#putrid pizza
zootycutieart · 1 year
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You get one series that are products come to life due to mystical radiation...you get another series that are products come to life due to mystical radiation...it was inevitable for me to combo the two, so here's the main five webseries Grosseries as BotBots! All but Egghead have design basis. I didn't want to use the chick-like design that the canon eggs have, so I made a new design for him. And yes, of course they're members of the Spoiled Rottens. XD BotBots © Hasbro The Grossery Gang © Moose Toys Grossery BotBots designs © ZootyCutie (that's me!)
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tiramegtoons · 1 year
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pookiebeary · 6 months
Go Little Spider
Spiderperson! Reader in Gotham
Gn!Reader x Batfam(?)
Heavily inspired by "Peter the Pizza Guy" and "Dark Matter" on AO3
ATSV spider-reader
Taglist: @rl800
Back | Part 2
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A pained groan and rustling from the dumpster caught the attention of some passersby but such was the norm in Gotham. No one came forward to help, merely glancing a second longer before going on with their lives.
You tried not to gag at the smell of rotting food surrounding you and instead focused your attention on trying to climb out of the pile of trash bags. It didn't help that your suit was soaked with whatever filthy water was in the bag of molding McDonald's.
The putrid smell violates your nostrils and you try not to breathe as much as you need to, which is impossible when every little action you make causes you to suck in a breath because it hurts like hell. Each breath you take makes your chest hurt, like something was squeezing your lungs and stabbing it with a needle repeatedly. With shaky hands, you slowly climb up and out the dumpster, landing with a small thud on the concrete ground.
You let out a small oomph as your back hits the ground.
You're frozen on the ground as a wave of pain floods your body with it mostly concentrated on your left shoulder blade and ribs. The only positive thing about the situation is that nothing seems to be broken and the only thing there is the pain and horrible pounding headache like you've just drunk a bottle of vodka.
As you lay immobilized on the floor, you feel your vision blur as tears pool in your eyes. You quickly blinked and rolled your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from falling down. You weren't sure why you were crying; you've been through worse than this. In all honesty, this was but a scratch compared to the injuries you've had on your line of work.
Still, you find some tears pooling on your eyes as you look up to stare at the dark and gritty alleyway you find yourself in. It reminded you of the first time you met Peter dressed as Spiderman; He had confronted the man who cornered you after you left school and dealt with him properly. And after the man passed out from the one sided fight, Peter webbed him up for the police to take him away before checked on you. You were grateful for his help and that was your first meeting with the amazing Spider-Man....
Lips pressed into a thin line as you recall the memory, you look at the hazy night sky as police sirens echo in the background. Smoke and the putrid smell of rot clung to your nose, causing you to scrunch up in disgust but also sobering you from further dwelling on the nostalgic memories.
Your hand clenches around your spider mask, with fingers tracing the webbing details on it before you start sitting up, there's no point in dwelling in the past.
You have to move on. Ignoring the cascade of pain as you move your body, you manage to drag yourself to lay on the dumpster after much effort. Okay, swinging on your web is definitely out of the question. Your eyes fall onto the occasionally glitching screen of the interdimensional watch settled on your wrist. It looks broken, but the painful feeling of your atoms slowly disintegrating wasn't there so at least it's still doing its primary function- stabilizing your atoms to settle in this dimension.
You tap on the screen of the watch, inspecting the other hardware to see if you could salvage it; Parts of the monitor were cracked but other than that nothing seemed to be too broken to repair.
Okay, you can probably try and fix it once you get your hands on some tools and replace some of the wiring. You can do this, you think. Probably. Maybe? You weren't confident given your first attempt at reverse engineering the watch ended up with you being flung to an unknown dimension, but that wasn't so bad. Honestly you were expecting it to fail and disintegrate you instead when you jumped to the ominous portal. (You've calculated the probability and it definitely wasn't in your favor.)
Frowning as you fiddle around with the internal hardware of the watch, you feel sweat rolling down your temples as you let out a frustrated groan when you try and salvage some of the more broken parts.
There goes your only chance of knowing what dimension you're stranded in, for now at least. You take a long look at the buzzing streetlight across the street, the gritty and dark unwelcoming atmosphere didn't seem like any version of New York you've encountered. Added with the fact that your spidey senses have been thrumming softly in warning did not help with the horrible first impression this dimension gave you.
Letting out a sigh as you look down to check on your sorry state of a spidersuit, you start walking towards the streets despite a lack of destination in mind. You don't know where to go but any place is better than a dumpster in a shady alley. Plus, you didn't forget that now you had the spider society hot on your trails. Hopefully, they are being misled by the fake trail of breadcrumbs you left behind after messing around with the watch.
With your heart in your mouth, you trudge along the pavement like every step was a pain and arduous task.
You'd think that an injured guy wearing a ragged up spandex costume with the theme of a spider would elicit some sort of question but you were proven wrong when the few people that walked past you didn't bat an eye. Though to be fair, they looked drunk or high as hell- which should’ve been the biggest warning sign that you're stranded in the bad side of the city.
Well, that realization came very late to you and it didn't do much to ease the low thrum your spider senses gave you. It buzzed off uncomfortable at the back of your head the further you walked into the city. The wind blew coldly against your face and you felt exposed without your mask. You hesitantly placed your sweaty spider mask back to your face and gagged from the horrible smell. Unfortunately, even after all those years of wearing it, you've never gotten used to the smell of your sweat-soaked mask after a long day’s work.
After making sure the mask was firmly secured, you look around the growing darkness. The street lamps ahead were broken or flickering like it was running on sheer will. Your spidey senses were buzzing wildly at the thought of continuing the walk.
Yea, there's no way you're walking down a dark alley alone in the middle of the night. That's just asking for trouble.
You turn around, walking towards one of the buildings, wondering which building you should climb and travel through the roofs. You didn't notice this before when you were too focused on trying not to agitate your injuries during the walk but god damn the buildings have seen better days.
Some were crumbling and had dozens of bullet-sized holes, most were covered in graffiti and broken wood planks and metal pipes with suspicious goo oozing out, it seemed like a chemistry experiment gone wrong while constructions of the building were canceled halfway.
Seriously, your spidey senses are going ballistic right now it's actually unnerving. (You swear you'd heard gunshots ring in the air and this time it's louder than the previous one as police sirens echo in the background.)
It's rarely acted this way before, except that one time you visited Hell’s Kitchen for a field trip. Only this time, the annoying constant thrumming at the back of your head was louder and more in-your-face than the one at Hell’s kitchen.
Right as you stood staring at the weathered billboard sign hanging from the shoddy building of what was once a fast food diner contemplating if you should just travel from the roof, you hear a cry for help.
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Baby Mama
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Media Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet Af
Concept Pregnancy
I woke up again and checked the clock on the bedside table. It's not even nine am yet. I moved Benny's arm off me and had to bolt out of the bedroom, across the dark apartment and into the bathroom, quickly moving to my knees before I hurled into the toilet. God damn it! Every day with this! I don't know how long I sat wrenching on the toilet floor. But I had a moment of respite, leaning my head on the soft toilet roll in the holder on the wall, and I saw the light flick on. I glanced back and saw Benny leaning on the door in his kimono and black boxers.
"Again?" He asks
"Yep" I sighed
"Nine days?"
"Two weeks"
"There is no way in hell that it's still that pizza y/n," he says "It should be well out of your system by now, it's well out of mine," he says crossing his arms over his chest
"You didn't have it as bad"
"True. You're going to the doctor"
"Benny no"
"Don't argue with me I'm calling them now"
"Alright. I won't call them, if you get up walk into the kitchen and eat some cheese without being sick"
And the word was enough for me to once again hurl into the toilet
"I'm calling them" he sighed going to the phone and all I could do was lean my head on the toilet seat trying desperately to stop my stomach from killing itself.
I sighed sitting in the vile-smelling waiting room that had a putrid scent in the air of sickness and bleach, people around the room coughing, sneezing and wheezing. I had now been back and forth to the doctor four times for various tests and finally today they called and told us they knew what was wrong and that we needed to come in as soon as possible. "Couldn't they just tell us over the phone" I complained tugging my little white glove up my wrist so less skin contacted the arm of the chair,
"Well it's probably serious," Benny answered beside me with one of his chess books on hand to pass the time "What do you have against doctors anyway? Every time you come here I've had to drag you kicking and screaming" he chuckled "A couple of times literally"
"I don't enjoy being poked and prodded"
"Knowone likes it y/n, but there is something wrong with you else it wouldn't have taken so many tests" he says flicking to the next page
"I think it's a poorly tummy"
"They wouldn't call you in for that y/n it's something serious and you know it"
"Maybe it's food poisoning"
"What do you think?"
"I have my theory"
"Ohh enlighten me then chess boy?" He didn't answer me simply looked at me I looked back questionably and he glanced at my stomach "I'm not pregnant Benny"
"How do you know?" He chuckled going back to his book
"Because I'm just not I know I'm not"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I'd know if I was pregnant, I'd like to feel it in my womb or something"
"You have your theory I have mine"
"Theory requires evidence"
"Go on then, what's your evidence for a now going on three-week tummy ache?"
"We had that really bad takeaway pizza when we got home from Austin, it made you sick and it's made me sick it's just affected me worse than you" I explained, "what do you think is your evidence?"
"We had sex in Austin. A Lot of it."
"We've had sex a lot of places benny, doesn't mean I'm pregnant"
"I still think it's suspicious we had a boatload of fun hotel room sex in Austin and as soon as we get home you start waking up early to throw up."
"I still don't think so"
"Will you be upset, If you are?"
"But I'm not"
"But if you are. We haven't talked about kids"
"I mean I'll be mad at you"
"But will you be upset?"
"... I guess not. I mean natural progression I suppose, we dated, we got engaged, we got married, it makes sense to have some babies" I explained, "how would you feel if I was pregnant?" I asked uncontrollably feeling my stomach
He smiled taking my hand and giving it a soft kiss beside my wedding and engagement ring "I'd be thrilled if you got pregnant."
"Of course, it'll be fun to have some little Watts running around"
"If I'm pregnant"
"I'm pretty damn sure you're pregnant hun, and if you're not I'll make sure you are when we get home" he winked before returning to his book
"If I'm not pregnant you owe me three months of dishes"
"Deal, if your pregnant you owe me a blow job"
"deal" I rolled my eyes a little
They soon called me so I got myself up with my bag
"You want me to come with you?"
"I'll be okay"
"Alright good luck" he smiled kissing me so I headed in to see the doctor he explained the situation giving me a whole booklet of information and a few pamphlets to go over at home I headed back out where I found Benny still deep in his book
"Let's go"
"I'm coming" he answered with a sly smile, shutting his book up and smirking in his usual way as he followed me "So?"
"Shut up" I sighed handing over my information from the doctor as I made the next appointment with the front desk all with a smirking proud Benny beside me.
Once it was all booked she gave me the card I quickly went out to the car pouting as I took my seat and he only smirked more "Shut up"
"I haven't said a word"
"You don't need to I can hear your ego inflating from here"
He smiled and kissed my cheek even if I immediately wiped it off as I was mad at him and clearly to annoy me more he then kissed my stomach before starting the car up
"I hate you"
"Love you too mama"
"Don't you even start" I warn
"Somebody owes me when we get home"
"How did you know?"
"Honestly? Lucky guess."
"I'm pregnant." I said rubbing my stomach uncontrollably "There's a tiny you inside me"
"Aw baby jr" he smirked stroking my leg
"Why did I let you impregnate me?"
"Cause you love me"
"I do love you,"
I sat reading my new notes from the doctor, all the information about this new trimester and all the rules I was still having to live by.
"Eat your soup," Benny told me as he started a new game
"I'm not hungry"
"You don't eat it you have to have more supplements, it's up to you"
"I'm reading"
"The thing developing inside me"
"I'd prefer you not call our child a thing y/n"
"I'm not calling it Jr"
"I think it's cute"
I rolled my eyes a moment forcing down the gross healthy soup until nothing was left and he smiled as he finished his game
"Good girl," he says kissing my temple and taking the bowl to the sink
"We still have that grapefruit in the fridge"
"Yeah, you want a slice?"
"No, bring it here"
"Don't ask the pregnant lady questions just do it"
He did as I asked, bringing the whole grapefruit over to me. "There you are, my baby mama." He smiled and I again rolled my eyes, holding the grapefruit in my hand for a while inspecting everything about it "Are you going to eat it?"
"...then why did you want it?'
"Hold it" I told him and he took it holding it in his hands a little confused
"Feel it's size and weight"
"Okay... kinda heavy I guess, Very round"
"That is the size of our child"
"Yep, twenty-two weeks grapefruit"
"Hu, I feel bad about wanting to eat some now"
"Because it's... it's like our little one"
"Benny it's a fruit"
"Are you sure you're at Grapefruit?"
"That's what the doctor says"
He simply sat the fruit against my stomach noticing how much bigger my stomach was
"Well there's fluid and placenta and all my organs" I began but he simply moved the fruit to another part of my stomach where it had enough space to sit without contacting the space the fruit was in before "No."
"No, Benny." I warned snatching the grapefruit back and cutting it open to prevent this discussion but he only smirked "Don't even start"
"What's next?" He asks taking some grapefruit
"What is a whole cob of corn?"
"That's a jump isn't it?"
"Babies grow fast benny, a month ago he was a pear"
"What will it be after corn?"
"Oooh babies jumping up fast. You want me to get some corn next week so you can compare?'
"No, anything bigger than this is just going to make me panic"
"Because something that size is inside me and it's one way out is a whole that you struggled to get in when we first got married"
"Good point, what is it when the baby comes?"
"A watermelon or pumpkin" I sighed checking my list
"Ohh shit."
"I'm gonna die"
"You're not gonna die, your body is built for this Hun"
"Yeah, but it's not built to do it... comfortably" I complained "Why can't we reproduce like penguins just poop out an egg and walk around with it between my legs for a while if I get annoyed or for stuff to do you can look after it between your legs"
"I know," he laughed. "Would it make you feel better if I went to the store for another grapefruit and wore it under my shirt the rest of this week?"
"Aw no, but that's very sweet Benny" I smiled moving to sit on his thigh and nuzzling into his shirt
"Are you crying?"
"Aww it's okay, your hormones are all messed up, you're crying a lot these days"
"I can't help it!"
"I know, I know, I didn't mean to be so sweet I made you cry," he Cooes "just like I'm sure that dog yesterday didn't mean to be so cute"
"He was too cute he had such small legs" I cried
"I know Hun I know, his legs were too tiny for his body"
"He waddles everywhere he goes"
"He sure does" he smiled stroking my stomach "Come on Jr stop making your mother all emotional. I've only just learnt how to deal with her she when's not an emotional hormonal wreck"
"What? I'm reasoning with him"
"Don't be mean to your pregnant wife?" I told him poking him with each word
"Oww oww okay okay, would a bubble bath help?"
"Yes please"
"Alright, I'll run it for you"
I sat listening to some records absentmindedly bringing handfuls of popcorn to my mouth from the bowl resting on my stomach. But I put my hand in and found only an empty bowl so I went to get up to refill it but Benny grabbed my arm from his chair and forced me back down onto the ottoman
"You are not refilling that bowl again"
"What? I'm hungry"
"Y/n I have been sitting here with you since you brought your first bowl full of popcorn I haven't finished one chapter in my book and you just finished your fourth bowl"
"I'm hungry for popcorn"
"That's not even a normal serving-size bowl, that's the bowl we use for Halloween candy and Christmas cookies. Please stop, it's terrifying. I feel like I just watched an alien swallow a human"
"But baby wants popcorn"
"I can tell, you don't even like stove-top popcorn."
"I do"
"No, you don't, you used to hate it and said it tasted like cardboard. Why all of a sudden now you're pregnant you wanna eat buckets full of it?"
"I don't know baby likes it" I pouted stroking my stomach
"Does he now?" He sighed returning to his book
"Baby also likes cherry slushies"
"And chicken nuggets"
"That's nice"
"And chocolate and coconut"
He sighed putting his book down and getting up
"I can take a hint" he sighed going and getting his shoes and jacket on coming back to grab his wallet from the table and to give my lips and my stomach kisses "You be good Jr," he told my stomach "No more popcorn and I'll bring my baby mama her cravings"
"Ummm thank you Benny" I smiled "Maybe bring a hot dog too?"
"Maybe we'll see. Be good or I'll bring you nachos with cheese"
"Oohh" I gulped immediately stopping myself from hurling
"You loved cheese before you got pregnant"
"Don't. Use. That. Word. Benjamin" I warn
"Alright back soon," he says before heading out I just relaxed often glancing at the corner of the apartment Benny was slowly turning into the nursery even if most of it was still in pieces soon enough he returned given he was only going to the 24hr convenience down the street
"Yay! Daddy's home"
"Daddy brought mummy some nice things that hopefully will make Jr very happy" he chuckled kicking his shoes off hanging his jacket and bringing the bag to the small living room table slowly unpacking it "Extra large cherry slush, two boxes of the chicken nuggets, a freshly cooked hot dog he made it special because I told him you wanted one, some coconut and chocolate candy bars, some of that lime gum I know you didn't say it but you'll want it later and another stove top popcorn but you're not having this till next week" he warns
"Ummm thank you Benny" I smiled, giving him a hug and a kiss, quickly grabbing a nugget or two "How'd you get a fresh hot dog?" I asked sipping my slushie
"I'm getting to know the guy in there now, never really used to go there. Except for the odd emergency now I seem to be going every other day. And I've told him your pregnant so he likes to make sure you get a fresh hot dog and the good nuggets" he explained grabbing something else from the bag
"Hey? You got wings?"
"I had to walk there I got something for myself too"
"I'll trade you two nuggets for a wing"
"No. There the spicy ones you don't like them"
"That was intentional wasn't it?"
"Yes, y/n you're heavily pregnant you eat everything. The only thing I've been able to have to myself is... the unmentionable cow product and that's only because the smell, taste or mention of it makes you retch. I want something that's just for me"
"Sorry Benny"
"It's fine Hun, Baby likes to sample lots of foods" he smiled so we sat and ate "Slow down you're going to make yourself sick"
"But I'm hungry"
"I know just slow" he reminds "Did... did you just dip a nugget in your slushie?'
"That one of those weird cravings again? Like when you insisted I put honey on your fried eggs, or when I caught you stirring your tea with a banana?"
"Let me try"
"Let me try I'm curious"
I sighed but took a nugget and gave it a good dunk in the slushie before handing it over and he took a fairly brave bite
"Oh my god, that's disgusting. What is wrong with Jr that he wants to eat this?"
"I don't know, but I didn't hear you complaining when I was craving just the cookie part of Oreos."
"No, because I got to eat like six boxes worth of Oreo cream without a single cookie in my way. One of the best days of my life" he says and I glared "After our wedding of course" he smiled "What are you doing?"
"Melting the candy bar"
"I wanna put the chocolate and coconut on my hot dog"
"...Jr I am so so sorry for this, your baby mama has lost it"
"He wants it" I argued
I hummed to myself as I shuffled around the concrete floor in my fluffy slippers, my body covered in the only thing I was able to wear anymore, my small sleeveless boatneck white and black mini dress. The fabric is just black with white flowers across it. I hated the dress. I felt like it looked like curtains or a tablecloth but it was the only fabric I could find at the store good enough to use for my maternity dress pattern. My stomach caused the dress to look very tent-like as it pressed against the fabric. I passed around slightly humming to myself one hand stroking my bump and the other holding my biscuit as I nibbled at it slowly.
"Y/n, the doctor said you should get exercise. I'm not sure he meant pace around the apartment all day" Benny spoke as he sat up at the table in his usual jeans black shirt and green button down the calendar beside him and a pile of mail on the other side as he slowly went through everything giving me that look.
"How about you take me someplace then," I said back finishing my biscuit and brushing some crumbs off my dress
"I try, every time I take you anywhere all you do is complain" he sighed "My feet are swollen, my back hurts, and I'm gonna throw up"
"My feet are swollen" I complained "and my back does hurt"
"You gonna throw up?"
"No, but give it time I just had a biscuit"
"I thought you could eat them without being sick?"
"So did I" I sighed
He sighed a moment getting up and coming to try and cuddle me, however, my bump prevented us from having much of a cuddle as it was like trying to hug with a watermelon between us "You're causing your mother problems you know that Jr?" He says stroking my bump I smiled a little seeing how excited benny got stroking my stomach leaning back a little with my hands on my waist so he could enjoy it for while and immediately after he spoke up the baby started kicking I did my best to grit my teeth and just bare it, I know people always describe a baby's kick as a beautiful cute thing but it hurts, the only thing that made it better was seeing Benny's wide smile as he always got so excited whenever he got to feel the baby kicking
"He'll cause even more problems when he's born. At least for now, he's quiet"
"aww, I know kiddo, just calm down a little bit okay? For daddy?" He asked and the kicking died down a little "Good boy" he smiled, kissing my bump and then my forehead "You think you can keep down tea?"
"I hope so, can't I have a coffee?"
"No coffee, doctors orders remember," he says going to make us some tea "ooh almost out of milk" he says
And the second I heard those words I felt it was "uhhhh Benjamin!" I yelled making him jump looking at me and realizing his mistake
"Ohh shit. Sorry Hun It just kinda slipped out"
"Bring me some kitchen towel" I sighed and he happily brought me over some kitchen towel so I could clean up and then stuff my bra to prevent any future leaks, "uh he's stretching those legs today" I sighed as I felt moving and pushing inside me
"Maybe he's got a cramp? Can imagine it's getting a little stuffy in there for him"
"Like to see you say that when it's your internal organs he's playing kickball with"
"Come here" he smiled going behind me
"What are you up to?"
"A surprise"
"I don't know last time you were behind me and gave me a surprise I ended up pregnant"
"Have a bit of faith in me"
"Trust me as a husband" he laughs so I sighed and allowed whatever it is he wanted to do his hands came around my waist and for a moment I was convinced he wanted at my boobs again as he had found quite a love for them since I got pregnant, but he moved his hands down gently cupping my stomach from below and lifting it gently and slowly for a few moments taking the weight off my stomach and of the baby off my back and my hips holding the weight in his hands
"Aah that's nice" I smiled leaning in his chest a little and moving my arm back to play with his hair
"That feel good?"
"Very good"
"That makes my baby mama feel better?" He asks and I nodded "Okay, I can hold the baby as long as you want me to"
"Umm thank you, Benny"
"You're welcome" he smiled kissing my head
"Where did you learn this?"
"Pregnancy magazine"
"You read them?"
"When you have little naps yeah? I need to know, don't I?"
"I suppose so, I didn't think you cared"
"Of course, I care, you're my wife, that's our baby," he laughs "Of course I care, I'm just not great socially and pregnant ladies are even harder you randomly cry and leak and god knows what else it makes things hard and confusing when your me"
"It's okay Benny, it's still a really sweet thought. You're gonna make a really good daddy"
"You think so?"
"I'm sure of it"
"I know you're going to be an amazing mother" he smiled "You ready for me to let go?"
"Five more minutes?"
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effable-as-f · 1 year
"Was dropping bombs your chosen option, did you vote for screams? / Was the apocalypse your politician's policy?" (House Always Wins, Fallout: New Vegas song)
"Ashes to ashes, nine to five / The light in the tunnel has been privatized" (Rest Employed, Death and Taxes song)
"Part objective, part conjecture, partnered with tradition / Where the paperwork is worshiped and the rituals are written" (Slide Into The Void, Control song)
"Heave-ho! Fisher's comin' crawling out the sea foam / Giving you the willies as I'm steppin' off my steamboat" (Art of Darkness, Bendy and the Ink Machine song)
"Those neon tubes cast shadows on a truth so dark / It's up to you to battle to its putrid heart!" (A Pizza The Action / FNAF Security Breach song)
"Wanna buy a cat flap, cat food, cat-chup, catamaran? / You'll be categorically catatonic at the catalog of categories I have in my hands! (A cavalcade of all your favorite brands!) (Ad Infinitum, Deltarune/Spamton G. Spamton song)
That one part in Room For Improvement where they just start listing increasingly absurd paint colors (House Flipper song)
"We will smile through the pain / Then climb up and start again / Living someone else's game / As we tumble to the ground, planting faces in the pavement / For a stranger's entertainment / No one said when chasing fame that the direction would be down" (And So We Fall, Fall Guys song)
"We put the "dollar" back into "idolatry" / If you're upset, you can rent an apology / We are a family forged in bureaucracy / No "I" in "team", but there's "con" in "economy!" (The Fine Print, Outer Worlds song)
"Lock the doors and close the curtains, hold your breath lest you should speak your sins / But you can't keep a secret from the building that you keep it in" (No One's Home, Beholder 3 song)
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lilsnifferman · 4 months
My turn to damage the fresh air
Idk if there're still girls into guys farts around... If so, last night you'd love staying around me and cuddling with me in bed after eating this delicious grilled chicken pizza 🍕 flushed with 2 craft beers 🍻 😇
My stomach hurt and I had to keep my farts for over 3 hours! (I was kinda farty even before the meeting) 😩 After I left the place, I started blowing these hot, awful farts (which I still liked anyway 🙈) like you have no idea! 💨💨🤷
Would be fun (and probably hot) to have farting contest with one of you gassy girls 😇
BTW this evening after supper, putrid farts are back 🤯☠️ And you're probably the only one that know about it (because I have no one to talk about such nasty stuff 😔)
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crissiebaby · 9 months
The Padded Palace Act III: Chapter 19
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. Be sure to check out the link in the description if you need to start all the way back from the first chapter in Act I! I hope you enjoy!
Arching his back as far as Ellie’s body weight would allow him, Connor’s already loaded diaper expanded outward, its white fluffy rapidly taking on darker shades of brown with each passing second. This, of course, stimulated his prostate something fierce as his seemingly never-ending mush bomb continued to detonate, awakening his senses to the gross, yet undeniably pleasurable reality that messing a diaper came with. With his eyes squeezed shut, his sense of touch became electric, feeling every ounce of muck that entered his diaper. His sense of smell became heightened, inviting the putrid stench into his nostrils. His sense of hearing was as though someone cranked a stereo speaker up to eleven, ensuring every squish and gurgle was fully processed by his perfect ears. Heck, even his sense of taste got a boost, amplifying the stale taste of dried spit and odorous breath.
Mixed together, all of this should’ve been the biggest turn-off of Connor’s life…and yet…it wasn’t, evident by the tent in his diaper that only a true diaper lover could sport. That’s what he was now, wasn’t it? He could no longer sit in the rocking chair and pretend to be above everything the girls did. Worst of all, he couldn’t even nail down exactly what aspect of ABDL was getting him so excited. Was it the humiliation? The feeling of being dominated and forced? The physical sensations? The scenario itself? So many questions swirled around in his head; questions for which he had zero answer for.
By the time the pressure in his gut subsided, Connor could only imagine how full his noxious nappy was. He’d changed some rotten diapers since starting at the Palace but there wasn’t a single instance he could recall where any of the girls messed for as long as he did. Or did it only feel long? It was hard to tell. Regardless, he was now highly suspicious that someone, namely Stacy, spiked his food or drink with laxatives, unable to fathom that everything contained within his diaper was the product of his own dietary habits and poor decision-making. After all, gorging on half a large pizza plus snacks before getting taped into a diaper was never a wise strategy, at least if he was hoping to avoid a fateful messing.
“Holy shiiii…” said Ellie with her jaw as slack as it would go, stopping herself just short of saying a naughty word, even if it was appropriate in more ways than one. As far as introductory diaper messings went, Connor had shot the moon. To say his diaper was distended would be an understatement. The thing was sagging nearly an additional foot and he wasn’t even standing yet, “Where the heck did you keep all that?!”
Snickering maniacally as she loomed around Connor’s head, Stacy patted the newly christened sissy baby on his cheeks condescendingly as if pretending to be proud. “I know, right? What a good little pamper packer you were?” she cooed through her faux caregiver persona, serving up as much embarrassment for Connor as possible, “If you ask me, it’s almost as if he’d been holding all that in for longer than just one night. Maybe this little cutie had been hoping for something like this to happen the whole time.”
“Hehehe, yeah! I fink dis ish wuh Connow wanted da whowe time-OOF!” said Ellie, her sentence obfuscated by a sudden attack on her left side. With no time to react, she found herself falling to Connor’s side, rolling off his body in the process.
Standing over Ellie with fury in her eyes, Riri felt betrayed for her regressed caregiver. “Connor, are you okay?!” she said, her voice deepening to a serious tone as she kneeled down next to him and waved a hand in front of your eyes, only to grit her teeth when his blissed-out pupils didn’t react. After failing to get a response from Connor, she turned her attention aggressively back to her so-called friends, “Well, you got what you fucking wanted. I hope you’re both fucking happy with yourselves.”
Fixing her eyes on the floor, Ellie could feel the ache of guilt creeping up on her. She just wanted Connor to have fun. Why was Riri being so mean when Connor wasn’t even saying no? She didn’t understand and that confusion quickly turned her mood sour.
Stacy, on the other hand, was far less remorseful. “Oh, I’d say I’m quite happy. Not as happy as Connor is though, clearly!” she said, gesturing to the constant throbbing that noisily rustled his crinkly diaper front every few seconds. Faking a pout, she leaned in close to Connor’s head and tilted it so that both herself and Connor’s blank, euphoric expression were facing Riri, “I mean, just look at that face! You can’t sit there and say he didn’t bring this all on himself. What? Are you sad that his first time wasn’t more special? Grow up. This, right here, is who he’s been this whole time. A horny, diaper filler who gets off on you, me, and everything that goes on in here. Shit, I’m starting to doubt this is even his first messing.”
Fluttering his eyes as his hearing faded in and out, Connor wanted to protest each word that came out of Stacy’s mouth based on what he could make out. But how could he? Stacy had him read to rights, no matter what the truth actually was. He could literally be caught with his hand in a cookie jar and it would look less guilty than this. He’d let Stacy…no…he’d let his own arousal drive him off a cliff. And now, all that was left to do was wait for the wreckage to clear.
Suddenly, Connor was startled as something small was tossed onto the carpet next to him. He strained his peripheral vision to see what had been lobbed his way, only for a chill to move throughout his spine as he gazed upon the same egg vibrator that Ellie had threatened him with earlier.
“Why don we quit fightin an put Stacy’s theowy to da tes? Afta aww, no horny sissy baby cood wesist gettin buzzy afta a BIG messin,” said Ellie, defiantly attempting to stay in Little Space in spite of the ongoing conflict. In her eyes, there was no better way to settle things, “I mean, if Connow’s stiww havin fun, why nuh let him have some mo?”
Panting as he stared longingly into the tantalizing toy, it finally dawned on Connor what this evening had turned into. Back during his first session with Latasha, he’d given her control over everything that happened, completely removing the pressure of having to make humiliating decisions and instead allowing him to enjoy the far softer and more pleasurable humiliation that came from getting off in diapers. Tonight couldn’t be further removed from that concept. Stacy was right. Every embarrassing action he took, no matter how involuntary it may seem, came from his own hand; a fact he could no longer deny. He deserved this. He deserved this. He deserved this.
Operating with shaky but determined arms, Connor picked up the vibrator with the ferocity of a sex-crazed demon and immediately clicked it on before mashing it into the base of his mooshy, bloated diaper. It was immoral, depraved, and disgusting inherently but it was also soft, passionate, and erotic. Two halves that should’ve canceled each other out but for some reason, was a combination that he couldn’t get enough of. Feeling the semi-soft mush shifted throughout the front and back of his diaper, he let out a high-pitched moan unlike any sound he’d ever made in his life as the underside of his cock was coated in fecal matter.
“Would you like to keep arguing?” said Stacy plainly and rhetorically, knowing there was no need to continue her dialogue with Riri at this point. Not with Connor proving every preconceived notion that she ever had about The Padded Palace’s freshman caretaker. Now all that was left to do was break him just like she had with his predecessor, “Ellie, grab his arms.”
Doing as she was told, Ellie rounded Connor’s body until she was stationed behind his head before latching her hands around both of Connor’s wrists. He tried to fight her off momentarily so he could keep rubbing but his trembling appendages were in too weak of a state to fend her off properly. He whimpered as the egg vibrator fell from his fingertips. 
“Aww, don’t worry, Connor. It’s only for a moment. Trust me, you’re gonna be thanking me in a few seconds. Just try to relax for now,” said Stacy, allowing Connor to catch his breath as she picked up the tiny, buzzing egg and tossed it back and forth in her hands. All the while, she observed his ceaseless squirming, forced to bite her lift to stave off her own encroaching arousal. Once his body’s convulsing began to slow, she knew it was time to strike. With no warning, she returned the vibrator to the center of his squishy prison while clamping her fingers down over his rock-hard member to ensure his stiffy was properly smushed. And based on his eye-popping reaction, she appeared to be doing one heck of a job.
Backing away as Stacy and Ellie firmly dug their claws into Connor’s sex drive, Riri was at a loss for what to do. She’d done all that she could but the powers that be refused to let her keep order in the nursery. For what power did she truly have? She wasn’t bossy like Stacy, nor was she anywhere as demanding as Ellie. When it came to the guests of the Padded Palace, she was the only one well and truly powerless. And for some ungoddessly reason, that thought along with the obscene display that Connor was putting on, turned her on to no end, no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Giving into her own sexual desires, she reached down to caress her sopping diaper as the feelings of shame and ecstasy fueled her swollen sex.
Impussiant to the point where he couldn’t so much as rotate his head anymore, much less lift it, it wasn’t even a full minute before Connor felt himself drift past the point of no return. After so much build-up, that was perhaps the least shocking thing to happen all night. However, unlike his average orgasm, this one was somehow duller, longer, and yet somehow twice as extreme. It was the kind of pleasure that made you want to tear out strands of your own hair to achieve some form of reprieve. Shivers danced throughout his entire nervous system, practically turning his entire body into the tip of a penis.
Somehow, though, even after being pushed to his wit’s end, there was still a faction of Connor’s brain that fought to stay intact. That lone stronghold would finally fall as well when instead of his orgasm petering off like normal, the sharp, pleasurable feeling that came with climaxing returned, this time twice as strong. All air evacuated his lungs as he came to the realization with the final ounce of brain power he had left that he was on a crash course for the first double orgasm in his life. For as long as he could remember, he’d always had a secret jealousy that girls could reach their peak over and over again in one session. And now, as he lay on the floor in an ultra-frilly dress, he too was about to experience the joys of repetitive orgasms. Tragically, he was not in the headspace to acknowledge such a heavy dose of irony. Instead, the only thought his brain could focus on was the question of whether or not he would ever stop cumming again. A question that would not be receiving an answer anytime soon as his body geared up for orgasm number three.
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more Padded Palace!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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narwhal-butterfly · 2 years
I've been thinking about double life specifically Scar and Grian, what if the reason Grain doesn't want Scar's soulmate/is cheating on Scar with BigB isn't because he's worried Scar will get them killed or will make some enemies or things like that but because when he looks at Scar for too long all he can see is his bloody dead body in that desert sand, all he can remember is the putrid smell of death filled that desert air that day, all he can see is that cliff down from their mountain where he dropped down and died, he had won but he wished he hadn't. Only the winners can remember the world they won in, Scar doesn't remember that day in the sand, he doesn't remember the battle, or Pizza, he doesn't remember the monopoly on dark oak that failed so horribly, or his bee Mr. Bubbles, or their mountain, he can't remember any of it but Grian can and it rips him to shreds because just being around Scar is a reminder of what he did so he cheats and hides and leaves in an attempt to prove the universe wrong, to prove that he and Scar should not have been destined to be together but he always goes back, he tries to run, he tries to hide, but he never leaves for that long, he hates it but he can't stop, and now there's nowhere to go, they're in a world corner, with nowhere to run. They have a cactus, Grian doesn't like the cactus, he hates it, he hates the memory of cactuses, of sand. Scar doesn't mind it, he can't remember the sand or the cactuses of their past life together, the two of them were stuck together no matter how much Grian hates it, now more than ever but as time passes he realizes he doesn't hate it, he wants to, he wants to be angry at Scar, at himself but he's not, he realizes that Scar didn't change as much as he thought he would, he realizes he likes that more than he thought he would. So in short Grian doesn't want to be Scar's soulmate because the last time they were paired together he won and Scar lost and he's afraid of history repeating itself.
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how-very-salty · 7 months
tw: gore tw: corpse description tw: mental diseases (don't worry, there's happy end)
Jason JD Dean x Veronica Sawyer
summary: JD and Veronica meet at night at 7Eleven, in a ruined city under a red, fading sun.
J.D. pulled up his hood and pushed the door open, gritting his teeth. If he'd had a choice, he wouldn't have gone out for a few more days, but his food supplies were running low.  
The world greeted him with its usual bleak landscape: the huge red disk of the waning sun hovered over the ruined city, tinting everything around him in various shades of decay. The city was in flames, and clouds of dark smoke billowed into the sky. The air smelled of gasoline and death. He turned into a familiar alley and immediately recoiled in disgust: a rat ran nimbly beneath his feet, a human finger in its mouth. The rotting corpse lying against the wall of the house raised its head and waved a fingerless hand in greeting. J.D. nodded sullenly and walked quickly past him before he could talk about the old days again. 
It was deadly boring to listen to and for the first time. 
Before entering the shop, he took a medical mask from his pocket and pulled it over his face. He didn't want to frighten the occasional passerby with a half-worm eaten cheek; after all, sometimes there were living people in the neighborhood. Recently deceased, he corrected himself and stepped through the open doors. 
"Jay, same as usual? Couple glasses of slushie and a frozen pizza?" Teddy, putting the magazine aside, gave him a mocking nod from behind the counter. "I wouldn't be surprised if, with your love of ice, you'd chew on it without even warming it up."
"Ha ha," J.D. muttered back, expressionless, and walked past him to the back of the store without stopping. Too much social contact for such a short period of time.... 
"Okay, I get it, you're not in the mood today," he grinned understandingly and returned to his reading. "Just don't scare off the rest of the customers with your sour face."
With a silent middle finger, J.D. walked around the chip stand and froze like a dead man. The girl standing at the slushie machine turned and stared at him with hypnotic brown eyes. The cup in her hands slowly filled with bright blue ice, the same color as her dress. In the midst of the putrid red, this burst of color was like a breath of fresh air.
J.D. swallowed frantically. She was alive! Not recently dead, but really, truly, no joke, alive! 
He stepped back, careful not to make any sudden movements so as not to startle her.
"I didn't think anyone else would drink slushie at two in the morning," the girl smiled suddenly, tilting her head to her shoulder. Did she say that to him? He looked around, but there was no one else in the shop. "Just a minute, I'm almost done. Literally just a minute more, the machine here is awfully slow..."
J.D. swallowed and stopped obediently. 
"Hey," he replied offhandedly, pulling his hood deeper as he fell silent again. He didn't want her to run away when she saw his worm-ravaged face.  
"Hey to you too, midnighter," she chuckled softly, "will you keep me company? I'm terribly bored. Well, unless you're in a hurry to get somewhere, of course," she looked at him expectantly, and when he didn't answer, she looked away in embarrassment. "Uh... sorry to bother you. I just moved in, and..."
"Here? To this neighborhood?" not holding back, J.D. interrupted her in surprise. 
"What, it's not a good choice?" she stuck a straw in her glass and stepped away from the machine to sit on the windowsill, her feet dangling in the air. "Low rent here, walkable to work, and overall it seems like a good place to live."
"Yeah... Good joke," he sarcastically grinned, walked over to the machine and then suddenly hesitated: cherry or strawberry?
"Take a blue raspberry, we'll have blue tongues together," the girl giggled behind his back. He seemed to say it out loud. "Do you always take food advice from strangers?" 
"No, only the cute ones," J.D. replied thoughtlessly, and bit his tongue sharply. She was going to run away from him in disgust, and she'd be right... He pressed the lever sullenly and filled the glass with blue ice. 
"Wow, did we get to the compliments part yet?" a playful giggle sounded from behind him, and he turned around in confusion and stared at her. Why was she talking to him so calmly? Didn't she notice anything? 
Once again, without any response from him, the girl blushed in confusion:
"I'm in a bit of a hurry, aren't I? My mom always told me I was as crushable as a tabby cat...oops!" blushing even more, she grabbed the glass and took a big gulp of slushie. And then, writhing in pain, she pressed her hand to her forehead. 
"Brain freeze, huh?" smiled J.D. awkwardly, crushing his glass in his hands. "I do that a lot. Helps me stop thinking about...stuff."
"Well, it doesn't work for me. I still think about how stupid I'm acting," the girl muttered, rubbing her forehead. The corners of her lips turned down in frustration; he liked her smile better.  
"I think you're pretty damn nice," he objected hotly, taking a seat on the windowsill as far away from her as possible. "I'm J.D., by the way, and you are?"
"Veronica. Veronica Sawyer," she smiled softly, and held out her hand to him. He froze hesitantly, staring at her hand: pale, with skin that was soft even to the sight of it, and her knuckles delicately pink with embarrassment. Was he really allowed to touch them? 
He didn't answer again for too long, and Veronica's hand dropped, trembling. 
"Am I doing something wrong?" she asked in a stifled voice, and J.D. shook his head quickly. 
"No, you're not. It's just... aren't you disgusted?"
"What? Why should I be?" her eyes went wide. He silently rolled up his sleeves and showed her his hands: rotting, with yellowish bones sticking out and skin covered in livid corpse stains. 
"Uh... I still don't understand," Veronica bit her lip, shifting her lost gaze from his hands to him. "What am I supposed to be seeing here?"
"I'm just a corpse, Veronica," he said heavily, and after a moment's hesitation, he pulled the mask from his face, revealing a gaping hole where his cheek had been. "I don't know where you're from, or how many people like you there are left in the world..."
"Like me?" her voice quivered with fear, or perhaps disgust. He should probably go.
"Don't pretend you don't know what I mean," J.D. sighed, reluctantly rising from the windowsill. "Just get out of here. There's nobody to save in this town anymore... People like you, alive, don't belong here."
He turned and crouched down, heading for the exit.
"Wait!" Veronica flew out of her seat after him, grabbing his arm impulsively. "J.D., wait a minute...you're alive, too! You're not dead!"
"Are you kidding me?" he turned around; his eyebrows knitted together frowningly on the bridge of his nose. 
"No! You're not dead," she looked pleadingly into his eyes, gripping his arm tightly, "and nobody's dead! I... I know how you feel. I can help you!"
"How?" J.D. looked at her sullenly. "And more importantly, why would you do that?"
"Because I can help! Isn't that enough?" she swallowed and stepped closer, almost touching him. "Just let me..."
"I think you're out of your mind," he shook his head in disbelief and stepped back. But the heart in his chest suddenly clenched in a ridiculous, deceptive hope. What if...?
"I'm definitely out of my mind, since I'm asking you to trust me when we've only known each other for about ten minutes," Veronica laughed nervously and stopped abruptly, staring at him with her piercing brown eyes. "Are you crazy enough to believe me?"
It seemed so; or he just couldn't resist that pleading look. Who could?
"What do I have to do?" he sighed doomedly. 
J.D. pushed open the door and stepped out onto the porch, squinting in the bright sunlight. The world outside the hospital greeted him with the rustle of yellowing leaves and the smell of recent rain. The drops still glistened brightly on the iron railing, the steps, and the row of benches that lined the alley. A girl in a bright blue dress standing on the steps looked up and stared at him with her brown eyes wide open. A moment later, her lips curved into a warm smile. 
"Hey, how about we run in for a couple glasses of slushie to celebrate your recovery?"
"Hey," he smiled back broadly, heading down the stairs toward her. "Would that count as a first date?"
She laughed softly and tilted her head back. The dark brown cloud of hair flashed gold in the September sunlight. 
"No way!" Veronica shook her head, laughing, and stared at him with a playful squint. "I'd vote for at least a Wendy's on a first date, and that's only because I'm crazy about their French fries." 
"Wow, what a coincidence... I miss their burgers," J.D. grinned, making her laugh again, and held out his hand. "So, will you come with me? Just for the fries."
"Anywhere for fries! And by the way, you're buying," she grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the path covered in puddles with bright gasoline stains. A fallen maple leaf crunched beneath his foot. He lifted his head and looked up at the deep blue sky, where clouds floated lazily. September smelled of rain and fresh pastries from the neighborhood coffee shop. Veronica looked over her shoulder and smiled as she squeezed his hand. 
if you wanna give kudos here it is <3<3<3
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toomuchracket · 2 days
this list has me giggling
“Paper towel sniffer
Earning potential: $52,000 per year
Let’s be honest: the deciding factor for you when purchasing rolls of paper towels probably isn’t their aroma. But there are still people out there who get paid to ensure that manufacturers produce high-quality products without a putrid smell.”
fuck it make me a paper towel sniffer
“Underwater pizza deliverer
Earning potential: $25 per hour
Have you ever heard of a scuba diving pizza delivery guy or gal? Because there is such a thing!
Jules’ Undersea Lodge, an underwater hotel in Key Largo, Florida, employs scuba divers to deliver pizza to its underwater patrons.”
why is it always florida?
entire plot of the little mermaid avoidable had ariel chose pizza over an unattainable boyf i fear
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lalasknives · 9 months
I just rewatched the beginning of the second part of @bomikalover livestream on ig when i couldn't hear what you guys were saying (internet malfunction). You guys are haters. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are blaming me for your being blind to the obvious. And now me and you have beef. Especially you @bomika-go-brr. "You shouldn't have said anything, she didn't tell us about bose being left-handed." I cast despair upon you.
Special mention to all the ppl that started shifting on me for shitting on Chicago's pizza. Fuck you to. That stuff is putrid, disgusting, horrific just to look at.
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iodotsys · 11 months
Does Bloatie Dib have an au or backstory or head canons? whats his epic story? (Hes the worst thing to happen to the fandom /affectionate /lh)
I hope you know this is my very first Invader Zim fanfic I've ever wrote.
"It all happened on a Tuesday. I had recently been accepted as a cashier at our local Bloaties under the guise of a simple man needing work. Little did they know I was there to infiltrate their deepest belly of secrets, the locked freezer in the back of the establishment. There were reports of inter-dimensional rifts within the said freezer, signaling to us that the Hog's pizza quite possible was of demonic origin. It would make sense as its putrid smells somehow still attracted its customers like zombies. Even my poor sister was subject to its evil draw.
This was one of many covert operations bestowed onto me by the Eyeballs and it should have gone as smoothly as the others. I could not have foreseen how fate was to treat me that night.
It was 11pm and I had just finished my closing duties. I really didn't care about locking the front door or putting down the blast shutters, but I needed to keep up appearances. It was time to get to my real work.
I easily hacked into the security camera and overwrote the recording of the night with one of me leaving the other day, as to cover my tracks and erase any evidence of my being there long after I should be.
Once finished, I ventured further into the back rooms, through the kitchen and past the filth offices. The smell of sweat and cheese begun to burn my nose as I traveled deeper and deeper.
I am ashamed to admit, but my stomach was not as solid as my resolve and I promptly vomited into one of the mop buckets in a back storage closet. This was to my advantage as the smell of my own vomit was far worse than any yeasty cheese sweat which permeated the air and steeled my stomach to it.
Everything around me seemed to leak pizza grease in an unnatural way. Like the walls were crying in spooky cheesy distress. That could mean only one thing.
There was a portal in that back freezer. The closer I approached, the more the walls wept. I could even make out a glint of oil squeezing through the bottom of the door to that hellish cold chamber. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand and the grease beckoned me to consume it.
But I would not give in! I was here for proof! I was here for the truth!
I took one single last step before all fell silent. It is that silent which pervades your nightmares. The one before the earth beneath you caves in and takes you with it.
I could feel it. I could sense it. I could smell it. Something was emerging, emerging close to me. I could no longer move, I could no longer breathe for fear it would invade my very soul.
I was naive to think there was some mortal protection from this oily entity.
It was time to abort the mission, I knew this. I knew I need to run but. Something kept me there. My feet were caked to the ground, my muscles calcified with curdled putrid milk. I could no longer see the walls, I could not think. My eyes were frozen open to that frozen door. The frozen air. My frozen soul.
The freezer door opened and---"
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
Dangerous Infection
Characters: Perry (The Last of Us), Bloater (The Last of Us)
Tags: The most unhinged thing I've written, Inspired by the internet, A love Story, Sexxxy Bloaters, Unreciprocated pining, Humor, Enemies to Almost Lovers, Star-crossed, human/monster romance
The reason for the slo-mo (Episode 5: Endure and Survive) was two lost souls finding each other, drawn like moth to flame, in the heat of the moment
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He'd heard about them, but nothing could prepare Perry to come face-to-face with a bloater. As soon as the magnificent, fungal-ridden UNIT of a former human came out of that fiery hot hole, Perry longed for it to get into his.
"Run, find cover, don't look back!" Perry directed Kathleen. "Run!" To the casual observer he may seem honorable, but his reasons were purely selfish. This absolute hunk of infection was only for him.
Fear and desire welled up in Perry in equal measure. He'd never been with a bloater before. The thought was tantalizing, twirling around in his mind like creeping tendrils tightening their grip. How much could it take? Perry broke out into a sweat as bullets penetrated with effort. The bloater could take everything given to it and more.
Out of ammo, Perry didn't attempt to run. Awe-struck by the beauty of the beast, he took pleasure in knowing his body was going to be ripped apart so, so hard.
When the bloater picked him up like a strongman lifting a minuscule bag of pizza dough, pliable and ready to be stretched, Perry's face paled like floury flesh.
He knew the bloater wouldn't spare him, and he needed it to just take him. It was the bloater's nature to move from one to the next with no loyalty, but Perry was drawn to the sacrifice anyway.
Enduring warmth survived everlastingly by the heated memories of their coming together. Terror and lust tingled through Perry, pulsing through body with intensity as spores and putrid flesh pressed against him. He was so out of his head, literally, for this thick, juicy creature. Blood gushed hotly down the infected's body, covered in spurts of Perry's essence. Two had become one and a half.
Energy intense and blinding, a star being engulfed by a supernova, the light was quickly fading. Perry could only think of what was never meant to be before his eyes stopped working. His last vision, the gorgeous glistening fungal plates, was a reminder of his brief and tumultuous unrequited love.
This article, apparently not satire but certainly meant to be humourous, was my inspiration: Everyone Has Fallen for ‘The Last of Us’s Most Unexpected Thirst Trap
Came across this article later: Bloater actor processes becoming 'Big Daddy Mushroom'"
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alexsyndrome · 11 months
Last shift at the Chum Bucket is done!! ✔️ Thank GOD!! I cut my hand pretty bad with a pizza cutter that some imbecile tossed in the sink & bled all over the kitchen, have a stye near my eye from being splashed with dirty sink water, need to soak my clothes with vinegar and baking soda to get rid of the putrid smell, and got electrocuted on a random wire hanging from the ceiling 🎃 Can I get my nails done now? 👍
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noodlepenne · 1 year
Oh? You want a Tombstone pizza? You want a pizza that only takes ten minutes in the oven to make and goes limp without fail when you pick it up? You want a pizza with cheese that sloughs off at the slightest touch? A pizza with a taste salty enough it may as well just be sauce and saltines, and which drips with a vibrant orange oil as you hold it above your disgusting, putrid maw? That pizza?
Sure, man. Sure.
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tsukipifucker · 11 months
Knights Fart Headcanons
Tsukasa: Tsukasa isn't typically gassy, and his farts only get more frequent when he has sweets. They're just average farts, lasting only 1-2 seconds in length, and not very loud. Since he's supposed to be all proper and princely, he gets extremely embarrassed whenever he farts and hides his face.
Leo: Anyone who's ever met Leo will tell you that his gas is downright horrible. He's constantly gassy, ripping putrid, bubbly farts that can last up to 7 seconds. Leo is not allowed to have pizza anymore after blasting off 30 farts in one night after dinner. Regardless, he also likes to annoy Tsukasa and Izumi with his farts.
Izumi: Izumi's farts are short and don't smell too bad, they're just obnoxiously loud and embarrassing. One time, he accidentally farted onstage during a live and the entire audience heard it. Anyone who brings up this incident to him gets kicked in the crotch.
Ritsu: Ritsu has complete control over his gas and can fart on command. His signature SBDs last 2 minutes in length and smell like pure sulfur. Thankfully, he doesn't fart often. Only when he's in the mood for making his fellow Knights suffer from his ungodly stink.
Arashi: You'll never catch her farting in front of you. Whenever she needs to fart, she just heads for the bathroom. Occasionally you can hear a fart or two when she's in there, but never smell them.
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