#psycho IV
fanofspooky · 7 months
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We all go a little mad sometimes…
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ceteradesunt · 2 years
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Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) dir. Mick Garris
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normanbatesslut · 1 year
need dilf norman so bad 🫠
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gh0ul-ishh · 3 months
When I’m in an evil fed bitch competition and my opponent is Connie Bates
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On February 19, 1991 Psycho IV: The Beginning was released on VHS in Argentina.
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trashcanalienist · 1 year
The bird castle in Psycho IV - the pair of birds inside, parakeets or something green like that. They're beautiful, and have so much space. Birds and Norman are so often the same thing, and here he is in his nice big kitchen in his nice big house far away from the Bates Motel and from Mother...but even though his cage is bigger, and fancier, and he has a partner to share it with, he is still trapped within it and always will be.
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ne-umeyu-tancevat · 1 year
psycho 4????
i wanted nothing more in my god damn life this past month and a half than for norman to get a happy ending, and i suppose he did get that but a part of me freaking freaking HATES that it involves accepting the existence of a child he did Not want and honestly came about by kinda fucked up means maybe its cause im projecting onto him as much as i wanna fuck him but i think you can access healing and still never want kids for whatever reason, norman shoulda got his happy childfree marriage into eternity BOOOOO to the idea that you need kids to be truly happy. id have given him his happy childfree marriage
(or was the implication that they loosed another norman upon the world??)
but im so fucking happy they didnt doom him to be a killer forever they really could have said oops well i guess he has to be locked up until the end of time NO he overcame, got put through two movies full of 1980's slasher malarkey and still came out winning
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scaremichaeltodeath · 2 years
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literarysiren · 2 years
I love every era of the Psycho franchise (except Gus Van Sant's remake!), and Anthony Perkins' journey across each film is always so arresting to watch. Norman's evolution (or not) as a character through the years particularly within the sphere of Perkins' portrayal is one of my favorite things to study.
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Have you ever watched any of the Psycho sequels?
I have seen most of Psycho IV on TV years ago...but I do know what happens in Psycho II.
I can't tell you Psycho IV it's a good movie, because it's been so long since I've seen it...but definitely an interesting idea, since it deals with Norman's backstory. And Young Norman is played by Henry Thomas and his mother is played by Olivia Hussey!
*And I had forgotten about Henry Thomas being in this movie until I just looked it up.
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fanofspooky · 11 days
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Mick Garris’ horror movies
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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slickdungeonsblog · 8 months
Psycho IV: The Beginning - Movie Review
Henry Thomas and Olivia Hussey star as Norman and Norma Bates in Psycho IV Hello Halloween pals! It’s Slick Dungeon here, back again to review yet another of the movies in the Psycho franchise. In the fourth movie, which was actually made for television, we take a look forward and back as this is both a sequel and a prequel and, kinda confusing. Still, it’s a thing that exists and it’s…
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gh0ul-ishh · 3 months
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This is 4 months old but idc
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madness-of-the-masses · 2 months
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This is one of reigens special moves
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trashcanalienist · 1 year
He calls the radio station because he wants his motives to be known, he wants to be understood, and he doesn't want to do it. In his Hannibal Lecter kitchen with his bird castle nearby, a pair of little birds hopping about inside, Norman is freer than he ever has been - away from that house and the motel, Mother dwindles away to nothing but a shrieking whisper in the back of his head, poor Norman who's been so badly traumatized by her and is not even aware of it. He has a wife who he has not killed yet, and they make love often. A shame that she is a horrible manipulator who lies to him about taking birth control in order to get pregnant when he is so constantly terrified that he'll pass on the same instability his mother gave to him. She does not respect his boundaries and she does not listen to him, she does not respect him as a person at all. Figures she's a psychologist he met while he was crazy. Norman can't stop finding women as crazy and outwardly conservative as his mother. Speaking of whom, Mrs Bates is now the lovely Olivia Hussey, who does a wondrous job with what she's given. I despise that brief mention of forced transvestism that never comes up again - it has no place here, Norman has never been confused in that way. Mrs. Bates wanted her son to be her son, and to be a GOOD son, because she is perhaps not a "good woman" and men have not been good to her. For same reason, Margaret White tries to force Carrie to stay a child because her own womanhood is the cause of her sin in her mind. Mother exists because Norman is a good little boy who loves his mother, not because of some boring Sleepaway Camp nonsense. Well, good then that they never bring it up again.
The direction is maybe best with those scenes cut between the radio station (cool, almost clinical, dark, sharp, noir pretty) and Norman's kitchen (bright, airy, a wonderful symbol of how far he's come in his life - and thus with what he's talking about, what he's compelled to say, how much he still feels the need to be dragged back into it). Good that he goes back to Mother's house for the final act - he needs to be in that scared, tormented frame of mind in order to do something as terrible as kill his wife. Poor Norman, this awful woman has taken something from him he did not consent to give her, and she refuses abortion obviously because she's so very conservative. The best kinds of girls for Norman are the kind Mother would kill on first sight. But he can't do it, anyways (I love how quickly his face changes, boyish still now and always, therapy once again got rid of Mother but does nothing for his other underlying issues), and sets the house on fire, blue and with warm eerie orange windows, and is almost trapped to die there with his victims including his mother Olivia Hussey, luckily he gets out and is free as he says, again, as in Psycho III. Wonderful for him! Free to have a child with this controlling mother-knows-best freak who he cannot stand up to because she ensures that there's nothing he can do before she lets him find out. This maniac who decided the best course of option with a man who did not want kids because he was afraid of what he might pass on to them, was to lie and get pregnant anyways and then tell him to just give the baby a chance. Poor Norman, even if genetics have no say in it I'm afraid things will repeat themselves...
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