#poas volcano
pizzawithwine · 11 months
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Volcan Poas // Costa Rica
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Visiting the Poás volcano
Visiting the Poás volcano
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reysim · 7 months
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Saturday November 11 / 2023
We had a very nice, freshly made dinner last night. I enjoyed it very much.
This morning we woke up to a very foggy day! My beautiful view disappeared, and it was raining heavily. After breakfast, we drove to Poas volcano for a couple of hours. We were hoping that the weather would clear out to be able to see the acidic pool in the crater far below. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
Then we drove to La Paz waterfalls and butterflies garden.
Very impressive garden. We saw different types of birds, monkeys, and big cats as well, since this was a rescue centre. It was a very beautiful area with many man made water falls surrounded by tropical plants and flowers. There were 3 natural waterfalls that connected by thousands of steps down into the valley below. Thank god they provided a shuttle bus to get back up to the main area. At this time, all of my layers that I had on because of rain and cold weather were off. It had become very hot and humid in less than one hour!
We still had time to go to another waterfall before we check in to our resort. La Fortuna waterfall was one of the tallest in Costa Rica, and people can go for a swim! We had to take 500 hundreds steps down to the base of the waterfall. It was interesting to see words of encouragement along the way. It wasn’t an easy path to get to the waterfall, and they wouldn’t allow people to swim behind or close to it. We took some pictures, and watched people struggle to get to the water over lots of sharp volcanic rocks. Then we had to take 500 steps back up to the main area. Today was a step challenge day !
When we got to our resort, it started raining heavily again. Our room had a covered patio attached to it . So I decided to sit there and listen to the rain while enjoying our complimentary strawberry and chocolates with coffee. Simon went to have a mud bath and enjoy the hot springs. We went out for dinner, and found a Mexican restaurant with a twist. I had a delicious vegan bowl.
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chaletnz · 1 year
Poas Volcano and La Paz Waterfall Garden
We left the coffee farm and drove up to 7500 feet to the Poas Volcano. Before Max let us out of the van he warned us about the sulfur gas that was in the air around the crater. He didn’t recommend spending more than 30 minutes near the crater because of the gas which gave me expectations of the volcano we had hiked up in El Salvador with the dog. It was a short and shaded walk up to the crater viewpoint but we were all coughing on the way up as the sulfur caught in our throats. It was a good temperature at the top, with a beautiful view over the bright turquoise coloured crater and a lot of space to take photos. I had Max take some photos of me since he said he knew the best angles to do that since he took them daily. I walked up a smaller path which took me out to the laguna, it was steeper so a bit tougher than the initial walk up but was still nice because it was through a cloud forest. There weren’t any clouds, but a lot of moss and the sulfur smell has dissipated here too. I headed down to the gift shop and ordered a coffee, they were a bit rude to me when I ordered since I wanted a small strong coffee but then they handed me a large milky cappuccino. I asked them to remake it since it had cost me $4 and not what I ordered/wanted. They begrudgingly did so and scalded the milk for me too. I’m starting to appreciate that this is the last day of my trip and getting away from Costa Rica where people seem to see tourists as dollar signs and don’t really care about customer service. At least in the USA the service people are friendly to your face as a customer. After the volcano, we stopped by some random souvenir shop to try Max’s mate’s homemade cheese which had a weird gummy texture that I was not a fan of at all. I did buy some coconut cookies that Max said were a local treat and they looked decent. We drove the continental divide which had the dry forest and Pacific Ocean to one side and the rainforest and the Caribbean to the other. Along the way we passed loads of pineapple farms and Max told us that Costa Rica produces 40% of the world's pineapple supply.
Our next stop was the La Paz Waterfall Garden where we started off in the aviary to see some macau and toucans, and loads of butterflies. There were some sleeping sloths in a tree in the next area and then we entered the snake house. It was fascinating to see all the different kinds of snakes that live around here…although a little scary! We had a buffet lunch where I went for pork, salad, fries, vegetables, garlic bread and some fruit for dessert. After lunch we walked the waterfall path with our umbrellas from Max. We’d picked up another couple in the afternoon that were joining us only for the waterfall portion and they were really annoying because they kept lagging behind the group, so we’d all be ready to go and they’d be nowhere to be found so everyone had to stand around waiting for them to show up. Myself, the American couple, and the poncy British guy reached the end of the waterfall path first so we all sat down at the one table together and awkwardly chatted. The British guy had been insufferable the entire day, but insufferable in the way that it was entertaining to listen to his constant moaning and bragging and laugh internally at him. In this particular discussion at the end of the day he was saying how low the wages were in Costa Rica. He gave the example of a lawyer and said “they’d earn about $4500 a month and oh, you can’t live on that!” which someone would say if they were staying in an expensive Marriott suite and flew business class to get here (both true of him – I know because he loved bragging). Then he hit with the “cleaners here, $500 a month for full time work, I pay my cleaner that for 4 hours a week in London.” When we finally dropped him off back at the Marriott, the two ladies from New York were commenting how nice it was and he quipped “oh yeah it’s alright. I stayed here 25 years ago and I’ve stayed there ever since. It gets the job done.” But at last he was out of the van and swaggering over the front desk to get his boots licked by the concierge. Once we reached San Jose, it was just me and the other American guy who I’d worked out was autistic, or has some kind of stutter or speech impediment because he was not able to speak. He hopped out and dumped a handful of change into Max’s cup holder as a tip. I was the last one out and got dropped off around sunset, I made sure to give Max a good tip because he had worked really hard for us today, driving and guiding and didn’t pressure us into buying anything for his kickbacks. He was quite possibly the best guide of all the Central America trips I had done, and he’d done the whole day repeating everything he said in Spanish and English – the girl from Mexico didn’t really speak English so he translated his whole English tour into Spanish for her.
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whitefieldsj · 2 years
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Poas Volcano National Park, June 2022 ✨
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cavenewstimes · 26 days
Costa Rica’s Cave of Death Is Lethal to Any Creature That Enters It
By Spooky on May 7th, 2024 Category: Travel The Recreo Verde tourist complex in Venecia de San Carlos, Costa Rica, is home to a tiny mountain cavern that has come to be known as The Cave of Death due to its ability to kill any creature that enters it. Located on the edge of the Poas Volcano, la Cueva de la Muerte is only 2 meters deep and 3 meters long, which makes it a seemingly cozy refuge for…
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williamholmes · 4 months
landscapelifescape:“ Poas Volcano, Costa RicaThomas Jundt”
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tvlanddryspell · 4 months
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Poas Volcano, Central Costa Rica - Laguna Botos and the crater of Volcan Poas Can't resist the stunning beauty of Poas Volcano's Laguna Botos and the majestic crater.
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mikeywaysunicorns · 6 months
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Poas Volcano, Central Costa Rica - Laguna Botos and the crater of Volcan Poas Get ready to be awe-struck by the captivating scenery of Laguna Botos and the volcanic crater at Poas Volcano. An unforgettable experience awaits.
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rpgpixelgames · 9 months
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Poas Volcano, Central Costa Rica - Laguna Botos and the crater of Volcan Poas Get ready to be awe-struck by the captivating scenery of Laguna Botos and the volcanic crater at Poas Volcano. An unforgettable experience awaits.
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tealoverssg · 9 months
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landscapelifescape:“ Poas Volcano, Costa RicaThomas Jundt”
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behlairsobservatory · 9 months
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landscapelifescape:“ Poas Volcano, Costa RicaThomas Jundt”
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Colinas de Sol
If you are looking for a place where you want some tranquillity or just simple enjoy nature, this is the place. From Hotel Colinas Del Sol, guest can choose tours to the Irazu or Poas Volcano, to Lancaster Garden
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tuaadat · 1 year
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landscapelifescape:“ Poas Volcano, Costa RicaThomas Jundt”
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beckyandrick · 1 year
Semana Santa and Spring Break adventures
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Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a big deal here. Similar to the Philippines, also a predominantly Christian/Catholic country, almost the entire week of Easter is a holiday. It’s the peak of high season for the beaches and we were warned that it would be crazy on the coasts, but quiet in San Jose, so we opted to stay close to home and wait for the Easter Bunny ❤️ and then venture out to the beach the following week for spring break.
We started off Easter weekend with a road trip. We had heard that the crater of the Poas Volcano was gorgeous, although due to fog, difficult to see. And sure enough…when we arrived we were in the middle of a giant cloud. So we went for a hike and came back to the crater just as luckily the clouds cleared and we saw the gorgeous milky blue of the crater lake.
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That afternoon we booked our first coffee farm tour. Costa Rica is known for amazing coffee and farm tours are a popular tourist activity so we checked out the Starbucks farm near Poas and weren’t disappointed. The farm was gorgeous, lunch was great and we had fun learning about harvesting coffee on the tour. Kai even liked it! (Although she said the coffee tasting was ‘gross’). 😉
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The next day we went to Parque Diversiones (an amusement park) with another family. We had been a couple months back with my work for family day and Kai had been dying to go back. A holiday weekend when most are out at the beach was a great time to be there and walk on most rides. Kai got brave and did the roller coasters…and loved them. Watch out for Cedar Point this summer when we visit Ohio! 😳
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Saturday morning the streets of San Jose were a ghost town as the entire city seemed to have emptied toward the beaches. So I asked my triathlon coach to help me plan a reasonable route (one without crazy elevation…I’ve learned there is nothing flat here…there is elevation and then there is insane grade/straight up…). I’m loving getting out to explore on my bike. Feels like I really get to see more of the country up close from my bike. Many little towns have the cutest signs in the town square. I’m starting to collect photos of my bike with the cute town signs. ;)
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After the Easter bunny arrived Sunday morning and Kai tracked down all the eggs in the yard we took off for Guanacaste (the main/popular beach area). We booked a few days in a planned town/development called Las Catalinas and loved it! Beautiful beach on a cove, all walkable streets, and mountain biking with incredible views!
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I was toward the end of training for my first triathlon in Costa Rica and this was the perfect spot to mix workouts with family beach/pool time. It even had one of the most unique gyms I have ever seen on the beach. Flintstones? :)
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Kai even got in on the workouts and did an open water swim with me out to a platform in the middle of the cove. Go little person! The beach club pool had a great view as well. I did get a few laps in one morning while Kai sat at the end saying ‘mommy, are you done yet, can we play now?’ ;)
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It was a great mix of family time, workouts, beach and pool. We’ll be back for sure!
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So, first Semana Santa in Costa Rica in the books and checked off a few more spots on our ‘must see Costa Rica’ list!
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A Nature Lover's Guide to Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a nature lover's paradise, with lush rainforests, stunning beaches, and an incredible array of wildlife. Here are some must-see destinations and activities for your next trip to this Central American gem:
Explore the rainforest: Costa Rica's rainforests are home to an astonishing variety of plants and animals. Take a guided hike through the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve or Corcovado National Park to see monkeys, sloths, and exotic birds up close.
Relax on the beach: Costa Rica's coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, from the secluded shores of the Nicoya Peninsula to the bustling surf town of Tamarindo. Playa Conchal and Manuel Antonio National Park are also popular destinations for sun and sand.
Go zip-lining: Zip-lining through the rainforest canopy is an exhilarating way to see the natural beauty of Costa Rica from above. There are a variety of zip-lining tours available, including the Sky Trek in Monteverde and the Original Canopy Tour in Quepos.
Visit a volcano: Costa Rica has several active volcanoes, including Arenal and Poas, that offer stunning views and unique hiking opportunities. Take a dip in the natural hot springs near Arenal or hike to the crater of Poas for an unforgettable experience.
Try local cuisine: Costa Rican cuisine is fresh, flavorful, and influenced by both indigenous and Spanish cultures. Don't miss the opportunity to try traditional dishes like gallo pinto, ceviche, and arroz con pollo.
Costa Rica is a nature lover's dream come true, with endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Whether you're exploring the rainforest, soaking up the sun on the beach, or trying new foods, this Central American paradise is sure to leave you with unforgettable memories.
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