#orv novel chapter 372
pttucker · 7 months
"I guess you're no longer the [Demon King] of [Salvation]. Shouldn't you get yourself a brand-new Modifier now?" I began recalling the days I spent as 'Demon King of Salvation' while listening to her talk. It hadn't been that long, but those days were the most brilliant moments in my life. As my vision grew wetter and blurrier, I could see Han Sooyoung giggling away. "Should I make one up for you, then? Mm… What will sound nice on you, I wonder. How about 'I Pass Out Too Often-Man'? Or, 'Miraculous Piehole'… Eh? H-hey, you are… crying?" My face was reflected in her irises, her eyes widening in surprise. Actually, I wanted to ask her, an author. As she was a writer, maybe she'd be able to tell me straight. Tell me that I did good until now – whether I made the wrong choices or not, whether I would get to see the desired conclusion when I reach the end of this story or not. "Hey, why are you crying like that? I get it, okay? I get it, so stop. There, there." She must've thought up something, as she began rummaging through her pockets next. Soon afterwards, something sweet and slightly sour entered my mouth. "Why are you crying on a nice day like today? I mean, it's even snowing, too… I promise to think up a nice Modifier later on, okay?"
Dokja 😭😭😭
He's so emotionally vulnerable right now. 😭
This entire ordeal really cracked him right open, didn't it? He's not even able to cover his eyes and pretend to smile this time around. Or maybe he finally doesn't want to pretend to smile.
His friend is alive. His other friend didn't kill him. All his other friends are out completing the scenario and appear to be doing well. His dream of a happy ending for everyone isn't yet ruined. All of the work he's put in so far hasn't been for nothing.
And now he just wants someone to tell him that he's done a good job and it will all work out in the end. 😭
Awww, and poor Sooyoung has no idea how to handle a crying Dokja. But she's got candy and she's entirely willing to shove it directly into his mouth!
They're both doing their best. 💖
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canthandlethishit · 11 months
spoilers for chapter 372 orv novel
sorry i just find it so funny
yjh: *thinking* secretive plotter was trying to cause a rift between me and kdj, hoping that i’d kill kdj, he also sent kdj to the 1863 round with a mission to kill 1863th ‘me’
yjh: all of your schemes were to destroy kim dokja..…. *came to a conclusion* you’re kim dokja?!!
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pttucker · 7 months
A certain someone leaning against the window and looking outside threw a question at me. "You awake now?" "You…?!" Her eyes arched in a mischievous manner. "Ahh, so this is how it feels like coming back to life after dying." "But, didn't you die…" "I did?" Seeing Han Sooyoung snicker like that, the inside of my head grew even more complicated. I immediately recalled the sight just before blacking out; the events of her dying at Yoo Joonghyuk's sword, me fighting against him, and then, passing out from his attack, and finally, sharing a conversation with Yoo Sangah inside the Library… Han Sooyoung approached the bed before I noticed it and pinched my cheek. "In any case, Kim Dokja. You can be really adorable sometimes." Only then did I realize that she played me for a sucker.
Lmfao Sooyoung absolutely not allowing this rare opportunity to pass her by.
Yeah, let's show Dokja what it feels like to be scammed into thinking someone died only to find your "dead" friend back and walking around like nothing happened after you completely lost it over their death.
Stupid sunfish. This is what you get.
Awww but she called him adorable! 🥰
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pttucker · 7 months
Yoo Joonghyuk remained calm and spoke his piece. "All of your schemes were to destroy Kim Dokja." [Why do you think that? Do you have any reasons to believe that's the case?] "Maybe I do. Maybe I do have a pretty good reason." This Constellation, holding a mysterious animosity towards Kim Dokja, and at the same time, didn't exist in the 'original work', just like him. Yoo Joonghyuk had been chasing after this Constellation for a long time. And he had finally reached the answer to his pursuit in this very moment. "Secretive Plotter. Are you the 'Kim Dokja' from the future?"
I freaking knew it!!!
All the way back when I was first reading the webcomic, I thought this guy was maybe a future/alternate Dokja. I didn't even have a tag for him yet!
Okay, actually, I have a couple of different theories by now, more on that in a moment.
Anyway, Secretive Plotter immediately made me suspicious right from the very start due to him seeming to just know what Dokja was planning at times. Like, he figured stuff out so quickly, he'd be smiling so knowingly or congratulating Dokja's plots while the other constellations were still scratching their heads over what was going on, like he knew exactly what Dokja was thinking. Or at least the way that Dokja thought. And then Dokja made a weird, completely out of nowhere comment about him being Fable-grade and Secretive Plotter being Fable-grade. Ahhhhhhh.
And then everything that's happened more recently, with us seeing that Secretive Plotter has access to alternate dimensions (alternate versions of ORV) and that Dokja has versions of TWSA in his library that he doesn't remember. Not to mention that both Joonghyuk and Dokja haven't actually been able to see what Secretive Plotter (or Joonghyuk's sponsor) look like, even when they're standing right before him.
Which, on the topic of looks... the Sooyoung of the 1863rd had a blurred out face when she encountered Sooyoung of this dimension. Just like Dokja. Which makes me begin to wonder if "our" Dokja actually isn't from this dimension and that's why he's never appeared in any regressions for this Joonghyuk. I'm actually wondering if Secretive Plotter is the Dokja that's supposed to be in this dimension whereas our Dokja got pulled through from somewhere else.
And, well, okay, it's not actually been confirmed (or denied) yet so Joonghyuk could still be wrong. Dokja himself tried to name Secretive Plotter and was kinda brushed off on being incorrect.
But it makes so much sense.
But, if Joonghyuk does turn out to be wrong, I think that it's flipped: Secretive Plotter is future/alternative Joonghyuk and Oldest Dream (who I presume is Joonghyuk's sponsor) is future/alternative Dokja.
Which I think is just as likely, in different ways? Maybe more likely? Especially as we're getting more into their emotions and their abilities and how they see both themselves and each other. Like, Plotter maybe doesn't immediately make me think of Joonghyuk (if anything it makes me think maybe Sooyoung instead but more on that in a second) but Joonghyuk isn't an idiot completely incapable of it. But more than that, someone who's a plotter is at least active in the story. More active than, say, a dreamer. And we just got through the scenes that emphasized that Joonghyuk does while Dokja watches.
But more importantly, I'm thinking back on how Secretive Plotter was giving Dokja crap for dying for his companions, specifically saying that maybe they wanted to die with him. And while Dokja did feel guilty because of that and thought that he'd overridden their wishes, that's not generally how Dokja thinks. At the end of the day, even if he feels bad about it, even if the person wants to die, 10 out of 10 times Dokja will choose to save those around him. Especially if it's Joonghyuk. So, who among the cast would most think that being forced to live when they wanted to die with everyone else is a curse? Who among the cast gifted Dokja a story titled "Hell of Eternity"? Hmmm?? Also, Secretive Plotter says more than just that in their original conversation:
[ Using those who should've died, changing the world line, hurting everyone and reaching the ending you desire… what is the meaning?] The empty eyes of the shadow were shining. An eerie chill went down my spine. [ No matter what you do or what story you make, you can't truly reach them. ]
...idk maybe it's just me but that sounds more like something a Joonghyuk who got to the end and hated it would say. Especially since Dokja's been going on about how TWSA doesn't necessarily end happily and that Joonghyuk saved the world but gave up the world to get it. We just got done with Joonghyuk saying that he became the Regressor and lost himself entirely, something which Dokja has only managed to pull him back from and which was easier because this is only the 3rd round.
And I've thought that Secretive Plotter wanted Joonghyuk dead in the other universe because he hated him and has beef with Oldest Dream but Dokja has shown time and time again that he will not kill Joonghyuk and that it's Joonghyuk who wants to die and so maybe Secretive Plotter is mad because Dokja didn't let Joonghyuk rest. In fact, giving Joonghyuk neverending life in a well-meaning attempt to save him might be the exact sort of thing that Dokja would do if he became a constellation and got a regression stigma...
And then that would make total sense for Joonghyuk's sponsor trying to be hands-off and even wanting him to step away from Dokja and be more proactive. He's both guilty and leery of himself (both versions of himself).
Ughhhhhh but also so much of that would make sense if it was flipped too and Dokja was Secretive Plotter and Joonghyuk was Oldest Dreamer! Like, even without getting into his beef with Oldest Dream, if Dokja is Secretive Plotter, and he's seen the end of the novel (which our Dokja has) and has gradually felt more and more guilty and like he's trampling on people for his version of the story (which our Dokja has) then it might also make sense that he knows it's for the best that Dokja kills Joonghyuk. And when Dokja denied him, he decided it was time to get rid of him...and as we've learned Dokja is very willing to kill Dokja.
And that's just seeing both of them a more generous light. If Oldest Dream and Secretive Plotter are from a universe where Joonghyuk and Dokja split for good then a bunch of this stuff can be seen in a different light (and still work for either or). Like, is it a coincidence that Joonghyuk is calling out Secretive Plotter right after he and Dokja made up?
Ahhhhhhhhh. So many interpretations! And most of it works both ways!
And I really do think that if one of them is future/alternate Dokja then the other must be future/alternate Joonghyuk because they're basically a set and that's also why I don't think Sooyoung could be either of the constellations even if she seems more like a "plotter" than Joonghyuk.
Which, actually, on the topic of Sooyoung, I've kind of flip-flopped on my theories for everybody over the course of the novel (I'm flip-flopping in this very post) and have gone back and forth with thinking Secretive Plotter or Dokja could be the author and then back and forth again but now I'm thinking, for the first time ever, that maybe Han Sooyoung is the author.
Because it's becoming obvious as time goes along that while TWSA apparently has three protagonists (another one! we're 60% in and Dokja says TWSA has a third protagonist!) I'm thinking ORV does too. And if you put them all together - author, Secretive Plotter & Oldest Dream, you have three people.
And Sooyoung has insisted that she didn't plagiarize and just because she called the novel trash doesn't really mean anything. Lots of writers don't like their works, especially their older works. (lol I would know.)
So, yeah, that's a lot of text to say current best guesses are:
Author - Sooyoung Secretive Plotter - Joonghyuk Oldest Dream - Dokja
(But really I can go either way on those last two.)
I suppose we shall see what turns out to be correct.
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pttucker · 7 months
"…Who was his target, anyway?" "You just woke up, but you're already so full of questions. How annoying." I sat on the bed, eyes blinking like an idiot. She pointed to my chest again. Upon taking a closer look, there were two [Modifier Necklaces] hanging around my neck. One of them was Asmodeus's Modifier, [Devil of Lust and Wrath], while the other one was… [□□ of □□] The places where my Modifier should've been were replaced by empty holes, instead. "No way?" "Yes, way." Well, at least he did leave behind 'Of'. That son of a bitch.
Awwww, but he really has forgiven him, hasn't he? 😭
He even gave him the last syllable he needed to move to the next section. 😭💖
And Dokja picked up on the fact that he said he's a former Regressor!
Not the Regressor Yoo Joonghyuk, but a former Regressor. What was he thinking about when he told me that?
idk Dokja, maybe that's his way of telling you that he's made his final choice to stay in this life. With the guy who transformed him from this mindless, emotionless killing machine known only as "Regressor," back into the Yoo Joonghyuk he was before.
Oh, and I guess Joonghyuk didn't get dragged into the Library after all. Which is definitely for the best, I think. Joonghyuk yelling at Dokja while he's trying to do stuff would probably not be conducive to a friendly, non-stress work environment. 😂
...or if he did get dragged in, Dokja doesn't remember any of it.
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pttucker · 7 months
"What are you looking at?" "No, it's nothing." I switched the phone's screen off. There might come a day when I get curious about the contents of this story. However, now wasn't it. The 'epilogue' I wished to know probably wasn't in this file.
Dokja's been less and less willing to read TWSA as he's gone along, hasn't he? And now he's received the Final Revision and has outright decided not to read it.
It's cool to see the slow progression from him checking it almost every five minutes as he carefully follows the best path to survival (as determined by hundreds of Joonghyuks) to gradually realizing that it's not going to show him the story he wants to create. Or so he thinks, at least.
This combined with the fact that Dokja has finally stated that he does not see the world he's in right now as a novel, nor does he see his companions as characters (though he honestly hasn't seen them as such since the earliest scenarios even if he didn't mentally admit it to himself)...
Looks like Dokja has fully decided to live this as if it's his life and not just a novel he's editing. He'd rather live the story and try his best to get the ending he wants than to read that it ends in tragedy before he's even had the chance.
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