#otp: if you can’t take the heat don’t tickle the dragon
dunkzillla · 2 years
#56 + reDRagon?
first time posting any kind of redragon think, thank u!
56. pulling your lover into your lap, them straddling your hips // kyle/bobby
Bobby’s at the desk doing paperwork. It’s boring, but necessary when you have a job and a home and every other adult thing. Still, just because it’s necessary doesn’t mean it makes him want to claw his eyes out any less. The words and boxes on the papers below him are swirling together in a blur of black and white, numbers and letters mixing and jumbling together. He’s too tired for this.
“What’re you doing?” Bobby looks up to see Kyle standing in the door way, hands clasped around two steaming mugs.
“Taxes. Trying to, anyway.”
Kyle hums and steps into the room. Bobby slides his glasses off and rubs at his eyes so he can really look at him. Soft grey sweats, a worn T shirt that’s definitely Bobby’s. Must Kyle look so good when he’s trying to get things done? He sets the mugs down on the desk, and Bobby takes the opportunity to wind his arms around Kyle’s waist and haul him into his lap.
“How much do you have left to do?”
Kyle straddles his hips and presses himself against him. He’s warm, Bobby can picture that he’s been laying on the couch near the window where the sun streams in, playing with the dogs or reading a book. He lets his hands map out the soft fabric, feeling the thick muscled thighs underneath his palms.
Bobby shrugs and presses a kiss to Kyle’s throat. “The words started blurring together half an hour ago.”
Kyle makes a noise, soft and breathy, and tips Bobby’s face up to look at him. “Take a break. It’s going to take longer if you get it wrong.” He squirms a little, and Bobby knows it’s not really up for debate.
Bobby kisses him, sliding his hands up the back of his shirt and feeling the warm skin underneath, the knots and ridges of his spine. It really doesn’t take much from Kyle to get him to abandon whatever he’s doing and pay attention to him. “Okay - but I wanna’ get this done tonight. I can’t take another day of it.”
“Yes sir.” The smirk in his voice is evident, so Bobby pinches his ass to make him squeal.
“Tease.” Bobby admonishes softly.
Kyle grins, wide and toothy, spreading right to his eyes and lighting up his beautiful face. “You love it.”
Bobby kisses him again, arms wound around his hips. “Yeah,” he says against his mouth. “Yeah I do.”
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dunkzillla · 2 years
“okay, okay, slow down. breathe for a sec.” for reDRagon?
my beloved redragon I don’t write them enough so thank you for the prompt!
bobby/kyle - warning for an injured dog! Nothing graphic but mentioned so heed caution. Also that I’m a Brit and I don’t know where porcupines live so just go with me on this one, please.
Bobby’s making coffee in the kitchen, dressed in nothing but his underwear like usual, when there’s an almighty screech of his name from outside. It’s Kyle, of course, he’s out with the dogs seeing as they just woke them up at this ungodly hour to be let out. But Kyle should not be screeching at five in the morning.
“Babe?” Bobby calls. He peers out of the window into the yard, all he can see in the early morning light is Kyle frantically shooing something as he crouches down on the grass.
There’s another almighty screech from Kyle, and Bobby realises that somethings happening, and he lets the packet of coffee he’s holding drop to the counter and spill everywhere as he runs outside.
“Kyle? Baby what’s wrong?”
Kyles on his knees in the dewy grass, stroking their old girl Bella’s ears.
“There was a fucking porcupine, Bobby! She got too close it fucking spiked her I —“ Kyle’s words come out in a rush, he’s breathing heavily and, he’s crying, he’s crying as he runs his fingers gingerly around Bella’s ears. Bobby looks down at her, her poor muzzle having at least ten porcupine spines sticking out of it. She’s too curious for her own good.
“Okay, okay, slow down, breathe for a sec, babe. Where’s it gone? The porcupine?”
“Bushes, it, it, ran in the bushes.” Kyle nods half heartedly with his head towards the bushes in the back of the yard. He notices the other is holding onto Toby’s, their other dog, collar to keep him from running towards the porcupine too. Toby’s just whimpering at Bella, though, trying to lick at the spines and the little pin pricks of blood around her muzzle to try and make her feel better. Bobby doesn’t think he’d be running off anywhere.
Bobby puts a soothing hand on the back of Kyle’s neck. “Alright baby, lets get her up and in the house, we can put some clothes on and take her to the vet, they’ll get em’ out babe, it’ll be okay.” He says softly, trying to work some of the worry out of Kyle’s muscles.
His boyfriend looks up at him with a wet, tear stained face and red rimmed eyes. “She’ll be okay?”
Bobby smiles softly. Kyle loves their dogs, he loves them so, so much. His favourite thing is to come home after a long loop and collapse onto the floor so the dogs can jump all over him and lick him. Sometimes he’ll stay on the floor with them for hours, ignoring every pain in his body from the assault it took wrestling god knows how many matches just to get extra cuddle time with his babies. Kyle knows that porcupine spines aren’t a problem unless they’re in some real bad area, which they’re not, just in her muzzle, none up her nose or in her eyes or mouth. He knows that she’ll be okay, rationally he knows that, but the fact that his baby is hurt is hurting him even more. It’s cute.
“Yeah, baby, she’ll be okay, she’ll just need a whole lotta’ loving when she gets them taken out and gets home.” Bobby smiles, scratching his fingers through the short hair on the back of Kyle’s head. Kyle leans into it a little, but his eyes drop back down to Bella on the floor, who’s feeling sorry for herself and whimpering away.
“Come on, Ky, let’s get her up. I’ll call the vets and let them know we’re coming.” Bobby says and stands from his hunches. He takes Toby’s collar so Kyle can lift up Bella into his arms. They get her into the house and into her bed, and Bobby puts Toby in his, telling him to stay. Toby does, though he doesn’t look very happy about obeying commands right now.
“You go put some clothes on babe, I’ll sit with them while I call the vets, we’ll switch out when you’re done.”
Kyle nods and turns to go up the stairs, but then he doubles back, and leans down to kiss Bobby softly. “Thank you, for keeping me sane. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Bobby smiles against Kyle’s mouth. “Always baby. We wouldn’t know what to do without you either.” He smiles. If it wasn’t for Kyle standing with them in the yard whenever they want to go out, Bella’s injury could have been a lot of worse.
“Love you.” Kyle says.
Bobby runs his fingers over Bella’s head when she whines, and smiles as Kyle heads up the stairs.
“Love you too, Ky.”
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