rottmnt-honeybea · 13 days
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had to get back into the groove of drawing Bea since I've been drawing parts of my non-rottmnt fics lately
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schmergo · 1 year
Historical house tours are so confusing. They’ll be like, “When we head upstairs, pay special attention to the Blue Room, where Colonel Thomas J. Shmoshington carved a suggestive message on the bedpost.”
And you’ll walk into a room with bright blue walls and be like, “Oh, I guess this is the Blue Room?”
And they’ll be like, “NO! This is the Red Room! It’s called the Red Room because of the red velvet curtains and canopy bed!” Then they take you into a white room with yellow floral wallpaper trim and go, “THIS is the Blue Room!”
And when you humbly ask why it’s called the Blue Room, they’ll scoff at you like you were born yesterday (rather than in 1789) and be like, “It’s called the Blue Room because it USED TO BE blue! The entire mansion is painstakingly restored to its appearance in the year 1812, which happens to fall during the two-year span in in which Abigail Shmaddison redid the room in white and yellow in a flight of fancy. After spending some time away in a sanitarium, she regained her senses and changed it back to blue. An archaeologist found an original scrap of the yellow wallpaper beneath 13 layers of paint and we were able to match it perfectly with this pattern, which was of course developed by Q.B. Zippitydoo & Sons in London and available for purchase only in 1812. Any more questions?”
So you hold your tongue until you enter a big green room that is so incredibly green that it can’t possibly be anything but the Green Room. It has acid green walls. It has bright green curtains. It has forest green tablecloths. There are ivy motifs carved in the ceiling. Cautiously, you venture, “So this is the Green Room?”
And they say, “NO! This is the parlor!”
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carmocharola · 2 years
Sopa de lombardo
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crazy-so-na-sega · 5 months
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fanno chiasso q.b. perché passi inosservato.
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io-rimango · 7 days
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Stamani mi sono imbattuta in questo fiore per strada e non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare a questa scena di “Alice nel paese delle meraviglie”, (era un cartone animato che da bambina guardavo in continuazione, ho letteralmente consumato la cassetta).
Se allora mi avessi chiesto il motivo della mia ossessione per questa ragazzina bionda e ingenua, ti avrei risposto che avrei tanto voluto vivere le sue avventure strampalate, trovare il mio Bianconiglio, seguirlo e fuggire via da una realtà troppo stretta per me.
Se ad oggi qualcosa è cambiato da allora? Vediamo un po’, sono decisamente enigmatica come lo stregatto, ritardataria come il Bianconiglio, allegra e di compagnia come il Cappellaio Matto, autoritaria (q.b.) come la Regina di Cuori e ahimè… ancora un’inguaribile sognatrice come Alice.
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platypus-quacks-too · 4 months
ANYWAY Santocielo è carinissimo amici andate a vederlo fa riderissimo e in certi momenti proprio crepare ma è anche dolcetto q.b. e forse lo sapete già ma a un certo punto è una queer family lui, l'ex moglie, l'angelo e la suora e il paese di vecchietti che li ha adottati <3
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ossicodone · 6 months
In automedica guadagno 400 euro a turno, turno di dodici ore. Spesso ho fatto turni da ventiquattro, trentasei ore, dormendo il Q.B.
Se prendessi mettiamo il caso in trenta giorni, un turno al giorno, avrei un guadagno netto di 12.000 euro mensili. Ora, se ci mettiamo anche qualche straordinario potrei arrivare a 15,000 euro, che non sono pochi per carità, ma quando vivo?
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rottmnt-honeybea · 3 months
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Speaking of one of those midnight chapters
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cuoredolce67 · 1 month
Mousse alla NUTELLA
400 g mascarpone (anche senza lattosio)
3 uova (piccole pastorizzato o freschissime)
60 g zucchero a velo
60 g Nutella®
q.b. cacao amaro in polvere
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momo-de-avis · 6 months
hai what's your opinion on current news/affairs/pop scandal I need validation on something and to know what to feel or think bai luv ur blog
Receita de arroz de marisco
400 g de arroz carolino
300 g de patas de sapateira
300 g de mexilhão com meia concha
300 g de miolo de marisco
300 g de amêijoas
4 camarões
200 g de polpa de tomate
150 g de tomate pelado picado
1 cebola
2 dentes de alho
50 ml de azeite
1 folha de louro
Coentros q.b.
Sal e piripiri q.b
Leve ao lume um tacho com o azeite, a cebola e os dentes de alho picados e refogue. Junte a folha de louro, um ramo de coentros, a polpa de tomate e o tomate picado e deixe refogar bem.
Adicione 1,2 l de água, tempere com sal e, quando estiver a ferver, acrescente os mariscos, previamente descongelados, e deixe ferver novamente.
Junte o arroz, mexa, retifique o sal e tempere com um pouco de piripíri. Deixe cozinhar, durante cerca de 15 a 18 minutos. Retire do lume e sirva de imediato, polvilhado com coentros picados.
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 month
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cambio con "rappresa" con q.b. di sale etrusco.
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dragonheadskilax · 27 days
Q.B successfully molted ^_^ she had buried herself underground for a month
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judeswhore · 1 year
omg share some college romance books pls!! what are your favorites?
okay i’m just gna list the ones i’ve read bc i can never choose favourites :))
ofc the off campus and briar u series are the first ones i read and they were really good,,, the fulton u series too is great
playing hard to get by monica murphy (the second book in this series is out soon actually but both can be read as standalones)
first down and breakaway (also standalones) by grace reilly
good girl complex by elle kennedy
blind side by kandi steiner
catching lightning by kayleigh king
icebreaker by hannah grace
first semester by q.b tyler
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