windynebula · 1 year
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Oisko se joku joulu tai jottai.
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vnknownpony · 2 months
Fallout art pysanky style
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valejalkainen · 1 month
hahmottelen proppiasetta ja päädyn mekaniikkaa tutkiessani huolestuttavan lähelle tuliasefandomin olosijoja vaikka miten lisäisin haluun "prop" tai "eva foam"
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shinondraws · 1 year
The Finnish postal service is raising their prices AGAIN and by a LOT
This is the face I made
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Vitun posti
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hypixelskyblockquotes · 5 months
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notsoattractivearenti · 8 months
not selena gomez fans just started bringing up christian’s interview a year later 😭😭😭
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it’s kinda interesting how many games with romance mechanics + visual novels will have a character whose very obviously intended to be the “canon” romance option or the one that player is supposed to choose.
like what’s the point of including romance if you’re only going to put in the effort of fleshing out one route. personally, these characters are often ones that i don’t find interesting enough to even consider bothering going through their route so it kinda sucks to have the other options less written just because they’re not the one the devs like the most or whatever.
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forbaesa · 2 years
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let’s pls not ever forget this was supposed to be a Thing
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epicfantasywriter · 5 months
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Book 1, A Meeting in the Dark
A Meeting in the Dark that became something much more...
Available in eBook and paperback and soon in aiudio.
Book 1: https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-Dark-1.../dp/B091P6LBBQ/
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niwolah · 11 months
Guys, I did it! My first spam/scam comment!
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"I have been impressed by your dynamic storytelling talent. Your gripping plotlines have captured my attention." -> There's no plot in that story and there's certainly no dynamic scene to tell either...
"As a fellow fan of Naruto, [...]" -> This is literally the only thing I wrote for this fandom in years and the only one I wrote in English as well. I'm not in this fandom anymore since I think 2013.
They're evolving, guys, keep an eye out. Take care.
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jacobgoldencom · 1 year
Best Wireless Microphone For Karaoke (2023 Rankings)
Do you love to sing karaoke with your friends at home? If so, then you know the feeling—you get all bubbly and energetic, but when it comes time to actually performing in front of an audience, you flop and drool. Enter the microphone. The best wireless microphone for karaoke make singing so much easier — and having that personal performance with your friends again becomes even better.
You can record yourself without worrying about the neighbors getting a call or the kids asking for their cupcake – just make sure you have an outlet nearby!
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neroushalvaus · 10 months
Hallitus kaatuu syksyllä 2023, tarkalleen 4.9. kello 11:32, jolloin Petteri Orpo ottaa lakin kouraansa ja kolkuttaa Saulin ovelle surkean näköisenä. Jonkinlaista järjestystä yritettiin raapia kasaan ennen täysistuntoa, mutta siitä ei vain tullut mitään. Koko viime yö on tapeltu, neuvoteltu ja itketty. Viimein on rauha ja tieto varmasta tuhosta. Petteri Orpo on surullinen, mutta tavallaan rauhallinen. Kuin hukkuva, joka on viimein lakannut pyristelemästä vastaan. Hänet johdatetaan Saulin luo. Sauli on keitättänyt heille teetä ja katsoo Petteriä pettyneenä. He keskustelevat hiljaisin äänin, Orpo-ressun häpeilevä katse pyyhkien lattiaa. Hallitus kaatuu.
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varahai · 2 months
Oikeasti kysymys kuuluu: jos jonkun ovelle koputtais keijukainen, haluaisko Mikko Kärnä ampua sen?
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pupucino · 11 days
mun suosikki-inhokkiasioihin kuuluu humoristinen misinformaatio kissoista, jota näkee meemeissä joka päivä
"ihminen kesytti suden, mutta kissa kesyyntyi ite"
ei, me ei tiedetä tätä. tää on pelkkää epävalistunutta spekulaatiota, joka on kumottu monilla teorioilla (susi ja ihminen päätti alkaa metsästää yhdessä, ihminen päätti haluta kissan kotiinsa).
miks haluutte esittää kissan semmosena, ettei ihminen olis aktiivisesti halunnu sitä lemmikikseen? etkö sä poimis sun viljasiilon nurkilla norkuvaa kissaa ja kesyttäis sitä?
"koira muuttui kesyttämisen myötä paljon, mutta kissa ei yhtään"
kissa muuttui ihan helvetisti. miks haluutte vähätellä sen asemaa kesyeläimenä? miks haluutte viedä siltä kaiken kunnian?
"kotikissa ei ole muuttunut yhtään villikissasta, se pärjää hyvin yksinään luonnossa"
ei pärjää. se on kesyeläin, ei villieläin. etenki täällä pohjois-euroopassa on sille aivan väärä ilmasto. villiintyny kotikissa, josta kukaan ei huolehdi, ei voi hyvin. se kuuluu kerätä talteen ja antaa sille koti.
"koira on miellyttämishaluinen ja lahjottavissa, joten se on helppo kouluttaa, mutta kissa ei ole, eikä sitä voi kouluttaa"
väärin. miks kissan älykkyyttä ja mielenkiintoa ihmistä kohtaan aina aliarvioidaan? koska se ilmaisee itteään eri lailla ku koira? kissaa voi ja kannattaaki kouluttaa. se on tosi fiksu ja oppivainen eläin, mut sen kouluttaminen vaatii eri metodit ku koiran.
"koira rakastaa ihmisiään, mutta kissa pitää meitä korkeintaan palvelijoinaan"
ei. tutkitusti kissa kiintyy omiin ihmisiinsä yhtä paljon tai jopa tiukemmin ku koira. koira sitä paitsi usein rakastaa ihan kaikkia ihmisiä, mutta kissa nimenomaan vain sitä omaa perhettään. sitä ei vaan aina ymmärretä, koska se ei juokse omistajan luo ovelle jollottamaan, hyppimään ja nuolemaan naamaa.
miette rakastaa sinua ja sinä väität, että miette pitää sinua vain palvelusväkenä?! vankilaa tuhat vuotta!
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hirmuripuli · 1 year
en laittanu tähän koulukiusaamista, koska se ei kuulu opetusohjelmaan tai ole muuten kaikille pakollista/semipakollista tai jotain mitä yleisesti koulun puolesta järjestetään tai on joskus järjestetty.
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bug-eyed-bum1234 · 1 year
🫶Klitz with a K & Candy Necklaces// Klitz x !Fem reader🫶
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CW: Mature themes!
Neck kissing, single cvm mention, sexy costumes mentioned, boobs, the ass word. Alcohol mentioned, skinny dipping mention. No full on smut.
Summary: You are at a halloween party when a boy catches your eye, you get to talking and start craving candy, especially the candy wrapped around his neck. Your cravings make him crave something more...
This is my first Klitz fic! Enjoy! <3
The party was obnoxious. Music blaring, the self proclaimed "Alpha Males" chugging beer, spiked punch, and taking bodyshots off of the number of wasted skinnydippers. You honestly wouldn't have been there if it weren't for Danielle wanting you to meet her new neighbor/boytoy/guy she can make strip in the middle of the street.
Ok that was a lie. It was also a costume party, and this year you decided "fuck it, senior year in highschool. I deserve to be sexy this Halloween". So that's exactly what you decided to be.
You chose the popular character Ghostface as the victim of your Whoreificationᵗᵐ. Complete with black stilettos, fishnets, a mini-skirt, a cute, lowcut crop top, and the mask attached at your hip for easy access. The whole nine yards.
Sitting next to Danielle on the couch, sipping on something sweet, pink, and sparkly, that you had taken from her, knowing she doesnt drink. Although you wanted to have fun this year, you still weren't the drinking type. Your eyes sifted through the crowd, seeing the same few costumes one after the other. Cat...devil.......bunny.......cat......ghostbuster...?
Your eyes landed on a lanky boy with a brown overgrown bowlcut, a pair of ovel silver glasses, and a khaki jumpsuit that seemed one size too small. He was clearly new to highschool parties according to his nervous demeanor. You recognized him as the kid that sits behind you in english, right next to someone named Matt that seemed to be his friend. You had been eyeing him up in class for a while, but this was practically like handing him to you on a silver platter.
"Hey Danielle, i'll be back." You mumbled, not even looking back as your pink stained lips tugged to a smirk. Candy wrappers crunched under your feet as you walked to him. "Hey, Ghostbusters right?" You pepped, eyebrow cocked. "Oh uh, yeah. Thanks" He spat out, looking over the tops of peoples heads. He couldn't look in your eyes if his life depended on it, however, he didn't want to look down at all. Because of your hight difference, looking down gave him a pretty clear view of your cleavage. "Hey..I recognize you. You have Mr.Garrison in third period right? You sit behind me!" You smiled, tapping at the air inquisitively. "Oh yeah. Yeah I sit behind you." He started to loosen up as you chatted about class and how boring it is. You felt a wave of confidence suddenly, so you had go do something about it.
"I've actually really been wanting to get to know you more!" You said, bubbly as can be. You tugged on his jumpsuit, indicating for him to follow you to the couch. While you were gone, the couch had filled up. Perfect. You sat him down then carefully flopped down horizontally on his lap, your elbows resting against the armrest of the couch.
"So, Mr.Ghostbuster. I dont think I got your name." You shifted in his lap, brushing up against him, fauxfully coy.
"Klitz." He said quickly, not wanting to make a peep from the friction you were causing.
"Your name is Klitz?"
"With a K"
"Well, Klitz with a K, I really like your costume. Its much better than all the copy-paste sexy firefighters and police officers that all the other guys are wearing" You roll your eyes, sticking your tongue out with a 'blech' sound. "Im honestly suprised youre here. You don't seem like the party type, but you sure to seem like mine!" You tease, letting the feeling of your ego and his erection against your clothed thighs get to you. He freezes up, letting out a small sound that got whisked away in the sound of yelling. His face got even hotter as you started to trace your finger along the candy necklace adorning his neck.
"You're the one I keep hearing about with the good grades. The teacher keeps raving about you. Thinking about applying for a good college?" You ask, staring daggers into his foresty eyes. "I actually have a scholarship for Yale. So.." He trailed off shakily as you cut in. "Wow! Yale huh! And you already got a scholarship? You must be really smart. Thats very admirable Klitz." You praised him on and on like it was a TEDtalk speech. "Thank you. Really, thank you. You're a pretty good student too. You actually laugh at his dumb jokes which is nice." He adds, finally letting go a little bit, stomach still doing flips. You sipped your drink, purposefully letting some spill down your lips and onto your chin. You wiped your chin with your thumb before licking the sweetness off, lust flooding your eyes as you stared into his.
Once again, your hand came up to tangle in the candy necklace on his neck. Greed overtook you and you asked him one question that changed his whole night.
"Can I have some?"
Without thinking, he said yes. He started taking off the necklace before he felt your hand hit his lightly. "Nuh-uh. Could you keep it on for me?" You toyed. He couldn't help but oblige. He has been crushing on you since the beginning of junior year and now he has you in his lap, asking to eat candy off his neck. Of course hes going to snatch up that opportunity.
You went from laying on his lap horizontally, to straddling him, one hand on the back of the couch stabilizing yourself, the other creeping up the nape of his neck before lightly pulling his hair, giving you full access to the candy. You breathed down the front of his neck, his adam's apple bobbing from anticipation. You slowly licked across a few of the candies. Then bit down on one, nipping his skin a little in the process, causing his mouth to gape. His fingers dug into your lower back unconsciously. As you ate a few more pieces of the necklace, you not only felt his erection creep back, but the slight rutting of his hips up into you. Already close to the edge. You decided that this was a good sign. You still asked "May I kiss your neck Klitz? Properly this time?". He nodded quickly, too breathless to even say a quick "yes".
You sank back into him, kissing him feverishly. Sucking at his supple skin, salty from the warmth of the room. You didnt care though, he tasted so sweet to you. You made harsh marks, then quickly easing them with your tongue. You marked up his neck, to his soft jawline then stopped at his lips.
"May I?" You whispered. He answered you with a deep kiss, his big hands pulling your face to his, then tucking your hair out of the way.
You did the same, lightly resting your hand on his cheek, when you felt a slight wetness touch your palm. He was so overwhelmed with everything. Your teasing. Your praise. Your mouth. Tears sprung to his eyes as he whined into your mouth, tongues intertwined. The grip on your back went even lower, now gripping at your ass, his knuckles turning white. His hips bucked beneath you one last (very sloppy) time. He pulled away from the kiss quickly, gasping for air. He coughed out a whimper, then came to his senses.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Shit. I am so sorry. Im so so sorry that was wrong of me. I didnt mean for that to happen. This was just new and different, I havent felt that before and. Shit this isnt making anything better." He rambled mindlessly into his hands, hiding his face, wishing he could just dissolve into the couch. He just came in his boxers and his dorky Ghostbusters costume because a girl kissed him. He would have kept on apologizing if he didnt feel a marker writing agaisnt his collarbone.
"What are you doing?"
"Signing my masterpiece, along with my number." You said, eyelashes batting as you made a show of putting the cap back on the pen. You buttoned up his collar all the way, hiding the marks you left, not telling him about the sparkly lipgloss on his cheek. "Go find your buddies. Im sure they are looking for you!" You said, helping him up from the couch and offering him a cup of ice water.
"Thank you. That was...wow." He says, a cheesy grin plastered across his face. You trailed one hand up his arm and draped it over his neck, twirling his cute brown hair. "I'll be expecting a call soon Klitz with a K." You said before kissing him on the cheek and heading off to find Danielle to tell her all about the boy you just made out with.
He sat for a little longer, still dazed, trying to comprehend what just happened. His friends, Matt and Eli found him grinning on the couch, leg crossed over, drink in hand.
"Woah Klitz, what happened to you? Why are you so happy? DIDYOUGETLAID??" Eli said, pervy as always.
"Dude, you cant just ask that. Whatever it is, im sure he will tell us when hes comfortable." Matt replied, trying to take the stress off his friend.
They walked to Klitz's car, Eli called shotgun.
Eli looked over, his eyes widened with his usual curious spark.
"So, are we just to assume you applied lipgloss to your cheek and lips this morning?"
"Oh shut up."
AN: I had so much fun writing this!! It really was a blast. This boy has been plaguing my mind for so long now. Sorry for any grammar mistakes! <33
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