibrantes. No final da ópera, os figurinos evocam um vitorioso festival de cor. Todas as peças e painéis foram feitos e pintados à mão, e usando técnicas de quilting (colcha), em homenagem a esta tradição Afro-Americana, que teve um papel importante na libertação e emancipação de antigos escravos. As mangas e as costas do casaco, bem como as calças, são inspiradas em formas alares e de aviões, homenageando Bessie Coleman e Treemonisha, pioneiras e mensageiras de esperança; a frente do casaco assemelha-se a um livro, numa ode à importância da educação nas comunidades.
Fotografias: Sebastião Ogando
Modelo: Belinha Zêgo
Figurinos: Sofia Videira Pinto
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