#prewar sad
Obviously, everyone sees Prewar!Cooper as the softer version of himself overall (accurate), so it seems like a lot of people fixate on The Ghoul when they want the rough kind of sexy fantasy. But, hear me out...
Post-divorce Prewar!Cooper who is going through a bit of a dark time after everything is finalized. He's lost his family, his home. His heart is broken by the person he'd thought was the love of his life betraying him, by the realization that she wasn't who he thought she was. All he has to keep him going is his dog and shared custody of his child. And even those things could be erased off the face of the Earth by a nuclear blast tomorrow.
Prewar!Cooper who turns to having one or two too many drinks on Janey's nights with Barb to numb the sadness, the anxiety.
Prewar!Cooper who meets someone who stirs up feelings he thought he was finished with; someone kind, agreeable. Maybe a neighbor, or another divorcee. He's definitely not ready for another relationship, emotionally, but sex has always been a good stress reliever for him, so he enters into a somewhat ill-advised "friends with benefits"-type rebound situation.
Prewar!Cooper who wants to try all the things he was too nervous to bring up with Barb (who I see as maybe a tad more sexually straight-laced with what little we're given about her, and Coop seems the type to be perfectly happy with whatever she's offering), because, who knows? The world could end tomorrow.
Prewar!Cooper who unwittingly falls in love with his rebound, his complicated feelings making the sex complicated.
Prewar!Cooper who takes his frustration with himself, with the world, out on her, tossing, pinning, and fucking her with an abandon he's never allowed himself before.
Prewar!Cooper who discovers he likes to see her cry a little. It makes her look like a pretty little damsel in distress.
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htchnr · 1 month
♰ right here ༻ C. HOWARD.*ೃ˚
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AUTHORS NOTE ➻ for the dear anon who asked if i could write something with Prewar!Cooper comforting you after loosing a pet — i'm so sorry for you, and i hope you're doing as okay as you can! 🩷 i hope this fic helps even just a little, and just know that my inbox/messages are open if you want to talk! 🩷
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© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!
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the day you had to take your cat to the vet had shattered you; the anxiety, the worry, the painfully inevitable heartbreak — your body couldn't take it. you were thankful for the comfort your boyfriend, Cooper, had given you.
it was a little awkward at first, the relationship may not have been very old yet — the pair of you were only together for less than a year — but you had been friends for a quite a while before that. you were familiar with his home, with him and his mannerisms. and his stiff comfort.
"hey now, come 'ere," he mutters once he opens his front door to find you standing before it. his warm hands pulling you into his home and into his arms. you cling onto him, burying your face into the crook of his neck as he closes the door. he stiffens, but quickly holds you tight.
he slowly leads you to the large couch in his living room, sitting you down on it before joining you. he pulls you close to him, your arms wrapped around his waist as he drapes your legs across his lap, a strong arm around your shoulders and the other hand rubbing gentle, yet firm circles into your thighs. "you'll be alrigh'," his usually light southern twang coming out more with his lowered voice and worry. "we'll get through this,"
you shake your tear stained face against his neck, you honestly don't know how you'll get through this. you don't even know if you can get through this.
his hold tightens as he pulls you as close as possible, gently nodding his head. "it'll be a while," he whispers, "but it'll slowly get better, bit by bit." his thumb rubbing circles into your skin.
you let out another sob against him and he closes his eyes. he hates seeing you cry. "i know it seems impossible now," another sob, "i know honey, i know," he rests his cheek against the top of your head. "and i know it hurts to think that one day it might not make you feel as sad anymore," he breathes, he was never the best at comforting people. he was good at many things, but comforting was always difficult for him.
"but that's okay, because one day you'll look back at all the memories, and you'll only be able to smile at them. no more tears, sad smiles perhaps, but no more tears." he pulls one hand away, running his fingers over your hair. "we'll get through this, together." his voice is the gentlest you've ever heard it, and the sound seems to slightly soften the pain inside.
and you believe his words, that it'll slowly get better. it takes you a little while to slow the crying, slowly dying down to occasional sniffle against him. but he holds you through it all, time and time again reminding you that he's there, and that things will get better again.
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not tagging the taglist for this one, as i hope it finds you quickly dear Anon, and that i hope you know that you can will get through this 🩷🩷
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enaelyork · 24 days
Could I request a prewar!cooper Howard x fem!actress!reader where he finds out a producer has been making her sleep with him under the threat of cooper losing his jobs! 💓
Hi you !
Thx you so much for this amazing ask. So, here we are, hope you enjoy it.
I resign [PreWar! Cooper x F! Reader]
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Ask for Cooper Howard is OPEN
TW: Alcohol, sexual abuse, violence.
Words : 1.9 k
- What's going on between you and him?
- Nothing at all.
You had swallowed your entire drink. You needed that, and a lot more alcohol, to drown out the shameful lie you had just told Cooper. It wasn't your intention to lie to him, but you had no choice.
- Are you sure ? Because he hasn't stopped looking at you since we both talked.
- He is afraid that you will corrupt his main actress…
The word had lightened the atmosphere, just a few seconds which allowed you to glance at Oscar Sullivan. The producer of your last film with whom you were forced to make this sordid agreement. You're due for another chance at Cooper Howard's career. It must be said that since his divorce, things have gone rather badly for him. A long absence from film sets and his image tainted by a marital breakdown earned him several refusals. So, when you applied for this new film together, you were delighted to learn that he had been chosen to play the lead alongside you.
But it was not without consequences.
It wasn't without Oscar's hands on your body, his mouth on yours and the consummation of your contract right at his desk. You thought that your charms would be enough, that once he had a taste of it, things would have improved for you as well as for Coop.
Big mistake.
The suspicion with which Cooper looked at you brought a blush to your cheeks. You put it down to drunkenness – the only way to escape from this situation – but it was an illusion.
It's difficult to admit to your friend that Oscar was waiting for you to join him in his hotel room after this reception, and that it was in your interest not to decline his offer. The features of his face calmed. As if despite his suspicions, he still managed to trust you. This semblance of carefreeness in him soothed you. He soothed you, probably more than he should. But Cooper had always been special to you, long before his divorce from Barbs, and he had brought out things in you that you had buried for a long time.
- You're worrying for nothing. Oscar is lovely to us, isn't he?
He hesitated before answering something much too nuanced for you. Cooper had noticed the way the producer treated you once on set. The way he devoured you with his eyes and took pleasure in making you shoot scenes in scantily clad clothes. The subject had already been brought up more than once, but you always managed to find a valid excuse, especially through the scenario.
- I assure you that everything is fine. But I'm going to go to bed. The champagne is really going to my head and we're back to work bright and early tomorrow.
Without you having time to react, Cooper's lips rested on your forehead and his scent of musk and wood spice spread into your nostrils. The intoxication he provoked in you made you dizzy and in that moment, when your eyes met his, you wanted to confess everything to him. That he was right. That you sleep with Oscar for him, so that he can finally relaunch his career. That in bed with this guy, you thought of him.
That you feel dirty. But nothing came except this awful sad smile which definitely cast doubt on your situation.
- He kissed you.
Oscar’s grip on your hips had tightened the moment he came to join you on the threshold of his bedroom door.
- Just a kiss on the forehead, nothing important.
- You really love him, then? Me who thought you only had eyes for me. Maybe I should take it away from you to remind you who you belong to, beauty.
- Of course not. You get ideas. It's only you who matters.
You kissed him, closing your eyes, trying to take your soul out of your body and put it on autopilot. He smelled of whiskey and cold tobacco, a smell the opposite of the one that still haunted you. Once the door closed, you didn't see the shadow watching you further down the hotel corridor and all the consequences that would follow.
Cooper didn't even speak to you the next day.
Yet you had tried to approach him. Asking him if his night went well, if his text made him feel comfortable or if he needed anything. As the day went on, it became apparent to you that he was avoiding you a lot.
Then his eyes met yours and that look broke your heart definitly.
There was darkness in his hazel eyes, a darkness that seemed to slowly absorb him and painfully compress your soul. The day had been a constant torture searching for any sign of peace between the two of you, but nothing. The nothingness and sadness he sent back to you were unbearable. Then, the end of the day turned into a nightmare.
He had been drinking.
More than he should have done at the workplace, but you knew Cooper had that tendency ever since Barbs left with Janey. His life had become so disjointed that he no longer had any defenses to confront his ghosts. How could he believe in himself when the one he loved had decided to let him go too?
- Cooper, you need to go back to your dressing room now.
- And why this ?
He wasn't drunk, just enough to remove all inhibition from his mouth and turn his sweetness into venom. The look of contempt he gave you gave you chills. You waited until he left to take him to task and reason with his self-destructive attitude.
- Because your career is at stake, dammit! You didn't do all this to screw everything up.
- Are you the one who screws everything up? Do you want me to go back to my dressing room and play the whore producer?
You brought your hands to your mouth. Trying to understand how he could have known about this situation.
- Yeah. I saw you last night, sweatheart. It's not very nice to lie, especially to end up with this guy.
You were unable to answer him, frozen, petrified by the nastiness of his words. Outside rang out the bursts of laughter of a team satisfied with their long day of work. But there, in this locker room, chaos reigned between you and him.
- How can you do that? With him ? You're not a failed actress though. And…What the hell are you doing?
You were crying.
There were no other possible options. The sobs could no longer stay where you imprisoned them. It had been there for too long. It built up every time Oscar touched you, penetrated you and whispered vile words to you. But now, when Cooper was behaving exactly like a bastard, you could no longer remain impassive.
-He obliges me.
You realized in that moment that your back was pressed against a wall and that Cooper's body was so close to his that you could smell the delicious smell of mint and cold beer emanating from his breath. His hand hovered above his head, not as a threat but as a shield, protecting you from an unbearable world.
-When...When I signed my contract, he told me it was just one time. Once to allow you to be here.
He didn't say anything. Not a word.
A baleful silence disturbed by his slow breathing.
-I thought it would end there. But he told me that if I refused to continue, then he would terminate your contract. And I can't accept that. This role is with you or with no one.
Your breathing was labored, but you didn’t care because it was now obvious that you were going to die of a broken heart.
-I'm not a slut. I…He disgusts me, but I want the best for you, I want you to come back to the forefront, I want you…
Not another word came out of your mouth.
His lips rested on your forehead.
Tenderly. Impassively.
His finger had slid down your cheek, picking up the tear that fell on your skin before leaving, dragging you with him onto the tray with a firm but tender grip.
- Aaah, here they are, our heroes! Oscar was quick to jump out of his producer's seat when he saw you two rushing in together. Then, his enthusiasm faded at the sight of your eyes reddened with tears.
- What's going on, baby? Did Cooper hurt you? Do you want to talk about it together in…
He didn't finish his sentence.
His collar grabbed by Cooper's firm hands, pushing him back so violently that he knocked over his chair. - What the hell are you doing, you…
- I'm not a nice guy. Your friend began in a dark voice. So I'll tell you one thing. If you're looking for an actor to play good guys, you can find another one. I resign.
It had happened.
He had just said it exactly. Some members of the team tried to separate them, but you remained completely impassive, lost.
-And now that you can tear up my contract, you'll tear up hers too. He said, pointing at you with a jerk of his chin. If I find out that you're touching her again, that you're still trying to fuck her without her agreeing, I...
- She agreed, this little sl…
The fist that smashed his jaw flew without warning. Oscar found himself on the ground, disoriented by the shock of the impact. - Never talk about her like that, understand? He moved away from him, not without giving him a threatening look. Looking for his pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his jeans.
- Burn our contracts and explain to all your fans why you won't have your main actors to finish your job.
Shit. It was incredibly sexy to hear him defend you like that. You were shaking nervously, but it was terribly exhilarating to see him beat the shit out of that poor guy. When he grabs your hand, your eyes meet again and you understand that nothing will ever be the same between you again.
- Come on, Sweatheart. I'll take you to the police station. You have a complaint to file against this bastard.
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mutfruit-salad · 2 months
i find the way fans are already shipping cooper with lucy over her black love interest very telling of the clueless white supremacy and media illiteracy in the fandom. coop and lucy are obviously being setup as a father-daughter duo who need to learn caution/kindness from each other to survive, but these weirdos can’t have their white-man fave without a self-insert stand-in for 1 season. and the way people are glorifying cooper’s character is a load of bs - a morally greg white guy who realises he endorsed and was sympathetic to a massive war crime/political injustice… so he goes on to indiscriminately kill/hurt more people who have no idea of, nor say in the bigger picture that he was complicit in… is sooo boring and nothing new. also, giving him a biracial daughter as an accessory to show he’s Not Racist isn’t something we’ve seen half of a million fuckin times before 🤪 the way the show back-tracked on fallout’s message of blind american nationalism and militarism being a problem to It’s All Capitalism’s Fault, seemingly in reaction to the US currently endorsing and aiding in foreign war crimes, and past ones becoming common-knowledge, is horseshit on a platter.
I find the complete lack of a character for his daughter really horrifying- how she only exists to die dramatically for the sake of his sadness. It's odd because his wife is a well-established important character, yet their daughter is not allowed to be a person.
Fallout, in general, has had a habit of completely ignoring racism- presenting the prewar world as some fully integrated post racism utopia. Which is weird when the games regularly display overt anti Chinese (and broader anti Asian) sentiments in prewar logs and ads. This is a problem both the classic games AND the bethesda games have- racism has always been a touchy subject to the devs of the series and it seems like every game they've been content to ignore it, occasionally invoking it for horror or stumbling headlong into depicting it without realizing.
The way Ghoulgins regrets his past and just takes it out on everyone around him is absurd and plays into a lot of very hostile ideas the character peddles.
People shipping Ghoulgins with Lucy is baffling to me also considering he spends the entire series physically abusing her. People just don't want to acknowledge Max's existence, I have noticed. I know her and Ghoulgins get closer by the end, but it's after he's done just unspeakably cruel things to her- and you're right that it is absolutely framed as a father/daughter relationship.
I would also like to point out that the series has always criticized capitalism as well- but would generally frame it as sort of tangled up in American imperial ambition- with one feeding into the other. They were two halves of the same coin.
Vault Tec's entire existence in the classic games was selling smoke- profiting off of the extreme tension and stress of US military buildup- a process which would always inevitably end in disaster: either with Vault Tec going under or brinksmanship coming to its inevitable end.
Vault Tec (and the entire idea of luxury bunkers as a whole) WAS a critique of capitalism, and how it goes hand-in-hand with the American military industrial complex. It was selling the fear of annihilation to the populace. They didn't need to be some secretive controlling force to achieve any of this.
Making Vault Tec the sole antagonist, and the driving force of the apocalypse, is both deeply conspiratorial AND undermines the Cold War roots the series has always had- replacing the fear of American military buildup with a sort of hateful simplicity.
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mariacallous · 1 year
During the first months of the Russian invasion, in one of the frontline villages in the southern Kherson region, I met several firefighters – ordinary Ukrainian men in their 40s or 50s. Their prewar tasks involved putting out fires in the local wood or occasionally buildings.
Since the Russian invasion, they save houses burning from missiles and retrieve their dead neighbours. One of the men began to cry during our conversation. He left embarrassed, but shortly returned. I comforted the firefighters, explaining that even governors and mayors sometimes sob during interviews.
In the following months, I travelled from one frontline town to another. I met doctors, policemen, railway and communal workers, journalists, electricians, civil servants, government officials whose relatives are fighting and dying in the army. They escaped or are still living under Russian occupation, their houses and apartments destroyed. They acknowledged that they were emotional, often angry, horrified, but driven by a sense of duty. In the end this would help them move forward, and even be proud of what they did.
Russia invaded Donbas and Crimea in Ukraine in 2014; the country already knew what the war was. But since 5am on 24 February last year, all citizens have learned how to survive when a foreign army uses its might to destroy the peace. They have discovered how to act during an air-raid warning; how to live and work through blackouts; that they should not walk at night because of curfews. They have learned to forget about planes, as airports are closed, and how to be separated from family. People have adapted to many things, and also learned how to deal with emotions: that tears are nothing to be ashamed of. The initial shock and sadness have transformed into a bigger confidence and determination.
As for today – besides hope in victory, national pride, solidarity and compassion, which you see on the surface – one of the prevailing feelings among Ukrainians is guilt that we are not doing enough. In non-frontline towns and in Kyiv, life has returned to a kind of normal. We are preoccupied with thoughts of those who live under constant shelling or occupation. Those who are not in the army think of those who must fight daily; soldiers who survive think of the fallen. Those who left the country feel guilty about those who stayed.
I recently visited a standup comedy performance in a suburb of Kyiv. Self-depreciation is back following months when society was unable to joke about the war. One of the most popular gags is from a comedian comparing his efforts to those of soldiers and veterans. After Ukraine’s victory, he jokes, he would tell his children he spent the war sitting in an Odesa basement, tweeting that Nato should help by “closing the sky”.
Thousands of crimes have been committed by Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil. The Ukrainian general prosecutor’s office says it has registered at least 71 000 violations of the customs of war. Since then it has become harder to talk to Russian colleagues. By colleagues I mean not propagandists, but just journalists who oppose the Russian invasion and Putin’s regime.
I still communicate with them, but many exchanges end with excuses about why Russian society can do nothing. They think that those who are against the war have nothing to do with the actions of their state. I do believe guilt is not collective, but shared responsibility exists.
Before Russia’s invasion I reported on totalitarian countries: Iran, Syria, China, Belarus. I understand how dangerous it is to protest in a state that is ready to kill its own citizens. The Ukrainians fought against this in revolutions in 2004 and 2014. In the end we built a government that defends its citizens.
It feels paradoxical that Ukrainians, who defend their homeland and are under attack, feel guilty for not doing more. Meanwhile, Russians who are opposed to war are uncomfortable speaking about personal responsibility, stressing that nothing depends on them. This can be explained not by a lack of empathy or bitterness, but by disempowerment and the detachment of Russian citizens. This is something the Kremlin wants from Russian society. Russians who oppose the war must transform their lack of empowerment into action, and find their strength.
Ukrainians have defended their country for 365 days without a break. They have saved many lives from Russian troops. Our task now is to transform a sense of guilt into a sense of duty. We need to preserve our strength.
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
Thoughts on pre war Megop?
Pre-war Megop is like... my bread and butter omg. I spend at least 3/4s of my day thinking about their pre war relationship, how they met, how they got close and then what came between them. Im most familiar with tfp, and i admit that probably most of my thoughts and opinions are based on fanon and headcanon, but its not like tfp really gave us much to go off of in the show, and the aligned books are stupid expensive.
Nonetheless I am absolutely OBSESSED with pre war megop. Its my favorite aspect of the ship to explore. I get stupid sad that they dont get a happily ever after what with the war and all coming between them. I love to explore how their prewar dynamic affects how both of them act during the war itself.
Omg for real i have si many thoughts on pre war megop that its hard to cohesively write them all down. I dont even know really where to start. I have more pre war wips than i care to admit XD. I just love them. I love them being in love with each other. I love the idea of a corrupt council using that love against them and I love to think of ways to salvage that love for them.
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Thoughts while listening to Death Shroud:
• nicknicknicknicknicknick
• Ellie where are you getting coffee
• what do you put in your coffee???
• “There aren’t many spare parts for you Nick” why can’t you use gen 2 synth parts?
• Goodneighbor? THIS EARLY? MY BITCH IS BACK?!
• HANCOCK!!!!!
• wait why would Nick order a drink
• omg canon Nora real???
• Nick stop encouraging Hancock’s chem use
• how the hell are they gonna get Hancock into Diamond City
• cram! It’s meat… mostly!
• thank GOD ellie is safe
• “drab upstairs apartment” lmao they said your interior decorating skills suck nick
• Nick “The Dick” Valentine
• Okay WHO is charlie????
• damn what did the Minutemen do to y’all
• Nick 4 Mayor
• who even is the mayor of Diamond City now
• John “Hold Me Back Nicky!” Valentine Hancock
• that was supposed to say Hancock, but Valentine was accidentally typed and that’s funnier.
• 3/4 families are missing their daily intake of processed powder cheddar? Believable.
• ayo time skip?
• lmao Seth Patrick Day
• D I M A ! ?
• omg Nick and Nora are besties <3
• Hancock you’re already back <3
• oh Moe,,,, never stop lying babe
• his source is “i made it the fuck up”
• The Mechanist is back????? Hello???
• salty bitch. can you leave Sole and Co alone like goddamn
• Is the Mechanist a Synth now?
• wait no
• NO
• I don’t care who Nick Valentine sends, I am NOT eating sugar bombs
• did they fucking nuke Piper
• NORA!!!!!
• omg Shaun :)
• omg Nick :(
• omg Danse???? Why are you here what
• hdjdjdjd say hi to your big brother Nick, Danse
• “don’t touch me” lmao
• oh no. strong left. that’s… so sad…
• Protective mom Nora!
• I love them all so much oh my god
• this is a fucked up family reunion
• ugh FUCK maxson all my homies hate maxson
• “An old flame” “Seriously? I wanna see how that works” Hancock is asking what we’re all thinking
• bro can Nora have anything
• I can not believe that Hancock and Danse are friends now lol
• lmao don’t rob the vault tec rep
• wait. why didn’t Nora invite him to Sanctuary :(
• god I love you so much Mack
• omg this trio can NOT be good lol (Nora, Hancock, Danse)
• Nora how the fuck is Hancock lifting Danse
• “Danse, scan the building, use infrared vision to pick up vitals” “I don’t have infrared vision” “Really? So much for human 2.0” he’s such a smart ass I love him
• FEV conjoined twins???? Omg that’s so fucking cool
��� Hancock, stealing is bad
• Hancock, Florida is bad
• lmao Danse is bitter about Nora taking Nick instead of him haha
• Oh shit they got Lorenzo’s crown? Nora you can’t leave this shit laying around girl
• Nora really. You freed Lorenzo??? You dummy
• okay so Hancock and Danse aren’t really friends now lol, they just kinda tolerate each other. Real.
• “No, are you nuts? He’s armored, dual wielding, and you’re wearing a 16th century nightgown!” “You unpatriotic son of a-” “Hush, damn it!” these three are so important to me
• UNITY???? UNITY!? no way they’re doing a Master plot right?
• so is this the same mechanist as in the automatron DLC?
• damn these 3 are agile
• omg not Hancock’s coat!!!!
• oh fuck the silver shroud and mechanist fused
• can we please discuss how fucking disgusting yum yum deviled eggs sound. How the fuck were they preserving eggs. Why would you make prepackaged deviled eggs??? I always thought that was such a weird pick for a food lol
• uh oh. UH OH.
• can y’all let Nora have ONE THING god DAMN
• I cant believe they canoned Nora and Danse being together,,,, damn
• omg Hancock please don’t traumatize Shaun
• Hancock do NOT give Shaun alcohol oh my god
• can they stop killing my favorite old people
• omg I forgot about you Nick lol
• hey Charlie? What the fuck
• do NOT kill Mack PLEASE
• bro can Nora have ANYTHING damn-
• can’t have shit in the commonwealth fr
• Mack you are fucking useless (I still love you though)
• why are we talking about puppies what
• oh my god :(
• Nick… you fucking plug yourself into computers???? hacker supreme
• omg he’s so robot
• omg Mack you are so papaw
• it’s cre-shendo not cre-sendo
• Nick you are NOT captain america omg
• shit I guess he is captain America
• poor papaw has had such a day let him go home Nick
• “I’m not asking!” DAMN nick
• this is so funny what the fuck is happening
• ok it is kinda funny to imagine a salesman in power armor lol
• Huh. Cannibals will eat ghouls. Interesting.
• learn to drive? How? What driving schools are there???
• okay the idea of a cab driver in the commonwealth is so funny. But how the fuck did Jefferson come into existence-
• Mack is so real lol
• omg David my beloved peepaw
• 747683 is not 5 digits Nick
• Champion of Justice???? What?
• maybe I’m missing something?????? It is 6 am lol
• I’m sorry, did Nick magic a fucking vault into existence
• time to wake up bitch
• but… the shroud… isn’t real… did Nick just create the fucking Silver Shroud?
• it should be 2289, not 2287
• “Same words Hancock uttered after smoking a tire that one time…” huh???? Nick and Hancock hang out lol
• I’m sorry, I can’t get over Nick Valentine accidentally bringing fucking Batman into existence simply for the drama of it all
• Poor David lol
• How The fuck is Nick gonna explain all this to Nora, Danse, and Hancock
• oh. Ok. That makes sense.
• this is like the world’s strangest fanfiction
• Okay, I’m starting to think that Nick managed to get high off Jet or smth
• who is the duke????
• “sociopath science daddy in slacks” What the hell maccready
• “just one more job” thanks. Gonna go sob now
• omg fancy lad snack cakes my beloved
• omg Hancock is in his Robin era
• wow. Just remembered Kent is dead. Devastating
• pay your employees Shroud.
• An old lady, the Silver Shroud, and Hancock get into a cab…
• why is no one questioning this cab
• honestly though. I understand why Hancock isn’t. He probably just thinks he’s hallucinating lol.
• “Fish Lips Malone!” what. is happening. I’m as confused as Hancock is…
• “activate passive aggressive restraint!” What is that????
• Hancock why do you know every criminal.
• “yes indeed my flesh peeling friend!”
• “man I have never seen anyone who needs to be laid more than you do” “finally someone else says it” oh my GOD I love Hancock so much (and Jefferson. Man, do I love Jefferson.)
• “omg Hancock we’ve been waiting for you! Oh… and the shroud’s here, too…” just like me fr
• Is the Silver Shroud an incel…
• lmao everyone else hates Johnny Guitar?
• Hancock you are REMARKABLY casual about the dead man in your booth
• The Silver Shroud is a short king lol
• why is Kellogg the only one who thinks the shroud being here is weird
• Nora is an “uppity broad” lol
• why are y’all dissing Hancock, leave my man alone-
• Just gotta say… it’s a great day to be a Hancock stan
• what. A literal rat faced man? Why does he have 3 arms?
• Hm. They still do beehive hair, huh? I’m kinda impressed
• what do you mean they turned Louie into a mole rat using the creation engine
• “stay low to the ground, my crusty companion!”
• how could they do this to me.
• the Silver Shroud can say fuck. Nice
• omg wait
• Hancock is… Hancock’s… he’s…
• he’s stoned
• ba-dum-tsh
• Travis, please don’t sexually harass all of Diamond City
• I’m more than half way through this and I genuinely have no clue what’s going on lol
• omg they legit are using the creation engine huh
• I wanna have tea with god…
• Dr… Satan?
• Nora 🤝 Harold
never getting to rest
• I think it’s very funny that Hancock is just… back.
• damn they all got stoned
• and the stone is gone again
• what even is the point of the stone lol
• who is… showing up…
• Damn. Bye bye Obediah.
• I genuinely can’t remember what started this lmao
• Oh fuck, Kellogg is back…
• omg they broke the scarab!!!
• what do you mean by too many voices
• too many characters??????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT
• they are SO remarkably calm
• “see if you can… blind him with some… bullets to the face” yeah that should do it Nick
• “my speed should give me the upper hand” your what Nick
• … they’re summoning bitches now? A Grognak bitch? WHY ARE YOU HERE?
• wait. Nora is the one magicing?
• oh wait. You mean that Nora was the silver shroud for a while. Right? What is happening.
• The Silver Shroud is really good at sticking to his bit lol
• Silver Shroud speed runs an existential crisis
• uh oh
• uh oh
• uh oh
• reality is literally crumbling
• oh fuck Bethesda is crumbling
• THE JOKER!!!!!???
• CLAPTRAP!!!!!!!????
• Poor Nick…
• can you guys stop having relationship issues when I’m on the phone with my dentist
• SNIPER?????
• GLADOS is hitting on Nick Valentine. Yeah. Okay.
• “Thank you, intelligent sociopathic blender!”
• at no point could I have predicted this.
• they gave Nick a portal gun.
• he is opening a portal on the moon.
• they are essentially creating a black hole.
• How The FUCK is Nick supposed to mentally handle all of this
• GLADOS didn’t even get to say goodbye :/
• omg they’re in the creation engine
• Jesus Christ, poor fucking Nick
• Hey, you. You’re finally awake.
• what do you mean it was all a dream
• how did Nick fall asleep
• is everyone alive??????
• wow. Huh. What.
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
Finally took the time to sort out my written works. Hope this helps out some of you navigate through my works!
AO3 Link: 💜
Multi-chaptered stories:
Black Tea is Fine- (Angst, slow burn, love triangles) Levi was the new janitor at Paradis High. He thought that rowdy teenage brats would be the worst part of the job, until he met the school's eccentric chemistry teacher Hange Zoe. His peaceful and quiet afternoons within the building were soon challenged by her persistent invitations for some tea in her classroom.
Unexpected Co-Parents- (Fluff, co-parenting, unexpected meetings) Levi Ackerman had been living in the big city of Sina for a while now as a corporal worker, finding peace in the little solitude he got from the bustling and lively city life. His peaceful days however, are numbered as he unexpectedly finds himself becoming co-parents with an eccentric florist he just met.
Short HC:
Four-Eyes- (Canonverse, post-war, reminiscence, slight angst) Armin gifts the ex-corporal with a gift that belonged to Hange. The present bringing newfound comfort and memories to resurface years after the war.
The First Kiss- (Canonverse, rumbling mention, post-war) How their first kiss happened and how Levi remembers it after the war.
The Best Friends Lover Trope- (Prewar, Veteran era, fluff) Levi and Hange's love language and how they express their feelings for each other. How they'd be in a relationship
Tied Up in Marley- (Canonverse, semi-sad, fluffy ending) Follows after the event of the SC making it to Marley. Levi finds it difficult to adjust to the cultural differences in the enemy territory. Mainly the clothing style and the overly complicated accessory called a tie. Hange, however, helps him figure it out.
The First Night- (Canonverse, mainly fluffy, mention of death) After Furlan and Isabel's death, Levi struggles to deal with the loss of his best friends. Hange having noticed the man's shift in attitude, decided to help him get through his grief, and in the process creating a special bond between them.
Happy Birthday, Four-Eyes- (Canonverse. Veteran Corps. Fluffy. Enemies to friends) The corps was getting ready to celebrate Hange Zoe's birthday, but Levi, the one person who didn't get along with her, ends up getting involved in the celebrations anyways.
Levihan as a Couple in Modern AU- (Modern AU, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst, domestic life) From an ask sent in. Explores the relationship of Levi and Hange as a couple in modern life.
Previews of Next Works:
List of Previews
Captured at First Glance, Immortalized at a Second- (Angst, missed love, slow burn, missed opportunity) Levi Ackerman, a renounced photographer had been friends with ecologist Hange since they were young. And that was the only way he could ever see her as despite Hange having confessed her love for him during their high school years. Unfortunately, love isn't always reciprocated, and instead of returning his childhood friend's sentiments, Levi ends up falling for her half-sister Petra instead. As separation and new life events lead them into different life paths during their teenage years, severing their ties with each other along they way, they end up meeting once again as adults for Mike and Nanaba's wedding. Where Levi is suddenly confronted with the possibility of having lost on the love of his life when he realizes he'd been in love with Hange all along.
Levihan Promp Ideas
💜Shared Jacket
💜Levihan X Aruani
💜Levihan How it Started vs. How it Ended
💜Levihan Hellos in No Regret vs. Last Goodbyes in Ch. 132
💜Levihan Opposites Attract
💜Hange's Importance and Influence on Levi's Life
💜Levi's Scars are the only Physical Reminder Levi Has Left of Her
💜Dedicate Your Heart and Levihan Being Almost Married
💜Levihan Actors Wearing Original Scouts Uniform
💜 Levi's Gaze Towards Hange Over the Years
💜 Levihan and Hanako/Kabakura (Wotakoi) as Each Other in Different Fonts
💜 Levi Brave Order Birthday Wish for Hange
💜 Levihan and their Adopted Kids
Random Thoughts:
💚 One-Eyed Junior High Hange and Levi
💚 Levihan X Collaborations that Call Levihan Canon
💚 Levihan Sharing a Lollipop on a Date in Marley
💚 Levihan Sharing Tea Official Illustrations
💚 Levihan X Re:SHAZAM Collab
💚 Levihan Sharing Everything
💚 Levihan X Eremika Parallels
💚 Levihan in Eremika Steam Punk Outfit Edit
💚 Levi Constantly Losing the Important People in His Life
AoT X Collaborations:
⚔️ EEO Sherlock and Phantom of the Opera Style Collab
⚔️ Levihan X RE:SHAZAM Collab
⚔️ Flex Japan Tie and Suits Collab
⚔️ NOBIACE Levi Collab Illustration
⚔️ Charalog Chibi Collab
⚔️ Marakuji Circus Collab
⚔️ Junior High Umbrella Tags
⚔️ Animate Marley Collab 2
⚔️ AoT Sleepy Collab Compilation
⚔️ Chibi Sleep Collab
⚔️ Eren, Erwin, Hange, Levi X NOBIACE Collab
⚔️ Ackermans New Skins in Brave Order
⚔️ AoT X Roll Ice Cream Factory Collaboration
⚔️ BellHouse Shop Collab
AoT Random Posts:
AoT Pairs that Lost Their Significant Halves and their Love Tropes
Sauna Official and Fanart Illustration
AoT Characters Seen as Actors by Isayama
AoT Tarot Merch Sets Meanings and Explanation (In Depth)
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crissiti · 6 months
On the Great War
About the Decepticons and Autobots in my AU. They are both morally grey. Both sides did awful things during the war. The start of the war was a rebellion on the Deception side. The planet was already somewhat divided considering their history and the Destrons and the Protectobots. 
750 million stellar cycles ago:
“A faction of Protectobots called Autobots comes to prominence on an agenda of expanding Cybertronian influence to neighboring planets.The Age of Expansion begins.” 
300 million stellar cycles ago: 
“The Age of Expansion ends after several border skirmishes with the Quintesson Pan-Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Destrons feel that they shouldered a disproportionate share of the burden of defending the Autobot Commonwealth while not reaping equal benefits.”
-the Allspark Almanac
While peaceful the divide started growing further manipulated by the senate for the sake of power. War and flight frames started being treated worse and discriminated agains, to be used by the government , while civilian frames started being fed propaganda about how the others were dangerous and volatile, so that they wouldn’t want to stand up for war frames and sympathize with them. The rift between the two continued growing for years, as new factions- the Autobots and the Decepticons arose. The tipping point of the conflict was the passing of the Decepticon Registration Act. That’s when the riots begin.  The Decepticons are originally led by Megazarack with Megatron as one of his generals. The response to the rebellion by the government is as harsh if not more. This culminates with the assassination of the senate. From then on it’s full on civil war that spams over the next 10 million years. The first 2/3 mil years it is fought mostly on Cybertron and the moons. Around this time is also when Megatron becomes leader of the ‘cons. Afterwards the war starts expanding throughout Cybertronian Commonwealth and beyond. This is when Stormrunner, Thunderhead, Jumpstart and the triplets finally flee(my OCs). While Autobot propaganda might have you believe that the Decepticons lost the war, the truth is that even though the Autobots had access to technology that the Cons did not such as the trans warp and Project Omega, both factions were pretty equal in regards to firepower. In fact the Autobots were desperate enough to decide to throw the AllSpark to Primus-knows-where through a space bridge. With the relics whereabouts a mystery Megatron realises that if the war continues they might end up destroying Cybertron with no way to restore it. The Battle of Iacon is a last ditch effort from Megatron to take Cybertron but with the weakened state of the deception fleet it is unsuccessful. They can continue fighting but it would be devastating. For the sake of their home planet the Tyrest Records are signed and the Decepticons accept exile in exchange for amnesty. However due to the prewar propaganda what Autobots consider “deceptions” is actually all war and flight frames who are not explicitly Autobots. This includes all Neutrals such as Stormrunner and co. 
The sad truth is that the Cybertronian people fell victims to a greedy corrupt government that saw to manipulate them, divide them and ultimately turn them against each other. The war just helped to further cement this divide. And while the majority of said corrupt government ended up dying in the war, there are a few who survived and managed to weasel their way into Autobot high command.
Something that’s very ironic is the two factions stance on alien species. Before and during the beginning of the war Decepticon opinions on non- Cybertronians and especially organics, was at best indifference and disregard and at worst outright hatred, while Autobot philosophy was to defend them. That was another tool that was  used to manipulate the masses- the deceptions were told that the lack of recourses was because of aliens not allowing them to expand the commonwealth, while civilians were told that the violent and bloodthirsty war frames wanted to wage war on innocent aliens just to satisfy their bloodlust. 
After the war however, in their exile the Decepticons found themselves strongly relaying on other species to rebuild and ended up forming alliances and positive relationships with them. The Autobots on the other hand took an isolationist approach and as time passed they became more xenophobic towards non Cybertronians. 
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Hey if you have time/motivation how do you think the companions would react to a child Sole asking to be pushed on a swing?
Funnily enough, I actually requested @that-blue-vault-dweller to do the exact same react and she did an amazing job on fulfilling it but here’s my take on it!!! And yes, I do have the perfect time and motivation for this one Darling thank you!! 💖💖💖
Little Sole and her companion are taking a trip through the woods by Sanctuary when Sole suddenly lets out a whoop and bubbles over to a tree that has a newly built swing attached to it. She turns back to her companion beaming and glittering brightly, hoisting herself up to sit on the seat of the swing.
Nick Valentine: “Well I’ll be. Seems as if someone is thinking of the little ones out here, wanna give it a go, kid?” He sees the appeal of Sole wanting to swing, she is a child after all and could use something to do that’s fun and innocent. He very carefully calculates his strength and force so Sole goes high in the sky, but not space and kissing the moon high.
Piper Wright: “Look Blue! A swing! Heh, Dad had built one for me and Nat to play on when I was younger…. You want to give this one a spin?” She is hit with several memories of her dad helping her onto a handmade swing then him pushing her as high as she wanted to fly. It brings a tear to her eye and she is more than happy to pass on that joy onto Sole while she giggles and squeals through the air.
Codsworth: “Well look here! A swing set, and a rather finely crafted one to say the least. It wouldn’t hurt to have some good o’l fun once in awhile, shall I give you a push?” He is wrapped in warm memories of children laughing and playing on the playground at Sanctuary during the prewar days, Sole being one of them. Sad to say that those times have passed, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen now. He takes care to push her to an acceptable height, reminding her over and over again to hold on tight and to not let go.
Preston Garvey: “Nice! I’ve been seeing these things pop up all over for the children at settlements to play on. Would you like me to give you a push?” He figures Sturges built the swing so he has no question in its reliability and is willing to let her fly as high as she wants. Sole is soon whooping and whipping through the air in delight while Preston stands aside to watch her with a grin. Maybe one day there will be more kids like Sole who are having a more carefree time without worrying much about the Commonwealth dangers that might possess them.
Curie: “My how adorable! Someone left a swing for all the little children to play on! Would you like me to give you a push, Mademoiselle?” She finds it absolutely delightful that someone had a nice enough kind thought to install a swing in the woods for the people of the settlement to use. She gives Sole three heaves with all her might before stepping back to watch her go up into the sky and back again, fully planning on asking for a turn once Sole has had her fill.
Cait: “I think I’ve seen one of these before growing up. Of course I wasn’t allowed by me parents to go near it, but I still dreamed. You need a push?” She gives Sole several big pushes and watches as the kid giggles and cheers while she reaches for the stars. It makes her throat a little lumpy to see her having such kiddish fun. She will totally want a turn once Sole has hopped off and has maybe left the area while it’s completely dark, but for now she’ll just hang back and let Sole enjoy her time.
Deacon: “Looks like the aliens left us another gracious gift from the sky’s above. Much nicer than the one they left last year, want me to give you a push?” He may or may not be joking on the first part, but before Sole can ask questions he is already giving her a big heave into the air. He can’t deny the smile on his face and the sparkling behind his sunglasses while he watches Sole happily zoom through the air without so much of a care in the world.
Danse: “Are you certain that swing is sturdy enough to sustain the force? Alright then, I’ll give you a push.” He is a little a wary about the skill of craftsmanship that went into building this swing. If it breaks with Sole on it, she’ll go splat on the ground and it won’t be a pretty sight with all the sticks and rocks scattered around. Slowly, he builds the confidence on the thing as Sole is swung higher and higher under his guided pushes. He figures to himself that they can stay here awhile before returning to their mission, there is no serious rush to complete it anyways. (He wants a turn, let Papa Bear have a turn!)
Hancock: “Hehe, I should have Fahrenheit find someone to build one of these in Goodneighbor. You want me to give you a big push sister?” After some critical thought process and seeing just how high Sole can go, he realizes that it may not be the best option to install such a thing where it’s within easy access to crazed chem-heads who will probably use it as some sort of slingshot. But he can enjoy it out here all he wants anyways, so there is not much of a loss. (It probably should not have taken much thought to come up with that conclusion)
MacCready: “Haven’t seen a working one of these in a long time. Oh, you want to go first? Fine by me, but once I count to one hundred it’s my turn!” He really wants to have a turn on the swing, but Sole is bubbling so much that he gives her several nice big pushes before slowly counting to one hundred. Now he can’t wait to bring Duncan over and have him enjoy such an enjoyable and breathtaking experience. Of course, he won’t be pushing his son to the extreme height he swung himself, but it’ll still be fun.
X6: “I don’t see how this isn’t a complete waste of time. We should be more focused on-…. Very well then.” He gives in after seeing Soles wide eyes look into him with a kind of excitement that he has never seen before in a human. He just stilly watches her fly through the sky after giving her a decent push, deciding after a moment to wait until she’s finished to leave.
Strong: “Why tiny human excited over strings in the woods? Push? Strong gives big pushes!” He can’t seem to figure out the appeal of the object but gets hyped when Sole challenges him to push her as hard as possible. (Fly me to the moooon!!) They are stopped by a responsible and concerned companion minutes later.
Dogmeat: Borks with excitement and jumps on his hind legs to push Sole with his front paws and all his doggy effort. She doesn’t go that high, but she still gives her appreciative thanks to the pooch.
Moral Of The Story: Don’t take, “We are going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship,” seriously when you are on a swing. (Do not learn the hard way plz)
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noblesixofhalo · 8 months
Fallout Bebop
Alright before I get started, I'm not trying to ruin anything or retcon Fallout or Cowboy Bebop for that matter, this is just something that I want to write about off an on as long as I am still committed to my playthrough of Fallout 4. (New Vegas requires a ton of space on my PC which I don't have right now sadly) It's not the greatest of writing but I'm not hear to write a masterpiece, just whatever comes to my mind. I will get the next chapter out by tomorrow maybe. I'm still trying to continue with where I left off on Saturday when I completed chapter. Anyway without further ado, let's get started. Btw the "tall skinny individual in the intro is not Spike lol, it's supposed to be me but as the main character in any Fallout game so it can be whoever. I don't spend much time making my character, I just play around with their appearance a bit and just give them a normal look to them. Anyway let's start.
*Theme song of Cowboy Bebop "Tank!" plays before fading*
*Piano music plays in the background before a male singer begins*
When you attend a funeral It is sad to think that sooner or later Those you love will do the same for you And you may have thought it tragic Not to mention other adjectives To think of all the weeping they will do But don't you worry.
No more ashes, no more sackcloth And an armband made of black cloth Will some day never more adorn a sleeve For if the bomb that drops on you Gets your friends and neighbors too There'll be nobody left behind to grieve.
And we will all go together when we go Oh, what a comforting fact that is to know Universal bereavement, an inspiring achievement Yes, we all will go together when we go..... *fade to black*
*Narrator begins his monologue*
War. War never changes. Nearly 200 years ago after decades of conflict over Earth's last resources, the world was plunged into nuclear fire. The atomic conflagration between the world's nuclear powers ended in a span of only two hours but in those short few hours, the world was reduced to ruin and billions of lives snuffed out by atomic fire and by the aftermath of this nuclear holocaust. Though civilization as humanity knew it ceased to exist on Earth, the tale of humanity still preserved despite many challenges and trials ahead. Thanks to years of false alarms and the cry wolf effect, very few took the warnings seriously and those who were fortunate enough to make it to the safety to the underground Vaults, their fate was in the hands of the overseers who either delivered the survivors a new life from war and death or a life of hell at the hands of their new mad scientists. In the many decades since the Great War in 2077, societies that some how managed to escape the ravages of nuclear war and the societal collapse, have colonized much of the solar system thanks to the help of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel who have dedicated their lives and their mission to colonize other planets. Thanks to the technological advancements made by the IBOS, the very few humans left on Earth have managed to make space their home free from the horrors of the atomic wasteland and the constant struggles that plagued humanity since the bombs fell. Amid rising crime, the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel have created a legalized contract system similar to prewar bounty hunting who are dedicated to capturing criminals not just on Earth but throughout the solar system. With the help of the Inter Solar System Police, the official police force of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel, bounty hunting has expanded beyond the atomic wasteland on Earth and into the stars above.
*Atomic Wasteland, unknown location in the former United States of America*
A taller somewhat skinny looking individual equipped with combat armor and old military fatigues and a trusty Pip-Boy 3000 courtesy of Robco Industries, was prepping for a long haul to a great unknown. Next to him was a skinny and lanky looking androgynous teenage girl with fiery red hair and a goofy looking grin that seemed constantly in one mode and that was happy, giggly and bubbly all the time. The strange man didn't mind and often was happy to see her with nothing but endless content regardless of the world that he and she are forced to grow up in. He met this strange child a few months ago after he found her wandering endlessly in nothing but open wilderness and the harsh atomic wasteland. One would have to wonder if this child was part ghoul or was naturally immune to radiation as no child would be sane enough to go out in the wasteland without proper protection.
"Rad X?
"Check, check, check!"
"Check, check, check, checky check!"
"Check, check!"
"Purified water, bandages, and extra food?"
"Oooooooh do you got nuki, nuki colas for Edward?"
"I'm afraid not kiddo and besides that stuff is bad for you, I don't know how prewar society could handle such a sugary concoction."
"120% the daily recommended sugars!"
The young girl proudly beamed proud of her statement of fact. The strange man smirked at her before continuing with the checklist.
He made sure that he was armed enough to go out in the wasteland. He was tasked on a secret mission by the Detachment, a paramilitary organization that provides extra security for anyone that has the caps for it. Truth be told, it was a pretty insignificant faction that had little to no name recognition other than the fact that they were well armed, and they provided security for any organization out there that wasn't just comprised of degenerate raiders. Originally the strange man was going to drop off Edward at the nearest settlement and not have to deal with her but overtime he grew protective of her and considered dumping her at the nearest settlement one of the last things he wished to do given the dangers of the wasteland. But he also argued that this child was capable of taking care of herself without adults but child or not, raiders would not care.
"Alright I got my gear ready, take the chem but only once we don't want any side affects causing problems for you. You're how old again Ed?"
"13, 13, 13!"
"Let's try one dose for now. It says on the bottle that it won't cause any addiction but I don't want to risk it."
"Hehe, you worry too much."
"I just...I just don't want you to get hurt".
"I'll be fine!"
She giggled as he gave her the one chem of Rad-X, sure enough after she took the dose, nothing happened. The man took his dose of Rad-X and off they were to the great unknown ready for anything. He debated whether or not he wanted to stay with the Detachment or if he wanted to just keep going his own way with this child. He had plenty of caps and was perfectly capable of plowing through the wastes though having a NBC suit on would be more ideal, he thought.
"Alright let's go kiddo."
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On the heels of coop with body hair 'nd all that, how would coop feel about his lover having a happy trail/body hair/clean shaved? Obvi it's different for everyone irl with preferences, just wanted your thoughts!! 💗
Anon, apparently you, me, and @love-affair-with-fandoms are forming some sort of dark triad with our brains, because they sent me this wonderful little Walton Goggins interview blurb that I think perfectly sums up how both versions of Cooper Howard would feel about body hair on a partner (it was literally the next ask in my inbox and they came within a few minutes of one another!):
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Prewar!Cooper Howard is so used to being around "L.A. people" who are all perfectly made-up, waxed, tanned, and toned constantly, so I think having a partner with any body hair would be strangely exciting to him. I think it would remind him of a kind of authenticity, a sort of comfort with oneself and one's body that he almost never sees anymore. And I think he'd like that a lot. Do you know anything about raising chickens, by the way...?
Also, this quote only confirms further to me that he would be a big ol' fan of bush of all kinds. Even if he waxes his chest, which I think he would for pretty boy actor reasons, his pubes are intact. Like I said, not unkempt, but he's certainly not shaving below the belt. He'd prefer it if you didn't, either. Granted, he's a sweetheart who respects your autonomy, so if you wanna be dolphin smooth, you won't see him complaining. Maybe you've always shaved or waxed, even just trimmed it short, and you get behind on your grooming for a few weeks due to life being hectic. The first time he sees you that way, I think it would turn him on a lot and you'd be due for a lesson on how much this man loves eating hairy pussy. Not bad incentive to ditch the extra work of shaving/trimming, or the extra cost of waxing (which he will happily pay for if you decide you still want to do it in the future, make no mistake...it'll just make him a little sad inside).
The Ghoul (like most ghouls, in my opinion) is just obsessed with human hair, period. Doesn't matter where it's growing from. Spending decades and decades with no hair will make you forget how nice it can feel, how unique its presence can make the human face and body, so I think hair anywhere on you would be constantly petted and stared at once you two got close enough. And I mean anywhere. Hairy knuckles or forearms? Happy trail/belly hair? Especially thick eyebrows? Fascinated by it all, hovering close the second you have anything bare enough for him to touch it. You tease him about it, and he tells you to shut up. When you get really close, you often fall asleep to the feeling of him stroking your hair.
He's long forgotten (and then remembered again) that women used to be expected to shave basically everything, and he's decided that he much prefers the way things are now, for once, on that front. He thinks your armpit and leg hair is cute and he'd be so sad to see you without it.
Would be similarly crazy about bush, but in a softer, more reverent way. I think he would like to take a long nap on a nice, soft bush.
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bookgeekgrrl · 24 days
My media this week (5-11 May 2024)
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another absolutely unhinged episode from this crew. i love them all so much.
🙂 Lessons in Exposing a Deadly Alias (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries) (Charlie Cochrane) - this series is now the equivalent of watching criminal minds or some other long-running procedural: it's certainly not for the plot/mystery but for the characters who are family. I do love that as the series has gone on their friends & family have taken on a more active role in the investigations. that said, I think I might be done with this series; it took me forever to get thru this bc I wasn't remotely motivated to get back to it.
🥰 No One Likes Us But We Don't Care (Rainne) - 45K, modern Steve/prewar Bucky - an accidental interdimensional swap drops a 1940s Bucky into the present - he & Steve figure out what that means for them (3rd in a series)
😍 Spectred Isle (Green Men #1) (KJ Charles, author; Ruairi Carter, narrator) - [reread] very old world supernatural shenanigans in 1920s England - truly sad that there won't be any more in this universe because it's sooooo good and so rich but forever grateful we at least got this marvelous (and complete) story
🥰 it's good to see you back in a bar band, baby (LiarsandThieves22) - 139K, Steddie modern musician AU - absolutely adored this! enemies-to-friends-to lovers speedrun, understandable & character appropriate mutual pining, fantastic supporting characterizations - it had it all!
😍 You Should Be So Lucky (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - baseball player Eddie & newspaper writer Mark are both dealing with some devastating life events. They find each other and some solace and healing. This book, like We Could Be So Good, is absolutely incredible. It knocked my socks off and healed my heart. It almost made me like baseball! I'm just going to quote from a review written by kiki124 in the Romance Salon server because she is great with words and captured it exactly: "I was just blown away by the writing and the ways Sebastian drew these two utterly believable and interesting characters, plus all the side characters, plus the literary notes, plus the queer history plus the New York history. I think that what I love the best about these books is that the story doesn't end when the characters fall in love--there's a whole second half of the book to come as the relationship has room to breathe and grow and work out kinks. Literally everyone who has a heart and a brain should read these books."
💖💖 +115K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the Steve Rogers problem (relenafanel) - MCU: stucky AU, 36K - "Bucky doesn't consider his Steve Rogers problem as a problem so much as the solution he hadn't realized he was hoping for to help him through the transition from the Bucky Barnes he'd been before his accident to the new, shiny version of himself. No, the problem isn't with Captain America and The Howling Commandos fandom. The problem is the amount of porn Bucky managed to write and draw about Captain America before finding out that he's less than one degree of separation away from Steve Rogers. 'Less than' as in he's sitting across the table from him."
Is It Cake? - s2, e4-5
Girls5eva - s1, e1
QI - series U, e4-8
Beyond Paradise - s2, e4-6
Game Changer - s6, e8
Strange Way of Life (2023)
Um, Actually - s6, e6
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e2
Smartypants - s1, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Rock The Boat" (s21, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Blimey" (s16, e18)
Doctor Who - series 14, e1-2
Re: Dracula - May 5: The Dead Travel Fast
Wiser Than Me - Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Sans-Souci Palace
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Rock Radio • 1980s • Popular • High variety
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remyfire · 1 month
So my next episode is Father's Day, which is going to be a lot. I'm thinking of leaping to Bottoms Up right after to start really solidifying my Margaret prewar lore. But then I'm going to be so so sad from the double whammy. So I think I will round them all out with a viewing of Temporary Duty both to incorporate Lorraine freshly into my sense of lore and also because it's beautifully silly. But also it's MASH watching day with my wife and I do not think I have the strength to watch 8 episodes in one day, even if I have already seen 6 of them before
Soon, Margaret. I'll have my triple feature for you soon, I promise
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mariacallous · 9 months
NOVI SAD, Serbia (JTA) — In the heart of downtown in Serbia’s second-largest city, nestled between brick buildings on a leafy street, sits a large synagogue.
With its 130-foot-high central dome and faded yellow brick facade, along with its Jewish school and offices on either side, the synagogue’s three-building complex has become a must-see tourist attraction, with multilingual panels in its courtyard explaining the area’s Jewish history.
The synagogue was built to accommodate up to 950 worshippers in the first decade of the 20th century. But like the city and Serbia more broadly, the building has clearly seen better days. On two recent days, a family was camped outside the entrance, begging passersby for money.
Before World War II, Novi Sad had roughly 60,000 inhabitants, 4,300 of whom were Jews — about 7% of the total population. Most were affluent merchants, lawyers, doctors and professors. Their wealth was reflected in the city’s opulent synagogue, constructed between 1906 and 1909 by Hungarian Jewish architect Lipot Baumhorn, whose work incorporated elements of the Art Nouveau movement.
Today, however, the prominent building serves a dwindling community that, like others decimated by the Holocaust and further eroded by the Balkan wars of the 1990s, fears for its future as residents disperse abroad. Only about 640 Jews remain in Novi Sad; others have sought a future in Israel or countries that offer more economic opportunity.
“We use our own shul only for Yom Kippur,” said Novi Sad native Ladislav Trajer, the deputy president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
“We get six to 10 people for Shabbat — maybe 15 — but fewer than half are male so we can’t make a minyan,” said Trajer, referencing  a Jewish prayer quorum of 10 men. He spent eight years in Israel and also served in the Israel Defense Forces. “Even in Belgrade, which is much larger, the rabbi doesn’t always get a minyan. And nobody here keeps kosher. You can’t get kosher meat.”
Novi Sad was a thriving center of Jewish life in prewar Yugoslavia and the city — now a metropolis of 370,000 sometimes called the “Serbian Athens” — was named a European Culture Capital of 2022 for its arts, food, architecture and other cultural scenes.
But most local Jews see few prospects for themselves in a country beset by economic turmoil. Between 1990 and 2000 — following Yugoslavia’s collapse; the ethnic wars in Croatia, Bosnia and later Kosovo; and the imposition of crippling sanctions by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations — Serbia’s GDP tumbled from $24 billion to $8.7 billion. By 1993, nearly 40% of Serbia’s people were living on less than $2 a day, and at present, the average Serb earns approximately $430 to $540 a month.
Despite those difficulties, Serbia agreed in 2017 to pay just over $1 million annually over the ensuing 25 years to its remaining Jews as compensation for property nationalized by the postwar communist regime. Half of that money goes directly to Jewish community organizations, 20% to Holocaust survivors and the remaining 30% to projects that aim to preserve Jewish traditions.
Since 2012, the Novi Sad community has also earned income by renting out its huge synagogue to the municipality for classical music concerts. In return, the city maintains the complex as a historic monument, and it is now repairing the synagogue’s roof and fixing leaky water pipes.
“These buildings were close to collapse,” said Trajer. He added that the city’s neglected Jewish cemetery can look like a forest. “So we are cutting the trees and struggling to put up fences.”
Although antisemitic incidents are not too common, Serbia, like most other countries in Eastern Europe, also contends with a strong nationalist streak. Trajer, who monitors antisemitism closely, said around 1,500 Serbs belong to extremist groups, of which perhaps 120 are active. Serbian Action, a small group of neo-Nazis, occasionally holds rallies and spray-paints antisemitic, anti-immigrant and anti-gay graffiti on public buildings.
“In high school, my history professor joked that Hitler couldn’t get into an art academy, and that’s why he decided to kill the Jews,” said Teodora Paljic, a 20-year-old Jewish university student. “I don’t talk about these things with people I don’t feel safe around.”
She said that “Life in Serbia is very difficult” because “all the prices have gone up, but salaries haven’t increased since 2019.”
Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina, an autonomous province that covers much of northern Serbia, and at the local Jewish community’s zenith, 86 synagogues flourished in the province. Today, only 11 remain standing, and most have fallen into disuse.
Mirko Štark, president of the Jewish Community of Novi Sad, said Jews first settled in the city in the 17th century, shortly after its founding in 1694 under the Hapsburg monarchy.
“When the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where most Ashkenazim lived, introduced new laws that restricted Jews from living in cities, many people ran to the border area, where these laws were not so strictly enforced,” Štark said. Later, when the Serbs captured Vojvodina, those restrictions were rescinded, and the Jewish community blossomed.
Following World War I and the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes — later Yugoslavia — Novi Sad’s Jews enjoyed a cultural and economic renaissance that saw the formation of a Jewish community center, athletic clubs, choirs and several Jewish newspapers.
That renaissance ended abruptly in 1941, when the Hungarian army, in collaboration with Nazi Germany, occupied Novi Sad, making life for Jews intolerable. Over a three-day period in January 1942 now known as the Novi Sad Massacre, the Hungarians rounded up more than 1,400 Jews, seized their property, shot them in their backs and threw them into the freezing Danube River.
After Hungary’s capitulation to Germany, armed guards herded the city’s remaining 1,800 Jews into the synagogue and kept them there for two days in deplorable conditions without food or water. On April 27, 1944, the Nazis marched their weakened Jewish captives to the train station, then forced them on a train to Auschwitz that took two months to arrive due to Allied bombing.
Only 300 of Novi Sad’s Jews survived the Holocaust, and rebuilt the community virtually from scratch in the ensuing postwar chaos.
“There were no religious people anymore, and no rabbi,” said Štark. “Many went to Israel in the first aliyah. The small number of Jews remaining tried to keep the community alive, opening a kitchen to provide food for people who couldn’t buy for themselves. My grandmother survived Auschwitz. She worked in that kitchen.”
According to Trajer, from 1948 to 2022, no Shabbat services were held. These days, Trajer conducts all religious services because he’s the only one who knows the Hebrew prayers fluently.
With 640 members, Novi Sad has the nation’s second-largest Jewish population after Belgrade. The capital is home to more than half of the country’s 3,000 Jews, out of a total population of 7.1 million. Smaller Jewish communities can also be found in Subotica, Niš and other cities. Only the synagogues in Belgrade and Subotica — the latter located a few miles from the Hungarian border — still function.
Most members of the Novi Sad community, including Štark, have married non-Jews.
“My wife is not Jewish. Neither was my mother. Only my father was Jewish,” he said. “After World War II, the choices for finding husbands and wives within the community was limited. For this reason, we accept non-Jewish spouses as members. This is the only way to survive.”
Štark, 70, is a retired professor of media production who worked for years at Novi Sad’s main TV station. He’s also the longtime president of the synagogue’s choir, HaShira, which sings in Hebrew, Ladino and Yiddish and recently won an award for its performances in neighboring Montenegro. Only three of the choir’s 35 members are Jews.
“When I began my mandate as president a year and a half ago, we woke up many activities in the Jewish community that had existed only on a small scale before,” he said.
Besides the choir, these include the Zmaya dance troupe as well as a Jewish culture club that meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. to discuss books and Israeli movies. There’s also a “baby club” for small children and another club for teens, whose activities are led by two adults. Hanukkah and Passover are celebrated by families together, and on Tu B’Shvat, the community plants trees.
The community is also investing in its members, and Paljic is emblematic of that hope.
Paljic, interviewed at the trendy Café Petrus, a 15-minute walk from Novi Sad’s Jewish cemetery, is the daughter of Jewish parents who met at a Purim party in Belgrade.
“My grandparents were killed in Jasenovac [a notoriously brutal concentration camp], but my best friend’s grandmother survived Auschwitz,” she said. “The problem is, people don’t talk about Judaism because they’re scared. There is still antisemitism. Last year, somebody drew a swastika at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery in Belgrade. We were all shocked.”
This summer, Paljic worked as a counselor at Hungary’s Camp Szarvas, which brings together young Jews from throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The camp welcomed 20 children from Novi Sad this year; the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee paid their tuition.
While she would like to be close to her family, Paljic said she must be practical.
“I want to go somewhere outside Serbia when I finish college,” she said. “I don’t see my career here. I love art history and photography, but there’s no money in that in Serbia.”
Despite the challenges, Štark isn’t ready to say kaddish for Novi Sad’s Jews just yet.
“We will keep the Jewish spirit alive here. We are working hard, starting with the children,” he said. “If we don’t, everything will die in five or 10 years. So it depends on us.”
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Imagine this nate was a maxson nora had to deal with all the maxson bull pucky prewar now she has to deal with her idiotic 4x great nephew inheriting every negative aspect that came with the maxson name plus every stupid decision her in-laws made along the way
PLEASE. That would be so funny..and sad for poor Arthur 😂 Also- imagine the clout Nora would have in the ranks.
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