#pax east 2018
inevitablesurrender · 2 years
Happy Sixth, FFXV!
I pondered not doing this again, but... it’s a good concert, you know?  Plus FFXV devastating a large portion of my life, which continues to this day.  Original notes are here, Flagrum now exists to replace the dropped level editor, and downloads are below.
Google Drive | Dropbox (ZIP)
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smoliboops · 2 years
How to Survive JSE Ego Seananigans*: A Community Theorist Guide/Project
*now with a hint of added Magpie
So two weeks ago (literally right before all fires broke loose), @fear-is-nameless​ reminded me of an old idea I had for a project that never came to fruition: 
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originally an idea to make a physical theory guide for PAX East 2018, we talked about how useful a guide could be now with the latest IRIS antics and especially with potential new theorists joining the community. so it was decided, what if we brought back this idea as a community project?
A new, modern (and virtual) version of a theorists’ survival guide for new, current, and future members of the JSE Community?
 Got a collection of resources, historical references, tools, tips, etc that you’ve might’ve gathered over the many past ego mayhems that you’d like to share? a log of all hidden zalgo tags since october 2016? good websites for solving cyphers? what to look out for in suspicious videos or posts on what platforms? summary masterposts of past events? tips on how you organize your theory ideas and notes? anything, post and share it! 
AND IF YOU WANNA BE A BIT ARTSY, you could even turn it into what you’d imagine a page in a jse theorist’s journal/survival guide would look like! codes written in blacklight? your memories of overnightwatch depicted as if you were an actual IRIS nightwatcher (maybe even make a fake id)? taped-on polaroids of the egos with a redacted/classified report on what we know about IRIS/the egos so far? a big paper flame in the middle of your theory notebook that pops up when you open it? (I almost made this one actually lol)
Whatever YOU, humble reader, would essentially include as your page in the unofficial theorist guide for the jse community.
there isn’t really a deadline on this (especially since we’re still “keeping an eye out” for the 100th anniversary of IRIS this year, we can constantly add more updates in the future as things happen). But if you’d like to contribute, feel free to share your posts with the hashtag: #JSETheoristGuide 
(it’ll make it easy for people to find everyone’s resource posts/tips/art in one place 👍)
If anything, I hope the hashtag/project can be both a good resource for future theorists, as well as a chance for ya’ll to have a bit of fun inspiration :). have a nice day/night ya’ll! 💚🔥
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lisbethpham · 1 year
Week 9: Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming
This week’s topic is one of my favorite topics since it is what I am super passionate about. 
“Gaming” is typically defined as voluntarily overcoming unnecessary obstacles (Suits, 1978), and in most games, we follow their rules. Games are available in different platforms, could be exclusive in some types of games, but mostly available on mobile phones, personal computers (PCs), controllers (nintendo switch, PlayStation). They could also cost money to buy, but a lot of developers actually earn more money from in-game purchases in free-to-play games, than selling the game title itself. Games that are known worldwide with millions of players like Candy Crush Saga, FarmVille, are called “social games”, where the mechanism of those games is to adapt to the player’s friendships to acquire new players as well as the ranking system to keep players competitive. 
Games communities are social communities. They consist of small communities and players from beginner to pros, could be dependent on skill, knowledge and field of expertise. It’s quite common that we see a “typical gamer”: cis white, or East Asian, young, typically middle-class, man, thus leading to a male-dominated game culture. Despite a higher percentage of women joining the gaming communities in recent years, there are still stereotypes indicating gaming is not for women, that they are “boosted”, “bad”, “belong to the kitchen” and usually play for men's validation. Streaming platforms such as Twitch, Youtube and Facebook Live are now full of streamers, showing their contents, ranging from pure gaming, to singing, making music, cooking and maybe just chatting. People coming to these platforms are also in small communities created by content creators and they bond through having the same hobbies, favorite games and from watching the same content creator. Not only indie content creators can make money by streaming their content on such platforms, professional esport players are also offered chances to build themselves their own brands, community and income by showcasing their practice games (Taylor, 2018).
In Australia, specially in Melbourne, huge conventions and festivals about games are being held annually such as Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW) or Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), showing how broad the communities are as thousands of people come to Melbourne to enjoy them. Not only to appreciate games and gamers, conventions were created also for developers and future game-makers to make their way to publish their indie companies and indie games, or to find a home that help them achieve that dream. 
Taylor, TL 2018, ‘Broadcasting ourselves’ (chapter 1), in Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming, Princeton University Press, pp.1-23 
Keogh, B 2021, 'The Melbourne indie game scenes: value regimes in localized game development' (Chapter 13), in P Ruffino (ed), Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Techniques and Politics, Routledge, pp.209-222.
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flipsidemd · 1 year
2018 PAX East was the very first event @alixsparrow and I worked for SQEX. That event set the tone for relationships and adventures for years to come. 14 shows later and we were back where it all began repping the game we've played for the past 10 years now.
To say that we were in our element is an understatement. There is definitely something about connecting with folks sharing the same passion. Fellow gamers. There's an energy there that's tough to beat. And as a bonus we also reconnected with show crew from that very first 2018 PAX. Great eats, great drinks, and great workouts were had all weekend.
Very grateful for every opportunity to thrive in this nerd culture and especially for this #FFXIVxPUMA Collab. The drip is real.
Looking forward to this epic FF year with Fanfest, 7.0 announcements, and #FFXVI around the corner!
CANNOT wait for the crew reunion at Fanfest Las Vegas this year. Hope to see you all out there! Like ALL of you. Make it happen.
Until then, stay Healthy. Stay nerdy.
#tbb #coach #FinalFantasy #gamer #paxeast #squareenix #FFXIV #Puma #active #workout #health #fitness #nerds #gaming #mmo #collab #athleisure #boston #FatCat #Meteor #Noms #LordHobo #Cheers
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
Spyro 4 está sendo desenvolvido pela Toys For Bob, diz insider
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Estúdio acabou de se tornar independente, mas parece seguir parceria com Activision
Spyro 4 está sendo desenvolvido pela Toys For Bob, de acordo com o insider Canadian Guy Eh, conhecido por sua cobertura de jogos do dragãozinho roxo e também de Crash Bandicoot. A informação veio de conversas na PAX East, evento que aconteceu em Boston durante a última semana.
"Spyro 4 está sendo desenvolvido. Isso é certo. Sem criação de teorias, sem presumir coisas baseadas em evidências, sem conspirações nem dicas fortes", cravou. Ele ainda afirma que o desenvolvimento é recente, tendo sido iniciado em janeiro.
É curioso pensar que Spyro 4 deve ser o primeiro projeto da Toys For Bob desde que o estúdio se tornou independente — afinal, a franquia foi um de seus marcos como subsidiária da Activision, assim como Crash.
Ainda assim, não é grande surpresa: ao anunciar sua conversão para indie, a Toys For Bob disse que buscava uma parceria com a Microsoft, dona da Activision Blizzard e, consequentemente, da propriedade intelectual de Spyro.
Vale lembrar que a última grande entrada na franquia Spyro foi Reignited Trilogy, remasterização com cara de remake dos três primeiros jogos da série, lançada em 2018.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Training for recruits in Israel’s elite Sayeret Matkal army unit—which counts Israel’s current prime minister among its veterans—includes a series of long-range, solo navigation exercises. But it’s been 50 years since Benjamin Netanyahu retired from active duty in that storied IDF reconnaissance unit, and his compass must be malfunctioning. As he plots a course toward formalizing ties between his country and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu appears lost hopelessly in his own backyard. While he dreams of regional peace, his ruling coalition is gearing up to undermine his plans.
A Saudi-Israeli deal is the grand prize of contemporary Middle East diplomacy. Biden administration officials have been shuttling doggedly between Riyadh and Jerusalem to negotiate a bargain—in which the United States would play an integral role—that would bring obvious benefits to all three nations.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would stand to pocket items on his “shopping list”—which includes a security pact with the United States and possession of a civilian nuclear capacity—and the incidental rehabilitation of his image, which took a major hit after the U.S. intelligence community determined that he “approved an operation” that resulted in the brutal killing of a Washington Post columnist in 2018.
For Netanyahu, an agreement with Saudi Arabia would be a tipping point that helps unlock the potential of economic and diplomatic horizons from Africa to Asia that were previously out of Israel’s reach. He could also burnish his credentials as a statesman at a time when attention is focused instead on his government’s controversial plans for Israel’s judiciary.
U.S. President Joe Biden would garner an important foreign policy win, catalyzing further integration in that region and, perhaps more critically, scoring a victory for Pax Americana against expanding Chinese influence in the Arabian Peninsula. Enlisting OPEC to offset skyrocketing energy prices would be an additional bonus. (He could apply the additional ballast to his struggling reelection campaign.)
But despite its elegance on paper, obstacles to an Israeli-Saudi accord abound. Creative solutions are being floated to address some of these sticking points. “Secret technological ways” may be employed to ensure that any authorized Saudi nuclear program cannot be redirected for military purposes. It’s being suggested as well that Netanyahu could intercede with friendly Republican lawmakers to assist the White House in obtaining the two-thirds Senate majority which would be necessary to conclude a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. These fixes won’t be enough to get across the finish line, alas, even if the arrangement is mutually advantageous.
Success will require each of the parties to do their own heavy lifting. Biden will have to bestow his ultimate blessing upon the very Saudi regime to which he pledged, during the presidential debates in 2019, not to “sell more weapons to them,” but rather to “make them pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are.” The crown prince will be granting bona fide recognition to Israel, a country which doesn’t even appear by name on the Kingdom’s official maps. Israel will not get a free lunch.
The Biden administration has made it clear that Israel will be expected to contribute “significant deliverables to the Palestinians” in exchange for normalized relations with Saudi Arabia. The Saudis, whose then-crown prince and later king, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, authored the original Saudi initiative for peace with Israel in 2002, are not about to forfeit their preeminence on the Palestinian issue to the United Arab Emirates, which styled its signing of the Abraham Accords as a quid pro quo for Israel consenting to halt “further Israeli annexation of Palestinian territories.” Concessions to the Palestinians, who have long demanded independent statehood, will be equally pivotal for the sake of harnessing support among a wary Democratic caucus for any acquiescence to Saudi demands.
This latter message was certainly reinforced when Biden met Netanyahu on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 20. Biden, per the White House readout of that encounter, “called on all parties to fulfill their commitments made during meetings held earlier this year in Aqaba, Jordan, and Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, to include refraining from further unilateral measures.”
(The original Aqaba Communique from Feb. 26, 2023 stipulated “an Israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units for 4 months and to stop authorization of any outposts for 6 months.” A defiant Netanyahu responded swiftly that “building and authorization in Judea and Samaria will continue according to the original planning and building schedule, with no change.”)
The problem—with which Riyadh has just come to terms evidently—is that Netanyahu has no latitude to satisfy the minimum requirements for discernible movement vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Notwithstanding his insistence that “the mainstream policies [of the government] are decided by me,” the facts suggest otherwise.
Last week, Bezalel Smotrich, Netanyahu’s hardline finance minister whose Religious Zionism Party holds seven of the seats in Netanyahu’s narrow 64-56 Knesset majority, reprised his refrain that rapprochement with Saudi Arabia does “not involve the Arabs of Judea and Samaria who have nothing to do with the process.” (That’s his way of saying that the fate of Palestinians in the West Bank lies outside the scope of these conversations with Saudi Arabia and the United States.).
Smotrich has blocked the fulfillment of multiple Israeli commitments to ease economic restrictions on the Palestinian Authority. His outcry, joined by other members of the coalition, against an ostensible transfer of weapons to Palestinian forces—which Netanyahu branded immediately as fake news, and pinned on a decision of then-Defense Minister Benny Gantz in 2022—sent the prime minister scrambling to order a review of “all the decisions made by the previous government regarding the Palestinian Authority, with the aim of tightening supervision.” Smotrich has wielded his concurrent appointment as a minister in Israel’s Ministry of Defense to initiate a settlement boom and preclude any possibility of tangible compromise with the Palestinians.
No magical sequencing that postpones compromises with the Palestinians can extract Netanyahu from this ideological impasse. The contours of what, according to Israeli media, Saudi Arabia is proposing for the Palestinians—an interim arrangement that involves elements such as a cessation halt of settlement construction, the transfer of certain areas under full Israeli control (Area C) to Palestinian jurisdiction (Area A), acknowledgement of a Palestinian right to establish a capital in East Jerusalem and the reopening of a separate U.S. consulate to the Palestinians in that city—are a nonstarter for Smotrich’s constituency. From Smotrich’s perspective, Israeli concessions need to be confined exclusively to the economic realm, without ceding an inch of territory.
Netanyahu’s present cabinet and an historic breakthrough with Saudi Arabia are simply incapable of coexisting. Smotrich, who banished the Israeli right to opposition in 2021, when he refused to countenance the participation of Mansour Abbas’ United Arab List in a Netanyahu coalition—and drove Abbas into the waiting arms of Netanyahu nemeses Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid—has already demonstrated that the prospect of marching into the political wilderness does not frighten him.
And with no apparent volunteers to replace Smotrich and his allies around the campfire, Netanyahu—unless he’s inclined to attempt a legacy play that rests upon the outside backing of the opposition and a rapid collapse of his rule—is unlikely to reach his destination anytime soon.
“Every day we get closer” to normalization with Israel, Mohammed bin Salman told Fox News in an interview that was broadcast after the Netanyahu-Biden meeting. The positive trajectory of Saudi-Israeli relations is arguably inevitable, but an actual agreement will likely remain elusive for the foreseeable future—and might not even happen on Netanyahu’s watch.
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mister-fitshace · 2 years
PowerGlove | Do the Mario | Pax East 2018 by Mister Fitshace
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businesstrust · 2 years
Zaccaria pinball pc
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Enix Video games for Vacation Presents on Kingdom Hearts Comes to PC Through Epic Games Store Ohayocon 2022 - An Attempt to Revitalize Gamers and Anime Enthusiasts - Nicchiban on Rob Mungle Ohyaocon 2022 Interview.The BIG PAX East 2022 Party List: The ultimate guide to all the parties, events, and meetups – SideQuesting on PAX East 2022 Welcome Back Party and Event List.
We’ll make sure to keep post updates on Legends Pinball and the Zaccaria update for Legends Arcade as we get more information. There is no word yet on the release date or pricing, but the Zaccaria Pinball – Platinum Pack on Steam is currently on sale at 50% off for $113.45. It’s a lot of pinball table goodness coming to Legends Arcade. The Mummy, Aliens, Hippie, Fire Fighter, Speed King, Beast Master, Voyager, Wizard, Zombie, Caveman Time Machine Retro, Locomotion Retro, Devil Riders Retro, Pinball Champ Retro, Shooting the Rapids Retro, Farfalla Retro, Space Shuttle Retro, Hot Wheels Retro, Circus Retro, Combat Retro, House of Diamonds Retro, Earth Wind Fire Retro, Robot Retro, Blackbelt Retro, Soccer Kings Retro, Star God Retro, Magic Castle Retro, Clown Retro, Nautilus Retro, Fire Mountain Retro, Universe Retro, Mexico Retro, Spooky Retro, Zankor Retro, Mystic Star Retro, Aerobatics Retro, Supersonic Retro Shooting the Rapids 2016, Space Shuttle 2016, Combat 2016, Cicrus 2017, Earth Wind Fire2017, House of Diamonds 2017, Spooky 2017, Farfalla 2017, Magic Castle 2017, Hot Wheels 2017, Zankor 2017, Locomotion 2018, Robot 2018, Pinball Champ 2018, Blackbelt2018, Winter Sports 2018, Future World 2018, Nautilus 2018, Star’s Phoenix 2018, Pool Champion 2018, Clown 2019, Devil Riders 2019, Fire Mountain 2019, Tropical 2019, Wood’s Queen 2019, Time Machine 2019, Star God 2019 Time Machine, Devil Riders, Locomotion, Pinball Champ ’82, Pinball Champ, Farfalla, Blackbelt, Robot, Hot Wheels, Soccer Kings, Shooting the Rapids, Star God, Magic Castle, Earth Wind Fire, Clown, Future World, Fire Mountain, Space Shuttle, Winter Sports, Zankor, Pool Champion, Mexico ’86, House of Diamonds, Mystic Star, Spooky, Star’s Phoenix, StrikeĮLECTRO-MECHANICAL ( EM ) PINBALL TABLES:Īerobatics, Circus, Combat, Moon Flight, Lucky Fruit, Universe, Supersonic, Cine Star, Wood’s Queen, Nautilus, Red Show, Tropical, Granada, Top Hand
Really though, it’s a lot of tables, so let’s jump into the full listing from AtGames and Magic Pixel Kft. Are you super competitive? Zaccaria Pinball on Legends Arcade includes AtGames Leagues Leaderboards, which all players to compete on global leaderboards. Ported to run directly on the Legends Arcade hardware, these tables can be played at 1080p/60fps on the Legends Pinball machine, and a minimum of 720p/30fps on every other Legends Arcade device. Whether you are currently the owner of a Legends Arcade product or awaiting more information on the Legends Pinball cabinet, just like me, AtGames just announced a whole slew of pinball goodness coming to their arcade product line.
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inevitablesurrender · 3 years
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Of course I’m still pushing this for anyone who missed out.  It was an amazing concert, and I still find this to be an amazing game.  To the point: The Video Game Orchestra’s FFXV concert at PAX East 2018, 17 tracks + 1 bonus Tomb Raider medley:
ZIP (Dropbox) | Individual Files (Google Drive)
If anyone needs me to use another service or archive format, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
As always, original notes about this concert and general audio quality to be found here. Quite clearly the level editor was never released, though I have heard there are a few individuals trying to make a rudimentary one.  Sadly I have no further information on contacts at this time, but always feel free to reach out if massive amounts of encouragement are needed.
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thedgeofsleep · 6 years
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jaywasablindpirate · 6 years
You know who’s the real MVP?
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look closer...
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cyborgsgrl · 6 years
The fact that Jack not only completed the first leg of the How Did We Get Here tour but was able to be a part of PAX East 2018 still blows me away!! His work ethic is always so admirable and this is definitely no exception! That kind of dedication and ethic speaks volumes of how hardworking of a person you are and it’s always so inspiring to see!! Seriously, way to go dude!!
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build-error · 6 years
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Just under 4 months until Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out!
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madiesunny · 6 years
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Pax East cuties
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mister-fitshace · 2 years
PowerGlove | Street Fighter | Pax East 2018 by Mister Fitshace
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megsiplier · 6 years
honestly tho major shoutout to the fan that heckled him, you’re my hero (PAX EAST ‘18)
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