westmother · 2 years
blows dust off this blog like a gameboy
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Hey all. You've all been so wonderful and i always found myself so enamored by all of you. Thank you for a great space to write and for giving me your characters. I will truly miss this place and I'm so fortunate to have made so many long lasting friendships here.
If you would like to continue writing, catch me on my indie https://giaawritess.tumblr.com or on my discord :
😈 of Hells Kitchen#7579
I hope we can continue writing and a special thanks to the admins for a beautiful place.
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icegods-blog · 5 years
hey guys ! i said my goodbyes on the main’s post and as i said there i’m gonna leave my contact info here in case u guys wanna stay in touch ? which i really would love to since i’ve met some incredible writers and made some good friends here in the past seven months. my d*scord is jonah hill#9349 if u wanna chat over there, but i also have a rpt blog in which i swear i’ll be more active once my schedule frees up so if u guys wanna gimme a follow and talk through ims there i’m at @dvstedgold ! antyways i love all of u, the past seven months have been a blast & i’m just so thankful for everyone who helped shape outlaws into the awesome group that it was ! ♡
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svrrenders-blog · 5 years
hey guys! i just wanted to make a post before i message the main for an unfollow. i’m just having a hard time finding and keeping more than a handful of connections for mariana and my muse has been fading for a while so i think i’m going to give it a break. i’ve loved writing with everybody; this has been such a wonderful and welcoming group. it’s been ages since i’ve been in one that’s lasted more than a month. if i find the energy and muse i’ll definitely come back but for now i think this is best. i hope to talk to you guys again in the future and thank you for a great experience!
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dyingnwshes · 5 years
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when one of the gangs does something to the other , but not long after something happens to them .
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wrathfillcd-blog · 5 years
apparently, this was everyone after i unfollowed and refollowed
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tosinistolive · 5 years
you guys, happy both valentine’s & galentine’s day
I sent this to my ex, and I don’t even care if that means I’m a horrible person or that I’m mocking him, because it was so damn worth it (some of you know what was happening in my life last week, and what he did) and it made me laugh so much and I’m happy
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bxnlevi-blog · 5 years
i know my activity wasn’t the greatest but i’ve loved this rp since i joined. everyone’s been awesome and welcoming and i really hope we cross again one day. if you wanna hmu on discord just shoot me a message bc i don’t wanna just put it on my blog <3
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westmother · 5 years
Okay...so why does this feel like Arthur and Eliza meeting for the first time? 
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bencvolentways · 5 years
Okay guys. I have rewritten this post like 20 times. I am now going 72 +++ hrs with no sleep and im delirious. No seriously,im tumbling around and seeing things. The night shift, as predicted, has fucked me up. Im going into hibernation. If i stop answering IMS or discord thats why. Also, its a very bad time for me over HERE. Just not feeling well mentally or physically so i need a recharge seshie. I have threads over 3 days old that i haven't gotten to but trust that i will. Thanks 4 ur patience, ducklings!!! Xoxoxoxo
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sarpelui-saved · 5 years
now remember boy , if you want to kill a man -------  you don’t go for the legs , the arms . you go for the heart , the mind.
                                   ------------------ yes mister caito. i understand.
memories , a lifeline for some , a weakness for others . he’s a man of sacrifice , a sword meant to drive through stone , he held onto his memories as such , impenetrable , mere threads .  one memory in particular stuck . i will burn your kingdom down . a child of fire , fury filled and rampant chaos , he’d left that very office a promise loud enough to echo the room . you will pay for everything . and he did . he paid , and his lineage will continue to do so . a blood debt . the caitos would burn , every last memory of them would carry the flames of his own torch and he would smoke upon it without regret .
you don’t show them your weakness . no matter how hard it is , you got that ? show them nothing until it’s time to move.                                           even when i’m hurting ? yeah kid , even when you’re hurting                                            okay , mister caito. you’ve been here for a year now niko . it’s balthazar . 
ice grew through his veins , making him solid , impenetrable . he was nothing more than a weapon , and weapons don’t weep . a solid spear headed straight towards the cobra doorstep forged to shred through mattias like butter . and now ------- he stands in his home . drinks from his bourbon aged fifty years and watches his old life travel to the sky in a large black cloud . the promise of his own pending death , his personal doomsday clock ticked closer and closer to the edge of midnight . soon but not yet . for now , he drinks to the memories of a man long lost , whether by his own hand or logan’s a force of will to his own demise .
a gun pointed between the eyes of a middle aged woman , a look of determination in his eyes , he is a wild lion , set to tear through any and everything that crossed his path                                  you have to know ------ it was him that ordered your family’s death a frozen moment , the weakness beaten out of him with harsh words and stricter training                                   balthazar caito was the one who ordered their deaths the bullet drove clean through flesh and bone . never show weakness. his father taught him that once .
orange and red lights the sky , his city is burning , the damage is done . his war has shaken him to the bone but he stands above the rest to watch the caito home burn , allowing new growth to take it’s place . there is no fault held for the savage leader . no . there at one point had been pity , but he was a venomous snake waiting for the right moment for the lion to trample over what was his and he had . for that ………. jason caito got bit , and the next time niko wouldn’t wait for the home to be cleared , he wouldn’t pause to put a bullet between his eyes as he’s already done so many times . no .
they told me what you did , balthazar ---------------------- you wanted me dead , my sister , my brother . you tore through my parents and i will never forgive you for that .                           don’t say shit like that , nikolas .I MADE YOU
and he did , and like any animal beaten to the ground enough , he bit back .
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icegods-blog · 5 years
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this is me watching nicole absolutely destroy my man’s life and just ... letting her do it lol i’m gonna write up a self-para to get in the mood of the update BUT i’d love some threads for jason now so if u wanna deal w an angry sad murderous pup ... hit me up
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mavngata-blog · 5 years
first and foremost, i want to thank everyone and the admin team for putting together such a wonderful place to write! i had taken a hiatus from writing and this was the first place in a long, long time that i felt welcomed and appreciated so obviously it’s meant a lot to me for as long as i’ve been here. i am in the process of revamping an old blog into an indie ( of sorts bc it’s been....... a While ) but you can find me over there @emptygcds or feel free to ask for my d*scord! again, thanks for all the good times and the laughs and the pain; thank you for allowing me, a swamp demon with 0 talent, to write with all of you outrageously gifted writers. i wish you all the best of luck!
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wrathfillcd-blog · 5 years
i queued some replies, more to come tomorrow because i’m forcing myself to go to sleep earlier. with that said... see you later friends. feel free to hmu for plots and threads and all that good stuff.
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- Arthur heard you had some business up in town, but you hadn't been back for a few hours. Longer than anticipated, so Arthur went to go investigate. When he turned onto the main street, he noticed everyone seemed to notice him. Staring at him as he rode in. He picked up the pace, a weird feeling coming over him. When suddenly, he saw a smallish figure, obviously drunk, fall into the street. His stomach dropped.
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silentkept · 5 years
i've loved, i've laughed and cried i've had my fill, my share of losing and now, as tears subside, i find it all so amusing to think i did all that and may i say, not in a shy way oh no, oh no, not me, I  DID  IT  MY  WAY.
»  ▌║██   /   *   ◜ ACT I.
no matter how much she tried to convince herself of it, there was something about the peace treaty that didn’t sit well with grace sheridan. something inexplicable was so deeply ingrained into the gravity of her being that it prohibited her from basking in the peace she so desperately sought out for. perhaps it was the smothered face of cynicism hidden beneath the outweighing notion of hope that finally bared it’s ugly teeth, poisoning her frame with mistrust and paranoia towards their newly discovered friends with each sinking bite of her heart. unable to answer her own question as to why she couldn’t accept the treaty with open arms, grace decided she was the root of the problem. something had to be wrong with her, so terribly terribly wrong for wanting to pick apart the peace that brought enemies together like century old friends.
savages and cobras were forging kins out of love and friendship, they were as close as they ever had been in the history of ever. the new year’s party should have been proof that everything was sound between the two gangs, proof that there were no underlying plans of desecration or imminent deaths in the near future. goodness.. they were all on the same page now, and as long as the treaty stood, everything would continue to shine on like a dazzling star in the night sky. grace left the new year’s party early that night, the facade of smiles and camaraderies only serving to spike her anxiety up. it took many days for her to come around the treaty, but the idea slowly became prettier the more she entertained it. dreamt of it even. the rivalry between cobras and savages was no more, the reigns of death and destruction gone.
»  ▌║██   /   *   ◜ ACT II.
a week had quickly passed her by since the treaty, it was resting somewhere between mistrust and bliss. the night everyone in town was raging on about, grace sheridan smiled again. truly wholly smiled in nothing but acceptance for the peace that proved itself to be true. the eerie feeling that gnawed at her ankles faded away like a whisper lost in the wind, and now all she felt was unadulterated joy inside of her bones. it took her a moment too long, but grace finally felt safe in her own home, in the streets of her beloved town, around the people inhabiting it.. she wore her cobra insignia with even more of a luster of pride because now it didn’t matter, there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. no judgement, no hatred, no worries. the songstress went to the casino that night, all on her own, because she wanted to be with everyone as a collective group. one big happy family. she wanted to make amends with the savages she swore to hate, wanted to be a regular person with not a single worry in the world. 
the happiness that veiled over the heart of valdez, however, was never truly promised. it never really was. when the clock peering over the casino welcomed everyone into a brand new hour, it was like something else flipped in the eyes of the savages. the castle of peace everyone so happily dwelled in came crashing down like a frail house of cards, it crushed all of those who were foolish enough to believe, it exterminated anyone who dared get in the way. it wrung the cobras by the neck until there was no light anymore. like the flame naturally burns, the night transcended into absolute madness. the booming sound of gunshots piercing through flesh and bone quickly replaced the happy screams of triumph over a win, the convivial chittering was replaced with the clatters of destruction. evil was too kind a word to describe the carnage plaguing the building, too soft for something as conniving as what the savages had executed.
»  ▌║██   /   *   ◜ ACT III.
she watched with helpless fear as the world burned down around her. each turn of her head caught sight of someone dying, one life escaping after the next. all she felt was this impossible sense of numbness at her feet, her breathing spiraling out of control. then finally, those instincts to survive kicked in. even though the peace treaty fell through like she felt it would deep down, grace refused to be dragged down as well. with extra care to the noise and sights going on around her, she kept herself hidden in the mess that was unfolding at every crevice before making a run for the exit. she ran past the corpses and decay, didn’t dare linger for too long, until a familiar sight caught her attention. it was her beloved pianist laying in a puddle of his own blood, a knife lodged so deeply into his throat it came out the back of his neck. his empty stare, normally filled with such pride and adoration, burned holes into the ceiling above them, it burned holes into the windows of her soul until she broke into a million little pieces. everything was a nightmare until she saw him. 
everything became a reality when a burning sensation spread across the curve of her shoulder, a single bullet fired with intent to kill just barely missed. a body soon crashed straight into her own, making her lose all the air in her lungs under their overwhelming weight. “—n-no, —NO!” grace cried, the raw emotion in her pitiful screams neglected in the mayhem that was unwinding before them. the lion’s head tattoo peered down at her with pure wickedness as she quickly began to thrash about, the scorching pain in her arm long forgotten and replaced with a lightning strike of adrenaline. all the man did was laugh at her poor attempts of escape, of harming him, as a sadistic smile carved into his bloodstained features. a swift punch was delivered to her nose, another to her mouth, another to her cheek. “go to sleep, baby.” he whispered lovingly, the gentle caresses he swept across her features worshipping the blood on her face before he finally went in for the kill.
his fingers coiled around her throat like a viper would around it’s prey, his black venomous eyes were filled with nothing but adoration for the shattered little songbird under his control. he coiled tighter and tighter until she went pale, her shoulders were forced upwards, chin pressed down. grace kicked her feet, her nails dug into the flesh of his face until everything slowly began to grow foggy.. when she was younger, before the savages and the cobras came into the picture, grace always envisioned her death would be peaceful. she thought she would die in the arms of a loved one, happy and accomplished. that, however, was just a childish dream. grace wouldn’t die quietly, she would die at the hands of a savage, strangled and mangled until there was nothing left to remember her by. the grip in her hands slowly grew weak, the kicks of her feet against the ground diminished until all she could see was that godforsaken lion looking at her. she dropped her hands in defeat, accepting of her fate with tears in her eyes until she felt her friend beside her. an idea, one last attempt, bloomed. 
»  ▌║██   /   *   ◜ ACT IV.
grace sheridan didn’t get to say goodbye. she didn’t get to say goodbye to her friends, to her family.. not even to the one person she loved the most. she didn’t get to sing her last song, didn’t get to adopt a puppy, didn’t get to visit her father or settle down.. her life flashed before her eyes before she could even have a say in it, memories flickering like a restored film in technicolor. death wasn’t all that scary; goodness, no. it was a warm embrace, it was a gentle kiss, it was a hearty laugh. it was the peace she so desperately wanted, the peace she thought valdez finally achieved. there was a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel, like a mischievous will-o-the wisp pulling her in, looming closer and closer and closer and closer — until it was gone. she didn’t get to touch that light, didn’t get to feel it course throughout her body or see it any clearer. she was pulled away, dragged by the ankles through all the pain and suffering that made her alive in the world. death was kind, but death was not for her. at least not yet. 
when the paramedics found her in the middle of all of the carnage, she was barely hanging on by a thread, bleeding out, her breathing but a pathetic whir of air in the deathly silence. blood and bruises marred her pristine body, it stained the beautiful sunrise of her splayed out hair. she held hands with the dead pianist by her side, a last ditch effort at comfort in what she thought would be her final moments. half perched over her frame was the savage who nearly strangled her to death, the same knife that killed a father-figure wedged into the soft side of his neck and into his jugular vein. it was a kill or be killed world.. being in a gang, living in valdez. grace didn’t know the reality of it then, didn’t want to accept it, but she certainly did now. she had no choice in the matter, and truth was, she never really did. 
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