#paginas sociales
deathshallbenomore · 2 years
in my “that bitch” era
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Sempre più convinta di dover essere pagata dalla Rai io mi apro un canale Twitch personale e parlo delle serie se penshare non me lo fa fare
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divulgatoriseriali · 20 days
IL libro nero del Brasile: un viaggio nelle profondità più cupe della cultura brasiliana
Immergetevi nel Brasile più oscuro con il mio libro, “Il Libro Nero del Brasile”. Vi condurrò attraverso un viaggio al di là delle cartoline turistiche, esplorando temi come le sette religiose, il satanismo, il cannibalismo e i serial killer. Attraverso storie cruente e toccanti, vi offrirò uno sguardo inedito sulla realtà brasiliana, invitandovi a esplorare territori mai immaginati. Se siete…
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thecloud-group · 6 months
TheCloud.Group ofrece soluciones informáticas personalizadas con su software a medida. Desarrollamos soluciones innovadoras y eficientes que se adaptan a las necesidades específicas de tu empresa. Optimiza tus procesos con nuestra experiencia en desarrollo de software.
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warroslostmedia · 1 year
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libero-de-mente · 4 months
Donne, uomini e libri
Credo che la situazione sentimentale di molte persone sia lo specchio dell'attuale società.
Si cerca tutto e subito, leggerezza e piacere senza impegno. Avere quello che si vuole solo quando necessita.
Le App insegnano. Hai fame *click*, hai voglia di un week end fuori porta *click*, vuoi andare al cinema *click*, vuoi ascoltare una canzone *click* e in fine vuoi degli incontri con partner senza impegno? Anche qui *click* *click*.
Secondo me le persone meriterebbero più importanza. Spesso si giudica con troppa fretta, in maniera approssimativa.
Io reputo le persone come dei libri, non ci si deve fermare alla copertina e neanche della prefazione. Ci sono vari libri come i romanzi per esempio che vanno da quelli sentimentali a quelli d'avventura, da quelli noir a quelli filosofici oppure anche libertini. Credo che nelle persone, come se fossero libri, ci siano più generi che vanno scoperti leggendoli e sfogliandoli.
Le donne.
Sono da leggere, fino all'ultimo capitolo. E se dopo un primo appuntamento ci rimane qualche dubbio, cosa che a noi uomini spesso capita, restando con quell'espressione di chi ha letto Nietzsche o Kant senza averci capito nulla, basta impegnarsi e ricominciare a leggerle.
Perché in quanto libri, le donne, non saranno mai uguali alla prima lettura, ma magicamente appariranno altri capitoli come se inavvertitamente nella fretta fossero stati saltati.
In un momento che stiamo vivendo di scarso impegno intellettuale, dove a molti risulta difficile leggere post oltre le dieci righe sui social, come si può pensare di impegnarsi per leggere una vita, fatta di esperienze ed emozioni, racchiuse in una persona solo con un rapido giudizio?
Faccio un esempio, si ha la possibilità di scegliere un libro. Uno solo, non di più. Se ci si accontenta di impegnarsi poco si sceglierà un libro pieno di illustrazioni. Guardare è meno impegnativo che leggere.
Chi avrà fatto questa scelta si perderà la possibilità, invece, di scegliere un libro pieno di pensieri, parole, racconti e consigli. Quanti inconsciamente non s'immaginano minimamente a cosa hanno rinunciato. Quello che si sono persi.
Gli uomini.
Non sono da giudicare dalla copertina.
Immaginiamo una donna in una libreria, davanti a sé ha dei libri in esposizione. Vede un libro sconosciuto in libreria. Lei è attratta dalla copertina di uno di essi. Non conosce l'autore.
Così sbircia l'occhiello, ma essendo curiosa passa al frontespizio... uhm, non si è ancora decisa. Sfogliando ecco che le appare l'esergo, "caspita che citazione" sussurra mentre il libro è sempre più saldo nelle sue mani.
A seguire sfogliando trova una dedica, che la fa sciogliere un po'... ed ecco che arriva al punto chiave. Come dopo alcuni appuntamenti interlocutori con un uomo, gira la pagina e trova la prefazione. Finalmente scopre il suo contenuto, l'ambientazione, i personaggi e un sunto della trama del libro.
A questo punto ha solo due opzioni: richiudere il libro e riposizionarlo sullo scaffale, oppure ammirarlo un attimo e con un sorriso avviarsi alla cassa con esso.
Donne e uomini.
Solo leggendo i libri, come metafora delle persone, alla fine della lettura si può essere perdutamente innamorati di quel libro. Come invece si può, alla fine della lettura, rimanerne delusi, nonostante quella prefazione che sembrava promettere bene.
Prendere a caso un libro da uno scaffale solo dalla copertina, senza valutarlo né guardarlo più di tanto, trovandosi poi tra le mani un libro che ci faccia innamorare, può accadere solo con un colpo di fortuna.
Bisogna sapersi leggere, senza fretta o pregiudizi. Solo alla fine trarre le conclusioni.
Ognuno di noi è un libro. Buona lettura a tutti.
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ilpianistasultetto · 7 months
Anche una Premier puo' incontrare il lupo e CappuccettoGiorgia ha incontrato ll suo, LupoGiambruno. Ora e' tutto nelle mani della piccola Ginevra e delle tante pesche che da oggi il lupo sara' costretto a comprare alla Esselunga, anche per vedere i risultati che quello spot potrebbe portare a casa come si e' parlato per giorni e giorni, tra difensori e scettici. Si, si, vero che le cose private non dovrebbero entrare nell'agone politico e nemmeno essere materia per social. Che sarebbe cosa buona e giusta fermarsi sempre e comunque fuori dalle stanze da letto, addirittura fuori la porta delle case degli altri e verrebbe quasi voglia, comunque, di dare solidarieta' a donna Giorgia ma poi penso alle parole di Bersani: "Se parlano da bar, dobbiamo parlare da bar anche noi". Se in questo bar è possibile dare dell'invertito a un omosessuale, dove puoi sbattere in prima pagina un magistrato perche' porta calzini a strisce o dare della "patata bollente" a un'allora sindaca di Roma, giusto fare bar sempre. E non si possono tollerare fazioni che una volta attaccano e una volta difendono a secondo di chi entra nel tritacarne. Se tanta parte di questa nuova societa' ama guardare dal buco della serratura, allora si guarda sempre da quel buco, nel bene e nel male. Oggi tocca a Giorgia, da oggi senza famiglia. Quella famiglia che da un anno viene sbandierata da media e giornali come esempio per tutta l'Italia tra baci e strette d'affetto con effetto mulino bianco. La bella famiglia, quella tradizionale, l'unica dove ci si vuole tutti bene con il cuore. Io seguito a stare dalla parte di Guccini quando canta di ipocrisia:
Alla fine della baldoria c'e' nell' aria un silenzio strano, qualcuno raglia con meno boria e qualcun altro grugnisce piano"
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aniitaruiz · 11 months
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si deseas apoyar mi trabajo o pedir una comisión esta es mi pagina de paypal para que me puedan donar un poco de mi trabajo gracias
esta son mis redes sociales: twitter - https://twitter.com/aniitaruizz5 twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/aniitaruiz5 facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AniiTaRuiz5A/ Deviantart - https://www.deviantart.com/aniitaruiz intagram- https://www.instagram.com/aniitaruiz5a/
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mermaidemilystuff · 2 months
Allora, uno dei miei progetti (se qualcunə che legge mi ruba l'idea vi vengo a prendere in casa) è aprire una pagina fb/ig boh che si chiama Mattissimi Inculissimi: una grande enciclopedia di persone reali e personaggi immaginari matti in culo. Immagine di profilo: Ricchi e Poveri.
Questa mattina ho avuto un incontro con questa tipa che vorrebbe le iniziassi a seguire le pagine social del suo progetto e che bello! ho pensato stupidamente, soldi che entrano! di nuovo stupidamente. Nulla, il secondo stesso che abbiamo finito di parlare ho pensato: questa andrebbe dritta dritta nella lista di persone mattissime inculissime e io ho la calamita.
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naomyart · 7 months
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Ragnartale Chapter 42 ENGLISH Part A
thanks for your comments : D
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scogito · 1 year
Sono una ex insegnante di scuola elementare e dopo quarant’anni dal giorno del mio ingresso nel ruolo magistrale, mi accorgo di avere lavorato, a mia insaputa, a favore di quel potere che, solo oggi, riconosco per quello che è e di avere contribuito a diffondere, mio malgrado, delle aberrazioni scientifiche di cui non sapevo nulla e che non riconoscevo come tali.
Sui Social Network circola la foto della pagina di un libro per bambini dal titolo: “Progetto per… Scoprire In Fondo al Mare 3” di Virginia Grandinetti – Loredana Pepe, Editore “Il Capitello”. Una delle letture proposte nel testo è intitolata: “PIOGGIA DA DOVE VIENI” con la relativa spiegazione: “Oggi per ottenere la pioggia, i piloti del servizio meteorologico volano sopra le nuvole e spargono speciali sostanze chimiche che fanno gelare le minuscole gocce di acqua delle nuvole e le trasformano in pezzetti di ghiaccio così pesanti che cadono. Quando i pezzetti di ghiaccio, cadendo, passano attraverso l’aria calda, si sciolgono in grosse gocce d’acqua: Ecco dunque la pioggia!”.
Nelle mie conferenze faccio notare che, se per noi adulti le scie chimiche debbono essere una bufala e veniamo derisi e sbeffeggiati se le denunciamo, per i nostri figli a scuola invece vengono raccontate come vere e, prima o poi, ci sentiremo raccontare da loro quello che ora ci proibiscono di capire.
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La sQuola.
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Lightning Bug - Chapter 8
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Warning: R remembers past trauma with HYDRA 
Word Count: 3.1K
Someone was watching you. You knew that the streets of New York were busy so the odds of someone looking at you busy so the odds of someone were high but you felt the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. You looked across the street and saw them. It was a group of kids from the ice cream shop. You knew them from a community center you used to visit. Michael was the leader of the group. Jack was his second in command and Lindsay and Ray just did what they were told. They made your life a living hell. You looked away from them and walked into Annie’s cafe. “Well, isn’t this a surprise?” She said. There were a few customers but there wasn’t a line at the counter. You walked up to her. “Do I need to fight those superheroes? I’ll do it for you.” You smiled. You knew she would. 
“Everything is fine,” you told her. “I just thought I’d come to say hi since I barely spoke to you.” You sighed. “So can I help with anything?” She smiled. 
“I’m not gonna say no to help. Get back here.” You nodded, walking behind the counter. You said hello to Paul and put on the apron to help with the dishes. When Annie wasn’t dealing with customers, she asked you about living with the Avengers. You told her everything from everyone you met, the things you’ve done, and how you’ve decorated your room. “It seems like you are enjoying it there.” 
“I do,” you confessed. “They are nice and care about me for some reason.” You didn’t understand it. They barely knew you but they accepted you into their family. 
“Maybe because they care about you.” Or maybe it was a pity. No. You had to stop thinking like that. The phone rang and Annie went to answer it. You focused on your task at hand instead of your spiraling mind. “It looks like you have perfect timing,” Annie said, coming back to you. You dried your gloves and took off your apron. “Tony just called in an order and I told him you’ll bring it.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I have to carry all that food back to the tower.” She huffed and put her hands on her hips. 
“No,” she said. “He said he’ll bring you a car.” Fancy. You nodded, putting the dishes away you just cleaned. 
“How long till the food is ready?” You asked. 
“45 minutes.” You heard Paull call out. 
“Can I go visit Lucia and I’ll be back before the food is ready?” 
“Of course, sugar. Go have fun with your books.” You nodded. 
“See you soon then.” You said, taking off toward Lucia’s bookstore. 
You loved the smell of Voltea la Pagina. It smelt like home to you, with safety, and peace. The chime of the bell announced your presence. “Mija!” Lucia said, coming out from a shelf. You smiled. “How are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?” Lucia went to sit behind her desk. She looked around to see if anyone was near then she looked back at you. 
“How is living with the Avengers?” You looked at her shocked. Officially, you knew Annie was the only one that knew you were living with the heroes. But with the incident at the bodega and the fact Michael’s crew had seen you with Natasha, rumors were probably flying. “People talk and I listen.”
“What are they saying?” You asked. 
“That you’ve been spotted with the Black Widow. I made an educated guess because you said someone offered you a place to live.” You weren’t sure if you were relieved that only Lucia figured out you were living there or worried that you were becoming the talk of the town. “Tell me all about it. Have you met the Falcon? Is he as dreamy as he looks on the news?” She asked. You laughed at her questions. You answered them but felt a nagging feeling in the back of your head. Something didn’t feel right. 
40 minutes later you reentered the Java House. It was busier than the last time you were here. So you sat down at an empty table and waited for Annie to have a free moment. When you became homeless, your life didn’t change. You were still the social outcast, the freak kid no one wanted to play with, and an easy target for bullies; kids, and adults. Michael’s crew found you as easy prey. They stole food you found, went through your backpack, and pushed you around because they knew you wouldn’t fight back. You kept your head down and endured it afraid to fight back. 
The brown bags that were set on the table startled you out of your thoughts. “It looks like your ride is here,” Annie said, whipping the sweat off of her forehead. You looked at the door and saw a middle-aged man standing there. He was wearing a suit and tie. He looked at you and walked over. 
“You must be Y/n,” the man said. “My name is Happy, head of security of STARK Industries.” Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. Because this man did not look like a security guard. He looked like a giant teddy bear. But his name was Happy?
“Your name is Happy?” You questioned. The man sighed. 
“It’s a nickname. My name is Harold.” 
“Do you like being called Happy?” He shrugged with a frown. 
“I’ve been called worse,” Fair. It wasn’t the worst nickname you’ve heard. “Let’s head back to the tower.” You said your goodbyes to Annie and promised to visit more often. Happy helped you get the bags in the car. “You can sit in the front or back, whatever makes you comfortable.” You nodded. You wanted to sit in the back but you didn’t want to appear as rude so you sat in the passenger seat. You closed the door as Happy got it. As the car turned on, the radio began to play music. “You can change the channel if you want.” 
“I don’t mind,” you said. “I don’t know much about music.” The only music that was allowed at home was gospel music and you didn’t enjoy it. Music was played around you but you didn’t know what was considered good or bad music. Happy nodded. 
“This is Hotel California by the Eagles.” He turned up the song. He let the music fill the silence. You liked the song; it was much better than the music your parents listened to. “You are probably the less annoying passenger Tony has asked me to drive.” You laughed at his blunt comment. You covered your mouth because of your outburst. 
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” You admitted. A small smile tugged at Happy’s lips. 
“A compliment.” 
You declined Happy’s help to carry the bags upstairs. The first stop was Tony’s lap. You entered the lap and ducked as a piece of metal impaled the wall behind you. “Oh shit. Sorry kid.” Tony said. You looked away from the metal and back at the billionaire. He was standing over his workbench with a man you hadn’t met but read about. Dr. Bruce Banner. The doctor had 7 PhDs. 
“I brought you your order from Annie’s,” you walked over to them. “Unless you want to take my head off again.” You placed the paper bag on the table. Tony laughed. 
“Thanks, kid.” He opened the bag and pulled out two food containers. “Bruce met Y/n, Y/n met Bruce.” The doctor gave you a shy wave. 
“Hi,” you whispered. “I’m gonna go deliver the rest of the food. Don’t kill anyone.” The next stop was Pepper. She was in her office on the phone so you set her food on her desk and waved goodbye. Sam and Rhodey were in a meeting room and thanked you with a smile. You noticed Annie put some extra food and you put the extras in the fridge on your floor. While eating a blueberry muffin, you walked to the library. To your surprise, Vision was sitting next to the window playing chess. 
“Hi,” you said, making your presence known. He looked up from his game. “Can I join you?”
“Of course,” he pointed to the empty seat on the other side of the table. “Or I can take my game somewhere else.” You shook your head, sitting down in front of him. 
“Don’t you need two people to play chess,” you questioned, looking down at the board. He had it set up as if he was playing against someone else. 
“Not necessary,” he started. “Playing chess solo is a great way to improve cognitive skills while increasing creative availability.” You moved your finger against the smallest piece. 
“Can you teach me how to play?” You asked him. He seemed surprised. 
“If you’d like to learn, I'd be more than happy to teach you.” Vision reset the board and began to explain each piece. Each player had 8 pawns, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, one queen, and one king. The goal of the game was to defend the king and take his opponents. The pawns could move forward once, except for their first move where they could move forward two squares. The knights could move in the shape of an ‘L’ and the bishops could move as far as they wanted but only diagonally. Like the bishops, the rooks could move as fast as they wanted but only forward, backward, and to the sides. Even though the king was the most important piece, it was the weakest. The king could only move one square in any direction. Finally, the queen was the most powerful piece. She could move in any direction as far as possible as long as she did not move through any of her pieces. 
Vision took it slow and he was patient as you asked questions when you didn’t understand a move he made. It was a hard game to understand but it was a challenge you enjoyed. You liked hanging out with Vision, it surprised you how easy it was to be around him. There was an unspoken understanding between you and him, you were both trying to figure out your place in the world.  
“Knock, knock,” you looked at the door to see Wanda leaning against the doorway with a smile. 
“Checkmate,” Vision said. You glared at him. 
“That doesn’t count,” you said. “Wanda distracted me.” The witch laughed and walked over to you. 
“I’ve come to steal Vision for a training session. Is that okay?” You nodded. 
“Yeah, I need a break. My head hurts,” you rubbed your forehead. “We should do this again.” Vision smiled.  
“I would like that very much.”
Wanda walked silently next to the android as they headed to the training room. She had the unique ability to always know when he was deep in thought. They believed it had to come from the infinity stone that gave her her powers and brought him to life. Today was no different. “Are you okay, Vis?” She asked. The android didn’t answer as he was lost in his thoughts. 
“Is it safe for me to spend time with her alone?” He asked. Wanda stopped him with a gentle touch of her hand. 
“What are you talking about?” She questioned. “You and I both know you wouldn’t hurt anyone.” But the android didn’t seem convinced. There was an incident in training involving him and Rhodey. Everyone forgave him but Vision was having a hard time forgiving himself. 
“She’s special,” Vision finally said. “The stone is curious about her,” he motioned to his forward. “Which makes me curious as well.” He sighed. “It’s confusing and I can’t make heads or tails of it. But I know she’s been hurt and I don’t want to cause her more pain.” Wanda smiled at him. It was incredible to watch him learn more about human emotions. 
“You won’t hurt her, Vis,” she said. “She needs friends to help her.” Vision frowned. 
“Am I her friend?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you are. Don’t overthink it, okay? Not everything is like a game of chess.” 
You kept the game out and stood up to grab a new book to read. “FRIDAY, where are Kate and Yelena?” You asked the AI. 
“Miss. Bishop and Miss. Belova is on the common floor,” you thanked the AI and headed to the lounge area. They were sitting on the couch, facing each other with a deck of cards. 
“Hey bud,” Kate said, looking up from the cards in her hands. “Do you want to play the next round? Yelena is making me play,” The Russian huffed, drawing a card from the pile. 
“Kate Bishop, stop being so dramatic,” you smiled as you sat down. “I thought it would be a good idea for you to play a physical game instead of staring at your IPad.” Kate rolled her eyes. 
“I’m okay. I’ll watch you play while I read,” you told them while you opened your book. As you read, your attention was pulled to the couple next to you. Sometimes it would be Kate’s laugh or Yelena telling Kate that she suspected the archer was cheating. You didn’t mind though. You liked to compare their relationship to Natasha and Wanda’s. Kate and Yelena were more hesitant and reserved to showcase their affection. But they had a more innocent love. With Natasha and Wanda, you knew the couple had been together longer and it showed. They were more confident with physical affection. You enjoyed watching both. But a part of you wondered if you could find something like that. Would someone be able to love all of your scars and your nightmares? You weren’t sure because you barely loved yourself. 
Soon you heard the elevator door open and laughter followed by footsteps. Immediately, you recognized Sam’s voice. You looked over the top of your book. Your blood went cold as you stared at the blue-eyed man with brown hair. The Winter Soldier. What was he doing with the Avengers? You didn’t see anything about him living here. Your time with the man with the metal arm was brief but impactful. He looked different. His arm was missing the red star and it was darker with gold markings. His hair was cut short and his eyes had more light to them. He almost didn’t look like the man you were forced to reset. Your palms tingled as the grip on your book tightened. Anxiety welcomed its place within your bones and bile moved up your throat. The blueberry muffin you ate was turning in your stomach. 
“Hey, Y/n,” the sound of your name forced you away from the man. It was Yelena. You focused on her. You didn’t realize it when you sat down and her hair was braided. Her green eyes were filled with concern. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” You said. 
“Are you sure?” Kate asked. You looked at the brunette. She had a small scar near her hairline. You wondered where she got it. Did she wonder about yours? “We’ve been talking to you for about 5 minutes.” Oh. Awkward. Your face burned with embarrassment. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, closing the book. “What were you saying?” Sam laughed. You liked the sound of it. 
“I was introducing you to these two handsome devils.” The blond, who you knew as Captain America, blushed and the Winter Soldier rolled his eyes. “Met Steve and James but we call him Bucky.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Steve said. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“Likewise,” you managed to say. The Winter no Bucky raised his hand. You couldn’t help your body’s natural reaction to flinch. He must have seen it because he dropped his hand. “It was very nice to meet you,” you said, standing up. “I’ll see you around.” You walked to the stairs, ignoring the eyes that followed you. You went into your room and closed the door behind you. You leaned against the door and released the energy. You felt the pain as you bit down on your tongue. The muscles in your arms tensed up. Soon the feeling went away and your head began to pound. 
“Miss. Y/n, you seem to be in a state of distress. Should I notify the medical team?” You could taste the metallicity of your blood. 
“No need FRIDAY,” you whispered. Your head was pounding. It wasn’t good that this was happening so frequently. You’d need to start meditating again. 
“I am going to alert Miss. Romanoff and Miss. Maximoff that you require assistance,” The AI said. You groaned, burying your face into the pillow. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled. “I just had a panic attack.” You told FRIDAY as darkness took over your vision. 
“Was it something I said?” Bucky asked. Yelena sighed. When she looked into her blue eyes, the Black Widow saw fear. There was so much fear in her eyes when she looked at Bucky. Sam put his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. 
“It’s not you, man,” he said. “She’s just..” He trailed off, not able to find a word to best describe the young girl. 
“She’s healing,” Kate filled in the blank. Steve sat down on the couch, putting one leg over the other. 
“We believe her parents died in a house fire and her brother moved to California,” Yelena told them. “She won’t talk about what happened to her.” Yelena knew she had opened up to her sister and Wanda but they didn’t share what she said out of respect. Yelena looked at Bucky. Alone with fear she also saw recognition. Y/n knew Bucky or the man Bucky was. “Do you know her?” She asked. The super soldier looked confused as he sat down next to his boyfriend. It was a heavy question as Bucky was still healing from the effects of HYDRA and that came with remembering everything he did as the Winter Soldier. 
“I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t think so. Was she with HYDRA?” 
“Wanda thinks she was. She can’t access her mind like ours,” Kate said. “There is a block similar to yours.” Bucky looked down at his metal hand, squeezing his hand into a fist. 
“If I met I don’t remember her.” He whispered. 
“Shit,” Sam said, crossing his arms against his chest. “This tower seems to attract HYDRA’s puppets.” Bucky picked up a throw pillow and threw it at him. Yelena smiled at the interaction but she was worried. The young girl knew Bucky and Yelena could only imagine what the pair went through.
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libriaco · 8 months
Routine di lettura prima di dormire
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Andare a letto.
Prendere il libro dal comodino.
Aprire il libro alla pagina contrassegnata e poggiarlo sulle ginocchia.
Prendere il telefonino e scorrere i social per 45 minuti.
Reinserire il segnalibro nel libro e mettersi a dormire.
T. Gauld, Revenge of the Librarians, Montreal, Drawn and Quarterly, 2022
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altairasart · 6 months
I'm looking for where to upload this story
So… I'm creating this comic of my characters and I already have everything in mind, but I'm missing a place to publish the comic, do you know of a page where I can upload it there? or maybe some social network, I don't know, the most likely thing is that I will publish it in English and Spanish, but I tell you, I don't know where to publish it, the story is called "My friend Titan" if you want to know more about it, remember what you can ask me questions on my profile, and either me or a character of mine will answer! Entonces… estoy creando este comic de mis personajes y ya tengo todo en mente, pero me falta donde poder publicar el comic, conocen alguna pagina para poder subirla ahi? o quizás alguna red social yo no se, lo mas seguro es que la publique en ingles y español, pero les digo, no se donde poder publicarla, la historia se llama "Mi amiga Titan" si quieren saber más de ella recuerden que pueden hacerme preguntas en mi perfil, y ya sea yo o un personaje mio responderá!
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philipkooper · 2 months
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Queria dedicarle esta viñeta con todo el cariño del mundo a mi perrita bonita Q.E.P.D. protagonista de varias historias desde los inicios de esta pagina... gracias por todos los buenos recuerdos que dejaste ya nos volveremos a ver
Sígueme en mis redes sociales:
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ambrenoir · 16 days
Antonietta Portulano era affetta da "delirio paranoide" che la rendeva pericolosa per sé e per gli altri.
Per tale motivo fu rinchiusa in una clinica psichiatrica nel 1919 e ne uscì da morta nel 1959 , vale a dire che vi restò per ben 40 anni!
Sembra essere la storia di tante persone con la mente vacillante, se non fosse che la signora in questione era la moglie dello scrittore Luigi Pirandello, insignito del premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1934
Sul dramma della moglie il silenzio di Pirandello fu sempre totale. Nei primi tempi andava spesso a farle visita, ma ne usciva sconvolto per cui smise di andarvi, raccomandando , però , sempre ai 3 figli di andare a trovare la madre.
La sua mente si rifiutava di riconoscere in quella donna insana di mente la ragazza di che aveva sposato dietro consiglio di suo padre e che gli aveva dato ben tre figli.
Per tale motivo la sua fu una vita da fuggiasco:
fuggiva per l'Italia e per il mondo per motivi di lavoro, ma soprattutto fuggiva dalle nebbie della follia che avvolgevano la mente di Antonietta.
La tragedia di sua moglie lo rese uno degli uomini più tormentati della terra e solo la responsabilità dei figli gli impedì di fare il terribile gesto a cui spesso pensava.
Egli stesso non si riconosceva più e faceva fatica a trovare una posizione sociale, anche perché afflitto perennemente da problemi economici. E questo disagio lo riversava anche nelle sue opere, i cui personaggi riflettono, infatti, i tanti dubbi esistenziali che furono i suoi.
Dopo anni di sofferenze e di mal di vivere Pirandello il 10 dicembre del 1936, all'età di 69, morì per una polmonite.
Il regime fascista avrebbe voluto esequie di Stato, ma lo scrittore aveva lasciato precise volontà scritte sulla sua morte nelle quali diceva: " Sia lasciata passare in silenzio la mia morte. Né annunci, né partecipazioni. Non mi si vesta, mi si avvolga nudo in un lenzuolo e niente fiori sul letto e nessun cero acceso.
Carro d'infima classe, quello dei poveri e nessuno mi accompagni...
Bruciate e disperdete le mie ceneri, se questo non si può fare l'urna cineraria sia portata nella campagna di Girgenti. "
Il giorno del suo funerale, pertanto, davanti alla sua casa si vide un misero cavallo con attaccato un carro poverissimo dove fu depositata una bara altrettanto povera.
I pochi amici che erano andati a salutarlo rimasero al cancello guardandolo andar via.
Il grande scrittore parti' solo per il grande viaggio, fu cremato e le sue ceneri furono tumulate al Verano di Roma.
Solo nel 1947 lo scrittore Andrea Camilleri si attivo' perché le ceneri di Pirandello fossero seppellite nel giardino della villa di contrada Caos, dove egli era nato e dove egli voleva che fossero.
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"Prima di giudicare la mia vita o il mio carattere, metti le mie scarpe e percorri il cammino che ho percorso io"...
Questo il profondo monito dello scrittore.
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