#psyppy ventilations
hate people who act like they know everything and everyone
like bro just admit you're wrong in that everybody has different experiences, motivations and opinions therefore you near CAN'T be right about people as a whole without knowing each and every individual on this goddamn planet
stupid dumdum
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ewww I just saw someone sexualising nepeta
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for some fucking reason I can't read smut without getting triggered right now
this is absurd
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the amount of times I felt unappreciated but I learned to write it off as them just "being how they are" is insane
feels like even when I brought up those issues it didn't make a difference because they didn't want to make a difference
I tried my best to be a good lover and I've tried my best to be a good friend
I've even checked in two days since and it doesn't really seem to matter to them as much as it would matter to me
but then again, I suppose when something is a rarity it becomes more important to you
I was never busy, I was almost always there
maybe that's why i didn't feel like I mattered
I wonder if they knew how hard it was for me to stay away
I wonder if they knew how much it hurt to feel like I was a burden when I'd ramble about things I enioyed
they never really tried to reassure me much
I'd apologise for rambling so frequently because I was so used to them just dropping off the face of the earth if I didn't divert the subject or say sorry
and all they'd really say to it was "it's okay" or "it's okay, really"
I never remember them explicitly saying they enjoyed when I did it and even if they did, it was probably only once or twice
I've said that sort of thing many times to them
"I enjoy hearing you talk about things you love"
I wonder why it felt like that same love was never really reciprocated
I wonder if I'll ever know if they really loved or love me back
like seriously they probably hid shit from me and would never tell me
I mean I KNOW they hid some things from me, there were things they took like over half a year to tell me
important things
I don't know if I should ever trust that they'd be honest about their feelings, and I don't know if I should trust them when they say they "don't know how they feel"
do you not know, or are you a liar?
when you said you wouldn't lie if you said you promised, you were lying to me
so why should I ever have trusted you? you never gave me any reason to
I've always been the type to try to look at the good sides of people if I love them
but I'm not quite sure if I love you or if I've just become so attached to you that you're all I know and all I want
but honestly I don't even know if i want you anymore
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I bet I'm just a piece of meat to you
you act like I've never done anything nice for you
though almost everything I did was for you
or for us
you act like I don't have emotions
or maybe you just can't understand them
or what they do to me
so I must be a piece of meat to you
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