#queerbait me harder daddy
alarrytale · 10 months
Hi! So firstly I want to ask how can Harry CO when his community hates him? He'll be met with accusations of doing it for attention, or people not wanting him to be part of the community so they'll alienate him. I guess it will be easier if he is to CO in a relationship like with Louis or whoever. Maybe that's the only option. As it's harder to dismiss if he is with a male partner. But what if he wants to CO on his own? What is a good way to go about it? I do worry that by him continuing to do stunts he will completely push away with his community. Then when he does CO he'll have no support or respect. Secondly I want to ask if you think Harry and Louis can CO or could there be contracts stating that they can't? I saw twitter Larries thinking that Harry will be pressured into BG like Louis, having a kid that isn't his. The theory started with articles earlier this year saying Yan Yan Chan is having his baby this year. They think it's Sony sending a warning to him. It just sounds like clickbait to me as the media print anything about Harry, but it's made me paranoid too. Do you think that can still happen? Do you think maybe they'll have to stay closeted forever due to contracts?
To your first point. I don't think the queer community hates him. I think some don't know he's gay, some think it's internalised homophobia keeping him in, some think he doesn’t want to come out because it's not profitable, some think it's because of Louis and some think it's contractual. Some even think he's not gay enough or gay presenting in the right way. His amplified straight presenting image right now is probably a turn off for many. Generally though the queer community is very forgiving when people come out. You get accepted as a member of the community. No matter the reason you were closeted, people know how hard it can be, the opportunities you can lose, the new light people see you in, the judgement you face etc. The only reason he might get some side eye is if he straight out says he stayed in for profit. If he didn’t stunt, then he might have even survived that.
I think it would be better for both of them if they came out at the same time and as a couple. They will get more sympathy that way. Not only did they have to hide their sexuality, but also their relationship. That's even harder. And it's a love story and people love that.
I think Harry could come out on his own, but i'd prefer it if he let Louis come out first. I think it would be harder for Louis to follow after Harry than vice versa. If one came out, the spotlight would immediately turn to the other. If Harry came out first he'd be linked to every man he's seen with. I think that would be harder on Louis. It would also be hard to be in a relationship with one out and the other one still in the closet.
To your second question. I don't think there are contracts saying they're not allowed to come out. I think the moment the powers that be thought that it would be profitable, they'd be allowed (or even forced?) to come out. I think it's image clauses, bargaining and trade offs that's stopping them. Also the timing for both needs to be right. As i've mentioned before, maybe Harry is allowed to come out right now and Louis is not or vice versa. I don't think they'll stay closeted forever, but i do fear (worst case scenario) they'll not be allowed out as long as they want to have a career in the business. We might have to wait until they retire from the business (lord i hope not).
I don't think they'd do a bg for Harry. He's (somewhat) successfull in balancing the gay and the straight right now. A bg would jeopardise that balance and amping up the gay while pretending to be a baby daddy would feed the queerbaiting accusers. It would hurt the bottom line. And that's all Sony cares about.
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mythicalmongoose · 2 years
As much as I enjoy reading and writing Lawrusso content, I’m weirdly okay with the show just giving the occasional self-aware nod to its inherent homoeroticism.
The world isn’t ready to normalize poly relationships through the medium of a silly karate soap opera, and I’m not ready for Amanda and Carmen to get even less screentime than they already do.
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thatgothlibrarian · 5 years
The Good Omens trailer made me absolutely feral
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violenceenthusiast · 3 years
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queerbait me harder, daddy
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temeraire · 7 years
i hv to b up at 6 but anyway catch me at 130am listening to the bsd s1 ed bc i love suffering and being queerbaited
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thatgothlibrarian · 5 years
Me @ JJ Abrams: queerbait me harder daddy
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