#poultry farms for sale
growchick · 1 year
New Poultry Farming Methods For Poultry Farm For Sale
Poultry farming is defined as “raising different types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs, and feather production." Chickens are the most popular and frequently farmed poultry species. Every year, around 5 billion chickens are grown for food.
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 However, the poultry business requires proper methods and planning. If you want to start poultry farming on your poultry farm for sale, then these methods will be helpful for you.
 In this blog, we will discuss some of the latest poultry farming methods that can help you grow your business.
1.    Free-range farming
Giving poultry birds the freedom to walk around outside for a specified amount of time each day is known as "free-range poultry farming.” With this farming technique for poultry farms for sale, birds are kept indoors at night to protect them from predators and bad weather.
Typically, poultry birds are allowed to roam freely all day long. They may have lived outside the home for half of their lives.
For this type of farming, you must choose a suitable poultry farm for sale with the necessary drainage system, ventilation, protection from prevailing winds, protection from all kinds of predators, and that is not overly cold, hot, or moist.
For poultry birds, extreme cold, heat, and wetness are particularly damaging, which lowers their productivity. In comparison to cage and barn systems, it uses less feed.
2.    Organic method
The organic layer poultry rearing system is also one type of free-range farming system. In free-range farming, many poultry are raised together. In organic farming, particular poultry species are grown in small groups with low stocking densities.
A few limitations of the organic laying method include the systematic use of synthetic yolk colorants, water, feed, pharmaceuticals, and other feed additives, as well as smaller group sizes with low stocking density.The producer should keep at most 1000 chickens per year and at most 2000 chickens per residence.
3.    Yarding method
Small farmers frequently utilize this technique. In this technique, cows and chicks are grown side by side. The farmers build a fence in their yard and confine the cattle and chickens there.
4.    Battery cage method
Interestingly, it is one of the most prevalent methods used in many countries. In this method, small metal cages are utilized. Every cage can accommodate about 3 to 8 hens.
Typically, the cages have slanted wire mesh floors that allow the feces to fall through and mesh or solid metal walls. All the eggs are collected on the egg-collecting conveyor belt of the cage when the hens lay eggs.
The water is provided to the hens using overhead nipple devices, and food is provided in front of them by a long, bisected metal or plastic pipe. Long lines of cages are stacked on top of one another. There may be multiple floors in a single shade that can house hundreds or perhaps thousands of hens.
Grow Chicks offers poultry farms for sale, which will help you start your poultry farming business today. Visit our official website to learn more about farms.
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vomitdodger · 8 days
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I’m thinking the locals will buy a shit ton of those birds up quick. Quick sell off. Likely “on sale”. Save the owners and consumers both some money spent or lost.
Unless the feds “intervene”. And let’s be honest…if they haven’t stepped in to prevent this type of transaction somehow…they will.
Also curious if the farms get compensated by insurance or the feds. Anyone got ideas how that works? During Covid they compensated at 80%. So barely anything.
Article citing total compensation for bird culling, but not at the rate of compensation. Some other incentives are listed in other articles but surely it’s not at full compensation when all things are considered. So doesn’t mean that much. Other than it’s all taxpayer funded. Hey let’s print more money!
But all that is aside from intentional destruction of the food supply.
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dwellordream · 3 months
“The Great Depression reached into every corner of the country, but it did not affect all people equally. For many middle-class women of all races, the depression required certain changes in spending patterns: buying cheaper cuts of meat, feeding the homeless men who stopped at the back door, and doing without new clothes. Some of these women continued to do community volunteer work, raising money for the unemployed. They saw the food lines, but they did not have to join them.
Among women workers, race played an important role. The fierce competition for jobs fueled racial resentments. Mexican-American and African-American women were the first to lose their jobs and the last to get relief from welfare agencies. Often, they were already living on the margin of survival. Before 1933, when the Prohibition amendment making the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages illegal was repealed, many of these women turned to bootlegging, making their own beer or liquor and selling it.
…Even relatively prosperous farm women--owners, not tenants--in general produced as much as 70 percent of what their families consumed in clothing, toys, and food. They not only gardened but raised poultry. During the depression, women increased the size of their gardens and the number of their hens. They made more butter from their dairy cows and sold it. They cut up the sacks that held large amounts of flour and sewed them into underwear. In the previous decade, they had proudly begun to participate in a culture of store-bought goods. Now they began to can food again. Government agents dragged huge canning kettles across the mountains of northern New Mexico and eastern Tennessee so that women in remote farming villages could preserve their food.
Even with all this work, rural children suffered from malnutrition, and rural women faced childbirth without a doctor or midwife because they could afford neither the medical fees nor the gasoline for transportation. The women resented their declining standards of living, particularly those from better-off farm families who owned their own farms and had, during the 1920s, aspired to participate in the new domestic technology of indoor bath-rooms, modern stoves and heating, and super cleanliness.
…In 1936, a federal appeals court overruled an earlier law that had classified birth control information as obscene and thus illegal to dispense. That decision still left state laws intact, however. The number of birth control clinics nationwide rose from 55 in 1930 to 300 by 1938, but in some states and in many rural areas women still had no access to birth control. In 1937, North Carolina became the first state to provide contraceptives with tax dollar, and six others soon followed. Ironically, North Carolina’s reasoning was not that birth control was a human right but that birth control would reduce the black population.
Despite statistics showing that black women had fewer babies than white women with similar incomes and living situations, many white southern officials in states with large black populations feared a black population explosion. In 1939, the Birth Control Federation of American responded to eager southern state governments by developing “The Negro Project,” a program to disseminate birth control information, which they carefully staffed with local black community leaders. Whatever the logic, one quarter of all women in the United States in their 20s during the depression never bore children. This was the highest rate of childlessness for any decade. Many people simply decided not to get married, and marriage rates fell.
…In the mass media women seemed to be receiving mixed messages. On the one hand, in 1930, the Ladies’ Home Journal featured a former career woman confessing, “I know now without any hesitation… that [my husband’s job] must come first.” In 1931, the popular magazine Outlook and Independent quoted the dean of Barnard College, a women’s college in New York City, telling her students that “perhaps the greatest service that you can render to the community… is to have the courage to refuse to work for gain.” And on its front page in 1935, the New York Times reported that women “suffering from masculine psychological states” and an “aversion to marriage” were being “cured” by the removal of their adrenal gland. In this atmosphere, not only were women workers under fire, but women who centered their lives on women rather than on men came under attack. Lesbianism was no longer chic. Lesbian bars almost disappeared. Homosexuality was now seen by many people as just one more threat to the family.
On the other hand, movie houses showed zany screwball comedies with more complicated lessons. Often deliciously ditsy, incompetent women were rescued by sensible, capable men. Yet, the men in these movies were frequently portrayed as bumbling or slower-witted than the women. Sometimes the men were people who needed joy and whimsy restored to their lives, not an unexpected theme for a nation in the throes of an economic depression. In other movies, however, women were by no means incompetent. The women portrayed by Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, and Joan Crawford in the 1930s were often intelligent but needed men alternately to tame and to soften them.”
- Sarah Jane Deutsch, “Making Do with Disaster.” in From Ballots to Breadlines: American Women, 1920-1940
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evergreen-dryad · 3 months
Put in the language and form of a fable, it makes this tale immensely readable and accessible. What seems like a comfy tale of the English countryside and a farm and its animals with cute names like 'Bluebell' and 'Clover' quickly devolves from slight inequality (when the pigs keep the milk and apples for themselves, reasoning 'oh, they are the brain workers of the farm') to betrayal and the horror of a totalitarian government, once again replicating what came before the animals rebelled against men.
It's good this tale was told simply and clearly so no fancy word could be used to twist round it, like Squealer did as the propaganda. It's also a small thin book of 100+ pages. Plot felt very quick, true economy of word usage here. Characters are super memorable, each one distinct, and when there isn't a distinct one it's a mass of them. It's essentially post-war non-fiction dressed as fairytale, with no jargon, and it's described almost objectively? So there's no question of bias.
heart broke for boxer. no other words
when the sheep bleated 'four legs good, two legs bad' (the simplification of the motto) I kept dreading that this would one day be used against the poultry as discrimination. Oh nooo. It twisted to 'two legs better', reversing back horrifically to when they were still under men
I thought, Good for Mollie for escaping early when she did, she knew what she wanted and it was to live in the luxury she was used to. Even if that's depicted as a coward.
Squealer is good at what he does, and in turn describes how the media works, chillingly. 'Now when Squealer described the scene so graphically, it seemed to the animals that they did remember it.' I myself had to reread again just to make sure what exactly had happened. The animals didn't have the luxury of a reread.
it hurt to see the pigs keep twisting things around from a loss to a victory, a death to a celebration, a sale to constant enemies' persecution, etc. And of course, the changing of the commandments, the ideals which they had all worked for, to suit only themselves as the exception. The Constant Distraction of Events
i also thought it was good orwell had both insisted on no royalties for translations for countries too poor, and himself paid for Russian editions [APPENDIX II - preface to Ukrainian edition]
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Chicken sales have benefited from the relentless propaganda war against red meat, as a result of which, some consumers have been persuaded on the basis of selective and misrepresented data, that chicken is a better choice for planetary, animal and personal health. “I don’t eat red meat, but I do eat chicken sometimes.” How often have you heard that said? Superficially, that stance might seem enlightened, but the reality is that in this country, UK or EU reared red meat from truly sustainable, pasture-based systems will almost always be a more genuinely progressive choice than chicken. UK-reared beef, lamb, goat and venison is produced more extensively than chicken (and pork, for that matter). Sheep, cattle and other ruminants are rarely raised exclusively indoors in Britain. Farmed deer are still in the field for the best part of their lives. These animals live on a diet of mainly pasture and forage, making use of land that is often unsuitable for growing other crops. They can flourish eating grass, herbs and shrubs, effectively transforming sunlight, rainwater and soil nutrients into some of the most nutrient rich foods available to us. While many UK-reared cattle are now finished on a diet that includes some cereals, they typically spend the greater part of their lives grazing outside, and for people seeking the most sustainable meat option, produce from 100% grass-fed animals is available. The more cereals that are fed to an animal, the less resource efficient its milk or meat is. This is because productive arable farmland, that could be used for growing food to be fed directly to people, is used for growing lower grade livestock cereals, from which only 17-30% of calories are returned for human consumption as meat or milk. Alternatively, the cereals used for animal feed may be grown in other regions of the world and shipped vast distances – which brings us back to chicken. We eat a billion chickens each year in these isles, and they do not lead remotely content or natural lives. Almost all (95%) are from fast-growing breeds, intensively reared in vast, tightly packed, indoor facilities and they are slaughtered at as little as 28 days. While chickens are a relatively small bird, their environmental footprint is significant. The Soil Association’s report, Peak Poultry, details that roughly three million tonnes of soya are imported into the UK each year, and most of it is bought by chicken producers to fatten chickens. Typically, this soya comes from Latin America, a crop that contributes to deforestation and pesticide use in biologically important areas, such as the Amazon and Cerrado. There are at least 1,000 intensive poultry units throughout the UK. This marks an increase of more than 30% in the past decade as chicken has been marketed as a more compassionate, healthy and ecological alternative to red meat. Given the complexity of the debate, it’s no wonder that so many of us accept that chicken is a more ethical choice. Put chicken on the menu, whether that’s in school dinner halls or restaurants, and you are likely to invite fewer religious objections, while ‘flexitarians’, and those who describe themselves as ‘plant-based’ eaters will view it as ‘the least bad’ of the possible meat options.
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mariacallous · 3 months
THROWING KYIV UNDER THE TRACTOR: In a major cave-in to Europe’s farming lobby, EU countries overnight agreed to impose restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural sales, dealing a significant blow to its exports.
Less revenue for Kyiv: This retreat ahead of this week’s EU leaders’ summit (for which farmers are descending on Brussels again) paves the way for a deal with the European Parliament today to partly roll back Kyiv’s trade benefits, officials and diplomats told Playbook. That’s expected to result in a revenue loss of more than €1 billion a year for the war-struck country.
Masks off: At last night’s meeting of the 27 government envoys, France came out in support of Poland, asking for a limit on imports of Ukrainian poultry, eggs, sugar and wheat, according to two people briefed on the discussion.
Strategic yogurt, revisited: Just as Macron stressed France’s no-holds-barred support for Ukraine, the pitchfork-wielding farmers have blown a hole into his “whatever it takes” soufflé.
Signal to Russia: Vladimir Putin can rely on European agri-food groups to do his lobbying for him. Russia’s full supermarket shelves — heaving with EU products — have been one of the regime’s go-to arguments to show Russia is winning the war.
Contradictory policy: This isn’t the first time the EU bowed to its agri sector when it comes to Russia’s war on Ukraine. While Russian-flagged ships are banned from EU ports, there’s an exemption for those carrying Russian fertilizers and pesticides. In previous decisions, the EU also rolled back asset freezes against Russian oligarchs involved in the agri-food trade.
The argument, back then, was that tougher restrictions on Russian fertilizers would lead to higher food prices in Europe. But that’s exactly what restrictions on imports from Ukraine will also do.
HAPPENING TODAY: The Belgian Council presidency and MEPs will meet this evening for negotiations on the new restrictions. Parliament has also asked for a lower ceiling at which the restrictions will kick in, as my colleagues Camille Gijs and Bartosz Brzeziński report in this must-read.
WINNERS AND LOSERS: Take a moment to appreciate the farming lobby’s political feat. Sky-high energy prices, a narrowly averted winter heating crisis, an influx of millions of refugees and Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling didn’t undermine EU will to support Ukraine — but farmers successfully convinced leaders to U-turn on policies aimed at supporting Kyiv’s income.
Winners: EU agricultural groups, who get to have their cake and eat it. After a host of measures meant to lower their production costs (such as derogations from environmental rules and the reintroduction of fossil fuel subsidies), they will now get measures to shield them from competition and increase their sales prices.
Also a winner: Russia. Today’s decision doesn’t just mean a revenue loss for Ukraine; it proves that EU leaders’ support for Ukraine caves under interest group pressure.
Losers: Ukrainian farmers, who look set to forgo some €1.2 billion a year in sales to the EU. And European consumers, who will get even less supply and choice, which could again drive up food price inflation.
BLAME IT ON THE ELECTION YEAR: Asked why they caved in, senior officials blamed their leaders’ fear that the farmers’ protests could fuel new populist parties, such as the BBB in the Netherlands.
But there are other ways to placate them: As some EU officials stressed, countries could help the majority of farmers simply by distributing subsidies more fairly. Some 80 percent of the EU’s direct farm subsidies go to the 20 percent biggest farms, according to the Commission.
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xfpoultryequipment · 5 months
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Henan Xinfeng Animal Husbandry Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Xiping County, Zhumadian City of Henan Province. Since the company’s establishment in 2015, Xinfeng staff have always been dedicated to the research & development, design, production, sales and installation of poultry breeding equipment, also has been continuously introducing advanced European breeding concept and new technology into the new equipment. The main products include automatic chicken cage, automatic duck equipment, automatic quail equipment, automatic rabbit equipment, organic fertilizer production line equipment and steel structure buildings. With excellent screen production equipment, strong technical force, scientific technology and excellent quality control system, we have established the strategic cooperative relationship with some renowned international enterprises in Germany, France, the Netherlands and South Korea, and have sold the products to more than 50 countries around the world. The company staff adhere to the principle of "No failure" and takes "perfect service and best price" as the direction to build a national standardized livestock and poultry breeding farm.
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Brazilian poultry sales to Arabs expected to grow in 2023
Brazilian meat lobby ABPA forecasts a slight growth in the country’s output this year and a decrease in the results of global competitors. No cases of avian influenza have been detected on commercial farms in Brazil.
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Brazilian poultry exports to the Arab countries and the halal market are expected to grow this year. So said meat lobby ABPA on Wednesday (16) presenting its projections for this year, and the reason is a decrease in output and exports of Brazil’s leading competitors, particularly Turkey. Turkish exports reached 297,000 tonnes from January to June last year but fell to 200,000 year to date through June. Turkey is a supplier to the Arab countries. In South America, Chile has also posted a decrease in exports.
Due to this decrease, the head of ABPA, Ricardo Santin, expects sales to Arab countries to increase. “The halal market posted very good results. We believe Iraq and Iran (which is not Arab) will dramatically increase this year due to the absence of Turkey. When I see Turkey losing nearly 90,000 in seven months of exports, it indicates that a market is not receiving goods from Turkey. So we see room to grow in countries like the United Arab Emirates. But it’s still strong,” said Santin. According to ABPA data, poultry exports to Iraq hiked 218.7% year to date through July compared to the same period last year, to 98,000 tonnes.
ABPA estimates indicate Brazil could produce between 14.8 million and 14.95 million tonnes of poultry this year, an increase of up to 3% over 2022, and export between 5.1 million and 5.2 million tonnes, with an expansion of 8% from last year. The projection is for monthly exports at 437,000 tonnes, on average.
Continue reading.
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Organic Acid Market Potential Growth, Share, Demand And Analysis Of Key Players- Analysis Forecasts To 2032
In 2022, it is anticipated that the organic acids market will reach US$ 11.3 billion. The market for organic acid is expected to reach US$ 18.8 Bn by 2032, growing at a constant CAGR of 5.3% throughout the projected period.
Market prospects are anticipated to be favorable due to the expanding use of organic acids in the food and beverage industry. In addition, during the course of the projection period, there will be chances for market expansion due to the rising demand for organic acid alternatives.
These acids have multiple applications in animal feed industry to inhibit bacterial growth and provide hosts with nutritional content. They are used in cosmetics to get rid of dead cells and nourish skin. Owing to these factors, demand for organic acids is expected to rise in the forthcoming years.
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Consumers are adopting a healthy lifestyle and are conscious about the intake of any products that contain chemical ingredients which be harsh on their skin or cause any side effects because of daily consumption.
Consumer preference for brands that are offering organic products without harmful chemical additives is expected to influence the demand for organic acids. To fulfil rising consumer demand for natural products, manufacturers are developing technologies and clean label products that do not cause any harm to environment and human health.
Asia Pacific is expected to witness surge in demand for organic acids due to less stringent policies. North America is expected to be the hub for manufacturing and export of different organic acids due to easy availability of infrastructure and technical know-how.
“Growing preference for clean label products across the food & beverage sector, coupled with increasing incorporation of organic acids in animal feed will steer growth in the market over the forecast period,” says an FMI analyst. 
Key Takeaways:
The     organic acid market is expected to grow at CAGR of 5.2% and 4.2% in North     America and the Latin America, respectively, through 2032.
Asia     Pacific is expected to account for 30% of the total organic acid market     share share.
The     Europe organic acid market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 4.5 Bn     over the forecast period.
Total     sales in the U.S. organic acids market will reach a valuation of US$ 2.1     Bn in 2022.
The     India organic acid market valuation will total US$ 1.07 Bn in 2022.
By     application, sales in the poultry and farming segment are projected to     account for 30% of the total market share.
Based     on product type, demand for citric acid will continue gaining traction.
Competitive Landscape
Key organic acid manufacturers are focusing on research & development to offer various products with no chemical additives. Key players are collaborating and developing new products to penetrate untapped markets. For instance:
Eastman     Chemical Company announced the acquisition of 3F Feed & Food, a     European pioneer in the commercial and technical producer of livestock     feed and human food additives. 3F’s operations and assets, which are based     in Spain, will improve and support Eastman’s animal nutrition industry’s     sustained future demand and will be integrated into the company’s     Additives & Functional Products division.
Explore More Valuable Insights
Future Market Insights, in its new report, offers an impartial analysis of the global reduced fat butter market, presenting historical data (2017-2021) and estimation statistics for the forecast period of 2022-2032.
The study offers compelling insights based on  Product Type (Lactic Acid, Formic Acid,  Acetic Acid, Citric Acid,  Propionic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Gluconic Acid, Fumaric Acid), Application (Poultry and Farming, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial, Food & Beverages)Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Oceania, MEA).
Frequently Asked Questions
How     much is the global organic acid market worth?
What     is the demand outlook forecast for the organic acid market?
At     what rate did the demand for organic acid grow between 2027 to 2021?
At     what rate will organic acid demand grow in Europe?
What     is the North America organic acid market outlook?
Empower your business strategy with our comprehensive report on the organic acid market@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/global-organic-acids-market
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growchick · 1 year
Get the Best Deals on Poultry Farms in Fruitland, MD - Start Buying Now!
Are you searching for the perfect poultry farm in Fruitland, MD? Our experienced professionals will guide you through buying a profitable and successful poultry farm. We have many properties available and will help you find the right one to fit your needs.
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theadventureproject · 2 years
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Mercy never planned to become a farmer. During high school, she dreamed of going to college and getting a professional job. But, she couldn't afford tuition.
At 19, she married her husband, Robert, and soon settled down to raise their four children in Bomet, Kenya.
She planted a small plot of corn to help make ends meet. Unfortunately, her husband’s small business was not enough to cover their needs. And with little rain, her corn barely grew.
Mercy persisted, planting kale on a small piece of land in the backyard. Without irrigation, she would carry heavy buckets of water to and fro, trying her best to make it all work. It was excruciating labor.
‍“It was hard work carrying the jerry cans since my water source is a bit far and uphill. I used to get muscle aches all the time, especially when I combined irrigating the farm with other heavy house chores.”
‍Then, she received an irrigation pump.Mercy quickly planted beans and cabbage. Borrowing pipes from a neighbor, she was able to connect the pump to a distant water source.
‍From her first sale of cabbage, she earned a whopping 50,000 Kenyan shillings (worth nearly $500 USD).
‍Keep in mind, that most rural farmers in Kenya earn $150 USD in an ENTIRE YEAR. She did all this in one harvest.
She took 30,000 KS and invested in a poultry business, which she says is doing well.
‍"I did not know there were pumps that small farmers like me could use and irrigate. For me, only big farms did irrigation with enormous machines. The few people I had seen irrigate around here were just using buckets."
‍‍Mercy wanted to ensure you knew how grateful she is for the irrigation pump and training. And share that her children no longer help on her farm. Now, her extra income is keeping them in school. She said, "Now, they can focus on their studies."
Mercy is not an outlier. She's one of the thousands of farmers who have increased their harvest by 400% with access to an affordable irrigation pump, designed for farmers like her.
Thank you so much for seeing her potential. And giving thousands of people like her, a pathway out of poverty. We are so grateful you are part of our community.
This July we're rallying our community to respond to the urgent food crisis affecting millions of people in the Horn of Africa.
Just $10 will help a farmer feed one person in Kenya. We would love your help!
To help more farmers, like Mercy, please join our Hunger Campaign here: www.theadventureproject.org/hunger
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book-my-crop · 2 years
How Agri-Tech is Transforming the Agriculture Sector?
As a result of the proliferation of online agritech companies in India, India's agricultural sector is undergoing profound change and development. The future of agriculture in India has the potential in the burgeoning agri-tech sector, which is expected to generate $24 billion in revenue by 2025. 
Currently in India, the agricultural sector is experiencing a transformation. Indian agriculture has gone a long way from its early days of merely guaranteeing the nation's food security to its current position as one of the world's top producers. With 58% of the people engaged in agricultural activities, India is still primarily an agrarian economy. Currently, the agricultural sector and related businesses account for roughly 17–18% of GDP. Agriculture and related businesses have tremendous room for expansion. 
The term "agri-tech" has become the latest fad in India's agricultural industry. Inc42 reports that there are one thousand agri-tech startups in India as of 2020 and that these businesses have raised over $400 million in funding between 2014 and 2020. Similar studies estimate that by 2025, India's agri-tech sector might generate $24 billion in sales. There is just approximately 1% of agri-tech penetration in India at the moment. This means there is a tremendous amount of room for growth and potential in the market. There is a new era dawning in Indian agriculture, and it is being ushered in by the agri-tech startups and direct-to-consumer enterprises operating in this market. It will also play an important part in modernising agriculture and ensuring food security for India's projected 1.6 billion people by 2050.
The Agri-Tech Boom:
The term "agri-tech" refers to the intersection between agriculture and technology. It is the practice of incorporating new methods and tools into farming in order to boost output, quality, efficiency, and return on investment. Recent innovations in robots, big data, artificial intelligence, and other techniques have propelled the agri-tech revolution. The Indian agri-tech business is thriving, addressing the country's agriculture sector's innumerable needs, issues, and concerns. Animal husbandry, cattle management, poultry farming, and dairy farming are all areas where online agritech companies in India are addressing challenges. 
Financial difficulties, difficulties in the supply chain, difficulties in farming under extreme weather, and gaps in supply and demand are all being addressed through innovations in the sector. Today's agriculture ecosystem startups are using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), big data (big data analytics), and blockchain to address market inefficiencies, thereby transforming the industry and improving farmers' bottom lines.
When it comes to agriculture, how exactly is agri-tech changing the game in India?
There has been a technological breakthrough in Indian agriculture. The agri-tech industry is reshaping India's agricultural landscape with the help of a variety of innovative technology. 
Market connections, farm inputs, precision farming, Farming-as-a-service, as well as financial services are just some of the sub-sectors that may be found among agri-tech startups. In the sections that follow, we'll examine how each of these industries is shaking up the home front in modern times.
-     Market Connections:
By connecting farmers with buyers and sellers directly, startups in this space are increasing farmers' income. This explains why farmers in India are embracing market connection solutions so enthusiastically. Book My Crop an excellent online agriculture store in India, is a distinct platform that brings farmers and buyers together for the agro-trade.
-     Farm inputs:
Here, a variety of data elements are assisting farmers in increasing their production and productivity. Smart farming sensors enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) are assisting farmers in collecting temperature, data on soil quality, ammonia content, humidity, etc. It can help them keep tabs on the soil in real-time by measuring and reporting on factors like temperature, moisture, soil pH, electric conductivity, as well as the content of organic matter. Monitoring the types of microenvironments available to cattle is also helpful in the animal husbandry sector.
-     Precision farming:
Historically, India's agricultural output has lagged behind international standards due to its subpar agricultural methods. Precision farming, though, is altering the landscape completely. Precision farming is a method of farming that employs novel strategies and cutting-edge technologies, such as the study of topography and weather forecasts and the use of automated irrigation systems. Using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors or geospatial technologies and combining analytics to deliver timely insights, supplies farmers with farm-specific data regarding soil, the ever-changing weather conditions, terrain, pests, etc. It aids in the management of farming systems, frequently in real-time, and contributes to making farming more systematic as well as scientific.
-     Farming-as-a-Service:
Among the many options provided by farming as a service are the rental of machinery on demand, pesticide spraying, as well as field levelling. Pay-as-you-use or subscription-based access to cutting-edge, enterprise-level technology used in agriculture and adjacent industries. Some answers are tech-driven breakthroughs, while others are just reimagining old methods in a more systematic and effective way.
-     Financial services:
For decades, Indian farmers' access to capital has been a major issue. The online agri market faces a number of challenges, and new agri-tech businesses are working to solve them. Technology advancements in secure banking systems, micropayments, real-time market prices, mobile banking, as well as remote monitoring are all being put to use to improve the efficiency, safety, and dependability of financial service solutions provided to farmers.
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lokalybusinessapp · 9 hours
How to Launch Your Meat Delivery Business in 2024?
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Health-conscious food connoisseurs, protein progressives, convenience-chasers, food adventurers, and meat lovers are dominant patrons of the meat business industry. The Fish and Meat Delivery App is a go-to choice for each player and creates mass market appeal to meet the needs and requirements. In 2023, U.S. Meat Department sales bounced to more than $122 billion, which is 0.7 more compared to the previous year.
Statista says the meat industry expects a massive $1.3 trillion growth by 2027. This translates to a huge opportunity for growth and capturing the market. However, the consumers are more peculiar and erratic. Before a melt-in-your-mouth bite of prime steak or seasoned pork, they are more fervent for the right cut of meat and portion.
To gain momentum and catch the train, you need a coherent multidimensional strategy to map out your path to success. A Fish and Meat Delivery App plays a pivotal role in grabbing all this by providing:
Reach a wider customer base globally or in a targeted location in every nook and cranny.
Products catering to different clientele flavours and taste
Proportional cuts of meat or poultry
Products related like marinades or ready-to-cook items
Quality Assurance
Easy ordering and payment options
Time and reliable delivery
Transparency from farm feedlots to plates
Customization Options
Personalized services
Special Offers and Discounts
Information related to products ( Nutritional composition, sourcing details, cooking tips, recipes and more)
By integrating and leveraging features, you can meet the market’s evolving needs and ensure staying ahead in the growing meat industry.
If you are ready to dive in with some flavour of personalization, some tastes of technology and obsession with success, it’s time to get started with Meat Delivery App Development.
How to Launch a Meat Delivery Business in 2024?
A meat delivery business is a lucrative venture that can open up opportunities. However, this recipe turns out its flavour when it is carefully planned from scratch to final results. To start building your app, you could consider the following factors:
Choose your niche
Before diving into a huge market, go through the nuances of everything. Identify the type of meat product you want to sell. Is your business an offline butcher store that you want to leverage online? Or do you want to specialize in a certain product? Or do you want to cater particular services?
Identifying your niche helps you outline goals, marketing strategies, operational costs, revenue projections and more. A blueprint of your plan helps you navigate towards your goals.
Chalk out which models fit your business needs — Meat Delivery Aggregator, Apps for meat outlets/chains, subscription-based plans or White label meat delivery apps.
Solid Business Plan
Once you know the basic checklist, it’s time to start crafting a plan. A plan would underline goals, target market, potential challenges, segmentations, audiences, challenges and complexities triggering along the way.
In a nutshell, the business plan should include a summary of the mission statement, products and services offered, ideas, tactics, strategies and innovative ideas to be integrated. It should also underline the overall costs and financial resources needed.
Similarly, market research plays a significant role in the overarching strategy. If your target market strongly prefers beef over pork, as seen in Houston, then what’s the advantage of selling hats to bald eagles?
In addition to these key elements, organizing the operation structure, having a partner that helps out in Meat Delivery App Development, roles and responsibilities, delivery logistics, and much more are needed to scribble.
Features to Consider
The end goal of the app is to provide convenience and services to customers when ordering their favourite foods without meeting any obstacles at every turn. As a result, it’s imperative to build an app that hits the right features and functionalities delivered to customers.
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Hiring the right Meat App Delivery Development partner can give you a proper, concise structure of costs, trends, features, functionalities, tech and much more. Remember, this is for online purposes; if you want to be an offline vendor, there are certain vital steps to be included in your plans. Establishing your business, registering, choosing suppliers, delivery partners, and costs.
Typically, Meat Delivery app Development takes approximately 4–6 months, according to your business model. However, the journey doesn’t stop there. It’s essential to continuously monitor the market, analyze competitors, understand user preferences, and adapt to evolving trends. This ongoing effort ensures a strong connection with the market and allows for timely business model or strategy adjustments.
Don’t Forget to Check: Meat Delivery App Development: Features, Market Analysis, and Cost
Launch Your Marketing Campaigns
Launching your business requires a multifaceted approach. The right branding, marketing, market research, and platform are some of the factors. It’s critical to align with your goals. Setting clear, achievable goals using the SMART framework provides you with better direction and motivation. Analyzing and measuring goals helps pivot as circumstances change and opens the way for opportunities as they arise.
A successful marketing campaign is more than just planning and execution; the right time can help you reach your measurable goals. If you are looking for a partner to walk with you throughout, Lokaly is a place to be.
Remember, keeping track of everything would help cut extra costs and tweak over time. Plan ahead and integrate multiple offers, strategies and more to keep your business running efficiently.
Meat App Delivery Development is more than just a business strategy; it’s a kick to enter a lucrative market. Remember, the industry is constantly evolving. Consumer demands for convenience and love for meat would continue to drive growth in space.
One key takeaway is developing clear, concise and focused business plans that are crucial in building a successful meat delivery business. It’s important to choose reliable suppliers and launch an effective marketing campaign to reach your target audience.
Another factor to be kept in consideration in the meat delivery market is understanding trends and competitors. Bringing innovations, new concepts, unique offerings, and exceptional customer services is critical to success.
Lokaly offers you a comprehensive solution for all your digitized business needs. Be it bringing out-of-box ideas to execution or redefining successful business models, we help you build your holistic business with profitability.
Ready to scale your Fish and Meat Delivery business or want to launch your own Meat delivery app development? We are just a buzz away.
Just like the perfect blend of ingredients, flavours, and quality is essential for creating juicy and tasty recipes, the successful development of a Meat Delivery App requires the right mix of features, user experience, and market understanding. Get a satisfying and seamless recipe for your users, and let the aroma of Lokaly translate to success and profitability.
Get in touch with our representative and get a free quote. [email protected]
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sharanya-farms · 10 hours
Growth in the Fields: Exploring the Economic Potential of Managed Farmland
In the lush outskirts of Bangalore, managed farmland is emerging as a lucrative investment opportunity. This article delves into the economic potential of these agricultural properties and the benefits they offer to investors.
The Appeal of Farms Near Bangalore
Amidst the serene landscapes surrounding Bangalore, farms provide a tranquil escape from urban life. These vibrant agricultural hubs offer not only scenic beauty but also excellent investment prospects.
Advantages of Investing in Managed Farmland Near Bangalore
Investing in managed farmland near Bangalore is a wise choice for several compelling reasons:
Proximity to Urban Markets: Bangalore's bustling city life drives a high demand for fresh produce. Owning farmland near the city ensures easy access to this thriving market.
Optimal Climate Conditions: The favorable climate around Bangalore supports diverse agricultural activities, from growing fruits and vegetables to dairy and poultry farming.
Appreciating Land Values: Land prices in Bangalore's vicinity have been steadily rising. Investing in farmland provides regular income through agriculture and significant potential for capital appreciation.
Diverse Investment Opportunities: Managed farmland near Bangalore offers various investment options, including agricultural activities, farm stays, and agro-tourism ventures. Investors can choose according to their interests and financial goals.
How to Find Farm Land for Sale Near You
If you’re considering investing in managed farmland near Bangalore, here’s how to find the ideal property:
Conduct Thorough Research: Investigate different areas around Bangalore known for their agricultural productivity. Consider factors such as soil quality, water availability, and proximity to essential amenities.
Consult with Experts: Seek advice from real estate agents or consultants specializing in agricultural properties. Their local market knowledge can help you identify the best farmland options.
Visit Potential Properties: Arrange visits to shortlisted properties to assess the land firsthand. Pay attention to topography, access roads, and existing infrastructure.
Evaluate Investment Potential: Analyze the return on investment for each property. Consider factors like crop yields, potential rental income, and long-term appreciation prospects.
Conclusion: The Future of Agricultural Investment
Managed farmland near Bangalore holds immense economic potential for investors. With its optimal climate, proximity to urban markets, and diverse investment options, it offers a promising opportunity for financial growth. Explore the charm and benefits of farms near Bangalore and secure a prosperous future in agricultural investment.
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robjackson616-blog · 6 days
Animal Nutrition Market SWOT Analysis (2024-2030)
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Animal Nutrition market to witness a CAGR of 3.5% during forecast period of 2024-2030. EMEA Animal Nutrition Market Breakdown by Application (Veterinarians, Animal Feed Manufacturers, Households, Farms, Other) by Type (Amino Acids, Carotenoids, Minerals, Lipids, Vitamins, Pet Food) by Species (Poultry, Ruminant, Aquaculture, Swine, Others) and by Geography (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Nordics, Rest of Europe). The Animal Nutrition market size is estimated to increase by USD      Billion at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD 40.74 Billion.
Get Detailed TOC and Overview of Report @
Animal nutrition involves providing animals with the appropriate nutrients to maintain health, promote growth, and support specific functions. This applies to both livestock and pets.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are Cargill (United States), DSM (Netherlands), Nutreco (Netherlands), Evonik (Germany), Alltech (United States), Kemin Industries (United States), Adisseo (France), BASF SE (Germany), Novozymes (Denmark), Perstorp (Sweden).    
Book Latest Edition of Global Animal Nutrition Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=6961
About Us:
HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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scribblesoul-20 · 21 days
Job title: Associate Marketing Manager- Poultry | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Consumer Goods Company: Mindfield Resources Job description: Job DescriptionOur Client: A well-established and respected organization in the food sector is looking for a Category Manager.Your Role: Will be responsible for developing a comprehensive marketing strategy and agenda aimed at fostering long-term category growth and increasing market share profitably across various channels. This role entails close collaboration with trade marketing, sales, and farm operations to ensure effective execution of marketing activities. Develop category brand marketing strategies, annual plans, and calendars, manage the brand portfolio, advocate for new product developments, and align with stakeholders. Implement marketing campaigns across digital, ATL, and BTL channels, create consumer activations, measure ROI, and collaborate with agencies for strategy execution. Budgeting and reporting tasks include tracking the CMI budget, preparing reports for various meetings, developing and delivering the annual marketing plan, and conducting monthly gap analysis to devise plans to cover gaps.Must Have: 6+ years of FMCG food sales & marketing working experience in the UAE/GCC. An intricate understanding of regional dynamics, macroeconomics, e-commerce, modern trade, and traditional trade channel dynamics with a proven track record of achieving category targets. Excellent communication & negotiation skills. Innovative Thinking and multi-cultural understanding. Strong leadership & organization skills and budget management.Managing expectations: “At Mindfield, we strive for exceptional results, and we achieve this by understanding the needs of both our clients and candidates. We ask that you take note of our “must-haves” to ensure a successful application process. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with you. Mindfield – making a difference.” Expected salary: Location: Dubai Job date: Wed, 15 May 2024 00:08:21 GMT Apply for the job now!
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