#put that on riderwiki now
biomic · 1 year
"blue beetle: no way home" is gonna go crazy
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tsunflowers · 5 years
Now that Heisei Rider is over, how do you rank the final boss of each series in term of sexiness?
overlord of darkness: the fact that he’s a real human man and a very beautiful one at that puts him at the number one spot
n-daguva-zeba: undeniably sexy
kr odin: he is probably the sexiest ryuki rider
heart: he only gets to be this high on the list if we ignore his hideous piss colored evolved form
utopia dopant: pretty sick
joker undead: he has mouth and teeth so you know i love that but he looks like a cockroach that drinks mountain dew
lord baron: fairly sexy. I feel like I liked him a lot in the show but looking at the pic of him riderwiki has is not doing it for me
orphenoch king: I like his design a lot but I’m not sure I consider him sexy
gryllus worm: he’s ok. doesn’t do it for me
bat fangire: I actually liked him a lot more before he was reborn as the final boss with the new headpiece
death imagin: a good design, but not a sexy one
evolt: blood stark and kr evol are both a lot sexier than his final form
gremlin: I forgot he was the final boss of wizard I thought it was fueki. anyway hes ok. design wise. I hate him
sagittarius zodiarts: eh. hes ok
another decade: I don’t rank him too highly among another riders or here either
super apollo geist: the wiki is telling me he’s the last monster of decade. since I don’t have a personal attachment to mr apollo g I’m just like “looks like a showa suit”
cronus: bleh. whatever
great eyezer: it’s ugly. fuck it
kyoryu greed: uggo, I hate him
I don’t know who the final boss of hibiki is… the wiki is telling me the final fight is with a rokurokubi monster that is incredibly ugly even for a hibiki cgi makamou but the real bosses are the mysterious man and woman. I’ll leave them unranked but the rokurokubi is dead last
I don’t remember who’s the final boss of amazons either. if it’s amazon origin then i do think he’s big sexy. probably between heart and utopia
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