#python coding
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Post #91: Pinterest, @usamaawan5752, Python Road Map, 2023.
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devhubby · 9 months
How to Deploy a Python Django App to DigitalOcean?
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Django is a high-level Python web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily by providing a structured and reusable codebase.
Read more at: https://elvanco.com/blog/how-to-deploy-a-python-django-app-to-digitalocean
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Exerpts from my absolute onslaught of “clarifying” comments on my “simple” calculator assignmeng for AP compsci principles (it is over 182 lines long)
(we’re starting our python unit. I already know basically everything that will be taught in this unit. wtf (teacher said ill get to code fish game as a project if i want /pos))
#unrelated but have you seen that one code of a like, C# or java coded calculator that can add/subtract/divide/multiply any two individual numbers up to 60-something and the coder did it by coding something else to hard code every operation. like, if num1=3 and num2=5 and operation=addition answer=8 type of thing? terrifying. I want to do it. (i looked for the code but couldn't find it (sad))
#I need blank lines and I can't be bothered to check if /n works in python. Also this is funnier [in relation to me using 'print("")' to get blank lines on the terminal]
#I don't want to code in fault tolerance and that stuff so... yeah if you do something wrong the server is down
#help how do i python for loop with a variable
#lol i don't need python for loop here
#kindness matters :)
#(extra or statements to account for user error (i don't want to figure out how to ignore whether a letter is caps or lowercase so i will instead code more. This is my mantra.))
#(you know it's sad that python doesn't use semicolons to seperate commands because in languages that do use it I can just code EVERYTHING on one line and the camp counselors didn't like that but they couldn't do anything because it was technically correct lol)
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skia-inc · 9 months
Outcome of day one.py
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Write a Python program to print "Hello, World!"
Write a Python program to find the sum of two numbers.
Write a Python function to check if a number is even or odd.
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Why Python is the Best Programming Language for Beginners
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason. With its easy-to-learn syntax and powerful capabilities, Python has become the go-to programming language for beginners and experts alike. In this article, we will explore why Python is the best programming language for beginners, and how Native Assignment Help can help you get started with this powerful tool.
Easy-to-Learn Syntax - One of the main reasons that Python is the best programming language for beginners is its easy-to-learn syntax. Unlike other programming languages, Python uses a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy to understand, even for those with no prior programming experience. This makes it an ideal choice for beginners who want to start learning programming without feeling overwhelmed by complex code.
Versatility - Another reason that Python is a great choice for beginners is its versatility. Python can be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. This means that regardless of what your interests are, Python can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Large Community and Resources - Python has one of the largest and most active programming communities in the world. This means that there are countless resources available to help you learn Python, including online courses, forums, and tutorials. Additionally, the large community of Python developers means that there are always new libraries and tools being created, which can help simplify programming tasks and make learning Python even easier.
In-Demand Skill - Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the world, with many companies looking for Python developers to help build and maintain their applications. This means that learning Python can be a valuable skill to have, both for personal and professional development.
Interactive Interpreter - Python also has an interactive interpreter, which allows beginners to experiment with code and see the results in real-time. This can be a valuable tool for learning programming, as it allows you to quickly test and modify your code without having to compile it first.
Open-Source and Free - Python is an open-source language, which means that it is freely available for anyone to use and modify. This makes it an ideal choice for beginners who want to learn programming without having to invest a lot of money in software. Additionally, the open-source nature of Python means that there are always new libraries and tools being created, which can help simplify programming tasks and make learning Python even easier.
Native Assignment Help and Python - Native Assignment Help offers a wide range of resources and services to help you learn Python and become a proficient programmer. Their team of experts can help you get started with Python, offering guidance and support every step of the way. They offer online courses, tutorials, and forums where you can interact with other Python learners and get feedback on your code.
In conclusion, Python assignment help for beginners because of its easy-to-learn syntax, versatility, large community and resources, in-demand skill, interactive interpreter, and open-source nature. With Native Assignment Help, learning Python has never been easier or more accessible. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your programming skills to the next level, Python is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals.
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Small Basic meets Python, #17 Logging in Python ...
Post #185: YouTube, Socratica, Python Tutorial, #17 Logging in Python, 2023.
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why-tap · 1 year
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WHY tap
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Best Python Course in Hyderabad |TEKS Academy 
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d0nutzgg · 1 year
TorProxy, an MIT License Proxy Written in Python
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A simple Tor proxy that uses the stem library for routing traffic through Tor nodes.
The process of configuring your system to use a proxy will vary depending on the operating system you are using. Here are a few examples of how you can configure your system to use a SOCKS proxy on localhost port 1080 on different operating systems Start the proxy first before you use the rest of these steps by running the script in your terminal or Shell. It starts a server that connects to a Tor node then shows you the IP you are connected to. You can quit the proxy using the "q" key.
Open Internet Options from the Control Panel or by typing "inetcpl.cpl" in the Run dialog. Go to the Connections tab and click the LAN settings button. Check the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" option and enter "" for the address and "1080" for the port.
Open the terminal export all_proxy="socks5://" Firefox:
Open Firefox
Go to Preferences > Network Settings Select "Manual proxy configuration" Enter "" for the SOCKS Host and "1080" for the Port. Chrome:
Open Chrome
Go to Settings > Advanced > System Click on "Open proxy settings" Go to the "Connection" tab and click on "LAN settings" Check the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" option and enter "" for the address and "1080" for the port.
Under the MIT license. I claim no responsibility for any damages done by anyone who uses this project. Use at your own risk and please use it for something positive.
You can get the program off my Github.
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bookmyshiksha · 2 years
Three Kinds of Python Practice Projects
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A reader inquired: "Any Python practice projects we can work on for learning you can suggest?"
You bet.
1) A Django Webapp
This is particularly for people who aren't experienced in web development.
(Data scientists You're looking at me.)
Making an application for the web is a crucial ability for any programmer. It lets you apply any other programming that you have and package it into a format that's easily accessible to all.
If you've never attempted web development prior to now, this should be the top priority in comparison to other items that are on your list. (If you've completed web development then skip the next step... take yourself out of your comfortable zone.)
Which framework would you employ? Google will provide many great alternatives for you to choose from. It's not a big deal what you choose to use. You can choose the one you enjoy.
If you're looking for some recommendations, I'll give you a recommendation:
Use Django.
It's a fantastic full-stack framework and is well-documented.. If you're finding yourself having to spend more than a couple of minutes selecting a framework choose Django and start writing.
This is one possible project idea. Next step:
2) A Command Line Tool
If you're not yet able how to build command-line applications... You're not getting the full benefit.
When you have your program and package it into the form of a command-line interface that is scriptable...
The configuration can be controlled by the options available and by options and flags...
As well as outputs and inputs to the program that are that are controlled by command-line args...
This is always a way to increase the worth the program. Always. All the time.
If you've never been there prior to now... you'll need to master it.
In essence, it's that you learn how to use the "argparse" module. It's part of Python's library standard.
Some other libraries to create command line interfaces that aren't in the Python standard library. They have their own fanatical fans who have already sent me angered emails at me stuffed with misspelled words, because they had the courage to recommend Arguparse in lieu of their favourite library, libwhateverz.
Don't bother with them. Argparse is full-featured, and is difficult to improve. It also comes with a battery in Python.
The next time you write your Python program, expand it. Utilize raggares for making it automated and flexible, as well as scriptable and generally better.
Is Python More Popular Than Ruby?
This is the second project suggestion. And lastly:
3) Machine Learning
If you haven't yet ridden the hype train before then you should consider taking at least a brief day excursion.
Yes all the talk about artificial machine learning intelligence is exaggerated. But. It is a real thing as well. You will gain from knowing it.
There are two choices for how to proceed. I would suggest that you master the scikit-learn library. It has tools for unsupervised and supervised learning and also for creating pipelines.
This is one option, and one that I suggest you begin with. A different option would be to master Tensorflow. I believe you'll do better by going to Tensorflow after you've had some experience using scikit-learn. If you decide to skip ahead, you should ensure that you understand the math behind working in "compute graphs" first.
How can you make use of the new library of ML? It's ideal to apply it to the problems that you're faced with in your work. It's a challenge when you're still learning.
Also, there's a practice ground: Kaggle.
Simply search on "Kaggle Competitions", and search to"Kaggle Competitions" and then look for the "Getting Started" category. They will make it simple for you to get started.
This Powerful Python Newsletter is just for you. As the reader Charles Hayden puts it:
"I have seen a lot of books, articles, and newsletters over the years and yours is one of the best. Not just what you say about Python, but how to go about learning." If you want to learning Django so Click Python Institute in Delhi.
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Is it possible to learn Python by using Android apps?
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Post #92: Analytics Insight, 5 Android Apps To Learn Python, 2023.
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devhubby · 8 months
How to Find Element in XML Python?
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Read more at: https://elvanco.com/blog/how-to-find-element-in-xml-python
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sapphicoatmilk · 1 year
Python Classes
Hi Guys, my python learning is going pretty well however I still really struggle with classes. I have some textbooks but honestly their explanations aren't quite sinking in. It feels like one of those things that when it click it clicks, but it's going to take the right explanation to do so. If anyone has any interesting resources please share!
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jigshub · 1 year
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Looking for best Python Training Institute Class Course Coaching in Indore in Indore Future Multimedia offering python Courses in indore by experts There are different programming languages to learn so there can be confusion, whether to go
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How Coding & Math Are Complementary?
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