#precious wakana
mimikyuno · 2 years
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this is too cute 😭
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2022/10/05 Instagram post by Wakana
I had a meeting at the Victor office yesterday🏢 This month's Nipper 🐶 is decorated in Halloween style 🎃🌙✨ In the second photo, I wondered if I could recreate this emoticon ( ´ω` )…(°⁠ω゜)
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wakabahan · 9 months
a combined list of what i think all my (and ryuko, hi nikki 👋🏻) ocs sound like. there's four songs for each, kiku is my only precious he/him, and two of these characters you haven't seen yet :3
da order
Ian - Ryoukuouku Shakai (Haruko Nagaya)
Kyrie - Minako Kotobuki
Dahlia - Anna Tsuchiya
Wakaba - Megumi Ogata
Ryuko - Ado
Sunny - BENNIE K (Yuki, idk let Dahlia double as Cico lol)
Shasta - Kanon Wakeshima
Otoha - The Agonist (Alissa White-Gluz)
Jyou - exist✝trace (...Jyou)
Jalisa - Angel Haze
Gin - Angela Aki
Shobu - Wakana
Aomame - Ai Otsuka
Ichijiku - Yoasobi
Kiku - MUCC (Tatsuro)
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Episodes 39 and 40 of Delicious Party Precure! Together! In a double feature! Like fat juicy burger and a crispy chicken sandwich! It's epic!
First one's Yui focused? With her Dad? And the second Takumicchi focused? With HIS Dad? It's a double DILF special! Very cool.
I've been putting these both off so Spoilers, I guess... for two~!
-Oh yeah, we went back in time. That's a thing Kabuto did too, Yuin!
-Oooooh, Inari wrap, huh?
-So you WERE the narrator all along! ...wait, does this mean you've been hanging out with me the whole time?
-Ah... Yone-san... you really were watching over her all this time, huh?
-Dad's comin' back! The fisher man!
-How delectable.
-No need to cook!?
-Oh shit, Yuin's got sports ball power, I kinda forgot.
-See, with Ikki Igarashi, it's pretty informed in his fighting style, but Yuin's been sluggin' bitches so much... you very pointedly don't use your hands in soccer, so.
-Wakana Tamaki? Like Go Tamaki?
-Skort skort, Kome-Kome!
-Skort skort, Koko-neechan!
-Alright Mari-chan, what've you got for us today?
-We met Ginger! In the ancient past of 2002!
-Left on read.
-Sorry, Mari-chan.
-Black Pepper!
-Papa Ginger's just... like that, huh?
-Oh shit, Cerfueil.
-You will become perfect! ...that so, green lady?
-Snacc time
-Damn, Wakana-chan! Your dad's cool!
-Oh hello, Mashiba-san.
-Ooooooh, you're totally wiped!
-Damn dude, you okay?
-Dinner Time.
-Inari zushi!
-Oh, Jesus! Yuin, your room looks like it's covered in strawberry frosting! You don't even need that lamp, it's so bright already!
-What a hard-working man Mashiba-san is. You're super lucky to have a dad as based as he is, Wakana-chan.
-Grandmother once said... "No matter what condiment, no matter what ingredient, there is something greater and that's love of the person creating the food."
-Damn, going to a boarding school, huh?
-Not everybody gets it, I guess.
-She's in a mood, Ranchi.
-Well Kokone, I suppose we could reduce the preptime of their food with a bit of thinking...
-It's okay Yuin. I'm running low on Grandma Tendo quotes too.
-Yuin's gonna need to waterboard herself with mouthwash to get all that inevitable plaque outta her teeth.
-Oh shit, Seccy's got a backstory.
-...oh, you've got issues.
-Tell her, Ranchi!
-Yuin, are you sure you're not gonna die?
-Maybe sit this one out, Yuin.
-Yeah, Precious is dyin'!
-Go time, ladies!
-Yum-Yum! Hyakuretsu Ken!
-Goddamn Seccy, you're very sad.
-Nobody's Perfect! My favorite W insert song!
-"Secretoru! I have to thank you! It's because of your very adult wisdom that I realize how much of a fuckin' sad soy princess cuckquean you are~!"
-Take the Baton! Convey your own genius!
-Oh but first, some bread.
-Whoop they ass!
-Ass they whooped.
-Two Egg.
-Not even happy to do your job, huh Seccy?
-Help her out, hell yeah!
-Busyness for his business.
-Seems like something stuck with Wakana-chan!
-Power Lunch!
-Come up with your own food-related aphorisms, Yuin-san!
-Ranchi and Amai-kaichou. Linguistic scholars.
-Ohhhhhhh, Takumicchi!
-Yeah, your Dad's totally Cinnamon.
-Ohhhhhh, Takumi's mom's in on it.
-Oh sure, hit me with this catchy-ass pretty outro. I need that.
-Yep, two Dads are back!
-Takumicchi's retiring!
-Yep, the DILFs are back in town!
-Cinnamon... Shinada Monpei... Shina Mon...
-Ohhhh, that's
-That's very clever.
-Hug Him!
-Sad Prince Mari-chan.
-Ah, went somewhere to the Middle East, huh?
-Takumicchi! You have been discovered!
-It's okay though, I know a guy! I just need you to call this number, and ask for a new dust filter for a Hoover Max Pr-
-Oh yeah, it's Christmas next week. Ah.
-Buche de Noel..
-You really wanted to help out your girl, huh Takumicchi?
-Them slippery Bundoru.
-Not a Cook Fighter or a Pretty Cure.
-That's gotta sting, huh buddy?
-Good job, Fennel.
-...I uh... kinda find you a little sussy, but okay
-Aw, Takumicchi :(
-Ranchi and Koko-neechan seem to be jazzed for the
-Thinkin' about Seccy, huh?
-Ever the supportive type, huh Takumicchi?
-Chrimbus Party!
-I have to admit Takumicchi, I didn't think very highly of you when we first met, but you've definitely become a real reliable guy.
-Man, if only literally every PreCure capable of retrieving them Pipis didn't live in Japan, huh?
-Then nobody can cook anymore.
-...goddamn your glasses are hot, Seccy.
-Bundoru, Bundoru!
-Chringus Time is here!
-Whoa! Big money!
-"Ah? Takumi, you didn't do anything bad as Black Pep. Why on earth would you ever want to hide it from Yui?"
-"Noooooooooo reason..."
-"Aaaaah, got it."
-Burned tongue!
-Bitch took my cake, my dog, my fox, and my dragon!
-Oooh, Mari got the moves!
-Oh, she caught him!
-"Gimme that fuckin' thing! I'm kicking that bitch's teeth in!"
-Black Pepper! Make her sneeze!
-You go, lad!
-Looks like you got caught in the act, buddy.
-Alright ladies, from the top! Delicious Standby!
-Kome! Tasty! Wonton! ...and Parfait noises!
-She's got a fuckin' command pad.
-Why didn't you DOOOOOODGE!?
-Smack that thang!
-Go talk to the green lady, Yuin.
-Yeah, get through to her, Yuin!
-Guess Spicy's bread wasn't hard enough.
-Oh damn, a two prong attack.
-Neither Cook Fighter nor PreCure. He is but Black Pepper! The token boy!
-Yeah, this is pretty good.
-You still can't join in on the finisher though Takumicchi. That's a girl thing, you see.
-Delicious Victory.
-Maing a girl cry like that!
-Absolutely abhorrent!
-See, Amane agrees with me!
-Rice ball!
-Cure Precious's beloved sidekick. Black Pepper!
-Oh shoot! Master Ginger...
-Let's go learn some more about them rocks, eh?
-Learn from a master fighter, eh?
-"Cake later, okay?"
-Hello, Godatz-sama!
-Oh come now Amane, don't sound us off like you were the star of this episode /j
-Very fun pair of episodes. Takumi really shined today, he's pretty epic.
-Christmas party~!
-Not quite on Christmas from my perspective, but hey! Should be a holly jolly celebration anyway~! And we get to learn more about Fennel~!
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melodivaassetblog · 2 years
~| Melodiva = Episode 0-6: A Clue for a Pathway |~
Character: Etsumi Akizora, Akari Asato (mentioned), Wakana Chiyo (mentioned)
Special Guest: Grimoire Rouge ( @fumikomiyasaki )
Mentioned: Soren Speed ( @/fumikomiyasaki )
=|Your Room|=
The story of Torpe the Pianist wasn't the worst thing you've read, nor is it the best. It was a simple children's story, nothing very offensive. It was really easy for you to change all the necessary things for your assignment. You were done in just a few hours and decided to call it for the night (in the contrast to Soren who probably was going to pull an all-nighter).
Turning in your bed, you saw the blue notebook on your nightstand. A sigh escaped your nose. You really need to give back the book to Akari Asato tomorrow. The thing was you don't even know what they looked like. At least Wakana confirmed that they were from Melodiva, so if you were very desperate you could just drop it off after dinner, just to make sure they are at the dorm around that time. Hopefully, Akari Asato wasn't too worried about their missing book and whatever was written in it. You haven't opened it, of course, just basic manners.
"Stop thinking already." Shifting your gaze toward Rouge who was on your study desk. "You're disturbing my beauty sleep."
"You can't read my thought," you muttered.
"Yeah, but your face is scrunching too much it's annoying." He rolled his eyes. "You look like a simping teenage girl."
Your face immediately turned red. "Why would you say that?!"
"Well, I'm not the one who is still thinking about pretty idols." Rouge's tone was so smug that you wondered if throwing a pillow at them would shut them up. "Is this your fantasy coming true? Or was that Wakana girl your dream girl type?"
"Who said I was thinking about Wakana?" you spat, honestly still embarrassed.
"Well, clearly it's not someone from Evolnation because you never reacted like this. What love at first sight?"
You did end up throwing your pillow at Rouge, but the damn book floated away.
Wakana is just a regular idol, just like Peko and the rest. Sure, she was warm and entrancing and a little bit pushy and gives you the tingles, but she's still a student, just like you and everyone else-
"Don't get too horny over there."
You turned your back against the cackling book with your face still madly blushing. "Goodnight, Rouge!"
Morning came, classes came and went, and finally, the bell rang. School was over and everyone is packing to return to their dorm. You, meanwhile, were still cleaning your writing supplies and books filled with notes. You didn't even realize someone approached your seat until they tapped your table.
Looking up, you saw someone with quite a feminine figure. Flowing black hair with traces of blue, bright orange eyes, and a friendly smile. You tried to rack your brain for a name, but it seemed that you can't come up with something.
"That diary," they pointed at the blue notebook, "are you going to return that to the owner?"
"You know who this belongs to?" you asked back.
"Yeah," they said again, "Asato-chan has been in quiet distress all night. That book is really precious to her."
You held back a winch. "I didn't mean to make her worried. I found it and..."
"Whoa, chill, dude," the student waved their hands in an attempt to calm your crawling guilt, "nobody here is blaming you. But if you do want to return it, you can go to the clubhouse's roof."
"Clubhouse...you mean the club building?"
"Yeah, that's what I said," they said with a shrug. "When school is over, Asato-chan often goes to the clubhouse's roof for her idol practice routine. It's like a secret place for her."
"If it's a secret then how do you know?"
"I'm an esper."
They giggled. "Just kidding. I'm just very observant." They then turned around. "Well, my job here is done."
"Wait." You stood up from your chair. "Can I catch your name?"
They looked back, smiling teasingly. "I never throw it at you." She chuckled. "But it's Etsumi."
You nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Etsumi."
They shrugged again and walked away. You let out a sigh of relief. At least now you know where you are heading. You can only hope that Akari Asato is currently on said roof for you to find.
To be continue...
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wakanatranslations · 7 months
Washoku Matsumoto Wakana (23.11.08)
Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana 🙉
Thank you very much for your comments😊
All of your warm comments made me so happy!
I'll keep working hard!!!
The other day、I went to the special exhibition 「Washoku〜 Nature and Culture in Japanese Cuisine〜」!
(T/N Washoku = Japanese Cuisine)
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I took a sneaky photo in front of the billboard😂
Ever since I learned about the existence of this exhibition、I knew I definitely wanted to go!、so I'm glad I was able to go!
There were various exhibits about vegetables and fish、and about the history of Washoku、and also about fermentation、so it was really interesting!!
There were photos、and models、and fake food samples、and so many different exhibits、so I was entranced the whoーle time〜👀
At the Fermentation exhibit、lots of things I've already learned were written down、so I enjoyed feeling like I was just revising!
There was an exhibit about fungus、and an exhibit about the different types of soy sauce、so I'm glad I got to see it all so up close!
It's open until 2/25 next year、so please visit if you're interested!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Washoku、has been designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage、so it's something very precious to us all!
The connection between Washoku and Fermented foods、is really deep、so let's all eat lots of Washoku too 🤭
Oh yeah!Angerme's Nippon Budokan performance、is on 11/24 which is also 「Washoku Day」、so please eat some Washoku、the come and see Angerme😘
General tickets go on sale on 11/11(Sat)〜!
See ya!
Matsumoto Wakana
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darkershining · 1 year
Just watched episode 39 of Delicious Party Pretty Cure, in which Yui tries to figure out how to help out a friend whose father is overworking himself in an effort to support his daughter’s dreams.
The episode begins with Yui and her mother discussing what to make for dinner, with Yui wanting to make use of one her grandmother’s recipes. Yui’s mother also tells her that her father called, and he might be able to make it home earlier than usual this year.
The next day, Yui is helping the soccer team again. The girls and Rosemary watch, with Rosemary leaving early to report his recent discoveries to Fennel. He tells Fennel of the time travel and what they learned in the past. Fennel suspects that the Hoka-Hoka Hearts accumulator Ginger built might be what is attracting so many Recipeppis to Oishina Town, and asks Rosemary where in town he built it. Rosemary admits he didn’t get an exact location from Ginger, but he does have some suspicions as to where it might be. Fennel hangs up before Rosemary can ask him about Cinnamon, and muses that he may have to find Black Pepper to get the answers he needs. Meanwhile, Fennel takes a moment to reminisce about the time he spent training with Ginger, when Cerfuil suddenly calls him with an urgent message.
While having lunch with her classmates, Yui quotes some of her grandmother’s old sayings. However, one of her classmates, Wakana, seems a bit concerned about something. Later in the day, Yui runs into Wakana’s father, who seems very tired. She brings Wakana and her dad over to her family’s diner, and invites them to stay for dinner.
Talking to Wakana, Yui learns that Wakana’s father has basically been overworking himself, trying to do both his job, the housework and staying up late to prepare a healthy lunch for Wakana even though his cooking skills aren’t the best, and Wakana doesn’t know how to get him to take a break. Yui can’t think of any advice her grandma would give for this particular situation.
Meanwhile, in the villain lair, Spiritor asks Secretor if she has a signature dish they can work into their next plan. Secretor states she doesn’t need one, before preparing to head out.
Yui asks her friends for advice, acknowledging that there’s no way her grandmother could’ve had a saying for every possible scenario. Around that time, Secretor is looking for her next target, when she spots two Recipeppis based around egg dishes. She is reminded of one her past cooking failures when cooking with eggs, and this is enough to get her to target the two Recipeppis.
The Cures quickly head over to deal with the situation, Secretor making a Gossori Ubauzo from an egg boiler, Rosemary bringing the fight to the Delicious Field and the Cures transforming. However, Cure Precious is still hungry from using so much energy to try to think of a way to help Wakana, and has trouble fighting at full strength. Seeing the state Cure Precious is in, Secretor talks about how her own experiences have taught her that she needs to be perfect at all times and never show weakness. Rosemary tells her that there’s no way anyone can live like that, but Cure Precious has an epiphany from Secretor’s words.
Cure Precious thanks Secretor for making her realize what she needs to do, as everyone has different experiences in life. Rosemary gives Cure Precious a snack to get her energy back up, and she manages to weaken the Ubauzo so that the Cures can purify it. As Secretor is preparing to leave, Cure Precious asks her to wait, as she is now curious and wants to know more about her, but Secretor refuses to humor her and leaves.
Later, Yui talks to Wakana, and the two begin working out a solution. Wakana talks to her dad, telling him that she doesn’t mind if he puts off some of the household work until later or lets her help with it instead of just focusing on soccer, wanting to spend more time with him and for him to take it a little easier. Finally understanding how Wakana feels, her dad decides to listen and make some changes to their current lifestyle. Yui and her mother make lunch for them. Yui vows that through her life, she will try to come up with her own advice to others, with the narrator/Yone expressing her approval and telling Yui to surpass her.
Meanwhile, at Takumi’s house, Takumi ponders what to do, while his mother contacts his father, informing him that someone has been asking about Ginger and might know of his past...
Another good episode! Yui getting a bit of character development, while the plot is slowly moving forward on the CooKingdom side of things. We also get some hints at Secretor’s backstory, sort of implying that part of the reason she became evil is because she’s an extreme perfectionist who believes Godatz can help her eliminate her flaws?
Also, this occurred to me while I was writing this, but I totally bet that the Hoka-Hoka Heart accumulator Ginger built is inside the giant lucky cat statue.
Anyways, I’ll be looking forward to the next episode!
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佐藤 花彩
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Finally! My exams are finished!!!!
‘Ello!! I’m Kaya! It’s such a pleasure to meet you!
Sato Kaya is a first year of Chobu Academy, and is always plotting something, something more sinister than she seems.
Kaya has bright, vibrant pink hair I forgot to colour it. She also has big, innocent looking eyes and a small, always smiling mouth. She is not very tall, and have a petite figure.
Kaya is an innocent and cheerful young girl at first glance, but beneath her innocent façade, she is a scheming, manipulative, and a person who would do whatever it takes to achieve something she wants. However, she is also capable of being genuinely nice and caring, if you are close enough to her.
 Kaya is exceptionally flexible and good at adapting to her and her teammates’ needs on the stage, scoring 5 and 4.5 on the statistics respectively. She lacks in jump reach and balance, which she is working on, but favours practicing the skills she is already good at rather than the ones she needs more training on.
Kaya initially has a bad relationship with her teammates because of her personality, but starts to get closer to them eventually. She and Wakana are basically sworn enemies, as they both take a disliking towards each other. Her parents are overprotective of her, thinking she is still a precious little flower that needs protection, so she developed her personality as it is today. The Chobu captain, Sunao, starts to approach her and brings her out her shell, making her start to be less cunning and manipulative.
~Luna S.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
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marin ate the entirety of this show's animation budget and i, for one, am not complaining. i guess i'm not immune to cute pouting anime girls.
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animegenork · 2 years
Hi I'm going to adopt Wakana Gojou now if that's alright
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shysheeperz · 4 years
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putschki1969 · 2 months
Into the World - Kaji Fes. 2023 Day 2
Some more in-depth Kalafina thoughts inspired by several discussions in the reply section of my latest live report about Kaji Fes. 2023 Day 2. "Into the World" was probably the Kalafina cover that left the most lasting impression on me. From what the girls have shared in various interviews, this song represents a beautiful end to an eventful stage of life and a slow transition into uncharted territory. At the time it was written, Kalafina's disbandment and the subsequent start of their solo careers were probably on no one's radar but ironically, it couldn't have been a more perfect match for the whole situation. The final few performances of the song (when everyone involved must have already been aware of what was about to happen) have a particularly strong impact on me and the same can be said about the covers they have done as solo artists/FJ. This is easily my favourite cover because the strong extra vocals add so much texture to the song. It's one of those Kalafina tracks where I mostly prefer the studio version because the girls tend to sound a bit shaky/shouty during live performances so this was overall a bit more polished I think. The harmonies are really good here. Also, I loved seeing Keiko get so emotional towards the end (even though it did result in her getting a teeny, tiny bit shouty again :P)
"Magia" was my second-favourite Kala-cover. It worked wonderfully to put the focus on Hikaru and highlight her prowess as a singer which is unfortunately something that none of the other Kalafina songs of the evening managed to do. I wish they had chosen songs with a stronger emphasis on Hikaru's voice like "ARIA", "One Light", "Mata Kaze ga...", "in every nothing", etc... Also, I did have some issues with Joelle sounding a bit too overpowering during certain parts. There are Kalafina songs where she manages to blend in better but here, her vocals just stand out too much, especially when trying to harmonise with Keiko.
"storia" has never done Hikaru any favours I'm afraid and this performance is no exception. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE "storia" but that's mostly because I am obsessed with the WaKei chorus. Joelle does a good enough job here but as I have mentioned in my report, I am way too hung up on Wakana to ever be able to appreciate another singer stepping in for her during parts that I love.
I honestly don't remember much about "KNGNN" so I guess I will have to wait for the BD release. It's yet another song that doesn't exactly flatter Hikaru though so that's a shame.
As I have never felt a strong connection to "TTB", the performance doesn't really do anything for me.
On a random and more or less unrelated side note, I LOVED this moment of Keiko showing a tiny bit of vulnerability here at the very end of the concert. It's rare to see her in tears on stage.
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And let's not forget that precious HiKei moment right after this. Them holding hands. Keiko leaning on Hikaru's shoulder. Keiko smiling brightly but clearly relieved that it's over - "owatta".
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watanukisglasses · 5 years
I can’t stop listening to this precious song. Sasuga Wakana-chan! (the video thumbnail is too beautiful!!! I’ll post some gifs tomorrow)
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rabidredsalsa · 2 years
Bandori x Reader (RAISE A SUILEN ver!)
pairings: rei wakana x reader, masuki satou x reader, rokka asahi x reader, reona nyubara x reader, chiyu tamade x reader (separate) (gn reader)
warning: chu2
note: i used their real names bc yeah ANYWAY REQUESTED BY @flareforthedramatics <3 I HOPE U LIKE THIS LUV I ENJOYED WRITING IT
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you can catch rei unconsciously staring at you during random times of the day. not in a creepy or weird way, she just tends to begin admiring you without knowing. in her eyes, you are and forever will be the most beautiful person she'd ever met, so can you really blame her? and often on late night walks, you find her eyes locking with yours with the sweetest smile plastered on her lips, that's when you can really feel the love she has for you.
masuki takes advantage of every occasion she has to get you out of your house. sure, she loves just hanging out at your place, cuddling and watching a movie, but it's just more fun going on a bike ride through the neighborhood or staying over at her house attempting to bake something but eventually ending up in you two having a dough fight, which inevitably leaves you exhausted on the couch while she finishes the chocolate cake you earlier tried to assist at making.
rokka leans her head on your shoulder during train or bus rides. she feels so safe and warm around you, and while she can be terribly shy with physical affection, she never seems to hesitate when wrapping her arms around yours or the latter. run your hands through her hair and she'll nearly fall asleep - if she does, you just think she's too precious to be disturbed, but even the slightest movement and this girl will nearly jump out of her seat.
reona doesn't address you with "-sama" honorifics. and while she does so for everyone, you aren't bothered in the slightest. you find it endearing how she thinks you two are close enough to drop the formalities, and it's even more so if she starts adding "-chan" instead. of course, in the beginning, she'll have to ask several times if it's okay for her to call you by just your name, gesture that somehow always makes you laugh.
chiyu accepts each and every one of your displays of affection. whether it be headpats, compliments, calling her adorable or giving her surprise hugs from behind (just try not to tackle hug her, she'll screech so loud your eardrums will combust), she might complain the first few times you do so, but with time she'll come to show she enjoys these gestures. and hell, she might even return them at some point. just expect her "i love you too"s to sound something like "i, too, share these affections for you, f/n l/n... but today never happened, okay?"
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Minific:Mick, the cat from Double, is watching over Philip and is judging Shoutaro to see if he is worthy of his master. An incident leads to Mick accepting Shoutaro into the family. Afterwards, when someone *coughTsukanacough* tries to mess around in the office, Mick with harass them until a member of the agency returns.
Honestly, my hc of Shoutaro is that animals trust him pretty much instantly due to his Animal Whisperer skills. And cats in particular love him. (And his actor. I legit have a tag on my main blog that proves this.)
As for Mikku, though...
“There you are. You know, you had me worried for a little while.”
Mikku looked up at the somewhat familiar voice, rearing back when he recognized the face it belonged to. The Kamen Rider! He hissed. What did you do to my master?! And where is my mistress?!
“If you mean old man Sonozaki... I’m sorry. He’s... gone.” The man in the fedora crouched down to Mikku.
The British shorthair stared up at him, meowing softly. Master... is gone?
He nodded gravely. “And as for Wakana-hime... We haven’t found her. She’s missing.” He explained. “But... I can take you to your other master. Do you still remember him? His name was Raito, but he’s called Philip now.”
Raito? You know him? the cat asked. 
“Yes. He’s my partner. You’ve seen him, right? He’s the boy that was with me.”
Wait, that was him? I knew he smelled familiar! Mikku jumped into the man’s arms. Take me to him! It’s been so long since I’ve seen him!
“Alright, alright.” He held Mikku gently in his arms, adjusted his hat as he stood, and began walking back from where he came. “Y’know, Philip’s going to be really happy to see you. You’re one of his precious family, after all.”
Mikku meowed happily. You seem to care a lot about him, too.
“He’s my precious partner, after all,” replied the man called Hidari Shoutaro. “I wouldn’t know what I’d do without him.”
-a few days later-
Mikku padded into the Garage, carefully walking across the platform to where Shoutaro stood, staring at a whiteboard with two words written on it. Even though his face was stoic, the cat knew better, and he mewed to get his attention.
Shoutaro, it’s okay. You can cry, it’s just me here.
He shook his head. “No... I have to be strong...” His shoulders shook and he had to reach out a hand to lean against the board. “For Philip... I have to be the Rider this city needs... I can’t afford to be half-boiled anymore.”
Mikku didn’t know what that meant, but twined himself around the Rider’s legs in an effort to comfort them. I’m sorry, Shoutaro. I wish I could do more to help you. I know how much you loved him...
Shoutaro laughed shortly and bent down to scratch his head. “Thanks, Mikku. You’re a good cat, y’know.”
Of course I do, Mikku said haughtily. I didn’t become a commander of Museum for nothing!
“Still can’t believe they did that, but okay, whatever you say...”
-some years later-
Shoutaro, Mikku meowed pointedly at the detective when he returned from his errands. His master, Philip, was in the Garage already on a research spiral, which meant he was the only one who greeted him at the front door. You might want to deal with that intruder we have.
“What... intruder? Who?” Shoutaro asked.
Mikku lead him to the inner area of the Agency where Shoutaro’s office was, stopping right behind his desk. I saw this guy snooping in your private files and thought to give him some hell for it. 
“What- Oh, not this bastard again,” he groaned, seeing the pink-clad man all scratched up and bloody from being on the business end of Mikku’s paws. “You got him pretty good though, Mikku. Good job.”
Mikku preened at the detective’s praise. I may be an old cat now but I could still fight!
Shoutaro laughed and gave him scritches. “I can’t wait to tell everyone that you beat this fucker up.” He snorted through his snickers, taking out his Stag Phone to snap a few photos for posterity’s sake. 
Mikku meowed happily. No problem, Shoutaro. Anything for you.
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wakanatranslations · 7 months
Tri-Coloured Dango 3rd Anniversary♪ Matsumoto Wakana (23.11.02)
Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉
Thank you very much for your comments😊
To those of you who wrote your thoughts about the 「RED LINE」 MV、thank you very much!!!
It's kinda dark、and cool!😎
My hat、felt like it was going to fall off、so I took it off for the dance shot!
We have various solo parts、and there are parts where we all do the same choreography、but then we do different dances during the bridge、
There are so many things to notice、so I want you to watch the MV lots of times、and I want you to see us perform it live soon!
Watch it loads okay!❤️‍🔥
Today、November 2nd、is the 3rd Anniversary of Tri-Coloured Dango〜!🍡
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It feels like it's flown by。。。
But、I feel like every single day is productive and precious!🥹
I've faced various restrictions、and with joining Angerme、I've had a lot of anxieties、
But over these 3 years、I've been able to have a fun daily life、thanks to the help from the members and our Manager-san、and all of our fans。
Once again really thank you very much!!!
For our 4th year、I'll work hard、so that lots more people come to know about Angerme!
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Please continue to support us from here on too!💚🩷🤍
On Omake Channel、Tri-Coloured Dango did a 3rd Anniversary video!!!
We watched the footage from our audition。。。🫣
Definitely watch it okay〜
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
I'll end today's blog here(๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Apparently my birthday event goods have arrived with you all!
Use them lots okay🥰
See ya!
Matsumoto Wakana
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