#probably that's what people think when an undertale artist says 'I draw skeletons' XD
zu-is-here · 11 months
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romantic,,, ♡
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skeletorific · 5 years
I like to try the Ko-fi and Kisses Matchup Event
Hey i like the to try the Ko-fi and Kisses Matchup Event ou make. I have I have you sent 4 cups of ko-fi i hope that will help you a little. If there is any problems along the way, please DM me. I might take some time to reply. And there my arcurre som missspelling, i am a bit dyslexic.
Let’s see what you can make for girl like me. And I would like see what you make with undertale. You can make it with the Bones and Brew boys if you like. I let you have creative freedom here. 
My name is Katrine and i’m nearly 30. I have autism, ( i don’t expect you to know about the diagnosis) let’s say that i am nervous in big groups of people and a little awkward and shy around strangers. I am true a introvert that hugs the wall when there are more then 7 in a room. XD
I am a optimitisk, frindely, and friends have said that I a great liassener. I believe in the best of people to the point that I can be a bit navïe. That have in the past giving me some problems and therefore it is difficult for me trust anyone. I like making others feel good around me, but I keep people a bit distant until I have seeing if they be a good friend to me.
I am also honest in any way, shape and form. I say things true to how the facts is or how i see/feel them. I have a saying. “You can tell any truth, but it is your responsibility to say them without hurting someone”
More to me… I am creative. I am quite good at drawing, digital photos, making kanzashi and many more things. If it’s way to be creative, i have probably tried it. Only exemptions is music.
If we go with undertales soul perspektiv, I thin i am kindness or justiness. and if you know Myers–Briggs Type Indicator i am a INTJ…
Skelething’s Response
Thank you so much for your support!
Looking at your details, three skeletons in particular stand out to me
Rus (SF!Papyrus): Rus matches you beat for beat in maintaining that line between genuinely friendly and charming while maintaining a certain level of distance. Rus is very good at respecting boundaries. He has an instinctive sense for where the line is and has a way of figuring out when you need to decharge or just avoid a certain amount of stimuli. The teleportation is a handy trick to get you out of social situations that are becoming overwhelming, and if needed he can also distract a person who won’t leave you alone.
I’ve mentioned it before but Rus has a bent towards Justice souls and enjoys people who try their best to be fair and friendly. He’s quietly protective, which can balance out your naivete while not quashing it entirely. As for the arts, Bones and Brew Rus paints as a hobby, and that’s something he can connect with you over. Overall, Rus likes that you’re able to make people feel comfortable around you, and will do his best to make sure you feel the same.
Edge (UF!Papyrus): bit of a curveball after the last one, but hear me out. While Rus is drawn to your sense of justice, Edge is drawn to your kindness. Given that he can be generally abrasive and struggles to communicate well, he finds himself drawn to people who find it natural to be kind and gentle with others. Bones and Brew au, chances are he kept overhearing conversations between you and your friends where you listened intently and offered advice, and it caught his interest.
Despite his appreciation for your kindness, Edge also appreciates the fact that you don’t bullshit people. There’s nothing he hates more than empty flatter and promises, so the fact that you value honesty is a major plus to him. In a way, he also appreciates that you hold people at arms length initially. To him, that means it would be meaningful if he eventually got you to let him in. And Edge likes meaningful interactions. 
Edge isn’t the most artistic, but he supports his s/o in their passions one hundred percent and will always be your biggest fan, in his own way. Your optimism balances him, and while he may come on as a little much at first, he learns quickly how to tailor himself to where you remain comfortable. (also Myers-Briggs wise he’s an ESTJ which can match well with INTJ)
Finally, there’s:
Ink!Sans: you two hit it off almost instantly on the basis of similar interests and temperament. Ink loves to collect artists around himself, to admire their work and encourage them to grow. The fact that you’re willing to experiment with a wide variety of mediums also excites him greatly. 
You both also take a wide-eyed view of the world, trying to believe the best in people but having enough experience that you’re cautious. While Ink is a bit more of a people person than you are he’s also perfectly content to take you to peaceful worlds, with few people and brilliant scenery, when you need it. 
The fact that you can counter-balance honesty with kindness frankly wows him. Ink has always been far too blunt. He tends to blurt out whatever he’s thinking and then be very surprised that other people were hurt by what he said. But he also doesn’t like to be around people who only ever say what other people want to hear. Ink wants to discover the truth and beauty in other people, and being fake obscures that. Your ability to be honest  without hurting others is the best of both worlds, and helps him learn how to regulate his own speech without compromising his individuality.
Feel free to DM me or reblog with your choice (feel free to choose any one, two, or three of these boys), and then I’ll get started on your drabble! Thank you again!
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