#pavlov shack
heyimspade · 8 months
Video games will forever fill me with the pride I could never achieve in life.
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metaverse-ar-vr · 5 months
Today in the MIXED Advent calendar: the popular multiplayer VR shooter Pavlov Shack for Quest2, Quest Pro and Quest 3. The post Win the VR shooter Pavlov Shack for Quest - MIXED Advent calendar: Door 8 appeared first on MIXED Reality News. #AR #VR #Metaverse
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unfriendlyphysicist · 7 months
I was playing Pavlov shack beta on my oculus and I saw a flare gun outside (Used to burn corpses) next to a pair of guns, and this man walks up the stairs with another dude, now something worth noting in pavlov is that there are gun sets you spawn with, like double uzi's or a rifle + pistol, there is a huge variety, but one of the sets is the deagle and a semi auto rifle, and the rifle had been replaced with a gun that wasn't meant to be in that set, anyways, a guy walks up the stairs of the building I was in, holding the gun that the corpse should've had I FIGURED THIS ALL OUT IN LIKE 3 SECONDS AND KILLED HIM, and then I got shot for killing him, and then they called me a nerd for being a detective abt it, I have never been so proud of myself man I am just better
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coralinehecc · 1 year
Corals Monthly Update #2
Hello!! I almost missed the date but funny December update! >:D Before I jump into December however, let me quickly talk about November and to also say I’ll probably move these to the end of the month like the 30th or 29th since having to dip back into the previous month can get annoying. The only thing about November really worth talking about was the Walten Files Trivia Charity Stream I was in. It was super fun! You can find some clips on Waltenews’ twitch channel but this out of context screenshot is my favourite lmao. Overall November was a solid 8/10! It had it’s moments but I mostly had a good time hanging out with friends and mutuals >:]
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But anyhow, moving onto this month! December!  This month started off pretty strong, as I had my birthday on the 6th! I got a lot of art and goofy gifts from my friends and I love them all. I was off school a day before my actual birthday so myself and a few friends went out ice-skating and it was super fun!! I had so much fun I didn’t get many photos, though this one was really good hehehhe. I’ll scan it later down the line but here’s a photo of it for now.
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My good luck thankfully transferred to my actual birthday the next day as most of my actual busy classes were either free or we didn’t do any work. However that luck ran out like literally the next day. I wanted another day off school like last year (a huge storm hit and we got 2 days off school) but I guess I got monkey pawed as I then fell sick for like a week. Wednesday was the worst of it but I slowly got better as that awful week went by. Thankfully I can say I’m at least 99% better! I just still have a lingering cough though. I also got terrible nose bleeds. I’d show a photo but it’s gross so I’ll spare you the visual info lmao! After I got better things went back to normal until this Monday, when my school had it’s yearly 6th year fast! TL;DR you don’t eat for 24 hours and sleep over in the school itself to raise money for charity by collecting money from sponsors aka the people you asked to donate. Sit back for this one, as it’s a long story! I’ll start off by saying while it wasn’t bad per say, it certainly wasn’t good either. We arrived at school as normal (minus the extra sleepover stuff we all packed and not being in uniform) and it was overall a normal school day. Then we were all gathered into the canteen area for a role call and told the basic structure of how the night was organized. Girls slept in one room and since there were more guys than girls, the boys were split up into 3 classrooms. All the messers and annoying cunts went into one room, my friends and I went into the library and the rest of the guys went into the 3rd room to play Mario Kart n stuff. One of my friends and I both brought our Quest 2′s and we played Pavlov Shack for like an hour. It was fun! We spent another hour basically trying to bypass the schools admin restrictions in order to get Beat Saber mods Side-Loaded onto my friends VR. It failed sadly, but still fun to try none the less.  Here’s some photos of our spot hehehe (I hope my friends don’t mind me posting these here)
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After that is when the night begins to hit the fan as we’re all called back down to the canteen area and are forced to watch the TY (Transition Year for my non Irish followers) and let me say now that it bored me to tears. It’s got it all from the same basic Irish tunes you’ve heard since 3rd class to every single rehashed Christmas song. Mind you they were preformed really well but to be forced to sit there and listen to it for 3 HOURS is so mentally draining it’s not even funny. We arrived there at like 7pm and it ended at 9pm. Finally after like 2000 years somehow jammed into 3 hours went by we were finally allowed leave and head back upstairs. Only to be told we’d have a fucking mass session at like 10pm because catholic school. So me being mentally drained from the concert did the only logical option. Hid in the bathroom for the entire session with a friend. We were in the same stall for like half an hour and you know what? We weren’t caught! So finally we were allowed head back to our rooms.
All seemed decent for a bit after until the annoying fucks started going from having a rave in their room to outright anarchists in the span of like 20 minutes. At one point they burst into our room, turned the lights off and started throwing the tables around like they were Legos. After that they all ran out to the schools green house and tore that thing to shreds. I was able to get a glimpse at it coming home from town today and it looked like it was slashed with a knife with all the duck taped holes! Keep in mind, with two VR headsets, a couple of switches and someone's Xbox, there was probably over 1,500 euro in that room. So I’d say it would be reasonable that we all mutually agreed to go “DEFCON 3″. This basically consisted of barricading the door and basically black-listing people we didn’t trust. (The doors in our school don’t lock from the inside. This is in place because I’m pretty sure younger kids kept locking classrooms to stop teachers from coming in. So we had to settle for this.)
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Eventually the dumb cunts were found, dragged back in and the teachers said they’d charge them for the damage they caused if no one owned up. So yea after that we were all worn out and got ready for bed. Eventually I fell asleep at around 2:30am? Would’ve been fine until all the annoying fucks once again burst into our room at 3:30am!! This time it was because they had trashed their room so badly that they were forced out by teachers. That meant they funnelled into our room, talking as loud as humanly possible all without any consideration for the fact literally everyone in that room was fast asleep. Two of my friends and I got so pissed we grabbed our sleeping bags and just left to sleep somewhere else. Two assholes fucking mocked us as we were leaving and it took so much restraint to stop myself from turning around and stomping on one if them I swear. In total we got like 3 hours of sleep that night as they began to call us to wake up at 7am. We luckily got an extra hour as the teachers who came in that morning mistook us for teachers who supervised us. Eventually we all slowly get up, pack our shit and at that point I was mentally flattened. I was so exhausted I was basically had a full body resting bitch face. Eventually like an hour later I called home, was picked up and went straight back to bed. Overall that whole experience was like a 4/10 on it’s own. It had it’s good moments but they were overshadowed by the shit we had to deal with. I won’t rate this month yet as I still have Christmas and Softy and Vi coming over so I’ll rate it next month! If you read this far, thank you so much for reading! And I hope you enjoyed my wacky antics! See you next month! 
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gamexplode-gxp · 2 years
Best Free Vr Games Oculus Quest 2 2022
Best Free Vr Games Oculus Quest 2 2022
Best Free Vr Games Oculus Quest 2 2022 Pavlov: Shack is known while the free VR equivalent of Counter-Strike, showcasing multiple game modes including Zombie Survival, Death Match, TTT, with every one other accompanied by more. It's currently inside Beta mode, which means there are some glitches, nevertheless gamers should expect the cost to go up significantly if they remain excessively long,…
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celavita · 6 years
Prase se peče
Poslední noc v El Nidu byla paradoxně asi tou nejhorší za celý pobyt. Elektrika opět vypadla a k obnovení dodávek došlo až kolem osmé hodiny ranní. Ale nepředbíhejme a vraťme se k úplnému začátku dne. Od rána je v parku veselo. Selátko, které tu strávilo jedno odpoledne, už se peče na po domácku vyrobené rožni propíchnuté dřevěným kůlem, jímž otáčí jeden z místních maníků. Holčičky pobíhají za zády maníka a vesele uklízejí svinčík kolem stromu, kde zanedlouho vyroste provizorní domeček na hraní. Hned nás napadá, že pořádek děti musí znát a očividně pořádek i někde musí být, ale na společných prostranstvích to nebude. S veřejnými prostory zacházejí Filipínci nejspíš stejně jako my Češi za dob komunismu (někteří z nás doteď), tedy co je všech, není ničí a tím pádem tam můžu zahodit, co se mi zamane, nebo spíš znelíbí. Park, smetiště, dětské hřiště, drobná dílna opraváře harpun, veřejný záchod a teď i kuchyně v jednom je jedním z nejnavštěvovanějších míst městečka a každý si tu najde to své. I my jsme si park „zamilovali“ a každý den vydržíme někdy i několik hodin čučet z balkónu našeho ubytování na multifunkční plácek, sami ale o návštěvě nepřemýšlíme. Dcera recepční s jakýmsi monoklem u oka s přezdívkou Pavlov (stejně jako Pavlovovi psi se každý den vrací k našim dveřím, aby dostala pamlsek) dnes taky vyrazila na hřiště a společně s ostatními dětmi nás zdraví na balkón. Stejně jako my pozorujeme dění tam dole, tak místní pozorují nás, tam nahoře, princip zoo tak funguje na obou stranách. Těžko říct, kdo má koho za většího podivína. Představa pěti dospělých cizinců sedících na balkóně a pozorujících pro místní absolutně nezáživné aktivity se musí zdát i malým dětem nadmíru podivná, vezmou-li pak v úvahu, že kvůli tomu letíme přes půlku světa, je pak víc než bláznivá. Prase se peče a stejně jako to prase se pečeme i my, jen ve vlastní šťávě, a tak vyrážíme na pláž. Pro dnešek volíme opět Marimegmeg, jelikož věříme, že právě tady je výskyt písečných mušek nejmenší. Moje boláky ne a ne zmizet, naopak některé z bílých čepic pomalu ale jistě vytékají ven ve formě krystalků barvy třtinového cukru. Pro dnešek raději zůstávám ve stínu, abych se nestala lidským dalmatinem s desítkami bílých teček na opálených nohách. Na rozdíl od ostatních, kteří se koupou vcelku pravidelně, do moře vlezu jen jednou, spíš abych se rozloučila s mořem samotným, Líba na moře prdí a zůstává celý den na souši. Nakoupení jsme až až a v moři prý stejně řádí medúza. Kolem páté se pakujeme z našeho místa u baru The Beach Shack, naposledy procházíme kolem čisťounkého moře krásné modrozelené barvy a vracíme se po strmých schodech zpátky na hlavní. Cestou ulovíme několik perel (do uší) a s hezkými dárky odjíždíme domů. Tříkolka je i teď s benzínem na štíru, a tak zastavujeme u podomního prodejce benzínu, který s cigaretou v puse sedí u kanystru s benzínem a kasíruje řidiče za prodej černého zlata. Bezpečnost práce je tu nulová a je až ku podivu, že se nikomu nikdy nic nestane. Elektrikáři šplhají po drátech v žabkách, technická automobilů neexistuje, cigaretu si tu neodpustí ani u benzínky a tak dále a tak dále, výčet pro nás nestandardních aktivit tu leze do tisíce. Tříkolka nás v pořádku odváží zpátky do víru „velkoměsta“ a vyhazuje nás u oblíbené pekárny, kde se nám naskytne pohled na gigantickou pekařskou pec s kily sladkých dobrot uvnitř. Samozřejmě nákupu neodoláme a odnášíme si pár dobrot v papírových pytlících na pokoj. Naposledy ukuchtíme něco dobrého k snědku u plynového vařiče a přesouváme se do horního patra na partičku UNA. Poslední kolo karet dohrajeme za svitu pohotovostního světla, protože i dnes se El Nidu nevyhne výpadek elektřiny. V parnu se nespí nejlíp, ale prášky na spaní v podobě karibského rumu zaberou, a tak stejně brzo usnu. Holky střídají vyhřátý balkón a vychlazenou ložnici, taťka spí a Líba se dívá na šílenou francouzskou komedii Rrrrr. The end.
Fish & chips v baru The Beach Shack: 260 PHP
Pesto pasta: 200 PHP
Jahodové daiqiry: 220 PHP
8 vajec a sladké v pekárně: 99 PHP
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severalbakuras · 6 years
scrawlers replied to your post: episodes s2e9 and s2e10![[MOR] the love god: hey...
Yeah, Pacifica’s parents Pavlov conditioned her with the bell. Bell = punishment. :/ They’re abusive af.
honestly they deserved to get their house trashed at the party and from then on.
can pacifica move into the shack.
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haberyeri · 3 years
PS5'in yeni nesil VR cihazının ilk oyunu duyuruldu: Pavlov Shack
PS5’in yeni nesil VR cihazının ilk oyunu duyuruldu: Pavlov Shack
PlayStaion 4 için geliştirilen VR teknolojisinin ardından Sony, yeni nesil konsolu için de tasarımlarını hızlandırdı ve geçtiğimiz hafta ilk detayları paylaştı. PS5 VR için çıkacak ilk oyun da böylece belli oldu. Yeni nesil VR teknolojisi için çıkacak ilk oyun Pavlov Shack mi henüz bilinmiyor ancak duyurulan ilk oyun oldu.PAVLOV SHACK PS5 VR TEKNOLOJİSİ İLE GELİYORDaha önce PC platformu için…
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metaverse-ar-vr · 5 months
Today in the MIXED Advent calendar: the popular multiplayer VR shooter Pavlov Shack for Quest2, Quest Pro and Quest 3. The post Win the VR shooter Pavlov Shack for Quest - MIXED Advent calendar: Door 8 appeared first on MIXED Reality News. #AR #VR #Metaverse
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #189
BTVS 7x08 Sleeper
Obligatory soundtrack: Early One Morning - Pavlov’s Bell
Stray thoughts
1) If the fact that Spike was feeding and turning people wasn’t enough of a clue that something was amiss, then him humming a lullaby while digging graves most certainly was.
2) I love that whenever we hear a British man speaking in this show we immediately know he’s a watcher. Side note, this watcher was totally shacking up with his slayer, right? 
3) Okay, so Dawn told Willow all about seeing “Joyce” but she didn’t disclose Joyce’s warning about Buffy. Willow then proceeds to tell her that she’d seen someone, too, but it was the Big Bad. Dawn, understandably, convinces herself that Joyce couldn’t have been an evil manifestation. I get why her first reaction is to believe she’d seen her mom. She’s a kid who’s had a rough two years, whose mom died suddenly, who was almost sacrificed to open up a portal to a hell dimension, whose sister killed herself shortly after, and who spent hours in a bedroom with the body of her stand-in mom before anyone came to check on either of them. Joyce represents the normalcy and stability her life is lacking, so it’s absolutely understandable she’s so eager to believe she’s seen her mom. What I don’t get is why – other than because it suited the writers’ purpose – she didn’t talk about this with Buffy (even if she didn’t feel like opening up about the actual warning...) and why it was never brought up again (that I remember, at least.) I’ve talked about this in my previous recap, but I must hand it to The First, it played its cards right by manipulating Dawn. She was the only one who 100% bought the lies, and the fact that she didn’t discuss this any further – especially not with Buffy – and that she kept believing her “mom”’s warning all along had far-reaching consequences. Dawn was probably the only character not mature enough to realize she was being duped. Joyce/The First warned Dawn that “when it's bad, Buffy won't choose you. She'll be against you.” Not only does this warning foreshadow what will come to happen in Empty Places, but it is the precise reason why that happens, except that the roles are reserved: when things get bad, Dawn won’t choose Buffy, she’ll be against her…
4) I do appreciate that Xander truly tries to be objective here and to see things from a purely rational perspective. It’s a very nice change of pace from his “slay first, ask questions later approach”, and it is in fact exactly what Buffy needed. Emotionally, she can’t bring herself to believe Spike’d be able to be killing people while having a soul. I think the church scene from Beneath You is what drives Buffy to believe having a soul has truly changed him. Of course, she’s letting herself be driven by her emotions (which, btw, we know are her strength…) So it was necessary for her to hear the voice of reason. And I’m grateful for the fact that Xander was actually written as a reasonable voice of reason - unlike what they did with his speech to Buffy in Into the Woods… where we were supposed to buy into what he was saying (he didn’t even have all the fact!) and take his word as the voice of reason.
*gets herself angry at remembering Into the Woods*
*breathes furiously*
*tries to calm self down*
*watches videos of puppies*
*resumes writing*
Anywho, this is their exchange in this episode:
XANDER Why would a vampire lie about who sired him. What's that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead. My sire can beat up your sire. (sits)
BUFFY I'm not saying I don't believe him.
XANDER You just don't want to. OK, let's look at this objectively. Figure it out in a cold, impersonal, CSI-like manner 'cause we're a couple of carpet fibers away from a case.
BUFFY Spike can't be the one doing this. He couldn't if he wanted to.
XANDER Why not?
BUFFY Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember? He can't hurt anyone.
XANDER Didn't stop him from hurting you. Hey, objective here. Maybe the chip's not working anymore.
BUFFY Oh, it's working. I've seen it.
XANDER Is it? Or is that what Spike wants you to think?
BUFFY You think it's an act?
XANDER I don't really know. And neither do you.
BUFFY No, mm-mmm. There's something. I-I can feel it. He's different. He's changed. And, if it is an act, then the Oscar goes to...
I just appreciate the fact that he was trying to help Buffy see the situation from every angle, instead of taking a stand and only viewing the evidence that would support her belief. 
5) These two truly had a very lively sex life…
XANDER You're gonna be fine. 
ANYA Better be, because if I get vamped, I'm gonna bite your ass.
XANDER Wouldn't be the first time. 
ANYA What was that?
6)  And this is exactly why they should’ve talked to Dawn more about the whole seeing Joyce thing…
WILLOW Buffy, this thing knows us. It made us think that we were talking to people we knew. Mine said it came with a message from Tara. But Dawn actually saw... your Mother. This thing—it had me for a while—I mean, before it started letting loose with the pulse-pounding terror. But before that, the lies were very convincing. It just seems real.
WILLOW I mean maybe—maybe to confuse us, to mess us up. Or maybe just to be cool.
Unfortunately, Buffy was too concerned with the urgent issue of a potential serial killer vampire on the loose to take the time to talk to her sister. She should have done it, though. I mean, even if she assumed Dawn had understood what she’d seen wasn’t real, Buffy should’ve known that seeing Joyce again, even if it was a fake Joyce, probably had messed her up. I think that Buffy not approaching Dawn about this probably fed Dawn’s belief that she’d seen the real Joyce.
7) Sweet Jebus, this man…
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8) Bless Anya.
SPIKE Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what you're doing here.
ANYA Well, Spike... I'm here, obviously... for...um...sex.
SPIKE Uh, beg pardon.
ANYA You and me. Here and now. Let's go. Let's... get it on, you big bad boy.
SPIKE Wait, wait, Anya. Just a minute. This is not exactly—is that a stake?
ANYA Yes. Kinky. 
SPIKE Uh, well, yeah, but what do you—?
ANYA Shh. No questions. No talking. I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about you and us and our brief but unforgettable time together. I mean, it's—why else would I be here? I mean, it's not like I'm snooping around looking for proof that you're some sort of wacked out serial killer. I don't know why I said that. Forget I said that. It's craziness talking. It's just nerves. Nerves. Nerves and-and horniness. Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. Take me now. 
I think... I think she looks kind of riled up and disappointed he didn’t take her up on her offer? 
9) Where do all this people come from? This street has never been this crowded! Sunnydale doesn’t have that big of a population!
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Like, I get it, they needed the streets to be super crowded so that it would be believable for Buffy to lose track of Spike, but THIS IS NOT BELIEVABLE! A) My point above and B) any citizen of Sunydale who isn’t as dumb as a brick won’t go out at night!!! 
10) Awww, Buffy woke him up by throwing him across the room just like in the old days…
11) I had to stop writing during this scene, I was simply enthralled by James’ delivery of each of his lines. I truly don’t think Spike would’ve been a redeemable character if it hadn’t been for James’ portrayal. He brings so much emotion into every word and every gesture, and it truly makes you feel for the character. Well, unless you hate Spike, of course.
SPIKE Well, I certainly didn't off her. Where are you getting this? (grabs a shirt) You know I can't.
BUFFY Right. The chip.
SPIKE No, not the chip! Not the chip, dammit. You honestly think I'd go to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul and then— Buffy, I can barely live with what I did. It haunts me. All of it. If you think that I would add to the body count now, you are crazy.
SPIKE Yeah, I talk to people. Women. Talk to them 'cause I can't talk to you.
BUFFY Oh, Spike, save it.
SPIKE As daft a notion as "Soulful Spike the Killer" is, it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me. This chip—they did to me. I couldn't help it. But the soul, I got on my own—for you.
BUFFY I know.
SPIKE So, yeah. I go and pass the time... with someone. But that's all it is is time, 'cause—God, help me, Buffy—it's still all about you.
12) FYI, If you don’t remember what you’ve done the night before, that’s a BIG FAT warning sign.
13) I get that Willow’s line is meant to feed Dawn’s belief that she did, in fact, talk to Joyce, but this just doesn’t make any sense?????
DAWN You only think Spike is turning people 'cause that vampire told you so, right? But that night we were all told things that weren't true.
DAWN What? What maybe.
WILLOW Well, just because those weren't the spirits of, you know, our people—just because it was some evil thing, doesn't mean what they said can't be true.
Like, why would the Big Bad disclose information that might actually help them???? 
14) The music choice for this episode is so absolutely perfect, I mean, Pavlov’s Bell? Accurate AF.
15) She’s a quick learner, right?
YOUNG WOMAN Huh. I get it. You'd rather I slip into something more comfortable. Should we pick off the crowd one-by-one, or block the exits and ravish the place?
SPIKE Get away from me.
YOUNG WOMAN What's with the wallflower act? You didn't seem so shy when you were biting me. I'm not asking if you wanna be soul mates, just figured you'd wanna have some fun. I take him, you take her—or the other way around. Whatever.
I love how this scene is reminiscent of Spike and Drusilla prowling the Bronze in Crush, except this time Spike does not want to play.
16) This fucking show.
YOUNG WOMAN Is that all I was to you—a one-bite stand?
17) I swear to god. THIS. FUCKING. SHOW.
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BUFFY Oh, uh, actually, I need some help. I'm looking for this guy. Bleach-blonde hair, leather jacket, British accent? Kind of sallow, but in a hot way?
BOUNCER Yeah, yeah, I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe?
BUFFY Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from—never mind. Has he been here?
19) This. Fucking. Show.
AIMEE MANN Man, I hate playing vampire towns
I just love the fact that she uses the plural, “towns” like she’s fucking aware Sunnydale is not the only town infested with vampires.
It’s so amazing to see a regular someone supposedly not in the know – after 7 freaking seasons! – acknowledge the supernatural because even though it’s a staple of the genre that people are ignorant of the paranormal or choose to find more “rational” explanations for every odd occurrence, sometimes they just end up looking very dumb.
20) And this is why The First was kind of a dumb Big Bad, like, how couldn’t he have known that tasting Buffy would have the opposite effect on Spike?
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21) It’s really heartbreaking that Spike not only assumes that Buffy is going to stake him but he welcomes it, I think he wants the pain to end and wants an easy way out from the things he’s done (that’s why he pleads for her - or it? - to “make him forget”)
22) Buffy reads the situation right, though. She understands that someone or something has been using Spike as a puppet and that killing him won’t really accomplish anything other than doing exactly what it wants them to do.
23) I gotta admit, I’d be Xander in this situation…
BUFFY You didn't see him down there. He really didn't know what he'd done. It wasn't in his control.
XANDER Oh, an out of control serial killer. You're right, that is a great houseguest.
24) I love how they’re talking as if he was deaf or not there, and he’s obviously listening to every single word they're saying. HE IS SITTING RIGHT THERE FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!!
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Sorry, I just hate when they do that on shows or movies, okay?
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There’s no fucking way Giles would’ve survived that, okay? I mean, I’m glad he’s alive, but they probably should’ve faded to black BEFORE the axe was about to chop his head off. Just seeing the demon brandishing the axe would’ve done the trick, and then it wouldn’t have felt as they were retconning the scene.
26) This is not a great episode. It’s not bad, either, but I feel the reveal that Spike was killing again and the why he was doing it should’ve been placed further apart (although I understand they were trying to get people to like Spike again, so that might’ve been detrimental to that purpose…) I don’t know, there’s something that just doesn’t work about this episode. The scenes between Buffy and Spike are great, but the whole episode feels somewhat disjointed. What do you think? Is this when season 7 started to go south?
27) If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting my blog on ko-fi. Thanks!
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vrdigest · 3 years
Обновление Pavlov: танки, оружие и карты Второй Мировой войны
Вышло грандиозное обновление Pavlov — WWII Update, которое вводит в игру огромное количество новых функций.  Если вам нравится vr игры москва , тогда вы по достоинству оцените эту новость!
Pavlov WWII Update включает в себя множество новых игрушек, наиболее интересными из которых должны быть танками.
Эти совершенно новые машины выводят игру на новый уровень, требуя для управления трех игроков. Курс задает водитель, наводчик управляет боковой башней, а командир стреляет из основного орудия и перезаряжает его. Разработчик также добавляет в игру Tank Team Deathmatch с большими картами для 20 игроков.
Tank TDM также поставляется с новым классом игроков, который оснащен паяльной лампой для ремонта транспортных средств. Между тем, есть также режим игры King Of The Hill.
Обязательно посетите клуб виртуальной реальности Москва и поиграйте в обновленную версию игры!
Оружие, карты и многое другое
Также в обновление включено новое оружие от советских, американских, британских фракций и фракций Оси, а также новые модели стилизованных игроков. Вооружение включает M1 Garand, Sten, Bren, BAR, Luger, MP 40, StG 44 и MG 42.
Кроме того, вы можете поделиться пятью обновлениями карт, включая совершенно новые уровни, такие как греческий остров Санторини, и, для игроков Второй мировой войны, карту, смоделированную по образцу Сталинградской битвы. Это самая большая карта в истории игры, в которой участвуют команды 15 на 15.
Завершают обновление новый пользовательский интерфейс, поддержка жилета bHaptics и, конечно же, множество исправлений ошибок и настроек. Обновление уже доступно в SteamVR. Эти обновления еще не доступны для Pavlov: Shack, бесплатной версии игры на SideQuest (которая, как ожидается, позже станет официальной версией Oculus Quest).
Полный список обновлений можно посмотреть на сайте steamcommunity.com
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Pavlov: Shack, sa sortie a été repoussée sur l’Oculus Quest
Le soft VR Pavlov: Shack devait être mis à disposition sur l’Oculus Quest le 19 décembre. Toutefois, sa sortie a été reportée pour l’année prochaine. En attendant le lancement, les gamers peuvent s’essayer à une version de ce jeu via Sideload.
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rootindiahealthcare · 4 years
Nomophobia : Mobile Phone Uses Lead To Health Risk
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Mobile phone uses connected with various health risk  Does the “ding” of your phone have you ever dropping no matter you’re doing to envision United Nations agency “liked” your latest Facebook status? Are you responsive work emails before rubbing the sleep from your eyes? will a coffee battery icon leave you quivering in fear? You, my friend, are probably affected by nomophobia.
Nomophobia is that the concern of being while not your smartphone, or a lot of merely smartphone addiction, and it’s a “first world problem” that’s showing no signs of speed down, despite age. And whereas it would sound silly — are you able to extremely be passionate about a hand-held device? — the implications are real. About 1/2 U.S. adults are checking their phone a minimum of many times an hour, with eleven percent sound their screen awake each couple of minutes. (1) No house is safe from the push of a replacement tweet, either. Almost one in ten Americans have admitted to victimization their phone throughout sex. And among young adults ages eighteen to thirty-four, the amount is even higher: one in five have engaged with their smartphone once they’re in between the sheets.   (2) Is it a surprise, then, that twelve % suppose that smartphones are prejudicious to relationships? When you mix nomophobia with cars, things get even scarier. Among Yankee adult drivers, quite twenty-seven percent have sent or scan a text whereas driving. Among young adults, that variety shoots up to thirty-four percent. What’s the hurt in interacting together with your phone at a red light-weight or once traffic is heavy? take into account the very fact that text electronic communication whereas driving makes a crash twenty-three times a lot of probably. The injury that Nomophobia will … Let’s Count how Even for those folks United Nations agency doesn’t text and drive, nomophobia has serious consequences. 1. You’re dalliance While several folks are convinced that multitasking permits us to induce a lot of doing, the solution is multitasking doesn’t work. Not solely are our brains not equipped to handle 2 dissimilar tasks promptly, however attempting to accomplish many things promptly lands up wasting longer than saving any. Think about it: however well does one retain data once someone’s reprimand you as you’re scrolling through emails or observation the most recent cat video your friend posted? although your body is during an area, it’s simple to miss vital data once your brain is in other places fully. Plus, let’s face it: nobody likes reprimand somebody who’s “listening” with their face buried during a screen. 2. You’re a lot of anxious Not having your phone around will increase anxiety. One British study found that fifty-one percent of participants suffer “extreme technical school anxiety” once separated from their smartphones. a number of that stems from feeling that, if we’re except our phones, we tend to won’t be enclosed once friends create plans or won’t understand what the most recent Facebook culture is. Even our bodies are getting down to acknowledge once our phones aren’t around. A University of Missouri study discovered that iPhone users United Nations agency compound with their devices throughout things that need a big quantity of attention, like taking a check or finishing a piece assignment, may end in poorer performance. (4) That’s as a result of, once participants were separated from their phones then asked to complete easy word search puzzles, their heart rates and pressure level exaggerated — as did their feelings of hysteria and unpleasantness. 3. You’re not sleeping likewise “Check email one last time, confirm no friends announce something fascinating, one last look of Instagram … Buckeye State waits, a replacement work email came in. Darn it, that afternoon meeting got pushed up. Did I prepare enough for it? ought to I review things an added time? Wait, it’s late already. I assume I’ll simply suppose it for the future unit of time whereas I toss and switch attempting to sleep off.” Sound familiar? Being inundated with stimulating data right before bed usually means that you can’t sleep well, notably once we’re conferred with things on the far side our management. And most folks are sleeping with our phones. In nearly all ages cluster, a minimum of forty percent of American citizens off their phone within sight. For that twenty-five to twenty-nine years recent, the number’s even higher: nearly eighty % are petting up to their device.  The danger isn’t solely that every beep long has the potential to wake the U.S.A. up. Smartphones additionally emit a “blue” light-weight, signal to our brain that it’s time to come to life. Blue lights suppress hormone, the secretion that dictates our sleep rhythms. Yes, the struggle to eff your phone is real. 4. Your children are discovering your naughty habits “Do as I state, not as I do” is only too real once it involves smartphone time. while oldsters raise children and youths to {put} off Snapchat or put their phones down throughout dinner, they’re checking calendars, responsive texts or pampering in one last game of Candy Crush. It stands to reason than that, in nearly every study of smartphone use, young adults the best usage rates. kids are learning that invariably being connected is traditional — and missing out on the importance of human-to-human interaction. Signs You’re passionate about Your Smartphone: Sure, some individuals with no self-control can be passionate about their smartphones. however, are you one in each of them? If any of those apply to you, all signs purpose to addiction. You reach for your smartphone upon arousal and right before bed. It’s not uncommon for you to catch au courant emails or the most recent within the news whereas you’re intake. When your phone is out of reach, low on battery or (gasp) fully turned off, you are feeling anxious or stressed. Being out of mobile phone signal causes you to want you may be missing one thing. You live for that next Instagrammable moment. Pavlov’s dogs don't have anything on you: once you hear that acquainted text-sound, you perk up. You’ve checked your phone a minimum of once whereas reading this article! Yup. I assumed so! It’s ok, though. We’re beat this along.   Your 5-Step arrange to End Your Smartphone Addiction Now that we’ve conquered the primary step, admitting there’s a retardant, it’s time to fight this factor. Follow these steps to relish a life that’s complemented, not ruled, by your smartphone. 1. Shut down your mobile phone a minimum of AN hour before bed Allow your brain to unwind And attempt to turn off your phone an hour before the time of day. meaning off, not simply on silent. Those vibrations and blinking lights are still harmful, as is knowing that you’re only one reach far from seeing the most recent. Remember, nomophobia ne'er sleeps and neither can you. No marvel numerous folks are invariably tired, huh? If you have got a legitimate reason for keeping your phone on — your female offspring is out with friends or your oldsters are senior and you don’t have a telephone line — flip your phone on “do not disturb” and place your phone on the opposite facet of the area. during this mode, your phone can silence all notifications, however, enable you to alter exceptions, like a call from a selected variety. Remember: Seeing what number “likes” your last Instagram post received isn't a legitimate reason. “But I exploit my phone as my watch,” you say. “I want it nearby!” to it I respond…. 2. Stop shacking up together with your phone Get a true watch (yes, you'll still realize these Stone Age relics). Not solely can this enable you to show off your phone fully long (again, unless you wish to remain on alert for a friend and don’t have a landline), however rather than arousal with the temptation to envision what you lost long, you'll pay the primary moments of the morning stretching, puzzling over what’s on schedule for the day or essentially doing something apart from checking your phone. For additional credit, I challenge you to not flip your phone on once more till your morning routine is finished: you’ve showered, dressed, eaten up breakfast, perhaps even scan the paper (remember that pastime!) and pushed the youngsters out the door. 3. Set certain times to see your phone Do you need to appear at every single email the second it’s received? Save your saneness and at the same time facilitate your productivity by designating sure times to look at your smartphone. For instance, you may need to try and do a five-minute sweep of your social networks and email right before sitting down at your table to do work, then hide your phone away for a future hour, once you take a five-minute break. Structuring your operating hours around short breaks helps you agree into your task while not distractions for an amount of your time, whereas knowing that a “break” is simply round the corner. Additionally, once the workday is over, provide yourself a group length of your time that you’re allowed to see something work-related. perhaps once dinner (and well before bedtime!) you permit yourself ten minutes to review any messages which may have are available in or want your attention. And this is often the time to be discerning: If it’s not one thing that needs your attention right this second (i.e. a million-dollar deal can founder if you don’t answer that email), it will wait till morning. 4. Establish phone-free zones I know I can’t be the sole one who’s horror-stricken that smartphones are disrupting individuals throughout intimate moments. thereupon aforementioned, designating sure places and times as phone-free zones may be a good way to tackle nomophobia. Mealtimes are a decent place to start: rather than scrolling and chew, you'll observe aware intake and interesting speech. It’s additionally a first-rate chance to line An example for kids; they’ll see you worth speech and sensible food over responding to your phone’s each ring. And please, simply say no to phones in bed. 5. have interaction in real human contact Finally, rather than “connecting” with friends and family over social media, attempt defrayment some real-time with them. rather than “liking” your cousin’s standing, decision him up to listen to the story primary (gasp!). got wind of a low date to catch up with friends rather than that cluster text. Send a thoughtful card to a faraway friend. We’re social creatures United Nations agency thrive on real human interaction. That’s one thing a smartphone simply can’t replicate. Read the full article
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stylistmemarketing · 4 years
Pavlov Shack sur Oculus Quest le jeu de combat le plus joué en VR
#Pavlov Shack sur @Oculus #Quest le jeu de combat le plus joué en VR
Pavlov Shack Oculus Quest le jeu de combat le plus joué en VR, le célèbre FPS manière Call of débarque dans nos caques de réalité virtuelle.
  Pavlov Shack Oculus Quest : le jeu de combat le plus joué en VR
Pavlov Shack jeu gratuit | Oculus Quest 449 € | Dave Villz (développeur) 
Il s’agit certainement du FPS en réalité virtuelle le plus joué sur PC actuellement. II débarque le 19…
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