#points but not many of them 😭… and the fact that he’s rushing the shit out of the story now just to say that he’s finished makes me sad lol
tariah23 ¡ 1 year
Literally never understood any of the ships in jjk akajkaa
#I don’t feel anything for most of the popular ones and even shit like gojo and shoko now like I guess in the latest chapter she was like I#fell for one of you (probably talking about gojo who knows??? which felt out of nowhere and random as hell) like gege is really giving jjk#the csm pacing even tho the diff between the two is that csm is extremely consistent and still makes sense and manages to pull you in even#with how fast paced it is#fujimoto gives you bits and pieces of information while not dwelling on it too much while still managing to get whatever point he was trying#to make across#idk why gege is trying to do the same damn there but erm… it isn’t working at all and is actually ruining the quality of the story all#together and I hate it sm because the story started to fall down right as soon as the culling game/Coloney arcs started like there were high#points but not many of them 😭… and the fact that he’s rushing the shit out of the story now just to say that he’s finished makes me sad lol#like idk if he’s sick again??? or??? is it the editors? jump forcing him to continue on working despite the quality dropping like this??? I#hate capitalism…. I hate the churning out of doo doo just to make a profit to to say that you’re through like#if gege don’t take another hiatus and put that pen down and get some rest because this is not it 😭#sorry… I was just talking about how ships in jjk don’t make any sense and then I started talking about how shit the stories become sorry#rambling#wait#the only ship I ever liked in the entire manga is gonami now that is something else but everything else 😭#I don’t think there’s a lot of content for gonami but oh well
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bl0odyh3art ¡ 2 months
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warnings: incest (uncle/niece), uncle Leon, leon being a freak, non-con, vomit, Leon thinking reader is child until he sees her ??? 😭
this is dead dove/dark content. if are uncomfortable with this kind of content or don't like it, then do not interact.
a/n: ummm idk about this? felt like this was rushed : P
tags ^w^: @bunnyclaire
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Leon hasn't seen you since you were around 12, too many missions and meetings to actually pay attention to family. 
Besides, he fucking hated his brother, always stealing his women, but it was Christmas, so why not go see them? He's got nothing better to do than drink his feelings away and pay hookers for a barely good fuck.
He drove all the way down to his brother's house, he got you a coloring book and plushies…but until he knocked on the door, and you answered, in that fucking outfit. 
"Uncle Leon?" you tilted your head. 
Holy shit. That's my fucking niece? He thought
He just nodded, playing it off with the fact he thought you were some hot chick that your mom was friends with, could've almost fucked you right there. 
"Uh, yeah….this is for you." he handed you the three presents, fixing his jacket.
"Wanna come in?" you pointed inside the house. He just nodded. 
Throughout the night, he got more and more touchy with you, his hand on the small of your back, grabbing your hips to move you out the way, but he really just wanted to feel his boner against your ass. 
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It was time to open presents. Your other family members got you age appropriate things, underwear, socks, bra's, and just clothes.
It was time to open up your uncle's present! awww, how sweet of him to get you something after all this time!
You unraveled the poorly done wapping paper to find a princess and hello kitty coloring books, a box filled with 25 crayons, and the best yet….an plushie.
You smiled and dryly chuckled while everyone else was laughing their asses off.
Leon was not so proud of himself, rubbing his temple and groaning to himself, walking into the kitchen to get himself some whiskey.
You followed after him. "Leon?" you called out softly to him, hoping he wasn't crying or something. No more 'Uncle Leon! Uncle Leon!' it's just Leon. Just Leon now.
"Yeah, darlin'?" he muttered, leaning against the counter as you sighed and stepped beside him. "You know I'm not a little kid anymore…right?"
He cleared his throat and looked down into his glass "Yeah, yeah….I know"
His brothers walked in. "Hey! Leon!" he threw his arm around Leon's neck and chuckled. "How's my baby brother doing?"
"Fine. I'm good." Leon shook his head and groaned.
"Got yourself a little lady yet?"
"Nope, not yet."
Leon was in the bathroom, wetting his face with water. "Yeah…nice fucking job embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. dumb fuck….. buying your niece kid shit….fuck, fuck, fuck." his mind was a mess.
he wanted to fuck you, but he's your uncle, and he thought you've been a kid for years.
You knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey, you okay in there?"
"Y-yeah…just wait" he grumbled and opened the door.
"Umm…were you talking to yourself?" you tilted your head and slightly squinted your eyes at him.
He wanted to take you in the bathroom right now, bend you over the sink and fuck you like your his and his only.
"No…..uhhh yeah. You got me." he looked at you.He pulled you into the bathroom and just instantly bent you over the sink.
"w-woah…. Leon, wait, wait!" he slapped your ass and lifted the skirt of your dress. "Only sluts wear shit like this…are you a fucking slut?....huh?" he slapped your cheek lightly.
You shook your head "Wh-what?... Leon, what are you….what?"
"No. No. No more Leon….. it's fucking 'uncle'. Got that?" he was in your face, pulling your hair back, so you could look at him.
You quickly nodded as he forced you onto your knees, he struggled to undo his belt and pulled out his dick, smacking the tip on your cheek.
"You're gonna take this like a good girl and there'll be no problems…. understand?" he cooed sternly, slapping the tip against your pouty lips.
He grabbed your jaw to force it open and burry his cock inside your mouth, groaning as he forced your head up and down, making you choke and scratch his thighs. He chuckled and slapped your cheek.
"I said you take this like a good girl." he moaned and hissed a breath in as your teeth scraped his skin slightly
"stupid bitch…." He thrusted too hard, hitting the back of your throat and making you vomit all over his dick, thighs and some even on his bottoms.
"You…..you stupid bitc-!" he stared at you.
On the floor sobbing and hiccuping as you tried to clean him up. Muttering tiny little 'sorries', he sighed and threw you out of the bathroom.
He had to ask his brother for a new pair of pants because he 'accidentally' pissed in his.
You did keep quiet but you wanted more.
So, he fucked you and fucked you until you passed out.
Such an amazing uncle. One of a kind fucked up man.
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bestworstcase ¡ 2 years
Your post about Yang and Tai’s advice just showed up on my dash and 1) I love this show and 2) it really hit me how I didn’t really question Tai in that moment? He’s her dad, the adult to her child, and he was right about what He was talking about in the tournament specifically but not all of Yang. The idea that your parents can hurt you while trying to help you, how their love can take on an unfair or unhelpful shape. Wah. But also it had me thinking. Yang has yet to tackle her emotional side of all of this and still acted in self sacrifice to save Ruby. What’s the best way for her to address this? No one has ever mentioned it before in show so would the girls talking about it be the realizing or is it something she needs to see on her own? Or a combo of both. Yang telling Ruby she wanted her to be safe and maybe Ruby or Blake getting upset bc “what does me being safe have to do with me losing you? Nothing is worth losing you not even me?” I need this volume in my eyes so badly
😭 one of my FAVORITE things about rwby is how it just… lets characters be wrong. a lot of stories you’ll get this thing of—a character lies or voices a misunderstanding and the narrative almost immediately does something to signal that the statement is false, if not having another character jump in to correct them then rushing to a scene that establishes unambiguously what the truth is, or even just flagging liars by making a point of how suspicious they are. right? how many times have you read a story or watched a tv show and known within a matter of pages or minutes at most that a character just lied to you?
but rwby doesn’t do that! the characters make mistakes, jump to erroneous conclusions, hold preconceived notions that distort their perspectives of the present, and even outright LIE and the narrative just lets that happen without commentary—rwby shows an *enormous* degree of respect for its audience, an enormous amount of trust that its viewers care enough about the story to pay attention and really engage with it. and because it’s written with that trust it’s able to just embrace complexity and nuance and characters being wrong and stuff like that. idk i just think it makes the story feel really *welcoming* in a way—like, the narrative isn’t trying to hold our hands and tell us what we should think, it’s inviting us to think for ourselves.
not to get like sappy or anything gkgdjf
but god yeah. yang’s v9 arc!
the nature of void wonderland makes concrete speculation tricky—i’m pretty confident about the basic emotional and thematic trajectories i foresee, but there are so many unknown variables in this wholly new and bizarre setting that when it gets down to the question of WHAT will happen HOW it will occur is kind of just taking shots in the dark. we’ve already got emotion-reactive weather and talking mice who knows what other weird shit could happen.
that said, any time you stick a character whose biggest problem involves emotional repression into a setting where their feelings are literalized into the environment… i mean. lmao. it’s hard to bury your feelings when they’re literally bursting out of you to influence the weather, right? so i anticipate that playing some role in both ruby’s and yang’s arcs—they’re both very bad at articulating their unwanted emotions, ruby because she feels so much pressure to be the perfect leader and yang because deep down she doesn’t believe in her own innate worth, but now they’re in a place that is, literally, going to articulate their unwanted emotions *for* them.
(as a metaphor for how bottling up your feelings just makes them build up until they explode out whether you like it or not, this is of course very fun.)
the OTHER thing—with yang specifically—is that there has, in fact, been a major arc about a character falling into self-sacrificing/self-destructive habits, bleeding herself dry for the sake of protecting the world until her friend confronted her about it, showed her how counterproductive it was to exhaust herself, and begged her to take better care of herself. i am of course talking about blake in volume two—and in THAT arc, YANG was the character who saw this type of behavior for the damaging exercise in futility that it ultimately is and pulled blake out of her self-destructive spiral.
there’s a deep hypocrisy in what yang is doing to herself now, because as we saw in v2 this self-sacrificing bullshit is NOT something yang tolerates or supports when she sees it in people she cares about. she knows it’s harmful. she knows it’s not safe. and when she’s in a state of better mental health, like she was during the beacon arc, she’s even able to recognize that tendency in herself and make the conscious, deliberate choice to restrain it.
blake knows that, because she was on the receiving end of yang giving her exactly the kind of talk yang needs to hear now. so i think blake is gonna be coming at this problem not just from a perspective of having just seen yang fall to her apparent death after bodily shielding ruby from an attack, but also from a perspective of knowing that she just needs to get yang to connect the dots between, well, setting herself on fire for other people in both the literal and figurative sense and the kind of single-minded self-destructive behavior that they talked about in burning the candle. like, if blake can get yang to see that burying her feelings and never asking for support because she’s so focused on supporting her friends is the *same* as putting ruby in a wagon and walking through the woods for miles until she’s too exhausted to scream when the grimm attack because she’s so focused on finding her mom… it doesn’t feel the same to yang, because the former arises from a selfless desire to protect others whereas the latter arose from a self-centered desire to find her mother, but it is the same, because both are just yang sacrificing her own well-being for the sake of a goal she gives greater importance than herself.
i do think that—while obviously RWB are all gonna feel some way about yang sacrificing herself to shield ruby—the arc as a whole probably won’t focus very closely on That Specific sacrificial act, because:
1. if blake or weiss had spotted neo, or if neo had gone for yang and ruby had seen her, there’s not a single doubt in my mind that any of them would have reacted any differently than yang did: rushing forward as fast as they can to save their teammate from getting stabbed in the back. (see also, weiss shoving ruby clear of cinder’s explosion later in the same fight and getting her aura broken in the process.) for yang, that action was part of a larger pattern of self-sacrificial behavior, but in that specific situation, in the heat of the moment, she just did what *any* of them would have done.
2. because of the first point, making that specific action the central focus gives yang something of an out: instead of being a conversation about how yang thinks she ALWAYS needs to be the one supporting them because she doesn’t feel DESERVING of their support in turn, it becomes a conversation about “well what would YOU have done? she was going to stab ruby! it’s not like i wanted her to kill me instead, i just wanted to protect my sister!”—and she’d be right, because taken in isolation yang really didn’t do anything wrong by getting between neo and ruby. it sucks that it happened too fast for yang to deflect the attack itself, sure, but in essence she saw an adversary sneaking up to stab ruby while ruby was focused on cinder and moved to intervene.
and while yang’s underlying mindset likely influenced how she intervened—using her body to shield ruby vs trying to tackle neo, or tackle ruby so the attack would miss them both—the act of intervention itself was the only right thing to do. the deeper problem, the thing that really needs addressing, is that underlying mindset, which expresses itself in yang’s ready willingness to take hits so her teammates don’t have to but also, far more critically, manifests as yang disregarding her own emotional needs for the sake of being the strong one, the shoulder to cry on, the supportive rock everyone else can rely on. so i figure RWB will be more focused on “we are here for you, we WANT to be here for you, please let us be here for you” than on like prosecuting the details of one specific incident.
and meanwhile yang has all this pent-up emotional junk she’s been drowning in since v4 that got exacerbated by her unsatisfying confrontations with raven in v5—resentment, anger, grief for the relationship with the mom she wishes raven could have been, frustration with herself for not being good enough for raven to stay, feeling helpless after a lifetime of wanting this confrontation and then getting the answers she wanted and it changing absolutely nothing, so forth—that has hitherto only bubbled up as flashes of intense anger at acceptable available targets (ozpin in v6, salem in v8) but is prime for a major eruption if she keeps trying to stamp it down. my guess is that we’re going to see yang become a lot more emotionally volatile in v9 as all this *stuff* she’s been keeping dammed up starts to spring leaks.
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overobsessedfanboy23 ¡ 2 years
Trying to explain this stupid overly complicated card game to my boyfriend who’s only seen the original series and it was years ago
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(Put some notes in parenthesis for my notes after the fact. Also I haven’t seen Sevens or Go Rush yet so I have no idea how their duelling works)
Me: Almost 900 episodes and I don’t know the rules
Me: Well okay I do know the rules but it would take me about an hour to explain them
Him: 🤣 Okay great
Him: We’ll play dominoes. Or… Jenga.
Him: Jenga Hagane
Me: You can do them by first summoning fuckin shit monsters to the field
Me: These fuckers suck, they only exist to be your gateway into special summoning
Me: VRAINS straight up gives nearly all its non-link monsters 0 attack points.
Me: So there’s ritual summon in which you sacrifice these shit monsters to get some slightly better ones like Blue Eyes White Dragon
Him: “slightly better ones” Kaiba: *offended gasp*
Me: Then there's fusion summon which combines the shit monsters into a freaky Frankenstein mutation of all their parts, like Judai's Flame Wingman.
Him: Kaiba about to throw a card between your eyes
Me: He may try but it would be a waste of a blue eyes.
Me: Then there’s synchro summon, this one is boring
Him: 🤣🤣😭😭🤣
Me: One of the shit monsters need to be a "tuner monster.”
Him: And play music :)
Me: That tuner monster combines with a regular monster and adds up their levels to make a monster with a combination of their levels. ie: 3+4=7
Him: And that’s why Yuya sucks at card games.
Me: XYZ summon needs both shit monsters to be the same level as each other (there are magic cards to change their levels to make this easier) to overlay and make a decent monster.
Him: Then there’s equation summon where the square root of your monster combined with x number of monsters gives you the level of your end monster.
Him: You usually use three monsters all at once and end up with a level 10 gangbang.
Me: These XYZ monsters can also rank up (I can't for the life of me figure out how it works apart from deus ex machina) and all the numbers were XYZ monsters but not all XYZ monsters were numbers.
Me, responding to his equation summon thing: That’s what this is starting to sound like ngl.
Him: …I’m going to cry.
Him: It literally sounds worse.
Him: It’s where you hypnotize your opponent to make him think you’ve summoned a good monster but actually it’s still the same shit monster.
Me: So basically there's a pendulum scale.
Me: You put one monster of a lower level on one end and one monster of a higher level on the other end ie: 1 and 8.
Him: And you get something between those???????
Me: Going off those numbers, you'd be able to simultaneously summon monsters through levels 2 and 7 to the field all at once.
Him: …okay.
Me: This mechanic is fucking broken and from what I understand, not even allowed in the game anymore.
Him: Yeah it makes no sense.
Him: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me: No I have so much more to say.
Him: 😭😭😂😂😭😭
Me: Okay so it’s basically XYZ summon again (Note: it’s really not, this was just the easiest way to explain it)
Me: For as many monsters as you use to summon the fucker, it has that many links.
Him: …great the one I totally understood.
Me: If the links point to each other, the monsters can give each other effects and shit
Me: Which is why so much of VRAINS's duelling is "I ACTIVATE THIS EFFECT" back and forth nonsense.
Him: How do we know if they point to each other or not? Is it random?
Me: Also, there's one magic card that was banned in the actual game and was only used by the Ignis that can further link the link monsters.
Me, answering his question: They’re arrows *redacted name*
Me: The links are arrows.
Him: Yeah but what determines their direction.
Me: …where you put them. *sends him pictures of Link Summon to explain my point*
Him: But then it’s too easy???
Him: You can just choose to make all your monsters linked to each other???
Me: To get a shit ton of links. Yeah, that’s the point.
Him: Oh.
Me: It’s why a lot of people don’t like it.
Me: And also why the characters do so many consecutive link summons.
Him: But wouldn’t that make the duels last 20 hours?
Me: Do you want to hear of my pain? (Note: I love VRAINS to pieces but its duelling mechanics don’t make for the most interesting thing to watch at times.)
Him: Uhhhh
Me: Also extra deck.
Him: Um.
Me: It's where they grab their fusion, Pendulum, Link, etc cards from so they don’t have to dig through their decks.
Me: It’s actually not that confusing.
Him: Okay.
Me: They just didn’t explain it properly until Arc V.
Me: Also sometimes when the special summoned monsters are destroyed, they go to the extra deck
Me: Every pendulum monster does this.
Him: …why?????
Me: And a fair chunk of the other special summoned ones unless the player controlling them sends them to the graveyard (usually to activate its effect that can only be activated in the graveyard)
(Note: I may be speaking out of my ass here. I feel like all special summoned monsters go back to the extra deck when they’re destroyed but that could just be Arc V messing with my memory because I could’ve sworn some of them go to the graveyard because some of them activate their effects in the graveyard link a few of Soulburner’s Salamangreat Link monsters so maybe it’s specific to the monster? I don’t know so I apologize if I got this wrong.)
Me: So yeah I know how the game works.
Me: Oh wait that’s just the monsters and special summons ^_^
Him: I’m physically scared of you.
Me: I possess terrifying knowledge I know.
Me: YGO has ruined me.
Him: 😂 I know bey go spin spin
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edgygayguy ¡ 2 years
Ok since you're apparently tall asf (and consider me envious I WISH I could reach my highest kitchen cabinets without a stepping stool) how tall is the ideal trump card? Is 7ft enough height difference or does the werewolf need to be on stilts? 🤣
Also while I'm here, got any favorite HCs for Hans and Pip you'd want to share?
Thank you for the ask!
No need for the envy, I may be able to reach far but scoliosis, chronic backpain and shoulder bones that pop as loud as a faraway gunshot is the price I pay xD
7ft is definitely enough, but 7.22ft (pardon my European ass using Google to convert this 😭) would be like, perfection. I'm a smol bean in the body of a enlarged Fran Lebowitz, I want a giant fucking boyfriend that will have to look down at me when talking. With time I've accepted it will never happen, but still werewolf boyfriends are usually tall af and Hans is no exception, always can dream right?
As for Hans and Pip headcannons, I don't have many and the ones I do have aren't very interesting 😭
Hans is very theatrical, as we know, and I always imagined him not really knowing anything about commanding, fighting, and military stuff in general past firing his guns (and kicking huge explosives without them detonating ig). So if Hans and Pip ended up in a fight Hans would just run around doing backflips and shit while Pip would try to yell at him what to do so he doesn't get hurt. I think it would be great in an AU where he joins the wild geese a bit before the events of Hellsing. I Imagine Hans just rushing head first into a fight, having something blow up in his face and Pip going through all stages of grief before he sees that Hans just turned into mist before the explosion. This one is pretty subversive because you'd imagine Hans being the more serious Captain and Pip being not that good at it (tbf idk what he wanted to accomplish by waisting all ammo and explosive they had when the Hellsing mansion was stormed, my dude if you know the vampires are hiding behind hills just stop spamming till they're out smh)
Not really a headcannon but the fact that they both have the status of captain - cute af, great dynamic, maybe if you disregard the previous point they fight who's the better one.
This headcannon is something that kinda goes for every supernatural Hellsing OC I ever made and Anderson. If both Captains were at the Hellsing manor and Alucard was being a "vampiric asshole" Hans would just decapitate him as some fucked up version of "shut up and go away >: (". Idk why I just find it so fucking funny.
Hans and Pip swap uniforms often. Not much of an explanation for this one, just think it would be cute as hell.
Idk why I feel like Hans would be very shy when he's with Pip around other people, at least for some time he would be the stoic cinder block merging with the background like he is in the anime, but after a bit he would soften up. No smiles in public untill the first month, it's not his fault that he's no whore 😔
Pip is obviously the more social one, so whenever they go anywhere he does all the talking, but doesn't pretend that Hans is just not there, he's just more like "yeah that's me and my mute boyfriend" but he'd definitely jokingly tease him with shit like "c'mon at least smile" or "What? You don't even know sing language now? Mal, mal mal..."
Pip is a rainbow pride flag kinda guy and Hans is a mlm pride flag kinda guy (if you know you know)
"Loup garou" is Pip's pet name for Hans, I swear it's cute but even though I've been learning french for two years I can't provide any examples 😭😭😭
This one is stupid and silly as fuck but, at least to me, the wolf-wolf form, ya know, the giant fucking dog form of Hans from the begging of his fight with Seras? Yeah that one. It's impossible that in it he isn't similar size to Baskerville. I imagine Pip riding him in that form like a horse. Just zooming. Like Alice and Bayard in the live action movie.
If you put Pip and Hans in the same room as Integra and Seras and hit record you would get the best "mlm and wlw roast each other" quotes (who am I kidding, only wlw roasting mlm)
Hans likes to turn into mist to sneak up on Pip, no matter how much and how often this happens he just thinks it's smoke from his cigarette
I can't think of anything else of value rn so this is all I got for now 😭. The next part is nsfw, so heads up.
Because Hans is a werewolf this is kinda inevitable, but in my mind Pip doesn't like the idea of sleeping with Hans in his werewolf form at all. Maybe he warms up to it later tho.
To compensate for that the most Pip does for him is pup play
They're both switches
And best for last
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Pip will sometimes just leg cling to Hans like a sloth and that is it. He probably did it as a joke once and now made it a habit for some reason. I know it's not nsfw but this one is so random and idiotic I think it's best to hide it at the bottom KWKWKSSKWK
Now that that's over, thank you for the ask @nuclearforest, you're a treasure and a gift to this fandom
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captnjacksparrow ¡ 3 years
hey! first of all your blog is my favorite naruto blog and second of all i had a question (idk if you’ve answered this already if so i’m sorry). so my question is why did “the last” retcon so many things? i mean it’s obvious as hell they only did so naruhina would somewhat work lol but i can’t get over the fact they really made naruto be this oblivious to what love is/means. literally the entire point of the anime was to show that naruto is the one who understands not through hate but through love so how the heck couldn’t he know what love looks like??? and it irks my soul to see that SO many naruto fans think that way… they really believe that naruto not having parents is why he doesn’t know what love is but the anime/manga established so many times that naruto DOES IN FACT KNOW what love is????? he has iruka, he has sasuke, he met his parents and realized that their sacrifice was out of LOVE so how tf couldn’t he know what love means? i’m sorry but this makes me so damn upset because i used to be somewhat okay with naruhina but now they’re getting on my nerves and especially their obnoxious fans who think naruhina is all that and is the epitome of true love LMFAOO. like shut the hell up. if that’s love then i don’t fucking want it man. their ship is so damn rushed, forced and tries sooooo hard to be sns. it’s funny to me how so many sns elements were pushed onto the narrative of naruhina (like hinata apparently being the first one to accept naruto 🤣🤣). even if someone were to ship naruhina they WOULD HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE that their ship is the result of fucking fan service cause it literally makes no sense. it makes no sense narrative wise (naruto manga/anime) + not even within their shitty lame ass the last movie. suddenly naruto can be put in a genjutsu? um since when? god this ships makes me so mad cause it just sucks in sooo many ways and it’s also so damn overrated 😭💀i mean everyone can ship whatever they want but i just don’t get or see what’s so special about naruhina??? leaving aside the fact that they have soo little screen time they just are so awkward together and that’s mainly cause hinata is weird as hell. i also dont get why so many people wish to have a love like naruhina or a partner like hinata LMFAO. hinata doesn’t do SHIT. she’s just standing there, being passive, watching and not acting on that EVER. how and why would anyone want a partner like that? truly blows my mind. sorry for the rant but i just dislike naruhina lmao.
LOL.... What a funny ride to read this🤭
[[Sakura stans who hate Hinata.... Do not Interact.]]
What’s so special about naruh**a??? I also don’t get why so many people wish to have a love like naruh**a or a partner like hinata LMFAO. 
Majority of People like NH and wish to have a partner like Hinata because she offers Servitude and Sex which boosts their Male Ego, Narcissism and their Sexual Fantasy. That's why Dudebros love this ship. Guys love Hinata purely because of her prospects... My asshole friend is the proof of that and I’ll attach another shit by the end of this post...
Self-Centered Girls who thinks that their PURE  feelings (Whatever the fuck that is!) for a Man and some Crocodile tears (a Damsel in Distress) are all enough to get what they want rather than doing a real Ground Work finds NH to be serving their fantasy. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Because all you have to do is to Cry (fakely) and Think about that person constantly. Poof!! You got that ‘Trophy’.
A Sexist & A Dominant Man with A Damsel in Distress. [[50 shades of Grey, Twilight kind of shits]]
Unfortunately people who like this dynamics are in the Majority.
Sakura and Hinata fits all the above mentioned criteria and that's precisely why Sasuke and Naruto never liked them and was very indifferent towards them, apart from the fact that both the boys already love each other. 
Sasuke and Naruto, both likes/admires people who are Selfless and Strong.
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Here, Naruto was very much impressed with Sakura’s skills when she removed the Poison from Kankuro. [[Oh!! Please refrain from calling this as Romantic just because he was blushing... He blushed for Gaara too]]. It’s for this exact reason, Naruto, in his Monologue, confessed that 
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“Truth was, I just wanted to be like you... You were the person I admired a lot”
Naruto couldn't reach out Sasuke because he felt inferior to Sasuke in terms of Strength.
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Sasuke was seen impressed with Sakura's skills when she destroyed Juubi Clones.
But, this idiot Sakura instead of keeping up the momentum, she becomes that stupid Docile, Crying, Damsel in Distress in front of Sasuke.... hoping that Sasuke would like her... But it’s totally opposite. He likes people who are Strong and has some strong conviction. Like Naruto, Karin, Juugo, Suigetsu. 
N and S don’t cater to Dudebros’ and Damsel in Distress’ fantasies. Neither does the Author and that’s why he relentlessly mocked these girls till the very end.
[[It’s not surprising that the Ships Kishi got it right in his Manga were consisting of Strong Women who has some strong persona.... Like DanTsunade, ShikaTema, YahiKonan, MinaKushi.....]]
The Last movie is the complete opposite of what Naruto & the Author wanted... It’s a movie about what those Dudebros and Damsel in Distress’ wanted... Since they are the majority... We feel like NH is being loved by many.
It’s like you said... A FANSERVICE.
I can’t get over the fact they really made Naruto be this oblivious to what love is/means.
Actually... The Love they mean here is ‘Romantic Love’. 
Romantic love generally involves a mix of emotional and sexual desire, as opposed to platonic love. 
(I picked this definition from Google).
So, Last movie was all about teaching Naruto how to make him emotionally invested in Hinata and also to make him to get under the bedsheets with her. 
Anyone with 1/2 a Braincell would know that ‘Any type of Love can’t be taught.... It was always felt’.... Even if a child is an Orphan, and if that Child was allowed to grow in a peaceful atmosphere... It will realize the love automatically as it grows. 
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This is Naruto seeing A Father and A Son who was talking about their Home.
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And this poor child was yearning for that kind of Love. How can Naruto yearn for a ‘Love’ unless he feels it????
It’s the same for Romantic Love as well....
This dude has been doing Sexy Jutsu from Chapter 1 & Harem no Jutsu from Chapter 2 and in Chapter 91 he was seen peeking into Women’s bath as a prank. Well, Since Naruto was just 12... It’s all fine... [[Still, Guys usually mature during this age.... Whatever...]]
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“Do you really Love me?? I’ll prove it when Darkness falls.... Come to my place, and Once, Just one time I’ll do anything you want your Hormones are...”
LMAO....These are the contents of Jiraiya’s Smut Novel..... 
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All Guys of his age (15, 16) would pay any money to read these kind of racy stuffs, you know.... But Naruto seems to be finding it ‘Boring as Hell’..... Not to mention that this fact was referenced twice in the Manga.
A Boy who wasn’t affected by Naked Ladies and Smut Novels but was feeling uncomfortable and nervous in front of Naked Yamato and Sai in the Onsen Bath. And he kept on deflecting his feelings for Sasuke by fakely asking for Dates with Sakura.... Plus he asked his Mom that, “How did you fell in love with Dad” which is an implication that he knows the difference between Parental Love & Romantic Love...
And you are telling me that he needs a movie to ‘Awaken his Romantic Desire’????
Naruto is not Sai, For Shit Sake!!! Just Give me a Break!!!
Naruto knows all kinds of Love and he just doesn’t feel anything for Hinata despite she having all the ‘prospects’, a typical DudeBro would want.... It doesn’t mean that Naruto was Oblivious about such things, though. Otherwise he wouldn't be deflecting the nature of his own feelings for Sasuke.
How and why would anyone want a partner like that?
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Ughhh!!! My eyes!!!! Cringe!!!! A meme from Dudebros...
Isn’t it self-explanatory???. They wanted something, they found it in Hinata and that’s why they want a partner like her.
@carmenserenity123456  ..... You sent me an ask asking Why Kishimoto said ‘like that’ in that interview regarding Hinata's b**bs... I almost finished writing answer to that ask with a better explanation... But Look at this meme.... This is why Kishi mocked that person for liking Hinata out of all the Strong Characters he created. Doesn't an author know about his own readers about what they like/hate about his own character???
[[Even in his Manga, he never sexualized her.]]
And that’s why these following panels are my favourites....
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Look at that innocent and angelic face of Hinata..... “A Meal prepared for you especially by a Loved one....”
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LOL.... Hinata preparing a meal with Love for her beloved Naruto-Kun... But Naruto’s thoughts immediately went back to Sasuke. 
Inner Me: What happened to that shit Last Movie, Naruto???? Why are you not thinking about Hinata???
It seems not only you, anon.... The Author also dislikes NH... VERY STRONGLY.
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