#p.s. you are one of my favourite creators on this site ellie
Artists self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five arts/sets/edits/gifs that you've done, then pass on to at least five other people. Time to shine and spread some self-love and appreciation 💖
This is so sweet, thank you 🥰
Here they are:
Prue for Favourite Character Meme - A lot of time went into plotting out this set, thinking about what I wanted to include, working out Prue's personality types, star sign etc. I really liked the end result and generally love it because it's for my all time favourite character.
Tarzan for the Disney Meme - Visually, I just loved this gift. I worked really hard on the colouring and love the final result 😍
Lost for Get to Know Me Meme - Aesthetically I love this set and it's for one of my all time fave shows too.
Sons of Anarchy, Gemma and Tara parallels - I love this as a character set. It took a lot of time to pick out the specifics of what I wanted to capture with the set and to find the right scenes. I love the outcome and
Game of Thrones autumn - This is a very early set for me and I'm still immensely proud of it to this day. I worked on it for HOURS and even now I still think it looks great.
Charmed Get to Know Me Meme and Charmed 30 Day Challenge (favourite season) - Again, I just really like these two sets aesthetically and visually. That's really all there is to it 😂
Daenerys and Nikita Gil quote - It took me sooooo long to map out which scenes I was going to use to match this quote perfectly. The effort that went into it paid off because it's my most popular edit I've ever made. I also think it's a genuinely great character set which captures the essence of Dany.
Villadero being dorks - I love this set because it perfectly captures what Jane and Michael are. Whenever I see this set it puts a smile on my face.
Stelena hugs - Honestly my love for this set is more my love for Stelena than anything else. I just love their hugs and Nina's quote about how Elena melts into his arms fits perfectly with their hugs.
Lost + happiness - I don't like this set visually but love what it represents. There's not much happiness on Lost so being able to show all of those moments in one gifsets makes my heart happy 🥰
Since I don't make edits anymore, it been nice to look back on them 😊
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