#pathetic unmasked adam
that-fruitier-emo · 2 months
Rosie in my plot journal :0
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(I forgot what I was gonna write on the sticky note and I needed something to put on it. Now I think just for fun, I'ma just put random HH characters in there for funzies)
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lilithfairen · 1 year
I didn't bother doing a post on the previous episode of Fixing RWBY, but I can sum it up in two points:
Celtic Phoenix at one point makes a (pretty witty) joke about Pyrrha's bedroom being "spartan" in style. This is then ruined by him saying that he can't make many jokes because he's "streamlining" the volume. This is said during an episode of events that are entirely of his own creation and do absolutely nothing to further the plot whatsoever, continuing this trend of grinding the plot to a complete halt in Argus.
The episode focuses on JNR and Roman/Neo, and highlights the fact that Celtic Phoenix doesn't write groups of friends as squabbling assholes who can't get along for five seconds when those groups don't consist of multiple women. (Reminder: Celtic Phoenix added wholly-unnecessary and stupid drama between Nora and Pyrrha in his rewrite of the Beacon arc, creating hostility specifically and solely between the two women of Team JNPR.)
Now that we've gone through that, Episode 17 is about Team RWBY trying to get their friendship back on track! Because remember, streamlining! (Also this entire arc of Team RWBY being Women Can't Get Along is entirely of this misogynistic asshole's creation.)
Anyway, Ruby starts off by talking about how much fun she had with Team RNJR, continuing the trend of Ruby treating RNJR as more of her Real Team than RWBY. Ruby decides they'll all go to the beach!
Except it's freezing out, as the others point out.
Celtic Phoenix really has This Thing for writing the main protagonist of a series focused on female characters as a complete fucking idiot, and I have a solid idea why.
Anyway, afterwards they go to a cafe to warm Ruby up. Weiss whines about Yang drinking her tea hot, because again, Celtic Phoenix being a stupid fucking misogynist. Weiss offers to pay, but then passes the bill to Ruby, and somehow a bunch of drinks at a cafe are super expensive. This makes total sense.
Ruby then says that they can't go shopping afterwards then, so they go to a nightclub. In the middle of the day, when it's empty. Ruby messes up her dance and hurts herself, which makes all of her friends laugh at her(!!!). Yang calls Ruby "Rubes", which makes it even less subtle that Celtic Phoenix ripped off plot details from Volume 9 for his shitty rewrite.
They have a good time, and mock Weiss for not being able to dance(!!!). Somehow Ruby thought their day went poorly, probably because her friends haven't stopped being Women Can't Get Along. But then there's an alert from Cordovin!
They race over to find a bunch of Grimm having broken through the wall, plus a bunch of sliced-up soldiers and Huntsmen. Guess who, it's Adam! So Team RWBY run away from him on their vehicles.
Yes. Because literally the only fucking way Celtic Phoenix can make Adam intimidating is to treat the main heroines of the show as being utterly helpless against him.
And Adam chases after them. On foot, jumping from car to car. Their plan is to lure him to the military base. There's a fight scene, Adam gets unmasked and Weiss is made to care about this psycho piece of shit Celtic Phoenix wants you to care, he then kicks everyone's ass, and then he gets unceremoniously taken out by Cordovin with a cattle prod.
So, let us repeat: This guy who is so badass that Team RWBY flees in terror at the sight of him and is so badass that he can 1v4 them has been effortlessly taken out by
one drunk guy
one little old lady
But our protagonists aren't allowed to stand a chance against him.
Probably because they aren't a.) military, written by an alt-right POS or b.) men, written by a misogynistic POS.
And all of this is so desperate to make Adam this unstoppable hyper-badass who's so psychopathic and yet somehow you should feel empathy for him because his mom was abused. Celtic Phoenix so desperately wants Adam to be a badass that he proceeds to write him as an entirely uninteresting and pathetic antagonist. He just shows up to be an asshole, that's literally it. If Celtic Phoenix thinks Adam is somehow sympathetic by letting a swarm of monsters into an inhabited city, then Celtic Phoenix himself might very well be a psychopath too.
Volume 6 knew well enough to leave Adam until the end, because it understood tension and drama. It understood that Adam was a terrifying antagonist not because he was more powerful than Team RWBY combined, but because of the kind of hateful, abusive, obsessed psychopath he was. It allowed him to appear at the most dramatic moment possible, ambushing Blake when she was solo and vulnerable. He was pathetic as a person, yet terrifying in his desperation to harm and abuse Blake and Yang, and being strong in the ways Adam was weak was how Blake and Yang overcame him.
Here? Adam is a boring psycho who just shows up whenever Celtic Phoenix wants him to, everyone acts like he's the most badass person in existence, the titular heroines are reduced to helplessness in order to make him look threatening, and then he gets his ass kicked in the most anticlimactic, unfulfilling manner possible.
Because Celtic Phoenix is an incredibly shitty writer.
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A villain that everytime they get killed it showes up on their body but they are always reborn. Ex: died because of a bullet -has a scar, died because of an axe in the head- scar
Warnings: death, scars
Hero always wondered why Villain always wore a thick mask that covered their head. Like their total head so that only their brilliant dark brown eyes were showing. They didn't even know the color hair that Villain had, or the shape of their nose. They were a mystery to be unfolded and Hero was adamant about being the unfolder.
Their first ever try to unmask the masked was pathetic. It even won a nonchalant chuckle from Villain.
"You really are desperate," the usually stoic villain dodged Hero's flailing arm with ease.
"I want to see what you look like," Hero panted. They personally did not mind if Villain knew who they were. They remained unmasked and didn't even try to hide their civilian identity.
"You don't," Villain said in a tone that made Hero's blood turn ice cold.
"W-what?" Hero stifled a nervous laugh.
"I said," Villain repeated quietly. "You do not want to see what is under the mask."
That just made Hero want to see what Villain always kept hidden even more.
"Aw please," Hero begged.
"No," and Villain left.
Two days later, Hero brought a dagger to their fight. Maybe if they pinned Villain, they would be able to get the mask off. Anyways, it was probably very crucial to defeating them once and for all.
"I don't know why you are so obsessed with this," Villain laughed in their usual cold tone. Hero stiffened very slightly, but still kept Villain in a hard pin. Maybe they were slightly, oh very slightly, obsessed, but who cares? Hero's bosses would likely promote them (very unlikely honestly) and Villain could be thrown in jail.
But was that the true reason in Hero's heart. Definitely not. They had this desire to know who their enemy was. Who was the one that they clashed with nearly everyday? Who was the one that they go to the hospital weekly because of? More so, what were they hiding?
Hero grabbed the ski mask and bunched it up in their hand. In one swift motion, they removed it.
And immediately wished they hadn't.
Villain's black hair was fabulous, no doubt, but it wasn't the mane of onyx that caught Hero's curious eye. It was the long jagged scar that ran from their right eyebrow all the way to center of their head. It was so bad that their hair didn't even grow around it. And it looked old. Oh so old.
"There," Villain said calmly, but Hero could see the tears welling up in their eyes. "Now you have it."
Villain got up quickly, too quickly for Hero's comfort. Before they realized what they just did, Villain fell forward onto Hero's lap with the bloody dagger clattering onto the ground.
"Villain? Oh gosh no! What did I do!" Hero exclaimed and pushed Villain's head onto its side. They were extremely careful not to touch the scar.
"Is it a big one?" Villain wheezed, with no fear in, just emptiness. Hero furrowed their brow. Why weren't they scared? They were literally dying in their enemy's arms.
It only took a few minutes for Villain's body to go lax and their eyes to dull. Hero held them, feeling guilty, as they closed their dead enemy's eyes. If they hadn't pushed them into revealing their secret- one that likely haunted them- then this wouldn't had happened. None of it would have. Villain would be alive and well under their mask and Hero would, well... they would still be pondering what Villain was so keen to hide.
After a few minutes of hugging Villain, whispering to them how sorry they were, Hero decided that they needed to make a choice. Choice 1: Leave Villain here for someone to pick up. Choice 2: Call the police, which was the most responsible decision. Or Choice 3: call Villain's henchman to dispose of their boss's body with respect.
They decided on Choice 3. Hero found Villain's phone in their pocket. Luckily they just had to bring Villain's cold fingers up to unlock it.
They called Villain's henchmen.
A couple weeks later, Hero was walking along thinking about Villain when a hooded figure brushed past them.
No, not a hooded figure. Hero spun around and noticed and all too familiar ski mask.
"Villain!" Hero called. The figure did not turn around. Actually they sped up.
"Wait," Hero spun around and began to chase the figure. After a couple long strides, Hero was able to catch up and turn their captive around. Without hesitantation, they ripped the mask off.
"Villain," they gasped in relief and bit back the urge to hug them. Villain's face was downcast and they wouldn't make eye contact.
"I should've left," Villaim murmured and squirmed in Hero's grasp.
"You were dead!" Hero exclaimed. "How... how are you standing here very much alive? Are you a ghost?"
"I'm not a ghost," Villain replied and brought their hand up. Hero tensed, but Villain didn't attack. Instead, they unbuttoned their collar showing a scar from where the knife hit them.
"Oh you have loads to explain."
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heckinhacker · 4 years
Blood Moon!Aatrox x Demon!S/O - Insane between crazy.
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word count: 1,608 requested: Yes!  - By Anonymous: “ Can I ask for Blood moon Aatrox fanfic plz? When he met the demon s/o but they're different from the other demons because instead of killing mortals, they tried to save them plz. “ warnings: Curses, violence, Aatrox being Aatrox. 
 You were standing on the podium, your arms raised to red as blood heaven, shouting at your own kind.
“And WHY do we have to sacrifice human lives for our own sake? Why is it everything about bloodshed?! Humans aren’t bad, they’re innocent, they can do no harm to us, so why do we kill them like animals?! They’re just like us - NO. They’re even better. THEY have emotions, they can be reasoned with, they connect with each other and we only have ability to think, but what do we get from thinking when we don’t use it! Everything we do is just kill, stab, get those guts out and make a new scarf, this is stupid!” 
You preached, you shouted to heavens and other demons looking at you like you’d lost your mind. There was solid moment of silence, before you heard this hoarse laugh. Pyke. It’s almost always Pyke. After his laugh which usually makes you go insane, every other demon burst in mad laughs too. Even The Kalista, this smart Kalista. You felt disappointment rise in your chest. You really wanted to hide right now. Somewhere, anywhere. You jumped off of podium and tried to fast-walk out of there. With no luck, of course, demons are really, really...jackasses. 
Thresh stood in your way, his mask and “hair” floating above you. You furrowed your eyebrows behind your mask. - What was that, [y/n]? I couldn’t quite understand because of your whines, you weren’t clear enough! - Right. You’re sure it’s because of me? You forgot your head from home, maybe that’s why.
Thresh’s red flame erupted around, eye-holes of floating mask filled with red light. Well, someone can’t handle being roasted. Thresh aimed his hook pretty quickly to your direction, but you gracefully jumped away, huffing. You wouldn’t like to fight with this sadist not now nor anytime, it’s better to flee and wait until  he calms down. You heard behind you screams of Thresh and louder talks of other demons. They’re stupid. Too stupid to understand. They never get through they thin skulls that thanks to people they exist. Kinda. God knows about “The First One”. Does he even exist? The progenitor every human and demon fear, The first demon ever who landed his feet on human’s ground. Funny. He sounds like some kind of “Adam and Eve” from human’s religion, like, you know? “The first one” ! But he’s alone, and he was made by blood moon itself. If he’d only show up...anywhere. Not like It’d be a good thing for you. We all can imagine he’d be an ass too, like everyone else was. 
The plan for the rest of the day was to lay down on some tree and take a nap, maybe find some animals to play around with, then wait ‘till the night when the monsters go apeshit. You just climbed up, took mask off so it covers only your eyes and managed to close them to rest, but then, loud explosion, maniacal laughs, terrorizing screams of your beloved mortals. No, not that again. You groaned, fixing your mask and jumping down to run to the village. Why are they on the streak again? Do they ever fucking rest?? You were there almost immediately, trying to protect the defenseless. Good thing your fighting weapon was shield. You did as much as you could, but little did you know - Aatrox was there.
You pushed Talon away from this poor man who had pass out from fear, shouting at him to ‘fucking stop’. When Talon wanted to jump up with a dangerous growl, Aatrox shouted with this demonic, echoed like by some other dimension voice who scared everyone around.”ENOUGH.” You, demons, people who tried to run away but fell down because they knees got weak because of terrifying shout that pierced their souls and minds. Your shield was dropped to the ground as you looked at this tall form of majestic horror in human representation. He was The Progenitor, The First One, That demon from which everything started. You gulped loudly, and he stared directly at you, his eyebrows furrowed. He’s a born leader, general of darkspawn army, leading for mortal’s extinction. - I… - What does you attitude mean? You’re not even that old demon. What were you thinking? - I just… - Enough of this nonsense. I’ll teach you a lesson, novice, while others can- - N-no, they cannot. - Can you repeat yourself? - They just can’t! CAN’T! - you shouted, looking amazingly dangerous while bending down to get your shield and furiously tap it with your little sword you promised never to use. - I won’t let this madness continue, no more! Aatrox threw his sword aside, which created thud way louder it should be. You could promise ground had shaken at this exact moment this enormous peace of ancient iron and brutally murdered souls had fallen down. He makes few steps towards you, you don’t move even inch, only take deep breaths. He brutally rips your mask off to look at your countenance. He squeezed your cheeks with one hand without problem, your faces way too close, your foreheads touching. - Do you still have courage to open your filthy, pathetic mouth? - I. Am. NOT. Afraid. Of. You. You didn’t even stutter, twitch, anything. This demon was not afraid, the youngest demon known was not shaken by mighty Aatrox. He was, indeed, surprised. How could you. How could you DARE to talk back to him. He was now holding you up by your throat. Even though you were already dead, you could feel suffocation. Your little coughs and struggling looked entertaining for other demons, but Aatrox told them off with one single glare. They vanished as soon as they appeared. - Apologise. - Not...in this...afterlife…- you coughed furiously. - and not...in the next...weakling…
Aatrox threw you like a ragdoll across empty field, your flight was over when you hit the wall, making deep hole in it. You-shaped hole. He approached you, took up his sword and looked down at you, like you were some bug. He put his surely oversized foot on your shoulder, pushing you deeper into building’s wall. - You’re brave. I like that. I expect more submissiveness next time, but consider yourself lucky. Now perish. - he threw you your mask back.
No matter how much you wanted to snark back some backfire, but only bit your bottom lip, stood up slowly and went away, limping. 
Aatrox would lie if he’d say he didn’t picked up any interest in you. Furthermore, he was thinking about you. He had no clue what has gotten into him, but it annoys the fuck out of him. Your pathetic face when he was choking you, desperate gasp after you were released, hateful look you shot at him when he stepped on your shoulder. The thought of this image sent shiver down his spine, he purely hated that. With passion. He decides to see your unmasked face again, to fight his own thoughts. To fight himself. He can prove he’s more than some human attachment. 
He got up, fixed his clothes, tightened up his man-bun and went off to the hardest war he had ahead of himself.
You can sense his presence right away, so his big figure heading to you was really no surprising, his aura was strong and steps pretty loud. He draws his sword in front of your face and you raise your eyebrow in amusement, as he demands the fight. - Draw your weapon. - Why…? - It’s a war, [y/n]. There’s no turning back. - Why would I start the fight I’ll for sure lose? But he forces you to take up your shield to protect yourself from his strong swing with the sword which is probably heavier than you with your shield in hand. You block the attack, pushing him back slightly, groaning. You feel the vibration off that hit in your bone, unpleasant feeling. You are angry at this moment, grabbing your little sword into your second hand. Not like it’ll help much against gigantic sword, but well, you didn’t thought straight. It’s like...you are against demon’s nature, but you’re one anyway, you have something from them, and anger had blinded your common sense. Aatrox was the first one even in this case. He was the first to trigger your demon nature. 
You charged at gigantic monster with such force he lost his balance for a moment, but helped himself with his sword. You use that moment to try and stab him under his ribs, but he kicks you so hard you fall back with loud thud. He takes a deep breath, rushes to you and kicks off your shield. After that, he steps on  your wrist, forcing you to drop this imitation of a sword. He throws his weapon away, kneels down, grabs your collar and kisses you forcefully. There was no hint of gentleness or pureness. It was pure - pure wildness and domination. You gasp in surprise, trying to kick him off or push him away, but there’s no use of that.
No matter how much you try to fight it, he kisses pretty damn well. You finally give up, closing your eyes and reciprocate the passion he somehow shared with you. When you were over - not because of breath loss - he looked at you, his eyes not full of aggression or fighting spirit. They were...as normal as they could be, not fully but had that hint of something else.
“I lost the war between us. I lost with the insane between crazy.”
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littlesmartart · 7 years
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playing around with some ideas on unmasked quarians! I was trying to go for something more ALIEN than the vague pathetic attempt bioware made in that tali edit which was essentially “attractive human with purple skin and three fingers”, I mean come on, try a LITTLE harder. I wanted to give them facial features that mimic the shapes in their helmets - the sloping curve from forehead to nasal bridge, the lines down their cheekbones - and the cool glowing white eyes. if they look kind of like protheans... well, javik did say that quarians were considered attractive... who’s to say the asari were the only species that were meddled with?
I also feel like even though on rannoch it would eventually be possible for them to live without helmets, culture doesn’t change overnight, so they’d probably still retain a lot of elements of their suits, like the head wraps, and for a long time it would be considered a fairly intimate thing to show someone your face. 
the bottom sketch is of tali and kal’reegar because a. I am a sap and b. screw you death-by-email. given that enviro-suit-syncing is a big deal that leaves both parties vulnerable to illness and infection, I feel like quarian culture would favour shows of affection that avoid the exchange of fluids (kissing and sex would be considered an unnecessary risk and would not indulged in outside of significant relationships), so something more like the turian head-nuzzling would work well, especially as it could be achieved still wearing helmets.
the helmets of male quarians seem to be longer and more dramatically sloped than the females, so I tried to reflect that in kal’s face. also fanon seems to have decided that he has a Lantern Jaw Of Justice (probably inherited from his voice actor adam baldwin, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve seen his “strong jaw” referenced in fanfic...) whilst this didn’t really work with the face shape I was going for, I tried to make him less angular. the scar is from when he was on palaven - his faceplate smashed. because all space marines should have fancy scars. 
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