#preaching to the choir ikik
sandsofdteam-moved · 2 years
yeah George is right at the end of the thread, giving attention to these kinds of clips constantly is just Not Constructive in any way, shape, or form. I get wanting apologies but people get their undies in a twist over things that were privated or deleted or just flat out old, essentially things people KNOW are bad and have taken the time to distance themselves from. I’ve literally watched dteam change their joke style and become better people in the last 2 years as fans have shown them that the shit they’ve learned from worse gaming spaces in the past are offensive at best and incendiary at worst for those already down the pipeline.
I think it’s stupid for anyone to delude themselves into thinking more shit isn’t going to come out, since the global elite rank we laud George for means he’s sat in 2014 cs:go lobbies for an unfathomable number of hours. If you’d grown up in gaming spaces before that, all those lobbies will do is solidify the shitty rhetoric and attitude more, and the mc pvp scene wasn’t (n honestly still isn’t) that pretty either, which is where we know most of the munchy crew comes from. More shit about them will come out, I’m sure of it, but George and Sap have been at the front lines of seeing Dream be publicly lambasted for every single wrong he’s ever committed, regardless of its actual weight, so they’ve in turn changed too. Nearly every actual controversy the dt have been in and apologized for recently have been for things that are not public because they know they were wrong, and have grown as people from it.
I understand that people are upset and it takes a hot sec to reflect on but the 2010s gaming space was not the comparatively utopian space we have now, even in the minecraft youtube community. The things we see show up about all of them were just things people said. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t defend them from lacking the common sense to not say those things, but the average gamer gave much less of a shit about who they could be hurting when they’re going for maximum damage on an opponent’s psyche to win. If that means throwing around slurs and racism and misogyny no one gaf as long as they won. Unlearning that is difficult, considering how kneejerk of a reaction it is for people (just look at sap’s last ‘aids’ comment and his immediate apology and regret), but dnf who have seemingly distanced themselves from fps lobbies where this is more common have very obviously made conscious changes that show they’re better. (This isn’t to say it’s sap’s fault either, he just happens to like the mechanics of fps games where this behavior is unfortunately still prevalent in the player base)
All these public manhunts do is hurt more people, and the more attention we as a community bring to them the more likely they are to be spread around in bad faith aka hurting dt’s reputation instead of wanting clarification on them being better. I get wanting apologies, I do, but sometimes it’s better to leave things in the past and make a decision for yourself about if you think a content creator has changed. We don’t know them, but imo the things they present publicly nowadays simply don’t reflect the same person in those clips, same goes for someone like Phil who had 10+ year old clips dug up solely to add him to a cancel thread about sbi. The more attention we give to things like this the more frequently they’re likely to get dug up and the more people are going to get hurt from behavior that has changed.
Idk I think the proper mindset is to face the fact they were shitty people in the past, likely including their first few months as content creators under their current names. But their audience has taught them so much and their regard for what they say has changed substantially and for the better, so why drag them back to where they used to be? How can people be encouraged to change their beliefs if the only thing that they receive in exchange is the fact that they were a bad person hung over their head forever? If they’ve truly changed and learned, the guilt is already there. If you decree their actions were too much, leave of your own accord. Putting his foot down was the best possible thing to do in a situation like this, making sure that people are aware there’s more stuff likely out there, but discouraging using someone’s past, which is often deeply buried under privacy measures, to define them.
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