#pred comforting the prey? stuffing? eager prey? sizeshifting?
nom-central · 1 month
idea: Shiver or Fyre eating a team of people who won a 100x for them as a reward
"Are you for eel?! Seriously?"
"Come on, we all agreed on a gimmick for our rewards! Don't tell me you're chickening out already...I thought you were team bunnies~" The octoling smiled smugly, knowing her cheekiness would get a rise out of her bandmate.
"Quiet, Shivs! I never back down from a challenge! It's just..." The idol looked over at the little group of excited inkfish. They had all agreed on an extra reward to encourage people to join their teams and reward their hard work, and hers just so happened to be...a seafood dinner with Ms. Onaga herself. They just got to be the dinner! But all teams were a group of four, and as much as she hated to admit it...she wasn't sure if she could handle that much.
"It's not going to be an issue? Great! I'm headed back, Big Man's all alone out there...enjoy your meal!" With that, the idol was left alone with her team. She stared pensively at them, trying to figure out the best approach. As feisty as she is, she's never one to go back on her word...
"Can't you all like...I dunno, shrink or something? We'll be here all night if I go one at a time!" The group looked at each other for a moment before one of the inklings shifted into their squid form. The rest followed suit, though some were bigger than others...it was a lot more manageable like this. She walked over, picking up the smallest squid. "Congrats on that sick 100x win! You guys already got your float pic, so here's part 2 of your reward!"
Opening her mouth wide, she lifted the squid over her head and lowered them in. Careful to not nick them with her fangs, the squid was easily squeezed inside and sucked down with one slurp! They slid down her throat without any fuss, and she sighed in relief. It was a good thing inkfish were so inky and slippery in their swim forms... "Alright! Who's next? I've got plenty of room for the rest of you!" The first one barely made a dent! This would go well, obviously.
A reddish octopus inched forward, slightly larger than the squid she just swallowed. Their tentacles were pretty long, but it shouldn't be a problem! Frye picked them up, opening her mouth wide and pushing them in just the same. They were too big to suck down easily, so she worked them down with gentle gulps, slurping on their tentacles as they slid their way down her throat. "Ahh..." She could feel them filling her stomach, squirming around with the squid as her stomach expanded to fit both meals. This was about where she'd normally stop eating, but there were two more members of their team left...she's gorged on more for less though, and that octoling tasted pretty sweet...
Without needing to ask, the other octoling offered themselves up, seemingly excited at the prospect of being eaten. She's not one to say no to a free meal...when she lifted them up to her mouth, they did the work for her by inching inside. Maybe it was from fullness, or maybe it was because they tasted really good, but she took her time with swallowing them. Deep gulps slowly pulled them down her throat to join the other two, and she rested a hand on her full stomach. It was obvious with how it bulged and wriggled that she had eaten someone- rather, several someones- and she was just about at her limit...but there was one person left! She wasn't done yet, even though she was definitely ready to just lay down and sleep this off.
"U-um...Miss? You don't have to eat me, you look pretty full..." The last squid nervously offered. Maybe they were scared...the idol shook her head, giving them a confident smile. "No way! I never let my fans down! You'll be just fine, look." She moves over to the blue squid, lifting them up and letting them rest against her stomach for a moment. It was definitely noisy, burbling and grumbling around all the inkfish inside, but they were unharmed. "See? They're alright! My stomach knows friends from food. I'll let you guys out soon so you can get right back into the fight!" While still apprehensive, the little squid nodded when they saw her reassuring smile. "Alright, that's my team for ya! Down the hatch!"
Rather than take her time, she decided to get it over with quickly and just guzzle them down. She was as careful as always to make sure her fangs didn't nick them, but she quickly slurped and swallowed until there was nothing left outside but some bluish ink on her face. Frye sighed and groaned, flopping onto her back as she was stuffed to the limit. Her stomach wasn't complaining- it was all too happy to knead and churn around the group of inkfish that were packed inside. She rubbed at her overfull stomach and sighed again, unable to stifle a burp thanks to all their movement. How on earth was she supposed to perform when she couldn't even move?
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