#plus i think the idea or tim rushing ahead to inform the others not to bring up a certain topic to avoid her crying again is hysterical
dylanconrique · 1 year
i personally think that lucy is definitely gonna be the cryer when she gets pregnant.
18 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 3 years
Falling in Temptation
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Ch. 26: The God Complex
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x OFC
Chapter summary: The travelers are stuck in a hotel hell-bent on showing them their worst fears. The Doctor's greatest fears shown to him is what finally pushes him to do something he should've done a long time ago.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Avalon was sitting on mushy, green grass with her journal and pen. There was a sun, or a fake sun, shining up above in the 'sky'. There was a very visible flower scent that flooded the area with every breeze. Avalon loved the room the TARDIS had made for her, it was very...fairy-tale like. But also, it was the perfect place to attempt to write. It had only recently come up and Avalon couldn't be more thankful for the TARDIS again. She truly made life easier. The new room had been Avalon's new sanctuary to keep on drafting.
Of course, it usually only worked when a certain Time Lord wasn't around...and that was soon to end in...3...2...1...
"Gotcha!" the Doctor cheered as he took Avalon by surprise with a hug from behind.
The ginger flinched and dropped her journal and pen. She turned her head to the side and frowned, "I'm gonna slap you one of these days."
"But not today," the Doctor smirked and pressed a kiss to her lips. Afterwards, he moved over and sat down beside her, "So what are we doing on this fine morning?"
"How would you know it's morning?" Avalon chuckled, "You live in a time machine."
"Clearly because Amy and Rory were going into the kitchen for breakfast, duh," the Doctor playfully rolled his eyes.
"Don't be a smart alec with me, it'll cost you," Avalon warned and closed her journal, "Now I don't feel like being irritated in my own sanctuary."
"I would never," the Doctor mocked an offended face, making her laugh.
"I'm sorry," Avalon chuckled and set her journal down on her side. "I know I lock myself up over this thing," she nodded to the journal, "My family always got so irritated with me for it."
"I'm not upset, I was just missing you," the Doctor put an arm around her shoulders, "You're doing what you love, how can I be mad at that?"
Avalon scoffed, "As if I'm doing the thing I love. I want to be a writer but c'mon," she sighed, "We all know it's not happening, I just kid myself with this journal."
"Oi, I gave you that journal, let's not downplay its importance," the Doctor made a face, "And, not to mention, Emmalina gave you your first one, because she believed in you."
Avalon quietly picked up her journal and stared at its cover, her mind drifting off to the past, "She thought I could become one of the greatest writers in history."
"Well, it's not too late," the Doctor shrugged, "You're only 23, perfect age to begin."
"You've gotten to know me a lot better than anyone else, so you know that I'm not a very good person..."
"Let's not get into that topic," the Doctor sighed, "Because I've already told you that it's all senseless."
"No, it's not..." Avalon said quietly.
The Doctor ignored her comment and gently moved her to sit on his lap, "Okay, while I think you are completely wrong about that, I don't see any reason why you can't become a true writer."
"It's scary," Avalon sighed, "Plus, my reputation isn't all that great on Earth. Colleges literally look at everything and I've been arrested several times and I've actually gone to a juvenile detention. That alone disqualifies me, or discourages the admission. You see? There's no hope. I'm doomed to be an amateur for the rest of my life."
"Now wait a minute," the Doctor had to stop her, "Earth isn't the only place you can get some education. You're not even from Earth! You can go anywhere in the galaxy, Ava. They would look at your talent, your ambition, determination..."
"And do you think I have any of that?"
"Of course I do! All that and more," the Doctor kissed her hair, "Just say the word and we'll go and get you to see one of the professors."
Avalon lightly smiled as she thought of something, "You know, River's a professor, in the future," she raised her head to look at him, "You think she would be willing to help? Give some pointers?"
The Doctor hadn't quite thought of that, but knew right there it wouldn't be a good idea. "Ava, to contact that River right now would be far too dangerous. She'd be from way into the future and would have too much foreknowledge."
"Right," Avalon sheepishly smiled, "Guess I'd be on my own, then."
"Never, you'd have all of us, especially me," the Doctor nodded.
"It would be kind of nice," Avalon said and sighed a few seconds later. "I don't know. It's all so...new, you know? I don't know what I want to do."
"There's no rush, Ava. Take some time to think of all of your options and when you decide on something, you let me know and I'll do my best to help you."
Avalon nodded. It sounded like a good plan. She didn't want to rush into anything, especially something as important as an actual career. "You're incredible, do you know that?" She rested her head against his shoulder and smiled as she felt his arm wrap around her. "You're the best thing that's happened to me in my entire life."
"Wow, feel special now," the Doctor smiled. "Who'd known that the snappiest little girl in that sleepover would grow up and steal my hearts?"
"Mm, I had big goals," Avalon joked, "And don't call me 'snappy'. I wasn't 'snappy'. I was just making sure you weren't going to hurt my sister. But if your feelings are still hurt I'm sure there's something I can do about it now..."
"And what would that be?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow as she shifted her body to face him. She had that sneaky smile he came to love early on.
"A little of this," Avalon pecked his lips. "And a lot of this," she kissed him again but deepened it, making it so that both of them were left without air and quite dazed.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor excitedly popped his head over a staircase railing, looking down at the many spirals of the stairs below. The rest of the travelers did the same but unlike him, they were nowhere near pleased with the sight.
"'Let's go to Ravan-Skala,' he says," Amy began with a huff, ""The people are 600 feet tall, you have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the Tourist Information Centre is made of one of their hats,' he says."
"And yet, there are no such hats," Avalon finished for her and raised her head to look at the Time Lord, "You have lied and badly."
"This is just awful," Rory went ahead and added.
The Doctor looked at the three with a scowl, "Amy, Beaky—"
"I would think real hard before you nickname me," Avalon pointed a warning finger at him.
"Princess," the Doctor flashed a smile, Avalon playfully rolling her eyes as a response, "Now this could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen!"
"You're kidding," Rory shook his head.
"How can you be excited about a rubbish hotel on a rubbish bit of Earth?" Amy crossed her arms and stared at the Doctor in disbelief.
"I'm not that surprised," Avalon remarked, "He gets excited about the stupidest things."
The Doctor rolled his eyes and ignored their little remarks, "Because, assembled Ponds..."
"And Reynolds," Avalon interjected with an amused smile.
"And Reynolds," the Doctor quietly added it. It was slips like those that could create such problems for him and everyone else and yet his mouth still had the ability to continue making the error. It was just too much fun calling her a Pond. "This is not Earth. This has just been made to look like Earth. The craftsmanship involved... Can you imagine?"
"Then where are we?" Avalon grew tired of the ole mystery. Unfortunately for her, the Doctor didn't seem to agree as he led them through the staircase, returning back to where the TARDIS was parked, "Hello, Doctor?" she called again, making a face as he deeply sniffed a plant.
"I don't know," he finally answered her and turned around, "Something must have yanked us off course. Look at the detail on that cheese plant!" he excitedly pointed at the plant.
"You want me to be excited over a...plant?" Avalon raised an eyebrow and walked up to him, slowly smiling of amusement, "You're so weird," she rested her hands on his chest and chuckled, "Remember when you ate grass?"
"And you told me to never kiss you," the Doctor decided to remind her rather smugly, "Look at us now."
"Shut up," Avalon remembered that moment quite clearly. She'd never have imagined the alien who tasted blue grass and just about anything else he found intriguing would actually steal her heart.
"Um, hello?" Rory called back to them, pulling them out of their moment, "Who would mock up an Earth hotel?"
"Colonists maybe, recreating a bit of home," the Doctor thought as he turned Avalon around and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Like when ex-pats open English pubs in Majorca. No, whoever did this, I am shaking his/her hand/tentacle."
"Seriously, you get excited over the stupidest things," Avalon sighed with resignation.
Rory moved over to a wall full of photographs of various species, soon calling the attention to Amy, "Have you seen these? Look at the labels underneath," he pointed to a photograph of a Sontaran, "Commander Halke, defeat," he then moved onto a human, "Tim Heath, having his photo taken. Lady Silver-Tear... Daleks."
Amy agreed there was something strange in that and decided to look for herself, "Paige Barnes, other people's socks. Tim Nelson, balloons. Novice Prin, sabrewolves. Royston Luke Gold, Plymouth. Lucy Hayward, that brutal gorilla," she glanced over to the Doctor, "Doctor, what does it mean?
"I don't know, let's find out," the Doctor took Avalon's hand and pointed for them to start moving.
They entered the reception room where they could hear a soft tune playing in the background due to some radio player at the reception desk. The Doctor tapped a bell on the desk and immediately three people jumped from around the corner, one of them, a woman, brandishing a chair leg at them.
"Blimey, that was quick," the Doctor jumped back.
"We surrender!" cried the alien of the three strangers.
"No, it's OK, we're not..." Rory grew tensed and came up with, "We're nice!"
"She threatened me with a chair leg," the Doctor suddenly noticed and looked at the others in disbelief.
"Who are you?" the woman with the chair leg demanded.
"We're back in reception," the third of the trio took notice of the new room.
"We surrender!" repeated the alien.
"Never been threatened with a chair leg before!" the Doctor was still stuck on that, "No, I tell a lie."
"Did you just say, 'It's OK, we're nice?'" Amy had suddenly realized that and had to find out the reason for it.
"EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!" came the loud yell of Avalon who successfully managed to quiet everyone down, "Thank you," she breathed in relief and straightened herself up. "God, sometimes…"
"Their pupils are dilated," the woman took notice of the travelers' faces.
"What?" Avalon looked at her with suspicion and confusion.
"They're as surprised as we are," the woman continued, "Besides which, if it's a trick, it'll tell us something."
"Oh, you're good," the Doctor pointed, genuinely impressed, "Oh, she's good. Amy, with regret, you're fired."
Avalon looked at him with a scowl, "Excuse you?"
"I'm kidding," the Doctor waved her off but looked at the woman and mimed holding a phone to his ear, "We'll talk," he whispered.
"EXCUSE YOU?" Avalon raised an eyebrow at him, "There'll be no 'talks'," she frowned, "Not unless you're prepared to die."
The Doctor loved when Avalon got jealous but battling it out in front of strangers wasn't exactly his idea of having fun. He tugged her to him, through struggle as she was clearly upset, and looked at the others, "I take it from the pathological compulsion to surrender, you're from Tivoli," he settled on the alien of the strangers.
"Yes, the most invaded planet in the galaxy. Our anthem is called Glory To Insert Name Here."
Avalon stopped struggling against the Doctor to glance at the alien, "That's...sad," she informed then continued to fight, mumbling a few curse words here and there.
"You with the face, Howie, you said you were surprised to be back in reception," the Doctor pointed to the young man with them.
"The walls move, everything changes," Howie struggled to say as he looked around.
"You, clever one, what's he talking about?" the Doctor had looked back at the woman in scrubs, "And what's your name?"
"Oh yes, that's working well," Avalon muttered and practically swatted his hands off her, but to no avail.
"The corridors twist and stretch, rooms vanish and pop up somewhere else," the woman explained, "It's like the hotel's alive. And, um, Rita," she was noticing the odd looks she was getting from Avalon and frankly felt a bit nervous.
"Let me go," Avalon ordered the Doctor and finally pushed him off. She rolled her eyes and jumped over the reception desk to the radio station, "New rule, this stays off all night," she glanced back at the others, "It's giving me a headache. Now, then, what were you saying about the hotel?"
"It's huge, with, like, no way out," Howie finished for Rita.
"Have you tried the front door?" Rory had to ask since the 'easiest way out' always seemed the most ignored option during their travels.
"No, in two days it never occurred to us to try the front door," Rita sarcastically replied, "Thank God you're here!"
"Oi, don't be rude to my best friend," Avalon snapped at her as she jumped on the desk again, taking a comfortable seat on it with her legs dangling.
The Doctor had taken out his sonic to scan the door and opened it to find a white brick wall, confirming Howie's statement, "They're not doors, they're walls, walls that look like doors. Door-walls, if you like, or "dwalls", "woors" even, though you'd probably got it when you said, "They're not doors." I mean, the windows are..." he moved over to a pair of curtains and flung them to the sides, only to find more wall behind, "Right, big day if you're a fan of walls."
"It's not just that," Rita quietly said, Howie and Trivol both also getting quiet, "The rooms have...things in them."
"Things? Hello! What kind of things?" the Doctor was once again excited, "Interesting things? I love things, ask anyone."
"Stupid things," Avalon remarked as she inspected her nails, clearly trying to seem disinterested.
"Bad dreams," Rita answered the question with fear evident in her tone.
"Well, that killed the mood," the Doctor's excitement faded.
"There was never a mood here," Avalon looked at him with a scowl, reminding him this hadn't even been their choice of adventure in the first place.
"How did you get here?" the Doctor focused on the problem at hand.
"I don't know, I'd just started my shift," Rita shrugged, "I must have passed out, because suddenly I was here."
"I was blogging, next thing, this," Howie gestured to the room.
"Oh, I was at work, I'm in town planning," the alien went next, "We're lining all the highways with trees, so invading forces can march in the shade."
"Still very sad," Avalon whispered to him.
"Which is nice for them," the alien continued, ignoring the comment.
"Yeah... So what have we got?" the Doctor reviewed the information they'd just gotten, "People snatched from their lives and dropped into an endless, shifting maze that looks like a 1980s hotel with bad dreams in the bedrooms. Well, apart from anything else, that's just rude."
"Says the rudest alien I've ever met," Avalon hopped off the desk with a clean smirk, "Now then, can we please get out of here? This hotel is creeping me out..." the Doctor agreed and reached to take her hand but she put them behind her back and sharply looked at him, "Under probation," she announced and headed off.
The Doctor made a face and looked at Amy and Rory, "Dare I ask what that even means?"
"Em, no," Amy shook her head and went off after Avalon, motioning for the others to do the same.
"See when Ava went out on dates she designated them as 'under probation'...and then she never saw them again," Rory decided to inform the Time Lord and had to hide his teasing smirk. It wasn't often he got to do that and since the Doctor had practically done that to himself, Rory figured why not?
~ 0 ~
As the group was coming up the staircase, the Doctor explained the plan to them all, "We'll pop back to the TARDIS, I'll do a planet-wide diagnostic sweep, then we'll have a sing song..." he trailed off when they'd reached the space in which the TARDIS was supposed to be in.
"And the TARDIS is gone," Avalon sighed, not very surprised as well, "Cos you parked it here, didn't you?"
"What's a TARDIS?" Howie looked at the travelers with confusion.
"Our way out," Rory groaned and held his head in his hands, "And it's gone!"
And suddenly, the music Avalon had shut off in the reception room played soothingly over the speakers.
"Okay, this is bad," the Doctor declared, "At the moment, I don't know how bad, but certainly we're three buses, a long walk and eight quid in a taxi from good. Are there any more of you?" he looked at Rita for the answer.
"Joe, but he's tied up right now," Rita leaned on the rail of the stairs, her eyes drifting to the side.
"Doing what?" the Doctor asked her.
"No, I mean he's...tied up right now," Rita made a face as the group realized her words now.
~ 0 ~
And Rita's words were proven true when the group entered the dining room that contained Joe strapped to a chair at one of the tables, identical laughing dummies surrounding him at the other tables.
"This is beyond creepy," Avalon breathed as she looked from one dummy to another, feeling even worse when the dummies all stopped laughing to turn their heads to them. "Oh yeah, we're definitely in a scary movie."
The Doctor went straight for the tied man, determined to figure out what was going on, "Hello, I'm the Doctor."
The man didn't seem quite there as he made a response, "You're going to die here."
"Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure. Is Joe there?" the Doctor reached for a chair, "Can I have a quick word?"
"Oh, it's still me, Doctor, but I've seen the light. I lived a blasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon...he shall feast."
"Well, you've been here two days," the Doctor reminded, "What's he waiting for?"
"We weren't ready. We were still raw."
"But now you're what? Cooked?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, suddenly lost.
"If you like," Joe shrugged then smiled, "Soon you will be, too," he assured, "Be patient. First...find your room."
"My room..." the Doctor followed.
"There's a room here for everyone, Doctor. Even you."
"You said you'd seen the light now."
"Nothing else matters anymore. Only him. It's like these things. I used to hate them! They make me laugh now," Joe had a laugh with the dummies, "Gottle o' geer! Gottle o' geer! You should go. He'll be here soon."
The Doctor stood up with a fake smile and grabbed a hand dolley to put under Joe's chair, "I think you should come with me."
~ 0 ~
The group returned to the reception room where the music was once again playing in the background. The Doctor was looking at the four strangers with curiosity, "Why you four? That's what I don't understand. Aside from all the other things I don't understand," he mused while he shut the music off.
"What does it matter?" Gibbis shook his head, "Sooner or later, someone will come along and rescue us. Or enslave us."
Avalon stared at him in utter awe, "That's the spirit," she remarked sarcastically.
"Okay, look, first we find the TARDIS," the Doctor said then wagged a finger at all of them, "If you feel drawn to a particular room, do not go in, and make sure someone else can see you at all times."
"Joe said 'he' will feast. Is there something here with us?" Rita wondered nervously while looking at Joe who was still nowhere with them in mind-terms.
Joe laughed after the question had been asked and so the Doctor glanced at him, "Something to add, Joe?"
"Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head," the man started saying, "Chop, chop, chop, chop."
"Can we do something about him?" Howie put a hand on his head as he tried ignoring Joe's words.
'I'm all over it," Avalon raised a hand as she moved to the desk, hopping on it and reaching underneath to pull out black dutch tape, "Put it on," she chucked it to Howie then looked at Joe, "He's saying stupid stuff I'd rather not hear."
And so, after Joe was taped over the mouth, they all headed for the hallways in an attempt to find the TARDIS.
"Personally, I think you've got the right idea," Gibbis said to Joe as he pushed the man's chair, "Times like this, I think of my old school motto, "Resistance Is Exhausting."
"I've worked out where we are," Howie announced to Rory.
"Hmm?" Rory looked at him.
"You see, the US government has entire cities hidden in the Norwegian mountains. Earth is on a collision course with this other planet, and this is where they're going to send all the rich people when it kicks off."
"Amazing," Rory blinked.
"It's all there on the internet."
"No, it's amazing you've come up with a theory even more insane than what's actually happening."
The group was stopped when an older man came out of a room in front of them, "Have you forgotten your PE kit again?" the teacher looked at the Doctor, "Right, that's it, you're doing it in your pants!"
The Doctor shook off the odd moment and turned to see Howie nearing a door, "Hey! Don't!" he ran, even the group shifting to try and stop Howie.
The door to the room was opened and allowed the others the sight of young women looking like they were at a party. They all looked over and started laughing when they saw Howie, "Oh, look, girls, it's H-H-H-Howie!"
"What's "loser" in K-K-K-Klingon?" one of the girls asked then laughed again.
Howie backed away from the door, "Shut the d-d...the-the door!" the Doctor did as told, "This is just some m-m-messed-up CIA stuff, I-I-I'm telling you."
"You're right," the Doctor agreed with him in an attempt to calm him, "Keep telling yourself that. It's a CIA thing, nothing more..." he looked at the others and nodded for them to keep moving.
They reached a hallway that was in rather odd conditions. The Doctor looked at one of the walls with light sconces and plaster scraped off. Avalon found a paper on the floor and bent down to get it.
"Guys?" Rory had taken a double look at a fire exit that stood big and proud several feet away from him.
However, the growl of the beast grabbed everyone's attention and made everyone save Rory gather around.
"OK, whatever that is, it's not real, yeah?" Avalon questioned the Doctor, though she wasn't very convinced herself.
"No, no, I'm sure it isn't," the Doctor took her hand yet still backed away with her, "But just in case, let's run away and hide anyway. In here," he reached for a room and flung the door open, motioning for the others to get in while Rita took herself and Joe into another room.
"You liar," Avalon snapped at the Doctor.
"What? I can't try and make my Ava feel better?" he raised an eyebrow at her.
She rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up," she looked around him to where Rory was, "Oi, Rory! C'mon!" Rory was trying to find the fire exit that had mysteriously disappeared on him, "Rory!"
"Ava, please, get inside," the Doctor tried pushing her into the room.
"No, not without Rory," Avalon struggled against him, "Please?"
The Doctor groaned and turned for Rory, "COME ON!" he shouted for the human frantically. When Rory finally started coming towards them, the Doctor got Avalon inside the room and a couple seconds he and Rory followed.
"Aiiee!" the Doctor nearly fell over when he saw two Weeping Angels statues in the room facing them.
"Don't...blink," Amy was staring dead hard at the Angels and practically forcing Howie to do the same since Gibbis was cowering inside a cupboard on the side of the room.
"They're gonna get us," Avalon breathed as the lights flickered and the Angels changed positions.
"Ava, get back," the Doctor grabbed her arm while Rory took Amy's, "Why haven't they gotten us yet?"
"Do you really think we should be questioning that?" Avalon would've given him a look if the Angels were taking up her attention, "Why not 'oh, how can we get out of this?'.
The Doctor moved in front of her as he went towards the statues. Nervously, he tried touching one only to realize they weren't even real Angels, "They're not real," he said to the others.
"What?" Amy frowned, still not taking her eyes off the statues.
"They should have got us by now," the Doctor turned to Amy, "Amy, look at me, focus on me. It's your bad dream, that's all."
"I don't even think they're for us," Rory finally realized as the lights flickered again but the statues remained in place.
Avalon made a face as she looked around, "But if it's not Amy, then who's the room for—" she didn't get to finish her question when Gibbis let out a sharp scream from the cupboard and shut the door, answering her question right there and then.
The Doctor heard the steps of the beast getting closer so he went for the door, confusing the others.
"Doctor, what are you doing?" Amy had to ask, wondering what kind of plan he was forming to save them.
"I'm sorry, I just have to see what it is. I just have to see," the Doctor apologized and peered through the peephole in the door, finding the shadow of the beast on the other side, "Oh, look at you... You are beautiful..." he gasped when the beast suddenly stood on the other side staring right at him, "Oh, dear..." he cautiously stepped back.
"It's on the other side, isn't it?" Avalon assumed with a sigh.
"That...may be a possibility," the Doctor slowly went for the door again.
"And looking back at it again would make things better, how exactly?" Avalon grew nervous as he stared through the peephole. That door was just a door and if the beast wanted to it could take it down, the Doctor being the first one to go down with it.
"I think it's going after Joe," the Doctor announced as the beast started heading off. Once he thought they were safe, he opened the door and peered out into the hall, seeing the body of Joe being dragged around the corner, "Leave him alone!" he called and went after.
"No, Doctor!" Avalon moved to follow when Rory yanked her back, "No, what are you doing? We have to go help!"
Rory shook his head and gripped her arm, "The Doctor can't split himself into three to save himself, you and Joe. Stay here, okay?"
Avalon huffed and looked back in the direction the Doctor had gone off in. Even if she wanted to make a run for it, the hotel would probably shift the hallways and mess with her. She would just get lost and cause havoc.
But she knew why Rory had stopped her in the first place, they all knew.
It seemed like the Doctor's paranoia concerning their safety being completely on him had not gone away. Avalon was the first and foremost one to feel the presence of his senseless guilt. She tried and tried to make him see that everyone was responsible for themselves, as well as the fact that they were all aware of the dangers that came with traveling, but nothing worked. In the end, she, Rory, and Amy just tried to be more careful during their trips in an attempt to help the Doctor a bit.
~ 0 ~
Joe's body had been placed on a small dais in the dining room and was being scanned by the sonic, meanwhile the rest of the group was a bit dispersed through the room trying to get over the happenings.
Amy and Rory sat at a table trying to forget everything but it was harder to do than they thought. They were quietly conversing but when Avalon joined them, they stopped.
"Okay listen up," she plopped down into the empty chair. "Remember how I told you about the Doctor and his guilt? Well, it's about to overflow. We need to be careful for his sake."
"We're doing our best, believe us," Rory sighed.
"I know, just...try a little harder?" Avalon shifted in the chair only to feel something funny in her pocket. She remembered she'd stuck the scrap of paper she'd found earlier into her pocket. "Oh, wait!"
"What?" Rory watched her pull out the paper.
"I found this earlier..." Avalon mumbled as she skimmed the writing. She jumped from her chair and hurried towards the Doctor, "Doctor, look at this. I found it in a corridor, I completely forgot I had it." The Doctor quickly took it out of her hands and just as he was about to read it, she surprised him with a kiss on his cheek. "It is not all on you," she said for his puzzled face. "Please try to remember that."
The Doctor smiled at her for a moment before turning his attention to the paper. As kind as her words were, he couldn't give himself the luxury of getting distracted with her sweet kisses. There was a beast roaming the hallways and she could be its next target. He needed to get them out of there fast.
"My name is Lucy Hayward and I'm the last one left. It took Luke first. It got him on his first day, almost as soon as we arrived. It's funny. You don't know what's going to be in your room until you see it, then you realize it could never have been anything else. I just saw mine. It was a gorilla from a book I'd read as a kid. My God, that thing used to terrify me. The gaps between my worships are getting shorter, like contractions. This is what happened to the others... and how lucky they were. It's all so clear now. I'm so happy. Praise him."
"Praise him," Howie said not a moment after the Doctor had finished reading out loud.
"What did you just say?" the Doctor looked at him with surprise.
"Nothing," Howie shrugged but it was obvious he was fighting against something, "Praise him!" he nearly shouted then clapped his hand over his mouth.
"This is what happened to Joe!" Gibbis said in alarm as he rushed away from Howie.
"God, it's going to come for me now," Howie panicked while the others spoke over one another, definitely not helping the case.
"You'll lead it right here," Gibbis accused in terror.
"I won't leave you, I promise, you have my word, "the Doctor assured Howie but the young man wasn't so sure.
"I don't want to get eaten!"
"Howie, calm down!" Amy tried her hand at it as well.
"He's going to lead it right here!" Gibbis kept saying in the background.
The Doctor had enough and so activated the sonic above his head creating a high pitched noise that made everyone stop, "Thank you!"
"Don't you see? He'll lead it right here!" Gibbis was the first one to speak again.
"What do you suggest?" Rita turned to him.
"Look, whatever it is out there, it's obviously chosen Howard as its next course. Now...tragic though that is, this is no time for sentiment. I'm saying, if it were to... find him," Gibbis 'delicately' said. "It may be satisfied and let the rest of us go." Everyone looked at him in horror. "All I want to do is go home and be conquered and oppressed, is that too much to ask?!"
"You're no longer allowed to speak," Avalon declared not a minute later.
"We stay together," the Doctor announced and walked up to Gibbis, "Your civilization is one of the oldest in the galaxy. Now I see why. Your cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly, aggressive. It's how that gene of gutlessness has survived while so many others have perished. Well, not today. No-one else dies today. Right?"
"Yes..." Gibbis mouthed.
"Brilliant," and the Doctor turned back and went for Howie, "Howie, any second, it's going to possess you again," he informed as he sat the man down at a table, "When it does, I'm going to ask you some questions. Please try to answer them."
"I hope my mum's all right, she's going to be w-worried..." Howie mumbled, slowly slipping into a change that was clear through his face.
The Doctor sat across him and put on an enthusiastic expression, "Howie, you're next, we're all dead jealous, so tell us...How do we get a piece of the action? Why isn't he possessing all of us?"
"You guys have got all these distractions," Howie tapped his head while smiling in a languid way, "All these obstacles. It'd be so much easier if you just let it go, you know, clear the path."
"You want it to find you?" Avalon realized with horror, "Why? Don't you understand what it's going to do to you?"
But Howie seemed even more excited at the thought of it, "Are you kidding? He's going to kill us all! How cool is that?!"
The Doctor quietly stood and led the others away from the table, "It's as I thought, it feeds on fear. Everything, the rooms, Lucy's note, even the pictures in reception, has been put here to frighten us. So we have to resist it. Do whatever you have to, cross your fingers, say a prayer, think of a basket of kittens, but do not give in to the fear."
"OK, but what are we actually going to do?" Amy asked him curiously.
"We're going to catch ourselves a monster," the Doctor announced with a genuine smile this time.
~ 0 ~
"Can't believe we're doing this," Avalon mumbled to Rory as they stood on guard of the beast.
They were standing outside the beauty parlor of the hotel, Rory with a mop in his hands. They were waiting to lock the beast inside the room where the Doctor was, something Avalon wasn't too pleased with. Once again, she hadn't been allowed to help him because it was "too dangerous" and "she might get hurt" and all the usual crap that had taken custom to being thrown at her. Apparently, locking a door was the only thing she could do without getting hurt.
"Is it really such a surprise?" Rory countered her remark with a small smirk.
"No, as well as the fact that I'm playing guard again," Avalon rolled her eyes, "The Doctor's getting crazy with this protectiveness," she huffed.
"He's trying to keep you safe, Ava. Appreciate it."
"I do but there's a fine line and I don't want him to actually lose his mind trying to protect me, you and Amy. He's too hard on himself."
Rory could agree on that but what was he supposed to do? The Doctor was the Doctor. He long ago made his choice how to act and think. There was no changing his mind after a near thousand years of living.
"Rory, he's in!" they heard Amy's shout from the other side.
Quickly, Rory blocked the door behind them with the mop. Together, he and Avalon stayed near in case there was something else needed to be done.
"He shouldn't be there on his own," Avalon mumbled as they waited.
"Now who's overprotective?" Rory teased and nudged her side, earning a mock glare.
Avalon groaned. She hated when he made sense.
"I'm here!" Howie's voice filled the hallway, "Bring me death!"
"How did he get out?" Avalon then smacked her head, "Stupid question!" she scolded herself, "Remind me, WHY why did we leave Gibbis with him in the first place?"
"That..." Rory looked to the side, "...is a very good question."
"Mhm," Avalon groaned and went back to the door, "We have to make sure this..."
"No, no, no, no!" she managed to hear the Doctor through the other, "Ava, Rory, watch out!"
The glass of the door shattered and sent Avalon and Rory down to the floor. They missed the beast getting the mop out of the door handles to get out. A couple seconds later came the Doctor with Amy and Rita.
"Ava!" he helped Avalon sit up while Amy helped Rory, "Are you okay?"
Avalon groaned as she put a hand on her head, "Does this mean I can't even be a guard, then?"
The Doctor was slightly amused as he helped her up, "You're meant to be my princess," he pecked her lips once he made sure she was alright, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some saving to do..." He ran off after the beast to save Howie.
"What happened?" Rory looked back at the parlor where they could see basically everything shattered.
"I think we should be asking why Howie's out in the first place," Avalon shook her head, "I swear that alien is going to hear me."
"Okay, let's just go find the Doctor," Amy turned around and moved to walk. She only made it a couple steps down when she stopped and looked at a room, room 7, and instantly felt the urge to go inside.
"Amy..." Avalon was watching her curiously. Amy didn't listen and turned the knob of the door and peered inside, "Amy!" Avalon rushed down and slammed the door shut then yanked Amy back, "You shouldn't have done that. What did you see?"
"Nothing," Amy slowly got back to normal, "Nothing...I don't know, it was weird."
"C'mon," Rita called from the other side of the hallway.
Avalon sharply looked at Amy and grabbed her arm to get back with the others. They found the Doctor kneeling by Howie's body, instantly knowing the man was dead.
From around the corner, Gibbis showed himself, meekly speaking, "He got free. He overpowered me," the Doctor ignored him as he strode back to the others, "It might leave us alone now. Maybe now we'll be safe. Wait!"
~ 0 ~
The Doctor stood in front of the wall pictures they'd looked at earlier, specifically Howie's. Rory came to join him and immediately the Doctor had to wonder, "Have you found your room yet?"
"No, no," Rory shook his head, "And neither has Ava. I have to wonder, though, is that good or bad?"
"I believe the phrase went 'Avalon Reynolds does not get afraid'," the Doctor smiled, "Maybe she got that from you."
"I used to be afraid," Rory shrugged, "But then...after all the time I spent with you in the TARDIS, what was left to be scared of?"
The Doctor sharply looked at him, "You said that in the past tense."
Rory was silent for a few seconds until a sigh slipped through. "My family. River's out there, in prison, and we have Avalon here but...she's already gotten so hurt. My biggest fear now is what could happen to my family."
The Doctor swallowed hard. That could directly be linked to him. "I'm trying to keep everyone safe…"
"I know," Rory turned to him. "But it's like Avalon said, not everything is on you. Sometimes things happen and no one can prevent them."
The Doctor could only nod but to believe him right now was a difficult task. He instead moved away from the wall to go meet the others. On his way, he met Rita halfway there. "Rita! Brilliant! How are you? Not panicking, are you?" But he didn't wait to hear the answer when he continued, "Good, good. Because I am literally an otter's toenail away from getting us out of here."
"Why?" Rita finally managed a word in.
"Excellent question," the Doctor acknowledged but instead went around her, "Excellent question," he remarked but stopped once he realized he had no idea what she meant, "Why what?"
"Why is it up to you to save us? That's quite a God complex you have there."
The Doctor looked down to where Avalon and Amy were downstairs, "I brought them here," he said quietly, "They'd say it was their choice, but offer a child a suitcase full of sweets and they'll take it. Offer someone all of time and space and they'll take that, too. Which is why you shouldn't. Which is why grown-ups were invented."
"All of time and space, eh?" Rita called as the Time Lord continued his way down.
"Oh, yeah," he glanced back, "And when we get out of this, I'll show you, too."
Rita laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about. But I have a feeling you just did it again."
The Doctor nodded then noticed a security camera up on the corner, " Right down to the smallest detail. Got you, Mr Minotaur..." he dashed down the stairs and made note to head to the cameras' room.
Avalon was hurrying down the stairs with Amy and Rory, all trying to locate a missing Rita, when suddenly Avalon stopped in a hallway. She didn't know why but...something stopped her. She took a few steps forwards, ignoring Amy's and Rory's call back at the staircase to follow them. They'd continued on without her.
Suddenly, all the doors on both sides of her faded so that only one door stood out. Number 51. Her feet moved and before she even registered what she was doing, her hand found the doorknob and pushed the door open.
The room was a bright white with a medical bed and the standard IV pumps: a hospital room. Avalon saw a woman's back as she sat on the bed holding an infant in her arms. There was a nurse waiting for the woman on the side.
"What will you name her, ma'am?" the nurse inquired.
"Don't care," the mother answered rather coldly.
It certainly took the nurse by surprise. "Excuse me?"
Avalon could see the mother's head rising to meet the nurse. "I said I don't care. She's a nuisance. I don't want her here, I don't need her, so if you could just..." The mother held the infant out for the nurse.
"Ma'am, this is really unusual," the nurse was flabbergasted. "Are you sure you don't want to think about naming-"
"I don't care!" the mother snapped. "I don't want her! Take her! Put her up for adoption or something!"
"But I-I don't...ma'am if this is really what you want, we need a name-"
The mother groaned. "You want a name? Fine! Go with, uh, Avalon! There! You got a name, now take her away!"
Avalon watched as the nurse pulled the pink blanket from the infant's face to reveal a soft tuft of orange hair. Her breath hitched. That was her?
"TAKE HER!" The mother yelled at the nurse, making the woman jump in her spot. "God! Not even her father wanted her and I am not going to be stuck with her! GO!"
The nurse jumped one more time before rushing out of the room...right past Avalon.
"That can't be me..." She said as if she was trying to convince herself.
At the sound of her voice, the mother looked back and though Avalon met her gaze, she couldn't say that she remembered the woman at all. But she knew the look of hatred when she saw one.
The mother's face contorted with utter loathing. "Don't tell me it's you! God! What the hell do I have to do to get away from you? Haven't you taken the hint already?"
Tears pooled in Avalon's eyes as the woman kept shouting at her to leave the room. "You can't...you can't hate me..."
The mother barked a sardonic laugh. "I do! because you were a nuisance from the start! From the moment that I knew you existed! I knew you that you were going to be a waste of space and I decided that I didn't need that in my life. You could be someone else's burden!"
"But I'm your daughter," Avalon barely choked the words out. She felt like she couldn't breathe and suddenly she really wished she could have a hug from that woman. Her mother.
"You're a waste in the world," the mother snapped. "You were born to cause trouble. I had the right idea to get out before you hurt me. Tell me, have you hurt anyone in your life?"
Avalon blinked once and suddenly she was no longer in a hospital room. There was a breeze and sand and water...and a gunshot. An astronaut had fired at the Doctor until he was dead on the ground.
"NO!" Avalon screamed at the top of her lungs and ran forwards.
'Have you hurt anyone in your life?' The wicked mother repeated over and over. 'Have you hurt anyone in your life?'
The astronaut pulled off its helmet just as Avalon came to a stop beside the Doctor's body. It was her. It was a straight, emotionless her who turned away and disappeared.
"I didn't mean to, I wouldn't..." Avalon hands went back and forth while she decided whether or not to touch him. "I wouldn't hurt you, I wouldn't hurt you..."
She just couldn't, not him, never him.
~ 0 ~
In the dining room once again, the remaining group sat in a dispersed manner contemplating their next move, all in the meanwhile the Doctor was finishing up a rather big tantrum. To say he was unhappy would be the understatement of the year. Three people were dead and the next one could be anyone and so far he had nothing to save them. This was becoming a running theme for him and his good streak of luck could end at any moment. This time could be the time he loses someone, Amy, Rory, or Avalon. It always happens, at some point something has to happen.
Avalon cleared her throat, pushing aside her own turmoil at the moment to focus on the big picture. She didn't want him to find out about her room. "I may be temperamental but even I know throwing things isn't going to help," she said quietly. The Doctor gave a small nod and took her extended hand, "So why don't we review, instead?" she offered and looked around, "We know the beast preys on people's fear and possesses them."
"But Rita wasn't afraid, she was brave and calm," the Doctor said in pure frustration, "Maybe it's something to do with the people, some connection between the four of you that'll tell me how to fight it."
"Yes. You keep saying that, but you never do. And while we wait, people keep dying," Gibbis remarked in irritation, "And we'll be next!"
"Look, he'll work it out, he always does," Amy spoke up, "Just let him riff and move anything expensive out of his way."
"Oh, nice, Amy, support the tantrums," Avalon threw her a mock-scolding face.
"We support yours," Amy countered with a small smirk.
While the two gingers went back and forth, something had sparked inside the Doctor's head, something of Amy's, "Oh, no. Oh, no, no..." he started repeating.
Avalon looked at him, worried, "What? What is it?"
"It's not fear. It's faith. Not just religious faith, faith in something," he got to thinking and even pacing, "Howard believed in conspiracies, external forces controlling the world. Joe had dice cufflinks and a chain with a horseshoe. He was a gambler. Gamblers believe in luck, an intangible force that helps them win or lose. Gibbis rejected personal autonomy and is waiting for the next batch of invaders to tell him what to do. They all believe there's something guiding them, about to save them. That's what it replaces. Every time someone was confronted with their most primal fear, they fell back on their most fundamental faith," he sat on a barstool and rubbed his face as he realized, "And all this time, I've been telling you to dig deep. Find the thing that keeps you brave. I made you expose your faith. Show them what they needed."
"But why us? Why are we here?" Rory frowned in confusion.
"It doesn't want you. That's why it kept showing you a way out. You're not religious or superstitious, so there's no faith for you to fall back on."
"Me?" Amy was next to frown, disliking what had just been said, "Why me? Why not her?" she glanced at Avalon.
"It seeks out the strongest faith," the Doctor explained but Avalon interrupted him with the revelation that she had seen her own room as well. It seemed like hiding it wouldn't be happening anymore.
"I saw it," she whispered, eyes downcast. "It was there...number 51."
"Oh Ava," the Doctor immediately came to her and wrapped her up in his arms. She wanted him to hold her as tight as possible. "I'm so, so sorry," he whispered to her. He wouldn't ask what she saw just as he hoped that she would never ask what he saw in his own room.
"Okay but if Avalon saw a room too...how do you know it didn't bring us here because of her?" Amy had to ask just for the sake of clarity. She would much rather have the beast come for her instead of Avalon.
"Because I don't have a strong faith system," Avalon said. "I don't believe in hope very much. I'm like you, Amy, in that I know my Fairy Tale Man will always try to save me but I also know that he's not always able to do everything. That would just be unrealistic." She leaned her head against the Doctor's chest. He tries his best, though."
"I will always try," he whispered to her.
"Okay, so...what's going on with me then?" Amy questioned, swallowing hard now that she was next on the list of the hunted. "
"It's your faith in me," the Doctor sighed and looked at Amy who was staring at him in horror, "That's what brought us here."
"But why do they lose their faith before they die and start worshipping..."it"?" Rory inquired.
"It needs to convert the faith into a form 'it' can consume. Faith is an energy, the specific emotional energy the creature needs to live. Which is why at the end of her note, Lucy said..."
"Praise him," Amy said, and finished.
"Exactly," the Doctor nodded and for a moment no one realized what...
"Did she just...?" Avalon's eyes widened.
"No. Oh, please, no," Rory stood up from his chair and moved to Amy, and already they could hear the beast coming for her.
~ 0 ~
Now the group ran as fast as they could down the hallways, away from the beast who wasn't that far away. Amy suddenly stopped and turned to face the beast.
"Amy?" the Doctor had noticed and looked back.
"What the hell are you doing?" Avalon hissed, "Get over here now!"
"He is beautiful," Amy hadn't heard a word as she gazed upon the beast getting closer.
"Leave her! Just leave her!" Gibbis nearly begged as he backtracked.
The Doctor and Rory hurried over to Amy and dragged her away. They ran into a room that happened to be Amy's. Inside was her younger self sitting on her suitcase as she waited and watched the window, simulating the night she had waited for the Doctor.
"Boy does that bring back memories," Avalon blinked. To think, she had scolded Amy for being so naive for waiting for an alien that they would probably never see again. Now look where they were?
Amy knelt to the floor with her hands on her head, "Doctor, it's happening. It's changing me, it's changing my thoughts."
The Doctor looked around the room in desperation, Avalon and Rory were trying to keep the door shut and Gibbis was cowering once more. He had to do something, and that something would cost him. Slowly, he knelt beside Amy, "I can't save you from this, there's nothing I can do to stop this."
She looked at him in confusion, "What?"
"I stole your childhood and now I've led you by the hand to your death. But the worst thing is, I knew. I knew this would happen. This is what always happens."
"It's in!" Avalon cried as the beast swung open the door of the room.
"Forget your faith in me," the Doctor insisted to Amy, flinching as the beast growled at the doorway, "I took you with me because I was vain, because I wanted to be adored. Look at you. Glorious Pond. The girl who waited for me. I'm not a hero. I really am just a mad man in a box. And it's time we saw each other as we really are," he kissed Amy's forehead and smiled at her, "Amy Williams. It's time to stop waiting," he stood up and watched the beast stumble back into the hall.
As the beast fell to the floor, the lights began flickering, the room changing into a darker one with just a control panel and the TARDIS.
The Doctor moved over to the beast and knelt down by it, "I severed the food supply. Sacrificing their faith in me. I gave you the space to die. Shhh, shhh."
"What is this place?" Avalon looked around in awe.
"The real location we've been in this whole time," the Doctor looked around as well, "A ship, a prison ship."
"And what is it, a minotaur?" Amy looked at the beast, "Or an alien? Or an alien minotaur? That's not a question I thought I'd be asking this morning."
"It's both, actually," the Doctor walked to the control panel and checked the screen for any information, "Yeah. Here we go. Distant cousin of the Nimon. They descend on planets and set themselves up as Gods to be worshipped. Which is fine, until the inhabitants get all secular and advanced enough to build bonkers prisons.
"Correction. Prisons in space," Rory pointed to the porthole he and Gibbis were looking through.
"Where are the guards?" Avalon asked.
"No need for any. It's all automated," the Doctor gestured to the controls, "It drifts through space, snatching people with belief systems and converts their faith into food for the creature."
"It didn't want just me," Amy decided to point out, "So, you must believe in some god or someone, or they'd have shown you the door, too. So, what do Time Lords pray to?"
But of course, the Doctor had acted as if the question had not been asked, "According to the in-flight recorder, the program developed glitches. It got stuck on the same setting, the fears from the people before us weren't tidied away."
Avalon turned to the beast as it growled, "It's still alive...but what's it saying?"
The Doctor listened in as he moved closer to the beat again, "An ancient creature, drenched in the blood of the innocent, drifting in space through an endless, shifting maze. For such a creature, death would be a gift," he knelt down and put a hand on the beast, "Then accept it. And sleep well," he stood up and started his way back to the TARDIS with the others when the beast growled again.
"I wasn't talking about myself."
That alone was the making of a big decision.
~ 0 ~
Later that same day, Avalon was rummaging through her room frantically. It wasn't until there was a knock on her door that she finally halted, "Come in!" she gave the shout and continued her search.
The Doctor stepped inside and watched her for a moment, "What...are you doing?"
"I can't find my journal!" she sighed in irritation as she slammed shut a drawer from her vanity desk, "The thing's gone! Disappeared!" she rubbed the side of her head, "You wouldn't have happened to see it, did you?" her tone was full of hope.
"Now that you mention it, yeah, I think so. In the console room," the Doctor held a hand for her, "Want to come and search there?"
"Yes," she nodded and took his hand, "I don't understand, I know I left it in my room. I put it on my desk on the first drawer. How could it get into the console?"
"You probably just forgot," the Doctor shrugged, "No big deal."
Avalon scoffed, "This coming from the man who loses it completely when his screwdriver isn't in his pocket."
"Oi, it's valuable!"
"Well, so is my journal," Avalon concluded. As soon as they entered the console room Avalon started searching frantically again, missing the sad stare the Doctor was giving her all the meanwhile, "I don't see it, are you sure you saw it around here?"
"Uh, yeah, silver book," the Doctor nodded, "Definitely in here..."
Avalon made a face and sighed as she continued looking around. She was getting agitated that her journal wasn't showing up. She couldn't just lose it!
"Ava," the Doctor recognized her angry face and he definitely didn't want for her to be angry now. He slowly moved around the console for the ginger, "Ava?"
"Hm, what?" she muttered while looking.
"Don't be upset, please."
"How can I not be!?" Avalon growled as she stopped the search, "You gave me that journal, you spent time on it for me...and I lose it? No! I have to find it, I'll find it, I promise."
The Doctor smiled and put a hand under her chin, "Don't worry so much."
"How can I not? Not only is it my prized possession but it's also a sentimental gift from you," she said quietly, "I don't want you to think that I'm careless about it."
The Doctor had to laugh at that one, "You? Careless about your journal? Ava, I could never think that. If there is one thing you care for it's that journal. Sometimes I think you care more for it than your own life!"
"It's special..." Avalon mumbled with a small pout on her face for being laughed at.
"But none more special than you," the Doctor gave her a peck on the lips, "And, just a note, you are very special."
"Shut up," she blushed lightly.
"Why? I'm saying the truth," the Doctor put an arm around her waist and brought her up against him, "Ava doesn't like hearing praises about herself?" he chuckled as she blushed even deeper.
He was going to miss that.
"You just love messing with me, don't you?" Avalon groaned.
"Don't you do the same to me?"
"Yes...but it's cute when I do it," Avalon innocently shrugged, "And besides, usually when I do it you get one of these," she kissed him, "So everyone wins."
"Everybody wins?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow, "Just like that?" Avalon nodded with a clean smile on her face, making him chuckle again, "You're so adorable. I..." he slowly wrapped his other arm around her as well and leaned closer to her.
"You what?" she asked in anticipation.
The Doctor raised a hand to rest on her cheek and gazed at her for a minute, taking note of all her features to remember them perfectly when she was...
"Doctor?" Avalon asked again, "You what?"
But the Doctor didn't answer as instead he chose to kiss her. Satisfied with the alternative, Avalon fell into the kiss. Gently, the Doctor turned her around and leaned her on the console, deepening the kiss. Avalon had never felt a kiss like that and if she hadn't been so into it she would've questioned it.
"Where did that come from?" she finally took a breath after they'd pulled away. "And how can I get that to happen again?"
The Doctor laughed lightly. "You have no idea the power you have over me." He rested his forehead against hers, bringing up a finger to stroke over her cheek. "You're my princess, my Ava. I love you."
Avalon smiled. "I love you too, Fairy Tale Man."
They both heard footsteps coming from the corridors and looked in time to see Amy and Rory walking out.
"Ah, glad you're both here," the Doctor straightened up and took Avalon's hand, "I have a surprise for you two," he looked at the human pair.
"You do?" Amy raised an eyebrow, confused. She thought with the trip earlier all he would want to do was stay inside the TARDIS.
"You'll like it," he assured as he turned for the console and started setting in coordinations, gripping Avalon's hand tighter than ever as he knew what was coming.
~ 0 ~
The group stepped out into a sunny, calm, Earth, street. There were colorful townhouses in a row across them with a park on the other side.
"Don't tell me. This isn't Earth, that isn't a real house," Amy nodded to one of the houses they were approaching, "And inside lives a goblin, who feeds on indecision."
"Good one," Avalon laughed.
"Nope. Real Earth, real house," the Doctor tossed Amy a set of keys, "Real door keys!"
"You're not serious?" Amy looked between him and the keys.
"The car too?" Rory was hypnotized with the bright red car in front of them, "But that's my favorite car! How did you know that was my favorite car?"
The Doctor rolled his eyes as he reminded Rory, "You showed me a picture of it once and said, 'That's my favorite car'," he tossed Rory the car keys.
"Wait a minute..." Avalon was slowly putting pieces together, at least in regards to Amy and Rory, "...you're doing this be-" but the Doctor placed a finger over her lips.
"We'll talk," he gave a smile, a fake one, "Can I have a word with Amy, first?"
"Okay..." Avalon whispered and nodded. The Doctor gave her a small kiss and turned her for the house that now belonged to her grandparents.
"I'll go with her, there's a tone to celebrate," Rory happily said but stopped beside the Doctor before actually leaving, "Now, Amy's probably going to we can't accept this because it's too extravagant and we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation," he looked over his shoulder to Amy, "It's a risk I'm willing to take!" he laughed and went after Avalon inside the house.
Amy leaned against the bonnet of the car and patted the spot beside her, "Hey," she called to the Time Lord, "So... You're leaving, aren't you?"
"You haven't seen the last of me," he assured, "Bad Penny is my middle name! Seriously, the looks I get when I fill in a form..."
"Why now?"
"Because you're still breathing," the Doctor quietly said, falling serious.
"Well, I think this is about the washing-up, personally," Amy remarked, making them both laugh a little, sadly. She stood off the car and glanced back at the house, "And Avalon? What happens to her?"
"Amy, you know the Silence is still out there. I can't...I can't keep acting...I can't keep pretending like I don't know what's coming," he swallowed hard.
Amy studied his expression, waiting for him to say more, but she soon understood what he was struggling to say...and it broke her heart. "Oh my God, you know." The Doctor avoided her gaze but his silence was answer enough. "You know about Lake Silencio."
"Knowing what's coming...I cannot and will not have Avalon around for that. I'm her Fairy Tale Man and I would rather die than put her in danger. If the Silence wants me, then let them have me but they will not touch her. Never again."
"I understand, I do, and I'm very grateful you're thinking about her safety but leaving her behind on Earth...don't you think that's just as dangerous?"
"No, I'll have eyes on her. I'll give Jack and Martha a call, I'll be in touch with a slightly older River Song. I'm keeping Avalon safe until...until I figure out how to defeat the Silence. Either Kovarian dies, or I will." The Doctor straightened himself up, standing by his words, and reached inside his jacket to pull out Avalon's silver journal. He had taken it from her room to avoid having to explain to her why she needed to bring it out of the TARDIS right now. He brushed a hand over the cover. 'A.H.R.' was still shining brightly as the day he carved it. Avalon Harmony Reynolds. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl who deserved to live out her days in peace.
He held the journal out to Amy, willing her to take it. "Tell her she can be anything she wants to be. She's the impossible girl, after all. Been doing the impossible ever since she was born."
Amy took the journal from him and nodded. "You don't want to say goodbye to her?"
"If I see her again, I won't be able to leave," he confessed with a heavy sigh. "I love her too much and that's my weakness. If she asks me to stay, I'm going to stay." And he couldn't do that to her. His room had shown him the consequences if he continued to ignore the future. He would die before he had to hold Avalon's dead body in his arms.
"She's going to continue asking so many questions..." Amy said sadly, choosing to understand his motives as the best option for all of them.
"Answer them. Answer everything she wants to know, even about River."
Amy suspected that wouldn't happen anytime soon. Avalon had no interest in learning about her biological mother. "Listen, if you bump into River, whichever version you meet, you tell her to stop by because her daughter's going to need her."
"Will do," the Doctor promised and gave her a quick hug.
"Look after yourself, please," Amy said, watching him backtrack to the TARDIS. He opened the door, glancing back at Amy who already had tears in her eyes, "Bye," she waved.
The Doctor waved back and entered the TARDIS, soon de-materializing. Of course, that happened right about the time Avalon and Rory had stepped out of the brand new house.
Avalon, who'd been carrying glasses in her hands, dropped them to the ground and hurried down the steps as she saw the blue box disappearing, "What happened!? Where's he going!?" She ran up to Amy.
"He's saving us," Amy said quietly and held her journal out.
Avalon swallowed the lump that'd formed in her throat. "No…" If he had left that then it meant he'd left all of them for good. "No, Amy, don't...don't give me that…"
"I'm sorry," Amy tried giving her the journal but Avalon threw it to the side, as hard as her strength allowed.
"He can't just leave me! He can't...the Silence wants him!" Avalon yelled with tears in her eyes. "He can't be on his own!"
"Ava…" Rory wanted to touch her but she backed away from them.
"You don't get it!? Kovarian wants him to be alone! He's going to do something stupid and I'm...I'm stuck here!"
"He's trying to save us all," Amy stepped towards her.
Avalon directed a rather furious glare on her. "How could you let him go like that!? I told you! I...I need to find him!" She clapped a hand over the watch on her wrist. "I love him, he can't just do this!"
"NO!" Avalon screamed. "Don't...I have to find him! He doesn't know - he doesn't know that I could still be the astronaut! That's what was in my room! I'm the astronaut and I kill him! The Silence can't have him! I'll drown myself first before I ever put on that astronaut suit!"
"Avalon, please calm down!" Rory wanted to catch her but she was backtracking further from them, completely hysterical.
"Leave me alone!" She turned away and ran off. She had to go find the Doctor before the Silence found him first.
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thederailedtrain · 5 years
The Mark of Oblivion: Loose Ends [Four]
“So I should probably ask where we’re headed, right?”
It was the first thing that came to Gus’s mind once they hit their second crosswalk and Cedric still hadn’t said anything. Gus hated silences that went on for too long as a general rule.
Plus, he was starting to get curious. All he had to go on was was what Cedric had said earlier, and Toni’s admittance that she knew who Cedric had been speaking about probably had cut off any explanation Cedric was about to give. Something about an enchanter and a woman named...it was Rashida, right? Whatever, the word ‘enchanter’ just made Gus think of Monty Python.
Cedric remained silent for another beat, and Gus worried he would have to embarrass himself by asking the question a second time. But then he sighed, seeming to come back to himself, and said, “It’s, um, it’s a shop called Shafir Jewelers.” He paused at the stoplight to straighten his scarf, and Gus thought he would go on. He didn’t.
The name sounded familiar, but Gus couldn’t say he’d ever been in. Not like he had much reason to visit jewelry stores. If it was as close as Cedric said, then chances were he’d passed it plenty.
“So we’re picking up...a necklace? For Kira?” Gus guessed. Somehow, it sounded sillier hearing it out loud.
“Potentially,” Cedric shrugged. “Or it could be a ring, a bracelet…”  He trailed off, turning to look at Gus. There was something of a laugh in his voice when he added, “Sometimes I forget that you aren’t a part of the magic lessons I’ve given Kira. Has Markas told you anything about enchanting?”
No, he certainly did not. Gus shook his head and refrained from making a “Some call me...Tim” reference. His alpha, Markas, had talked him through some things, but they were mostly werewolf-related. The rest of his Otherworld knowledge came from things he’d picked up by hanging out with Kira or Cedric.
“In simple terms, it’s the process of imbuing objects with magical power,” Cedric explained. He made sure to keep his voice low to not draw suspicion from other pedestrians. Thankfully, Gus’s hearing was sensitive enough that he could probably pick out a low whisper in a crowded street. “Technically, any witch is capable of it, but it takes a considerable effort. However, the Shafirs have the ability to weave just about any spell into objects as they craft them. Their gift has made them some of the most renowned enchanters in the world. Ravid is the next in line to take over the family name.”
Then, another thought came to mind. “Oh, did they make the pendants you gave me during the eclipse?” Gus blurted.
Cedric gave him one of those ‘proud teacher’ smiles. “A few of them, yes,” he replied. “Many of the talismans I own have been crafted by various members of the Shafir family over the years. I happen to be lucky enough to have been friends with the family for several generations now.”
Ah, right, Gus blinked. Sometimes he forgot that Cedric wasn’t, like, thirty. He was, in fact, older than America. Older than calculus. Now that was a weird thought. Then again, it made sense. There was one question he still had, however.
“Why a talisman, though?” Gus furrowed his brows. Magic itself was still mostly lost on him. “Couldn’t Kira just do a spell on herself or something? Make more potions?”
“Unfortunately, those potions are a temporary fix at best,” Cedric sighed. “Kira will need to sleep at some point and I doubt she’ll successfully learn to control the Mark before the lack of sleep becomes hazardous to her health. And for a spell that strong, Kira would need to continuously channel it, which she can’t do in her sleep either. Plus, the amount of neutral magic she’s using to control it right now would probably prevent someone else from casting the spell on her. A talisman, however, will alleviate the strain and let her rest peacefully.”
Channeling a spell constantly...Gus had done that during the battle at the Cloisters, hadn’t he? If it would be anything like that for Kira - well, he definitely understood the need for a talisman now. Picking up some kind of jewelry didn’t sound like such a crazy idea anymore.
“And you think she’ll have something powerful enough to stop Kira?” Gus asked. He was getting the feeling that Kira was no ordinary witch and this Mark added even more to her abilities. He saw what she did to the basement, after all.
They turned the corner and Cedric let out a long breath. “We can only hope. If not, I have faith that Ravid will be able to make something,” he replied. “The necklace Kira always wears - I don’t know if you know this, but it was originally an anti-magic talisman. That was able to keep her powers in check for over twenty years. This doesn’t seem such a gargantuan task in comparison.”
Wait, that necklace was a talisman? Gus felt like he was pages behind in the script and he was just finding out. Not that he wanted to admit that out loud. Instead, he looked up, searching for something else to comment on. “Is that it up ahead?” Gus asked, pointing to a blue awning on the other end of the block.
“That it is,” Cedric confirmed. He reached the door first, holding it open for Gus.
The shop itself wasn’t large - it was probably only half the size of his apartment. Thankfully, Gus and Cedric were the only two in there. But what it lacked in square footage, it made up for with volume. Glass cases filled most of the floor space, only leaving a small, winding path through the store. Not only were the cases filled to the brim, but all the available wall space was covered too. Gus had a feeling that if the walls weren’t such a dark color, there would’ve been enough sparkle in the room to blind someone. He still had to blink a few times to adjust.
A sudden gasp stopped Gus before he could get too distracted. On the other end of the shop stood a tall young woman whom Gus could only guess was Ravid. Her hair was freshly dyed blonde; Gus could still smell the peroxide on her. Her red-painted lips were open in surprise, but she shut them just as quickly.
“Cedric, I...I didn’t expect-” Ravid cut herself off, rushing over to the pair in a pair of low heels. “I could feel last night’s battle from here. I’m so glad you made it out alright.”
When Ravid reached Cedric, she made like she was leaning in for a hug. Before she could, however, Cedric suddenly stiffened. He took her hand between his quickly. A flash of realization crossed Ravid’s features and she took a small step back once her hand was free.
“How is everyone? Did you all make it through okay?” She asked after a beat had passed.
“More or less,” Cedric sighed, managing to sound both tired and tense at the same time. He turned to Gus and - oh, right, Gus was still in the room. “Ravid, have you met my assistant, Gus? Gus, Ravid.”
Gus hurried over to shake her hand before things got awkward. Maybe the running was awkward. “Nice to meet you,” he hurried out.
“Nice to meet you,” Ravid said at nearly the same time. “So what was it you were looking for? Something related to your lycanthropy or a more general use charm?”
How had she figured out he was a werewolf so quickly? “Oh, it’s not for me. It’s-” Gus floundered.
Thankfully, Cedric was there to cut him off. “It’s for my second-in-command, Kira.” He hesitated before adding, “Ravid...what do you know about the Mark of Mixba’al?”
“I’ve never heard of it,” Ravid shook her head. “Is it some kind of curse or hex? I have a couple protection charms.” After getting a good look at Cedric’s face, she stopped. “I’m going to guess that it’s not that?”
“Not quite,” Cedric began.
From there, he launched into a rapid-fire description of the thing currently making his best friend’s life miserable. Gus only caught half of it, and he had the feeling this was a very simplified explanation. In Gus’s defense, he had no idea what a telluric current even was and that seemed to be about half of it.
“So what you’re saying is you want something that will cut her off from the telluric currents?” Ravid asked once Cedric had finished his explanation. He looked like he was considering for a second before giving a slow nod. “Well, I don’t have any pieces on hand that are equipped with that kind of magic, but I can certainly try my hand at crafting it. Before I begin, though, do you happen to know Kira’s ring size? Specifically for her little fingers.”
When Cedric only floundered, Gus spoke up. “Um, tiny?” He guessed. “She’s got creepy spider hands.” It was something he liked to tease her about frequently. “Her pinkies are, like, the size of a pencil.”
“The size of a pencil,” Ravid echoed, nodding to herself. “I can work with that.”
“And I don’t mean to be rude, but can I put a rush on this?” Cedric frowned. “I’ll need it inside of seventy-four hours.”
“I can do it in a day,” Ravid grinned back. Then, her expression turned a little more serious. “Just know that I’ll require reimbursement of some kind. I am a businesswoman after all. I’ll be pushing all my other projects aside to focus on this one.”
A kind of slow grin worked its way across Cedric’s face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said, sounding almost like his usual self. “But are you sure the last favor won’t cover it?”
“The enchantment was impossible to recover, but I still spent time and resources repairing the chain,” Ravid explained, crossing her arms. However, once she was done, she offered Cedric a smile. “Don’t worry, I already have something in mind. I won’t need you for a couple weeks, though.”
Gus thought that part sounded a little ominous, but Cedric didn’t seem to be of the same mind. “I’ll keep that in mind,” the incubus nodded, probably filing that information away for later.
“Now, before you go, is there anything else you’d like to look at?” Ravid asked, gesturing towards the back of her store. “I have a couple new pieces I’ve been working on.” She took a step or two backwards and Cedric started heading in the same direction. Gus took that as his cue to follow the pair. “There a few in particular I think you’d be quite interested in...”
When they reached the back door, Gus found himself blinking away surprise again. The back room wasn’t nearly as filled to the brim as the shop lobby, he was just impressed that there was even more. The major thing he noticed, however, was that the entirety of the back room reeked of magic. Well, maybe it wasn’t a smell, but some other elevated sense that Gus was still getting used to. The same kind of thing that raised his hackles around Harbingers and let him know the exact position of the moon in the sky without having to look.
While Ravid showed Cedric to her new pieces, Gus decided to do some looking around of his own. The pieces back here weren’t encased, but hung freely from the walls. Upon closer inspection, a few actually seemed pretty familiar. He had no idea what they were supposed to do, but at least they were pretty to look at. The thing he was most curious about was the workstation in the back corner, with its hand tools and raw materials. But that’s where Ravid and Cedric were, so he held back.
“So, how’ve you been?” Cedric asked as he fingered through the various pendants Ravid was holding up for him. “If you’ll forgive my rudeness for not asking earlier, of course.”
He’d dropped his voice in a way that let Gus know this was meant to be a personal conversation. So Gus did the polite thing and pretended he didn’t have superhuman hearing.
“No, it’s alright,” Ravid assured him. “After that battle...You probably have a lot to deal with right now.” There was a pause where Gus imagined Cedric giving her a sympathetic grin. “Oh, but I have good news. I was finally able to get my gender marker changed on my driver’s license.”
“Oh, Ravid, that’s great! Congratulations!” Cedric perked up. A quick peek over his shoulder told Gus that the pause came from Cedric wrapping a hand around hers like before. “Sorry again,” Cedric added by the time Gus had turned back around.
“Stop apologizing,” Ravid warned, sounding entirely like a cool teacher. Gus could hear her swallow, perhaps nervously, before adding, “Is this about lack of sleep? Do you need something for that?”
Cedric assured her that he was fine, that he would get to sleep soon enough, but Gus could hear the slight waver in his voice. The way his heartbeat sped up just then. What had Toni called him that one time? A living lie detector? Well, Cedric wasn’t exactly lying just then, but he hadn’t been telling the whole truth either. Seemed like a weird thing to lie about.
It was a question Gus kept coming back to. All throughout the rest of the buying process and their goodbyes, he found himself sending looks over at Cedric. Yeah, he looked a little worn out, but they all did. And Gus only noticed that because he was so familiar with Cedric. If he were still human, he hypothesized, he would probably be too busy being distracted by just how pretty Cedric was to notice.
But how the hell was he supposed to bring it up? There wasn’t exactly a polite way to say “Oh, hey, you look tired!”
Thankfully, he didn’t have to figure it out himself. Cedric turned to him at the street corner and said, “I’m jealous. You don’t seem to be doing so bad for thirty-six hours awake.”
All Gus could think to do at first was shrug. Yeah, he was tired, but he’d been tired before. And the way he saw it, he had several advantages. There were the magical explanations - being a werewolf meant he could not only heal fast as well as making him nocturnal - but Gus had a feeling it went deeper than that.
“I’m a science student,” Gus said eventually. “All-nighters are nothing.”
Oh, shit, wait- He’d meant to turn the question back around on Cedric. Find some way to ask him what was up with that interaction earlier. Think, MacConnal, think.
“You’re, um, not a fan I’m guessing?” Gus asked. He kept an eye on his boss. There was no way he was getting out of the question so easily. When Cedric didn’t answer, Gus pressed on. “You dodged the question when Ravid asked about sleep earlier.”
If Cedric was surprised Gus had been listening in, he said nothing. Then again, he probably wasn’t all that surprised. “Hopefully, it’s something you’ll never have to find out.”
Hmm, okay, maybe he shouldn’t have underestimated Cedric’s ability to wriggle out of a question. No way Gus could ask a follow up now. Touché, he thought, but said nothing.
They walked the rest of the way to the shop mostly in silence. When they exited the shop, it was officially morning in the city. Walking down the street side-by-side was much more difficult than it had been less than an hour ago. Or maybe Cedric was just using that as an excuse.
Whichever the case, there was a customer hanging around outside the shop when they got back. They didn’t appear to be magical - at least, they smelled human - and Cedric had to turn them away. Politely, of course. They left with a smile on their face. Gus wondered if that was what he used to look like when talked with Cedric.
The bells jingled overhead as the pair walked inside. Once they’d finished ringing, Gus could hear something else. Two people talking at a normal volume. Both were probably women. It was too faint to be sure, but he would’ve bet anything that it was Kira and Toni. Good, looked like Toni had kept her word and stuck around.
Actually, as Gus got closer, he was fairly certain he could hear laughter. No, that’s definitely what it was. Outside the basement door, Gus turned to Cedric curiously. Judging by the look on his face, he could hear the laughter too. Cedric gave a quick knock and the sound on the other side of the door faded.
Both Kira and Toni were already looking their way when they opened the door. They were at the bottom of the steps, Kira sitting against the wall with Toni positioned across from her. However, they shared a look and went right back to holding back laughter. Judging by the way both sets of eyes kept flickering in his direction, he could guess what they were probably laughing about.
“Oh, no,” Gus muttered, walking down the stairs. He raised his eyebrows at Kira.  “What horrible lies did you tell her about me?”
Were it anyone else, in any other situation, Gus probably wouldn’t have been so happy with the realization he was the butt of a joke. But this was Kira. She wouldn’t have said anything too bad. Besides, he was just happy to see her smile. In fact, she looked the most awake out of anyone there. Guess Cedric’s potion really did the trick.
“They weren’t lies,” Kira began.
“Did you really dress up as sexy Albert Einstein one year for Halloween?” Toni cut in.
Gus’s jaw dropped open. “Excuse you, that was an excellent costume. It was very popular with the other science majors. And the ladies.” Unfortunately, his explanation only had the effect of bringing Kira and Toni back to laughter. Whatever, Gus had been very proud of that costume.
“Not that I wouldn’t love to hear more about this,” Cedric spoke up, finally joining everyone else at the bottom of the stairs. He shot Gus a look that implied he really was curious about his sophomore year Halloween escapades. “There are more serious matters to discuss.”
“Anything I need to be here for?” Toni asked. Everyone shared glances, but seemed to reach the same consensus. “Well, alright,” she said, standing up and brushing off her pants. “It’s been, um, pretty shitty to be honest. Better luck next time.”
And she was gone in a cloud of black smoke before anyone could wish her goodbye. Gus stared at the empty space Toni used to occupy with a blank expression. “Alright,” he deadpanned.
But the more Gus thought about it, the more it made sense. Toni still had a direct link to the Harbingers. It was probably better they keep her in the dark about these kinds of things. That way the rest of her former coven wouldn’t know what weaknesses to exploit during their next run-in. It was actually...kind of nice of her.
“How are you feeling?” Cedric asked. “No ill effects from the potion?”
“Not really,” Kira shook her head. “It’s weird. I don’t feel tired, but I don’t feel well-rested either. And I just know that if I tried to take a nap right now, I literally couldn’t. Like chugging an energy drink before an exam, but without the shakes.”
“And the, um, the Mark?” Gus hesitated. He remembered what happened - or, rather, nearly happened - last time he brought it up.
The wince on Kira’s face wasn’t one of physical pain, but that didn’t mean they were in the clear just yet. “There were a couple close calls, but nothing serious,” she sighed, before looking back up at the guys. “I’m guessing whatever you got me is in there?” Kira said a moment later. She had pulled herself to a standing position and was eagerly looking into the bag in Cedric’s hands.
“Not quite,” Cedric replied, holding open the bag to give her a better look. “This is mostly just items Ravid asked me to sell on consignment. The jewelry case was looking a little empty.” Ah, so that’s why the charms looked so familiar earlier, Gus thought. “The rest are for my personal collection, or if I need to loan anything out.”
“Ravid’s making rings for you,” Gus spoke up. He had to say something. He felt so useless standing there.
However, that was all he had to offer. When Kira looked up from the bag of jewelry, waiting for an explanation, Gus found he had none to give her. At least someone was there who understood the magic of it better.
“She’ll have them ready sometime tomorrow,” Cedric told her. The breath Kira let out was somewhere between a sigh of relief and a frustrated cry. “I know.” Cedric leaned in to place a hand on her shoulder, but seemed to think better of it halfway there. “Do you think you’re okay enough to leave or…?”
The small shake of Kira’s head broke Gus’s heart. “Guess I better get used to basement living, huh?”
“Do you need anything from your apartment?” Gus asked. Now this was something he could do. “You computer, clothes - Oh, I could grab you a sandwich from that deli you like on the corner!”
“Aw, Gus…” Kira began.
Gus had a feeling the next words out of her mouth would be you don’t have to, so he stared hard at her to let her know; yes, he did. In fact, he wasn’t letting Kira get out of it so easily. He literally handed his phone to her and made her write down a list of anything she could possibly want.
It didn’t turn out to be a very long list, so Gus took creative liberties. He definitely got her that sandwich and one of those complicated coffees she liked alongside the books and change of clothes she’d asked for. (Apparently not the computer; she was afraid it would share the same fate as her phone.)
Only a few months ago, Gus remembered wishing he could be part of the Otherworld. He was always so useless whenever he wound up on missions with Kira and Cedric, like all he was doing was slowing them down with his mortal lack of magic. Be careful what you wish for, Gus rolled his eyes at himself. Here he was, magical and still useless.
But at least he could do this. It brought Kira comfort, made her smile. It was something.
And it was something to focus on. If he was running around gathering things, then he really didn’t have time to look at his phone. And if he didn’t look at his phone, then he wouldn’t have to read the last text Sophie had sent him.
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