#packing books rn and i'm like 'i kinda want to read this book maybe i shouldn't pack it' to so many of them rip
honeyednights · 2 years
i love moving, such an easy process<3
#packing books rn and i'm like 'i kinda want to read this book maybe i shouldn't pack it' to so many of them rip#and don't even get me started on all my books from my curriculums thru the years that's a whole monster in and of itself...#like i'm doing a new bachelor thesis (again :))#which also sidenote but omg that one class i had where i handed in some piece of shit term paper that i was soooo sure i wouldn't pass#i got an e!!!!!! I PASSED!!!!!! never in my LIFE thought i'd be over the moon for an e but here we are khsafjh and i was so happy when i#told my family and friends and everyone was like 'it's so funny to see someone so happy for an e' which same hahaha#so now it's literally only my bachelors left and then i'm done!!!!!!#anyways#so idk which books i'll need and since i have no idea what i'm gonna write about yet tho it'll be within the renaissance era i think but#that's still so many of my books that can be kinda related to that so ://///#the reason this is all a problem is bc i'm moving in w mum for an undecided amount of time which surely is every single persons dream<3#bc i haven't gotten a job yet so idk how much i can afford in rent so i can't just move somewhere y'know#so all my stuff except for whatever i need for the next like couple months is going in my grandma's storage room which takes a little while#to get to so it's not like i can on the day decide to go to her and pick whatever up#aaaaaah this is such a difficult decision#anyways that was today's little rant<3
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sol-sunpuff · 8 months
Hi friends. Kinda wanted to do a life update cause I needed to vent about some things to strangers who won't judge me. But there's also some brighter things in here if you're at all interested in the little things keeping me going. I'm putting it all under a cut to not clutter the dashboard but yeah. Could use a kind message or ask maybe!
I haven't really been around much recently cause my life is just super hectic rn and I'm waiting for it to stabilize. My building is dealing with not just 1, but TWO WHOLE INFESTATIONS. Because of that, I haven't really been able to see my partner recently, and I'm sad as fuck. I had to pack up all my things as if I'm moving, just to make it easier for pest control to deal with the bugs, so it doesn't even really feel like I'm sleeping in my own room.
I had to pack away all of my videogame consoles so I've only really been able to play handheld stuff for the past week. But! I've been playing through SMT IV and having a lot of fun so far. I've never beaten it before, so I'm kinda determined to see how far I can get. I'm about 11 hours in and just crossed the Kelpie Bridge.
I've been taking a break from watching Agito to watch Power Rangers Dino Fury. Kinda decided to on a whim and it was cringey at first but kinda became an unexpected comfort show? I'm already in season 2 woops.
I've also been going to my local library regularly, which has been fun. I don't really read books much but they've got a decent comics selection with a ton of Spider-Man, so I've been pretty happy with it!
But yeah that's been my life recently I guess. I hope you all are doing better than I am?
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suometar · 1 year
Thanks for remembering and tagging little old me @nashibirne & @all-or-nothing-baby
I combined your questions to one post because I'm currently super overwhelmed by everything.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Caribbean turquoise.
We'll be Ghosts again by Depeche Mode. I haven't been listening to DM for years but when I heard this it struck hard. Probably because Andy died last year and I was sure they stopped creating music for good. I'm glad it wasn't it just quite yet.
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: Just like you by The Anix
THREE FAVOURITE FOODS: I'm kinda easy with favourite foods. Steak, umm.... steak, uh...steak...
LAST THING I GOOGLED: I don't do Google but I did search for something with DuckDuckGo earlier. It won't save any searches, so I can't tell you what because I can't remember what it was I was looking for :D It's so automatic to search for something nowadays especially when I'm working that I can't even notice myself when I do it. Also my head is kinda full because of life and I barely can remember my own name.
DREAM TRIP: The Azures. I've wanted to go there as long as I can remember.
ANYTHING YOU WANT RIGHT NOW: Some f*cking free time to just be and chill and WRITE. I can't wait this whole moving thing we're doing rn to be over. It's robbed me of most of my free time the last two months or so and I'm SO FED UP.
LAST SHOW: The X-Files
LAST MOVIE: God, I can't even remember when was the last time I saw any movie. I think it was Spree. Maybe? Lol.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Last of us, The Mandalorian, Picard... the list goes on...
CURRENTLY READING: I'm still trying to finish Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It's insanely good book series, but I just can't seem to have the concentration to even listen to something being read. Again, can't wait to just live in one place without the need to actively either pack or unpack anything.
CURRENTLY OBSESSING OVER: The amazing fan art I commissioned last year and just received last week. I'm still blown away by it. I can't wait to have money to get another one :D
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