#qld health covid restrictions
kkginfo · 2 years
Hair Care Tips: Natural Shampoo with Coconut Oil.. Do it at Home.. | KKG INFO
Hair Care Tips: Natural Shampoo with Coconut Oil.. Do it at Home.. | KKG INFO
Hair Care Tips: Increasing pollution, dust, dirt, improper diet, many hair related problems.. Hair Care Tips: Due to increasing pollution, dust, dirt, improper diet etc. there is a risk of many hair related problems. Apart from this, chemical rich products also increase hair problems. If you want to get rid of hair problems, you should first avoid chemical products. It is best to use homemade…
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aressida · 2 months
Australia News: 24.3.24.
1.) "The Australian dream of owning your own home - Albanese style. Coming to a city near you."
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2.) "Media Shame File: Journalists show their economic illiteracy daily when it comes to immigration, but even so it's worrying that the political editor of The Age doesn't seem to understand how unemployment can fall during record-high population growth."
I'd say they were fully aware of what they were doing.
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Make a submission: https://qldparlcomm.snapforms.com.au/form/eetsc---education-general-provisions-and-other-legislation-amendment-bill-2024.
It is highly likely that other governments will enact similar harsh laws if they succeed in Queensland. Do not let them.
Also "Our main points of concern:
we do not want to be restricted to using the Australian Curriculum.
reporting to EVERY area in the plan and PROVING educational progress is too much and not even required in schools.
determining if home education is in the best interest of the child is a parental right, this power doesn't belong with the Education department."
Parents should have the freedom to decide how best to educate their children because education is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
4.) NDIS - What is myplace?
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"Just a heads up for all you MyPlace people. There are already trade marked companies in Australia using that name.
Be warned you may be in danger of copyright infringement and court action.
I'm telling you this because I care that you don't get sued, and also because you really should not use someone else's business name. Be original rather than just copying someone else.
The MyPlace brand in Australia is to do with Government, Monitoring, Professional Sports Sponsorship, Public Education and The NDIS. Do you really want your name involved with that?
I wouldn't.
5.) Australia Immigration ->
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"Record immigration is causing a housing crisis that’s now a human catastrophe
The more serious governance issue is Labor federal government lying last year saying it would reduce immigration
One Nation exposed the Lib-Lab Uniparty “big Australia”
People want immigration cuts." - Senator Roberts uncensored - Telegram.
6.) "Getting a COVID jab is safer than taking aspirin."
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"Currently appears on the University of Melbourne website.
“The risk of rare side effects from COVID-19 vaccines like AstraZeneca are greatly exaggerated as they are far safer than many medicines people are taking every day.” "
- @PeoplePowerAus.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 26 days
How QLD Camping Bears are connecting outdoors
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/how-qld-camping-bears-are-connecting-outdoors/
How QLD Camping Bears are connecting outdoors
Todd Hammond, The President and Co-Founder of QLD Camping Bears, shares why he started the group and how it’s creating a welcoming space for the community.
Bears in the woods? Groundbreaking.
You might have heard a friend say they’re “going camping with the bears this weekend” and been a bit curious as to what that’s all about?
The best place to start is the beginning. I moved to the Gold Coast from Sydney in May 2019 with my husband Dave.
Not really knowing anyone yet, I started attending Den Nights at Sporties. While the crowd was friendly, it was hard to make any meaningful conversation with music blaring and alcohol flowing.
In February 2020 at a Brisbears Wet n Wild event, I met Nathan, a local that I could bond with over living on the Gold Coast, outdoors, and gaming. Over the coming months
COVID restrictions became ever-present and the options for social interactions became limited. 
Because indoors wasn’t an option, we considered outdoors which led to camping. We planned a trip in September of that year with just a small group of 10, most of us didn’t even know each other well, or were loosely affiliated, but equally driven by a need to get outside, socialise in a way that was allowed safely.
I’m not sure what made me think of it, but with just over a week before our trip, I wondered if others were interested in joining for not only this but maybe future trips? So I created a Facebook group (seven more joined our first trip with less than a weeks notice), thus QLD Camping Bears was born.
Not just for bears
Though we were founded by bears, QLD Camping Bears has always welcomed EVERYONE in the LGBTQIA+ community who wants to make real connections, while enjoying the beautiful outdoors our region has to offer.
We hold six camping trips a year. They are held every second month, (always avoiding school holidays) with events in between which vary from hikes, beach days, BBQs, picnics, 4X4 driving, pool parties and more.
Our camping events are loosely structured with a “choose your own adventure” philosophy, socialise, go swimming, check out the nearby town, hiking, 4×4 driving (hitch a ride if you don’t have one), take a nap, the choice is yours, the idea is to relax and enjoy.
As someone who is neurodivergent, I have noticed our group is often appealing to those living atypically, or with mental health issues as our space is one that is relaxed, safe and welcoming.
While you have the opportunity to socialise, when you have a tent or caravan, you give yourself a safe space to retreat to when things get overwhelming which public indoor events simply can’t offer.
With over 50 events held since September 2020 including over 20 camping trips, we’ve travelled to places like Cooyar, Goomburra, Kenilworth, and Loadstone where sometimes we are one of the few queer events that locals in those areas get to experience without having to drive several hours.
Never camped?
Some of you might be reading and thinking “This sounds fun but I just don’t know about camping?” 
That’s okay, some members just come to the day events, and for those unsure about making the commitment of purchasing gear, borrow a friend or family member’s or come with a friend who has gear. 
You can also do what one member did on their first time. They loaded their mattress and bedding into the back of a van with four bottles of wine, ice and a bucket of KFC. Eventually, they got actual gear, but the point is everyone starts somewhere.
If you want to join us or you’re a bit curious and want to see more, we recommend coming to one of our day events such as our BBQ Picnic being held this month at 11 am on Saturday 18th of May at Roma St Parklands, all are welcome!
After three-and-a-half years and 1600+ active members, we’ve come pretty far, but we still have a long way to go, and we would love to have you on the journey with us.
Find out more at: qldcampingbears.com.au
Read next:
My year of being Mr Bear Queensland
Brisbane Frontrunners celebrate 25 years
Brisbane Hustlers are celebrating their 20th birthday
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
COVID-19 restrictions ease ashore but sailors remain stuck aboard 'prisoner ships' off Qld
COVID-19 restrictions ease ashore but sailors remain stuck aboard ‘prisoner ships’ off Qld
With his ship docked in Townsville, Tarun Grover’s first port of call is to find a local guide to take him diving. Key points: Volunteers warn many seafarers do not get shore leave in Australia Shipping companies fear bringing COVID-19 back on board There are fears a mental health crisis is emerging within the workforce “I hope to see lots of small fish around and some corals,” he said. “It’s…
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Hey you're in Australia right? I hope whatever state you're in you're doing alright, because I'm in nsw and my nurse friend is at her wits end.
QLD isnt doing horrifically bad so far - although we already have a testing crisis where people are queuing up for hours or are flat out unable to get tested for covid (and we're only at 10,000+ cases a day), most places are out of stock of rapid antigen tests and elective surgeries have been cancelled, tons of health staff are off sick, and supply chains are fucked because everyone is getting covid or has to isolate because they were in close contact with a known case etc
...our borders havent even been open for a month. we've had two years to prepare for opening the borders and easing restrictions since we are 90% vaccinated and yet we're already buckling under pressure in less than a month.
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leanpick · 3 years
Waning immunity may be serious risk to Qld
Waning immunity may be serious risk to Qld
Queensland could have a COVID-19 outbreak peaking at more than 1800 cases per day if vaccine immunity wanes without new restrictions and booster shots. Queensland Health commissioned the QIMR-Berghofer Institute to model what would happen if the state reopened at various vaccination levels with only testing, tracing, isolation and quarantine measures in place. The state will scrap quarantine for…
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adamshanelawes · 3 years
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sachkiawaaj · 3 years
Zero new locally acquired COVID-19 cases in Qld, one in hotel quarantineChief health officer Dr Jeannette Young is confident the cluster linked to the Grand Chancellor Hotel has been contained. Picture: NewsWire / John Gass
Zero new locally acquired COVID-19 cases in Qld, one in hotel quarantineChief health officer Dr Jeannette Young is confident the cluster linked to the Grand Chancellor Hotel has been contained. Picture: NewsWire / John Gass
Queensland has recorded one new COVID-19 case, as Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said she was increasingly confident there was no community transmission in Brisbane. The new case was acquired overseas and detected in a returned traveller from Brazil in hotel quarantine. Greater Brisbane remains under a mask mandate and a number of restrictions are in place after a cluster emerged at a hotel…
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hummingzone · 3 years
New Covid-19 case just 15km from Qld
New Covid-19 case just 15km from Qld
A new Covid-19 case has been detected just 15km from the border with Queensland. It comes as NSW tightens restrictions. A person infected with Covid-19 spent the night just 15km from the Queensland border, it’s been revealed. In its latest public health list of venues of concern, NSW Health revealed the person infected with coronavirus was at Chinderah – a truck stop on the M1 at the Ampol…
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zelgadis55 · 4 years
Sorry about the political post but...
If you can, please support this petition. Here are my reasons below.
Keep the border closed!
WA has come so far since this began. We have begun to open up. Businesses have reopened, people are getting on with their lives. Things are almost normal again here in WA and that is because of our hard border.
If the border were to be forced open by a greedy, selfish man such as Clive Palmer and his retaliatory High Court Challenge, I cannot see how things could remain as they are. We have opened too much. We would have to impose restrictions again to ward against the infection that would sneak through from the Eastern States.
And do not think for a moment that wouldn't happen. You only need to look as far as NSW and more recently QLD for proof of that.
People lying to get through borders from hotspots, people sneaking and being smuggled through. That would happen here too.
Fact is, Mr Palmer could have come into WA when he made his initial application. He, however, did not want to go through mandatory, sensible, quarantine because he feels above that.
So he chose to attack our state and our government for his own pettiness and the Federal Govt, our Prime Minister Scott Morrison, is supporting him.
Our borders being closed is not about the spread of covid-19 in WA, it is about the spread of it elsewhere in Australia and how easily it passes from location to location and state to state.
Do not reward this selfish man.
Do not open the borders.
Our health, lives and livelihoods are in the balance.
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isoaekoekui · 4 years
Zero cases as Qld eases virus restrictions - https://isoae.com/zero-cases-as-qld-eases-virus-restrictions/ Queensland has recorded its third day of zero cases this week but authorities warn the virus has not been eradicated and more cases are expected.There have been only 11 new cases of COVID-19 this week with 20 still active as the state continues to stifle the spread of coronavirus."We're #news #health #techno
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Another Easter and another long weekend wondering where to get my café coffee fix with a difference!  (EASTER 2020 during Stage 2/3 Lockdown social restrictions recommendations by Australian Federal and State government during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic 2020)
This coffee latte are is thanks to Ray White Real Estate (QLD) who first published this photo on their website in 2019.
It is at times like these two important things come to mind. One of them is valid pretty much all the time, and the other is particularly valid during ‘Stage 2/3 Lockdown’ Australia.
Firstly, one of the reasons why some people, particularly slightly older hipster like myself and those in the ‘Flint Crew’ consider when looking for a new home to stay in is what are the local cafes like. And particularly those who are fussy about their coffee or self anointed ‘coffee connoisseurs’ , the proximity to good quality cafes with good quality coffee is of major importance.
The other is very important and that is if you could imagine yourself confined to your new home because of ‘social isolation’ or ‘quarantine’ reasons, where (location) would you live and what kind of home would you wish to live in.
Anyway, this Easter 2020 with the ‘social distancing’ recommendations due to local state ‘Lockdown’ rules including stressing to stay at home at all costs unless a need for essential grocery shopping, health care review or reason, and or because of being employed in essential ‘front line’ jobs/ ‘essential work’ I’m not going to drive around aimlessly looking for a open cafe with a decent barista and coffee machine serving good quality single origin, single origin blend, or house blend coffee. I’m not even going to trawl through my  ‘social media’ contacts to find the same.
This year I’m going to stay at home and thank God and Jesus at Easter time. Rejoicing that at least locally I have some decent cafes that usually open for coffee takeaways; and purchase of ground single origin/ blend coffee or coffee beans. And I have a vast choice of other ways via internet, postal delivery, subscription, and speciality grocers and supermarkets to get decent coffee during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic without conflict with ‘social distancing’ recommendations.
Remember before you hoard just consider how much time you have to drink your ground coffee or coffee beans to grind before it doesn’t taste at its best. And just remember a true coffee connoisseur does not drink the same single origin/ single origin blend/ house blend coffee each time they have their cup of coffee.
Happy Easter 2020!
- GeeStar from the ‘Flint Crew’
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bluestonepm · 4 years
COVID-19 Vs AUS-PROPERTY-20 (Coronavirus Vs Australian Property Investment Market)
Mark Shorrock, Managing Director of Bluestone Property Management & Sales, is a second-generation agent with over 21 years of hands-on industry experience.  Please find Mark’s opinions on the effects of COVID-19 and the property market below:
Misinformation is spreading quicker than the COFID-19, creating what I call the Illusory Truth Effect Virus!!!
China sneezes, and the Australian property market catches CODID-19. Still, Brisbane should only catch a cold when key economist and property experts forecast Brisbane to be somewhat insulated from the general market downturn.
Brisbane’s Clearance Rate on the 15th of Feb 2020 was 64%, almost double the same time last year (38%).
Fewer tenants will change rental properties so that investors won’t experience usual vacancy periods = higher returns.
Some tenants might experience challenges paying rent, consequently creating issues for investors meeting mortgage repayments. Government stimulus packages will help but take time, so hopefully, banks follow suit.
Roughly 40% of our population rent, vastly more than government housing can accommodate, creating favourable demand for investment properties.
Low market confidence creates life-changing opportunities for investors.
Herd mentality will provide savvy investors with the opportunity to purchase cheaper investment properties, increasing their portfolio and creating more wealth.
5 other global events have come and gone with accompanying stockmarket gyrations but no real impact on property:
Bird flu 2015
Swine flu 2009-10
GFC – 2008-9
SARS -2002-3
9/11 – 2001
China limits funds leaving the country, which caused foreign investment to plunge 58% ($17B) in the 2017/18 fiscal year. Travel bans will undoubtedly compound this.
On the other side, the virus has made Chinese feel susceptible, which could trigger mass migration and a resurgence of strong demand from foreign Chinese buyers. However, China’s economy is still recovering, so the government might continue to restrict overseas investment.
History confirms that from crisis comes opportunity, i.e. Savvy investors will purchase more investment properties increasing their portfolio and creating more wealth.
Markets in general, but mainly the stock market will experience only one more major global health crisis like this before share traders are far less reactive.
The volatile share market – a snapshot of the past 40 years: 12 + 10% or more corrections (some 20%+), plus 5 recessions (one we had to have) with 2 quarters of negative growth! The Australian stock market is currently down 17%, which is close to January 2019 levels and not much better than its peak pre-2008 GFC.
Still, Sydney and Melbourne doubled in value over the last 10 – 12 years. The disparity between these two capital cities and Brisbane has never been greater in recorded history, which is one of the primary reasons economists forecasted Brisbane to lead Australia’s recovery.
The market in general, but mainly the stock market only has one more major global crisis like this in it before share traders ignore.
With information overload events like this pass quickly plus the Gov and RBA stimulus will impact late in 2020 & early 2021, so be ready for relatively good market conditions. Especially with rates at 0.25%, borrowing at 3% & rents at 5%, e.g. for a $450k investment you’ll take home another $9kpa – like a $15k pay rise!!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
 “I have mentioned many times over the past 21 years where I can read in the newspapers or on websites, in just one day, the real estate market is going up, down and even sideways. My thought is that overall it will generally continue to increase over time as it has a history of doing.” – Mark Shorrock.
In closing my advice is to diagnose before prescribing like a doctor, i.e. invest the time into researching your situation, make educated, well informed, calculated and strategic decisions.
I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf” – Jon Kabat-Zinn
Bluestone Property Management & Sales is the real estate agent that savvy Investors use when renting out their rental property/properties in Brisbane Queensland (QLD). Why because Bluestone’s Property Managers maximise the rental yield and minimise the stress involved in managing their units, apartments, townhouse and houses. Additionally, Bluestones Property Management Fees (commission charges) provide excellent value for money, so if things aren’t stacking up with your current agency give the Team at Bluestone a call.
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Should I Manage My Investment Property Myself
Video 1: Why You Shouldn’t Choose Your Property Manager on Fee Structure Alone
The post COVID-19 Vs AUS-PROPERTY-20 (Coronavirus Vs Australian Property Investment Market) appeared first on Bluestone Property Management & Sales.
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