#paldean luke au
detective-piplup · 4 months
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ooooh contextless doodles for self indulgent aus that will leave my unknowing followers and mutuals guessing, I love you
(bonus version + extra under cut)
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ourple + layer count
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characteroulette · 4 months
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Trainers for ScarVio! I have yet to get to Minato and Snufkin but I'm making my way there.
Anyway Luke/Arven time.
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This is all for @detective-piplup I am nothing if not an enabler of crackships lmao
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They struggle because Luke's specific isekai circumstances but it's very silly and fun hahaha
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paldean-luke-au · 3 months
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I have an entire Pinterest board of memes I could make for this au and this was my favourite
(bonus, lower quality one under the cut + original tumblr posts)
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luke is the scarvio protag here which means he does get the right to make horrific freaks of nature. yes I had to keep it as tumblr asks I don’t think they’d use it but it was too funny.
original posts:
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paldean-luke-au · 3 months
yeah okay I wrote the sarnieshipping fic. throws this at you like ham. this was initially based on the practicing kissing trope. it very much became Not That
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detective-piplup · 3 months
guys I just got like the worst crossover idea ever that appeals only to me
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paldean-luke-au · 4 months
piplup, what the fuck is the paldean luke au?
yeah okay, this is how im going the intro post
to summarise: This is my AU in which Luke Triton, age 16, is isekai’d to Paldea and takes the role of the Violet protagonist (and also he has amnesia)
more details under the cut
Luke is 16 and currently staying in London, and ends up finding some odd goings on within the Yard. He insists on looking into it, which Layton (who also noticed) protests because this could be dangerous and he doesn’t want Luke getting hurt. Luke stubbornly decides he’ll just investigate on his own, but he gets too close to the truth and ends up being shot and killed. (there’s more to this side of the au, namely Layton being tried as the defendant 6 years later, but that’s not relevant here)
After his death, Luke wakes up in Paldea with no memory of who he is or how he got here. Nemona finds him passed out near Miraidon after investigating the weird cry, and so she, along with a tired (but less tired, because nemona did most of the battling in the cave) and they meet Arven. [more details are being figured out here
After Clavells agrees to accepting Luke into the academy (he has no records, sure, but shows an incredible talent with Pokémon (he can talk to them) that would a shame to waste) sorting out housing for Luke within Uva and allowing him to take classes. Luke mostly takes the role of the protagonist normally from there!
and that’s it for a summary of the basics! there are some more details, but overall this is what you need to know about the intro.
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