#pod: procyon
meandaupod · 2 years
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The bird app is having a weird one today, but maybe you’d like to come join us for a poll?
(Or comment here, this is not scientific.)
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Commando Ingo Treyn reporting. My pod has landed safely. Any survivors, please respond.
Commando Ingo Treyn reporting, requesting backup from any able survivors. The indigenous species are hostile and I am running out of supplies. Please respond.
Ingo Treyn. I'm injured. I don't know how long I can hold them off. Hard to do with half the firepower. Someone please respond.
Ingo Treyn. No one is coming, are they?
Emmet I'm sorry. It was just supposed to be a simple delivery run. Quick jump to Procyon and back, get paid, take a vacation while you recover. I shouldn't have left you. We would have found a way, we always did. Now I'm dying on some damn backwater. I'm sorry. I love you.
Transmissions from a survivor of the UES Contact Light crash. Commando Treyn ceased transmission 34 hours after the incident and was not found. Presumed dead.
Engineer Emmet Treyn has requested to be placed on the crew of the UES Safe Travels. Request approved. Close supervision by superiors highly recommended.
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letterstosestrilles · 2 years
Dear Brennu,
It will be a bit before I can send this one, and believe me, I’m going to be very relieved when Kirim is connected to wider communications networks, which is apparently due to happen in the next year or so, so it will be much easier to keep up with family here then, and to keep up with everyone at home when I’m here.
This time, at least, I have many of the people I care about with me—my Sestrilles family are all here for nearly a full month, and Maliah and Niko have promised to stay as long as I need them.
I’ve needed them, because even great joy is hard sometimes.
The first thing I had to do when I got here, aside from settle into the house set aside for us here in the city of Sunwest, was collect my Kirimi family around me: my grandmother Am’elyn, my aunt Khama’air, my cousin Tidge. I told them enough of what my latest and biggest quest was to explain why gods would feel they owed me a boon, and then I told them what that boon was. There were tears, and a lot more explanations, and we all took a few days to prepare, to talk about all of it some more, and in my and Am’elyn’s cases, to stop by the temple to the Lady of the Stars to give her fervent thanks.
Mishakal gave me the power to cast the spell three times without cost, and I thought that I could probably do them all at once, but that it was likely to drain me of nearly all my energy and bring my parents back to life with the very poor welcome of their daughter fainting on the floor.
So instead I wasted a whole day debating with myself what order to bring them back in, when I was so desperate to have all of them close enough to hold at the last moment that I couldn’t for the life of me decide. In the end, with a bit of cowardice, I decided to go not on my own desires but on the other family members left to my parents: to give Am’elyn back her son, Khama’air her sibling, Tidge his cousin.
That meant that, when I finally gathered everyone together (nearly a week ago now—as you might guess, I’ve been busy), I prayed to Mishakal and to the Lady of Stars and drew on my magic and called back my father Kadan. I’ve cast Raise Dead a few times, and Resurrection, watched a dead body stir back into life, but there was something strange and almost unbelievable in casting a huge magic and then there being a person where there wasn’t before, from nothing at all to someone who hasn’t been alive in half a century standing there in front of me, taking me in his arms, both of us staggering a little until we ended up on the floor.
I talked without realizing I was talking, trying to tell him everything at once, until he quieted me a little to say the more important things, and then I could pull myself together well enough to introduce him to my family, and my family to him. They all greeted him warmly, asked him questions but not too many, until both of us started to nod off, at which point my brother carried me off to bed over my somewhat muzzy objections.
The next day I brought back Hanai, who stepped forward to press our foreheads together almost immediately. They’re the one who gave me my earring before they put me in an escape pod and saved me, and they commented on it, with an apology for leaving me alone, and what could I say but that I wasn’t, with that close—and with the rest of my family as well? And then they could be introduced around as well, and to hold on tight to Kadan, to meet Alion and have a few pleasant minutes of scientific conversation. I was hardly out of range of touch of either of them for the rest of the day.
And the next day, with the last of my reserves of magic from Mishakal, with one more prayer, I brought back Ezenki, my other father, who paused just long enough to be startled at the very impressive match of our hair colors before hugging me, holding on tight until I beckoned and Kadan and Hanai could join us, all four of us together again for the first time since the day the Procyon wrecked.
Since then, it’s been days upon days of talking, in every possible combination. None of us wants to let the others out of our sight, so we’ve mostly set up camp in the house’s living room, only peeling off one or two at a time to take a break and cry or take a walk or simply nap alone.
The rest of my family seems to know exactly when to stay close and when to find things to do elsewhere. Maliah has been wandering the trails outside of Sunwest, sometimes taking Tidge or Niko along, and Niko has been exploring some textiles and working on learning a bit of gnomish. Alion and Tiriel, my Sestrilles parents, have after some brief awkwardness seemed to decide to adopt my Kirimi parents as honorary siblings, and my Kirimi parents have decided that since I consider Tyko a brother, he’s another son to them. I’ve already found Alion and Hanai talking about data storage, Tiriel getting a recipe from Ezenki, Kadan asking Tyko about his plans for buying the shop he runs.
It hasn’t all been easy. I never expected that it would be. Ezenki and Tidge have been working through a lot of awkwardness and grief, since a lot of their branch of the family was on the Procyon, Tidge’s parents included, and I couldn’t bring back everyone. Hanai and Khama’air have had at least one hissed argument they thought I couldn’t hear. Am’elyn can hardly seem to look at Kadan without crumbling into tears. I keep waking up at night wondering if I’ve made it all up, if I died after all in Onver’s lair and this is all just something I’m imagining.
We’ll be here a while, as we work through it. A few months, I’d say, though I hope you’ll get this letter before that, and more letters too. When my Sestrilles family goes home, maybe they’ll do a relay, or if Gaizka finds a diplomatic excuse to come as they threatened when they found out what I was doing, they should be able to set something up, or take a relay likewise.
And then I’ll come back, and start learning what I want my life to look like now. There are a few fixed points: the quest for Jhasdej, my own and Maliah’s, which I want to help her with. Giving some concerts, now that I’ve promised you, Maliah, and Tyko that I’ll do some. Devon’s college tour. You.
Other things are a mystery, but I can almost see the shape of them. I’ll find a somewhat permanent residence, and my parents want to live near me, to make up for some lost time, so I’ll have them close. I’ll find something useful to do, more about building than searching or destroying. I’ll have the people I love around me. And, I hope, very soon the joy will feel more real.
I think it will. One of my fathers just called for me, and it didn’t cause a moment of disbelief. It’s a good beginning, isn’t it?
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swallowtailed · 2 years
If you are still looking for weird three sentence AU ships, Vikady, Antarctic research station AU! (PS I'm about to be away from keyboard for a while, not ignoring any potential reply.)
oooh, love it!
From March to September, Research Station Iris lives in perpetual twilight. Violet races away through the iceberg fields with the crew of the Rumor, and slowly the sky lightens, mile by mile, day by day.
She shuts off the artificial lights and kisses Arkady in the greenhouse as the sun breaks over the horizon.
send me a ship and an au for a three sentence fic!
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starshipviolet · 3 years
woah okay i finally caught up with me & au pod and it got SO good and SO gay (spoilers)
kate stressing over texting ella about the toronto meetup,,, oof i relate
i love ella’s reaction to the sapphic selkirk kiss so much!! it was so emotional and really captured how amazing it is to see yourself onscreen
and their banter! on the videocall! theyre so so gay and they need to get together like immediately
their “when i realized i was gay” stories were what i needed rn so good
also ella’s just like, so cute i love her
stewart!! my pal!! i love them and stewart and kate’s confusion is so good
the Best queer solidarity vibes hell yes
and thank you to stewart for being the no nonsense bi enby to kate’s useless lesbian
it’s just like genuine, wholesome lesbian rep and i love it so much
also jodie sounds like emily craddock from tscosi, she said “this is going to hurt a hell of a lot more” and i couldn’t not think of “i scanned the hell *cough* out of this traincar just so we’re clear”
feels a little ironic to be writing a tumblr post about a show about tumblr posts but you know, this is the least weird thing that’s happened lately
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strangeinvader9 · 2 years
More Than-Wait, What?
"Captain's log, stardate 326316.1. My name is Alexandra McIntosh. I've been in space for three days now. In about an hour, I will go into hypersleep so that I can reach Jupiter as planned. The goal is to explore Jupiter for signs of life. I don't expect to find anything, but I am hopeful. I've never been one to doubt the existence of other life besides our own. Why you may ask? Simple. This universe is too big, too old, too different to only have one species to exist that's sapient enough for space travel, speech, and everything else that Humanity is capable of. However, I have doubts as to how successful I'll be. I'm a technician for crying out loud, not a biologist. So far, I've honestly been bored. Space is incredibly beautiful, I'll give it that, but it's empty. Light Years of space between planets, stars, solar systems, and even galaxies. 
    Thankfully, I was able to bring music and a few other things from Earth to keep me entertained. I wish I'd brought a translator though. What are the odds of finding an extraterrestrial that speaks English? What if they don't even speak? Or if they speak a language that's not recognizable? It'd be funny if they spoke Klingon. Or Navi. Even Minionese. Do you think that aliens like that could actually exist? Wookies? Navi? Andalites? Whatever ET was? That'd be cool. Despite being a massive Sci-Fi nerd, I never learned their languages." 
    I looked at the clock on my screen and sighed.
    "I should get going now. It takes a while to power everything down for the hypersleep. What if I run into a Xenomorph? Or whatever Predator was? I'm screwed. Anyway, I'll talk to you again when I wake. This is McIntosh, signing off." I turned off my monitor and started powering the ship down until only the absolute essentials were running then headed for my sleep pod. I set the timer and climbed in. The next time I saw this ship, I was going to be in Jupiter's atmosphere. I had built Wyvern myself, that didn't make her infallible. "Take care of yourself, Wyvern." The lid to my pod closed and I slowly slipped into hypersleep. 
        When I next opened my eyes, it wasn't under the circumstances I had been expecting. I was expecting soft to low lights, my systems slowly rebooting, a rather dull atmosphere, and Jupiter outside the window. What I came to instead was red, flashing lights, alarms blaring and asteroids flying past. 'Warning; oxygen levels critical. Warning; oxygen levels critical.' my computer alerted. Barely able to stand, I stumbled to my bridge to try and figure out why my oxygen was failing. A loud wrunch sounded as a meteoroid slammed into the side of Wyvern. 'Oh. That's why. I maneuvered into an asteroid belt.' I thought, getting back up and hurrying to the consol.
    Everything was failing; steering, navigation, the engines, oxygen, even the artificial gravity. I managed to strap myself to my console. I could have fixed everything if it weren't all going wrong at once. As a last-ditch effort, I flicked on my emergency hailing frequency and sent out an SOS. "Mayday, mayday. If anyone can hear me, I have encountered either an asteroid belt or a meteor shower. Ow! My ship is severely damaged and I cannot escape. Please send help to Rudolph Alpha 14 Hydro 39 Mega 37 Supine Delta Echo Charlie -60 degrees 50' 2". What? That can't be right. That's Alpha Centauri coordinates. Isn't it?"
    Another loud crunch sounded, busting up my ship and causing a few pipes to burst. "Hurry please!" Just as I ended my SOS, I looked up to see a comet headed straight for my windshield. I wrenched the wheel as hard as I could to the left and Wyvern moved like a slaking. The comet crashed into the broadside of my ship, sending me crashing to the floor. Upon impact of my skull to the titagold deck, I lost consciousness. 
Meanwhile, orbiting 1947 Procyon was something Alexandra would have been thrilled to see, had her situation not been so dire. A mere 7 lightyears from her impacted ship was a titan-sized ship full of titan-sized metallic beings. One of said beings, a red and yellow one, managed to catch the SOS. After hearing it, he called his two captains for advice. "Alpha Centauri? That's not very far from here," The taller one commented.
"Let's go save them then!" the other replied. 
"Aw, come on. Don't be such a-"
"It's possible that ship has already been crushed."
"Or, it could not have been. Stop being so negative. Mainframe, take us to those coordinates!"
The first captain sighed in resignation. What was the point in asking his opinion in anything? No one would listen. When they arrived at the coordinates, they spotted the tiny yet large ship. Tiny by their standards anyway. It was still being bombarded by debris as it was indeed in the middle of a meteor shower. They managed to free the smaller ship and bring it aboard their own. 
Scanning the ship for any life signs, they were shocked to discover the being that had hailed them was actually a human.
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Rocket Booster is Back!
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Since launching our network we’ve been lucky enough to get advice, help and friendship from a ton of people across the audio fiction community. The Rocket Booster Program is our way of passing along some of that experience and enthusiasm to new creators. 
This spring we offered consultations to seven creators working new audio productions, and now we’re ready to do it again!
If you’re a creator of audio fiction working on your first project, Procyon’s founding creators (the people behind @iriscasefiles, @s2s-podcast, @underpressurepodcast​ and the upcoming @meandaupod​) want to you offer a free script and story consultation. It’s a chance to talk about your scripts, your plot ideas and pick our brains about the experience of taking your project from page to pod.
The program is open to writers who will be 16 and older this year. To learn more and apply follow this link. (The link to the application form is at the bottom of our rules page. Please read those first.)
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
Just hitting the line! Massive Battletech restocks from Iron Wind Metals!
Restock #1:
20-221 Valkyrie VLK-QD1
20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank
20-305 Scorpion Light Tank
20-361 Thorn THE-N
20-397 Orion ON1-M
20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D
20-5002 Icarus II ICR-1S
20-5038 Blood Reaper
20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1
20-5083 Warwolf Prime
20-5086 Wulfen Prime
20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt
20-5156 Phoenix Hawk IIC 7
20-664 Linebacker Prime
20-753 Schrek PPC Carrier
20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank
20-783 J. Edgar Hover Light Tank
20-800 Hex Bases
20-806 Hunter Missile Tank
20-813 Guillotine GLT-3N
20-822 Demolisher Tank
20-854 Hunchback HBK-4G
20-870 Whitworth WTH-1
20-875 Assassin ASN-21
20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base
99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1
99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2
99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base
99-600 Small Missile Launcher Turret
BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor
BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor
BT-030 Sylph Battle Armor
BT-129 Infiltrator Mk I Battle Armor
BT-131 Beagle Hover Vehicle (2750)
BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor
BT-223 Tau Zombie
BT-232 Warg Battle Armor
BT-243 XTC Marine
BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing
BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing
BT-274 Osteon Jaguar
BT-286 Procyon Quad Protomech
BT-292 Shiro SH-2P
BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S
BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime
BT-317 Thor II A
BT-320 Tracked APC
BT-321 Hover APC
BT-331 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Mech)
BT-332 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Air Mech)
BT-344 Tomahawk II B
BT-345 Tomahawk II C
BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt
BT-350 Doloire DLR-OD
BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5
BT-353 Mad Cat MK II 4
BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3)
BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3)
BT-371 Davion Infantry (3)
BT-384 Achileus Battle Armor (3)
BT-389 Purifier Battle Armor (3)
BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4)
BT-395 Centurion CN9-YLW / CN9-YLW2 "Yen Lo Wang"
BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor
BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S
BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM)
BT-431 Warwolf C
BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor
BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor
BT-442 Wulfen A
FT-012 Nightsky NGS-5T
FT-016 Black Lanner D
FT-019 Kirghiz Mech Scale Fighter
FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter
HRT-007 Lava with Small Eruption Three Hex
MS-008 Radar Array - Large
OP-067 Puma E Pod
CE-004ARM Rifleman Muse Wind RFL-X3 Arm Sprue
20-413D Archangel Hatch Covers
20-5041C Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 Legs
20-5041D Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 Base
Restock #2:
10-036 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack I
20-384 Thug THG-11E
20-393 Gladiator "Executioner" Prime
20-415 Cygnus
20-425 Shiro SH-P
20-448 Enforcer ENF-4R / ENF-5D
20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1
20-5179 Neanderthal NTL-AG
20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime
20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7
20-749 Goblin Infantry Support Vehicle (2)
20-800 Hex Bases (4)
20-864 Hatchetman HCT-3F
20-898 Imp IMP-3E
20-942RE Atlas AS7-K
20-992 Raven RVN-3L
99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2
99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base
AC-006 Flight Base
BT-068 Trinity (Asterion) Battle Armor
BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor
BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor
BT-246 Ironsides Mech Scale Fighter
BT-247 Hammerhead Mech Scale Fighter
BT-248 Zero Mech Scale Fighter
BT-261 Coyotl Prime
BT-262 Coyotl A
BT-280 Charger CHR-1A1
BT-292 Shiro SH-2P
BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime
BT-308 Arctic Wolf II A
BT-321 Hover APC
BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt
BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft
BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3)
BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3)
BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft
BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor
BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K
BT-402 Highlander HGN-734
BT-403 Highlander HGN-738
BT-406 Trebaruna TR-XB (Standing)
BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV
BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor
BT-435 Shen Long Battle Armor (3)
BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor
BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor
CATLTD-06 Limited Edition Catapult
FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter
FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter
FT-031 Rapier Mech Scale Fighter
OP-004 Thor A/C SRM 6 (from 20-386)
OP-006 Thor B Pods (3) (from BT-11)
OP-011 Thor E left arm (from 20-326)
OP-013 Thor E ATM Pod
OP-027 Gladiator A Left Arm
OP-028 Gladiator A Right Arm
OP-031 Gladiator D Left Arm
OP-033 Gladiator E Left Arm
OP-034 Gladiator E ATM 9
OP-035 Gladiator H Right Arm
OP-038 Dragonfly A Right Arm Pod
OP-041 Black Hawk A Arms
OP-044 Black Hawk C / Ryoken D Right Arm
OP-059 Masakari H Left Arm
OP-091 Ryoken A Left Arm
20-453A1H Pariah "A" Variant Parts Sprue
20-601C Loki (Omni) Missile Pack
20-779TRT Manticore Heavy Tank Turret
20-993C Thunderbolt Lower Leg Sprue
20-993G Thunderbolt Foot
#battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #mechwarrior #mwo #mecha #tabletop #tabletopgames #scalearmor #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #armor #mech #hovertank #6mmminis #6mmscifi #tank #dougram #walker #gundam #robotech
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#AudioDramaSunday express news continues with weekly #AudioTheater from Within the Wires, The White Vault Pod, Twelve Chimes Radio, The Lesbian Romantic Podcast, The Big Loop, Tales of Thattown, Love & Luck Podcast, Join the Party, 7 Lamb Productions, Deadly Manners, Palimpsest Podcast, Sin Ribbon, Procyon Podcasts #AudioDrama
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meandaupod · 2 years
podcast rec?
Hey friends, I’m dying for a new romance podcast, preferably queer but I’ll take straights if they can flirt without the male half of the pairing constantly negging. Anyone have any recommendations, preferably released in the last 6 to 8 months? 
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swallowtailed · 5 years
oh my god, i love the rumor crew. they could’ve done anything and they went for “replace the sprinklers with kerosene”.
also, “when you have a linguistics hammer, everything looks like a communication shaped nail”. and ending messages with “we love you”. and PARK AND McCABE, BEST NEW FRIENDS.
and the new ship has a singing glitter trail now. which is adorable
VIOLET. ARKADY. “Will you go out with me, but if we go outside we will die.” “I like when you talk.” “...You mean dating in the romantic sense, right?” “THEY’RE HOLDING HANDS!!”
“We can’t afford to be a rumor anymore...”
what a damn good season finale.
(If you’re not already listening to The Strange Case of Starship Iris... you should be.)
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swallowtailed · 5 years
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swallowtailed · 6 years
tea and moonshine
The kitchen is dark and quiet, save for the gentle, bubbling hum of the hydroponic tank. If Violet didn’t know better, she’d think no one was there. But the door to Arkady’s room was ajar when she passed by.
Violet reaches out, finding the switch in the darkness, and dims the lights before turning them on. “Arkady?”
There she is, seated at the table with a mug in her hands. It isn’t steaming; must have gone cold. Her shoulders are tight under her jacket, as if she’s trying to huddle down inside herself. It’s answer enough that she hasn’t replied.
Violet makes her way past the table, feeling the distance between herself and Arkady close and then stretch again. She turns the kettle on. A mug from the cabinet, and a tea bag from the tin. Mint, sweet and sharp to her nose. The kettle bubbles, and Violet fills her mug, watching the water turn hazel in the low light.
She turns to the table. The distance shifts smoothly, an axial turn, as she sits across from Arkady. Violet goes to sip her tea, and Arkady at last says,“Don’t. It gets hot faster than you think.” She still hasn’t looked up. Her voice is slate-edged, exposed.
Violet takes a sip anyway. It’s not hot. Not too hot, anyway. She puts the mug down with a clatter. Arkady sighs, shoves her own mug over. “This’ll help.”
It’s not tea. There’s a tea bag in it, but it’s mostly moonshine. Violet lets it numb her tongue a little before passing the mug back. “You’re up late.”
“So are you.”
“I woke up. I don’t think you slept.”
“So what if I did?”
Violet reaches out. The distance folds inward. She rests her hand over Arkady’s on the mug of moonshine tea. Arkady’s hand is bigger than Violet’s, hard-knuckled, scarred in patches. Violet can feel the tendons tense, then relax, as Arkady deliberately does not flinch away.
“I’m the medical officer,” Violet says, “and for the good of the crew, I say you should get some sleep.”
Arkady raises her mug and knocks back the dregs, then stands and places it in the sink. She’s silhouetted by the dusky glow of the lights as she drops her head, releases a quiet sigh.
Violet gets up, stands beside her. Distance collapses. They’re close, shoulder to shoulder, and for a moment Violet thinks Arkady will not move, will remain standing at the sink and watching bubbles flow through the hydoponic tank.
“You should sleep,” Arkady says finally, and leaves the kitchen.
Violet waits until the footsteps have faded. Then she takes her mug of tea and goes back to her room. Arkady’s door is shut.
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swallowtailed · 7 years
I’m so happy about the ending of this episode. It’s so soft and gentle after a stressful couple episodes lately and it feels really accurate to both Jamie and Mona’s characters.
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meandaupod · 2 years
me and AU and 2022
happy new frog, everyone! can you believe it’s been almost a year since this podcast ended? (can you believe February was this year?) 
while this isn’t new news for many of you, I thought I’d give an official update on what’s up with the least secret project in the history of podcasts made by me: Season 1 of Selkirk.
at this point there are 7 episodes written, about half the season, with the rest hopefully to come in the first half of this year. it’s too soon to say when casting, etc. is going to happen, but there will very much be some once the season is ready for pre-production (so many werewolves...) so if you’re interested in that sort of thing stay tuned! while this show is going to sound and feel very different to Me and AU, it will be just as gay, and there will be just as much dramatic name shouting, which is what’s really important in life.
if you want some other ways to follow the show on less-good social media, you can get more updates on twitter at @meandaupod, @procyonpodcasts or @andreathisweek (to hear me make vague spoilery allusions to what’s coming when I’m procrastinating writing)
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swallowtailed · 7 years
so that episode was heartwarming at the beginning (first name basis?! relationship advice?!?!) and became a solid kick in the feels at the end. poor mona.
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