#profile kamamoto rikio
itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Kamamoto Rikio
Terms of address: Kamamoto
Birthday: May 18, Taurus
Blood type: A
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.85 cm in height. A mysterious constitution that makes him lose weight in summer and gain weight in winter.
Face, hair: Sunglasses. Blond, he wears a beard. Handsome in summer and strong in winter.
Attire: Street fashion.
Personal effects: A motorcycle.
· He shows his strength by using a red aura. Talent power.
· As soon as you take your eyes off him, he is eating something.
· A comic relief that forms an uneven combination with Yata.
· He always eats, and often lags behind in quick action.
· He has a bit more common sense than Yata. He was struck by trying to stop the fugitive and misunderstood Yata.
· He has a strong sense of personality.
· The “Homura” emblem is on the right side of his buttocks.
A member of "Homura". He normally works with Yata.
Kamamoto, a childhood friend of Yata and a weakly bullied boy at the time, looked up to Yata, a general boy. Even now, Yata stands up and acts, but the aspect of Yata's care is also great.
He acts with a focus on humanity and companionship. An older brother you can count on and will be nice to you.
Basically, he's kind and powerful, and has a nice personality, but he's not merciful to his opponents.
As a member of "Homura", he shares his destiny with Anna, Yata, and Kusanagi.
In the future, he might be happy with his childhood friend.
His power is based on brute force. His arms are hard.
During the battle, the giant moves quickly.
C + (A little stronger than the general clan member, but does not reach the executives.)
Meat. Ramen Other high-calorie foods.
Red clan. Friends. Friendship. Trust.
The unjustified and impersonal.
Eat until him drop. Hang out with Yata.
Street fashion. His style does not change between summer and winter, but the impression changes as a result of choosing the right clothes.
A mysterious constitution that makes him lose weight in summer and gain weight in winter.
The beard disappears in summer.
Higher than the average of the red clan.
A type of petty officer with a lively seat and determination.
He is gluttonous. Even if he's on an errand, if he's hungry, he prioritizes his appetite.
On the other hand, he has a strong sense of personality. He has a personality to take care of his friends. A person who sacrifices his personal life to help his partner.
In battle, he takes the lead on the front line. He is a special attack type next to Yata.
Born as the eldest son of a liquor store.
When he was young, he was vulnerable to other children, but he was helped by Yata Misaki, a general boy, and became a friend of his and longed for him.
After growing up, he becomes a fat side and in the fight he becomes stronger.
He joined "Homura" before Yata, but he still respects Yata, and is acting like his younger brother.
· 1992, Rikio Kamamoto is born.
· 2009, he meets with Yata in “Homura”.
· 2013, he defends Anna from the Green clan, but then Anna woke up as "Red King".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san". He admires and respects him as his "King".
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
He respects and appreciates them.
He calls him "Yata-san".
A rude honorific. He wants to go where Yata is going, although it may be a restriction for Yata going too far. After Suoh's death, he became frustrated with Yata, who had turned into a shell. After Yata's rebirth, Anna becomes "King", and supports her in "Homura" with Yata.
He calls her "Anna".
She originally saw her as a girl to protect. The basic posture remains the same even after Anna becomes "Red King", but she firmly established what she should do as King.
He feels sorry for Anna, who became King at a young age, but he doesn't show it.
He calls him "Fushimi" and "Monkey".
He is not very interested in Fushimi. He doesn't make him as hot as Yata and he's not an abusive traitor.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Hakumaitou -  Isana Yashiro / Yatogami Kuroh / Neko
Homura - Suoh Mikoto / Kushina Anna / Kusanagi Izumo / Yata Misaki / Totsuka Tatara / Kamamoto Rikio / Akagi Shohei / Bando Saburota / Chitose Yo / Dewa Masaomi / Eric Surt / Fujishima Kousuke / Yamada Daichi
Scepter 4 - Munakata Reisi / Awashima Seri / Fushimi Saruhiko / Zenjou Gouki / Akiyama Himori / Benzai Yujiro / Kamo Ryuho / Domyoji Andy / Enomoto Tatsuya / Fuse Daiki / Goto Ren / Hidaka Akira / Kusuhara Takeru / Habari Jin / Shiotsu Gen / Minato Akito & Hayato
Jungle - Hisui Nagare / Mishakuji Yukari / Gojou Sukuna / Iwafune Tenkei / Hirasaka Douhan / Kotosaka / Hikotaro Kue
Others - Yukizome Kukuri / Inaba Sumika / Mishina Sota / Hyuga Chiho / Asama Sakura / Kokujoji Daikaku / Usagi / Miwa Ichigen / Man with the Fox Mask / Klaudia Weismann / Tsukumo 99 / Fushimi Niki / Fushimi Kisa / Oogai Aya / Hieda Toru / Samukawa Kanichi / Kurayama Mitsuha / Tsurumi Toya / Preces
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Suoh Mikoto
Terms of address: King, Wild Beast Mikoto, King of Homura
Birthday: August 13, Leo
Blood type: B
Age: 24 (At the time of death)
Physique: 1.85 cm in height. A tough block-like body.
Face, hair: His eyes are sharp and intimidating. Reddish lion hair.
Attire: A jacket with fur, accessories (chains, bracelets), after Totsuka's death he wears an earring.
Personal effects: He usually carries cigarettes.
· Makes eye contact with a calm and close person.
· The method of attack is a blow that hits with an overwhelming amount of heat.
· The image color is "red".
· A "bad boy head" that contains the urge to explode. The need to destroy is still entering the work.
· The image of “a lion that went crazy” and “a bomb about to explode”.
· Image of "unstoppable".
King of the street gang team “Homura”.
He was a lonely person, but thanks to the overwhelming charisma of him, Kusanagi, Totsuka and a dozen other people, he became the head of the street boys. After awakening as the "Red King", the boys were drawn to Suoh and did an installation test to see if they could accept the "Red King" flame, and he welcomed everyone who passed it.
Suoh, who has a need to destroy, has been struggling to control his power since he woke up as the "Red King". Suoh's Weismann deviation was erratic, and the sword of Damocles had many scratches.
The shackles that signified his bindings were removed after Totsuka's death, and he held the sword of Damocles, which was about to collapse, pursued its ruin towards destruction.
In normal times, he is quiet and lazy. There is no coordination, but if he is interested he can show a side that is an unexpectedly good relationship. Individualistic, annoyed by social restrictions.
Basically, he is not obsessed with it, and does not pay attention to details.
He became the "Red King" because he was chosen by the Slate, and he has no intention of acting as a "king". He believes that both he and those who follow him will live as they choose.
He is like a feline beast that sleeps normally and is sober during battle. Kusanagi said: "He was happy to have been born as a lion in the savannah."
Although he has the urge to destroy and the desire to destroy it, he acknowledges that he does not want to destroy his fellow Homura and has lived by killing the urge within him. He often has nightmares due to the need to destroy and a sense of crisis that his abilities could escape. He is vague about his future, which is to destroy everything, and when he is about to be swallowed by his own power, he stays in the room and enters a lethargic state where his senses are dull and he is overwhelmed by that urge.
While he felt a sense of comfort with "Homura", he was eager to burn everything. There was also a side that was thrown into thinking about the feeling of loss due to Totsuka's death that was also the brake on Suoh's need to destroy.
He killed the "Colorless King" who had killed Totsuka, knowing that his sword would fall. On the brink of the fall of Damocles, Munakata killed him.
He manipulates a powerful flame. He has a fearsome power of destruction.
Basically, he destroys disturbing things with just a few moves, but when he fights Reisi Munakata, he develops a fist fight that combines light movements and flames.
Since the bad boy is awake, the action is basically that of a bully with a fighting method.
A (King class)
Sake and cigarettes. When he's in a good mood, he doesn't hate the noise his friends make.
Be patient, annoying things. Social restrictions.
None in particular. It is not a hobby, but sleep well.
T-shirt, jeans, fur coat. He likes accessories.
A slim and muscular body. A boy with excellent muscular strength before waking up as "King", who naturally trained during repeated fights.
Instinct is often used before head. However, his intelligence is really high.
Impulse. He hates being bound by the social framework.
He has an attachment for his companions, and uses the bar "Homra" as his residence, but he does not want to run his group as a "King". He recognizes that a team is also an aggregate of individuals.
Beneath the desire to destroy him, he thinks that he must protect his friends, but he is also eager to destroy everything and burn his life.
His parents died early. He was raised by his impartial grandfather when he was a child, but died when Suoh was in high school. Since then, he has lived freely with his inheritance.
· 1988, Suoh Mikoto is born.
· 2004, he meets Kusanagi and Totsuka.
· 2007, Suoh awakens as "Red King", Kusanagi and Totsuka become the first members of his clan.
· 2009, Suoh makes Anna a member of the red clan.
· 2012, December, He is killed by Munakata after killing the “Colorless King” in the Gakuenjima incident.
The first person is "Ore" and the second is "Omae" and "Temee". A sloppy tone. He doesn't talk much.
He calls him "Munakata" or "Omae".
He really thinks he's a bad guy, but he's the first one who has rivaled Suoh since he became "King", and they have the same fighting spirit. Although he did not like him humanly and never agreed with him, he was saved by the existence of Munakata, the only person who could see the same scene and did not risk being destroyed by his own power.
It is possible that he always had the vague idea that Munakata would give up on his Damocles, which could come to pass.
He usually calls her "Anna" or "Omae".
She is the niece of Suoh's high school teacher, Honami Kushina. He saved her from the place where she had been treated as inhuman by being a Strain, and he decided to make her a member of his clan. He may not have left her at all, he feels a bit guilty for making her a member of his clan at such a young age.
Due to Anna's responsiveness and Suoh's compatibility, there is a great deal of communication without words.
He calls him "Kusanagi" or "Omae".
They have known each other since high school. His existence is more than a friend, a brother. Suoh is on top of "Homura", but Kusanagi actually controls the organization, and since he is also living in the Homra bar, Kusanagi's head is not upright.
He calls him "Totsuka", "Omae", "Temee".
Totsuka was a middle school student, while Suoh was a high school student when they met. From that point on, he was good at swinging around Suoh with freedom and acting, ventilating Suoh, who tended to accumulate depression. After Suoh became "King", he was responsible for containing Suoh, who after his death was swallowed by his own power.
Totsuka is the bright and happy face of "Homura", and Suoh's container.
He calls them: "Yata", "Kamamoto", and "Omae".
As children who love themselves, as relatives, he thinks they are cute.
He calls him "Fushimi" or "Omae".
Fushimi's transformation does not recognize it as a betrayal. There were many children who were drawn to themselves and left.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Yata Misaki
Terms of address: Yata-san, Misaki, Yatagarasu
Birthday: July 20, Cancer
Blood type: B
Age: 20 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.67 cm in height. He gives the impression that he is smaller than his height.
Face, hair: His eyes are good. He wears a hat. The base is the face of a cheerful child, but the expression is rich and changes every time. He can be a vicious person and often laughs carelessly.
Attire: He wears a street style with a skateboard.
Personal effects: Skateboard. A metal bat.
· Skill on the skateboard and the use of flames.
· Before thinking that the blood would rise in his head, his body would move and sink.
· "Foolish".
· There are some comic aspects that should be loved, but when viewed by the general public, they are vicious.
· Get ​​angry and laugh a lot. The emotional expression of emotions is clear.
· The sign of "Homura" is on the left clavicle.
A member of "Homura". Identified as a captain of the first class. Number 3 in combat strength.
A young man who loves "Homura" and loves his friends.
He is one of the main members, except for Suoh, Kusanagi, and Totsuka, who are the first members. Instead of Suoh, the lord who doesn't move much, Kusanagi, who often sticks to the role of staff, and Totsuka who is a non-combatant, in case of a difficult situation, he often takes the initiative and fights violently.
His fighting ability is high and reliable, but the troublesome side is also great, and when he causes trouble, Kusanagi gets angry. However, after Suoh and Totsuka died and Anna became "King", he became a little stronger than before as an executive of "Homura", supporting Kusanagi.
He was a close friend of Fushimi from "Scepter 4", and has a close relationship. When Fushimi was a member of "Homura", he was considered to be a combination of Yata and Fushimi, even in Shizume society.
A quick fight. Although it is a direct path, he has a particularly strong feeling for his friends. He thinks about things in emotions and acts by intuition.
He is not good with women. He blushes in front of a woman. He does not harm women, but not as long as they are recognized as an enemy with equal fighting power.
He is excited about Suoh, and is pleased to show the power of Suoh and "Homura". He becomes furious when Suoh and "Homura" are insulted. He shows his emblem of "Homura".
He is a burning guy as a child, and he also has the name "Yatagarasu".
He looks bright and carefree in "Homura", but there are some aspects of the world that are dissatisfied and refracted. That's why he gets along with Fushimi.
Overwhelmed by Suoh's death and "Homura's" breakdown, he later rallied and supported Anna in a completely different way than Suoh's, and his sense of companionship was excessive and depended on "Homura". Yata will be able to think from a larger perspective without being paralyzed by the form of a "team" or "partner", even though the passionate aspect of him remains the same.
He was only looking at Fushimi through the "filter of the organization I belong to" or "traitor", but he re-evaluated Fushimi as an individual who got rid of him and confirmed that they were different from each other. A new bond was formed after doing that.
He fights combining skateboarding action and "flame control ability" as a member of the "Homura" clan. He blowing flames from the steering wheel, accelerating, climbing walls and exploding under his feet to carry out an aerial battle. He attacks with weapons like bat metal and fire. His ability is great and powerful.
B (Along with Kusanagi in “Homura”. Fushimi and his combat power antagonize, but Fushimi is slightly advantageous due to the use of two power colors.).
Friends. He likes to do something with someone (be it good or bad). He hates cowardice, but not necessarily justice.
Be alone in silence. Treachery.
Physical activity (what you can do close to where you are, not go to the gym).
He likes games in general, but in particular he likes those that use physical ability and reflexes (case games, rhythm games, shooting, racing, etc.).
In high school, he often played competitive games with Fushimi. Compared to Yata, who operates only on reflexes, Fushimi, who controls reflexes and strategy, has a higher win rate.
Mostly casual, street style. The beautiful and rigid clothes are brilliant. He also believes that it does not suit him.
Small and light. A healthy complexion. The physical capacity is very high.
Studying is disappointing. Since he has quick power, he may have been miraculous when he infiltrated during the night. His intuition is good.
Act as soon as you think about it. The companions first.
Raised in Shizume until childhood. A common home. Having a mother and child family, he had the spirit to protect his mother from an early age. Kamamoto is a younger brother. He left Shizume after his mother's remarriage. The marriage partner is an ordinary office worker but a good person. A younger brother and a younger sister are born between the mother and her marriage partner. Yata, who originally hates being mistreated, begins to feel a sense of alienation at home.
He met Fushimi in middle school and became a close friend. After graduating from middle school, he went to "Homura" with Fushimi without going to high school. After that, he lived in an apartment in Shizume without receiving the support of his parents. He has a part time job.
· 1993, Yata Misaki is born.
· 2006, he meets Fushimi in middle school.
· 2009, Yata joins “Homura” with Fushimi.
· 2010, Fall, Fushimi leaves "Homura" and moves to "Scepter 4"
The first person is "Ore".
A vigorous way of speaking.
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
No matter what Suoh does (even if it's natural), he thinks everything is great. Unsurprisingly, when he is passionate he goes too far.
He calls him "Saruhiko" and "Monkey (when he's joking or angry)".
Fushimi was recognized as a traitor when he called him "Monkey", and "Saruhiko" when he was scary and serious.
He was angry at Fushimi's betrayal, but he was shocked because he believed in Fushimi. Depending on the circumstances, he could forgive Fushimi, and if Fushimi were willing to return to "Homura", they would bow to Suoh together. For Yata, it was considerable preparation to appeal directly to Suoh, as he was very frustrated.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The two do not go up. Since proper honorifics cannot be used, honorifics and misleading words get mixed up.
He calls her "Anna".
Anna's "child" side feels the same level of empathy and is easily touched, but the "girl" side is disappointed. He would like Anna to stop calling him "Misaki" if she could, but since she is Anna, he forgave her.
He calls him "Kamamoto".
Kamamoto is older and joined "Homura" before, but since he is a younger brother and his ability is stronger, Yata turns him into simply Kamamoto. The reason why Yata, who is younger in age, ends up calling himself "Yata-san" in "Homura", is because Kamamoto is under his spell.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Kusanagi Izumo
Terms of address: Kusanagi, Kusanagi-san
Birthday: April 10, Aries
Blood type: O
Age: 27 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.88 cm in height. Tall, slim guy.
Face, hair: Blond, with sunglasses. Handsome.
Attire: Fashion with a traditional atmosphere. When he was younger, he was fond of street fashion, but he seems to have changed the fashion system in consideration of his position as the owner of the Homra bar.
Personal effects: Zippo lighter, cigarettes.
· Emission of flames from lighters and cigarettes, small bullet-shaped fireballs, etc.
· He specializes in medium to long range attacks, but if necessary, he can also use plans first using physical techniques. However, as he is usually a staff member, he often leaves the front line to Yata and his colleagues.
· As a smoker, he also smokes on the battlefield because he can be used as a tool for battle.
· Although he is an intriguing person who fights for one or two in the play, they are all words and actions for his companions.
· He speaks in a soft dialect of Kyoto.
· Homura's sign is on the right shoulder blade (In symmetry to Totsuka).
He is the second in command in "Homura". A staff member who controls the actions of the team. Suoh, who is a boss and acts only with a lonely temperament, and a person who is actually moving "Homura" on behalf of Anna, a little girl. While there are many members who have direct emotions, he is the valuable brain member that can bring them together. Owner of the Homra bar.
The first member of the Red Clan along with Totsuka. Suoh, Kusanagi and Totsuka created "Homura".
A personality that doesn't easily show his true intention. A grown man who drinks cloudiness.
Despite being good at profit and loss, he has a sweet, people-friendly side that he truly appreciates. He has a strong attachment to "Homura", and while he tries not to get mad at the noisy members, he is thinking back to those days without any problem.
He has always been prepared to think that the day of ruin will come when it comes to Suoh. Realizing Totsuka's death made it inevitable. He knew that Suoh was on the way to the end, for Totsuka's revenge and to aid Suoh's final decision, which endangered Weissmann's anomaly, and he moved to number 2 from “Homura” until the end. The friendship with Suoh and Totsuka, which he has continued since he was a student, was the root of it all.
Help destroy the Slate. He sees everything about Suoh and Anna, from the awakening of the two Red Kings to the loss of the sword of Damocles.
Create and attack with fireballs and zippo whips and cigarettes. Usually he doesn't show much, but he is very good at punching and kicking in fights, as he used to have been fighting since he was in high school.
He is also good at brain battles, and gives precise instructions to members in a group battle between clansmen.
B (Executive class of the clan member).
Good liquor. A guy where you can enjoy your favorite drinks. It is particular about the Scottish.
Bar Homra, he has a deep attachment to the interior.
Being able to hurt what is important.
An unreasonable recipe (Anko Martini).
A journey to find alcohol. Tasting when buying sake.
For Totsuka, Kusanagi's hobbies are fascinating. (Totsuka gets tired soon, but Kusanagi continues for a long time.)
Wear branded items without dislike. He also uses small items. When he was young, he liked street fashion, but he graduated. Right now he is trying to be a bar owner.
He wears fashionable sunglasses, so his eyesight is not bad.
Tall and stylish. He has large legs. He is slim, but his muscles are tightly attached.
He has a good brain. He is very good at formulating strategy as a staff member and running a bar as a businessman, he also enjoys stocks and investments as a hobby.
Well-mannered and fluent in English. His academic ability was also first class. College graduate.
His goal is sound management, but it is not coming true.
It was originally supposed to be stable, but he left the way, although he has no regrets.
He was born in Kyoto. After graduating from middle school, he moved to Tokyo when his parents moved abroad and he lived with his uncle, Mizuomi Kusanagi, the former owner of the Homra bar. Since he was a child, he has always admired Mizuomi and Homra bar. While spending his high school days helping his uncle's bar, he meets Suoh and Totsuka.
Mizuomi died of illness and inherited the Homra bar as its owner.
· 1986, Izumo Kusanagi is born.
· 2004, Kusanagi meets Suoh, a young man at the same high school.
· 2007, Suoh awakens as "Red King", together with Totsuka he becomes the first members of his clan.
· 2012, Totsuka is killed by the “Colorless King”, Suoh dies in the Gakuenjima incident.
· 2013, Anna awakens as a new Red King.
The first person is "Ore".
Smooth dialect of Kyoto. A muted tone.
He calls him "Mikoto" or "Omae".
It was an old relationship and he was Suoh's only older brother, so he couldn't be shy.
Although he is a royal and a subject, he is a friend before that.
Kusanagi, who described Suoh as "He would be happy if he was a savanna lion", observed Suoh's nature calmly and objectively.
Recognizing both the nature of being unsuitable for “King” and being “King” more than anyone else, he supported him as a friend and as a staff member.
He called him "Totsuka" or "Omae".
A friend, a little brother and a member of the clan at the same time. Kusanagi, who doesn't really understand the inside of his heart, secretly makes a very weak sound.
He often scolds him with Yata and his friends, but things happen, the executives consult with Kusanagi.
He calls her "Anna".
Objective of the asylum. Kusanagi is the most decent guardian for Anna.
Although he recognizes that he must protect her, Anna, who can see various things as an adult, is a partner just like Kusanagi who cannot lie.
He calls him "Yata-chan", "Yata", "Omae". (Basically, he calls him "Yata-chan", but when he is serious, he calls him "Yata")
On the battle side, he's dependable, but on the other hand, there are plenty of cases where he can get in trouble and clean up the background, but he's kind of cute. Since Anna became King, he can trust him a little more than before.
He calls him "Kamamoto" or "Omae".
He's a relatively down-to-earth person in "Homura," so when you ask for something like Anna's protection, he's the person that comes to mind first. His IQ is high, but he thinks it's good to eat delicious things.
He calls him "Fushimi" or "Omae".
He was the only one with superior intelligence, other than himself in "Homura," and he was eager to see things from a standing position. However, he believes that Fushimi's transformation was inevitable and he couldn't help himself.
He calls her "Seri-chan" or "Anta".
Although they are number 2 of the organizations in confrontation, there are many parts that can be understood, and it is a cheap relationship when they meet in private. He also says humorous words that he doesn't know if he means them or not. But he can't love, just order the cocktail from him.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Eric Surt
Terms of address: Eric
Birthday: March 19, Pisces
Blood type: A
Age: 19 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.80 cm in height. Slender.
Face, hair: Caucasian. A beautiful carving. Blond, white skin. Long bangs tend to cover the eyes.
Attire: Rough clothing, such as a hoodie and chinos. He often wears hooded clothing, and when he doesn't show it, he wears it deeply in an emergency.
Personal effects: Nothing in particular.
· He speaks in English when he wants to insult someone.
· A boy who was a messenger for the yakuza. Slim.
· The "Homura" sign is on the left shoulder.
A member of "Homura".
His father was a member of the yakuza, and died at a young age. Since then, he has been abused by the group. Violence was an everyday occurrence, and there was no other place to live. In command of that group, who was in opposition to "Homura", he was trying to infiltrate "Homura" pretending to be a dead end and kill Suoh if possible, or important members if not possible. However, Fujishima stops him. Although his position is revealed, Suoh allows and clears the facility for "Homura" and becomes a member of "Homura". Due to that process, he feels gratitude towards Suoh and Fujishima.
With an introverted personality, he is alert. He doesn't open his heart to anyone except his friends.
He has a strong sense of belonging to "Homura", which was his first place to live.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
Fight combining flames and physical arts. Since he was young, he has lived in a world where there were murders, so he is used to the battle of living and dying, and he fights in a special way.
C (General clan member.)
Burger. Cup of Noodles. Fast food.
A human being who becomes a high pressure only for the weak.
To walk.
Rough street fashion. He is not particular about clothes.
Slender. Long limbs.
Intelligence itself is normal. However, as he rarely goes to school, he can barely read and write and there is no learning.
Nothing special. Until he got to "Homura", he survived as long as he could and had no creed, but after befriending "Homura", he acted for him, pride was born.
Born in Northern Europe. His mother died and he came to Japan with his father, who collapsed and became a member of the yakuza. Then his father also died. A yakuza member treated him like a dog, and instead of having to feed him for a while, he used his hands to meet various criminal acts. The yakuza is crushed by "Homura" and then Eric is picked up by "Homura".
· 1994, Eric Surt is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Eric returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A strong and scary person. A broad spectrum person and benefactor who forgave him for being a bully in the beginning.
He calls her "Anna".
An important girl from "Homura". After Anna awakens as the "Red King", his basic posture remains the same, but he respects her as a King rather than a child.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. Some people who guide "Homura".
He calls them: "Yata" and "Kamamoto-san".
He firmly admits that he is the main character of "Homura", but still calls him Yata because he had punished him when he met him. He also thinks Yata is stupid, and towards Kamamoto he has a more honest and respectful attitude as a brother.
He calls him "Fujishima".
A person who picked it up when it had fallen and brought it to "Homura". After that, they took care of each other, and he regards him as a friend and brother. The silence doesn't bother him and they stick together because the wavelengths coincide.
He calls them: "Shohei", "Bando", "Chitose", "Dewa".
Friends. Especially around Shohei, it's easy to get involved, so the distance is short.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Chitose Yo
Terms of address: Chitose
Birthday: June 14, Gemini
Blood type: B
Age: 23 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.75 cm in height. A little slender.
Face, hair: A handsome boy with sweet features. Gently wavy brown hair.
Attire: Street fashion. He likes patterns and accessories. He often wears hooded clothing, and when he doesn't show it, he wears it deeply in an emergency.
Personal effects: A cigarette.
· When he looks at a woman, he seduces her.
· A womanizer.
· The "Homura" sign is on the left hip bone.
A member of "Homura".
It is said that he has a bond that is thicker than blood, and is a person who stands at an angle, and does not like heat sensitive behavior that normally thinks of a bond, but has a strong desire for it. Blood will rise to his head when he defeats the evil King and his allies. Hidden companionship.
He has a soft personality and a lot of feminine play. However, he does not like to make women cry and believes in having fun with a divisible partner. However, there are often mistakes when making that decision. He used to be faithful a long time ago, but his girlfriend to him hurt him terribly and he knew that she had kept Chitose away by hiding the incurable disease from him, and then she died. There is a clause that he believes in that he cannot have a romantic relationship.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He fights combining flames and physical arts. He is used to fighting. If he doesn't like to use a weapon that much, he wants to fight in style alone, but if he needs it, he puts an appropriate thing around it, like an iron or wooden pipe, with a flame and turns it into a good thing.
C (General clan member.)
Dates a girl.
Visit bars and clubs. Darts.
Street fashion. He likes fashion and is particular about it. He also likes perfume.
A little slender. One that has a good style.
Generally, the rotation of his head is very fast.
Have fun today.
Since high school, he had been dating his girlfriend and Dewa. His beloved whom he had been with since then died, and when he was terrible, he met Suoh when he was tough, and he was fascinated, he became a member of the clan.
· 1990, Chitose Yo is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Chitose returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A man to admire. Unlike Yata and others, he rarely spoke of his longing for Suoh, but he believes that a real man is this type of person.
He calls her "Anna".
The princess of "Homura". When Anna became "Red King", he felt terribly complicated, and worried whether to stay or leave the new "Homura", but he was convinced that Suoh and Anna did not have to think the same. He chooses a path that will remain "Homura". Even now, she is a more important girl as "king", and she looks like the forgotten memory of Suoh.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. Kusanagi, who can afford to be older and smart, secretly sets a pattern. Totsuka is the same age and tends to feel like a friend.
He calls them: "Yata" and "Kamamoto".
His arms are stronger than him, so he stands in battle and follows instructions, but he's generally younger, so he can't handle them.
He calls him "Dewa".
He has known him since before entering "Homura". He thinks of him as a partner.
He calls them: "Shohei", "Bando", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. In some ways, he thinks it is a fateful community.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Dewa Masaomi
Terms of address: Dewa
Birthday: October 22, Libra
Blood type: A
Age: 23 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.76 cm in height. Average height, average size.
Face, hair: Not flashy, but if you look closely, he is a handsome man. He wears glasses.
Attire: Street fashion. A jacket over a hoodie.
Personal effects: A hat. In an emergency, he will be covered up to his eyes.
· He is relatively quiet among the members of "Homura", who are easy to get extremely expensive.
· Chitose's old friend. He is a little concerned about Chitose's bad habit.
· The "Homura" sign is on the right flank.
A member of "Homura".
When Chitose was turbulent due to relationships with women, he met Suoh and was fascinated by his strength and charisma, and joined Chitose with "Homura". Due to common sense, he is the second person Kusanagi turns to if he needs anything, after Kamamoto.
His personality is quiet for being a member of a street gang, and he can see things from an objective point of view. However, he is a bit hesitant because he is cautious, and there is also an opportunistic aspect to "Homura".
He is a company, and he is willing to defend his companions in an emergency.
Calm, but not pacifist, at first he got into fights indiscriminately.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He uses a combination of flame and body technique. He is used to fighting. Since he fights without getting too much blood on his head, he is good at identifying the opponent's moves and making a gap. Depending on the situation, he does not hesitate to take dirty tactics.
C (General clan member.)
Spicy and hot food.
Sweet, too sweet.
Pick hot spices.
A bit beautiful street fashion. Glasses are all the rage, so the eyesight is not bad.
Average height. However, if he wears something tight, his muscles will be nice.
Basically his head is spinning fast, but he wants to give an answer after carefully considering the important decisions.
Take care of the things that are within reach.
He has been together with Chitose since he was in high school. The home environment and the growing environment are not very good. Although it is not easy for a person to meet for the first time, he is a guy who is important to recognize as a partner once for that reason, which is why his friend Chitose is often surprised and even involved.
· 1990, Masaomi Dewa is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Dewa returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
The object of admiration, his boss. Suoh seems like a distant existence, and he don't usually get involved with him.
He calls her "Anna".
A girl to protect, when Anna woke up as the "Red King", he felt great confusion when she became King and placed a great burden on her. However, reconsidering that being on her side can help her, he stays in "Homura" and becomes her member of her clan.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. Kusanagi is recognized as a direct boss who gives direct instructions. With Totsuka he feels tougher because he is the same age.
He calls them: "Yata" and "Kamamoto".
Partners who are stronger than him and who can be depended on in an emergency. Usually he stops casually. However, because he is younger, the form of contact is difficult.
He calls him "Chitose."
An old friend from school. There are many times when they swing, but if they can't help it, they will bond. Knowing that Chitose had a bad female habit and that had suffered greatly for women in the past, he cannot help but see him often causing female problems. There are places that unknowingly try to cover up Chitose's weak side.
He calls them: "Shohei", "Bando", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. Loud but adorable guys.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Akagi Shohei
Terms of address: Shohei
Birthday: April 17, Aries
Blood type: O
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.75 cm in height. Average size.
Face, hair: A characteristic that people like. Brown hair.
Attire: Sports fashion in the street.
Personal effects: A cap. In an emergency, it will be deeply covered up to the eye.
· He is not afraid to talk to people with a smile, even when they meet for the first time. He is sociable.
· He is Bando's childhood friend.
· The “Homura” sign is on the upper left arm.
A member of "Homura".
Since he was a teenager, he often dated bad boys and girls, and at that point he asked for strength because his friend's girl got caught with a dangerous man and was in danger. He joined "Homura".
Although he was greedy, he began to form a strong bond with Homura's companions and think of Homura as his home.
As Bando's childhood friend, Bando embraces the complex, but Akagi's side silently respects Bando, who can help people even if they take a chance.
A bright and friendly young man. Although he is a good man who answers when asked, there are places where he has a fight, and there are places where he cannot retreat once he starts fighting.
Due to his calm personality, he doesn't bother with small details, and he has a natural feel that makes it difficult for other people to get into him.
He was sociable and had many friends, but he often had many superficial relationships, so the first time he came to "Homura" he felt a strong bond with other people and thought that this was his place.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
With the ability to express flames, he can attack with appropriate fire, such as woods and metal bats, or he can spread the storm with your enhanced physical ability as a clan member.
C (General clan member.)
Roasted meat. Especially Calvi.
Outdoor sports such as surfing and skiing.
He prefers casual and sportswear. He didn't dress it, but he is fashionable enough to stick to small items.
Average height, average size. The body is tight.
He doesn't really like to use his head, but he's smart and understandable.
He wants to protect friends from him. Even if a person is not a judge of justice and another person accuses him of being a villain, he would like to work for that person if he admits it.
Dropped out of high school. He worked part time while hanging out with friends on the street, but when he was eighteen, he joined "Homura". He reunited with his childhood friend, Bando, in "Homura".
· 1992, Shohei Akagi is born.
· 2010, he joins "Homura".
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Akagi returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A person that he terribly admires. He doesn't know what Suoh's thinking, but he doesn't think he can think of himself.
He calls her "Anna".
Once he knew that she was a child to protect, when she awakened as "Red King", he felt very confused and wondered if Anna could be the leader of "Homura".
But after knowing that Anna wants them to be by her side, he runs off and wants to do anything for her. He looks at Anna as a king, a friend, and a girl.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
There is some distance from the recognition that they are the executives of "Homura". If something happens, he talks to Totsuka if he doesn't want to get angry, and to Kusanagi if he needs an emergency.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
Rookie of "Homura". Yata is younger, but is standing above him as he is the court captain and second only to Kusanagi.
He calls him "San-chan".
A childhood friend, a friend he met in "Homura". When he was a child, Bando usually had a complex because Akagi was better than Bando, but Akagi wonders why Bando is so servile. He respects Bando's ability to act in times of emergency.
He calls them: "Chitose-san", "Dewa-san", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. There is basically no relationship between them, but Chitose and Dewa are like adults, so he is a bit shy around them and uses honorifics.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Fujishima Kosuke
Terms of address: Fujishima
Birthday: April 24, Taurus
Blood type: O
Age: 22 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.78 cm in height. His muscles are solid.
Face, hair: Clean facial features. Brown hair. A short hairstyle that uses gel to lift the hair.
Attire: Rough street fashion. Wear a hoodie, etc. And if he doesn't want to be visible to the public, he uses it deeply in an emergency.
Personal effects: Nothing in particular.
· Often collects animals.
· Basically a simple young man.
· The "Homura" sign is on the right thigh.
A member of "Homura".
It seems that his attachment to "Homura" is not as strong as other members, but "being a red" is the root of it, simply because he does not appear. Someone who appears to be lazy, but looks closely at his companions. The standing position as Eric's friend.
A person who moves at his own pace and does what he wants to do. He's not good at pretending not to look, and he often picks up abandoned cats and dogs and injured birds and brings them to Honra to search for foster parents.
He is a calm person in "Homura", but not because he is rigid, but because he has a lazy character. He's not a stressful and noisy type of person, but he likes to be in a place where his friends make noise.
Normally, he has a quiet personality, but when he gets very excited, there are severe parts.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He fights combining flames and physical arts. He's not good at smart tactics, but he tends to push himself. His strength is almost as high as Kamamoto.
C (General clan member.)
All the animals.
A movie where dogs die.
Cultivation of cherry tomatoes.
Rough street fashion, like sweatshirts and jeans. Accessorizing and combing his hair is very fashionable, but it doesn't make weird fashion.
The muscles are strong. Even before becoming a member of the clan, his athletic ability is high.
Generally, school grades were lower than average.
Help with what you can.
Fatherless family. He graduated from high school and was constantly involved in manual labor. He lived a quiet life without much emotion, but at one point he met "Homura" and remembered the feeling that the blood boiled for the first time, and he requested to join "Homura".
· 1991, Kosuke Fujishima is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Fujishima returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
Boss. Being out of reach, a person forcefully away from ordinary people. Awe and longing.
He calls her "Anna".
A girl to protect. Even after becoming "Red King", the way he treats her hasn't changed, and he wants to help her carry the load.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. He thinks they are older brothers. Kusanagi is trustworthy, but he thinks there are some places where Totsuka is dangerous.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
Kamamoto is a senior of "Homura". Yata is respected as the court captain of "Homura".
He calls him "Eric".
There is also a sense of responsibility that he picked up what had been dropped, and even if he still has something, the person who naturally tries to take care of him. However, he often makes Eric follow him at his own pace, and he has good friendships that complement each other.
He calls them: "Shohei", "Bando", "Chitose", "Dewa".
Friends. He likes to see them off to the side as they rise.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Bando Saburota
Terms of address: San-chan, Bando
Birthday: September 11, Virgo
Blood type: B
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.82 cm in height. Eyes a little loose.
Face, hair: He wants a feature on his face, so he wears a cap and glasses. Black hair
Attire: Street fashion. He puts a hood over his cap. In an emergency, he will be deeply covered up to his eyes.
Personal effects: Laptop.
· He immediately compare himself to other people. He has a trivial thing at the root.
· Akagi is his childhood friend.
· The pasta is good but the container is small.
· The sign of "Homura" is in his navel.
A member of "Homura".
He is often a manipulated character and is in a clown position, but when he does, he is a man. He has strong feelings for his friends and a sense of belonging to "Homura".
Called the "little man". He is not jealous of anything, but you cannot hate him because there is no insidiousness to fill that jealousy. Although there are some timid points for the members of "Homura", who are full of bloody people, their acting power in times of emergency is more than that of the others.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He fights with weapons like tonfas and flames. If he doesn’t have time to prepare his weapons, he can't help but use his fists instead of a weapon.
C (General clan member.)
Roasted meat. Especially hormones.
The rear loads.
Web browsing.
A sober and rough urban fashion. He is not good at fashion.
In body it is a normal category, but since it is quite tall, it seems lazy.
The grades in school were lower than the previous ones. It's easy to think the idea is simple, so it's easy to think it's stupid, but it's not. Good at machinery.
Live honestly according to your heart.
He got a job as a high school graduate, but was laid off within a month. After that, he did a lot of jobs, but he doesn't follow the things that he doesn't like, so he gets fired right away. In such circumstances, he met "Homura" and thought that he was a human who would like to keep up with Suoh for the first time, and became a member of the clan.
· 1992, Bando Saburota is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Bando returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A respectable "king". Strong, scary and cool. He is so in awe that he can't even compare to him, so he just yearns for it.
He calls her "Anna".
He originally thought of Suoh's daughter, so he didn't hesitate to keep up with Anna when she became the next "Red King" to take over the Suoh brand. But he doesn't think it's good to put Anna, a little girl, in a dangerous position.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. However, Totsuka tends to be careless.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
He is learning, but he doesn't care much. Second, behind the executives, old Kamamoto is fairly respected, and Yata, whom Kamamoto appreciates, is prepared for the moment. But he can't forgive the handsome Kamamoto in summer version.
He calls him "Shohei".
As a childhood friend, he hung out next door, so he had problems with Shohei, who is more popular than him and has good luck and motor skills. But even though he is frustrated, he will always have his friendship.
He calls them: "Chitose", "Dewa", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. A member of the fate community named "Homura". Since Chitose is often groping, he often becomes covered up.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Note: Some translations are missing because the links are down, if you have the translation that is missing and you can share it, let me know. Many thanks.
Parts: 01 // 02 // 03
#21: K SEVEN STORIES (SIDE:ONE) // 05-2019
01. Zenjo Goki & Kusuhara Takeru
02. Nagare Hisui & Mishakuji Yukari
03. Mikoto Suoh & Reisi Munakata
#22: K SEVEN STORIES (SIDE:TWO) // 11-2019
01. Edition Idol K
02. Circle Vision
#23: K - RETURN OF KINGS (Drama) // 08-2020
01. Shiro & Nagare
#24: SPECIAL EDITION MANGA (Short Stories) // 10-2013 - 11-2019
01. Cry
02. Fire Blossom
03. Before Dawn
04. Hisui Nagare’s Tea Table
05. Kamamoto and XX-kun
06. Pierce
07. King’s Mane
08. Even Over Time
#25: SHORT STORIES (Spoon.2Di) // 11-2018 - 04-2019
01. Two people at sunrise
02. Blue Ice - Red Hot
#26: THE IDOL K (Six idols / Extra) // 09-2020
01. Silver Hidden Art
02. Green Hidden Art
#27: THE IDOL K // 04-2016
01. Introduction
02. Glossary
03. Idol Office
04. Character profile
05. The Idol K
#28: ALL CHARACTERS // 04-2016
1945.1.13 Adolf K Weismann
1945.1.15 Klaudia Weismann
1945.1.15 Kokujoji Daikaku
1999.7.11 Hisui Nagare
1999.7.11 Totsuka Tatara 
2000.Spring Yata Misaki
2003.7.9 Miwa Ichigen
2008.9.29 Fushimi Niki & Kisa
2009.4.26 Kushina Anna
2010.12.3 Chitose You
2010.12.15 Shiotsu Gen & Minato Hayato, Akito
2011.4.22 Akagi Shouhei
2011.5.19 Fujishima Kousuke
2011.11.13 Awashima Seri
2011.12.22 Iwafune Tenkei
2012.2.1 Dewa Masaomi
2012.4.10 Kusanagi Izumo
2012.5.10 Kusuhara Takeru
2012.7.19 Gotou Ren
2012.8.29 Akiyama Himori
2012.9.7 Eric Sult
2012.9.20 Enomoto Tatsuya
2012.10.7 Fuse Daiki
2012.12.7 Masked Man
2012.12.18 Suoh Mikoto
2013.3.15 Kotosaka
2013.4.26 Zenjou Gouki
2013.6.7 Neko
2013.7.5 Mishina Souta
2013.8.21 Benzai Yuujirou
2013.9.9 Hidaka Akira
2013.10.11 Kamo Ryuuhou
2013.10.14 Gojou Sukuna
2013.10.21 Yamata Daichi
2013.11.3 Bandou Saburouta
2013.12.17: Tsukumo 99
2013.12.17 Fushimi Saruhiko
2013.12.18 Kamamoto Rikio
2013.12.21 Usagi
2014.1.5 Yatogami Kuroh
2014.1.22 Hirasaka Douhan
2014.1.26 Isana Yashiro
2014.1.28 Mishakuji Yukari
2014.1.28 Tamagoro
2014.2.2 Munakata Reisi
2014.2.5 Hyuuga Chiho
2014.2.5 Asama Sakura
2014.2.27 Inaba Sumika
2014.3.5 Prime Minister Samukawa
2014.3.10 Doumyouji Andy
2014.3.14 Yukizome Kukuri
2014.4.11 Hieda Tooru
#29: BEFORE ZERO // 07-11 2020
01. Shiden Issen (Sword Flash)
02. Birthday Celebration
03. Purgatory House
04. The eye of the king, the eye of the human
05. Battle Start
06. Shikaraba, companion capture festival (Extra)
#30: MEMORY STORIES // 09-2021
01. Isana Yashiro - One More Light
02. Yatogami Kuroh - Heart of the Haiku
03. Neko - The Curtain Closes, The Curtain Opens
04. Kusanagi Izumo - Some summer’s day
05. Kushina Anna - On a cold day
06. Munakata Reisi - Memory of pain
07. Awashima Seri - In the early days
08. Mishakuji Yukari - Changing beautifully
09. Gojo Sukuna - To dear old men
10. Fushimi Saruhiko - Takoyaki Anniversary
11. Yata Misaki - Reasons to have fun
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