lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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End of week 4.1! On to the other half of the week in the main hoods.
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anton-petrov · 1 year
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plumbogs · 4 months
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A frat boy's graduating and you know what that means: Everyone on campus and former alumni are summoned to one giant party!!!
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(hot tub woohoo counter: 1)
It starts off fine. A lot of Montys show up from the usual invitation and everyone else who is summoned is starting their socialization.
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Erik decided to try to get his first kiss from Melody. This failed. Remember this, because it's about to become a Problem. a very annoying and repetitive problem.
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The party moves inside because that's where the music is. Romeo hangs out on the couch while everyone else starts dancing. Everyone's swooning over Miranda Capp. This is what happens. The party jumps right to a "Not Bad" score.
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The feud is fueled entirely by these two. Notice all the Montys and Capps socializing just fine. I would just keep them separated, but there's no fun in that. Romeo can't just not invite his cousin to his graduation.
(hot tub woohoo counter: 2)
(first kiss rejection counter: like 4 by this point)
(desdemona-benedick fight counter: 2)
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everyone crowds into this hallway to get rejected. for some reason, Alexander kept trying to hit on Mercutio, who is somehow loyal for once in his life, probably due to the fact that I don't even think they have chemistry. thank god. we don't need tybalt sent on a whole new warpath... YET! Fortunately, they got bored of that and went on to eat pizza and slap dance and make friends.
On the other hand, I quickly lost count of the number of times I heard the first kiss rejection sound. or the mental breakdown sound due to Erik spiraling dramatically at this graduation party for a guy he barely even knows because he cannot take a fucking hint. their apartment situation is getting rougher by the second. Melody keeps walking away from him and hitting on her actual receptive various crushes.
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Romeo mysteriously disappears for the majority of the party. The hot tub woohoo counter hits 3. These things are related. The guests don't care, they have pizza and music. The party kinda keeps going as is. aside from ACR doing whatever no-jealousy high-autonomy thing it has going on today, it's a good time. I have to keep sending the other frat brothers down to talk to Erik so he'll stop ruining his life. this is what they call the "bro code", I believe.
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Oh, it's okay. Graduating can wait. No rush. Take your time.
There's one more hot tub woohoo going on over there because they moved this one to a bed, and I don't even remember who all was in that thing, but I'm sure it needs sterilized by this point. Somehow, not a single jealousy event happened despite ACR going nuclear the whole time. It's some kind of frat house miracle.
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Romeo finally found the time to graduate and age into an adult, picking out this wonderful outfit for himself. Nobody was around to witness it. Angela had already left the room to move onto something else.
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the something else is Jimmy. I'm so proud of her, going for someone who isn't Dustin OR a romance sim.
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Romeo and the majority of the guests leave and the guys work on their skills in the aftermath. Hal is giving a passionate speech about oil. Sheldon is rambling about his plans to be president. He's probably destined for a life of being a townie, so that's unlikely. I feel like Romeo's party is the last big excitement for a while, because the guys left are all pretty content to just hang out and not have 5 lovers at once.
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Angela sticks around to clean up the whole house for some reason.
happy (almost) valentine's day from oresha-hoh-var fraternity, i guess
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moyokeansimblr · 1 year
La Fiesta Tech Makeovers
Follow up post to my Strangetown Makeovers post, I promised the pictures of the LFT sims as well.
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Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity. I didn't feel like any of the braid or dread hairs I have looked appropriate on Guy, so I went this route with him instead.
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Tri-Fruhm Sorority. I know Monica's shirt&skirt clip, it's fine on the normal body. I didn't know she was fat when I picked it.
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Shifting Paradymes.
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Student Housing.
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cobycobsy2k · 1 year
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The Oresha-Hoh-Var guys 👀✨
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nervosims · 1 year
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Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity info under the cut!
Guy Wrightley
Guy is just that guy. Everyone likes him and can you blame them? There's something electric about his presence, and everyone feels at ease when he's near.
Matthew Hart
Being in a frat just wasn't on his to-do list, but he wouldn't trade it for anything else. Besides, Sarah thinks it's hot!
Mickey Dosser
Mickey doesn't really want to be at college, it's just not his thing. He'd much rather spend his time sleeping around (double entendre intended).
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tamtam-go92 · 10 months
La Fiesta Tech
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It's easy to see why Sims from all over the flock to La Fiesta as their college of choice. But don't be deceived by the quiet desert landscape -- though far from the bustle of city life, the desert setting offers plenty of excitement of its own.
Fraternity household
The Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity was founded by Guy Wrightley's great-grandfather decades ago. Will Guy maintain his family's strong academic history or allow frat life to be too much of a distraction?
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Guy is a great student, a good friend, and generally successful at all his endeavors. Can anything knock him off his even keel?
Guy Wrightley: Age: 19 LTW: Become Mayor Aspiration: Popularity/Romance Personality: 2/5/7/2/9 (Taurus) OTH: Arts and Craft (with focus on Flower Arranging) Traits: Green Thumb, Hot-Headed, Dramatic, Excitable, Inappropriate
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Mickey isn't going anywhere fast, but he's quite happy about it. Even his good friends have a hard time getting him off the couch. Will he ever change, or will he simply master the art of doing nothing?
Mickey Dosser: Age: 19 LTW: Become Celebrity Chef Aspiration: Romance/Popularity Personality: 1/7/2/9/6 (Leo) OTH: Nature (with focus on Entomology) Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Party Animal, Brooding, Eco-Friendly, Night Owl
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Matthew came to school with his longtime sweetheart to get educated and grow up a bit. He's completely in love and excited about enjoying the college experience.
Matthew Hart: Age: 18 LTW: Marry off 6 Children Aspiration: Family/Popularity Personality: 3/6/7/5/4 (Leo) OTH: Fitness (with focus on Skating) Traits: Athletic, Light Sleeper, Irresistible, Excitable, Hydrophobic
What happened this round:
Guy wrote a book but it didn't sell well
Mickey picked Arts as Major
the guys made a bunch of friends
Matthew snatched a place on Dean's List
Guy went into aspiration failure
Matthew and Sarah Love had their very first woohoo
Matthew also started writing a book
Guy threw a toga party to get out of aspiration failure
Guy started dating Ellen Frost
Matthew and Sarah went really strong
Some more parties were thrown
Mickey went into aspiration failure
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letomills · 2 years
Pleasantfiesta Round 1 Part 13: Terrano (4/4)
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After Stella’s slightly tumultuous junior year was over, things started to look up again. Her last year at La Fiesta Tech was probably her most fun one.
She now had a pretty good understanding of literature and other forms of human art (especially painting, which she had a knack for). When time would come to find a job, she knew that she’d want to do something creative.
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She spoke with Nancy again, and their first impressions of each other turned out accurate: they definitely get along well. Having an older friend helped Stella picture her post-graduation life, as Nancy gave her precious insights on human adult society.
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Stella was both scared and excited to finish her studies and move out of the dorm. 
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She kept perfecting her skills and studying hard, but also made sure to enjoy the company of her friends as long as she could.
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She passed her second to last exam with a respectable B+.
During her last semester, she felt comfortable enough in her relationships that she took some risks that didn’t always pan out.
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Here she autonomously attempted to sweet talk Sunny, but she must have been clumsy because Sunny was not impressed.
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Oh well, making mistakes is how you learn. 
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She then apologized and was apparently able to clear up her blunder so well that Sunny came around completely.
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After a last stretch of studying, Stella went to her last final exam...
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and graduated with an A-!
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She celebrated by playing video games until late at night.
On the next day, a heat wave struck La Fiesta Tech.
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“Earthlings are lucky to be able to handle this kind of weather! Seems like I’m not built the same.”
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“I guess it’s a good thing I’m moving out soon. I’m definitely going to a place with a cooler climate.” She’d heard many good things from Nancy about a town called Pleasantview.
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She took a page from Hayden’s book and spent the rest of the day in her underwear to try to cool off.
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Which Sunny was very much into.
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They even had their first kiss together ^^
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The emotion, coupled with the heat, was a bit too much though, and Stella collapsed in the hallway.
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Nobody lifted a finger to douse her off so it took a little bit, but she regained consciousness eventually.
And that was the end of Stella’s round! Since she’s become such close friends with Guy Wrightley, next up will be his household, the Oresha-Hoh-Var fraternity.
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thesexiestselkie · 2 years
Tell me about the drama in your sims 4 sorority please
Thanks for asking! Basically, there are two sororities and two fraternities in my game. Tri-Var, Urele-Oresha-Cham, Tri-Fruhm and Oresha-Hoh-Var. The one I'm talking about rn is Tri-Var and they have 5 members.
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Angela, Tiffany, Brittany, Heather, and Juliette.
Juliette and Angela haven't been in Tri-Var long enough to be involved any of this so they're just kinda... there while this all happens. Brittany, however has gotten involved in this scheme to steal a large amount of money from Brightchester University with her FWB, Monica.
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At first Monica just wanted someone else to take the blame in case her plan fails. However, she's starting to catch feelings for Brittany. But Brittany isn't really ready for a relationship at the moment because she's still caught up on her ex, Castor.
Tiffany and Heather both have a flirtationship with Castor.
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(I didn't have another screenshot with Castor in it)
Castor got Heather pregnant. Heather avoided Castor for a while because she wasn't really sure what to do with it at that point. Castor just thinks she's not really into him, so he fully committed to Tiffany. Now Heather is sure she wants to keep it, but she doesn't also want to interfere with Castor and Tiffany's relationship.
Sorry if this is incomprehensible. I accidentally fell asleep halfway through writing this. I meant to cover Tri-Fruhm and Both Fraternities in this post but I'm too tired to write anymore rn.
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westanimesims · 2 days
The Sims 2 University Renovation: Oresha-Hoh-Var Fraternity
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brokenstrangetown · 3 years
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"Lloyd? You okay?" "No, I'm really not. I'm on academic probation." "Oh! Oh, like Sharla? Is - this is, was your last semester, wasn't it?" "Yeah. I'm supposed to be graduated right now!"
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As if academic probation and self-questioning weren't enough, Isaiah's flaunting his relationship with Sharla in the front room! Why does Lloyd's life suck so hard? (Couldn’t have anything to do with your choices, could it, Lloyd? Naw, how likely is that?)
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"Yeah, sharing space with Jill sounds like a great idea! Way better than living at home!" "My little sisters will certainly agree with that."
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"Lloyd? What the hell?" "You are never marrying that jackass and you know it, so why do you go around -" "It's none of your dadgum business how I go around!"
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"We'll never have drama like that. Our relationship is the gold standard!"
Lloyd takes himself off for a bubble bath, to the great relief of everyone.
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lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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Buck's toga party ends up being a blast, even though it's very low-key.
Popularity isn't the most fitting aspiration for Buck, so he'll likely rethink his priorities in the future. However, he's a sweet and attentive guy, and that helps him win people over despite also being a humorless downer.
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penig · 6 years
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Oresha-Hoh-Var At the frat, David is launching his last semester, and Willis the ex-Llama is finding his feet as a Greek.
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budgieflitter · 2 years
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lft frat 
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Can Guy mend the broken heart that is Lilith’s? Ever since Dirk dumped her, it’s like nothing has made sense. She’s barely passing her college classes. But Guy...Dear, sweet Guy. Guy may be just what she needed to to finally make sense again.
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aihiraeth · 3 years
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funny story: once i saw that these 2 had chemistry i was like "cheers bro i'll drink to that" and i noticed during a party that Guy threw, they kept trying to do casual woohoo, but the stairs kept fucking up their routing. and so i go, "huh, that sucks, for story reasons ;) i'll go ahead and put that casual woohoo back in their queue" but THEN johnny wouldn't stop getting in the way of the bedroom door. it took like. 5 tries just for them to woohoo. gay rights
also the fact that tank got laid BEFORE ripp AND with a guy is kind of terrifying. what does this mean for the future.
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