#ppl will think im wierd
drowningincaffiene · 6 months
Snapping a stapler in my family's face and barking is my new auditory zoomies
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dizzybevvie · 6 months
Will i be slaughtered if I say i like kh1 more than kh2 so far
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oh now im thinking about what if charley and crizz reversed roles in absolution, ie. charley dies and its just the doctor and crizz left in the tardis to either keep travelling like always or stop and process or part ways. does the doctor have a similar Shut It Down And Move On reaction? does c'rizz even notice how unhealthy that is? if c'rizz decided to leave what would u even Do with him he has no home in this universe or any...
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space-prophet · 2 years
Rant in tags do not clown
#boom- gay#ok. ill say it. steddie doesnt have any chemistry at all. i legit can not see it. it feels like the newest mash too hot guys together ship.#if you like it thats cool and i hope you have fun with it but what???? they have like q handful of conversations and none of them seem like#'flirting' like everyone in the tag is saying. stg we have to take the word queer bating away from u people bc youll use it anytime a ship#isnt canon that you like. sherlock? queer bating for sure. stranger things??? u have robin but shes wlw so no one cares much beyond#complesionist shipping ronance. the top ships in this fandom (aside from byler which isnt queer bating its queercoding will jesus christ)#are like steveXbilly and steveXeddie aka the hot guys everyone wants to fck for thier own weird gratification. what if it was murry and hop#huh?? two middle aged traditionally unattractive men who had arcs abt being gay? what if it was lucas who came ojt and realized he loved#like idk some random kid at school it kinda feels like the love for solangelo but worse bc stedi not even together and have satisfying arcs#im just tired of shipping culture and the wierd gaze fans have towards hot white boys who they can put in mlm ships. i want ugly gays. i#want a well crafted story like wills where its obvious he's figuring himself out. i dont want steve and eddie to out of nowhere in a time#and place where theyve never even taken time to think over or adress thier sexuality to like make out in a situation#wherw thier main focus is to look after thier very-young-child-friends. it would not be a well crafted or#compelling narritive for anyone. i hate#i hate straight ppl writing in queer ships for fetishistic gazes. you want well written queer rep in stranger things#we have robin and will- will whos arc this season was abt tackling his feelings for mike through body acting and subtlety- smthng#yall cant handle i guess#and robins queerness is adressed this season as well very very openly multiple times. stranger things is not abt queer life but it tries to#be respectfully inclusive. not every show can faithfully and respectfully be heartstopper or ofmd and st has never had that intention.#in fact it needs more diversity in other areas first i think.#anyways if ypu like stedi fr fun thats fine but some ppl have been so fuckin insane abt it that its made u lose your minds!!! i get it i#ship byler and elmax (potential ellumax) but im not expecting them to beome canon bc the show is truing to explore other things at the mome#nt. that is not queer baiting and the duffers are not evil for having a different plan for thier show#idk i only got q few hours of sleep cut me some slack for being ungraceful.#tldr: have fun shipping but dont be like thatTM when you know that youre blowing things out of proportion#sending the duffer brothers fucking threats for queer baiting will make them not want to be inclusive for fear of the tumblrrnas sherlockin#shit up#personal
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catchmewjsn · 2 years
also idk if that's only me and uhh family, and i understand everyone works differently, but is it weird that i don't put all life spendings, bills etc money on a paper and pay like half/half (any other way depending on how many ppl are living together) with my family when I'm living with them? We just go on like this month you pay this and i pay this, you bought groceries? Nice the i will buy next etc, like it's like I'm living with them not waiting impatiently to move out
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thesaintelectric · 1 year
Seafoam and charcoal!
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christinarowie332 · 5 months
i think it’s so ridic how ppl think they’re quitting just bc they deleted their tiktoks ☠️ like u think they’re gonna give up being multimillionaires just bc of some rumors? also respectfully the only other work experience they have is a fucking star market employee. if they really did quit, what do yall think they’re gonna do to make money??? LOL like it’s so funny how sensitive ppl think the triplets r, i promise u they’re not going to stop being celebs just bc of some rumors
thank god u said it bro . in the nicest way possible….. the triplets only have youtube . they got mid grades ….. have had one job and are extremely sheltered……
i’ve been working since i was 14 and i still don’t think i have enough experience. they ain’t quitting , theyre famous and leng , they also keep allmost everything personal from their fans (rightfully so, y’all are wierd) , so of course there’s gonna be dating rumors , even seeing matt smile at a woman would be enough to make dating rumors , BECAUSE of the fact their lives are very private. if matt and chris were the type to be open abt talking stages there would be much less hype about matt and an interaction with a woman .
people just want something to talk about , me included , im currently talking about it now . the difference is i’m not the one spreading false shit over the internet.
the triplets are grown , and very aware of the fact that social media = money . hense the two tours in a year , merch drops every month , nicks snapchat spams (he probably gets paid for that aswell why u think he’s spamming it every week) , three videos a week and minimal posting everywhere else. they know they’re getting paid so ofc they’re not gonna quit , they’re also not gonna go on a break guys ….. nick is constantly talking about consistency, going on a month long break with fuck everything up and they would loose followers and viewers .
relax . this is their job . they’re good at it aswell .
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everyothernamistaken · 3 months
so like the conclusion of my stupidity, tech week has dawned upon me, it fucking sucks and fuckint hell my father woke up just to yell about random shit why does he do this but anyways so they drafted me to do spotlights, ive nwver done a theater thint and i never will again becaude a decent chunk of the ppl there make me quesrion my sanity but basicly i spendlike 6 hours a day in a box in the celing inhailing probably toxic fumes from rhe light wich burns my hands because it was designed by a idior who must have been blind cause you cant aim it and rhe handles are conected to the several hundred degree loghts so that sucjs, also they never trained me they litterslt sent me up and told me to turn nobs till i know what im doing. Concequently, i might ruin a entire musical! Also chucklenuts mcvehicularmanslaughter was for some unholy reason back which is strange because he moved and got dumped by my ex who i apparently was never going out with, but yeah that was weird but then i demolished those theater kids in music trivia. Then this one girl i kicked in the face like a few months ago kept talking to me, i think i saw her taking pictures of me earlier which is weird but she rambles alot and im not sure how to feel about her maybe its morbid curiosity like she is a small bit nuts(most hyperactiver person ive seen recently) but like entertaining to whitness. Also despite havint no freerime i have to write a amicus curae thing for school and i do NOT want to do that. Also the onlything ive eaten in the past like since tursday (5days) is like peanutbuuter jelly sandwiches beef jerky and cheeze its so im eatin good. Also for like the first time in 10 years i had a caffene becayse my mother doesnt buy coffee with cafeene so like idk i drank tea and then wad hyperactive for like 6 hours and nearly punched a compjter because it was slow i couldnt sit still today but then like ibgot really tired durring being in the box and i rhink the fog macheenes and fumes were getting to be because i nearly passed out.also the box was full of dust when we got it bevause like we were the first to go up there in like a year so we spent 2 houra cleaninf it and my eyes were burning. Also yesterday when i was wating by the door up to the box area, some girl walked by me and in like the most depreced way possible said hi to me which was like reallg wierd because like i think i have pissed off peiple i do not know as opposed to mepissing off people i do know
I dont feel good rn i need a nap nap i need to be snug as a bug i am snug as a bug like on god i am cozy rnbut my hair is wet which is hell, ik some people like sleeping with wet hair but they are also insane so idk
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elytrafemme · 2 months
Dear mare,
i feel like its appropriate for me to write in letter format considering. yk. the whole prince thing. but anyway i think its fun! also the reason i have not replied is because im on vacation, forgive pls :p
life is eh, as usual, but at least the gender issues have died down a bit.
i missed you a lot actually, it was really wierd cause i would tell my irl friends abt ppl i met on tumblr, and u were jut a very significant part of that list!
i did want to ask how has ur life been? its been a very tough past few weeks with all the stuff on twtter, so i hope ur taking care!!!
with lots of love,
prince anon
ps : im going to re-read cough syrup just cause i miss being 2 years younger :')
HI PRINCE ANON!! sorry im delayed :3 and no need to apologize as we all can tell i am clearly very bad at responding to things promptly if at all
im glad the gender issues r dying down!!!! i missed u too :( i always talk about my online life with people espec since my college friends are pretty receptive to it but that is super sweet :]
ty for asking i'm doing pretty good! i'm on a good streak of days right now, it's obviously pretty torrential just in my life generally but i've got a bunch of good people in my life and some fun events happening so like. things are good and hopeful
love u lots!!! <333 (thank u so much :') )
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dreamt that i was walking into this target type of building but it was like a similar type of store. i walked in, someone i recognized started yelling their ass fof at me about being late to work and in that dream i realized “wig do i still work here?” and im like oh im on for today? right now? well damn i got my stuff so ill go get changed. and my manager? the person yelling at me huffed and asked me about the “affair”. she was talking about the outfit i was wearing. it was a type of magic that i had crafted to make my outfit look a certain way and it looked like ome of those super silk purple robes that youd see a rich widow wearing.
anyways the position at the store 🏬 was like a regular one except they had me working like lead role in some show that served as like an asvertisement for their company. it was like a full blown show and it was like a pretty good soap opera cuz if you didnt know youd habe no idea it was advertising for the store. so yeah i was the main character???? for some reason... and the main character was like this maid with this super frilly maid outfit kinda like this
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and she was like ome of those characters that stumbled her way thru the story, into and out of problems. sje had good insight sometimes and was good at event planning and liked to run and read mysteries a lot. i guess it was a bit of a mystery soap opera cuz there were a lot of murders and other problems that shed end up solving cuz all the other characters were so caufht up in the surrounding melodrama that the only “mostlybut not really” uninvolved character had the time to think about what was goin on lol.
anyways they paid me for like an entry level position and i had to act out this character for the show on the set and in the store itself. the job overall sucked and like the store too but i kinda liked not habing to wear the stores normal uniform and the maid outfit allowed me to get away with fucking around and doing some other bullshit i absolutely would have not gotten away with otherwise. also i liked working on the show more thhan anything else. it was... fun.... despite eberything else.
anyways at this point i just got stopped at the entrance and havent gotten changed yet. so i make a dash back into the tunnels tha connect to the entrance and stsrt looking for a changeroom. the tunnels are like a swathing sea of people in these subway like tunnels. it was all white like a targets walls would normally be. with thst type of stone or brick thats been painted over. it was nauseating. it shared that same kind of miserable lighting too... anwyays i kept running into various people cuz there was so many around ir was impossible to not do so. and almost ebery single one i ran into kept aski nd me about “the affair”. i didnt bother to keep asking at this point. after feeling like id suffocate and die like this several times i made it to thechange room . which had the same pale white ceiling and walls and insufferable lighting and almost as many people inside as there were outside. but at least the changeroom was incredibly spacious... people still wouldnt stop asking me a bout “the affair” until i managed to erect a barrier of boxes and linen in a corner so i could change in relative peace.
when i changed into my outfit i was no longer at the store. i was already wearing something else and i found myself at some type of gathering at some kind of (ski?)lodge
i remember hurrying to orepare a swimming outfit and some backup outfits for after and while i was doing that i was talking to someone about fortnite? while also preparing for some event
oah yeah it was one of those collective borthday events for people who had birthdays in the same month. far as i remember there were only 3 ppl there whos birthdays were beinf celebrated for that month. it was wierd cuz like after all the prep and setup and everything eberyone is more or less gatheredon one end in this dining hall amidst all thr serving tables full of food... and then my grandmother? (maybe?)start singing happy birthday. she gets like 2 lines out before she interrupts herself to start reciting a speech which felt like a suuuuuuuper uninportant thank you to thr “sponsors” she was reading advertisements. i looked at the guy whose name was mentioned in the first two lines of the song we were singing, miguel, and he was kinda just looking around expectantly. felt bad for him... most of the people who were gathered up before were suddenly no longer in sight cept for a few stragglers. thats what it felt like. the few left behind were just wandering aroujd aimlessly. not even chatting or eating. there were two ppl who was i was talking with on one end of the hall. i said, smth like “this kinda fucking sucks” and this one lady walked up to me and very excitedly agreed and the guy sitting in his chair handed me his phone and showed me his web page. it was pretty cool. it had this really cool pixelized style of colouring using various hues of green and brown that looked really good together. i looked thru his page while talking to both of them and as i did images of this dark builfing with spotlights occasionally hitting it started filling my mind like a vision ior clairvoyance or smth. it was a weird clustered snd complicated buildinf. i wish i remembered enough about how it looked to draw it.
the 3 of us kept talking to eachother and we realized we all got along pretty well so at some point the lady was like “hey why domt we fuck around and make our own birthday celebration since they dont seem interested in starting anytime within our lifetimes lol” and both me and the guy were like yeah thats a great idea. the guy in the chair dodnt really say much very often bur the 3 of us were all on the same page so while the lomg ass speech was s to ll goin on we dragged out a circular table, found a normal sized cake and surrounded it with plates and bowlls of food we were planning on eating. we were practically making new dishes and soups an stuff with all the combinations we were making. once all the food was ready we just interrupted and started singing happy birthday to miguel while the 3 of us held hands round the table. im not sire if he heard us since he was sitting relatively nearby my grandmother(?) who was kinda still droning on...
the 3 of us were having fun and were enjoying our newfound friendship we had forged . i think i woke up around then
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4shfur · 1 year
not really a vent im just talking about stuff so uhh no one feel obligated to look at this im just talking and its probably going to b extremely long and make no sense (because its late)
2022 is over honestly 2023 feels like its out of a dystopian film 😐 not very cool. i wish it was the 2010s anybody remember that? i loved that. stuff is changing a lot and idk if im ready for it. my new year resolution to do more stuff. like hang out with my friends more and do more things. idk about anything else. i want to do better in track but im not sure if i can. all my cousins are in track/cross country but theyre all better than me. my brother's only done cross country once but even hes better than me. its kind of petty to complain about it, idk i also wanna do better in school but i also hate school. its frustrating, i used to be really good at it but now im just average, it feels like. thats dumb to complain about too though because i know people who really struggle with school and im being sad because my brother got a better grade on the sat than me when he was my age. i think im a weirdo but not in a good way (transitioning topics) that sounds dumb but idk im not sure ive been thinking about it lately and i think maybe im actually really unlikeable. this isnt a weird internalized thing i think i might just be super annoying and idk how to fix it. its not on purpose. and idk how to ask my friends if they like me or not because thats super wierd????? and obv theyd say yes right bcs you cant just tell someone you dont like them. and im worriwd i come off as insensitive or pushy to ppl and they secretly hate but like?????? idk i dont ever know bcs i cant tell with people and i really dont mean to i really do like these people. i really dont wanna be that one annoying kid who keeps hanging out with people even though they clearly dont like them, but its not clear, and idk how to tell. also my new years resolution is to be nicer to people. bcs im kinda judgy about people (usually in my head but sometimes i talk mean about people) and i dont want to do that bcs usually im wrong and i dont have the whole picture and i just want to be nicer. (transitjon again) im actually doing better mentally i think, i guess i was just going through that whole "i hate my parents phase" everyone always talks about but i feel like i should be worrying about things more. idk its hard to explain but i wish i was worse. that sounds super fucked up 🤷 but im nostalgic for when i felt terrible all the time and hated myself, i guess. thats as simply as i can put it and idk whats up. i know people who are struggling and i want to help them but i dont know how and i hate that. ik this makes me sound super gross. but who knows. maybe ill get my wish and this year will be terrible or something. 21 days till for the future comes out though ✌️✌️✌️
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seraphsfire · 2 years
strange new worlds spoilersssss im sorryyyyyyy lol
man strange new worlds season finale is ??????? 
i didn’t know where they were trying to go with it. why are they redoing a tos episode? why was the message basically ‘welp that kid will also die but the important thing is that spock doesn’t die! like WHAT are you doing chris. The conclusion was inevitable but the way they framed pike viewing it was SO wierd.  
why didn’t they wrap up any of the loose ends from the season or give a teaser about what they were going to explore more instead of having an entire episode about pike just deciding his fate? it was super drawn out for what seemed like something he’d change his mind on quickly when confronted with the consequences. Even 20 mins would have given them plenty of time to explore that while still leaving a decent amount of time to talk about other stuff. 
also idk who that guy is but he’s not kirk. I’ve always had criticisms about tos kirk, but this guy doesn’t have any of the charm and almost like... sensuality??? that sh*tner had (even tho that old man makes me so annoyed lol) 
i think the point of willy was that he *didn’t* look like a typical leading man so casting a guy with CW Face (TM) is kind of contrary to the whole vibe.  they also didn’t try to make him look anything like kirk which. What? why does he have dark brown hair? if they were going to cast a guy that looked the exact opposite of sh*tner why didn’t they at least fix the hair color, they did with everybody else playing characters from tos? I’d argue that other than pike and spock his appearance is more important to get closer to the TOS cast than like chapel who aren’t main tos characters.
idk this guy was like a less charming and more bland version of pike kind of? There wasn’t any smirking, no sparkle in this guy’s eyes, idk if he was just badly directed or badly cast or isn’t a good actor or maybe all of the three. he had No Chemistry with spock at all. I’m not even talking (b)romance just like. Any kind of interest in each other?
im glad if other ppl liked it i just couldn’t really enjoy it and there were some parts i liked but overall i just didn’t like it and seeing spock Like That hurt me so bad. chris didn’t even give spock a hug at the end after All That :(
all in all tho even if it was imo the only stinker (for me personally) in the season that’s Still nine pretty cool episodes. 
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godeepernexttimebae · 11 months
a sad story from a loose loser
my bowles his last words ik he died loose that fart really did something to him honestly the best way to blow out we see ppl all the time dying of hear issues fourhead reduction surgery wearing brass jewellery and using q tips but bro their last words would be like "go deeper" "god this brass jewellery is so good" "my fourhead i finally wont get bullied for it" but my bowls just fart different and honestly i would say it was genetic but im not sure of his chemical compound yet (he has so much glucose in his bood) i think it was from ass the shit stained oak wood chairs from his kitchen his mum thought she was the one sleep riding all the chairs but i think it was bowls beast,
i called with his mum the other day she said the hcairs are stained red and form a pentagram aswell as a demonic conjouration wich is like wierd felx but ok how did u do that babe (i am married to his mom she only dose anal and only lets me use my pinkie finger bc it reminds her of her ex gfs clit)for all my life i wanted to do demonic summonings but i can only summon elmo aswell as elf in a thong from that one movie its a struggle being scitzophrenic and extremely fat pff pray for me i hear ur callings and i always get a hard from them bae
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torchiiko · 1 year
i domt like that tumblr gibes u notifications for posts you rb Without comment mostly bc im worried abt shwoing up in notifs a lot
like. sorry 4 liking n rbing a lot of the things u rb i just think u jave good taste in posts n i love the themes of whimsy and zest 4 life... Which iz also a complemtn id likd 2 give but it seems weird. i can t be weird 2 ppl who dont already know im wierd so instead theres a list of odd kind of compliemnts in my head that i will never say bc i dont wanna be too weird
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citrusbunnies · 1 year
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I posted 2,868 times in 2022
That's 2,868 more posts than 2021!
48 posts created (2%)
2,820 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 480 of my posts in 2022
#world of warcraft - 70 posts
#warcraft - 42 posts
#skyrim - 38 posts
#overwatch - 23 posts
#dragonflight - 23 posts
#wrathion - 22 posts
#the elder scrolls - 20 posts
#tes - 18 posts
#goncharov - 17 posts
#sabellian - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#tbh idk how theydve done that in game format but that just goes into my opinion that while i adore this game and the replayability
My Top Posts in 2022:
all the tes games start with the player in prison because godd howard knows us well and knows what wierd shit yall mod in
3 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
why is a good part of wow fics just porn i dont want to read porn i want more fics like of a feather by mysdrym yes this is me staring directly at you and telling you to read my favorite fic please it deserves so much love
4 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
luz get therapy challenge (impossible)
oh no luz thats a mood
this is some detective shit luz
find a phone, saving kids from being lost and me from not being able to find my phone
well thats horrifying
IS HUNTER DEAD????????????
See the full post
14 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
how do yall keep finding these rad skyrim mods im on se but not anniversary edition i tried to find auri on the mods menu in there i dont see her ive got lucien and inigo but kaidan isnt to my personal taste as a follower and i keep seeing people with these super cool graphics and the coolest armor but im a modding noob and dont even know where to start looking for good mods esp ones that arent viruses dont crash my game and i like TwT
27 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
aaaaaaa @mysdrym ty ty ty for the tag!!! tag 10 ppl you want to know more abt!!
relationship status: single TwT
fave color: green!!!
3 fave foods: mac and cheese casserole, chicken cutlets, peach cobbler!
song stuck in my head: nothing rn actually but most recent was invincible yeah the one from wow to absolutely no ones suprise
last song i listened to: w.i t.c.h. by devon cole
last thing i googled: how to do the round er up quest from wotlk
time: 8:46
dream trip: hmmmm probably ireland ive heard its gorgeous
anything i want: a break TwT taking an ap class was a mistake lmao @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @bigb-divorce-speedrun @bucket-of-amethyst @chaotic-archaeologist @dark-lady-sylvanas @esperanta-dragon @evilwizard @floweroflaurelin @jaakkola @medivhthecorrupted
29 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
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cafffine · 2 years
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