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transmascore · 1 year
is hair loss on t specifically in any way reversible or avoidable altogether? im not on t yet ( probably won't be for A While and im 18 rn ) but i always experience pretty bad hair loss and im worried that it'll get very very worse post-t. now of course there's the option to not go on t in that case but 1. in my country, you can't get your gender marker changed ( not even to just "transgender" let alone "male" ) unless you medically transition and 2. i DO want the other changes like body and facial hair and bottom growth deep voice all that. and of course being bald is fine and beauty standards are fucking stupid but at the same time i guess i have always kind of wanted to pull off the long haired guy thing but going on t might just get in the way of doing that and i won't do that without t because Dysphoria. and i think all of this is making the dysphoria worse because 1. im experiencing hair loss and not even male pattern ( altho this one i can turn into a joke sometimes like "the baldness isn't even male pattern 😔" ) and that's a silly thing but it's still sort of there. 2. because again. i have wanted to have long hair for A Long Time. so i couldn't live my childhood and teenage years as A Guy and once i get to do that i can't do this other thing which yeah minor problem but hhhh and 3. when i do complain about this sort of thing online i get a stock response of like??? either being told to just join the rest of the male population ( understandable ) or that i can't let go of "the beauty standards of my agab" ( help as if cis men don't worry about going bald you don't see them being told they are women for it ). and like. transitioning is supposed to be a euphoric thing and i was so so excited about the prospect of it all before this one singular thing kicked in. it's all very hhhhhh all over the place
I totally get you, anon. Especially as a Long Haired Man myself. My long hair is really important to my gender identity and I would also be pretty upset if I went bald, even though there's nothing objectively wrong with hairloss.
So, the good news is that you have a couple of options here.
You could do what I did, which is to go on T for a few years and then stop once you have the changes you want. Most changes on T are permanent changes (voice, facial hair, adam's apple, bottom growth, body hair.) Stopping T DOES have changes, though, both good and bad: menstrual cycle returning, fat redistribution, clearer skin, reversal of vaginal atrophy, and... sometimes... cessation or reversal of hair loss. Now, T and E affect everyone differently - and it's important to have realistic expectations. Even though I have long hair, my hairline DID recede, and it's remained there even after stopping T. So stopping T isn't going to resolve everything for every person.
What most guys do, however, is take finasteride and minoxidil (Rogaine) in addition to their T in order to keep their hair healthy. Some guys start it after they begin hair loss, and other guys take it as a preventative. However, like all medications, it's important to read up on side effects and interactions to make sure that this is the right choice for you. Some people can't take finasteride.
Something else to keep in mind is proper hair care in general. Like, if you have curly hair, are you using the proper products for it to keep your strands strong? I have wavy hair, so I have a specific wash routine I follow in order to keep my hair healthy (it's not an ideal routine, but it IS a routine.) Making sure that you minimize shedding and breakage will keep your hair healthier for longer. As much as I hate to say it, Reddit is a great resource for this. Just look up your hair type ("curly hair", "wavy hair", "straight hair") plus "Reddit" and you should be able to find guides, recommended products, and communities where you can ask questions about hair care.
Making sure that you get haircuts frequently will also help, even if it seems counterproductive to growing long hair. Just have the hairdresser or barber cut off as little as possible. It's important to get rid of split ends for healthy growth.
Now, I don't have a ton of advice re: finasteride and minoxidil because I've never used them myself, but if any followers have any insight: please feel free to add on to this post!
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brentconroy · 10 months
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truedermoa · 1 year
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Understanding Finpecia Tablets
Finpecia is a medication that contains finasteride, a substance that helps treat male pattern baldness. It works by inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone responsible for hair loss. By reducing DHT levels, Finpecia promotes hair growth, strengthens existing hair, and prevents further hair loss. This FDA-approved medication has been widely used and proven effective in combating hair loss.
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Which are the best hair Loss treatment And Products?
How serious is Hair Loss?
➭ Hair loss or baldness is a common problem to find in every other person. Both male and female experience this problem. Although it is more vision in men because of their hairstyle. There is one thought that says that hair loss cannot be treated at any cost and once you start losing them, it goes out of control. No matter how much money you spend to prevent your hair, baldness in inevitable. This condition has more emotional or psychological impact on the people. Well, it is not true in every case and this condition can be cured to a great extent with the help of some effective hair loss treatments.
➭ Most of the dermatologists and clinic experts have emphasized the effectiveness of three particular hair loss solutions that include the use of minoxidil, finasteride, and laser treatment. Your doctor can suggest which one would be the best option for you. There are some other solutions too that can help you in preventing the creation of a baldness pattern.
➭ Let’s have a look at some popular and effective hair loss treatments those are available to buy hair loss products online that you can consider for dealing with your hair loss.
Nutritious Diet:
➭ The importance of a healthy diet can never be undermined. In most cases, people experience baldness and hair fall due to the deficiency of nutritious components in their regular diet. The lack of healthy food can weaken hair strands, triggering hair fall and baldness pattern. Therefore, it is essential to eat healthy food products in order to take care of your hair. Hair experts also agree that by eating plenty of proteins, vitamins and minerals available in the food products can make your hair stronger, thicker and shinier. The intake of protein-rich foods like fish, pulse, eggs as well as green vegetables can completely change the look of your hair. Nutritious diet the most effective hair loss treatment that you can comfortably afford.
➭ Minoxidil is an antihypertensive vasodilator medication that anyone can use to prevent hair loss. This generic medication is often taken for the treatment of androgenic alopecia and baldness. Minoxidil is an FDA-approved medication for hair loss and it has the potential to reverse miniaturization of hair follicles, increase blood circulation in the scalp, stimulate hair growth and enhance the growth phase of each follicle.
Light Laser Therapy:
➭ Laser treatment got a huge popularity off late in the area of hair loss treatment. This therapy can stimulate blood flow to the scalp, encouraging the development of hair follicles. You can take this treatment at home to nurture your hair. Remember that it is not a solution for the baldness and is made to prevent the hair loss. There are no side effects of this therapy as such, and you can find such hair care products online. You have to learn how to use it and maintain your hair strands carefully.
➭Some other hair loss treatments can be included as shampoos, hair replacement surgery, scalp biopsy, Finasteride (Propecia), Light microscopy etc.
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safemedsdeal99 · 4 years
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Have you found that there has been a huge loss of hair recently? Well, you need to take important steps to get rid of this problem in the best way. It is important for you to find out the right remedy that would never lead to feeling disappointed at all. If you are unable to make your good research, it would help in serving the exact purpose where you do not have to worry. Unless a good decision is made to find the perfect online pharmacy, it would not be possible to get 100% effective results out of it. So, you have to make sure of getting hold of all the right details as to how you can find the ultimate source that would help in adding to your fulfillment. In this case, you should make sure to opt for Order Online Finasteride 1mg  that would lead to enjoying the perfect result out of it. So, you have to take some good steps seriously that can help a lot to meet the right level of expectation out of it. By doing so, it would help you to get the best and ultimate result without any worry at all.
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menscript · 3 years
Hair loss and the scientific facade
Most hair loss treatments offered online don't actually work. Products like saw palmetto, biotin, caffeine shampoo and Visceral are often praised because of their supposed anti-hair loss qualities, but lack any scientific evidence that supports these claims.
Studies that are cited by the manufacturers of these products are almost always self-funded or performed by their own "research team", rendering the research results useless. Besides none the studies actually proofed the efficacy of the products. In order to stop hair loss, a product must inhibit the hormone DHT. A male androgen primarily responsible for male hair loss. None of the products however proofed to be effective in lowering DHT. Biotin, caffeine shampoo en Visceral as straight-up useless for lowering DHT. They have zero impact whatsoever. Saw palmetto however does, but is extremely weak in doing so making its use for hair loss clinically irrelevant. Compared to finasteride its efficacy is 1:18000. That means for every 1 mg finasteride, you need at least 18000 mg saw palmetto to produce similar effects. For more information about effective and ineffective hair loss treatments view our hair loss treatment guide
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crackbra38 · 3 years
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The question "what does Meloxidil treat?" is an important one as treatment for this condition continues to evolve and modern medicine has yet to invent any delivery system that can speed up the process. As more patients turn to online pharmacies to purchase Meloxidyl, the Meloxidyl patient also has to make some inquiries of his or herself in order to decide which Meloxidyl treatment is best for his or her particular condition.
First and foremost, a patient should know what kind of Meloxidil treatment he or she needs. Basically, Meloxidil is a topical agent that is applied topically to the skin of the affected area on the body in order to relieve the symptoms caused by the disease. In general, it is available in two forms - tablets and creams. Some of the most popular brands include Meloxidil, Finasteride, Actonel and Propecia. However, before you start purchasing online pharmacy products, you should be aware of what does Meloxidil treat.
There are two basic types of Meloxidil treatment - prevention and treatment. If you want to prevent further hair loss, then the best way to go is using a topical agent like Meloxidil. The other option is to get a prescription for a drug that will help your body develop thicker and healthier hair - i.e. hair growth.
Another question that Meloxidil buyer must ask online is "what does Meloxidil treat". As already mentioned above, Meloxidil is a topical agent and as such, it is only effective when it is used directly on the affected area. Therefore, if you are looking for a solution to this condition, you should go straight to the online pharmacy seller and make a purchase there. It is not advisable to purchase from a regular pharmacy because they might not offer the right treatment. Furthermore, some regular pharmacies might even impose a pharmacy membership fee, which is completely unnecessary.
On top of that, some online sellers also offer special offers to people who buy in United States. For example, if a person purchases 5 units of Meloxidil in United States, he or she can get a free bottle of Meloxidil. However, before buying any online medication, make sure you research the product thoroughly. You should also make sure that the website seller is licensed and legitimate.
Meloxidil treatment is one of the most effective methods of treating hair loss. However, it is important to note that the condition may also be caused by a health condition. Hence, it is important to consult your doctor before taking a medication online. Online shopping is convenient and easy but consumers should not forget to research the product before buying to ensure that their condition is not caused by a medical condition.
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eladrins · 3 years
fuck it I've ordered finasteride from a dubious online pharmacy aksjdksks
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Activities When Encountering Hairloss
It can be really annoying whenever you practical experience any type of hair thinning, especially when your wonderful locks has been your long term crowning beauty. The good news is, there are some things which can be done regarding this. This short article will explore some of the ways that you could deal with baldness. For more info about Folexin Buy Online
Transitioning your cushion scenario can help to stop hairloss. Silk or silk pillowcases are although to assist protect against hairloss. Getting to sleep having a natural cotton or flannel pillow situation might cause rubbing to your go that may damage the hair follicles making your hair fall out.
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One of the better methods of protecting against the advancement of hair thinning in males is always to get Propecia or finasteride. When this prescribed medication is used daily, just about all gentlemen remember that their hair loss halts. Some males even observe a regrowth of hair. This medicine should be considered forever, due to the fact after a man or woman halts getting it, the routine of baldness recurs.
For all those struggling with hairloss, you wish to think about using topical remedies. Several of these merchandise work by preventing out hair thinning-causing bodily hormones, whilst providing expansion stimulant drugs. Ensure that you check with your doctor before by using this or other medicine so you realize that it is secure for yourself.
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 Soaking the hair in normal water for many years can lead to dryness and hairloss. Putting on a skating limit can help. Make use of a good quality conditioner to aid to safeguard your hair.
Consider all methods of hair loss remedy, which include surgical treatment, medicine and synthetic your hair. You could find that what is useful for other individuals will not be healthy. You wish to use a therapy that suits you effectively, is most comfy and is also simple for how you live and features.
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Locks and nails are made of keratin, which gets from healthy proteins. Be sure that you have enough proteins in your diet. The easiest method to get a great deal of protein in your daily diet is produced by meat and poultry, but in case you are a vegetarian you should think of taking a supplement.
Equally fatty and fat-free diets can contribute to baldness. High-fat diet plans raise the level of androgenic hormone or testosterone within a guy and reduced fat diet plans decrease the quantity of testosterone. Testosterone degrees which are not stable are so what can improve the danger of hair loss, so that you need to harmony the volume of fat in what you eat.
Eat a lot of eco-friendly and yellow vegatables and fruits. What you're following here is the carotene. This will help as a result of way the body transforms this chemical in to a highly effective nutritional. The end result of using this health supplement could be a fuller, better brain of your hair that's actually much stronger than before you decide to started off.
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What every person requires for their nourishment is determined by many elements such as metabolic rate, age group, diet program, genes, physique sizing, and a lot more. It is actually encouraged that you seek out assistance from your healthcare professional as to what vitamins you may need to consider as a way to help you prevent or cease baldness.
Individuals are just some of the items that you should learn about handling the disappointment of baldness. Try what you've figured out right here, and it will not simply help you to stop further more hair loss, but you may be on the path to regaining your former beauty!
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Things You Can Do When Encountering Hair Loss
It may be very annoying whenever you experience any type of Hair Thinning, especially when your marvelous hair has become your life time crowning glory. Luckily, there are some things that can be done regarding this. This post will explore some of the ways that you can deal with baldness.
Switching your cushion scenario will Help Prevent Hair Loss. Silk or silk pillowcases are although to assist prevent hairloss. Getting to sleep with a 100 % cotton or flannel pillow scenario may cause rubbing to your brain which may cause damage to your hair hair follicles and make the hair drop out.
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One of the best types of preventing the progression of hairloss in men would be to consider Propecia or finasteride. If this prescription drugs is undertaken daily, virtually all men be aware that their hairloss halts. Some gentlemen even recognize a regrowth of your hair. This prescription medication needs to be taken for years, since as soon as a person halts getting it, the pattern of baldness recurs. Click Here To Know More About Folexin Coupons
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For all those suffering from baldness, you wish to consider utilizing topical cream treatment options. Most of these items function by obstructing out hair loss-resulting in human hormones, while also delivering expansion stimulants. Make certain you check with your medical professional before applying this or any other treatment so you are aware that it really is secure for you.
In case you are in the go swimming group in high school or school, or you much like to use the pool a good deal, refrain from keeping yourself under the sea a long time. Washing your own hair in h2o for many years can cause dryness and hair thinning. Sporting a swimming limit can really help. Make use of a top quality conditioner to help you to protect hair.
Think about all strategies for hair thinning treatment method, which includes surgical procedure, medicine and unnatural locks. You could find that what is good for others will not be healthy. You would like to use a therapy that fits you effectively, is most comfy and it is easy for how you live and abilities.
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There are actually certain types of hair shampoos you could buy to aid in preventing baldness, so these are a good solution to try looking in to. Not merely may possibly these products enable you to re-improve your your hair, however they are also built to be mild in your head while washing the hair, so it's really a two-in-1 merchandise.
Your hair and fingernails or toenails are made of keratin, which gets from health proteins. Make certain you have sufficient health proteins in what you eat. The easiest method to get a lot of protein in your daily diet is produced by lean meats and chicken, but if you are a vegetarian you should look at getting a supplement.
Both high-fat and low fat weight loss plans can give rise to hairloss. High fat diet programs raise the level of androgenic hormone or testosterone within a men and reduced fat diet plans lessen the volume of testosterone. Testosterone levels that are not stable are what could raise the risk of hairloss, therefore you have to balance the level of body fat in what you eat.
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Consume a lot of green and yellow vegetables and fruits. What you're right after here is the carotene. This helps because of the way our bodies turns this compound in to a effective vitamin. The final result of taking this health supplement might be a bigger, richer go of hair that's really much stronger than prior to started off.
What each individual requirements for his or her diet depends upon several aspects such as metabolism, era, diet regime, genes, physique dimensions, and a lot more. It is suggested that you just seek suggestions from your medical expert about what supplements you will need to adopt to be able to assist you to avoid or cease hair loss.
Individuals are just some of the items that you need to understand about coping with the aggravation of hairloss. Try what you've learned right here, and will also not merely assist you to quit more hairloss, but you might be on the path to regaining your past glory!
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menswomenhealth · 5 years
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Excessive scalp hair loss is a severe challenge to a man's self-image and his standing in business and society. Hair loss is also acknowledged as alopecia, alopecia, in addition to baldness that occurs in men. Hair loss refers to the loss of hair due to an increase in the rate of hair falling out and it's not being replaced by new hair growth. Hair loss is a common phenomenon. It is not restricted to any exact race or culture; rather it is more of a widespread problem. Mild hair loss is not that intolerable, but extreme hair loss may necessitate appropriate medical consideration. There are various causes of hair loss and several factors may contribute to excessive hair loss. Seeking oral treatment is the best remedy to be taken safely as a hair loss solution. 
Millions of men already suffer from hair loss at a very young age. In most cases the causes are genetic: hair loss is often passed on from generation to generation. A lot of men can't deal with the loss of their hair since a full head of hair signifies health, youth, and masculinity. The self-esteem of affected men can be crucially impaired. Men who are affected by genetic-related hair loss can be helped with hair-growth medication. One of the medications that appear to be extremely effective is Generic Propecia pills online (or fenered-5-mg) from buystrip.com. 
 Men suffering from hair loss can now be more hopeful. The hair-growth remedy Generic Propecia pills online (fenered-5-mg), helps to combat androgenic-related premature hair loss. Alopecia is genetically determined, and often takes the form of circular hair loss.
 The generic version of Propecia(fenered-5-mg), with the active ingredient Finasteride, is meant for men with hair loss. If you want to order the medication for the treatment of premature hair loss, you can do that with buystrip.com. For 80% of men with androgenic hair loss who took the medication, hair loss was stopped and some even had regenerated hair growth. This medication works by inhibiting the enzyme steroid 5α-reductase and prevents testosterone from converting into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT influences the cycle of hair growth and accelerates hair loss. The synthetic steroid, finasteride, prevents DHT from speeding up, so the growing hair has more time to develop and become thick again.
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