wcatradio · 2 months
On this episode of The Open Door, panelists Jim Hanink, Mario Ramos-Reyes, and Valerie Niemeyer discuss the politics of the presidency and vice presidency. November, and with it the national election, is not so far off. The Biden vs. Trump rematch is officially scheduled. Here at The Open Door we want to think outside the duopoly’s binary box. That means checking in on the candidates of the American Solidarity Party. Our returning and welcome guest is Mr. Peter Sonski. A New England native, Peter and his wife have nine adult children. He has a Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree from The Catholic University of America. His professional experience is in journalism, public relations, and business administration. Peter is concluding his second term as an elected member of Connecticut’s Regional School District 17 board of education. He’ll have lots to tell us about his presidential campaign. Among the questions we will ask are the following. 
What does it mean to you to be “pro-life” as a candidate for the President of the United States?
How has your experience in local politics informed your approach to this campaign?
They say behind every good man is an even better woman. How has your wife made you a stronger man and better candidate?
How does your running mate, Lauren Onak, bring strength to your campaign?
Has your campaign experience changed your perspective on what it means to be a citizen?
Have you any new insights into “the system” of politics in America?
Which of your stances as a candidate are you finding the most support for? The most push-back against?
Any thoughts on Christian Democracy and how it may or may not be finding a place in American politics?
How has your faith life been impacted by this adventure, if it’s not too personal a question?
How can folks support your campaign in an effort to bring light to the darkness of our political reality in America?
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wcatradio · 1 year
In this episode of The Open Door, panelists Jim Hanink, Mario Ramos-Reyes, and Joe-Valerie Miemeyer interview Peter Sonski concerning his candidacy for the American Solidarity Party’s 2024 Presidential Nomination (April 26, 2023) This week on The Open Door (April 26) we advance our discussion of politics, America’s daunting needs, and the dynamics of the American Solidarity Party. Our welcome guest is Peter Sonski, a candidate for the Party’s 2024 presidential nomination. (Trump gets indicted, Biden dithers, but we move forward!) Mr. Sonski, a New England native, is married and has nine adult children. He has a Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree from The Catholic University of America. His professional experience is in journalism, public relations, and business administration. Peter is concluding his second term as an elected member of Connecticut’s Regional School District 17 board of education. The following are among the questions we’ll ask Mr.Sonski.
Peter, you’ve been both a Democrat and a Republican. What led you to the American Solidarity Party?
What does it mean for your faith to inform your public policy views, especially on life and social justice issues?
In Connecticut there has been a concerted effort to legalize assisted suicide. How have you worked to affirm the good of life in order to block that effort?
What concrete initiatives do you support in order to address the needs of families?
You are on record as supporting a broad ownership economy. Just what does this mean and how would you help bring it about?
What hurdles does the American Solidarity Party find in gaining ballot access?
In your efforts to grow the Party in size and influence, how can you simultaneously avoid academic flights of fancy and the dumbing down of contemporary political discourse?
St. John Paul II has had a strong influence on your political vision. Could you spell out some of the lessons you have learned from him?
If you are the Party’s presidential nominee, what will count for you as running a successful campaign in 2024?
Where do you see the American Solidarity Party a decade from now?
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